#Oisín Neart
thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
Adventures at RSA! Character x Reader writings Masterlist
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Lillehavfrue (little mermaid): [Bomani Melokuhle] -Be My Valentine! (meet-cute) _________________________ Sneewittchen (snow white): [Cailean Atharrais] -I think your dove-ly! (meet cute)
-Be My Valentine! (confession headcanon) [Oisín Neart] -soon to come! _________________________ Rotkäppchen (little red riding hood): [Αrepo Borealis] -soon to come! _________________________ Hellēnikḗ (hercules): [Hyacinth Kovidar] -soon to come! [Wyborne Fawkes Eshmun] -soon to come! _________________________ Reflecttrave (mulan): [Fǔzhù lóng] -soon to come! _________________________ Deinósavros (monsterverse): [Kaiyō Rūrābīsuto] -soon to come! [Taranis Vervloet] -soon to come! [Hikaru Seijū Tengoku] -soon to come! [Eleu Neart] -soon to come! [Ramarak Sarasvati] -soon to come! _________________________ =NRC Bonus= Tumbleranch [by @tumbleranch-dorm] (home on the range): [Bowie Eustace] -Be My Valentine! (confession headcanon) -Boy's whipped (suitor headcanons) - Save a horse, Ride a cowboy (Nsfw Headcanons)
(bonus: you, the reader, can request different scenarios for me to write about, and they'll end up here after being completed/posted!)
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
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“Don’t be afraid to give in to desire. The Seven may judge you, but their sins outway your own.”
School: Royal Sword Academy
Dorm: [Sneewittchen] [the dorm was founded upon the kindness of The Fairest of All]
Full Name: Oisín Neart
Nicknames: Osh, Oshy, usher, & sheen. Ushy-wushy (by his parents), Doe-boy / Kiwi (by Taranis)
Grade/Class: Year 3 (junior)/Class (No.3-B)
Birthday: Feb. 29 (leap year - usually celebrated on the 28th)
Age: 18 yrs old
Height: 175.26 (5 feet, 9 inches)
Race: Human
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Shaftlands (the seaside jungle/taiga forest, known as “The Deep Bark”)
Club: Light music (he plays the saxophone and the Pikasso Guitar)
Best Subjects: Potionalogy, and Conjuration
Worst Subject: Math
Hobbies: Pulling pranks with Cailean, Ghost hunting!, and parkouring around campus
Pet Peeves: People dividing others by race, people who harm nature/animals, him himself wearing shoes/socks - he prefers to be barefoot, but can’t be while on campus :(
Fears: (undecided/unknown)
Favorite Foods: Pumpkin bread, and Carrot cake
Least Favorite: Beans (he’s allergic) 
Talent: Hardcore Parkour (no one knows how he’s never gotten hurt..)
Unique Magic: “Round of applause “ Incantation: Clap-a-round!
[When the user claps their hands together, the positions of two objects (or people, like themself and their opponent, or themselves and an object) swap. Targets must be equal and even in number. Meaning you cannot swap two objects for the general vicinity of one. The user must also possess knowledge of the location of both of the targets swapped. Objects swapped must be swapped whole. Objects that have momentum or acceleration maintain their properties after swapping. It has a max radius of 10m to swap. Can do this about 10 times before getting tired.]
Trivia: His first name is pronounced “osh EEN”. and underneath the bandages wrapped around his neck, is a nasty scar that twists around his whole neck.
He is a rather quiet and reserved, yet polite, person. He can be very analytical and observant. but at the same time is rather mischievous and doesn't really act as refined and prince-like as others think he should - complaints of which he usually ignores. He just cares about having fun.
He has a more comfortable grasp on vocally speaking than his family, but still often prefers nonverbal communications as it's just what he's used to. If he uses his voice too much, though, he’ll be in pain. As, due to his neck scar, his throat easily gets sore/is extra sensitive.
Despite having a somewhat skinny physique, he is actually rather strong.. he carried a refrigerator across campus once with just one arm. no one knows how.. (his eyes are also meant to be hazel specifically!)
Character Summary: 
“The grass is always greener on the other side; until you jump the fence and see the weeds up close.”
He and Eleu are 1st cousins! Eleu’s uncle had found him abandoned in the dangerous forest they called home when he was only 6 years old, alone and lost in the dangerous jungle/taiga.. and stuck under a barbed wire fence (how his ear got torn and how he got the scar on his neck) due to trying to crawl under it to get into the communal garden to snatch some of the fruit. Beinga  child and not understanding what not to do he flailed and slowly made his injuries worse.. He was eventually found due to all the noise he was making, and the village leader took him in as his adopted son. Despite being cousins, he and Eleu are close enough to where they consider each other brothers instead. And often call each other brother rather than cousin. Much to the confusion of everyone who doesn't know them (which the two find funny). They bicker like siblings as well, though their arguments are all either them headbutting each other or aggressively hand singing to each other. Later making peace by one offering the other some food.
He often wondered why his ears weren’t pointed/long like his family, why he didn't have hoofed feet, and often asked his father when his antlers would grow in - answers he never really got. He would sometimes use a headband to keep two sticks against his head, pretending he had antlers when he play-fought with his siblings. Nowadays he's aware that he’s not the same species as them, and his father even told him how he ended up with them, not wanting to keep his origins from him but them still not knowing how he ended up in this area without any other humans nearby for miles.. Possibly abandoned for whatever unknown reason. but he still considers himself to be just like them - a deer/beastman - despite the lacking appearance/attributes… since that concept brings him comfort, and is quite defensive about it when others point out that he’s not like them/not what they are. He didn’t have too hard of a time fitting in; in his home village, as they treated him like he wasn’t different.. But at RSA things are so much more… fancy and categorized… So many rules, too… It's very confusing to him. What do you mean he can’t crouch on his seat in class, or have just his hands laid on top of the lunch table??
When he got accepted into RSA he was a little nervous, since the forest (despite being dangerous to outsiders) was a safe haven for him, the village was the reason he survived. And now he had no choice but to leave everything he knew behind? Sure it was hard to accept at first, but he soon came to realize that perhaps he could use this as an opportunity to learn how to be human/learn what it means to be a human. And expand his knowledge of the outside world (his village often withheld info about the outside world, due to being so distrusting/fearful of what existed outside of the forest.. For various generational/racial reasons (being mistreated by non beastmen/predator beastmen, for one). But regardless he is actually very excited to learn things, but some things are more interesting to him than the others.. He has often had to be restrained so that he doesn’t go and “sample” (eat) the ingredients for potions class, due to being curious about how they taste or how they’ll affect him. (one time they found him during lunch in the school's greenhouse, eating the flowers. He even picks dandelions/weeds and munches on them during class, gets yelled at for it but doesn’t stop.)
He seems to get along with his dormmates just fine - he and Cailean get along the best! But that's typical since Cailean easily gets along with basically everyone he meets. The two often run off to pull (harmless) pranks, or test out their UM’s. framing these exploits as “adventures”. Their dorm head is probs getting gray hairs at this point.. But doesnt seem like they’ll stop any time soon, they're having fun and not hurting themselves or others, though - so perhaps it's okay. As long as they're not getting into trouble or tainting the school's image). Once Eleu got into the school, he often sneaks into Deinósavros in order to hang out with him, or to drag him off to his own dorm so he, eleu, and cailean can hang out together - maybe even go into town! The tattoos he has are indeed real - originally they were just dried fruit paste-esk paint, but once he turned 18 - as per tradition - he got them turned into real tattoos (with magic) by his adoptive father. He is the 3rd youngest of his siblings, but people often assume he’s an only child since he doesn’t talk about his siblings much (to anyone who’s not a close friend).
Despite barely paying attention in most classes, and despite not studying too much/too often, he more often than not gets very high grades - he once (unintentionally) beat his dorm leader during an exam by getting a far higher score than him. Which was the talk of the school for a while since his dormhead is known as a perfectionist and had been the top student undefeated for 2 years! He doesn’t acknowledge this feat, though, and thinks he could have done better. He doesn’t understand why people get so hung up on grades, as they are just numbers given from an outside force, when they could be focused on what actually makes them happy.. Hence why he mostly focuses on his club and hobbies over schoolwork as a whole. Give him food (veggies) and he might easily be friends with you or do whatever task you ask of him- he’s easily won over by food. (he’s vegetarian, so no meat dishes or you’ll offend him!). He is known to have a very high constitution for magic, and is just sensitive to magical aura’s in general. 
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