#Now I have the motivation to work on some other projects >:3c
galaxyseclipse · 2 months
3, 4, 5
8, 12, 14
23, and 30
Sorry if it's alot...
it's all good! these are fun
3. What ideas come from when you were little
uuuhhhh...... I don't actually know, honestly.
If you're generous with the term "little" you could say that some of my ocs are technically pretty old(mainly one of my Sonic ocs and Tsunami).
not a whole ton artistically that I can think of tho
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Any kind of weapon, doesn't matter what universe, they all suck.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
I'd say I share about 95%, and that might be lowballing it. I like sharing the stuff I make, so I really only not share something if it's really personal or I don't like it for some reason, neither of which happen very often.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
Not really "lost interest" and more of "realized the stupid amount of work that'd have to go into it"; I've always wanted to make either a comic or animated series with my Sonic/Splatoon ocs the latter was a bit more recently, but you know, going into their stories. But I realized the insane amount of work that goes into either of those, came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't be able to force myself to finish it, and lost motivation.
Someday, maybe, but probably not any time soon.
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Arms and legs, minus the things at the ends lol(I'm getting better at hands tho, feet are just annoying more than anything).
14. Any favorite motifs
I like using colors to associate things with other things. And now that I have a cast of characters that can change color literally at will, I can do that even better :3c
23. Do you use different layer modes
Yes, they are almost entirely how I do my shading and some color stuff as well.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I kinda get why, but I feel like a lot of my Sonic art doesn't get as much attention as I would like. And my 3d renders, though again, I kinda get why.
Y'all are here for Splatoon art, and I respect that. :)
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kaffeebaby · 1 year
What kinda stuff are you writing about!!
Most of the stuff I'm writing right now are better call saul fanfics. I've always been more of a fanfic writer as opposed to making original characters and worlds.
A lot of my fanfic ideas are the "What if this happened instead?" genre. Like what if Gus rehired Gale and made him work with both Walt and Jesse? That would change a lot of stuff, and I had explored some ideas months ago, but I kinda stopped thinking about it as much as other ideas that were more interesting to me started crowding my mind. I don't want this post to get too long but also >:3c
Lately, I've been trying to come up with ideas for a fic where Chuck forgets to cancel his appointment when he's having his last breakdown, so he misses his appointment and his therapist shows up at his house concerned. And she ends up getting him to a hospital where he can be treated before he has the chance to do anything worse than tear his house apart. That event would completely change everything else that happens in the show, and would even impact the stuff that happens in BrBa, so it's been a lot to think about. I basically have to figure out a way for Chuck's life to become livable for him, plus I have to figure out how Saul can still happen if Chuck is still there and Kim doesn't divorce him due to Howard and Lalo never happening, and. Many other things.
But I have a rough outline of different things that need to happen, and I'm the type of person that daydreams or fantasizes a lot throughout the day, especially at night, so it's nice to have a pet project that has some interesting challenges. I get to justify thinking about blorbos all day because it goes back to something I want to write about.
The one wip I mentioned in my tags was a Chuck and Howard smut that I was writing during January this year. I planned to have it finished and posted on Valentine's Day, but I got the stomach flu like two weeks before that which completely ruined any ability to write people having sex. I tried to keep writing after I wasn't sick anymore, but it was kinda done for at that point, since the deadline was actually really motivating me. I've thought about trying to write more on it again, and I've even considered posting it in its half finished state with an author's note that it's not done. There are very few Chuck and Howard fics, and I only ship them recreationally, so at first I wasn't so upset and not finishing and posting the work. But the more time drags on, the more I feel like there are people who would actually like to read my rarepair fanfic, even if I posted it unfinished with a warning and the possibility I'd finish it later. It works where it is right now, but it's very much not as long as I wanted it to be and there's a lot more stuff I wanted to add that I just don't feel the motivation for at this point. But also that doesn't mean I should keep it locked up forever.
I have some other fic ideas that I've been floating around, but my brain has been consumed by my Chuck Lives AU for a while and it's kinda hard to focus on other stuff. I do have a google doc of all my fic ideas though, and I visit it every now and then when I'm in the mood to write or want to refresh what all of my ideas are. I've been a lot better lately at actually writing down ideas as they come to me so that I don't forget them later.
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pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
🖊 + for whichever oc you'd like to talk about! :3c
!!!! :D
Okay! I thought I wanted to talk about Orym bc I love per so much but. Apparently I can only ramble to myself or in a discord chat. xP So. I'm gonna scroll through my WIPs and just ... pick.
You get: Whatever words come out about Distant Light's minor/supporting characters! (so, way more characters than 1 pen emoji, whoops. xD)
We've got Jax's crew, Serenity's team (assuming I ever get around to naming any of them), and I guess Jaylon should have at least a couple colleagues to mention/think about, huh? xP
So! (going under a cut bc ofc it got long, I decided to talk about so many characters, and didn't even get around to Jay's potential colleagues. xD)
Prism Crew: Erendiz (ey/em or it/its), Yildiz (she/they), Zesiro (he/she/they), and Test_0374 (it/its). ^^ Erendiz & Yildiz are siblings, named so purely because the names mean Jupiter & star respectively & it seemed fitting for sci-fi. xP (also, fun fact: deciding to give Erendiz it/its pronouns is what made me try them out for myself and uh, huh. xP) Zesiro is the eldest person on the ship & has a sibling of their own, though we won't be meeting them in the book. (I haven't even named them or anything. I just know They Exist xP) Test is the ship's AI, and is named Test for 2 reasons: 1) I am a lazy bitch who doesn't know science or technology terms & didn't want to spend a year trying to come up with a workable acronym, and 2) Jax is its creator and they are also a lazy bitch who didn't want to name an AI until it worked, and by the time it did (presumably attempt #374 lol), they were attached to 'test' & it stuck. Erendiz is covered in freckles, knows how to throw knives, can set fire to anything, & is the other computer genius-type on the ship. Yildiz dyes her hair blue - sometimes the ends, sometimes halfway up, sometimes all the way, it varies. But it's always blue. She's the sharpshooter, and she's ace so she might not fuck the cosmic horror but she'll absolutely try to romance it. Zesiro ... might be a cyborg. or something. I dunno, I saw a cool picture & brain said 'ooh, DL' & everything except the Main 3 & the aliens are very malleable right now. xP knows how to use a gun, prefers some kind of sword. bc Cool. nonbinary lesbian, usually playing Voice of Reason bc everyone else is like. 23, max and she is Tired. & Test! I love the idea of Test, but I haven't quite figured out what kind of AI I want it to be. Like. No 'taking over the world/sending all the humans out the airlock' kinda plot line here; we're sticking to the aliens, but. outside of it throwing Shayde & Malle under the bus as soon as they step on board, I haven't got much for it as a character of its own. Also it will probably threaten to start building itself a body to physically make Jax be a reasonable human being, but idk. xD I got Really Attached to these guys immediately after creating them, but then the inability to stick to one project came back around to bite me & the antagonist polycule took over my brain, so like. I've got nothing for them now. ;_;
The Aeris crew! They're a medical team! Funded by the gov't/one of the Main 3's family. This is another area where my knowledge is ... less than fuzzy & I haven't even started on research-type tasks bc I managed like. 2 personal rambles about the Main 3 & my brain went 'cool, cool, you're gonna think about BP now, and ooh, look at that prompt over there!' and what can I do but roll with the motivation? Anyway! I'm gonna say there are ... hmm, what's a reasonable number ... maybe 10 medical professionals total, but I'm only gonna name like. 3. because this cast is already Big & I get attached way too easily, apparently. xD So Imma just throw some names down on here & see what I can come up with. Morana, bc according to this thing it means death/illness & I like the thought of like ... I dunno if any of your teachers at school had you do this, but one of my language arts teachers in middle school had us look up the meanings of our names. I don't remember why. Anyway, I like the thought of this like, 12-year-old seeing 'death, illness' and thinking something along the lines of 'no, I don't think I will' & going on to be the exact opposite. I could probably come up with some very angsty backstory things to justify this name but we're just gonna move on lol Saren, bc I've been looking at names for a long time now & it's after midnight so. Name. Liable to change, except for how it probably never will now bc I said that. XD Went to do medical stuff in space bc ... potentially shady reasons. bc why not. Make everyone shady! Oh wait, shit, maybe -- no, wait - well. Well. Hm. might have a 'loyal to the Wrong Side except for in this one specific case' kinda deal happening here. >.> & ... Chayim. Again, bc I've been looking at names for a While. xP But also bc according to a thing it means life and, well. I have 'death/illness' up there, so why not lol. probably went to space to make First Contact, just to find out someone beat them to it. xD
...Okay. It's after midnight & I am tired. I quite literally forgot about Jay's potential colleague(s) until I scrolled back up to add the read more. xP I hope this isn't terrible-awful-difficult to read; I just didn't want a gazillion-mile long post & the way tumblr does its spacing bothers me T_T I will ... maybe remember to take notes on Reni's team at work later & might even decide on a Jaylon colleague or two xP. Or maybe I'll forget all about all this & try to figure out UWKM stuff again. Who knows? Not me!
Okay, bed. XD
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backslashdelta · 3 years
1 Day of Glee Blogs: kurthummeldeservesbetter
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Every time @kurthummeldeservesbetter hosts a Glee Blog Awards (and I say every time because it has happened more than once now), I want to nominate her, but she won’t let me.
Enough is enough.
Alex, you deserve an award. For all the work you’ve put in to making our little corner of the internet a better, more fun, more positive place to be. You do so much for our fandom and it just feels wrong for all of that hard work to go unrecognized, especially when you do so much to recognize the hard work other people put in.
So, we’ve decided to not let it go unrecognized.
I took a page from your book and figured that the best way to do this would be to ask other people to say things so that I have to say less things. So I reached out to everyone who received a nomination for the 25 Days of Glee Blogs, told them my idea, and asked them if they had anything they’d like to say to you. Several people told me they were thinking about doing this exact same thing, so I guess I’m just lucky that I got around to sending out the messages first. And, of course, lots of people had some lovely things to say (and show!) you! So, without further ado, let’s get on with it.
@coffeeorderwrites: “The glee blog awards were such a sweet and wonderful idea and I was personally so grateful to be able to put some positivity out into the world through doing these nominations. It's also clear a huge amount of effort went into the posts from the individual banners to the personalized recommendations. Thank you so much for doing this! Also I just want to add I thoroughly enjoy your head cannons and very much enjoy having you on my dash 😊”
@20xbetterthanu: “Hi Alex! You’re fucking amazing for doing this for everyone—you’re amazing in general, your head cannons are on point and your love for Kurt hummel is superior and I just wanted to say thank you! Ily—Ally”
@katimanki: “I want to nominate the oh so wonderful @kurthummeldeservesbetter for every blog award there is and has been. Because of all her weirdly specific headcanons that are (too often lol) 100% accurate. And the stupidest shit posts that are absolute gold (the glee-books, Should-I-drink-all-this-coffee-??-!) I admire her motivation and ability to produce daily quality content.💕 All the effort she puts into everything she puts out is simply astounding. She literally did two blog awards this fall, all by herself, completely unprompted and selflessly. She did all that for other people in the fandom and never asked for anything back. I can't be anything but grateful and amazed (and a little jealous of her commitment abilities haha)!! And look at her go again! Just over a week since 25 days of blogs and she already has a new event ready to go! 💖”
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@spaceorphan18: “I'm glad that they're supporting blogs in a positive way, and not limiting who they're showcasing. I think it's great that fandom can be inclusive and welcoming, and I hope others follower her trend of supporting others within the fandom. :)”
@crissmastrees-and-candyklaines: “I think Alex is such a great person to be constantly putting on things like this. It take a truly wonderful soul to constantly spread gratitude and appreciation for others! Thank you Alex for being so awesome 💞”
@crayonstoperfume: “i love that she brings so much positivity to the fandom! every time i see her on my dash she’s lifting up her friends, celebrating content creators, or just coming up with something amazingly creative and funny!!”
@personalgarbagepile: “Dear Alex, I would like to thank you for all the stuff you have done and all the things you are planning in the future. I’m not sure what the new project is exactly but I will be participating whenever it starts. I love all the writing content you provide as well as all the posts you make in appreciation for the fans. They’re really sweet. Finally, I hope that one day you achieve your dream of moving up north, both because it’s great up here and because living in Florida is utterly unrelatable.”
@kuiinncedes: “amazing blog overall - iconic url, lovely, funny person, her blog awards spread so much positivity and love and it’s so sweet for her to organize them! and her headcanons are so awesome, i always love reading them so much!!! a greatly appreciated part of this fandom :))”
@gleeincorrectquotes: “I don’t know her very well, but she seems really nice, her headcannons are always so spot on and hilarious, and her idea for the glee awards was so sweet :)“
@snarkyhag: “Big thanks to kurthummeldeservesbetter for running the 25 Days of Glee blogs. It's cool to find new people to follow and to see my friends celebrated for the awesome they are. Not sure how his pun machine made it into the group but I am honored.”
@heartsmadeofbooks:  "I've never actually talked to Alex, but that doesn't mean I don't know what a sweet person she is. She takes the time to make Awards and the 25 days of Blogs to brighten everyone else's day despite really not having to go to all that trouble. Her headcanons are amazing and the reason I started to follow her in the first place, and I look forward to more of them in the future. If this were another edition of her awards, she would win "Kindest and Most Generous Person in the Fandom" award :) Sending you much love and gratitude, Alex! ♥"
@black-john-lennon: “I’d like to say Thank you for keeping the fandom alive and spreading positivity.“
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@proudly-so: “Just wanted to say thank you for everything you do for the Glee fandom. It is nice to see someone taking so much time to put together well thought out activities for others to enjoy, especially during such a tough year. Thank you for all that you do!!”
@justgleekout: “She is such an incredible addition to the fandom! With her awards she really creates such a nice community feeling. The way she always thinks of others is absolutely wonderful. Her hcs always make me giggle and she is just a pleasure to see on your dash really!!“
@hippohead: “The amount of time and effort that Alex has put into the 25 Days of Blogs is incredible and so selfless - it wasn't to get anything out of it, it was to create a space for the klaine community to celebrate each other and the things we make and share. I think that's wonderful. A big thank you to Alex for their organizational skills, for doing the event and spreading so much love and support! I hope they know how much we appreciate it and them 💞”
@byebyeblainey: "Alex!!!! Thank you so much for not only hosting the 25 days of glee blogs event, but for also being such a wonderful, kind, lovely person!! we haven't talked much but honestly ur vibes are IMPECCABLE and i'm so glad that u joined glee tumblr!! u light up my dashboard and i'm so happy to call u my mutual! <3"
And finally, I couldn’t end this post without a chart, so I’ve done some thorough research and put togehter the following incredibly precise and accurate graph.
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You can see by that red trendline that things are only going up from here! And I wasn’t kidding about the research by the way.
Sources: [1], [2], [3a], [3b], [3c], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
Anyway, Alex, I hope you know how much we all love and appreciate you! You bring so much to the fandom, and we’re all so grateful for the time and effort you put in. Thank you so much for bringing some brightness and positivity to our dashes, and I hope that we’ve been able to bring some more joy (or perhaps even some glee) to yours.
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candaru liveblogs reading her own writing: episode 7
let’s get right to it boys
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in my head she’s doing the lame cartoon gag where they cross their arms over each other
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same energy as/swap version of “Listen here, Mr. Police officer—” “It’s Ms.”
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I tried to give him a gambling theme to give him SOME sort of different flavor from canon Zora, although apparently it made some of his lines confusing “-_-
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listen I really love Yoomtah and Sylvie’s relationship. he pretends not to care but he doesssss
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I feel like,,,, I ended up mixing motives a little bit here, but shhhhhh it’s fine
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“I am NOT. a KID.” + “I’M NOTTA SQUIRE!!!”
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little reference to some more Zora HCs that were later confirmed, regarding her powerset :3
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I really liked this bit with the playing card, but oh BOY was the entire ending fight a giant knot to untangle. I spent like an hour trying to sort out one part in particular while my family played cards in the next room
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very, very lame throwback to the McHammer reference in the Museum Arc which I regret
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THIS WAS THE PART I WAS LOOKING FOR IN THE SCRIPTS WHICH MADE ME GO “I actually don’t remember writing any of this, I should do a reaction reading of my own scripts” BGJASDK
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I HC that this is tied to how Ramsey lost his eye in this universe :3c
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trying to write Ramsey’s voice was STUPID hard; I kept mixing Zora’s voice + accent and Will’s (Ramsey’s) voice + accent and those REALLY DO NOT MIX
there’s an improv game called “the hardest game in the world” where you have to mix two accents and now I see why it’s called that
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this is 9x funnier when you consider the types of commissions Ramsey is known for
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1. I am very proud of myself for figuring out a way to swap Zora’s speech
2. I got SO close to making Ramsey call Zora a “Stardew Valley character” but decided against it because I wasn’t sure if SDV was too much of a passing trend that’d become irrelevant. now I kinda regret that decision because it probably would’ve been funnier and it’s not like these were made for posterity
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another small jab at Jello for THE INCONSISTENCY OF ERASER CUFFS
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ok so
I originally had Percy as Sylvie’s daughter just because 1) I thought for some reason maybe that was a thing in the AU??? I think it was actually people going “haha swap!Sylvie would totally adopt swap!Percy on sight” but then like it turned into an ACTUAL thing in my head, and then 2) it provided a VERY good excuse to get the police into the museum in the museum arc because nobody ever calls the police or trips the fire alarm
but then by the time we hit this part, I was 1) in love with the Ashling-King family unit, and 2) thought that having Percy around really added motivation to Sylvie’s character, and also gave another dynamic to the bond between him and Zora, which is just (chefs kiss)
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I had a split-second heart attack about “WAIT HOW DO I GET THE CUFFS OFF ZORA, SHE CAN’T HAVE HER ARM CHOPPED OFF BECAUSE I DON’T THINK SHE COULD REGROW THAT/EVEN IF SHE DID IT’D BE GRAPHIC, AND RAMSEY’S NOT EVEN TRYING TO CUT HER HE’S TRYING TO TURN HER TO GOLD—” before I remembered that gold is soft enough to bite through and I was like aw yes nevermind, I got this
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hehehe :3
I knew I wanted a plot twist of some kind during the final battle because people wouldn’t be expecting it, but nothing that would impact the story, and this ended up working perfectly
also you know we had to get Beefton in there somewhere! :D
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I, personally, think the gold cracks are a REALLY cool idea
everyone thank goldbricker-ramsey for that one
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I do not remember deciding that the height chart was Zora -> Ramsey -> Sylvester but that’s how it is I guess
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we decided (and by “we” I mean Mari) that since canon Zora hates kids, of course swap!Zora must LOVE them, hence her softening up around Sylvie a lot once she learns he has a daughter :’)
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the hardest swap of the Museum arc was Mera and Indus because they were TOTAL OPPOSITES
the hardest swap of the Redwood arc was Ramsey and Zora because they were the EXACT SAME ENERGIES
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again... I felt there was just a liiiiittle bit missing with canon Percy and Ramsey’s dynamic, and for me personally, this moment fills that missing bit in. but that’s just me and this IS my writing, so XD
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so, just as a heads-up, apparently the people who did the audiobooks changed around some of these minor-character (well, “not-yet-revealed character”) swaps
and since they know the AC characters better than me, I’d proooooobably go ahead and use their swaps if this project ever did continue?? hypothetically??? basically these last bits are all still malleable
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I wrote this entire scene with Trixie and Phoenicia before someone pointed out that Trixie and Phoenicia already had swaps in this universe
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probably not. but hey!! it was super fun!!! the most fun I’ve had in a LONG time, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a project as much as the Epithet Switched scripts.
Spliinkles thank u for letting me take ur awesome idea and just run wild with it, writer brain went brrrrrr and it was such an absolutely fantastic experience that I can only hope I get to relive :’)
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
1, 2, 4, 6, and 14 for the meta ask game ^-^
Thank you so much!!! :>
Okay, I'll try and get through these quickly!!
Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Ooooh, I've got a bunch of those!!! The ones I'm focusing on the most right now, out of my original works, are A Modern Ghost Story and the so-called ""secret WIP"" idea that sprang on me while I was working on Ghost Story.
A Modern Ghost Story is the tale of a group of ghost-hunters who get in over their head while investigating a haunted house! On the way, they learn a lot about each other and themselves. And since I'm such a sucker for themes of mental health, the ghost hunters get some therapy out of it, too! In a way. Right now, I'm working on fleshing out the main cast, especially my favorite character, a little gremlin named Roach.
As for the ""secret WIP"" (in quotes b/c it's not a secret), I don't know what it's about yet! But the protagonist, Eden, is the star of a radio show in a small town located somewhere in the wilderness. Also, this takes place in a vaguely modern fantasy universe.
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project!
I did answer this already, but one thing I'm looking forward to writing in the ""secret WIP"" is the meeting of the protagonist and a character I still have to name, an ancient deity of the forests. Much to think about :3c
Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
I also answered this one already! But I like sharing my writing so I'll be self-indulgent and share a little more <3 I've done a lot of writing for TFTGS lately, so I'll share a little more of that,,,,,,,, self-indulgence for the win <3 Anyway, this is a paragraph from my rewrite of chapter one of the first book (cw for mentions of/references to animal abuse):
The weeks leading up to that particular stormy Tuesday night were unusually busy. A group of wildlife and fisheries agents from neighboring counties had been patrolling the woods every night, putting in a suspicious amount of overtime and stopping by every night to fuel up on fresh coffee and gasoline. None of them would tell Jack any details, though he knew it wasn’t his business and didn’t ask. If he had to guess, he would assume they were looking for whoever had mutilated all those cows in town.
For the record, Jack wouldn’t use the word “mutilated.” The cows were perfectly fine--bored townies simply always overreacted anytime anything usual happened to their beloved cattle, and “mutilated” was the perfect sensationalist buzzword to use. In reality, someone had been sneaking onto local farms and shaving the livestock bald. No one knows why, exactly, but Jack suspects it’s just a result of typical small-town boredom. Boredom is a powerful motivator, he knows very well.
I can't take too much credit for this, but I tried to add some of my own flair here even while I was imitating the books' style of snarky, humorous narration. That's my favorite kind of narration to use, and I just like this bit asdfkjl;
What character do you have the most fun writing?
I love love LOVE writing snarky little assholes with a ton of internal conflict, so I have a lot of fun writing Roach!! There's a good reason they're my favorite haha
At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
This depends for me! I usually try to figure out a title during the planning process and before I start writing, but sometimes one is beamed into my head when I'm almost at the end of the first draft.
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madebymixy · 6 years
The Sketchbook Project
It’s been  a while since I checked in with you guys on this project, I’ve had to overcome a few obstacles along the way.
I had a really clear idea what I wanted to do with this book from (almost) the outset last year – a rambling whirl of doodles, a stream of consciousness running through the pages. Then I got ill, and the heavy duty pain medication I had in hospital inspired me with a really clear visual I wanted to recreate. As best I could, two-dimensionally on paper.
I began the line work back during Inktober, and looking back I remember at the time being aware of just how thin and flimsy the paper is in the book. I mean, super thin. It would hold up well to gentle care but I’m heavy handed and (because it’s all I had to hand and impatience is my biggest motivator in all I do) I used ballpoint pen. So my pages were already crinkling from the indentation of the lines.
That’s cool – it adds character – it’s my ‘style’ – go with it, I thought.
I delayed the coloring stage until I finally got my new watercolors I’d been so eager to use.
Then the holidays, then life, then I finally began.
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this paper soaks up watercolor like a sponge.
  Oh. My. Days!
You do NOT wanna use watercolors on this paper. Of course if I hadn’t been so hung up on the combination of:
This Sketchbook Project + These Colors + These Paints = Exactly What I Want To Do
then perhaps I wouldn’t have been temporarily blind the reality of:
This Medium + This Paper = A Certain Soggy Mess.
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  Soaked right through to the other side 😦
Ok, I’m an adaptable kinda person, I pride myself on being able to change direction, to adjust and adapt.
Acrylics, I thought. Acrylics are the answer. They will sit on top of the paper and give it a bit more substance as well.
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  Look at that paper curl! It seems I  have angered the book now.
  Nope. Not only is it a streaky mess, but the pages are actually curling up in disgust.
What do they want from me? light, delicate pencil? Do they know me AT ALL??
I heard a distant memory jangling about in the back of my mind – are there rules on what media we’re to use?  – checking the website: sure, acrylics & gesso are discouraged because the pages get sticky and … yes, yes, I know all this…
So, my first plan of watercolor was back on the table – because, when I read on – we are allowed to rebind the book.  I can use actual watercolor paper!   
Now that time was getting squeezed, that forever-away-distant deadline was getting closer…  I decided that keeping it simple was the best way forward. The elaborate plans I had to begin are on hold for a separate project later in the year, meanwhile I’m back with what I know best for the pages of this book: the idea that is fuelling my creativity and has done for a long while now: an adventure in 12 colors!
After all, it’s my thing, right?
My pages are complete and ready for binding, I’ll show the finished book as soon as I get some good light for photos – then it’ll be winging it’s way off to Brooklyn Art Library
If you want to be first to see what I’m making, and get exclusive discounts on these things, clickety-hop aboard my email list right here.
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Your email is utterly safe to me. It will be wrapped up snug and nestled with a hot water bottle & a kitten until the spring arrives.
  I had a really clear idea what I wanted to do with this book from (almost) the outset last year - a rambling whirl of doodles, a stream of consciousness running through the pages... The Sketchbook Project It's been  a while since I checked in with you guys on this project, I've had to overcome a few obstacles along the way.
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