#Not the Losechesters
bee-likes-pins · 1 year
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(credit: @shopstands-blog)
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unabashedlyinlove · 1 year
A couple of weeks back somebody shared a video of a TW season review. The guy was pretty much spot on with all the thing he mentioned about what didnt work for the series and made TW the subpar show it is.
My YT just showed me his new video and I have to laugh! Plus, in 6 minutes he sums up it up and talks his 2 cents about the why it was cancelled and why Nextstar/Cw wont bring it back.
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cloverhighfive · 1 year
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hydrokodon · 1 year
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Ferdstiel lamp confirmed? in "World according to LOSEchesters"?
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supernaturalnardog · 2 years
Sorry not sorry but there’s something extremely hilarious about AA’s and hellers last week making fun of Windy’s 650k and now the losechesters only pulled 480k in their second week, losing 300k viewers 😭😂
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chaoticwistfulness · 2 years
anyway, winchesters is just losechesters with the ghostfacers effect since, as we all know, chuck won
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in-another-reality · 2 years
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Reminder that AU Sam and Dean are just wandering around Argentina and we’re supposed to just be ok with that. They are on Earth and just walking around, living lives. And we’re supposed to forget they exist.
It’s been awhile since I wanted to bitch slap the SPN writers. Also a giant fuck you to Jensen and his wife for starting an origin show that is literally fanfiction and has zero ties to canon. You’re back on my list, Ackles.
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green-cargaytions · 2 years
people always tag the prequel spnwin but I get a vibe that it’s in real danger of being an spnlose
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Addition to this post
You guys are right. The finale is objectively wrong, only because Darwinism should have taken care of all FOUR of them.
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BONUS BONUS: Last Holiday shenanigans, second proof of LOSEchesters-are-us. Local team thinks they can beat God; can't beat super!Nanny:
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JACK: Dean, is there a secret bathroom hidden somewhere in here. Because, uh...
DEAN: Dammit. (This whole past two years is just you, me, and Cas either getting locked in some kind of box or dungeon, ain't it.)
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Dean, danger!Dad #2 coming in with Jack and handcuffs:
DEAN: I saw this one on the Titanic. It's how Rose got Jack out of his handcuffs. Hey, maybe I should close my eyes. JACK: Please, don't close your eyes.
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DEAN: Oopsies. Get up you're fine you're fine walk if OFF kiddo
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sosaysdean · 2 years
start calling them the losechesters to get through copyright
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
Question: My question for you guys is if you could take from any, your whole career -
Jared: Wow.
Question: any outfit, from any character, from any of your shows, not just Supernatural, what would it be and why?
Jared: I'll answer for him, and he can answer for me, but have you seen - because I was there with him for every effing day - lederhosen. [both nod]
Jensen: That's a good one, that was a good one.
Jared: Now you can answer for me.
Jensen: Uh the uh - [to audience shouting] What? No. I would say the white Lucifer suit.
Jared: [hits Jensen on the arm, very excitedly] I was gonna say that! I'll say this -
Jensen: I know you, buddy, I know you [holds out fist, Jared fistbumps]
Jared: And I will say this, I have it.
Jensen: You've got that one, I've got the uh -
Jared: Because who the fuck else can fit in a suit that was tailored to me? They're like we usually sell things after the show is over but [makes helpless gesture]-
Jensen: This is tailored for you.
Jared: You know, unless somebody in the NBA wants to buy the shit, here you go. So I have a storage unit that we shared for maybe - [to Jensen] Do you have anything there still? Whatever it was.
Jensen: [thinking face] I think I've got some stuff we took from the show in there. [laughs]
Jared: I'm like, where is that damn, uh-huh, and then I see Jensen wearing it. But, uh, yeah, I have some cool stuff in that unit, so I might have to -
Jensen: When we got back from when the show finished up, he got a storage unit, I was like, 'Hey, can I throw some stuff in there?' It was just all Supernatural shit.
Jared: It would have been like if there was a Supernatural fan on Storage Wars - it was like, season one crew gifts, season two crew gifts, every script, every t-shirt, all the outfits -
Jensen: Sconces from the Men of Letters bunker.
Jared: I- It was for me but , did you keep your sconces?
Jensen: Yeah.
Jared: Okay, so I also have -
Jensen: I used - fun fact for ya, I used those sconces in The Winchesters, in their little [?] spot - you can see that it's the same sconces from the Men of Letters.
Jared: I have one of the, um, I don't know what you call it, it's like an ashtray on a pedestal kind of thing and it had a little lighter? And I love it and I have a little outside area where I like to have cigars - I've probably had one in the last year, but I enjoy it. I don't have two hours to sit here. But one day when a big rain wind storm in Austin and the next day I went to go clean stuff up and it had fallen. And I was like [exaggerated outraged inhale, hand to chest] - didn't break.
Jensen: That thing's old as sins.
Jared: But it ain't the Losechesters, so. [audience groans]
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
Ngl that kid who called sam "losechester" kinda lowkey ate
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Are you a Winchester or a Losechester?
- John Winchester, probably
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casmick-consequences · 6 months
Hey, do you have a link to or maybe image from the losechesters post (team free will bald) i'm trying to show it to my friend but the search function is #bad
Reblogged it for u bestie xxxx
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winchestress · 1 year
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when lame-ass losechesters think they're above a little torture and murder for the greater good :\\
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