#No way I'm letting all the smutty bits I wrote go to waste
tswwwit · 2 years
Well, shit.
OKAY, I figured out where I was going wrong with this document, and now I think I finally, finally can make progress. I wanted to do a thing that was kind of ambitious, but it turns out it's actually two separate fics.
One the plus side, I now have two oneshot sprouts that have a lot of healthy material on them! And some really fun ideas that I'm excited about!
I've already planted them in their respective documents, and I think I feel Writing Energy growing .Two steps back, and eventually three steps forward.
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seidenbros · 1 year
Don't Panic, I'm a Mechanic - Part 2: The Book
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Pairing: Mechanic!Eddie x Shy!Plussize!Bookstore!Reader Warnings: modern AU, female reader, mention of masturbation, bit of smut mentioned, best friend Steve (for Y/N and Eddie), mutual pining, eddie &reader are 29/28 (let me know what I missed) Word Count: 1265 Author's note: here is Part 1, gonna make a masterpost at one point when I have more I guess. Summary: After knowing what book you were reading, Eddie bought a copy himself and man, did it leave him surprised and gasping because he did NOT expect you to read smut. of course, he has to talk to Steve about it, only to find out that you do not just read it...
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See Jane Score. Of course, Eddie had remembered the name of the book and had gotten it the day after you all had hung out together. After he’d jumped into the water with you and had to get a bit of distance between your bodies so you hadn’t been able to realise that he’d gotten hard from being this close to you. Knowing just what book you were reading, seeing how shy you’d gotten about it, even flustered, yes, that had certainly made him even more curious.
That was why he hadn’t wasted any time in getting the book, had spent his free minutes at work reading it and he had to say that it was actually kind of interesting. He wasn’t the biggest hockey fan there was, but he knew the terms that were used in the book. He got so lost in the story, that at one point, one of his coworkers had to nudge his head to pull him back, because his break was over. And just when he was getting to the good part.
That night, Eddie lay on his sofa, some music on in the background while he reached for the book. But not just for the book, but for something else as well, because reading what was going on, he felt himself get so turned on. Not specifically because of what was being described in the book, but because he was imagining you and him in that scenario. He imagined his hand between your legs, nearly making you come. Imagined your lips on his stomach and on his dick. All that mixed with the memory of your body pressed flush against his made him come embarrassingly fast. No wonder you liked to read that kinda thing. It was just that he’d never expected you to read that. Not with how shy you always were. Still waters run deep, right? In your case, it really seemed to be true.
The next day, Eddie finished the rest of the book and went to see Steve. They had their weekly movie night, so Steve had already started Netflix and set the popcorn and beers on the table when Eddie arrived.
“Did you know she read that kind of stuff?” Eddie asked once the door opened, holding up the book, his eyebrows raised in question.
“Good evening to you, too, Eddie. Did you leave your manners at home again?” Steve tilted his head to the side, eyeing the book for a moment, before he stepped aside to let Eddie come inside.
“Sorry, sorry, but!” Eddie held up the book and shoved it in Steve’s face. “She's your best friend and you’re gonna tell me you had no idea that she’s reading porn? Try again, Harrington!”
Eddie walked past Steve, got rid of his shoes along the way, before he plopped down on the sofa.
“I have a general idea what she reads, but don’t read the same books, so I don’t exactly know what they are about.” Which was pretty much true. Only that he knew so much more than that, because you talked with him about certain books. And Steve was the one who always got to read the fics you wrote and published on Tumblr. Even the ones that were modelled after Eddie and Jesus Christ were they smutty! The book Eddie had handed to him was probably really tame compared to the stuff you came up with. But Eddie was right, nobody expected that from you. Not at all.
Steve took his seat on the sofa and handed the book back to Eddie.
“Oh well, then let me demonstrate.”
Eddie opened the book to one of the pages he’d dog-eared and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his thighs. He cleared his throat before he read out loud.
“She took as much of him as she could into her mouth and tested the weight of his testicles in her palm.” Eddie glanced at Steve, trying to gauge a reaction from him, but he quickly looked back at the book, skipped a few sentences.
“‘You're so tight around me’, he gasped. She sucked in a breath, his breath, as he pulled out almost completely, only to bury himself so deep she felt him against her cervix.” Eddie closed the book, eyes wide as he looked at Steve. “This is what our sweet innocent Y/N reads?”
“Oh, she’s not that innocent,” Steve said with a smirk, before he could think better of it. “I’ve read worse stuff from her.”
“You have what now?” That caught Eddie’s attention, and he suddenly sat up straight. Forgotten the popcorn, the book, the movies… when it was about you, he gobbled up every kind of information, but that one especially. What was Steve referring to?
“I mean-” Steve’s face was drained of colour when he suddenly realised just what he’d said. “Forget that. I didn’t mean any of that.”
“Oh yes you did, Stevie boy!” Eddie’s eyes sparkled. If he’d heard correctly, Steve had said that you were writing stuff like that yourself, and that… man, he had to get his hands on that. Especially if Steve had already read that!
“”Please, Eddie… Just forget it. I should have kept my mouth shut.”
“But you didn’t, and now I know.”
The triumphant grin on Eddie’s lips made Steve want to punch him. He’d promised you that it was a thing between you two, that he wouldn’t breathe a word. He was your biggest fan after all, and he didn’t want to betray your trust. But he also knew that Eddie wouldn’t get off his back.
“You’ve read what she wrote? I mean, I always knew that she was a creative one, but that? Jesus Christ…” Eddie shook his head in amazement, really needing to get his hands on that.
“Yeah, I did. She’s got quite a few people liking her stuff.”
“She even publishes it somewhere?” Eddie’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at that, while Steve bit his tongue.
“You don’t know this from me, okay? If she ever finds out I said anything about this, she’ll kill me and then she’ll run as far away as she can!” Because as much as you enjoyed writing all that stuff, you would be absolutely mortified if Eddie ever found that stuff. You’d pack your bags and start a new life in Alaska or wherever he wouldn’t be able to find you.
“Fuck I need to read that!” Eddie groaned, rubbing his hands over his face, through his hair, before he lifted it to tie it up again.
Steve knew that Eddie was into you, he knew that from you as well, and that was what made it so frustrating, because he couldn’t tell one of you without betraying the other, so he just tried to nudge you both into the right direction, but neither of you believed that the other one was genuinely interested. That didn’t mean that he would expose you like this to Eddie.
“Good luck with that,” Steve simply said, reaching for the remote to get to a different topic and start the movie.
“Aw come on, you have to tell me!”
“Nope. I’ve already put my foot in my mouth, so that’s something you’ll have to find out yourself, Munson.” Which… might not be so hard, considering you were both Lord of the Rings fans. Even Eddie had heard you say One does not simply walk into a bookstore multiple times with the same expression as Boromir in the movie. If he put that together, he had your tumblr name.
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Tag-List: @hellv1ra @sweetpeapod @eddiemunson95 @e0509 @munsonology @niceboyeds @loverology @bolontiku @tessab154 @m00nlight101 @tellhound @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @bellamy-barnes @hardysbitch @give-em-hellfire @samlealea @hacker-ghost @kirsteng42 @princesseddie @anaisweird @harringtonfan4 @ethereal27cereal @goldylions @goldenkinglouis @lightvixxen @magnoliabutters 
Tagged a few of the people who asked about it and who I thought might be interested 💚 let me know if you want to be added or taken from this list 💚
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floresmarique · 3 years
Here is a lil Daniel one shot for all my LaRusso girls ♡
Plot; You are one of Ali's best friends, hiding a secret: having a big crush on Daniel, the one boy she is dating. But what will happen when Daniel asks you to help him with Ali?
WARNING: A tiny bit of a smutty situation.
Tags; 'cheating' in a certain sense, dry humping, Daniel being VERY bold, seductive reader, some angst, fluff.
Also, they are still in high school just for the sake of the plot.
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There he was again, Daniel LaRusso.
He was talking to Ali, as always. She was laughing, resting her back against the school's wall. Daniel had one arm beside her head, the other hand was on his hip and he had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
And then there was (Y/N).
She was admiring the scene from afar, a sad sigh leaving her mouth while she held her books tight to her chest. Since she saw Daniel that first day on the beach, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. She thought he looked so gorgeous with those dark locks of his and his chestnut eyes. His skin looked tanned and his body was slim, more skinny than muscular.
But, of course, he had his eyes for Ali since the beginning. (Y/N) wasn't surprised about it but she was dying of jealousy. She wasn't the classic ugly duck best friend, in fact, (Y/N) was considered one of the hottest girls at school along with Ali. A lot of boys desired her and before Johnny Lawrence even got with Ali, he first flirted with (Y/N) but she always refused him so Ali was kinda the second option.
(Y/N) didn't feel insecure about herself because she had a very high self-esteem. She always took care of herself, always had a good smell and beautiful soft hair and her body always turned a lot of heads. She had an amazing sense of style, even better than Ali if you asked her.
But (Y/N) wasn't just looks; she had a beautiful personality too, always sweet and humble. She never liked to get involved in drama, it was a waste of time in her opinion. Her sense of humour always cracked up even the most silent kid. She also had a very sassy attitude and wasn't scared to bite if someone tried to provoke her or the people she cared about since she was very protective and people knew that it was better not to mess with her.
"Ali, we should get to class." After stopping envying her best friend's relationship with Daniel, (Y/N) finally walked towards the both of them and said the first thing to make them separate. She knew that their relationship still would  exist but she felt an aching pain in her chest whenever she saw them talking and laughing together.
Ali sighed and nodded, kissing Daniel's cheek and then whispered something in his ear that made him smirk.
Was it something dirty? (Y/N) was dying to know but at the same time she preferred to not know anything about their intimate life. Ali never talked to her about it, maybe they were still taking time to not rush anything or she was just shy about it but (Y/N) knew that one day they would have done something together and the thought of it made her sick to her stomach.
Daniel gazed at (Y/N) and gave her his usual friendly smile. He was wearing a tartan button up shirt and some high waisted black jeans. He had gotten taller since the last year, when her and Ali first met him, but his voice stayed the same. (Y/N) noticed that many times Daniel checked her out and it even happened on their first encounter at the beach but she thought that it was something unintentional that every guy did.
"Wait!" Daniel exclaimed before the two friends could walk away. "(Y/N), can i talk to you for a moment?"
(Y/N) felt butterflies in her stomach at his request. He never asked her something and their conversations were very minimal and mostly about Ali. (Y/N) nodded while her friend furrowed her eyebrows, confused, but then she smiled and waved at them.
"I'm going to class, see you later (Y/N)!" She said and, before completely walking away, she sent Daniel a kiss that he fake caught with his hand, sending her a big grin.
"So what is it?" (Y/N) tried to hide her excitment and the blush that was starting to form on her cheeks. Daniel took her hand so that they could go somewhere a little more private. (Y/N) heated even more up at his physical contact and gulped, she felt the warmth of his hand and felt his long and slim fingers around her palm.
"Okay!" He said once they reached a column and went behind it. "You are the only person that can help me right now."
(Y/N) smiled, hoping to hear Daniel say something that completely involved just her and him. She was tapping the edges of her books with her fingertips, obviously feeling very nervous.
But her hope and smile vanished when he finally spoke.
"Soon it's gonna be Ali's birthday..." He started and (Y/N) contained her delusion and sighs of vanished hope to herself, listening to him. What was she expecting? Of course it was about Ali, like always. He always chose (Y/N) when he needed to do something for Ali because she was her closest friend and knew her better than the others. "I want to organize a fun party for her and i also don't know what gift should i give her-"
"Ali doesn't want a big party this year." (Y/N) cutted him off. "She told me that she's tired of big parties, so don't bother."
(Y/N) sounded more acid than she intended to be, but it wasn't her fault. It was the jealousy that made her like that.
"Oh..." Daniel looked confused and thought about it for a second before nodding. "Okay, well, can you help me with the gift? Maybe we could go shopping together this evening if it's okay with you. I'm really desperate, i don't know what to give her! She literally has everything!"
(Y/N)'s eyes sparkled at his words.
He was basically telling her to hang out with him that night to find a gift for Ali.
Hanging out together.
(Y/N) didn't even thought about it for a second, she couldn't miss that opportunity. Spending an evening with him was something she always desired, even if it was just for Ali. She was hoping to get to know him better, to talk about their interests and maybe to find some things in common.
She couldn't say no.
"Yeah, sounds fine to me." She nonchalantly nodded, making it look like it wasn't that big of a deal but inside she was squealing. "I'll meet you at 6:00 pm at the mall, alright?"
"Yeah!" He smiled. "6:00 pm at the mall, captain!"
He walked away and turned around to wink at her and (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat at his action. She stood still behind the column and softly smiled to herself, already thinking of an outfit for the evening. Once she reached her class 5 minutes late, she sat next to Ali like always and tried to act as if nothing happened.
"Pst!" Ali whispered and nudged her elbow, stopping (Y/N) from taking notes on her notebook. "What did Daniel want?"
(Y/N) couldn't tell her about what happened because it was also about her birthday, so she shrugged and kept writing notes.
"Nothing much, he just needed an help with a math exercise."
Ali looked a little hesitant at first and narrowed her eyes, but then believed her because she knew that (Y/N) was very good in every subject while Daniel not so much.   Many minutes passed since the last words the two friends exchanged and (Y/N) suddenly saw a little folded piece of paper fall on her notebook. She furrowed her eyebrows and opened it, reading the message inside.
'Are you coming to my house this evening?'
"I think that's for me!" Ali silently giggled and took the piece of paper from (Y/N)'s hands, letting out a soft laugh after reading it. She then wrote a simple 'yes' on the same paper and throwed it back to Johnny, grinning while doing so, leaving (Y/N) in pure shock as she watched the full scene.
"What are you doing?" She whisper-yelled to Ali. "I thought you never wanted to talk to Johnny again."
"Chill out, (Y/N)!" The blonde said and turned the page of her book. "We are just friends now."
"He invited you to his house, do you really think that he has friendly intentions with you?"
(Y/N) saw the teacher's glare on her and wrote no sense words on her notebook just to not be yelled at. Ali rolled her eyes and didn't look at her, making (Y/N) even more mad. She couldn't believe it and all that she was thinking about was Daniel.
"What about Daniel? Are you gonna tell him that you are paying a visit to your ex boyfriend's house?" (Y/N) spoke with a sarcastic tone and Ali scoffed.
"I know what i'm doing, it's not like i'm cheating on him." (Y/N) shook her head in disappointment, rage building up inside of her. Daniel didn't deserve that. "Mind your own business."
"You are aware of the fact that Johnny literally beated up Daniel last year or you forgot about it?" (Y/N) raised her eyebrow and Ali was red in the face, she was aware of the fact that she was doing the wrong thing.
"Johnny changed, i just want to talk to him." Before (Y/N) could respond, Ali quickly cutted her off. "Mind your own business."
After that, the bell rang and (Y/N) immediately stood up without saying another word to Ali and, once she reached the door, she saw Johnny leaning over Ali's chair, and all she did was giggle. (Y/N) made an expression of disgust and left the class, facing the day like she always did but while staying away from her best friend.
She saw Daniel and Ali walking home together at the end of school and she observed the way he wrapped one of his arms around Ali's waist so that she could be closer to him. (Y/N) hopped on her bike and during the ride she thought about her meeting with Daniel.
Knowing what Ali was doing, (Y/N) decided to play dirty too and to be selfish for once. She smirked while she rode her bike, her hair moved smoothly in the wind and she was more confident than ever in that moment because she knew what to do.
She was going to seduce Daniel.
Grinning to herself, she reached her house and prepared everything for the evening that she dreamed for a whole year. After lunch, she took a shower and made sure to use her favourite body lotion after getting out, the one that smelt like vanilla and coconut. She wrapped her wet locks around some rollers to get bouncy curls and while waiting, she started to look for the perfect outfit.
She played some music on her radio while she searched for the clothes she needed in her wardrobe and 'Cruel Summer' started echoing in the room. (Y/N) sang the words to the song and after awhile, she smirked when she placed her eyes on a beautiful red mini dress. It was tight, with thin straps and of a bright red. It didn't look too fancy, it looked classy but casual, perfect for the situation.
To match her nails with her dress, (Y/N) painted them of red and did a simple makeup to emphasize her lips so that they would have looked more kissable to seduce Daniel better. She chose a deeper shade of red for her lips and when she noticed that it was already 5:00 pm, she started getting dressed.
Once she slipped in her mini dress, (Y/N) decided to wear some black shoes with a short heel and a strap that wrapped around her ankles. She removed the rollers from her hair and styled them better with a brush. She was satisfied with how her hair turned out; bouncy, shiny and voluminous.
(Y/N) looked at her figure in the mirror and added the last touches to her look, spraying a little bit of perfume and putting on a denim jacket on her shoulders. She felt confident and smiled at her reflection proudly before leaving the house to go to the mall. She got there 10 minutes late because she walked slowly to get there, but she did it on purpose because she wanted to be waited.
When (Y/N) finally arrived, she immediately saw Daniel sitting on a bench at the center of the mall. She noticed that he had changed his clothes too but they still looked pretty casual. When she started walking towards him, Daniel stood up and checked her out, his mouth was hanging slightly open at the sight of her.
"Did you have to wait long?" (Y/N) gave him her charming smile and Daniel shook his head to reassure her but his eyes never left her body.
"No, i came here like 2 minutes ago." He nodded, but he was lying. He was there since 6:00 pm as she told him, but he couldn't be mad when she looked like that. "You look uh- very fancy."
"What are you talking about?" (Y/N) laughed. "This is my casual look."
"Well, i'm not complaining."
After his answer, (Y/N) felt even more confident than before.
This is gonna be easy. She thought to herself.
They started to walk side by side and all Daniel could hear was the click (Y/N)'s heels made after every track and he couldn't stop staring at her figure while she talked about some of Ali's favourites shops. He stared at her profile, at how her hair bounced when she walked, at her red plump lips and he felt guilty about it even tho he never denied that she was a beautiful girl.
She just looked even more beautiful in that moment and Daniel tried to distract himself from looking too much at her, but (Y/N) already knew what he was doing and contained her grin.
"She buys a lot of clothes at GadZooks" (Y/N) said and stopped walking when they reached the mentioned shop.
"I don't know, she always buys clothes... i want to give her something that she still doesn't have."
(Y/N) thought for a moment and then she turned to look at Daniel.
"You know, she talked to me about wanting some earrings..." She smirked. "What is your budget?"
"I have 50$ with me."
"That's enough, c'mon!" She purposely took his hand and sent him another smile before walking again. "I know exactly where to go!"
Daniel ended up buying some cute silver earrings for Ali and wrote her a little letter that he inserted inside the box. (Y/N) felt jealous again, especially thinking about the fact that while he was there to buy her a gift, Ali was at Johnny's house doing god knows what. (Y/N) tried to kick her thoughts out of her head because she had to focus on her goal.
"I'm sure she's gonna love them." She told Daniel after they came out from the shop. He nodded to himself and then smiled at her. "Yeah but i think i'm gonna give you some credits too on the letter."
(Y/N) slightly blushed at his comment but tried to act cool.
"Don't you think she will be jealous knowing that we spent the evening together?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and smirked. Daniel laughed and shrugged.
"It was for a good reason, she would never have these beautiful pair of earrings if we didn't!"
"Sounds legit!" (Y/N) laughed and before she could say something else, Daniel spoke first.
"Are you hungry? We could eat something at that bar right there, an ice cream maybe?"
(Y/N) was surprised at his question but nodded anyway and soon after that, they entered the bar where (Y/N) sat on a high stool while she observed Daniel.
"So for me a medium size chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on it..." He said to the lady behind the counter and then glanced at (Y/N) "what about you, cherry?"
The nickname took her off guard but his wink after made her cheeks flush. She cleared her throat and fixed her hair a bit before answering.
"A medium size strawberry ice cream with lots of whipped cream..." She smirked and kept talking. "And if it's possible, a little cherry on top."
Daniel chuckled while (Y/N) rested her head on her hand, admiring how perfect he looked in that exact moment. She noticed that his arms weren't as skinny as last year and she supposed that he was building up a little bit of muscles because of Karate. Daniel noticed her staring at him so he grinned a bit before snapping her out of the thoughts she was having about him.
"I think they have cherries- oh here they are!" He took both of the ice creams from the lady's hands and handed the strawberry one to (Y/N) so that he could pay for the both of them. It felt like a date and (Y/N) wasn't mad about it for sure.
Daniel sat on the stool right in front of (Y/N) and smiled at her when she took the petiole of the cherry with two of her fingers.
"Why that nickname?" She asked him and Daniel softly laughed.
"You remind me of a cherry tonight, with all that red on you." He licked some of his ice cream and (Y/N) nodded, taking it as a compliment.
"Well, do you like cherries?" She asked, her tone was seductive while she crossed her legs, discovering her thighs more. Daniel eyed her up and down and blushed a little before nodding.
"Yes, very much."
"You know, i can make a knot with the petiole of the cherry..."
Daniel widened his eyes at her words, not even knowing about that kind of talent.
"I want to see it to believe it!" He chuckled and moved closer to her with his stool, making (Y/N) giggle.
"Ok, watch." (Y/N) snatched the petiole off the cherry and inserted it into her mouth without breaking eye contact with Daniel. The dark haired boy observed her tongue movements and watched carefully, astonished by the way she slowly moved the tip of her tongue to interwine the edges of the petiole.
Her gestures also made him think dirty things that he just couldn't help. Her lips looked so good half opened and the inside of her mouth looked so inviting. Daniel didn't even feel guilty anymore, he felt like there was only (Y/N) there with him and Ali wasn't even running through his mind in that moment.
(Y/N) smiled and pulled her tongue out to show him a perfectly tight knot on the center of the petiole that Daniel observed fascinated.
"Woah" He stared at her eyes while she reached for the petiole with her fingertips to hold it in the air. "That's a big talent you have there!"
(Y/N) bit the cherry and left another equal piece for Daniel, so she bent forward and grinned at him. She also noticed that he had a little bit of ice cream on top of his lip and cleaned it off with one finger that she later licked while staring in his brown eyes. Daniel instantly tensed up, he felt his jeans tighten but tried to play it cool while eating the piece of cherry that she gave to him.
"You like it?" She asked, her voice full of mischief.
"Even more than the other cherries i ate in my life, i wonder why..."
They both bursted in a loud laugh and finished their ice creams, chatting a bit about their interests as (Y/N) hoped. He talked about how Mr. Miyagi trained him and was very euphoric while doing so, which made (Y/N) giggle.
"I saw you at the tournament." (Y/N) said and gave him a sweet smile. "I thought that the kick in the face that you gave to Johnny was amazing."
Daniel's expression softened and he blushed before smirking at her once more.
"I could teach you one day."
(Y/N) chuckled, giving him a slight slap on the shoulder.
"No but i'm serious!" He took her wrist, not harshly but enough to stop (Y/N)'s hand from slapping his shoulder. They both stared into each other's eyes and for a moment there was silence. Daniel slowly removed his hand from (Y/N)'s wrist and then proceeded to talk but with a slightly deeper voice. "I'd gladly teach you."
(Y/N) nodded, feeling her heart beat faster. She felt the whole zoo in her stomach, not just butterflies, and her cheeks were heating up.
"I'd gladly let you be my Sensei."
It was already 8:00 pm when they got out from the bar. They talked so much that time flied but Daniel didn't want to tell her goodbye yet so he took her hand and leaded her out of the mall.
"Where are we going?" (Y/N) giggled and followed him without hesitation.
"To the Arcade!" Daniel excitedly exclaimed, never leaving her hand. "We can be there in like 10 minutes if we run!"
"But Daniel, i have heels on!"
Daniel stopped in his tracks and looked at her, a big grin formed on his mouth.
"Not an obstacle for me!" Before (Y/N) could open her mouth to say something, he picked her up bridal style and (Y/N) instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. Daniel started running, holding her carefully and tight to his chest while crossing the road.
"Danny you're crazy!" (Y/N) squealed and hid her head in the crook of his neck. Daniel laughed and smirked at the nickname, her perfume invaded his nostrils and it only made him want to hold her even tighter to him and so he did. (Y/N) felt good in his arms, she was where she always wanted to be and found the crook of his neck to be comforting, she inhaled the smell of his skin and softly smiled, leaving a light peck there that didn't go unnoticed by Daniel.
After arriving to the Arcade, Daniel put her back on the ground and laughed. (Y/N) fixed her hair and her jacket with a big smile on her face.
"Are you ok?" He asked, a little bit concerned since he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
"Yes, that was amazing! You are insane, LaRusso."
"I think i have a preference for Danny."
(Y/N) blushed and walked with him inside the Arcade. He searched for her hand while looking forward and she pleasantly took it, noticing how Daniel smiled as she did so.
"What do you want to do first?" Daniel asked her and she thought about it for some seconds before giving her answer.
"What about air hockey?"
"Sounds great, but i gotta warn you first; i'm the champion of air hockey!"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, giving him a challenging glance.
"We'll see about that!"
They played two matches at air hockey and (Y/N) won both times. She couldn't stop her laughter because of Daniel's disappointed expression, everytime she tried to look at his face she bursted out in a laugh that made her tear up and Daniel kinda kept that expression on purpose to make her laugh. He liked the sound of her laugh because it sounded like a melody to his ears.
"Please stop making that face!" She squealed, hitting Daniel's shoulder to make him laugh too.
"You are just so cute when you laugh..." He told her with a wide smirk. She covered her face with her hands and kept giggling before taking his hand again.
"Let's play golf!" (Y/N) exclaimed, leading Daniel to the golf spot. She saw him smirking again and rolled her eyes. "What? Are you a champion of golf too?"
Daniel gasped, putting his hand on his chest acting like he was deeply hurted.
"Jesus, (Y/N), there's no need to burn me like that!"
They both chuckled in unison and started playing but (Y/N) was having some trouble with her golf bat. She looked frustrated, losing against Daniel. The boy was amused by the sight of her and found her little pout adorable, but decided to give her an hand anyway.
"Look-" Daniel positioned his body behind (Y/N)'s back and covered her arms with his longer ones, helping her move the bat in the right way. (Y/N) could feel his breath against her hair, their faces were so close that she could see some little brown freckles at the top of his nose. They were so small that they could only be seen if someone stood that close to him. She admired his profile, his focused gaze on the hole that he had to center with the little white ball. "And just like that..."
Daniel whispered, making (Y/N) shiver. She was sure that he could hear her beating heart even over the loud music that was playing in the local. The girl looked down, placing her eyes on Daniel's hands that were covering her smaller ones. She gulped when he slightly moved both of their arms in a syncrhonized way so that he could perfectly hit the ball, making it fall into the hole.
"Thanks..." Her voice was lower than before and Daniel could see her red cheeks standing so close to her. He looked at her jawline, then his eyes fell on her displayed neck and he lightly bit his lip. Daniel slowly moved his hands to her hips while (Y/N) still held the bat with her hands and didn't move a bit when she felt his hands on her.
"No problem, let's see if you understood now."
(Y/N) didn't look at him but she knew that he had a smirk plastered on his face after saying those words. She took another ball and placed it on the ground, narrowing her eyes to focus better on her goal. Daniel's fingertips were pressed deeper on her hips but (Y/N) tried to not distract herself, moving the bat like he showed her. When the ball ended up in the hole, (Y/N) proudly smiled to herself before suddenly tripping against Daniel's chest. Daniel was quick to catch her, holding her tight to his body.
"I'm sorry..." She shyly said, meeting Daniel's eyes that looked more dilatated than before. They both remained in that position, looking into each other's eyes. Daniel gave her a flirty grin, never leaving her hips.
"I'm not." And just like that, he kissed her. Daniel LaRusso, the boyfriend of (Y/N)'s best friend, kissed her before she could even realize it. (Y/N) immediately closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his plump lips on her ones, something she always dreamed of at night. Daniel's grip on her tightened and he felt things that he never felt before, not even with Ali.
After the kiss, they both shared a look that said it all; they wanted each other. Daniel took her hand, not even bothering to fix the golf bats, and found with her an hidden spot outside of the Arcade. The streets were dark and they stopped in a spot where the music that was playing in the Arcade sounded a lot lower and Daniel didn't waste any time once he had her all to himself, attacking her lips with ardor while blocking her body between him and the wall.
Her head was spinning at the mix of sensations she was feeling, she felt heated up and her heart was throbbing. Daniel's hands reached for her ass during the intense make out session, squeezing it harshly. (Y/N) panted at the gesture and held his neck to get him even closer to her body. She still felt like she was in a dream and, if it was, she never wanted to wake up again. A light smirk appeared on her lips when Daniel's erection pressed against her.
"You make me crazy..." He whispered, never leaving her lips. Daniel looked hungry, hungry for her. He left little pecks on her cheek and jawline before stopping on her neck, where he started biting her sweet spot there.
"Daniel-" (Y/N) whimpered, making him smirk against her neck. He cupped her face, devouring her lips again while she gripped his shirt and caressed his back. Daniel slowly started to rub against her body and (Y/N) only encouraged him by following his movements. "I've always wanted you..."
"Look what are you making me do, fuck." He kissed her forehead, breathing heavily on her face. "This is what you want? This is why you showed up looking like this, uh?"
(Y/N) bit his neck, making him groan before shaking her head.
"No, i want more."
Daniel stopped for a moment, searching for her eyes just to understand what she meant. He saw desire in them once he looked at her but also desperation and love. He never saw her with that look in her eyes before and stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Her red lipstick was all smeared on her chin and he was sure he had some of it on his mouth too. When he placed an hand on her cheek, (Y/N) touched it with her fingertips and kept it there, never breaking eye contact with him.
"How long?" He asked, still shocked.
(Y/N) inhaled some air before answering and closed her eyes for a second, opening them again with wet pupils.
"Since the first day." Her voice was shaking. They both didn't know what to say or do, the sound of the music and of the cars filled their ears. Daniel opened his mouth to say something, but then he stopped himself. (Y/N) looked down, her chin was trembling and she just couldn't control herself anymore, so she started crying. She cried several times alone in her room for Daniel, but telling him about her feelings after so long and seeing that he didn't know what to say, made all her dreams fall apart.
(Y/N) turned her back to him so that he couldn't see her tears, but he for sure could hear her crying. Daniel closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair, not knowing how to react. He was clueless about everything and she never gave him signals, till that night. However, before placing his eyes on Ali that day on the beach, he was eyeing (Y/N) kissed by the sun, layed down on her towel. She slightly lowered her sunglasses to glance at Daniel and was the first girl of the group that smiled at him.
Daniel looked at (Y/N)'s back and as the time passed, he asked himself why he chose Ali. Yes, she was pretty, but (Y/N) was a beauty that he never saw before. He remembered her sly smile at the beach and even the way her legs shined in the sun, or how he desired to caress her hair because they looked so soft.
Daniel was dating the wrong girl and he only understood that thanks to that evening spent with (Y/N). He realized that he never had something really in common with Ali and she wasn't even a devoted lover like he wanted. Conversations with Ali were superficial and mostly about the things she liked. With (Y/N) time flied away and he had the most fun night in his life with her. She listened to him, she acted like his girlfriend even tho she wasn't.
And the butterflies he felt everytime he looked at her explained everything that he needed to know.
"Shit!" Daniel suddenly cursed under his breath, making (Y/N) turn her head to look at him while quickly wiping her tears away. "I think i forgot the bag with the gift at the Arcade."
(Y/N)'s heart broke even more at his words. He was still thinking about Ali in that situation. (Y/N) felt stupid and also angry. She was mentally telling herself that she needed to forget Daniel and move on, but she knew that it was going to be hard.
"I'm gonna take it back-" Daniel nervously spoke. "You- stay here. Just stay here, okay?"
(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows at him and then only nodded, without saying a word. She watched Daniel walk away, turning the corner to reach the Arcade again. She sighed and crossed her arms to her chest, tapping her feet on the floor. The wind hit her face and she felt some of her tears drying up on her cheeks. All she could think about was Daniel kissing her, his hands, his body, his everything.
Ishould've stayed silent. She whispered to herself and rested her head against the wall, closing her eyes for some minutes before she heard some steps getting closer to her. Opening her eyes, she saw Daniel again with the bag in his hand.
"Can we go no-" Daniel ushed her, placing one of his fingers on her lips.
"I think that these will look better on you..." He softly spoke while taking out the box with the earrings from the bag. (Y/N) was beyond shocked and turned her head away, but Daniel gently took her cheek to make her look at him again. "Let me put them on you."
"Daniel what-"
"Please just let me do it."
(Y/N) sighed and stood still infront of him. He moved one strand of her hair behind her ear and clasped the first earring to her lobe, then did the same thing to the other ear. He backed away a little to admire her better and smirked at the view.
"I knew it." He proudly said, more to himself than to (Y/N). She still had her arms crossed and another warm tear was sliding down her cheek. Daniel noticed it and wiped it away with his finger,  hugging her tightly and resting his chin on the top of her head. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his back and cried into his chest while Daniel caressed her soft locks and kissed her forehead, reassurring her.
When she stopped crying, he cupped her face with his hands and cleaned her up from her tears and smeared lipstick.
"I look like a mess-" she softly chuckled.
"No, you still look beautiful." He gave her a short peck on the lips and smiled. "Should we go?"
When she nodded, Daniel wrapped one arm around her shoulders and walked with her in the dark streets illuminated by the moon light. She looked down and rested her head on his shoulder, feeling protected for the first time in her life. Daniel held her tight and squeezed her shoulder before speaking.
"So when do you want me to teach you some Karate?"
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nightshadeshadow123 · 3 years
Teasing:part 3 (Ratched)
Part 3 finally for those that wanted it. I'm glad ya'll enjoyed it enough to want a part 3 even though it's way OC but hell I tend to make things more OC than normally. Sorry if this smut part suck. I've tried my best to write this while away on this vacation and I'm glad to be finally home, my family have driven me crazy and was around most times I tried to wrote this part and had to entertain the two cutie capuchin monkeys my aunt have, lol now I'm thinking of Lenore Osgood with the capuchin monkey in Ratched too(lol those two cutiee were attached to me most times making it a challenge to type but I didn't mind that much.) This part got longer than I expected but aye it's smutty smut smut and ya'll thirsty like always anyways.
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When Gwendolyn finally managed to park at the secluded medium sized house you two shared her juices was already dripping down your fingers and hand with two of your fingers still buried knuckle deep inside of her heated core.
She was beyond frustrated now because not even once have she been able to get a release because the instant you'd feel her get close you'd stop and keep your fingers still inside of her while Mildred whispered some rather dirty comments in her ear with her dark eyes occasionally focusing on the blonde before focusing back on your nimble juice coated fingers buried inside of the older woman that had her lip between her teeth almost drawing blood as the two of you keep her teetering on edge but never allowing her once to go over it.
You and Mildred shared a smug look and you took that opportunity to pull your fingers out of the other woman and seductively stick the two fingers in your mouth and licking every bit of sticky wetness off of them, never once breaking eye contact with the red haired woman as her eyes followed the movement, eyes darkening even more so in lust as she bit down on her lower lip.
Gwendolyn shot you a look, dilated blue eyes burning holes into the side of your head and ready to protest at the sudden empty feeling without your fingers in her but they soften when she saw the way you seem to enjoy the teasing you get out of Mildred with your juice covered fingers still in mouth before releasing them with a soft 'pop', before focusing your lust fulled gaze back on the blonde with a blank look on your face but she could clearly see the way you feel with just one look in your eyes.
Mildred had to resist the urge to not lean over and take your fingers into her mouth as you looked away to the older woman, rubbing her thighs together to try and relief the aching between her legs.
"Fucks sake, just stop torturing me with all this teasing! Let's go." Gwendolyn huffed out, as desperate look on her face and urging her door open and then slamming it shut behind her and speed walking to the front door of the house and ramming for the keys in her purse.
"Oh, someone nicely worked up and wantonly desperate." Mildred chuckled under her breath darkly, her low voice making you feel things as the eyes focused in on your, eyes narrowed in a sinister way.
You let out a chuckle and got out of the car and wait for Mildred as she rushed out too, following closely behind you as she took on the beautiful house, it was just the right type of size to give it a homely feel.
"Hmm, but I thought you loved being teased by me lover." You cooed the honeyed words into the blondes ear, leaning against her back, your tall height making it easy to lean on her shoulder as you wrapped your arms around her waist and begin to plant sloppy kisses up her neck that have her shivering before you bite down on her pulse point, drawing a whimper out of her mouth that have both you and Mildred a wet mess.
"Oh fuck." She leaned her head back, her hands stopping to twist the key into the keyhole as she allow you to rub your clothed core up against her back, your warm breath and low moan falling from your lips against her ear making her tremble in delight before she snapped her eyes open again and open the door in a rush, pulling you inside and waiting for Mildred who followed behind while hungrily eyeing the two of you.
Gwendolyn the the door shut before throwing her purse and jacket that she had onto the black sofa that was the nearest and already began to pull her aching feet out of the cream heels she wore, abandoning them on the floor.
While the blonde was distracted with that, Mildred mustered up enough courage to move towards, slowly taking you by the waist and pulling you closer until your faces are inches apart and searching your eyes with hers before starting to lean in.
You smirked at this closing your eyes and not even a moment later you feel her soft lips on yours. At first it was a little unsure but the moment you wrapped a arm around her back and bury the other hand at the nape of her neck, pushing her firmly against your front she broke away from the kiss a moment, eyes staring in your hooded ones before smashing her lips against yours more firmly making you tighten your hold on her.
Gwendolyn looked up, eyes focused on the two of you as you kiss, enjoying to watch the two of you and curious where that might lead.
You bit at the Red haired woman's lip, keeping it between your teeth until she opened her mouth, allowing you access to slid your your tongue into her hot mouth, tongues brushing and battling up against one another's until she gave in and let you explore her mouth, her fingers digging into your waist and letting out a strangled whine into your mouth that you swallowed down, your nails digging into the nape of her neck, a shudder tingling down her spine as you continued to dominate her mouth.
Gwendolyn walked over and proceeded to put her hands on Mildred's waist and began to kiss up the side of her pale neck, occasionally nipping at the soft skin causing the nurse to shudder against you and her, let out a soft whine when you break away from the heated kiss after biting her lower again, a tinge a blood rising after you've nipped a bit too hard but she certainly didn't mind that one bit as she taste the ivory tinge in her mouth, head leaning back against the blonde woman behind her to allow her more acess to her neck.
You decide to target the other side of her neck, trailing kisses too until you got to her shoulder and softly sink your teeth into the flesh there making her jolt a little, a barely audible moan falling past her open lips as you sooth the barely there sting with your tongue.
After pulling away, you took her hand in yours and tug, motion with your head to a door and she can only guess it's a bedroom.
Gwendolyn felt the slight shift in her posture and pulled away to look and smiled when she saw what you wanted to do, urging the red haired woman to walk by gently nudging her flawed before pulling her hands away, allowing you to guide her to the be door while following the two of you.
Mildred looked around the room curiously, taking in the room that mostly consisted of black, white, purple and grey, her eyes stopping on the comfortable looking king sized bed that have black and purple sheets on.
You walked over to it and jumped on it, jostling around until you decide to lay on your stomach, looking at them both while running a hand to your now somewhat messier looking hair.
"Take a seat Mildred." You spoke up, patting on a spot near the side of the bed, (e/c) focused on her hungrily.
Mildred let's a smirk tug at her lips at the look in your eyes and walked over, sitting on the edge.
Gwendolyn shot the two of you a smile before beginning to undress herself.
You took the chance to sit up behind Mildred and kiss at her neck again, your arms snaking around her waist and pulling her flush against your front while you kept your kisses on her neck up.
Mildred shut her eyes, leaning back against you until you kiss up to her cheeck, using one hand to turn her face and capture her in a bruising kiss, tasting the subtle ivory taste of her blood from the bite earlier, a smirk tugging at your lips before you shoved your tongue into her mouth again as the nurse gripped your arm.
You rubbed her clothed hips for a while and trail one hand lower to her clothed core, palming it and take notice of her hips that's trying to buck up against your hand, trying to get friction breaking away from the kiss to stare into your eyes as much as possible from her position.
"More please." She asked huskily and who where you to deny. You slipped your hand into her black pants, rubbing her panty covered core, notching the growing wet patch on it before slipping it to the side, your fingers rubbing through her already soaked folds.
"Hmm, my my, aren't you just wet Nurse Ratched." You chuckled lowly into her ear, forcing her head to the side and bite her ear lobe.
She felt her breath hitch at this, a blush coating her pale cheecks.
Gwendolyn walked over, now completely naked and stop just in front of you and Mildred, watching as you toy with the red haired woman, the heat between her legs growing more am more from watching the two of you.
She began to tug Mildred's clothes of, pulling at her red jacket until you pulled away to give her more space to do so and Mildred didn't waste any time and started to pull her own clothes of while you watched, before slipping your grey dress off and the matching grey heels but keeping your bra and panties on, Mildred's lust fulled gaze immediately settling on your red bra and matching panties.
You sent her a smirk, lying back down and slowly trail your own hand down towards your center, rubbing over it slowly while, enjoying how her dark eyes focused on your hand there, suckling her lip between her teeth when you pushed your panties to the side and wetting two fingers with your juices and sinking them into your entrance, (e/c) eyes focused on the red haired nurse.
"Like what you see?" Gwendolyn asked in her ear, lust coating her voice as she trailed her dilated blue eyes focused on you.
Mildred nodded her head, a breathy "yes" falling from her lips.
The older woman smiled, eyes flicking to the woman standing in front of her. "Why don't you go and enjoy her even more." She nudged her forward and watched as the nurse joined you on the bed.
Her dark eyes once again focus on your hand as you pumped your fingers into yourself at a slow rhythm, while your other hand is playing with your bra covered breast, eyes focused on her once again and spreading your legs even further to give her a good view.
She leaned foward onto her stomach and elbows, both her hands resting on your lower legs and sliding upwards slowly until they reached your knees and that's when she jerked you downward almost a the way to her face, a yelp falling from your lips at the unexpected move from her, fingers almost slipping almost all the way out of your dripping center.
You shot her a look but she only gave you a smug smirk before forcefully grabbing your hand and pulling your fingers out of your center, taking the fingers into her mouth and sucking on them, eyes looking down at your wet panties, a dark chuckle leaving her at how ruined they are with sticky wetness and the smell of your arousal drawing her in.
"My my, just look at how wet you are you filthy girl." Mildred mocked your earlier statement in a low voice, leaning down to trace her tongue up the soaked fabric between your pussy lips, moaning at the taste of your fluids, the vibration causing your legs to jerked a bit as you leaned up on your elbows, (e/c) locking with hers in a heated haze as she looked up at you.
Gwendolyn walked over too before getting up on the other side of the bed and settling down near your head as she watched Mildred.
Mildred leaned down this time to kiss against your inner tights, pulling down your wet panties soon afterwards and discarding the fabric on the floor before kissing up your right leg up to your inner tight and settling her body down between your legs.
"Be a good girl and don't move your hips too much." Mildred said in a demanding voice, both her hands settling on your inner thighs with a firm grip, dark eyes locked onto yours.
Before you could say something snarky to the nurse you got caught off by a whimper tearing from your throat as she sucked your clit into her warm mouth, nails digging into your thighs, almost drawing blood as your head fall back, hips jerking unintentionally even more so when Gwendolyn start to trace her fingertips to your bellybutton, her fingers catching the red diamond bellybutton ring there for a moment before moving lower till under Mildred's chin, moving two fingers to part your soaked pussy lips for the red haired woman.
"I said no moving." Mildred growled out after pulling away, eyes narrowed into slits at you and proceeded to flung your legs over her shoulders.
"Sorry Nurse Ratched." You panted out, one of your hands gripping your hair slightly while you try to keep your legs steady over the red haired woman's firm shoulders.
Gwendolyn chuckled lowly at you, rubbing your clit in slow circles. "Who knew you'd be such a submissive girl for the nurse."
You only let out a moan at the woman, enjoying the way she's rubbing circles on your clit.
Mildred kissed the blondes hand affectionately and looked into her blue eyes until the older woman pulled her hand away completely and decided to flung your bra off after struggling a few moments.
Mildred stuck her tongue out, licking from your soaked entrance and up to your clit again and taking the nub into her mouth, teeth skimming over it softly.
You let a soft moan out and dug your fingers into her hair that is hanging loosely around her after Gwendolyn have hurried pulled it loose when she helped to undress her.
Gwendolyn sucked one of your nipples into her mouth, teeth sinking into the soft flesh around it, a strangled sound falling from your lips while her other hand squeezed your other boob.
The blonde kept this up for a few moments before switching over to the other nipple, repeating her earlier actions.
You let you soft moans and take notice when the older woman's breast rubbed up against your side, reaching your free hand up to play with her soft mounds while tightening your grip on Mildred's hair with the other hand.
Gwendolyn pulled away before crashing her lips against yours, the kiss starting off slow at first until getting more heated, swallowing down your moans you let out when Mildred plunged two fingers into your clenching entrance while lapping at your nub with her tongue.
The blonde woman made out with you for a few moments before pulling away and trying to catch her breath.
You opened your eyes to look up at the woman and gave her a breathy smile.
"Sit on my face." You said lowly after a minute, tightening your legs around Mildred's shoulders and moaning when the nurse pulled away to bite at your pussy in warning before licking your clit again.
"Are you certain?" The blonde questioned and you shot her a blank look, mind reeling because she always asked that the first few times.
"I am certain. I love it when you do it." You assured her, softly rubbing her leg.
Gwendolyn shot you one last smile before pushing herself up, putting her legs on either side of your head and lowering herself slowly but you grew impatient to taste her and only flung your hands up to grip her hips and slammed her down onto your lips, tongue immediately darting into her sopping entrance.
"Of fuck!" The older woman let out a moan at your sudden impatient rough handling but she sure didn't mind as she sunk one hand hands fingers into your (h/c) locks while she steadied herself with the other one on the soft bed, hips jerking against your eager mouth as you plunge your tongue as deep as possible into her, lapping up any juices you could get.
Mildred looked up at the sound of the older woman's sounds and seeing at how eagerly you are thrusting your tongue into the blonde woman and she grew even more wet, almost wanting to reach down and touch herself, relief the aching between her legs but she just opted to suck more harshly on your clit, pulling a loud moan from you, your nails digging into the blondes hips as she shook against you at the stimulating feeling the moan have caused into her heated core.
You softened your grip on the older woman, your hands running soothingly over her soft hips as you allow your tongue to run over her soaked lips before kissing and biting at her nub into your mouth.
Gwendolyn let out a pant, her grip on your hair firm as she tried to hold back her moans but failing miserably, already feeling her orgasm approaching again, desperate for release after all the teasing you and Mildred did in with her in the car.
You could tell and bring your hand up, wetting two fingers and sliding them into her entrance, already plunging them into her at a fast pace, not bothering to give her time to adjust, the other hand settling on her hip again, nails digging into her once again, you could also feel your release not so far behind, legs tightening around the other woman's shoulders.
Mildred nipped at your clit again, spreading your lips and rubbing your nub in sensual circles with her thumb, every so often humming against you to cause more stimulation coursing through your core, her other hand on your inner thigh moving to your entrance, three fingers pushing into your entrance and rubbing against the spongey layer with precision, her pace not once faltering even when your walls flutter against her fingers tightly.
"Shit! Don't stop doing that!" You ordered out at Mildred after pulling your mouth away from the blonde woman, your hand that was on the older woman's hip flying down to tangle in Mildred's hair firmly, tugging at it at times.
She comply, not wanting to stop anyways, letting out a hum while you returned to eating Gwendolyn out once again, a moan falling from your lips.
Gwendolyn tried to keep her orgasm in a little while longer, a shiver running up her spine at the moans you release against her wet core biting her lip to keep in her moans more.
"Don't hold back lover." You cooed up at the woman, a smirk tugging at your lips as you breath out warm air against her clit, picking up the pace of your fingers even more before letting your tongue run in circles around her nub now.
Gwendolyn threw her eyes shut, a desperate whimper falling from her lips as she move herself more against your mouth, pulling at your hair.
"O-oh f-". Gwendolyn cut of midsentence as she felt her orgasm washing over her when you sucked her nub into your mouth, finger scissoring her while thrusting into her fluttering core.
You happily lapped up her gushing juices, your tongue thrusting into her to lick every last drop until the blonde woman moved off of you, trying to get away from you that always loves to over stimulate her right after she's finished, one of her hands flying up to run through her messy blonde locks as she panted to catch her breath, lying down next to you onto her back, sending you a breathless smile when your eyes connected with her blue ones, one of your hands rubbing at her hips softly.
Mildred looked at the two of you affectionately, for some reason she enjoyed seeing you and the older woman so affection with one another. She knew you could be just as cold at times but you've never once been cold to her or Gwendolyn and even Huck even when your bitch switch was triggered and she was happy for that reason and sure got a kick out of it when you ran your mouth at Nurse Bucket, you've certainly not fallen on your mouth when you were little.
The nurse sank her teeth into the flesh of your nub, her three fingers curling inside of you and rubbing against your g-spot, a loud moan falling from your lips and eyes falling shut as your orgasm draw dangerously close, just on the brink now.
The nurse could tell you tried to hold back, moving her hands to rub against your upper thights before moving around you to tightly grip your ass, forcing her tongue inside of your entrance as deep as possible, ignoring the way you tightening your legs around her shoulders as you moaned out freely now, hips jolting against her mouth.
It only took few more thrust of her tongue into you until you felt your orgasm raking through you, legs shaking and moan forcing it's way through your throat but it was swallowed by Gwendolyn when she smashed her lips against yours, greedily swallowing the others that followed shortly afterwards as the red haired woman between your legs lick up your juices languidly, her soft hands rubbing your legs soothingly after she pulled them from around her shoulders.
"Good girl." The nurse cooed against your upper leg, her warm breath tickling your skin, goosebumps dotting your skin.
She crawled up your body after Gwendolyn pulled away from the kiss, her hands dipping into the soft mattress on either side of your head.
"You taste amazing Babygirl." She husked out in her low voice, her hooded dark eyes staring deeply into yours as your cheecks dusted on a soft pink but not breaking eye contact with the magnificent woman on top of you.
"I bet you taste even better." You snarked out, your eyes flicking to her lips.
The nurse smirked at you, taking notice of your eyes on her lips.
"Do you now?" She chuckled lowly, leaning down, her lips trailing kisses up your neck and shoulder until they reached your lips, her tongue immediately pushing past your lips and domenating your mouth, giving you a taste of yourself on her tongue.
You took the moment she was distracted to wrap your legs around her waist and flipped her over, hands pinning Mildred's hands above her head, smirk playing at your lips even when Gwendolyn smacked at your ass for jostling her from the sudden movement.
"Getting kinky now are we?" You shot the blonde a full smirk, your hips pinning Mildred's to the bed when she tried to move to try and flip you.
"Ah ah, you aren't in charge at the moment Nurse Ratched." You looked down at the red haired woman, your forehead resting against her as she huffed a breath out against your lips as you began to rub your core against hers in a sensual way, smiling down at her when you drew a moan from her lips as her eyes closed briefly at the wonderful sensation, hips thrusting back against yours as she raised her legs to give you more access there, goosebumps peppering her skin when the cold metal piece of your bellybutton ring fell and slid against her naked stomach, finding the feeling surprisingly enjoyable.
Gwendolyn ran a hand up your naked back side, nails trailing up your spine in the way she knew you loved, her nails digging into your flesh near the nape of your neck while she focused her eyes focused on your lower back muscles a they flexed slightly from the way you are thrusting your core against Mildred's, a delicious moan falling from your lips.
"You two enjoy yourselves. I'll go and wash up and prepare as a lovely meal again." The blonde woman kissed your cheeck adoringly and got up from the bed.
"But do be careful Mildred, she can be quite insatiable when she wants to be." Gwendolyn shot the the red haired nurse a wink when the woman stared up at her from underneath you, watching as the older woman walked out of the room after grabbing some comfortable looking pyjamas.
You smirked when you noticed the red haired woman's distraction, snapping your hips firmly against hers, your core rubbing against hers deliciously, a strangled moan falling from her as she shot her eyes up to yours, one of her hands shooting down to grope your ass cheeck firmly and the other one grabbing your hip, nails digging into it, mouth agape as you picked a fast but still sensual pace.
"O-oh god! Please don't stop! That f-feels so good." She moaned into your ear as you lowered your head to kiss her clavicle, one hand gripping the back of her leg tightly to ground harder against her soaking center, her sticky wetness smearing against your center and inner thights but you enjoyed that.
You bit down hard on her shoulder, a yelp escaping her and then a moan when you soothed the bite with your tongue before kissing up her neck and slammed your lips against her swollen lips in a bruising kiss, shoving your tongue into her mouth immediately and fighting hers for dominance, smugness spreading through you as her fight weakens until she finally allowed you do dominate her mouth once again, humming into your mouth, feeling herself get impossibly wetter at being dominated and the feeling of your erected nipples rubbing against hers sending tingels all over that pulsate right to her core with a strong force, not long after feeling the all too familiar burning sensation of her orgasm nearing as you kept a relentless pace against her core with yours.
"Ah! Just like that. I-I'm so cl-ose!" She panted out after pulling away from the heated kiss, her grip on your ass tightening and her nails that dug into your hip drawing blood as she rubbed herself against you with more force, her mouth open in a silent moan when you wrapped one of her legs around your lower back to pick up more speed.
Oh how you loved seeing this usual stoic nurse powerless for once as you pleasure her, ignoring your second orgasm approaching, solely focused on seeing the older woman beneath you become a helpless heaving mess.
"I'm gonn-..." she was cut of by her orgasm crashing through her without warning, walls pulsating out juices and her leg tightening around you as hard as possible as whimpers fall from her kiss swollen lips, dark eyes screwed shut and one of her hands throw in her hair.
You steadily slowed your pace, helping her ride out her high and moaning at her wetness coating your thights and core, kissing her temple softly, your lips lingering there until you've completely stopped all movement of your hips, eyes staring down and her warmly as she panted out from her orgasm, trying to regain her breath.
She have you a breathless smile, eyes glimmering with adoration and love, her hand moving a lock of hair away from your face.
"That was amazing, thank you." Mildred breathed out.
You only give her a teasing smirk, kissing the inside of her hand before swiftly moving down her body and in between her legs, head lowering and immediately you swiped your tongue over her wet puss lips, liking away her juices as her legs jerk in surprise, her hand flying to your head and gripping your hair as you swirled your tongue around her nub, nipping it gently a few times, delighting in her soft sighs falling from her mouth.
"I'm not done with you yet love." You said lowly, making eye contact with her as you spread her legs apart with your arms and suck her nub into your mouth, tongue running over it teasingly slow followed by a sudden harsh suck that have her bucking her hips, grip in your hair tightening and playing with one of her boobs.
She could only smile to herself. She didn't quite expected for you to be so dominant and insatiable at one moment and soft and and submissive the next, the first time she have met you at Lucia state hospital but she surely didn't mind this one bit.
You release her nub and trailed your nose and lips against her clit, blowing cool air onto her skin before delving your tongue between her lips and into her entrance to lick up the juices from her earlier orgasm.
She groaned, her other hand moving down to rub her nub in slow circles but you only bit her hand, not too hard hard but just enough to make her jerk it away, looking down at you in surprise.
"No touching yourself while I'm busy with you." You warned before delving your tongue into her warm entrance again, pinching her nub between your pointer and middle finger, pulling on it at times and then rubbing it up and down still between your fingers.
Mildred threw her head back and bucked against you more, trying to chase the second orgasm approaching fast, her hand back on her boob and pinching her nipple as she whimpered and moan freely, sure that Gwendolyn can here it at this point.
You could feel her walls tighten around your tongue, indication that's she's near again along with her loud moans and that spurred you on more, rubbing her nub vigorously and tongue curling inside of her tightened walls, eagerly running against her spongey walls.
A few moment later she tried to mutter out something but she couldn't due to her orgasm crashing through her body like a tidal wave, her legs shaking weakly as you held them down so she can't move them as you sucked her juices up from inside of her as her cum washed over your tongue and mouth, her glistening juices coating your chin and jaw.
"Oh Shit!" She yelled out, trying to move away from your mouth but you easily over power her, your hands on her hips keeping her down as you sucked up the last bit of juices from her overstimulated core and kissing her inner thight affectionately.
"I only stop when I want to." You growled against her soft tight before crawling up the bed and turning her onto her side, spooning her from behind, your front pressed flushed against her back while she panted for breath once more but enjoying the act of affection, her hand moving to interlock with one of yours.
"Oh no no, don't think I'm done with you yet love." You whispered against her ear, running the tip of your tongue from the shell of her ear and taking it into your mouth, your knee parting her legs as you slipped your hand downwards, finger dipping into her bellybutton briefly before moving do wards and immediately you sunk three fingers into her weeping soaked entrance without warning, tearing a choked sob from her as you already pound your fingers into her with a merciless pace.
"Fuc-Oh!" She cut of, her breath heavy as whine slipped out, one hand gripping the sheets below her until her knuckles turned white while her other hand move to your wrist, trying to get you to stop, fearing that she'd be a weeping mess if you tore another painfully delicious orgasm from her.
"I said no touching." You growled in her ear, moving your head down to nip at the side of her neck, deciding to make the pace of your fingers as fast as possible as her punishment, the squelching of her wet walls around your fingers making you ache and impossibly wey between your legs but you ignored it once again.
Mildred moaned loudly, her dark eyes screwed shut as she reluctantly pulled her hand away just teetering on the edge of another orgasm as she bite down on her lower lip painfully until she drew blood.
"F-fucking Shit!" She yelled before a broken sob moan left her mouth, her eyes closing so hard that tears slid from them as she squirted around your fingers and hand hard, her wekened legs trying to close as you pumped your now beyond soaked fingers into her soaked oversinsitive pussy a few more times but you didn't allow her to by moving your leg in between both of hers.
"Did you really just squirted?" You asked amusedly and half shocked, pulling your fingers from her pulsating entrance and shoving the fingers into into your mouth to lick everything off.
"You dirty woman." You mused into her ear after releasing your fingers from your mouth, until you noticed the tears on her half red cheecks.
"Shit sorry. Did I hurt you?" You asked worriedly, wiping your gently across her cheecks until her salty tears are gone.
"N-no. You didn't-havent hurted me at all. Those orgasms was just so intense. I've never experienced three orgasms all at once." The red haired woman assured you before rolling over until she's facing you and wrapped your arms around her, pushing her do front flush against yours, just wanting the comforting yet intimate skin to skin contact with you while she panted for breath, nuzzling contentedly into your neck as your head rest atop of hers, your hands rubbing her back and spine in a comforting and affectionate way, contentment filling your whole body.
Mildred looked up at you suddenly. "You've only came once. That's not fair." She tried to move her hands to your core but you tightened your arms around her.
"Hey, it's fine. Tonight was all about you. Besides I'm more of a giver than a receiver anyways." You kissed her temple gently.
"Now relax with me." You murmured against her skin, (e/c) closing as you kept your lips on her temple.
Mildred nuzzled back into your neck, a content smile on her lips as she closed her dark eyes too, just completely relaxing into your comfortable embrace, wishing to stay like this forever with just you and Gwendolyn.
Gwendolyn pushed the door to the room open, eyes full of adoration and love as she looked over to the two of you cuddling, making her way over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it.
"It looks like the two of you had fun." The blonde said amusedly.
You looked to the older woman, head still on Mildred's. "We sure did."
"I heard so. Mildred was really loud at times but I certainly didn't mind at all." She smiled, one hand rubbing over Mildred's hip softly causing the red haired woman to shoot her a smile but staying still.
"I've made something to eat. The two of you should join me and we can have some wine and maybe watch some movies." Gwendolyn suggested.
"I've don't think I'll be able to walk for a while, my legs are still weak." Mildred mumbled against your neck, pink dusting her cheecks.
Gwendolyn laughed at this and patted Mildred's hip.
"Oh okay, we can rest here for awhile." She scooted over next to Mildred, throwing one arm over the woman too.
You smiled over at the blonde as you caught her blue eyes over Mildred's shoulder and she happily returned it.
Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoyed this part as much as I enjoyed writing it and sorry if it's cringey but I've tried my best with this smut part. And sorry for those that wanted a more sub reader but I'm a dom switch and I just couldn't resist adding it into the story. And let's just pretend that bellybutton rings existed back then, I love them so much.
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