#No homura slander
ellipsiseffervescent · 7 months
Tries to warn the group about Kyubey in early timelimes
Jumps off a bridge to chase Sayakas soul gem without a second thought
Warns Mami not to fight Charlotte, that this isn't a typical fight
Despite her confusion of the dream world she's in, she refused to hit Mami anywhere vital as they fight over a witch
Says this:
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Meanwhile Smooth brain takes on Tumblr dot com:
Homura is the antagonist. She doesn't care about anyone but madoka. She will use anyone for Madoka. She hates the girls. She's not friends with them.
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mimikyuno · 6 months
homura (after a whole movie dedicated to the mechanisms of her inner psyche and set in a world that is literally her subconscious, populated by little dolls that are the manifestation of her emotions and self-hatred, after a whole movie where we get to see that she loves and cares for her friends and above all she deeply loves madoka, after the most heartbreaking scene in the history of anime where she realises madoka never wanted to sacrifice herself, after sacrificing herself to try and keep madoka’s wish alive anyway and keep her safe from the incubators, after being saved by madoka and feeling undeserving of it yet again, after finally giving up on trying to preserve madoka’s wish and creating a universe in which madoka can be happy and her friends too and the incubators eat shit, after showing how much she hates herself for it): i’m evil! i’m a demon! i’m evil incarnate!
people: yeah that checks out, homura is evil.
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faelapis · 8 months
pmmm rebellion: the flower scene
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i like pmmm rebellion. a lot. i'd go so far as to say it’s one of my favorite movies. but i've never liked the interpretation from some, of this scene. the flower scene. essentially, the idea is that homura was right in how madoka was "miserable" as a god. because madoka "agreed with her" in the flower scene.
as a baseline, i will say right off the bat that i think pmmm is a franchise where you can never fully escape tragedy. i think any ending to this story will be bittersweet, and there is a certain amount of sacrifice and misery inherent in its very concept.
that being said. i don't think madoka becoming a god was as tragic as homura makes it out to be. i don't think its just a hero sacrificing herself for the greater good. i think it's more. and i think this scene, as much as it is a conversation, is also an act of self-delusion.
this one-note interpretation of madoka as a tragic sacrifice (in how she herself feels) is ignoring... well. the context of the whole series. which homura herself is also ignoring. by which i mean, she was a quite the unreliable narrator in how she described the sacrifice / miracle madoka would go on to perform.
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for the record, i think there is something both selfish and selfless to homura. i think she genuinely believes she is helping madoka. and i think homura thinks that's all she wants. this is not an attempt to slander her - but more about how i think she has an incomplete understanding of madoka, and what madoka wants in life.
basically, i'm not trying to argue here that madoka's sacrifice is just good "for the world." obviously, it is. we already know that. what i'm trying to argue is that i think it - in some ways - is also good for madoka herself. not in an uncomplicated way, but that its not all bad. that she gets something out of being this godlike being. at the very least, i think it is better for madoka than the world homura creates.
okay. so. flower scene. homura pretty vaguely just says “you’re going to be separated from everyone you love." which, on its own, is pretty sad. she mentions that there's something "only (madoka) can do". and that madoka, being selfless, would do this because she feels she has to. that it is a tragedy.
what homura doesn't mention is madoka becoming this godlike, conceptual being who is everywhere at all times. which is a pretty big fucking thing to leave out. homura might as well have said “you’re going to be separate from ME, and that’s going to make ME sad” for how honest she was about the context of the situation.
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in short, homura is framing the situation as tragically as possible because she wants madoka to say what she wants to hear. she wants to be told that it was miserable. because homura was miserable.
essentially, what homura says will happen: you'll be away from everyone forever. it will accomplish ~something~, but i will not tell you what. it will make me very sad. please comfort me. (which madoka does, because of course. lest we forget part of what she says is she would never want to make someone as strong as homura sad.)
what actually happens: you will have the power to save every magical girl from suffering. you will become a conceptual god, which will remove you from your human life. but you will also be with every magical girl, always, and give them comfort. you will not only have your own agency, but make sure that the wishes of magical girls everywhere MATTER and don't end in despair. including your own. even when you would become a witch and despair, you will save yourself. and when i die, i will be with you as well.
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i think by framing it this way, homura IS being honest about how it "felt" to her. but homura also misunderstands what madoka wants.
first of all, madoka's life as a regular human... well, i'm not going to say it was unhappy. but i think it was unfulfilled. i think madoka was an insecure girl without much sense of what she wanted in life. and it was also ignorant. ignorant of the pain of the world, of the suffering that other magical girls had gone through. it was privileged, but it was also, in this way, empty.
madoka’s self-actualization (in the series) has a lot to do with helplessness vs being able to make a difference. in short, she wants agency. what her wish does is give her that agency, which she trades for her life as a normal human.
what homura’s wish does is the reverse. it’s giving madoka her humanity back, but in return, she no longer has agency. she doesn’t get to do the self-actualization of becoming someone with the power to help others. she is, in that sense, suppressed.
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so. like. yes, THAT “regular magical girl who knows zero context of her own character arc” version of madoka? of COURSE she doesn’t want to leave everyone behind. big duh. she isn’t told what it would accomplish (in any specific terms), she isnt aware of how it would create a version of herself with the power to change the world. nor is she acquainted with the non-magical girl version of her in the pmmm series, who had no agency at all until she chose to become a god.
in the series, that is not a moment of despair for madoka. that is when she finds hope. that is when she attains a world where she can give rest to all magical girls. and give herself a reason to fight. that hope and determination carries her, and she is with it forever.
it’s also worth noting, rebellion!madoka's not just saying it would make her sad. she is also doubting herself. she's saying she is far “too spineless” to do it. how she's this weak, helpless person who would never be able to leave people for a greater calling.
putting aside how she’s not really gone / at least exists in this abstract way - she is also demonstrating how she doesn't believe in herself. so even this "happy" magical girl version of madoka still has some of the helpless insecurity of her series counterpart. she may live a relatively peaceful life, but she is not fulfilled. she lacks the purpose, determination and hope of her series counterpart.
in other words, even this version of madoka needs to self-actualize. and part of her knows that. in homura's "happy" new realm, madoka "feels wrong." she seems shy and insecure. ill at ease. uncomfortable. like she's at the start of her arc, not the end. yet the godlike power within her refuses to be erased. it can only be held back. for now.
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in a way, i see homura trapping madoka a bit like the symbolism of not letting someone grow up. sure, adulthood might not be as "simple and happy" as childhood, but it also gives you knowledge and agency in life. it allows you to learn & grow, understand the world as it is, make educated choices in who you want to be, and become that best version of yourself. THAT is what madoka is denied. that is how she feels wrong in this “happy” illusion realm that homura creates.
also. god madoka would definitely be a lot happier if she could be with homura in heaven and have the ability to save her lol.
but there's a problem with that, for homura. and that problem is, that would give madoka the agency in the situation, and leave homura the passive receiver of blessings. which is at odds with homura’s own desire for control. like madoka, she wants to not be helpless and have the ability to affect the story. after all, she did fail to stop madoka in the series. i think homura wants some of that agency, too. hence the imagery of her soul gem going from a pawn to a queen.
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essentially, i see this as a conflict between two sides who want to be in charge of their own destinies. they've been stripped of their agency by the world, and they want to have it back - no matter what it would cost. this is what they have in common.
when homura refused to join madoka in "magical girl heaven", she was ultimately refusing happiness for the sake of agency. for the sake of being able to be "madoka's hero." that's what she always wanted to be, and failed to be in the original series.
tl;dr: there is something tragic in madoka's wish. for sure. but i think it gives madoka agency in the world, which she always wanted. i think being able to help others can be genuinely fulfilling for the individual, rather than just a sacrifice. it’s empowering, as much as it is the loss of old self. and i think homura wants to feel like that kind of hero, too - no matter what. they both do.
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evergreenalice · 7 months
hi bestie why is your icon the homophobe from Madoka I think we need to cancel you
okay listen the FUCK up
you are about to get educated now, that's what's happening, so SIT down and LEARN
first of all, even in the dub, that bitch is the MOST REPRESSED LESBIAN, and you are the homophobe, that girl is in a closet deep enough to run in
SECOND OF ALL, what she ACTUALLY says, not in the dub, is "it's forbidden love, one that can never be" or whatever, this is framed TRAGICALLY by her, it is not "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" it's "it's tragic that society will not accept you V_V"
no this girl has read ANGSTY yuri, and you FUCKING know it
do not DARE insult her
this is not to even get into the fact that in the PSP game she has a crush on Homura, and NO, not just in the joke route, this girl is NOT straight, and she is NOT homophobic
improve yourself before you come to me with such SLANDER again
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There weren’t many people that Homura loved, and likewise, there weren’t many people that loved Homura. Of course, who would love someone like her? Such a thing sounded impossible to her, and yet somehow, some people loved her. She had a hard time believing that, but so it was. 
Before her beloved Madoka had come into her life, there were two people whom Homura loved so dearly – her dear parents. 
They were the only people who loved her in her childhood, and they loved her unconditionally. They were a blessing. Homura had been born sick, with a congenital heart disease. Her parents weren't very rich, they were middle-class, and the hospital fees were overwhelming. But despite that, they didn't abandon her. That would have been much easier, but they didn't. Instead, they stuck by her side, working day and night tirelessly to afford her medications. Even though they worked hard and most of their days were occupied working, they made sure to make room for Homura, spending lots of time with her whenever they could. 
Homura loved them so, so much. Every time she thought about how much they loved her, every time they uttered the words, “I love you”, she would burst out in tears and hug them tightly. They were precious to her, they were her everything. 
And then she lost them. 
One day, after work, her parents were on their way to the hospital. Being sick, Homura had to spend much of her days confined to a hospital. It was scary for a young girl like her but with her parents there, it seemed very bearable. Her parents had boarded a taxi and were on their way. 
But they never came. 
Eventually, a few minutes later, Homura was visited by a nurse. She looked grim and sad, and Homura immediately began to feel scared. 
Then she told her that her parents were dead. A large truck had hit the car they were in, and the damage was fatal. Both of them died immediately after. 
Homura felt like dying right there and then. She wished she was dead, that this terrible heart disease of hers would kill her, or that she would’ve died instead of her beloved parents. They… they didn't deserve to die, above all it was she who deserved to die. 
They were dead, and it was all her fault. 
If only she hadn't been born, they wouldn't have died. They wouldn’t have suffered such a terrible and unjust fate. In all her heartache, she wished that they hadn't loved her, that they had abandoned her so that they would have lived. But they were too kind, and those words felt like slandering their goodness. Immediately, she felt even more terrible, feeling disgust boiling from within her. She was such a selfish, ungrateful brat. How could she think about such a terrible thought after all the kindness they had shown her? After all the love they showered her? 
All she had left of them were a family picture and a book they had gifted her before. Every night, every day, she would clutch the picture frame to her chest and sob, “I miss you… I miss you two so much…” 
Later in her life, Homura had the terrible feeling that she caused the deaths of all who loved her. She had caused the deaths of her beloved parents and now it was because of her that her precious Madoka had died. 
She thought her life was crumbling apart from there, but in truth, it had begun crumbling once her parents had died. 
Homura had suppressed all of her memories of her past, and she had forgotten that she ever had parents. 
When Madoka ascended, it was only there that Homura remembered the picture. She took it out and caressed the picture while smiling softly. 
“I missed you guys…”
To be honest, I headcanon that Homura was abandoned by her parents, but this is even sadder… poor Homura…
I hope this was a decent enough fic, this was kinda tricky to write for some reason…
I hope you liked it!
PREVIOUS || Parents || NEXT
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britts-galaxy-brain · 10 months
Alright I usually don't respond to Lily's media opinions but she has once again reduced a multi-layered storyline down to "fetish" and I will not stand for such slander. Xain too.
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Lily, if all you got out of the entirety of Madoka Magica is "the author wanted to watch girls die", THAT IS A YOU PROBLEM!
Madoka Magica explores several dark subjects and imho does so pretty well for what it is. You've got the manipulative predatory Kyubey preying on desperate people by appearing as an unassuming helper (HMM SOUNDS FAMILIAR), you've got the theme of "be careful what you wish for", you've got the concept of reliving trauma over and over again until you reach a point of acceptance, and an exploration of how trauma can deeply corrupt a person if it isn't dealt with in a healthy manner (Walpurgisnacht).
Each of the main characters represents a different motive that drives them, and how those motives can be both a source of inspiration and growth or a source of self-destruction. (Spoilers ahead, highly recommend watching if you're into this sort of thing.)
Madoka's main deal is her lack of self-esteem that has so far prevented her from doing much with her life outside of basic survival. She sees herself as fundamentally weak, unassuming, and uninteresting. After seeing Mami fight a Witch, Madoka's motive is to become strong like Mami, but her lack of self-esteem holds her back.
Homura is lonely and horribly codependent on Madoka. The constant time resets Homura engages in to continue reliving her time with Madoka, and as a consequence the trauma that separated them, fundamentally harms Madoka over time in a way neither of them were aware of until it was too late. Much like how actual codependent relationships can spiral without the people involved noticing.
Mami was essentially forced into a magical contract to save her own life after a car accident that killed her parents. Her motive becomes protecting others, but she's emotionally disconnected from the world and herself, which ultimately leads to her death.
Sayaka tells herself that her motive is to protect others like Mami, but her actual motive was to heal the boy she's in a one-sided infatuation with. It's hinted that at least some part of her hoped they'd end up together, but it never happened. Sayaka's denial and refusal to deal with her emotional turmoil is what leads to her death.
Kyoko's motive was extremely misguided. She used her wish to help her excommunicated heretic father gain followers to help her family out of poverty. After her father goes insane after learning what she did, Kyoko decides to be selfish with her abilities, believing using them to try to help others will only harm them in the end. Kyoko struggles with the fact that she is not a fundamentally selfish person, but she believes she is protecting others by being so.
Kyubey is just a sociopathic genie using the girls' deepest desires and insecurities to manipulate them into signing their souls away.
Madoka Magica is one of the best animes I've ever watched. It's not overly sexualized, it doesn't rely solely on a gimmick (I realize magical girl is a gimmick but damn this one did it good), it explores multiple complex, interweaving emotional and interpersonal struggles, and the animation is fuckin spooky and fantastic.
Fuck Lily and Xain and their shallow-ass opinions.
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takerfoxx · 10 months
Any takes on Madoka that tend to annoy or bother you? It might just be the years I've spent in the Shonen trenches, but I get a bit annoyed at power level talk...specifically the idea that Sayaka is just 'weak'. I find that its a poor take away, as the problem seems to be more by comparison to three veterans and a fellow rookie with unfathomable magical potential with her lacking a mentor with Mami dead, Kyoko being initially too abrasive, and Homura and Sayaka getting along too poorly for Sayaka to accept it even if Homura offered . And it strikes me that the material after the original series tends to lean into that direction (that the problem isn't that Sayaka is inherently weak, just less experienced or with less raw power than a girl a wish away from godhood) Curious if any common takaways really annoy you like this one does me. I'm certainly more easily aggravated by it from years of discourse about shonen power levels...
Beyond unfair Sayaka slander, bashing Hitomi and Kyousuke for the crime of not knowing what kind of show they're in. Like, seriously. They had no way of knowing.
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mayajadeart · 1 year
Someone reblogged a post and provided some very particular tags on it so let me just make this clear:
On this blog we respect Madoka Kaname, we stan Homura Akemi, and we will abide no slander of their perfect rugby-ball-shaped heads. Do I make myself clear?
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magicalgirlagency · 2 years
I'd like to learn more about the Incubators' borrowed minions. Got any interesting information about them?
You bet I do!
Okay, for those who are a bit confused, basically the Incubators in the new world "borrow" minions from Homulilly in their Barriers. They act as representations of Homura/Homucifer's self-hatred and mania, and could still be seen in Rebellion's ending after Madoka was forcibly separated from her ascended self.
However, one interesting thing about these minions, is that while the regular ones (Lotte, Luiselotte, Lilia and Liese) can be seen in every Barrier, the Clara Dolls are a special case, as each Incubator gets a Doll based on their title and what emotion they evoke.
In the original lore, each of the Clara Dolls represent a fatal flaw* of their master:
*There's also a 15th Doll named Ai/Love, but she's not an actual Doll. If you know, you know...
The Dolls are appointed as commanders of the other lesser minions, and can also behave as "inhabitants" of the fake world they live in (true to their original title of Children of the Fake City). They act as a special stand-in/avatar for Homucifer, allowing the demon to exist outside her eternal prison, albeit for a brief moment and relying on the Incubator's Barrier for their survival.
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heroic-endeavors · 1 year
Erika, Yuka, and their shared prototype.
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Erika is the first sibling OC I've created. Since I made her after Homura it would automatically make her Homura's mother. Before recent retcons, she would abandon Homura and remained unmarried and would change her last name to Tomoko. After retcons, her last name would be changed to Koizumi as she will be married to another OC with that last name.
The prototype, the very first version was a creation of a Reincarnation Doll to create a copy of Enji but the 'doll' created looked nothing like him. Due to residual self-hatred, they would distance themself from others and go into hiding unless actively slandered Enji's name and legacy.
Yuka/Mayu, created much later using ideas used with the prototype. Before the retcon, she'd become a villain. After when it was discovered she was still lived she'd be taken and given the name Mayu and would mostly live a normal life. Might have gotten married but haven't been decided yet.
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eat-the-sun · 3 years
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the duality of man fairies
Uruu went from “I want to kill you” to “guess I’ll save ur ass” in one episode ig 
anyways this show is A Time and im Living
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I don't care if she doesn't need the slot or if she's an average unit, I have the 500 magia chips and I am going to USE THEM
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angelspenance · 3 years
I feel like there are a lot of Parallels between Homura and Yuno bc like Madoka and Yuki respectively bc they both gave them hope. Homura was a lonely and scared girl but Madoka showed her kindness, and even when she actively pushed her away, Madoka never abandoned Homura. She gave her hope, showed her it’s okay to hope, and the world isn’t all bad. And Yuki gave Yuno hope by giving her something to look forward to. Yuno’s home life was so bad she got locked into a damn cage. So when Yuki promised Yuno they would get married, even if he didn’t mean it, he promised her a happy life. It was something to look forward to. Not to mention the craziness of the magical girls and the death game had to be very stressful, so this hope they gave them probably gave them a sense of peace as well. Of course they’re going to resort to desperate measures to keep that sense of hope and peace safe, they had no other choice than to take the opportunity they were given.
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YEAP it’s the “I’ve invested myself so deeply into you because you offered me kindness whilst my life was nothing more than falling apart at the seams (Yuno to a much more intense degree but u know u know) and you provided me hope in a world otherwise completely bleak so a world without you is unthinkable enough to the point where I will repeat my suffering endlessly should it mean that you continue to exist” though in Homura’s case it was genuine love meanwhile Yuki was nearly a coping mechanism personified for Yuno.
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ema-bessho · 6 years
2.2k, Takeru/Flame, post-canon fluff
After the end of everything, the world and all its heroes take a breath. For some of them, that means a bit of distance- and while they're not going to protest that, certainly- it doesn't mean they want to be apart.
Takeru and Flame are extremely good and supportive and I'm DYING I love them both so much
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babu-haitani · 3 years
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COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
Homura (Tokyo Revengers)
RAN 2:
INDUSTRY BABY (Tokyo Revengers)
Pictures (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Scary Dog Privileges (Tokyo Revengers)
No One Can Fix Me (Tokyo Revengers)
INDUSTRY BABY (Tokyo Revengers)
Pictures (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Scary Dog Privileges (Tokyo Revengers)
No One Can Fix Me (Tokyo Revengers)
Cat-Like (Tokyo Revengers)
INDUSTRY BABY (Tokyo Revengers)
Pictures (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
INDUSTRY BABY (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
HILLSIDE (Tokyo Revengers)
Pictures (Tokyo Revengers)
His POV (Toyo Revengers)
Homura (Tokyo Revengers)
BESTO FURENDO!! (Tokyo Revengers)
Pictures (Tokyo Revengers)
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
His POV (Toyo Revengers)
Homura (Tokyo Revengers)
BESTO FURENDO!! (Tokyo Revengers)
A Hugger (Tokyo Revengers)
Mr. Pink Huggers! (Tokyo Revengers)
Scary Dog Privileges (Tokyo Revengers)
Cat-Like (Tokyo Revengers)
A Hugger (Tokyo Revengers)
Mr. Pink Huggers! (Tokyo Revengers)
SLOPPY AND MESSY (Tokyo Revengers)
A Hugger (Tokyo Revengers)
Aphrodite (Tokyo Revengers)
BESTO FURENDO!! (Tokyo Revengers)
Cat-Like (Tokyo Revengers)
A Hugger (Tokyo Revengers)
Aphrodite (Tokyo Revengers)
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Oral Fixation (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Aphrodite (Tokyo Revengers)
Scary Dog Privileges (Tokyo Revengers)
Oral Fixation (Tokyo Revengers)
SLOPPY AND MESSY (Tokyo Revengers)
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
His POV (Toyo Revengers)
Oral Fixation (Tokyo Revengers)
Oral Fixation (Tokyo Revengers)
SLOPPY AND MESSY (Tokyo Revengers)
Homura (Tokyo Revengers)
Cat-Like (Tokyo Revengers)
His first (Tokyo Revengers)
SLOPPY AND MESSY (Tokyo Revengers)
Homura (Tokyo Revengers)
BESTO FURENDO!! (Tokyo Revengers)
BESTO FURENDO!! (Tokyo Revengers)
Ladies and Gentlemen, HER (Tokyo Revengers)
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weebannihilator · 2 years
Is no one going to talk about Shinjuro’s moment and Lisa’s Homura in the background piercing into our hearts? Cuz I literally lost it and burst into tears 😭
OHH I actually wanted to talk abt this!
Shinjuro was definitely in the wrong. He was drunken and attacked a child. He hit his own child. He slandered Rengoku after his death.
But it was nice to see his thoughts when he sobered up for once. It's just..... sad to see how self aware he is. He can be perfectly reasonable, but lets himself become bitter in his grief. I hope he keeps working on himself after this.
Still, I really wish Senjuro could have been taken out of this situation somehow. I can't even fathom how damaging it's been to be raised by someone almost completely closed off emotionally and to be insulted while he's grieving... I wish he got more
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