#Neville Craven
eleancrvances · 7 months
so. that happened.
from the rehearsal room - trieste; 10/25/23 *please do not repost outside of tumblr.*
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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THE SECRET GARDEN - February 19 – March 26, 2023, Ahmanson Theatre.
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butterscotch-goat · 4 months
me? secret garden posting in 2024? never(/sarcasm)
anyway I got one of the songs from the musical stuck in my head so boom secret garden doodles (mostly based on the musical because I haven't read the book in a while)
if you thought these were escapism characters for a second, I don't blame you!! the secret garden was/is one of my biggest inspirations for escapism (i.e. Neville is a bit inspo for Charles, Archie & Mary are inspos for Martha (my Martha, not secret garden martha-))
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daveys-sister · 1 year
Neville: What’s going on here?
Archibald: I was just hugging my kids.
Neville: Why?
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janacariad · 12 days
"Lily's Eyes" but Philip Quast is singing both parts (lyrics)
So much beauty packed into 3 minutes 🥺❤️ As if Secret Garden wasn't already tearjerkingly, heartbreakingly beautiful without Philip Quast duetting with himself.... 🥺
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
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❝ Rosaline Craven was many things. A daughter of the Scared Twenty-Eight. A proud legacy Slytherin. One of the best Chasers her house's Quidditch team had seen in a while. But more than all of this, she saw herself as one particular thing: the bitter rival of one Ginny Weasley.
From a very young age, Rosaline had been warned by her parents to stay away from the Weasleys. Destitute, filthy red-headed blood traitors, she had been told, all of them. No one a proper young pureblooded lady should ever acknowledge. And while Rosaline had never had any problem with Muggleborns or the pureblood wizards who supported them, she was also a young girl with a desperate need to please her parents, and in her mind, the only way to do that was to conform to their beliefs. So when she and the Weasleys’ youngest child and only daughter both joined their house Quidditch teams in their fifth year, Rosaline saw the perfect opportunity to earn her parents’ pride: by beating a child of the blood traitor family that the elder Cravens seemed to dislike so much.
Over the course of their fifth year, Rosaline and Ginny became honest-to-goodness rivals, and not only on the Quidditch pitch. The two girls sought to outdo each other in every possible area that they could - to get the better marks in any classes they shared together, to get more attention from the classmate they were both flirting with, and even to get more praise from the idiot Potions professor who had invited them both to join his “Slug Club,” even though neither of them truly wanted it. Rosaline never bullied Ginny or sought to humiliate her in public; that level of cruelty wasn’t in her. She simply tried her best to outdo the redheaded girl, to prove to her parents that their daughter was capable of competing against a mere Weasley and winning.
But as the two girls enter into their sixth year at Hogwarts, a petty rivalry becomes the least of the two girls’ problems. Lord Voldemort and his followers have taken over Hogwarts and the wizarding government, and now that the students of the wizarding school are left to live in fear of the new headmaster’s regime, Ginny, along with Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, have restarted the not-so-secret defensive group that Rosaline remembers from fourth year.
Now, despite all the protections from the cruelty of Hogwarts’s new teaching staff that her bloodline affords her, Rosaline chooses to rebel and join the new Dumbledore’s Army. To hell with all the pureblood supremacist rhetoric that’s been pumped into her over the years; she will not stand by and do nothing while her fellow students live in fear of being tortured for no reason other then that the power-hungry new Death Eater teachers can.
As their sixth year continues and rumours of Harry Potter, the key to Lord Voldemort’s destruction, being on the run continue to circulate throughout the school, Rosaline and Ginny find themselves growing closer as they openly defy Headmaster Snape’s authority. Rosaline never imagined that she would find herself feeling this much for someone she has been taught her whole life to disdain, but the longer the terror at Hogwarts goes on, she feels herself being drawn to Ginny more and more.
Rosaline Craven is many things. A daughter of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. A proud legacy Slytherin. One of the best Chasers her house has seen in a while.
And whether or not she can ever have the relationship she desires with Ginny Weasley, Rosaline is sure of one thing: she will die fighting for the cause of Dumbledore’s Army before she returns to the wrong side of this war. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @auxiliarydetective, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @manyfandomocs.)
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creepypastabookclub · 8 months
CREEPYPASTA BOOK CLUB EPISODE 32: BORRASCA https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ryAgxnKu4YE1zOpxc9FBW Jonah and Wednesday welcome this week’s guest, Tempest, to the club room! Can the three solve the mystery of Borrasca’s popularity? 
This week’s community spotlight: Sundrop: Stories of Shifting Sands is an e-zine depicting strange and fearsome imaginations of the desert by artists of color. Five comics in total, this anthology delivers both the awe of the land and the chill of its night. Find it here: https://ko-fi.com/s/600fe084c0 ! 
If you have a small horror or web fiction project you want in the spotlight, email us! Send your name, pronouns and project to [email protected].
Music Credits: https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/
The Story: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3e2zje/borrasca/
Our Tumblr: https://creepypastabookclub.tumblr.com/
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreepypastaBC
Featuring Hosts:
Jonah (he/they) (https://withswords.tumblr.com/)
Wednesday (they/them) (https://wormsday.tumblr.com/)
Guest host:
Tempest (any pronoun)
Works Cited: ASEAN’s Black Market Babies, Athira Nortajuddin; https://theaseanpost.com/article/aseans-black-market-babies 
On the word “ Borasco”; https://www.oed.com/dictionary/borasco_n?tl=true Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey; Dretzin, Rachel; McNally, Grace; Zweifach, Justin; et al; ;https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20560404/ Kimberlite; https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/summer-2019-kimberlites-earths-diamond-delivery-system Polaris Project, on human trafficking; https://polarisproject.org/ 
Southern Gothic Literature; Thomas Ærvold Bjerre; https://oxfordre.com/literature/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.001.0001/acrefore-9780190201098-e-304 Whump; https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HurtComfortFic 
Further Reading: Aja, Alexandre; Craven, Wes; Levasseur, Grégory; et al; The Hills have Eyes; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454841/
Anderson, Joel; Lake Mungo; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816556/ 
Ashman, Howard; Menken, Alan; Little Shop of Horrors; https://www.ibdb.com/broadway-production/little-shop-of-horrors-13538 Auerbach, Dathan; Penpal; https://www.reddit.com/r/NosleepIndex/comments/25mqnk/penpal_u1000vultures/ Barton, Joe; Bruckner, David; Nevil, Adam; Ritual;  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5638642
Baxley, Craig R.; King, Stephen; et al; Storm of a Century; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0135659/
Beaird, John; Mihalka, George; Miller, Stephen A.; et all; My Bloody Valentine;  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082782/ Boorman, John; Dickey, James, Deliverance https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068473/ 
Byles, Will; Fessenden, Larry; Samuels, Pete; Reznick, Graham; Villiers, Justin; Until dawn  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2742544/ Forbes, Bryan; Goldman, William; Levin, Ira; et all; Stepford Wives; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073747/
Gaiman, Neil; American Gods; https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30165203-american-gods Green, Cliff; Lindsay, Joan; Weir, Peter; Picnic at Hanging Rock https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073540/
Hardy, Robin; Pinner, David; Shaffer, Anthony; Wicker man https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070917/ 
Howard, Abby; Scarlet Hollow; https://abbyhoward.itch.io/scarlet-hollow
  Henkel, Kim; Hooper, Tobe; Texas Chainsaw Massacre https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072271/ Jackson, Shirley; Lottery; https://www.sparknotes.com/short-stories/the-lottery/summary/ Kawase, Toshifumi; Ryukishi07; et all When the Cicadas Cry https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0845738/
Petty, J.T.; et al; Outlast 2  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4733294/ Poison jr; on gas leak; https://twitter.com/poisonjr/status/1494811675622580227?lang=en gas leak
Russel, Ken; Stoker, Bram; Lair of the White Worm; https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095488/
Questions? Comments? Email us at: [email protected]
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notsve2 · 5 months
The Secret Garden - December 2nd 2023
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The Secret Garden is a musical based on the book of the same name published in 1911, although with some creative liberties. It follows Mary Lennox, who moves in with her Uncle Archibald Craven due to her parent's death from a Cholera outbreak in India. Archibald has built a garden for Lily, Mary’s Maternal Aunt, before she died in childbirth. Mary is determined to enter the “secret garden” with Colin, Lily’s ill child, Dickon, and Martha. I found the show a little hard to follow, with unclear objectives for the characters and conflicts left unresolved. However, I loved the costume and lighting design, they gave a good visual cue on what would come up later in the show and some insight into the characters in the opening scene(s). Overall it was an enjoyable experience but one that left me very unsatisfied and with lots of questions.
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I usually refrain from discussing the writing of a show too much because I am not as educated on that aspect as much as others like acting and design choices, but it was a pretty evident hindrance to this show.. I do not believe the writing of this show is bad, but I think it had an opportunity to expand on the relationships and goals of characters that it did not take. For example, the song “Lily’s Eyes” reveals to us that not just Archibald, but his brother Neville Craven was also in love with Lily. But this conflict, even though it is presented with such extravagance, is never brought up again. However, I understand that often times musicals are limited in dialogue. I wish I had the time and resources to better understand these decisions, but these are the observations I made as an audience member. Opposite to writing, one thing I almost always touch upon are the technical and design aspects of the show. I really loved a point in act 2, when Archibald is reading Mary’s letter. Although dilogue states that he is in paris, the stage was bare. It then leads into “How could I ever know” a duet between Archibald and Lily’s ghost. On top of being an emotional scene, I really loved how Archibald’s grounded costume and Lily’s ghostly one looked in this ‘void’ of blacks and blues. It really helped communicate that while we are seeing her ghost, she isn’t truly there and that this is Archibald coming to terms with the fact that lily’s death was not his fault. Many of the scenes regarding the spirits made for some beautiful scenes. The spirits were dressed in whites, creams, and light blues, while those alive were dressed in more neutral colors that blended in better with the world. Therefore when they were in scenes together, it effectivly showed that they weren’t just flashbacks, but memories these characters were currently experiencing. Little details like these made for the most memrical moments in the whole production, and really deepend the relationships between characters, especially the Cravens.
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The spatial relationships of the actors throughout the show were utilized very well. Even when all actors were on stage, all of them could be seen and were utilized. They also used shape, sometimes the spirits would circle another actor in a stressful scene, or clump together. I couldn’t help but notice the ghosts acted in their own ensemble inside the larger one, and I found that really neat. I have mentioned the spirits a lot but they truly made some fantastic creative decisions with them.
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This blog is pretty bad.. honestly, I was trying my hardest to find things to talk about. In the end, this show was simply mediocre. The production itself was beautiful but any story it might’ve had is rushed and forgettable.
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The Secret Garden
A collection of vignettes offering a look into the 20 stages of grief through Archibald's mourning of Lilias Ship(s): Archibald x Lilias, Neville x Lilias (unrequited), Minor Neville x Rose (ambiguous) Multi-Chapter -- 42k words -- third person trigger warnings: implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal ideation Canon Character Death(s), Canon Parental Neglect, Musical-verse
The Song of the Sea (or the Moors at E'en)
The domesticity of the Craven's when first they were wed Ship(s): Archibald x Lilias; Minor Neville x Mrs. Lennox (implied) One-shot -- <3k-- third person trigger warnings: N/A book-verse
Something New is Blooming
The Cravens host a ball; Lilly has something to tell her husband Ship(s): Archibald x Lilias
One-shot -- 2k words -- third person trigger warnings: N/A Musical-verse
La Ville de l'Amour
Archie and Lilly visit Paris on their wedding tour Ship(s): Archibald x Lilias
One-shot -- 1.5k words -- third person trigger warnings: N/A Musical-verse
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ascendandt · 1 year
josh young as marys dad >>>>>> josh young as neville craven
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tybaltsjuliet · 1 year
Neville Craven for the song lyric ask game?
"orpheo looks back," andrew bird
they say you don't look, 'cause it'll drive you mad and if it drives you mad, if it drives you mad it'll probably pass.
"autoclave," the mountain goats
no emotion that's worth having could call my heart its home.
+ lily:
"the only thing," sufjan stevens
do i care if i despise this? nothing else matters, i know. in a veil of great disguises, how do i live with your ghost?
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jfbuckley · 8 months
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An absolutely craven and cowardly decision, utterly shameful and embarrassing.
The minute the FA embraced identity politics and instructed the players to “take the knee” for Black Lives Matter, there was bound to be a crunch moment like this. Identity Politics is all very well and good when the subject matter fits into your personal woke niche - but when a cause arises that doesn’t neatly fit - then you are in trouble.
The FA (like the Labour Party, the BBC, Lineker, Neville and Roger Waters) clearly does not like Israel or Jewish people. Such is their right in a free country, but to deliberately not offer sympathy to people whose relatives and friends have been cruelly murdered and tortured is surely completely beyond the pale.
I am wondering how long it will be before the NHS declares its support for the Palestinian cause by refusing to treat Jewish people?
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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The cast of "The Secret Garden" in the revival production at Center Theatre Group / Ahmanson Theatre in Los Angeles, February 19 through March 26, 2023. Photos feature Sierra Boggess, Derrick Davis, Aaron Lazar, Emily Jewel Hoder, Reese Levine, Julia Lester, and John-Michael Lyles.
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gbwhtspro · 1 year
Antonio Conte: Gary Neville says Tottenham boss has been backed by club in transfer market | Football News
Gary Neville says it’s a “myth” to suggest Tottenham haven’t backed Antonio Conte in the transfer market and believes they’re “on track” this season. Monday night’s Premier League win over Fulham at Craven Cottage saw Spurs move to within three points of the top four but question marks still remain over the future of their head coach, whose current contract expires in the summer. Conte signed an…
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paddy-morgan · 2 years
A troublesome couple of weeks for Manchester United
Cristiano Ronaldo re-signed for Man United after signing a two-year contract in August 2021. Ronaldo scored 24 goals in all competitions for Man United throughout the 2021/2022 season. Ronaldo was the only player that had a successful season which resulted in Man United finishing way off the pace in 2021/2022 Premier League. Ronaldo has set ridiculous records as a striker with scoring 20 goals for 12 consecutive seasons in a row. Man United went out of the 2021/2022 UEFA Champions League after losing their last 16 game to Athletic Madrid but wouldn’t made to the knockout stages without Ronaldo’s goals.
Ten Hag
Erik Ten Hag started his reign at Old Trafford in the Summer of 2022. Straight away he had a headache with Ronaldo missing Man United’s Summer pre-season tour of Thailand and Australia. For the majority of the Summer it looked like that Man United were looking to sell the greatest goal scorer in the modern era due to Ronaldo wanting to play in the Champions League. Cr7 didn’t get his move and was involved in Man United’s game against Leicester City on Transfer Deadline Day.
Since then
Ten Hag has answered multiple questions in press conferences both before and after matches about Ronaldo’s involvement. It has been a constant sideshow even when Man United beat Arsenal 3-1 in September 2022 and the reaction was about Ronaldo not starting rather than focusing on an outstanding performance from the home side. Ronaldo can’t accept that he is on the decline and stats show that Man United’s performances are better without him playing on the counter attack with Marcus Rashford and new signing Anthony. My opinion is that Ronaldo is the greatest goal scorer of all time but he doesn’t have the sharpness anymore with getting on with age.
His reaction to not starting at the Etihad Stadium for the Manchester derby wasn’t great by having his hands over his head as he was watching Erling Haaland score a hat-trick from the bench. My opinion at the time that this was the right decision as Man United’s best way of scoring a goal against Man City is on the break. Ronaldo came back into the limelight a week later as he scored his 700th club goal against Everton. Ronaldo started for Man United in their home game against Newcastle and would of scored only for a bad offside decision by VAR. Man United were outstanding in beating Tottenham Hotspur 2-0 at Old Trafford but yet again Ten Hag had to reflect on Ronaldo as he stormed out of the stadium before the final whistle.
Ronaldo was left out of Man United’s squad for their visit to Stamford Bridge to take on Chelsea just three days after the Spurs game. If Ronaldo was available for this game, my opinion is that he still wouldn’t of started due to catching Chelsea on the counter attack. A great debate between ex Man United players Gary Neville and Roy Keane on Sky Sports after the Chelsea game at Stamford Bridge regarding Ronaldo and would recommend for you to watch it. Ronaldo was given another chance when coming on against West Ham but was a frustrated figure in front of goal.
Final straw
Man United signed off with alate win against Fulham at Craven Cottage before the break for 2022 World Cup. The world of sport blew up just 24 hours after Man United’s win against Fulham due to Ronaldo’s extraordinary interview with Piers Morgan. My opinion is that you go on a show like that with something up your sleave and you don’t just go onto Piers Morgan for the sake of it. Ronaldo said that Man United betrayed him and was sidelined since Ten Hag took over at Old Trafford. A sad ending to Ronaldo’s time in the Premier League as his reputation is sabotage due to been selfish.
The Glazers
Man United finally terminated Ronaldo’s contract this week but still has to be remembered for his unbelievable standards and ridiculous goalscoring records. Man United fans have been protesting numerous of times before home games at Old Trafford about The Glazers ownership of the club which included a pitch invasion before facing Liverpool in May 2021. Football has moved to another level and it is time for The Glazers to sell Man United. Man United will survive without Ronaldo but will need to buy a striker in January.
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bronva · 2 years
Rio Ferdinand criticises Gary Neville and Martin Tyler over Alejandro Garnacho commentary
Rio Ferdinand criticises Gary Neville and Martin Tyler over Alejandro Garnacho commentary
The former defender feels an unfair narrative has been created (Pictures: Getty / Sky Sports) Rio Ferdinand has criticised Sky Sports commentary duo Gary Neville and Martin Tyler for immediately mentioning Alejandro Garnacho’s disciplinary issues after his winning goal for Manchester United against Fulham. The 18-year-old came off the bench to bag all three points for the Red Devils at Craven…
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