It's funny how my aromanticism has changed my approach to ships.
Back when I didn't know that aro was a thing you could be I was a diehard shipper, especially when there were shipping wars. I looked at the possible ships, picked out which one I liked best, and while I didn't engage in "MINE'S BETTER THAN YOURS" type of posts or comments, I very much stuck with and very intensely shipped the ship I liked best. Pokémon's AshxMisty vs AshxMay vs AshxDawn comes to mind.
And if there wasn't shipping wars I'd go for... not necessarily rarepairs but definitely not the main fandom ships. TWEWY was (still is (complimentory)) full of NekuxShiki and NekuxJoshua, so my brain obviously got hooked on JoshuaxRhyme instead.
Looking back on it, even back then I shipped with a "it's platonic but SO INTENSE, THEY'RE BESTIES BUT IN A WAY OTHERS DON'T UNDERSTAND" filter (big shoutout to qprs), so again I could have realized my being aro a bit sooner, but the point is that I was participating in the shipping fandom. I was very passionate about it.
And I know that I can ship just as passionately today as back then, but the difference is that there has to be only one possible ship. Hello In Stars and Time. (of course there's exceptions to the rule again hello in stars and time but so far that exception has only happened once so does that even count.) If a medium has One True Ship and I care for the characters even a little bit, I will ship them. Intensely. As soon as there is more than one possible endgame ship for a character, I don't care for either. If anything I will most likely end up hitting them with the aro headcanon beam on purpose.
Anyway, today I watch videos or read essays about shipping wars and everytime a point is made about "x ship is endgame/better here's why!" and they list scenes that make me go "Do you guys not bond deeply with your friends?"
Which is funny to me because I used to be that. I still remember how back when KH2 came out and I was a diehard SoraRiku shipper, I myself compared the SoraKairi vs SoraRiku reunion scenes and went "Oh, Kairi gets an apology and a hug, but with Riku he falls to his knees and starts weeping! Obviously he loves Riku!" to my brother.
But now I look at Sora and Riku and go "They're such good friends, they elevate each other, I could cry, they're so good! TTATT"
All this to say! I really went from "These characters are obviously in love!" to "They are friends and dedicated to each other, and if you make it romantic then you are diminishing their relationship. Look over there, there's a canon romantic relationship! Go play with that one, leave these guys alone." huh
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zetina · 4 years
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I might be projecting on Shiki a lot (looks at clock.... sweats...) but can you blame me? My entry fee, too, would be me lol Don’t have a lot of future headcanons or anything except that they’re dating but I pictured her with a tiny lil braid she might have when she’s too busy to go get a haircut. Short hair doesn’t last very long! And it kinda snowballed from there...
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rosekun25 · 4 years
Neku Sakuraba
Hey fam! Been kind of absent lately, Just been stressed tbh, Some personal things going on, Especially with this pandemic. But we have to look at the bright side. The brightside is that I have some money to buy a figure. My figure that I should have been able to buy for Christmas but my old job sucked 
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Tada!!!! Isnt he beautiful???
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Took some pictures of the box, Someone messaged me and asked me to take more pictures of the box. 
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Here he is!! 
Also my carpet is clean because I also had money to buy a vacuum lol 
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This is everything he came with. 
This is my favorite picture of him. 
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In terms of size he has dethroned Kairi as my smallest figure. 
Which  I think is kind of lame because he SHOULD BE the same size as Sora as he is in KH3D Honestly expected him to be the same size as Sora. 
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I really figured he would have come with a player pin as well but I like how he’s using one of his powers. I normally used the fire pin but if anyone knows which one this is plz tell me. 
One last picture cuz he’s a cutie pie. 
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Oh boy. 
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pmiller1 · 6 years
After a New Day
News: We reported that a fellow younger know as Neku Sakuraba had been kill in a gun fire at Udagawa Back Streets. In fact, a witness by Daisukenojo 'Beat' Bito who saw the shouting. We been unable to give any intell what happen.
Shiki: *Just watch the news at home.* No... He can’t be...
Eri: *Setting by her, looking worry.* Shiki... are you...?
Shiki: *Her phone buss, being call.* I’m not sure. You... can you handle this.
Eri: *Grab Shiki’s phone, talking the call.* Hello, Eri specking.
Eri: Y-Yes Best. We’ve saw the news.
Eri: I know. I know. Calm down Best! Just...
Eri: I don’t know about Shiki... She...
Shiki: *Grabbing her Mr Mew, Still tone.* How can this happen...?
Eri: Not taking it well... I think...
Eri: Yes. Yes Rhyme. I will keep by. *Hang up*
Shiki: I should had been there with him... We was gonna had a...
Eri: H-Hey. It gonna be okay.
Shiki: No. It would be. *Hugging Mr Mew* He mean everything to me, Now he gone. Again!
Eri: I’m here Shiki, I’m here for you.
Shiki: He help me Eri, he save me. He mean the much for me. I love him.
Eri: I know. But I don’t think making Mr Mew toer out even more isn’t gonna help.
Shiki: *Loosen her grup on Mr Mew, holding him out with her two hand.* I’ve said that it was like a bad omen to him when I told him about him, it was the last thing I’ve said to him.
Eri: Listen. I could go get them a Minerals for you, would that help?
Shiki: Yeah... Thank Eri.
Eri: You sure?
Shiki: I need to be by myself.
Eri: Alright. *After she leave, closing the front door, she back down, holding on to her own, her hand on her hat, covering her pain face.* (What am I gonna to do now?)
Shiki: *Who is also, holding onto herself, crying her heart out.* Why? Why doesn’t this had to happen, why now? Why now?!
????-????: “Don’t Cry! Don’t Give up!!”
Shiki: *She leap up. Look around, only to see nothing. She was alone. And yet...* Yeah... I shouldn’t... he can do this, I believe in him. He can survive. He will survive another week. Just Seven Day... He will win... *Wrap her eyes* I will wait for him.
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twewy-comix · 3 years
NekuXShiki, NekuXJoshua or NekuXBeat?
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the-east-art · 3 years
NekuxShiki: :)
NekuxBeat: :D
NekuxBeatxShiki: ♥️❤️💕♥️❤️💕❤️💕❤️
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sewingandsnacking · 5 years
A cute NekuxShiki drabble collection.
This one in particular amuses me a little more with my choice of making Shiki heavier.
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newtypecosmonaut · 10 years
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sparksflyupwards · 11 years
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I ship this two like you have no idea
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sky-wave-dreamer-blog · 11 years
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zetina · 4 years
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*aggressively avoids drawing Shiki’s face*
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pmiller1 · 3 years
I see that @neshiki had found some of @lightningrook cute artwork of NekuXShiki.
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darklinkblade-blog · 12 years
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this shows up at the end of ipad version and people are wondering why this girl has mr.mew. well maby just maby this is the real shiki? or maby its her sister?(if she has 1) or this game could be set in the feture of TWEWY and neku and shiki got married and had a kid.
the last one might seem out ragious but if you think so answer me this. why the heck dose she have mr.mew and a pair of neku like earphones?
just saying yall
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deathinasweater-blog · 12 years
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sparksflyupwards · 11 years
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I ship this two like you have no idea
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Fudge Balls Neku+Shiki (Merry Christmas)
Summary: Hidden within two chocolate fudge balls are two plastic mistletoes. The winners of the mistletoes will have to kiss! Who will win the plastic mistletoes? NekuShiki.
It was Christmas, and Rhyme had made fudge balls.
Why? "Because I watched iCarly, and they had these fudge balls their principal had to sit on,"was Rhyme's innocent, yet frank reply, as she brought out the tray of fudge balls. "and I thought it'd be great for Christmas!"
Beat rolled his eyes. "Whutever, yo."
Shiki smiled sweetly at the younger girl. She pushed up her large glasses awkwardly. "Well, I think it's sort of nice to get such an idea from a show."
Neku just rolled his eyes and raised the volume of his headphones nonchalantly, causing Shiki to pinch the orange-haired boy's arm. "Don't be rude, Neku,"she chided, before she yanked down his headphones, "or you'll get bad karma. Retribution, Neku..."
Joshua, who had been watching the scene in amusement, spoke suddenly. "I didn't know you were a believer, Shiki."
Shiki blushed, and nodded her head sheepishly, causing Neku to scowl at his cola for no apparent reason. "Yeah, I guess so..."
The boy nodded his head in response, and blinked at Neku before a smile crept on his face. "Interesting," he said, addressing Shiki but looking at Neku.
Beat looked at Shiki, back at Neku who was still scowling, and then at Joshua with a sly smile on his face. He whacked his forehead exaggeratedly. "Yo, Phones!" he cried out, kicking Neku under the table, "what's up with you three, man?"
The light blue-haired boy simply chortled. "Nothing at all, Beat...it's just something you can never understand..."
Of course, Skulls got incredibly angry at what seemed to be an implied insult from the Composer, and he was about to give the latter a piece of his mind when Rhyme meekly slid the tray of fudge balls; 5 of them, in front of the group.
She sat beside her brother, who was next to Joshua. "Okay, guys! Before we dig in, let's play a game!" Rhyme announced cheerily, and everyone looked up from their empty plates.
"And what game might that be?" Joshua asked. He let out a smirk, thinking about his game, and the game he was about to play with Neku and Shiki.
"Hidden within two of these fudge balls are two plastic mistletoes. Whoever two gets the mistletoes will have to kiss each other!" Rhyme exclaimed, her face flushed up in excitement.
Beat laughed. "Yo, she's been thinkin' 'bout this idea since Halloween, man." He adjusted his skull cap, a small smile on his face. "Finally she gets ta do it."
Rhyme giggled. "Yup!"
Neku raised his hand awkwardly, and Rhyme nodded at him. "I'm not gay, and I don't wanna kiss any guy!" He glared at Joshua, who simply winked. "Especially not him."
Shiki nodded her head. "And it'd be terrible if you have the mistletoe, Rhyme. You're too young to be kissed by these seniors of yours..." She stood up confidently, and grinned. "So maybe I'll take the mistletoe, and Rhyme'll take the normal fudge ball."
"That's a good idea, Shiki," the younger girl chimed, smiling. "Never really thought through it. Okay then, Shiki will have this fudge ball..."
Rhyme examined the tray of fudge balls carefully, before she picked out one and handed it to Shiki. The bespectacled girl took a tentative bite into the ball, before she held out her half-eaten fudge ball, revealing the plastic leaf peeking through the ball.
Rhyme picked out one, and she grinned. "Okay, the mistletoe-d ball is in this tray here!" She pushed the tray in her big brother's face, causing him to squirm in response. "Pick one, Beat!"
"O-Okay..." Beat closed his eyes tightly, frowning as he picked up one fudge ball. He sunk his teeth into it, with his eyes even tightly shut, before he fluttered open his eyes, and saw it.
Beat leapt out of his chair, almost kicking aside the table. "Oh yeah, man! No cooties for this dude!" He laughed merrily as Shiki rolled her eyes.
The ex-Reaper pushed the tray to Neku. "Your turn, Phones!" he cried out, now delirious with joy.
Neku bit his lip and took a glance at Shiki. Expressionless.
"Ah...fine..." he muttered, before he took one hastily. He rolled it around with his fingers, before he shrugged and bit it.
N-Nothing...? Oh. Nothing... Stupid retribution.
Neku almost fell off his chair. "T-That means Joshua-"
Before anyone could laugh, blink, or tease, Joshua had gently leaned forward to Shiki, landing a quick kiss on her surprised lips. "-got the mistletoe fudge ball," he completed Neku's sentence. Joshua chortled as Shiki started to blush insanely.
"Well, since I already know that there's a mistletoe in the fudge ball, I think I'd pass. Sorry, Rhyme," he said, before giving a triumphant smirk at Neku. Gotcha.
"Excuse me, guys. I have to get out for some air," the orange-haired boy pushed the chair out, shoved his headphones back on, and sulked out angrily.
The remaining four watched forlornly as Neku slammed the door shut. "I-I'll go get him..." Shiki excused herself, before she shuffled out of the door, yelling his name.
And then there were three.
Rhyme frowned. "You think we did it a little too harsh?" She looked at Neku's empty seat worriedly. "M-Maybe we should apolo-"
Joshua interrupted her. "No need to, Rhyme. In fact, I have this strange feeling that Neku's gonna have a great Christmas..."
Beat just stared at the two of them in confusion. "W-What are you guy talkin' 'bout? D-Don't leave me in the dark, yo!"
"Oh Beat...you are such a blockhead..." Joshua muttered, and Rhyme giggled as Beat just widened his eyes even more.
Neku slumped down beside the Hachiko statue, which had a red nose, antlers and a red ribbon with a ribbon in front. All for Christmas.
I hate Christmas. It's so-
"N-Neku?" Shiki asked, as she walked up to him. She bent down, her glasses covered with vapour. Shiki awkwardly rubbed them off with Mr Mew.
"Why's the piggy here?" Neku picked up Mr. Mew by its arm. Shiki sat down next to him, shuddering slightly at the cold ground.
"Mr. Mew is important," she stated simply, looking up at Neku. "Just like you, Neku. I don't want you to feel all mad and upset on Christmas, you know."
"I'm not mad and upset," Neku replied calmly.
Shiki rolled her eyes. She whacked the back of Neku's head. "Yes you are! You're mad because I was k-kissed by Joshua just now..."
"N-No I'm not..." Neku retorted weakly, before he hid his face beneath his collar, something that implied Yes, I'm so pissed off I'm going to hide my face here and never come out.
"Oh, Neku," Shiki muttered, rolling her eyes. She unfolded Neku's collar, before she landed a quick peck on his cheek.
She pulled away before Neku could register 'Shiki', 'Kiss' and 'Cheek' in his brain. She blushed. "You didn't need to be jealous of Joshua, really."
Neku opened his mouth, but closed it and then touched his cheek. Then, still in a daze, he touched Shiki's lips in a trance-like manner.
"Y-You just didn't..." Neku whispered softly, his lips curved into an 'O'.
Shiki giggled. "Oh, I did, Neku."
"C-Can you do it a-again?" Neku asked innocently, his eyes sparkling.
"D-Do what?"
"T-That thing that Joshua did. A-A-" the boy was tongue-tied, just too shocked, at a loss. He struggled to remember the word, and when he did, he realised how stupid he sounded. "Ugh, I feel like an idiotnow!" he cried out, huffing.
Shiki leaned closer to Neku's deep red face. "A what?"
"A..." he whispered, and he hid his face and muttered something completely inaudible.
"C'mon, Neku, say it!" Shiki urged.
She playfully poked Neku's ticklish spot, causing him to jump up and yell, "A-A kiss!" He then sunk down to his knees and hid his face from the throngs of people who heard him.
The girl grinned. "Okay!" She once again unfolded Neku's collar, and planted a simple kiss on his lips, not pulling away.
The two just stayed there, lips touching, unmoving, until Neku widened his eyes and Shiki pulled away to giggle. "Merry Christmas, Neku.
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