Karnage MMA PPV Live in NYC-July 8
Karnage MMA PPV Live in NYC-July 8
Karnage MMA PPV Live in NYC-July 8 June 11, 2022 (NYC)– The Main Event: Venum Blacc v Fair Play Under Cards: Robert McElroy v. CPU Kyle “The Viking” Jones v. Brian Tracy Jarrel Coates V. Dwight Cephas Korey Kenderr V. Kenny Fuego Bristow   Date:  July 8, 2022 Place: NYC-353 West Street, NY, NY 10014 Details:  Once tickets are bought we will send a code 48 hours prior to the event so they can…
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gilfrespecter · 1 year
It's really funny playing the same character in two very different stages of life at the same time
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shezanenigma · 11 months
First Fight of the Night - LFA 155
March 24, 2023
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LFA 155 did not disappoint. In the first fight of the night we watched  Alonzo "the Relentless" Turner and Austin Ross, both fighters are welterweights engaging in their first professional bout at the Seneca Resort and Casino in Niagara Falls, NY. The contrasting physical attributes of the fighters add an interesting dynamic to the match. Ross stands over 6 feet tall, giving him a significant height advantage over Turner, who is 5 feet 8 inches. Additionally, Ross possesses longer reach in both his arms and legs.
Before turning pro, both fighters had a background in wrestling during their high school and college days. Turner's wrestling achievements stand out as he was an NCAA All-American and ranked 6th in the nation.
The fight begins with Ross attempting to utilize his height and reach advantage by trying to slam Turner to the mat. However, Turner showcases his agility and evasive skills by executing a flip out of Ross's arms, avoiding the takedown. Ross manages to land a couple of solid punches to Turner's face, displaying his striking ability.
As the fight progresses into the second round, Turner seizes an opportunity and successfully takes Ross down to the mat. Ross finds himself in a challenging position, struggling to get back up. However, he manages to roll over, resulting in Turner's back being on the mat while Ross is on top of him.
At this point, Turner capitalizes on the situation by securing a rear naked choke. With his wrestling background and grappling expertise, Turner tightens his grip and maintains control over the chokehold. Ross fights to escape, but the relentless pressure from Turner eventually overwhelms him. As Ross begins to lose consciousness, Turner doesn't release the choke until Ross passes out, leading to a submission victory for Turner.Overall, this fight showcased Turner's ability to overcome the physical advantages of his opponent through his agility, wrestling prowess, and decisive submission skills, ultimately securing a victory in his first professional MMA bout.
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keemzus-sama · 2 years
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The rest of the #UFC281 main card looks like fun also Dustin Poirier vs Michael Chandler Frankie Edgar (Retirement Fight) vs Chris Gutierrez Erin Blanchfield vs Molly McCann #MMA #UFC #UFC281 #NYC #TheDiamond #Meatball #IronMike https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1iw-5uJxL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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15-lizards · 3 months
renly would’ve loved New York City. He’d have a penthouse in NYC and Dubai then summer in lake como near gerige clooney. Stannis doesn’t summer as he’s a workaholic and Robert is always in a pub. Sansa is obsessed with Paris where maegery lives but Ned doesn’t like it because he sun burns easily. What about the lannisters?
Tywin runs Fox News like he is just Logan Roy. He’s on his third controversially young wife and he fights the Woke Left on twitter all day. Jamie is heir to the company but he’s dodging and weaving out of taking any sort of modicum of responsibility. He does MMA and drag racing as a pastime and spends his weekends blacking out in Miami while trying to ignore the missed calls from his dad and the slightly sexually charged texts from his sister. Also he ran over Bran while drunk driving. Cersei keeps trying to get Tywin’s respect and inherit the company but she literally acts like Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert on a good day so he says no. She starts her own business that would not survive without Tywin’s financial backing, gets into arguments with Joffery’s teachers, and has a fling with pool boy Theon who she kind of hates. Tyrion is Elon Musk sorry. He would buy Reddit and Twitter and then make them worse. He has a history and philosophy degree and is just the worst guy in the fucking world to drink with. Every conversation he has at the Lannister Family Fundraisers leaves him thinking “I can kill god if I wanted to” and everyone else thinking “what a fucking tool”. His tech company also sucks. Joffery goes to boarding school and is still a little dickhead but this time he plays soccer. Myrcella is TikTok famous and posts her clothing hauls and silly storytimes 🫶. Tommen is unfortunately an ipad kid with a nanny because Cersei thinks about him once every three business days. And Lancel is Cousin Greg
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maxkels · 7 months
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* ◟ : 〔 TESSA THOMPSON, CIS WOMAN + SHE / HER 〕 MAXINE KELLY , some say you’re a FORTY YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both HARD-WORKING and JUDGEMENTAL, one can’t help but think of I LIKE THAT by JANELLE MONAE when you walk by. are you still an ASSOCIATE, TATTOO ARTIST AND PIERCER for THE DEAD HAND, YAMI INK, even with your reputation as THE SONGBIRD? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and LETTTERMAN JACKETS THAT SMELL OF TOBACCO , NEEDLES PIERCING VIRGIN SKIN, EYES THAT HOLD A BOTTOMLESS GUILT, although we can’t help but think of KARLACH (BG3) + BRIENNE OF TARTH (GAME OF THRONES) + SEKHMET (EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
FULL NAME: Maxine Bernice Kelly NICKNAME(S): Max AGE: Forty GENDER: Cis-Female PRONOUNS: She/Her BIRTHPLACE: Harlem, Manhattan OCCUPATION: Tattoo Artist & Body Piercer, Underground fighter GANG AFFILIATION: Associate of The Dead Hand FC: Tessa Thompson
HAIR COLOUR: Black EYE COLOUR: Brown HEIGHT: 5”5 PIERCINGS?:Both ears & nipples, tongue. TATTOOS: Full sleeve on left arm that spans her shoulder blade also. Behind her left ear, on her right hip and underbust.
POSITIVE: Focused, Loyal, Grounded NEGATIVE: Critical, Pessimistic, Indelicate
death tw
Maxine was destined to get involved with the seedy underbelly of NYC. While her mom worked nights, her dad took her to his job ; from a baby she’d been in a car seat while he beat people up for money, sold drugs, engaged in routine intimidation of local businessmen and politicians. It was a job the man was good at, so why stop doing it now? Why not let Maxine know that this was really how the world really worked. There were only two types of people; the strong and the weak. He asked Maxine, one day while doing her maths homework, what type do you want to grow into?
She chose to be strong.
It was the answer her father wanted, if he couldn’t have a son then Maxine would become one. She signed up for boxing, track, MMA, started to routinely bully kids for their money or lunches - when she got a little older, it transitioned into selling cigarettes and providing some of the meaner kids with needed backup when other schools came for events, or just turned up at lunch for a brawl. Thanks to her dads name, Maxine also got into underground fighting rings, lying about her age so she could take down women twice her age. The money got split, and she’d go get her hair done with it or buy some new sneakers. Questions were asked about her bruises of course but, the girl did so much sport there had to be accidents. Sometimes on the quad she got into fights but not so much anymore. There was an opportunity talked about; the Olympics. Maxine could get onto their training programme, maybe even the squad with a few years under their wing, groomed into a professional athlete. The teenager couldn’t wait to get out from Harlem, move onto better things. What made it better was that her father seemed to approve of this to - they’d have to work on Maxine’s discipline.
But, there was a secret the young girl couldn’t tell him. That was, that Maxine had discovered a secret talent, a hobby she enjoyed more than beating others up, than revealing in violence. Art. In secret, she worked on a portfolio. It was a backup, she told herself, just in case everything fell through, an apprenticeship in Portland. Except, when two opportunities came knocking at the same time, Maxine knew which one she’d prefer. Her father of course intercepted both, confronting Maxine about which opportunity would really get her out of their shitty neighborhood, and allow her to make a life for herself. All her life, she’d done what he wanted and in a fit of rage, she smacked her dad.
He went down, smacking his head open on the fireplace as he did so.
The decision was made for her then. The young woman covered it up, said she came home and found him like that. His line of work meant that he had plenty of enemies, nobody suspected Maxine. She moved out to Portland, taking up an apprenticeship for a tattoo studio and attending a local arts programme. America held too much pain, though, and after befriending a Japanese student, she would go to Kyoto to train under masters of the tattoo craft. Getting involved with low-level Yakuza only seemed to be a natural progression, especially after she stopped a local underboss from getting murdered at night on the streets. The fighting she’d left behind only followed her.
Years later, Maxine followed some members back to America, taking up shop at Yami Ink and still serving the Dead Hand even in another country.
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frgdfury · 1 month
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Name: Aziel Meyer Age / D.O.B.: 27/ 03.28.1997 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis Male, He/Him, Bisexual Hometown: Bronx, NYC Affiliation: Civilian Job position: Fighter at The Arène/Clerk at Smoke & Mirrors   Education: One year of college Relationship status: Single Children: 0 Positive traits: (Hardworking, Loyal, Ambitious, Intelligent, Passionate ) Negative traits: (Hot Headed, Brazen, Lacks Empathy, Impulsive, Callous )
(child abandonment tw, jail tw)
Born March 28, 1997, Aziel Meyer became the youngest child of William Madden. From the moment he was born it was evident that he was a mistake, the worst possible thing to happen, and he should’ve never been allowed to see the light of day. William Madden paid his mother a pretty penny to have her both out of his life (along with their bastard child) and silenced for good. So, needless to say, Aziel never grew up with the same luxury that the Madden children did. With her newfound money, Aziel's mother dropped him off at his grandparents' home one day and never returned for him.
So, fuck them both.
Every day for Aziel is just one of those days. From a young age he's had a rage within him that has always been ready to erupt at any given moment, sometimes he doesn't even need a reason, he just loved to unleash it. He was the kind of kid that gave his grandparents the biggest headache because chances were he was always getting in trouble in school for something. He didn't care what time of day it was, or if the reason was even a good one, Aziel was born to throw a fist first and ask questions later. He had a knack of getting into trouble even when he genuinely wasn't at fault.
One thing that's always burned within him is the desire to make his parents proud. All he's ever wanted in life to have at least one of them come back for him, to look at him and see something, someone, to know what it's like to have the love of a mother and the guidance of a father. But it's always felt like no matter how hard he strives to achieve that goal life just sets him back ten steps more. Even though his grandparents have shown nothing but endless love and support to him, Aziel was simply hungry for something more.
One sport he's always been a huge fan of is MMA fighting, it's a sport he and his grandfather would watch every Saturday when there was one on. He studied their moves, made his notes, and told himself that one day he was going to be one of them. He promised himself, he would be a somebody someday. And his dream seemed to be off to a good start as he began hitting the gym more, staying as much out of trouble as he could, and even began to train. However, like most moments in Aziel's life, trouble came rearing its ugly head around the corner.
He should've known better than to answer a call at 2am, nothing good ever happens after 2am. Still, it was a friend who had been his ride or die for a while now and Aziel wasn't going to leave them hanging. It was supposed to be an easy heist, something to stick it to the rich people in this overly priced neighborhood, but nothing easy ever came his way. Turns out that some people have security systems that lock you in a room once they are set off, which is exactly what happened to Aziel. His friends were able to get away as they hadn't entered the room he had, but Aziel found himself behind bars and kissing the fight he had lined up goodbye. Needless to say, this only triggered his fury. He didn't snitch, but he was pissed. He was eighteen when he entered and proceeded to spend the next two years in jail. He would've been out sooner but he got into one too many fights while in jail, didn't listen to the warnings, and his sentence extended.
He's twenty-seven now and while the fire/rage inside still burns as brightly as ever, he tries his hardest to at least stay out of jail. He's taken a home in The Arène where he finally feels like he can unleash all the rage he has on the inside. He has definitely taken some loses, especially when he first began, but he's been doing it for a couple of years now that he's picked up some tricks along the way. He trains almost daily and these days he wins more than loses in the ring. When he isn't busy giving black eyes, or receiving busted lips, Aziel is working his job as a clerk at Smoke & Mirrors. He knows the city is infested with gang activity, and while he's had the chance to join a couple, he has zero interest of joining a gang. In his opinion, why be part of someone else's pack when you can lead your own?
He has a jersey with Easton's number on it because he's absolutely proud of his brother, even if none of his siblings know he exists.
He will do anything for his grandparents. He owes them his life.
He likes to tag the brick walls of NYC. He loves to create little pieces of art on empty canvas around the city. He'll show you, if he cares enough about you.
He can rap. He absolutely will join a random battle if he sees one happening, has done some underground shows, and he spends a lot of time writing out songs too.
He is for the people, especially the underdogs. But in the movies, he is the type of person to root for the villain.
He has a blue beta fish named Gwen and she's pretty much the only thing in his life that he likes to be warm and funny with.
Spiderman. That is all.
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theanticool · 4 months
K-1 is in NYC this May 19 or June 22! We out!
The return of the K-1 International qualifying tournaments for the Grand Prix have been announced - USA, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, and of course Japan.
The US qualifying tournament will be put together by Lou Neglia. If you’re a local NJ/NY MMA or kickboxing follower, you know him as the guy behind Ring of Combat and Combate at the Capital.
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maya-lopez-official · 4 months
Welcome to my RP Blog!
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Before I begin, can we please appreciate her royal Cuteness, Maya Lopez? Thank you <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So, here are the rules of my little RP blog:
Be nice pls- i'm learning how to do this-
I won't accept RP scenarios which promote s3lf h4rm, su!c!de, r4pe, etc.
Any character (from the marvel universe) can RP with me, OC's related to the MCU can RP, too <3
In any rp i'll put my dialogue in double quotes, but please note that it's sign language <3 i'll specify when required.
I can do fluff rp, angst rp.
If you want a romantic pairing of maya with anyone (like a romantic relationship RP) please let me know in advance through DMs <3
MY CHARACTER (formalities, formalities)
*let me get into character*
OKay LeT's dO ThiS.
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Maya Lopez / Echo
ASL-only communication, may need an interpreter on occasion.
Native American (Choctaw)
Tamaha, Oklahoma / NYC
Abilities: Skilled at MMA, Kickboxing, power mimicry (from the comics), skilled sharpshooter.
Personality: cold, ruthless, badass, adorable, soft (with people i'm comfortable with).
Enemies: Kingpin/Wilson Fisk.
I'm really looking forward to RP with all of you amazing humans!
Peace out. 🤟🤟
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*dies of cuteness overload*
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yuisariordan · 5 months
dossier: yuisa riordan
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— BASICS Name:Yuisa Esperanza Torres-Riordan
Age / D.O.B.: 34 / July 22, 1989
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Lesbian
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Affiliation: Civilian
Job position: Prize Fighter/ Retired Soldier
Education: HS Dropout/GED
Relationship status: Single
Children: N/A
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Born out of an affair between lawyer Cam Riordan and  Alicia Torres; her father was never part of the picture.
Raise cooperatively by her mother and local gangland elements of La Perla in San Juan until relocating to NYC in her mid teens. Yuisa dropped out of school and worked around gyms and boxing clubs for a few years until she enlisted in the US Army at 18.
Army career led her to Green Beret recruitment early on at 21, and after several years in active duty she was head hunted for recruitment to a covert ops unit by 29.
After retiring from the military, she felt abandoned by the system, and decided to recoup the losses by selling the abilities she’d picked up over more than ten years in the military, falling in with local underground MMA circuits and doing bouncer work to cover the gaps, something she is currently barely managing.
I’d like for her to go from rough-around the edges prize-fighter to some sort of hitman/heavy for one of the gangs; who exactly I don’t yet know but we can hash that out in plotting. She’s a catastrophic, category five lesbian hurricane; will probably break hearts as often as she breaks bones Maybe her estranged lawyer dad is connected with somebody in one of the gangs, maybe this can be used to get her involved.
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I just remembered something. Didn't Tae answer some comment, I'm not sure where, but the comment was from a taekooker about the ship and Tae said "get out of your imagination. It's not good in there" or something along those lines. Don't you think that if there's something between them he would have just ignored the comment? If they're together it's kinda rude. I mean even if they know they'll have to be in the closet for years, that must have hurt JK's feelings 😔 Tae doesn't strike me as someone who would do something like that to his significant other.
The one thing that other shippers and antis try to fling at Taekookers.
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OK, I will say this I wasn't fully involved with Taekook at the time it happened but I do have thoughts...
I feel everyone needs to learn/remember two things...
Context... and What happened next...
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On that night, Tae was asking ARMY for some sleep advice and that person responded. And the advice she gave was to look at JK, who Tae loves.
Now do we know what part of the statement he was directing it at? No.
Personally, I think he meant "Don't let your mind go too wild before sleeping", because remember the topic was legitimately about how do ARMYs go to bed. He never directly denied the Taehyung loves part.
Overall though, both sides need to take chill pill because no one will win that argument in the end.
What happened next...
But here's the thing, if Tae was telling her to stop shipping him, why did, Tae not 1 week later do this:
Or 1 month late where there was a ton of shippable taekook moments at MMA and Mama
And let us know forget these too, all with shippable moments:
What about the 30th December, when JK did this to Tae in NYC. Was Tae upset by this?
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It would seem not from what they did and how they hug around each other in New Year Eve:
What about 2 months later in January 2020...
When JK serenaded Tae, they held arms, did the ILY sign, Tae sang the "Love is nothing stronger" directly to JK, and they cuddled off camera (though picked up by fan cams) at the GDA:
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Had a drunken flirty conversation on Weverse:
Looked like a couple at the Grammys:
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And finally... how he obviously doesn't want to be shipped with JK by responding someone on weverse, who asks where JK is by say he's "sleeping next to me"...
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Yes, soo doesn't want to be shipped, does he. And obviously JK was mortally offended, so much, so he kissed Tae fell on the nape of Tae's neck in the middle of a US Airport, and was happy to look like a couple on multiple occasions.
But some seem to forget that the loads of other times JK and Tae were happy doing shippable moments.
But hey, let's drag out that ONE, always taken out of CONTEXT, response and try to slap it in the faces of Taekookers. Whom some antis don't like, and try to use it to tell us to shut up and stop.
Well, if they want us to stop, tell that to JK and Tae.
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justcallme-bucky · 10 months
You used to be a boxer? I bet you were real good in the ring.
I used to train at Goldie's Gym in NYC and was a three-time YMCA welterweight champion. I've since learned skills from multiple MMA styles, including Krav Maga and muay Thai.
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keemzus-sama · 2 years
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Episode 6 of #JBTSMA is live now on @spotify #UFC281 #MMA #MSG #NYC #TheLastStyleBender #Poatan #UFC #MiddleweightChampionship link in bio 🙏🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2RO__OIt_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilovebeingcringe · 1 year
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I’ve already showed this oc on my tiktok (which you’ll find at buddy_boi_024 😘) But I wanted to actually post them somewhere 😩👉👈
Enjoy all this way too much information 💞
This is Nikki (Nicolette) Hoffman. Her pronouns are she/her and she is a cis 15 year old lesbian girl. And a sort-of assassin/vigilante. Nikki is German-American, can speak fluent German, and grew up in Brooklyn with her German father and American mother. She’s 6’0” and the tallest and lankiest out of the whole turtle crew, even after Donnie lol.
I made a little collage of characters that were inspired by her (that you’ll see above) and also kind of represents her personality. She’s very smug, a big jokester, a smart ass, and frequently breaks the forth wall. She’s considered a bit of a “mad scientist” on account of her dreams of growing up to be a professional biochemist. Aside from never taking things seriously and always cracking jokes, she’s also very unhinged and a bit insane from all the chemicals she inhales almost daily. She takes a lot of risks and makes pretty crazy decisions when it comes to her fighting styles and strategies.
For her weapons, Nikki uses two hatchets for hand-to-hand combat, but her main weapon is a gun she built that shoots jelly/pellet-like beads that she invented herself. The pellets can do a lot of different things such as burn through any types of solids, cause hallucinations, explode, etc. The main pellets she uses act similar to rubber bullets. Not enough to kill, but definitely enough to hurt. Every now and then she’ll also use a few other chemically based weapons that are mostly used to poison her enemies such as smoke bombs, poison laced mini-weapons (like small blades) etc. Just little things like that. All of which is why she wears a gas mask, to keep herself protected. She also wears small patches that she can just stick anywhere on her body that contains an antidote for her poisonous weapons, just as an extra precaution.
Nikki doesn’t show it (mostly as a tactic to surprise and get the upper-hand on her enemies) but she’s incredibly smart-a prodigy actually-and very skilled in martial arts and other types of combat, much thanks to her very paranoid father who used to be a professional MMA fighter. She’s very good at surprising people with her combat and knowledge abilities.
Nikki’s Backstory:
So! As I said before Nikki’s full name is Nicolette Hoffman (She refuses to go by anything, but Nikki) and she grew up in Brooklyn with her American mother and German father. Nikki’s mother was a professional biochemist while Nikki’s father was a retired MMA fighter. Nikki’s father taught her everything he knew about combat while her mother taught her everything she knew about science.
This inspired Nikki to follow in her mothers footsteps and started her journey to become a biochemist as well. Unfortunately, the work of Nikki’s mother was noticed by the Kraang and she was kidnapped by them when Nikki was very young. As she grew, Nikki’s father became more distant and obsessed with finding her mother himself. He witnessed the kidnapping of Nikki’s mother, being taken through one of the Kraang portals. Nikki was thought to be sound asleep in her bedroom, but witnessed everything, hidden behind a corner.
For the sake of her protection, Nikki’s father never actually told the truth of what happened to her mother (despite her already knowing, which she also never revealed to her father). Eventually, when Nikki turned thirteen, her father sent her off to live with her Aunt in New York City. He made the poor decision to go after the Kraang and look for his wife himself. Unbeknownst to both him and Nikki, her mother had already passed away while imprisoned by the Kraang due to their neglect and cruel nature. Unfortunately, while infiltrating the Kraang’s lair, Nikki’s father was in over his head, and was killed by the Kraang as well.
Nikki, now living in NYC with her Aunt was given the upsetting news of her now missing father. (Of course she didn’t know that he was murdered by alien robots, at the time.) The police being no help, Nikki took after her fathers poor decisions and went to look for him herself. She spent the next two years working hard to build up her combat skills and education.
While doing so, she attended the same school as April O’Neil and Casey Jones. During the day, at school, she was known as “Nutcase Nikki.” An insane, lone, delinquent that no adult in the world had the patience for, often shut out and bullied by her peers for her strange behavior. At night she was known as “The Stalker.” A pet name created by the other gangs and criminals of the city. Nikki spent a lot of time gathering new information about the wearabouts of her father while gathering knowledge of underground operations and corporations-such as the Footclan-but she could never find anything about the Kraang. Not on her own at least.
Nikki took up an opportunity to become an assassin. Secretly it was to find more knowledge and secrets, but any explanation she’d give to the people who’d hire her was just “for the money.” Although, the money she did make she’d just invest into her college fund. Nikki was eventually hired by Karai. (During one of the earlier seasons, while she was still working with Shredder.) Karai hired Nikki to stalk the Turtles, find out where their lair is, and kidnap Splinter.
While secretly following behind the Turtles, April sensed Nikki with her powers and they discovered her spying on them. After a few punches thrown here and there, a bit of fighting, and Nikki throwing smug, comical comments at them, Casey and April recognized Nikki’s unique, crazy voice and they eventually pinned her down and unmasked her.
The turtle crew captured her and brought her back to their lair for an interrogation (which Nikki didn’t take seriously, of course) Nikki isn’t one to beat around the bush and admitted to them that she was hired by Karai, plain and simple. But April wanted more of an explanation as to why her classmate was a full fledged assassin. Nikki gave her the deets of the Kraang kidnapping her mother when she was a child, her missing father that went after them, and that she’s been working for the last two years to find them herself. The Turtles and her two classmates dropped the bomb on her about the Kraang and who they are. At this point, Nikki wasn’t sure if her parents were still alive or not. (They weren’t lmao.)
Now, burdened with a new mission and a ton of conflicting feelings, Nikki had to go into the Kraang base to try and find her parents. She cut off the deal with Karai and in doing so she gave the Turtles some pretty good information about Karai’s plans while Shredder was away for a while. In return she asked that they helped her get in the base. After a long talk and a lot of convincing, both from April being sympathetic and Splinter lecturing his sons about doing the right thing, they finally agreed.
They all managed to break into the base easily, since done before, and finding their way into a computer room. With help from Donnie, he and Nikki managed to hack into the Kraangs files to look for her parents. This of course only led to Nikki discovering that they’re both deceased. Nikki had a full on meltdown, alerting some nearby Kraang, which ended in the whole crew getting cornered.
Nikki went into full rage mode and battled her way through a whole wall of Kraang droids, not caring about any hits she had taken (as well as being way too angry and pumped full of adrenaline to feel it) and managed to get herself and everyone else safely out of the base. Of course after taking so many hits, the pain hit her all at once when they got themselves to safety and she blacked out.
She woke up later, back in the Turtles lair again, in Donnie’s lab. They patched Nikki up as a thank you for sacrificing herself and getting them all out of the Kraang’s base. After a long talk of everything that went down, a couple of tears, and Nikki finding a new purpose to take down the Kraang in honor of her deceased parents, Nikki befriended the Turtle crew and continued to fight along side them on all their crazy adventures.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Over 1,000 New York City police officers have filed to leave the department in 2022, raising doubts about the city's ability to maintain a substantive police force and maintain safety and security. 
Former NYPD detective Jason Caputo and Blue Lives Matter NYC founder Joe Imperatrice weighed in on the law enforcement exodus on "Fox & Friends First" Monday, arguing that incentives for working with The Big Apple's police force no longer exist.
"You're losing qualified [people], you're losing experience, you're losing so much when it comes to that kind of stuff," Caputo told guest host Ashley Strohmier.
The former detective's comments come a month after he left his 18-year service and as others partaking in the exodus leave before receiving full pensions.
Caputo claimed the city is "steering away" from encouraging officers to apprehend criminals, adding that city and NYPD leaders are "putting victims and police in jeopardy."
Strohmier shifted the discussion to New York City's "diaphragm law," which prohibits officers from placing suspects in choke holds or exerting pressure on a suspect's diaphragm and pointed to a recent example of MMA fighter Ro Malabanan, who helped take down a criminal suspect by securing him against the ground. 
"The progressive city council would have went after an officer [if they had done the same move], they would have went after their job," Imperatrice said. "Any type of fight – especially martial arts – you end up on the ground, and that's what it's all about; you're trying to subdue the individual. That MMA fighter did nothing wrong, but he had to use his body weight to subdue them until officers arrived…"
Imperatrice and Caputo both claimed officers are risking "everything" to do their jobs amid a hostile environment toward law enforcement.
Caputo followed up on the topic, answering Strohmier's question about incentives for joining the NYPD by saying there are "none," and adding, "I wouldn't really encourage that many people to take this job anymore."
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grettavitta · 2 years
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Tamanaco IBK’s Cardi Beast x King Liger Clone Will turn 2 Jan 2023 Collaboration with @rbg.kinglion ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🖤⛓Welcome to our world⛓🖤 🇺🇸Veteran owned & Operated 🇺🇸 By @GrettaVitta ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⛓ Iron Bully Kennels ⛓ Home of XL American Bullies 🌴 South Florida ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more info 👉📩 DM @IronBullyKennels www.IronBullyKennels.com ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #IronBullyMagazine #IronBullyKennels #IBK #bully #usa #puppy #xlamericanbully #amazonpets #walkernation #newyork #photography #california #americanbully #florida #nyc #bullies #instagood #pitbull #losangeles #ufc #mma #nfl #bullybreed #bullylife #abkc ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Make sure you follow the fam ❕❕❕ @IronBullyMagazine @IronbullyFlorida @IronBullyBlessedKennels @ironbullypalmbeach @royaldiamondbulliesllc @blu_oval_bullies @riddickbeaukennels @buenavistabullies https://www.instagram.com/p/CkL2ioIOmlg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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