#NOTHING NEGATIVE I'm just rambling
dreamsofalifeold · 7 months
((In the Star Trek universe, there simply H A S to be a fucking romcom/family comedy called Three Men and a Ferengi.
Also, I'm wondering why the fuck it took so long to realize that I most likely have OCD. I spent a minute and a half in the grocery store today just standing in an aisle because I was having an internal debate with myself over which way to go because there were two sets of people in the way, and was I only thinking of asking the women to move because they were already out of the way, or is that my internalized misogyny? Or am I going to inconvenience an older person into getting off the floor?
Seriously, I once stayed inside for an entire week because I had these constant intrusive thoughts that there was a mountain lion in the woods by my house and I was going to die if I went outside. And I've had intrusive thoughts since I was six at least. I had an irrational fear of the Jaws theme song as a kid and I used to perform weird, complex rituals where I wouldn't touch the sides of doors or step on cracks or walk on the seams of tiles.
I thought I suffered from nervous tics from age 7 and sporadically through my childhood but N O P E apparently those could also be considered compulsions! My mom, grandmother, and aunt all have it. It runs VERY close in my family.
Like...I am not officially diagnosed, but a lot of that is probably because A: I incorrectly assumed that this was just stuff that normal people did and everyone had constant thoughts about the worst thing they could do in a situation, and B: mental healthcare in my own is absolute ass.))
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raayllum · 8 months
i think one of the main reasons i can't shake the "possession is not how callum is going to be play into aaravos' hands" (or at least not solely, i.e. doing something vile or dangerous in the name of love that leads to a renewed possession) is because like...
listen, as much as it'd be kind of weird for a "Master Manipulator" like aaravos to reveal his final play two seasons in advance from a character standpoint, it absolutely make sense from a story standpoint. you couldn't just whip that out of nowhere in a plot relevant moment without having your audience feel cheated, so it had to be established earlier on. now instead of surprise, you get to cultivate a nice feeling of dread. (although i've said before that there were other ways to cultivate said feeling of dread / set up the possibility of possession, i.e. callum learning that its possible out of a book when he was canonically reading about dark magic, him having nightmares or premonitions that aaravos is tethered to him, etc. it didn't have to be so blatant so quickly.)
those are, however, neither of the points i want to get at today, because like - if it is JUST the possession, and there is no choice that leads to it directly before or after in regards to helping aaravos...
Then why the absolutely, continually ramped up Viren-Callum parallels?
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Cause like, as of S5, absolutely none of this is Necessary. Callum doesn't necessarily have to exist as a contrast to Viren at this point, given that Viren himself has changed his mind and disavowed dark magic and Aaravos; Callum finally freeing himself from Aaravos (and dark magic?) will likely now have more parallels to Viren's arc, rather than the two being disparate. He'll be following in Viren's footsteps, but in a positive way.
None of this is required for the possession plot line, either. That got kick started all the way back in 2x07, like, seasons ago. If anything it'd be kinda more 'tragic' if Callum really had never touched or been tempted by dark magic again, but he couldn't (or wouldn't) take back his prior choices. A consequence of being controlled by forces well beyond your conceptualization and a price you had no choice but to pay, literally, if they're going the removal of agency arc (which has its own merits) / leaning into the eldritch horror aspect of it all.
Like if it's just possession... Callum does not have to be like or be compared to Viren, in either similarities or contrasts, like - at all. Viren and Callum are both characters who have a relationship with destiny (Viren tended to believe in pre-determined destiny, but Callum decidedly didn't as of S2; even if that still started to change in S4, that alone is not enough of a singular parallel to warrant all the rest) but they're not the only ones, nor is that exclusively related to Aaravos - even if their parallels between each other are constantly circling him, their families, and dark magic / justification(s).
Which makes me think there's two main avenues they could be taking this with:
1) S7 endgame is Callum walking Viren's path regarding the rise, but in a more literal, dramatic sense. Again, Callum proving that he's not like Viren doesn't really need to happen as much now that Viren is 1) no longer a villain and 2) will be a parallel for Callum's positive growth as well. So it's still about similarities, but positive ones: "No matter what you've done, no matter where you are on the path, every step forward is a choice" (cue Callum literally regaining agency) "I am free, and so are you." This is also the avenue where it being mostly just the possession > a choice that leads to Aaravos getting out (choice made before that leads to possession, or choice post-possession) would make more sense, but just the Rise doesn't account for the well, ominous foreboding of all this, lmao.
2) S6 and S7 are working together with S6 being Callum mirroring Viren's Fall (whatever you want that to constitute) / helping Aaravos regardless of the possession - taking an understood risk for love that leads to the possession, or post-possession due to another form of coercion/susceptibility - and S7 being the Rise. It gives the ominous foreboding of it all, particularly highlighted in S5 / 5x02-5x04 and 5x08 somewhere to go, while also providing Callum with a balanced negative and ultimately positive character arc. It ties in the possession then as a plot element / vehicle to explore their similarities and differences but keeps everything tied together with choices/agency (rather than solely removing it), which is what Viren and Callum have both reaffirmed ("No choice? You made the choice you always have" etc) in S5 in particular. It also explains why and how all these forces - the parallels, the patterns, both their individual arcs, and their connections to Aaravos, his plans, and the possession plot line could be brought to fruition, and why they've all been included.
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anyone else ever get struck with a sudden feeling of distaste or being tired of someone who you usually really like/are friends with for literally no reason whatsoever? or is that just me
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fitzselfships · 4 months
Who would've thought that being exposed to one of your triggers (that you only recently found out is a trigger) on a daily basis would be bad for your mental health. Save me f/os </3
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quinloki · 3 months
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Me trying to be normal at work when I look on my phone at break and see a birds of a feather update
It’s a little treat for after work at least 🥰🥰
I'm losing my battle with being awake, so I'm not finishing the last chapter tonight xD but I'm so close.
This is going to be just shy of 90k words and the LONGEST of the long fics I've written so far. It's been a wild ride and I'm sad to see it wrapping up. (I have managed to leave so much room for a second book, but I want to get to other titles first XD )
I think I might take a short break from blondes for a couple weeks and try and get some more chapters of some of the Kid fics done - cause Sabo's birthday will be the release of Dragon's Clause, and I know that's going to devour me the way Birds of a Feather did.
^^; Which makes it sound like I need to force the Kid fics, but that's not the case. I've been musing, poking, noting, and refining my ideas for them during all this time.
I just need more time XD or the capacity to like type on two keyboards at the same time.
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wereh0gz · 7 months
Y'know I think I'm starting to truly understand the kids who just didn't do anything in class during middle and high school. As someone who used to be a gifted kid and never really got it. Fucking hell
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sskk-manifesto · 9 days
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indiiglow · 2 months
I'm trying to figure out a profound way to say how much some artists have impacted the entire way I draw
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allrelativefiction · 4 months
it sucks like. really needing help but knowing there's like no way to get it rn and no one can really do anything about it so telling anyone just feels like worrying people for no reason :/
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zirconpetals · 2 years
Personally, if Huntlow doesn't become endgame, I will be upset.
Yes, I appreciate friendships too, and I no, I don't only care about shipping. But. We're being shipbaited pretty heavily atm by both the show and the crew. It's not an overreaction to be upset if it doesn't go anywhere. It's usually pretty unsatisfying if an arc is being set up and then you get the rug pulled out from under you, it doesn't just apply to shipping. (Unless the arc that's being set up is the one you personally don't like and feel relieved that it's being abandoned)
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gaylactic-fire · 4 months
Dude I hate when ppl tag their own "anti X" "Pro Y" opinions on completely irrelevant posts. I once had someone tag my post about who-knows-what with a load of DID "anti endo" tags and it's just like.. I did not fucking say that.
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the-silly-urge · 4 months
You know swearing to kill all devils and demons is a little bit weird to me, like ik it goes off of the whole DnD Predisposed To Evil TM thing but... Eh? They're still people, I'm sure there's witty bitty demon and devil kids. Should they die too? If not now, should they really just be lambs for future slaughter?
I feel like I'm gonna find out some lore like oh devils can't ever feel fear or anythinggg only evil so it's okay 🤪 but idk doesn't mean I have to like it
You would think that people so willing to see the good in people (like half the party arguably has something a bit ~fundamentally evil~ going on) wouldn't turn around and decide to kill an entire people in their own fuckin land.
I like Karlach and Wyll going to Avernus together but it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth
And how much of how Avernus's inhabitants' evil just comes from the living conditions there (granted idk what they are), like how Drow are usually "evil" because the society they're in nurtures paranoia, competitiveness and violence?
Wish they'd done away with all the born evil stuff and not just for Drow lol.
Even what I've heard ab what happens w that gith egg if you give it to the society, is a bit questionable to me (never did it in game though)
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lightandfellowship · 1 year
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running-in-the-dark · 11 months
I've been using social media (Reddit and Tumblr) a lot less for a week now, starting with the Reddit blackout. And I think I have to stick with that. Went back on Reddit, immediately saw a post about climate change. I just can't do this anymore. I can't.
Every time I see something like that, or a post saying we don't care about whatever issue, or an awful event that happened, I just feel completely hopeless. There is nothing I can do.
I'm already worried enough about climate change and frustrated that most people still don't seem to care or change their behaviour at all, they still expect to keep living their comfortable easy lives where they get/do everything they want while saying that they don't owe anyone anything, they'll never change.
Anyway, I don't know how to stop though. I don't have many friends and talking to you guys on here is important to me. But when I open the app I can't help scrolling a little and I'm just so burnt out. What's the point in any of this. Everything is going to get so much worse and we can't do anything to stop it. I just want to live in a time where I can have hope that things are going to get better, not worse. If I'm honest, it feels like there's no point in getting my degree, what does it even matter, everything is going to shit anyway. Plus I'm not well enough to work a full time job so I'm just a lazy pig anyway, right?
I don't know. This is pointless too. I won't change anything, I'll still be on here just like the last five times I said something like this. I'll still sit on the couch watching TV and mindlessly being on my phone because that's all I have the energy to do. It's pointless.
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orangetintedglasses · 10 months
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arrowpunk · 1 year
Oh I will be so happy to go back on my meds tomorrow because this small bout of being off of them has manifested in the sad/depressed/apathetic/no creative energy version of being off my meds, due to circumstances out of my control, and I would like to not be like this
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