#My mum literally helping me with the fire alarm like Alfred would lmao
betterthanbatman1 · 8 months
Today I woke up, had a dull ache in my body and could barley keep my eyes open despite it being past 1pm. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I looked out the window and saw such a cute little Robin. It only sat for a few moments before flying away. I was filled with this sort of melancholy feeling, like the little bird abandoned me, but also it was so beautiful as it flew past and I was just in awe of the nature and the world. Like wow, I share this world with this amazing, beautiful creature. What a beautiful world I live in. And then my toast popped up and the fire alarm went off and I couldn’t get it to stop on my own.
Just had the most Bruce Wayne moment of my life.
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