excellentnfab · 1 month
Exporter of AAC Block Plant in Kenya
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Company Overview: Excellent En-Fab Incorporation, based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, specializes in industrial plants and equipment. Since 2010, they have been Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of AAC Block Plant in Kenya. Production Process of AAC Blocks: AAC blocks are manufactured by mixing sand or fly ash, cement, lime, gypsum, aluminum powder, and water. The mixture is poured into molds and cured in autoclaves under high pressure and temperature. This process triggers a chemical reaction, creating millions of tiny air bubbles throughout the material, resulting in a lightweight and porous structure. Benefits of AAC Blocks: Lightweight: AAC blocks are significantly lighter than traditional concrete blocks, reducing structural load and enabling easier handling and installation. Thermal Insulation: The porous structure of AAC blocks provides excellent thermal insulation, maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures and reducing energy costs. Fire Resistance: AAC blocks offer high fire resistance, enhancing building safety and meeting fire code requirementsSound Insulation: Air-filled voids in AAC blocks contribute to superior sound insulation, reducing noise transmission between rooms and buildings. Eco-Friendly: Made from abundant natural materials, AAC blocks consume less energy in production compared to traditional concrete blocks, making them environmentally friendly. Applications of AAC Blocks: Residential buildings: Used for walls, partitions, and other structural elements. Commercial buildings: Including offices, hotels, schools, hospitals, and shopping complexes. Industrial buildings: For warehouses, factories, and storage facilities. Infrastructure projects: Such as bridges, tunnels, and retaining walls. Specialized constructions: Such as swimming pools, sound barriers, and fire-rated walls. Excellent En-Fab Incorporation is Exporter of AAC Block Plant in Kenya Including Naragoi, Bungoma, Dadaab, Eldoret, Killfi, Kisil, Lamu, Litein, Lodwar, Lokichoggio, Mombasa, Moyale, Ruiru, Voi, Mumias, Nairobi, Nanyuki, Narok, Wajir, Watamu, Watamu, Webuye, Wote, Wundanyi. For inquiries or further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.s Read the full article
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san54 · 1 month
A Maldição da Pirâmide
Por Sandro Jarbas Malheiros
Uma história de terror, horror, vingança, ganância, maldição e magia negra.
Era o ano de 1920, e um grupo de cientistas e exploradores estava em uma expedição no Egito, em busca de antigas relíquias e mistérios. Eles tinham ouvido falar de uma pirâmide escondida no deserto, que supostamente continha tesouros e segredos de uma civilização perdida a muito, muito tempo atrás.
O líder da expedição era o professor Arthur Smith, um renomado arqueólogo e historiador da Universidade de Oxford. Ele estava acompanhado por sua assistente, a jovem e inteligente Alice Jones, que sonhava em seguir seus passos. Além deles, havia o guia local, Ahmed, que conhecia bem a região; o fotógrafo, James, que documentava tudo com sua câmera; e o médico, Henry, que cuidava da saúde e segurança de todos e dez carregadores encarregados de transportar os mantimentos e ferramentas de escavação.
Após vários dias de viagem pelo deserto, eles finalmente avistaram a pirâmide. Era uma estrutura imponente e majestosa, que se erguia sobre a areia como um monumento do passado. Eles se aproximaram com cautela e admiração, observando os hieróglifos e símbolos que adornavam as paredes externas sem dar muita atenção ao fato de o guia e os carregadores estarem muito nervosos
- É incrível! - exclamou Alice. - Eu nunca vi nada igual!
- Nem eu - concordou o professor Smith. - Esta pirâmide deve ser muito antiga, talvez até anterior às dinastias faraônicas. Quem sabe que maravilhas ela guarda em seu interior?
- Talvez não devêssemos entrar - sugeriu Ahmed. - Pode haver perigos ocultos lá dentro. Os antigos egípcios eram mestres em armadilhas e maldições.
- Não se preocupe, Ahmed - disse o professor Smith. - Nós somos cientistas, não supersticiosos. Nós viemos aqui para descobrir a verdade, não para temer lendas.
- Como quiser, senhor - respondeu Ahmed, resignado.
Eles entraram na pirâmide, iluminando o caminho com lanternas. Logo encontraram uma escada que levava ao nível inferior. Eles desceram com cuidado, seguindo um corredor escuro e estreito. No final do corredor, havia uma porta de pedra com um estranho símbolo gravado.
- O que será que isso significa? - perguntou Alice, apontando para o símbolo.
- Parece ser um olho dentro de um triângulo - disse o professor Smith. - Talvez seja um símbolo de proteção ou vigilância.
- Ou de aviso - acrescentou Ahmed.
- Vamos descobrir - disse o professor Smith, empurrando a porta.
A porta se abriu com um rangido, revelando uma câmara ampla e circular. No centro da câmara, havia um sarcófago de ouro maciço, decorado com jóias e inscrições. Ao redor do sarcófago, havia vários objetos de valor, como vasos, estátuas, jóias e armas.
- Meu Deus! - exclamou James. - É o achado do século!
- Cuidado! - alertou Henry. - Não toquem em nada! Pode haver veneno ou bactérias nas coisas!
- Não sejam tolos! - disse o professor Smith. - Estes são tesouros inestimáveis da história! Nós temos que examiná-los e levá-los conosco!
- Professor Smith... - começou Alice.
- Silêncio! - interrompeu ele. - Eu sou o líder desta expedição! Eu sei o que estou fazendo!
O professor Smith se aproximou do sarcófago e o abriu com força. Dentro dele, havia uma múmia envolta em bandagens. O rosto da múmia estava coberto por uma máscara de ouro com o mesmo símbolo do olho no triângulo.
- Vejam só! - exclamou ele. - É o dono da pirâmide! Quem será ele? Um rei? Um sacerdote? Um mago?
- Um morto-vivo! - gritou Ahmed visivelmente assustado.
Nesse momento, a múmia abriu os olhos e soltou um grito horrível. Os olhos da múmia brilhavam com uma luz vermelha e maligna. O símbolo do olho no triângulo também brilhava, emitindo uma energia sinistra.
- Malditos sejam! - disse a múmia com uma voz rouca e assustadora. - Vocês ousaram profanar o meu túmulo sagrado! Vocês despertaram a minha ira! Vocês sofrerão a minha maldição!
- O que ele disse? - perguntou James, apavorado.
- Ele disse que estamos amaldiçoados - traduziu Ahmed, tremendo.
- Isso é impossível! - disse o professor Smith, incrédulo. - Ele está morto há milhares de anos! Ele não pode nos fazer mal!
- Então por que ele está se levantando? - perguntou Alice, apontando para a múmia.
A múmia se levantou do sarcófago e avançou em direção aos intrusos. Ela estendeu as mãos e lançou raios de fogo pelos dedos. Os raios atingiram James, que caiu no chão, queimado e sem vida.
- James! - gritou Henry. - Ele matou o James!
- Fujam! - gritou Ahmed dominado pelo maís puro terror.. - Fujam enquanto podem!
Eles correram para a porta, mas ela estava fechada. Eles tentaram abri-la, mas ela estava trancada. Eles bateram na porta, mas ninguém os ouviu.
- Estamos presos! - gritou Alice. - Estamos presos com essa coisa!
- Calma! - disse Henry. - Tem que haver uma saída! Tem que haver uma maneira de parar essa maldição!
- Não há saída! - disse a múmia. - Não há salvação! Vocês todos morrerão aqui, um por um, até que eu seja o único vivo!
A múmia riu de forma macabra e continuou a atacá-los com seus poderes sobrenaturais. Um a um, eles foram caindo, vítimas da maldição da pirâmide.
Algum tempo depois os carregadores, que haviam ficado do lado de fora da pirâmide, vendo que os patrões não voltavam levantaram acampamento e retornaram a seus lares, uma atitude muito maís sensata que a daqueles que morreram lá dentro.
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theinvisiblescanner · 7 months
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From Dungeon Master: Perfect Guide
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edwordsmyth · 1 month
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Mumia Abu-Jamal addressing the CUNY Gaza solidarity encampment.
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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medullam · 7 months
To the average Panther, even though he worked daily in the ghetto communities of North America, his thoughts were usually on something larger than himself. It meant being part of a worldwide movement against US imperialism, white supremacy, colonialism, and corrupting capitalism. We felt as if we were part of the peasant armies of Vietnam, the degraded Black miners of South Africa, the Fedayeen in Palestine.
Mumia Abu Jamal, former Black Panther, political activist, and journalist
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Mumia Abu-Jamal! (April 24, 1954)
A longtime political prisoner of the US prison system, Mumia Abu-Jamal was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and became involved with the Black Panther Party as a teenager. He left the party at age 16 and became a journalist, still active in local left-wing social movements. He became president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists and supported MOVE. In 1982, Abu-Jamal was convicted of the murder of a police officer, in a trial marred by unreliable evidence and falsified witness testimony. He has remained a prisoner of conscience ever since, continuing his appeals. He has become the subject of a movement dedicated to securing his release.
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holyfigtree · 1 month
“I am a student of Frantz Fanon. I read him every day, and think about his ideas. When I see what is happening in Gaza right now, I know the people of Palestine are the wretched of the earth. They are fighting to be free from generations of occupation. And so, it is not enough, brothers and sisters—students—it is not enough to demand ceasefire. How about this? Make your demand cease occupation. Cease occupation, cease occupation! Let that be your battle cry.”
— Mumia Abu-Jamal, imprisoned journalist and former Black Panther who has been jailed for over 42 years
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garadinervi · 17 days
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Yuri Kochiyama, May 19, 1921 / 2024
(image via Davey D Cook: Yuri Kochiyama, 1999. Photo: Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times)
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readyforevolution · 3 months
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“The term may have been coined in 1845, but the seeds of Manifest Destiny arrived with Christopher Columbus when he stumbled onto the shores of North America—the self-styled “New World.” Since then, the death grip of its ideology has been the operating principle of the American Empire—a fervent, fanatical, at times religious mandate to carry out economic and geo-political acts that will always benefit the chosen few, which, in today’s parlance is the ‘one percent.’”
Mumia Abu-Jamal
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excellentnfab · 3 months
AAC Block Plant in Kenya
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AAC Block Plant in Kenya: About Excellent En-Fab Incorporation: Established in 2016, Excellent En-Fab Incorporation specializes in AAC Block Making Plants and offers turnkey projects in this field. Focuses on manufacturing AAC Block Plants, AAC Plant, and Autoclave Aerated Concrete Block Making Plants, providing comprehensive solutions. AAC Block Plant Overview: Produces AAC blocks, a lightweight and versatile building material made from sand, cement, lime, gypsum, and aluminum powder. Utilizes autoclaving to create cellular concrete blocks with excellent thermal insulation properties. Process Overview: Raw Material Preparation: Sand, cement, lime, and aluminum powder mixed in predetermined proportions to form a slurry. Molding: Slurry poured into molds undergoes a chemical reaction and expands, forming aerated concrete blocks. Curing: Green blocks are allowed to cure and harden in autoclaves through steam curing. Cutting and Finishing: Cured blocks are cut into desired sizes using wire-cutting machines and finished as per requirements. Key Equipment: Mixer: Mixing raw materials to form the slurry. Molds: Shaping AAC blocks during molding. Autoclaves: Steam curing for strength and durability. Cutting Machines: Cutting cured blocks into precise dimensions. Finishing Equipment: Surface finishing such as grinding machines and painting equipment. Applications: Residential Construction: Building walls, partitions, and roofs. Commercial Construction: Offices, hotels, schools, hospitals, and shopping malls. Industrial Construction: Industrial facilities, warehouses, and manufacturing plants. Infrastructure Projects: Bridges, retaining walls, and sound barriers. Supply Locations in Kenya: Providing AAC Block Plant in Kenya including Naragoi, Bungoma, Dadaab, Eldoret, Killfi, Kisil, Lamu, Litein, Lodwar, Lokichoggio, Mombasa, Moyale, Ruiru, Voi, Mumias, Nairobi, Nanyuki, Narok, Wajir, Watamu, Webuye, Wote, and Wundanyi. Contact us to discuss your requirements for high-quality products. Read the full article
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The following solidarity message was given over the phone by former Black Panther and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to the participants in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at the City College of New York on April 26.
It is a wonderful thing that you have decided not to be silent, and decided to speak out against the repression that you see with your own eyes. So you are part of something massive, and you are part of something that is on the right side of history.
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Repost from @wawog_now:
SEIZE THE MOMENT THAT THE STUDENTS IGNITED. Over the past week, the student movement has shown us all what solidarity looks like. Putting bodies on the line; trading certain futures for the promise of liberation. University administrators have responded to this bravery by unleashing the state’s dogs on the students holding it down at encampments or occupying administrative buildings. Last night, the NYPD pigs brutalized protesters at Columbia University and City College, subjecting them to mace, drawing weapons on them, and pushing young people down concrete stairs. At UCLA, the LAPD stood watching as a right wing mob brutalized protesters for hours. Still, the students held their ground.
The struggle rages on. For every swept encampment, for every de-occupied building, thousands of comrades will rise and take up the fight that the students have escalated. Our struggle is rooted in Gaza, where the IOF is still massacring families and starving a besieged population. But the days of zionist impunity are numbered.
Solidarity with the students! Workers of the world unite!
The music you hear in the video is ‘Shaneera’ by Fatima Al Qadiri, the audio comes from Mumia Abu-Jamal’s address via phone call to the People’s CUNY on April 26th, 2024.
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soon-palestine · 1 month
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I've been so stressed with my history project that's due today that I completely forgot that the new magnus protocol episode released today
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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Mural in solidarity with political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal who has been imprisoned on the US on death row since 1981.
The mural was painted at the Casa Okupa Chiapaz in Mexico City. was painted to celebrate his 69th birthday & honor his beloved wife Wadiya.
The day will come when the people break open the doors of that vile cage & free Mumia!
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