#Moji Bakery
buffetlicious · 5 months
I passed by Moji Bakery every day after work so I would dropped in to buy their baked pastries which are pretty good. Picked up a flaky sweet Kaya Puff (咖椰角) for S$1.20 and three savoury Seremban Char Siew Pau (芙蓉烧包). These baked char siew buns are priced at 1 for S$1.80 or 3 for S$5 and are filled with juicy diced barbecued pork.
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softlikethesunset12 · 3 years
The Most Amazing Coffee
A/N: Hi everyone, here is chapter 3! Thank you guys so, so much for all the response this story is getting. It means a lot :) 🥰🥰
Mistakes are mine. Enjoy! 
Ps. Here is Chapter 1 if you haven’t read it yet. And Chapter 2 too
Chapter 3
The rest of my shift I can only think about how it was to see Peeta again. I don’t really know how it made me feel, I only know that I got a weird warm feeling in my chest every time he smiled at me. And those blue eyes. I just can’t get them out of my head.
I promised Annie (my other best friend) that we would go to a bar tonight. I don’t really feel like it, but I promised her, so I’ll just have to suck it up. And what’s wrong with letting loose a little bit?
My shift ends and I’m walking back to my apartment thinking about how easily Peeta made me ‘confess’ that not everything was and is going good in my life. I never really talk about what happened in high school and at the beginning of college. But maybe I do want to talk about it…with him.
I walk through the door of my apartment to see Johanna. But she’s not alone…she’s with Thom. Her boyfriend. Yes, you heard that right, Johanna Mason has a boyfriend. They are currently in a make out session, so I loudly drop my bag on the floor and hang my jacket on the coat rack. I walk into the kitchen to grab something to drink when I hear Jo say something while wiping her bob haircut out of her face, “Hi Brainless, how was your day?”
“Pretty good actually.” I blush slightly, I curse under my breath and will my blush away but of course Jo already saw it.
“Where are you blushing for?” she says, a slight suspicious tone in her voice.
I walk towards the couch, sit down next to her -she sits on Thom’s lap- and say, “Nothing…” Not making eye contact instead looking at Thom, “Hi Thom.” I add.
She snorts, “You really are brainless if you think I believe that.”
“Fine…” I sigh. “Peeta Mellark came in today.”
Jo looks at me and says, “Peeta Mellark? As in the guy from that amazing bakery?”
“That’s the one. We went to high school together.” I say trying to play it cool.
“You went to high school together?!” Jo asks disbelieving. I can only nod, “You actually went to high school with an amazing baker ánd he’s hot. Win – win situation if you ask me.” She winks at me.
Thom looks at her with an amusing smile, she adds to him, “Not as hot as you of course.”
“Yeah I know he is hot. But it’s…it’s complicated…” I trail off not knowing what to say.
“Seems simple to me. He’s hot, a baker and single. Wait…he is single right?” She asks.
“I don’t know, didn’t ask. He came in with his friend. And we…we kinda talked about going out together.” I say shyly.
“WHAT?! And you are only telling me this now?!!” Jo practically shouts at me. “How did the conversation go? Spill the tea Brainless.” She orders me.
“Well, he came in and I didn’t recognize him at first. When he came to order, I didn’t look at his face so when I asked his name for on the cup he said “Peeta, Peeta Mellark”. Then I definitely recognized him.” I say this in one breath and look at her. She nods at me to move on and then I tell the rest of the story.
When I’m finished, she looks at me and says, “Yeah he totally likes you. But he didn’t ask your number, right?”
“You think so?” I say blushing and looking at the ground. I add, “And no, he didn’t, and I didn’t think of it to ask his number until now. I totally forgot.”
“I am 99% sure that he likes you. And he must’ve forgotten it himself too. Maybe he comes to your work again this week.” Jo says casually but I hear a little hope in her voice.
I nod and say, “Yeah maybe.” And then I think about my evening plans and add, “Are you going to the bar with me and Annie tonight?”
“No, I’m going to stay in with Thom tonight.” She winks to Thom at this. “Thanks for the offer though. Is Madge going?” She asks.
“No, she is spending the night at Gale’s. So, it’s just me and Annie then.” I say shrugging.
After dinner there is a knock on the door. And a few seconds later Annie walks through it. I’ve met Annie in the park one day when I was running. We were following the same route and then we just started talking and just clicked.
“Are you ready for tonight Katniss?” She asks with a grin on her face. Her beautiful green eyes sparkling, her auburn hair in a high ponytail, and a little make-up on her face. She is wearing a mid-short sea green dress which hug her curves in all the right places. She looks and is really gorgeous, I’ve always thought so.
“Kind of.” I say giving her a half smile.
“Oh, come on Katniss. It’s gonna be fun!” She says enthusiastic.
“You are very excited.” I laugh at her.
“Yeah. Well maybe we come across someone tonight. You never know.” She says jokingly but I hear a little hope in her voice too.
I don’t want to come across someone except if it’s Peeta. But I don’t tell her that, I’m going to keep it to myself for a while so I can figure out what I’m feeling. So instead I say, “I don’t know what to wear. Can you pick an outfit for me?”
“Of course, I can! Does it matter if it’s a dress? I know you prefer jeans.” She says happily.
“A dress is fine. Just not too short please.” I give her a genuine smile.
“She smiles back at me and says, “That’s alright. Now let’s go.”
Forty minutes later I’m in a dark green long sleeve dress that ends just above my knees. It hugs the little curves I have in all the right places. My hair is in loose waves and hanging over my shoulders. I’m wearing for my feeling way to high black heels, but Annie said that they were fashionable. And Annie put on some mascara and clear lip gloss on my lips. I look beautiful, Annie did a really good job. I tell her so.
“You’ve made me look beautiful Annie. Thank you.”
“Oh, stop it Katniss. You are beautiful. I didn’t make you beautiful.” She says looking at me with a stern look.
I feel my cheeks warm up at her compliment. Can you call it that? I don’t know.
I smile shyly at her, “I love you Annie.”
She gives me a wide smile back, “Love you too. Now let’s go drink!”
We arrive at a nice bar, it’s busy but not too packed. We walk up to the bar to our order drinks. Annie orders two mojitos for us. Normally I don’t really go for cocktails but why the hell not? Annie leads me to a booth at the side of the bar and we sit down.
I am telling Annie everything about today and Peeta, when I suddenly feel eyes on us. I look up to see some guy staring at us, well staring at Annie. He stares at her like she is the only one in the bar. Hell, he stares at her likes she is the only one on the planet. I can’t really see how he looks but he doesn’t look like a creep even though he is staring intensely at her.
I nudge her and nod my head in his direction, “Someone looks interested.”
“What? No, he’s not.” She says waving it off.
“What makes you think he’s not? He is staring at you for 5 minutes straight. Maybe even longer.” I say to her suggestively. “Go talk to him. maybe you find it out.”
“I’m not going to talk to him. I can’t leave you sitting here all alone. This is a girls night out.”
“But you were the one that said that we could come across someone tonight.” I say suspiciously.
“I know but I’m coming back on that now.”
I look at her with confusion, but I don’t push further and say, “Alright then.”
However not even two minutes later, the guy decides to go for it himself. He is walking towards us. But he isn’t alone. A shock goes through me as I recognize the man behind him. It’s Peeta. And it is only now that I recognize the man, he’s with, it is Finnick, Peeta’s best friend. No wonder they’re together on a Friday night in a bar.
In no time they’re standing before us.
“Looks like we’re meeting again Katniss.” Peeta says looking at me like I’m the sunrise. “You look really beautiful.” He adds.
I blush and look at my drink. I have to practice on how I’m supposed to react to compliments because I suck. I look up though and look at him. Really look at him. He looks very handsome in a turtleneck, which compliment his broad, muscled shoulders, it’s a shade darker than his eyes. The color makes his eyes stand out. He is grinning, dimple in his cheek. It’s adorable. Annie snaps me out of my staring by nudging me.
“What? Oh yeah, right. Annie this is Peeta Mellark, we went to high school together. Peeta this is Annie Cresta, my best friend.” I say quickly. Annie gives me a knowing look and I try to keep my blush contained.
“Hi Annie. Nice to meet you.” He says warmly. I look past him to Finnick. He looks at a loss for words, still staring at Annie. I have a feeling that Finnick isn’t often tongue-tied. Peeta nudges his friend slightly. “H-hey I’m Finnick, Finnick Odair. But you can call me Finn.” He says smiling at Annie. Do I hear shyness in his voice? “Oh, hi Katniss.” He says absently as if he just now realized I was there too.
I look back at Peeta who is laughing silently about his tongue-tied friend. He catches my eye and motions his head towards the bar. I look at Annie, who is talking with Finn now, then back at Peeta and nod my head. I stand up and follow him.
“Finn was staring at her from the moment we came in...” Peeta says laughing out loud now. “I’ve never seen him tongue-tied like this. Normally he doesn’t even have to say a whole sentence and the girls are already sold.”
He must see my concerned face because he adds, “He is a good guy though, he’s not going to hurt her.”
“He better doesn’t. Because he’s not gonna survive that.” I say looking at him and Annie talking.
Peeta cocks an eyebrow, “Do I need to watch out?” He says a crooked grin on his face.
My head snaps back and we lock eyes, “Nah, he is the only one who has to watch out. But if he is a good guy like you said than he has nothing to worry about.” I say trying to sound intimidating but failing because I can’t contain my smile. He grins back at me and we’re just standing like this for a few minutes. But then Peeta breaks our staring competition by asking if I want another drink.
“Yes, another mojito please.” I answer. He orders for me and for himself. “I was thinking about how we came across each other today and I realized I didn’t ask your number. So hereby; can I have your number?” He asks a tone of shyness in his voice.
I smile at him, man I have smiled more today than I smiled in couple of months, and say “Of course.” He grabs his phone and hands it to me. I type my number in it and give it back to him. A few seconds later I feel my phone vibrate in my purse, I grab it and see a message from Peeta. I look up at him, he smiles and says, “Now you have my number too.”
I wake up the next day by the sound of Johanna in the kitchen. I grab my phone and look at the time -11 a.m.- I’m glad it’s Saturday and that I start at 6 p.m. because I would be so late if it was a weekday. I lay back against my pillows and my mind wanders to last night. It was in one word, amazing. Peeta was really amazing company. I liked talking to him. After I gave him my number, we ordered more drinks and talked for another hour or so about life. He told me how he met Finnick and how they became best friends, I told him about Annie, Johanna and Madge. He knows Madge of course; we all went to the same high school.
At some point Annie and Finnick came to us to say that they were calling it a night. They didn’t go home together but I did see that Annie likes him. And I have to admit that Finn is a nice guy and that I like them together. I know that they just met but I can already see it happen. After that Peeta asked me if he could walk me back to my apartment. I said yes because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him yet. We walked slowly back to my apartment, holding hands and I couldn’t help imagining how his warm and solid hands would feel like on me or how’d they feel tangled in my hair. When we arrived at my door, he kissed my cheek and wished me a good night.
A warm feeling spreads through my chest at the memory. He can go from adorable to hot in just a few seconds. I think I’m falling for him. I don’t know for sure because I haven’t really felt something like this before. That’s a good thing, right? I’m snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone. I look at the screen and I smile like an idiot when I see from who it is.
Peeta (11:30 a.m.)
Good morning Katniss :) How’d you sleep?
Katniss (11:30 a.m.)
Hi Peeta, I slept pretty well :) You?
Peeta (11:31 a.m.)
Me too, very well. I had fun last night. It was really nice talking to you.
Katniss (11:31 a.m.)
Me too, very much. I can get used to talking to you ;)
Where is this flirting girl coming from? I barely recognize myself, but I can’t find it in me too care. Peeta is making me a giddy teenager. And I actually like it. 
Peeta (11:32 a.m.)
Good to know. Because it’s the other way around too.
Yes, definitely falling for him. The warm feeling in my chest is only getting bigger and there are butterflies in my stomach.
Peeta (11:33 a.m.)
I have to get to the bakery. Talk to you later?
Katniss (11:33 a.m.)
Definitely! Have a good day at work Peeta :)
Peeta (11:34 a.m.)
Thank you. Can’t wait to talk to you later!
I really feel like a giddy teenager, grinning like an idiot at my phone. I don’t think I’m making lunch myself today.
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blogiurbaninth · 7 years
โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset”
โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset”
ต้อนรับฤดูร้อนกับเทศกาลพิเศษ โนเบิลฯขอชวนคุณและครอบครัวมาสัมผัสความสุขและความสนุกกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่นในงาน  Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” ที่จัดขึ้นภายใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ของการจำลองเทศกาลประจำหมู่บ้านที่สะท้อนวิถีชีวิตในแบบญี่ปุ่น โดยภายในงานคุณจะได้พบกับกิจกรรมสุดสร้างสรรค์สไตล์ญี่ปุ่นต่างๆมากมาย อาทิ
กิจกรรม Daifuku Strawberry Moji Workshop งานนี้ใครชอบไดฟูกุต้องไม่พลาด! ให้คุณได้โชว์ฝีมือการทำขนมยอดฮิตจากญี่ปุ่น ไดฟูกุถั่วแดงสอดไส้ซ่อนแอบด้วยสตอว์เบอร์รี่สด จาก Bakery@Sathu
กิจกรรม Shibori Tie Dye Workshop เปิดประสบการณ์เรียนรู้การมัดย้อมผ้าด้วยเทคนิคชิโบริของญี่ปุ่น
กิจกรรม Shide Origami at Sunset Pavilion สนุกสุดสร้างสรรค์กับงานศิลปะประจำหมู่บ้านด้วยการพับกระดาษชิเดะที่ซันเซ็ต พาวิเลี่ยน
และพลาดไม่ได้กับกิจกรรมอื่นๆที่อบอวลไปด้วยความสนุกสนานและกลิ่นไอความเป็นญี่ปุ่นตลอดวัน ไม่ว่าจะเป็น DIY Tote Bag & Notebook Decoration ตกแต่งกระเป๋าผ้าและสมุดโน๊ตของคุณให้ไม่เหมือนใครด้วยตัวปั้มลวดลายพิเศษ, Photo Sticker ถ่ายรูปเก็บความทรงจำในวันพิเศษกับตู้สติกเกอร์ และ Portrait Painting by Yoky ให้ศิลปินวาดภาพในแบบฉบับของตัวคุณเอง พร้อมทั้งอิ่มอร่อยสดชื่นไปกับน้ำแข็งใสสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น (Kakigori) และดับร้อนกับ Iced Fruit Tea by Freeze Frozen Yogurt ชาเย็นผลไม้ ในบรรยากาศสบายๆ เพลิดเพลินไปกับดนตรีสดยามเย็นที่ซันเซ็ตพาวิเลี่ยน
พบกันที่งาน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” ในวันเสาร์ที่ 25 และวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 มีนาคมนี้ ตั้งแต่เวลา 14.00-19.00 น. ณ โครงการ Noble Gable Kanso Watcharapol ระหว่างซอยเพิ่มสิน 21 และ 23 สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมโทร. 02-251-9955 หรือ www.noblehome.com
Credit: โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” Web: iURBAN Fanpage: facebook.com/iURBAN.in.th
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buffetlicious · 1 year
It is not easy to buy this Salty Pandan Tau Sar Piah (香兰咸豆沙饼) at Moji Bakery. When I go to work in the morning, these snacks were not out of the oven yet. On the way home in the evening, they are usually sold out for the day or left just a couple of pieces which I find not worth the value since they are sold for S$1.20 each or 3 for S$3. Enclosed inside the flaky pastry are half each of sweet pandan flavoured tau sar (mung bean paste) and savoury bean paste with almond flakes on top of the crispy pastry. You get the additional pandan flavour mixed with the traditional tau sar taste.
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buffetlicious · 1 year
This is the first time I bought these Salty Bean Biscuits (酥皮咸豆沙) from Moji Bakery located within the Sembawang MRT premise. Cost S$1.20 for one or three for S$3 so I grabbed the later. Not sure what is the taste difference between this flatter and bigger tau sar piah (豆沙饼) compared to its smaller cousin. Maybe it is supposed to be crispier/flakier but as I did not eat it on the day of purchase, I found them almost alike. :D
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buffetlicious · 2 years
These pastries are from Moji Bakery located at Sembawang MRT Station. Although their breads and cakes aren’t fantastic, it is the pastry items that are the highlight. The Mini Yam Pastries (S$3.50 each) are really good though on the expensive side. The Seremban Char Siew Buns (芙蓉烧包) used to cost only S$1.50 but had since went up to S$1.80 each. Sis love the savoury sweet and juicy char siew (叉烧) or savoury barbecued chicken filling inside. The S$1.50 Yuan Yang Pastry (鸳鸯) comes with a mixture of both sweet and salty bean paste inside.
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The Salty Tau Sar Piah (S$0.90) or mung bean paste pastry (豆沙饼) on the left is filled with savoury sweet mung bean paste that are grainy in texture while the Sweet Tau Sar Piah (S$0.90) has a smooth sweet bean paste for the filling.
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buffetlicious · 2 years
The Moji Bakery located on the premise of Sembawang MRT Station has good baked pastries items. These Seremban Char Siew Buns (芙蓉烧包) cost S$1.50 each and are filled with savoury sweet and juicy char siew (叉烧) or savoury barbecued chicken.
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buffetlicious · 2 years
Bought these Salty Pandan Tau Sar Piah (香兰咸豆沙饼) at Moji Bakery within the Sembawang MRT building. They are selling 1 for S$1.20 or 3 for S$3 so naturally I went for the value for money option. :D It is made flatter yet wider in diameter than a traditional tau sar piah and filled with the usual salty and grainy mung bean paste plus a second layer of smooth and sweet pandan flavoured bean paste. On top of the golden brown crust, you get almond flakes to give it some crunch. When you bite into one, you get pastry flakes falling all over then you taste the saltiness, sweetness and fragrance dancing inside the mouth.
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blogiurbaninth · 7 years
โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset”
โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset”
ต้อนรับฤดูร้อนกับเทศกาลพิเศษ โนเบิลฯขอชวนคุณและครอบครัวมาสัมผัสความสุขและความสนุกกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่นในงาน  Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” ที่จัดขึ้นภายใต้คอนเซ็ปต์ของการจำลองเทศกาลประจำหมู่บ้านที่สะท้อนวิถีชีวิตในแบบญี่ปุ่น โดยภายในงานคุณจะได้พบกับกิจกรรมสุดสร้างสรรค์สไตล์ญี่ปุ่นต่างๆมากมาย อาทิ
กิจกรรม Daifuku Strawberry Moji Workshop งานนี้ใครชอบไดฟูกุต้องไม่พลาด! ให้คุณได้โชว์ฝีมือการทำขนมยอดฮิตจากญี่ปุ่น ไดฟูกุถั่วแดงสอดไส้ซ่อนแอบด้วยสตอว์เบอร์รี่สด จาก Bakery@Sathu
กิจกรรม Shibori Tie Dye Workshop เปิดประสบการณ์เรียนรู้การมัดย้อมผ้าด้วยเทคนิคชิโบริของญี่ปุ่น
กิจกรรม Shide Origami at Sunset Pavilion สนุกสุดสร้างสรรค์กับงานศิลปะประจำหมู่บ้านด้วยการพับกระดาษชิเดะที่ซันเซ็ต พาวิเลี่ยน
และพลาดไม่ได้กับกิจกรรมอื่นๆที่อบอวลไปด้วยความสนุกสนานและกลิ่นไอความเป็นญี่ปุ่นตลอดวัน ไม่ว่าจะเป็น DIY Tote Bag & Notebook Decoration ตกแต่งกระเป๋าผ้าและสมุดโน๊ตของคุณให้ไม่เหมือนใครด้วยตัวปั้มลวดลายพิเศษ, Photo Sticker ถ่ายรูปเก็บความทรงจำในวันพิเศษกับตู้สติกเกอร์ และ Portrait Painting by Yoky ให้ศิลปินวาดภาพในแบบฉบับของตัวคุณเอง พร้อมทั้งอิ่มอร่อยสดชื่นไปกับน้ำแข็งใสสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น (Kakigori) และดับร้อนกับ Iced Fruit Tea by Freeze Frozen Yogurt ชาเย็นผลไม้ ในบรรยากาศสบายๆ เพลิดเพลินไปกับดนตรีสดยามเย็นที่ซันเซ็ตพาวิเลี่ยน
พบกันที่งาน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” ในวันเสาร์ที่ 25 และวันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 มีนาคมนี้ ตั้งแต่เวลา 14.00-19.00 น. ณ โครงการ Noble Gable Kanso Watcharapol ระหว่างซอยเพิ่มสิน 21 และ 23 สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมโทร. 02-251-9955 หรือ www.noblehome.com
The post โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” appeared first on iUrban.
Credit: โนเบิลฯ ชวนคุณมาสัมผัสกับการใช้ชีวิตสไตล์ญี่ปุ่น กับงานเทศกาลฤดูร้อน Noble Gable Kanso “Sunrise to Sunset” Web: iURBAN Fanpage: facebook.com/iURBAN.in.th
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