#Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
swamyworld · 30 days
Neom Is Saudi Arab Govt told to kill people for land related to The Line Project Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud Know details
Neem: Now people’s lives are not even being cared for to establish eco-city Neom in Saudi Arabia. This is because security forces and officials have been ordered to kill if they do not vacate the land around The Line under this project. This disclosure has been made by the Verification and Eye Investigation team of ‘BBC’. A report by the British Public Service Broadcaster, quoting a former…
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thousifincmiddleeast · 4 months
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demontruth · 4 months
I don't know about any of you but I'm tried of all the bullshit we're feed on a daily basis.
For instance Nikki Haley saying on CNN "We’re not a racist country, Brian. We’ve never been a racist country.” WTF seriously what kind brain washing pills has she been taking.
Of course Mr. Donald "lies" Trump, he lies so much the lies mated and have baby lies. The fucker gotta have 8, 9 generations of lies happening. Set up whole families of lies. They probably have trust funds.
Then there's 81 y.o Scranton, Pennsylvania Prez that no doubt lies, but he's too old to remember them or what the fuck he's talking about. But is perfectly ok to letting Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud a.k.a Bonesaw get away with have Jamal Khashoggi ambushed and strangled by a 15-member squad of Saudi operatives. His body was then dismembered and disposed of. That gets a pass because OIL.
DeSantis and whole of Florida, if I really need to go over everything you've been a coma.
Both Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein being too fucking OLD to do their fucking jobs! Is it they don't want to give up power (how pathic), or whatever else. She's now disgraced only being known for being a senator who the Democrats tried to outs because incapacitation. Then Mitch McConnell who we've all have discovered is either a robot or no longer mental fit be Minority Leader of the US Senate. A position that has to much control over senate to allow to be done by someone that's too fucking old and mentally unfit.
That's just the tip of bullshit ice burg in our country the good old US.
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myfunkybdaytv · 2 years
Saudi Arabia opens air space to all air carriers
Saudi Arabia opens air space to all air carriers
Saudi Arabia opens air space to all air carriers (more…)
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The social media company formerly known as Twitter has been accused in a revised civil US lawsuit of helping Saudi Arabia commit grave human rights abuses against its users, including by disclosing confidential user data at the request of Saudi authorities at a much higher rate than it has for the US, UK or Canada.
The lawsuit was brought last May against X, as Twitter is now known, by Areej al-Sadhan, the sister of a Saudi aid worker who was forcibly disappeared and then later sentenced to 20 years in jail.
It centers on the events surrounding the infiltration of the California company by three Saudi agents, two of whom were posing as Twitter employees in 2014 and 2015, which ultimately led to the arrest of al-Sadhan’s brother, Abdulrahman, and the exposure of the identity of thousands of anonymous Twitter users, some of whom were later reportedly detained and tortured as part of the government’s crackdown on dissent.
Lawyers for Al-Sadhan updated their claim last week to include new allegations about how Twitter, under the leadership of then chief executive Jack Dorsey, willfully ignored or had knowledge of the Saudi government’s campaign to ferret out critics but – because of financial considerations and efforts to keep close ties to the Saudi government, a top investor in the company – provided assistance to the kingdom.
The new lawsuit details how X had originally been seen seen as a critical vehicle for democratic movements during the Arab spring, and therefore became a source of concern for the Saudi government as early as 2013.
The new legal filing comes days after Human Rights Watch condemned a Saudi court for sentencing a man to death based solely on his Twitter and YouTube activity, which it called an “escalation” of the government’s crackdown on freedom of expression.
The convicted man, Muhammad al-Ghamdi, 54, is the brother of a Saudi scholar and government critic living in exile in the UK. Saudi court records examined by HRW showed that al-Ghamdi was accused of having two accounts, which had a total of 10 followers combined. Both accounts had fewer than 1,000 tweets combined, and contained retweets of well-known critics of the government.
The Saudi crackdown can be traced back to December 2014, as Ahmad Abouammo – who was later convicted in the US for secretly acting as a Saudi agent and lying to the FBI – began accessing and sending confidential user data to Saudi Arabian officials. In the new lawsuit, it is claimed that he sent a message to Saud al-Qahtani, a close aide to Mohammed bin Salman, via the social media company’s messaging system, saying “proactively and reactively we will delete evil, my brother”. It was a reference, the lawsuit claims, to the identification and harming of perceived Saudi dissidents who were using the platform. Al-Qahtani was later accused by the US of being a mastermind behind the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.
“Twitter was either aware of this message – brazenly sent on its own platform – or was deliberately ignorant to it,” the revised lawsuit states.
Twitter, now X, does not respond to questions from the press.
The Guardian contacted the company lawyer in the case, Ben Berkowitz of Keker, Van Nest & Peters, but did not receive a response. The Guardian also contacted Dorsey’s new company, Block, Inc, to request a comment from the former Twitter chief executive, but did not receive a response.
After Abouammo resigned in May 2015, he continued to contact Twitter to field requests he was receiving from Bader al-Asaker, a senior aide of Mohammed bin Salman, for the identity of confidential users. He made clear to the company, the lawsuit alleges, that the requests were on behalf of his “old partners in the Saudi government”.
The lawsuit also alleges that Twitter had “ample notice” of security risks to internal personal data, and that there was a threat of insiders illegally accessing it, based on public reporting at the time.
Twitter “did not simply ignore all these red flags … it was aware of the malign campaign”, the lawsuit claims.
On 28 September 2015, Twitter received a complaint from a Saudi user that their accounts had been compromised. But, the lawsuit alleges, the company did not act to bar one of the Saudis who was later accused – Ali Hamad Alzabarah – from having access to confidential user data, even though he had accessed the user’s account previously.
Saudi Arabian authorities, the lawsuit alleges, would formally follow up with Twitter once it received confidential user data from its agents working inside the company, by filing so-called EDRs – or emergency disclosure requests – in order to obtain documentation that confirmed a user’s identity, which it would then use in court. Often those EDRs were approved on the same day.
In May 2015, when two Twitter users tweeted about the kingdom in a way that al-Asaker found objectionable, Albabarah accessed the users’ data within hours. EDRs about the users were then sent, and automatically approved by Twitter, the lawsuit alleges.
Between July and December 2015, Twitter granted the kingdom information requests “significantly more often” than most other countries at that time, including Canada, the UK, Australia and Spain, the lawsuit alleges.
On 5 November 2015, just days before Twitter was confronted by the FBI about its concerns about a Saudi infiltration of the company, it promoted Alzabarah – now a fugitive living in Saudi. In response, Alzabarah sent his Saudi government contact, al-Asaker, a note, conveying his “unimaginable happiness” for the promotion. The note, the lawsuit claims, is evidence that Alzabarah believed al-Asaker had “arranged” or “been influential” in connection to the promotion.
Once Twitter was made aware of the FBI’s concerns, it put Alzabarah on leave and confiscated his laptop, but not his phone, which he has used extensively to contact his Saudi state contacts. Twitter, the lawsuit alleges, “had every reason to expect that Alzabarah would immediately flee to Saudi Arabia, which is exactly what he did.”
The US attorney’s office in San Francisco, which handled the case, did not respond to The Guardian’s request for comment on the company’s handling of the matter.
Twitter would later notify users who had been exposed, telling them their data “may” have been targeted, but did not provide more specific information about the scale or certainty that the breach had, in fact, occurred.
By “failing to give this crucial information, Twitter put thousands of Twitter users at risk,” the lawsuit alleges, claiming that some may have had time to escape the kingdom had they understood the risk. Even once Twitter was aware of the breach, it continued to meet and strategize with Saudi Arabia as one of its vital partners in the region. Dorsey met with bin Salman about six months after the company was made aware of the issue by the FBI, and the two discussed how to “train and qualify Saudi cadres.”
“We believe in Areej’s case and we will zealously prosecute it – but what she wants most is for Saudi Arabia to simply release her brother and let him re-join his family in the United States,” said Jim Walden, a lawyer representing Al-Sadhan from Walden Macht & Haran. “Were that to happen, she and Abdulrahman would gratefully resume their lives and leave justice in God’s hand.”
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oodlenoodleroodle · 9 months
He had 10 twitter followers.
Finnish people please sign this Amnesty petition.
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deadpresidents · 9 months
Despite reading dozens of books on Saudi Arabia, the Saudi monarchy, and several biographies of Mohammed bin Salman, I must admit how surprised I am that MbS's actual speaking voice sounds exactly like Tom Hardy's posh accent in Inception. It's quite jarring at first.
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Faisal Mikdad to RT: The meeting between President Bashar al-Assad and the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, was very warm and reflected the historical relations binding the two countries
We feel from the Crown Prince’s words that the future of relations is promising and they will return to normal on all levels
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galerymod · 2 months
Morally reprehensible.
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This is just a small selection of members of mankind who are morally reprehensible. They live in their own value system which does not correspond to a concept of human rights.
I believe the root of all evil is abuse of power.
Patricia Cornwell
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It is never ok for politicians to abuse their power for self enrichment, and even for has-beens and also-rans there has to be some brand of justice so present and future presidents don't get lured into taking crafty, well disguised bribes pretending it's 'charity.'
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
It's time for a last second Easter miracle Dad..... Just strike them down with a lightning bolt so that they go up in flames and with them all the following ones with the same problem.
Jesus Christus more or less
Of course we are in favour of complete non-violence, but we cannot question the catastrophic nature of God.
We are only fallible humans.
The worst thing is that they ruin the lives of many people in the long term or even end them prematurely on purpose. The good thing is that death will take them all sooner or later! And since they are so attached to life, they will do anything to prolong it, even in a state of absolute decay. Not a nice thing.... kind of payback.
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durantbarta · 9 months
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esidwaya · 2 years
Arabie saoudite : Le Prince héritier lance une stratégie pour dynamiser l’industrie
Arabie saoudite : Le Prince héritier lance une stratégie pour dynamiser l’industrie
Le Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premier ministre et Président du Conseil des affaires économiques et de développement, a lancé une nouvelle stratégie nationale en faveur de l’industrie. La stratégie, selon le Premier ministre, vise à stimuler les investissements dans l’industrie de pointe et l’exportation, et contribuer à sécuriser les chaînes de services mondiales en…
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timesofocean · 2 years
Turkish president welcomes Saudi crown prince with official ceremony
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/turkish-president-welcomes-saudi-crown-prince-with-official-ceremony/
Turkish president welcomes Saudi crown prince with official ceremony
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Ankara (The Times Groupe)- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was officially welcomed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday in the capital of Ankara.
At the presidential complex, Erdogan received the crown prince.
Prior to an official dinner, the leaders will meet one-on-one and interdelegationally.
During the prince’s official visit, Erdogan said they would discuss ways to boost bilateral ties.
Erdogan visited Saudi Arabia in late April for a two-day working visit.
As part of his visit, Erdogan met with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and the crown prince, and discussed various international, regional, and bilateral issues.
Following his visit to Saudi Arabia, Erdogan said Ankara and Riyadh are determined to work together for regional stability and common interests.
During negotiations with Egypt, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations, Erdogan referred to it as a “new era” for making friends rather than enemies. Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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anthroxlove · 4 months
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Guess Who's Johnny Depp's New Bestie?
"If you guessed MBS, congratulations. I guess you had that on your 2024 bingo card.
In case you forgot, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud ordered a hit on journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was chopped into little pieces by Saudi agents at a consulate in Turkey."
(full post)
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world-of-wales · 2 years
Foreign Royalty
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima 🇳🇱
Queen Beatrix 🇳🇱
King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia 🇪🇸
King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía 🇪🇸
Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako 🇯🇵
King Phillipe and Queen Mathilde 🇧🇪
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Theresa 🇱🇺
King Tupou VI 🇹🇴
King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia 🇸🇪
Queen Margrethe II and Crown Prince Frederik 🇩🇰
King Harald V and Queen Sonja 🇳🇴
Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene 🇲🇨
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Emir of Qatar)🇶🇦
King Jigme Khesar and Queen Jetsun Pema 🇧🇹
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Abdullah & Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku of Malaysia 🇲🇾
Hereditary Prince Alois & Hereditary Princess Sophie 🇱🇮
King Tūheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII
Sultan Haitham 🇴🇲
Sultan Hassanal 🇧🇳
Crown Prince Moulay Hassan 🇲🇦
Prince Faisal bin Turki Al Saud 🇸🇦
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan 🇦🇪
Crown Prince Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and 🇰🇼
King Letsie III 🇱🇸
King Abdullah II and Queen Rania 🇯🇴
Crown Prince Hussein 🇯🇴
King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa and Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa 🇧🇭
Deposed Royalty + Distant Family Relations
Margareta (Custodian of the Crown) and Prince Radu 🇷🇴
Queen Anne-Marie 🇬🇷
Crown Prince Palovs and Crown Princess Marie Chantal 🇬🇷
Crown Prince Alexander 🇷🇸
Prince Emanuele of Savoy
Tsar Simeon II 🇧🇬
Maximilian (Margrave of Baden), Prince Bernhard and Hereditary Princess Stephanie of Baden
Prince Philipp and Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe - Langenburg 
Prince Donatus (Landgrave of Hesse)
Archduke Karl of Austria
Lady Pamela Hicks
Foreign Heads of State and Governments
President Joe Biden & First Lady Jill Biden 🇺🇸
President Michael D Higgins and Taoiseach Micheál Martin 🇮🇪
President Gitanas Nausėda and First Lady Dina Nausėda 🇱🇹
President Egils Levits and First Lady Andra Levite 🇱🇻
President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda 🇵🇱
President Isaac Herzog 🇮🇱
Jair Bolsonaro 🇧🇷
President Sergio Mattarella 🇮🇹
President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa 🇵🇹
President Yoon Suk-yeol 🇰🇷
President Paula-Mae Weekes 🇹🇹
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier 🇩🇪
President Sauli Niinistö & Mrs Jenni Haukio 🇫🇮
Prime Minister Andrew Holness 🇯🇲
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 🇨🇦
President Ranil Wickremesinghe 🇱🇰
President Emmanuel Macron 🇫🇷
President Katalin Novák 🇭🇺
President Alexander van der Bellen and First Lady Doris Schmiedauer 🇦🇹
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern 🇳🇿
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese 🇦🇺
Prime Minister James Marape 🇵🇬
President Cyril Ramaphosa 🇿🇦
President Hage Geingob 🇳🇦
President Zoran Milanović 🇭🇷
President George Vella 🇲🇹
Afioga Tuimalealiʻifano Vaʻaletoʻa Sualauvi II 🇼🇸
President Droupadi Murmu 🇮🇳
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina 🇧🇩
President Alar Karis 🇪🇪
President Zuzana Čaputová 🇸🇰
Prime Minister Petr Fiala 🇨🇿
President Ignazio Cassis 🇨🇭
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif 🇵🇰
Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly 🇪🇬
President Salome Zourabichvili 🇬🇪
President Ali Bongo Ondimba 🇬🇦
President William Ruto 🇰🇪
First Lady Olena Zelenska 🇺🇦
Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene 🇲🇳
President Guðni Jóhannesson and First Lady Eliza Reid 🇮🇸
President Nicos Anastasiades 🇨🇾
Prime Minister Joseph Ngute 🇨🇲
President Halimah Yacob 🇸🇬
President Dame Sandra Mason 🇧🇧
Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth 🇲🇺
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed 🇲🇻
President Nana Akufo-Addo 🇬🇭
Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama 🇫🇯
Governmental Representatives
Marcelo Ebrard (Secretary of Foreign Affairs) 🇲🇽
High Commissioner Ralph Goodale 🇨🇦
Ambassador Igor Pokaz 🇭🇷
Vice President Wang Qishan 🇨🇳
Foreign Minister Narayan Khakda 🇳🇵
Former President Dr Joyce Banda 🇲🇼
Captains Regent Oscar Mina and Paolo Rondelli 🇸🇲
Irene Marcos 🇵🇭
Governor Generals
Governor General Sir Patrick Allen 🇯🇲
Governor General Mary Simon 🇨🇦
Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro 🇳🇿
Governor General David Hurley 🇦🇺
Governor General Sir Bob Dadae 🇵🇬
Governor General Dame Froyla Tzalam 🇧🇿
Governor General Dame Cécile La Grenade 🇬🇩
Governor General Tofiga Vaevalu Falani 🇹🇻
Governor General Sir David Vunag 🇸🇧
Governor General Dame Susan Dougan 🇻🇨
Acting Governor-General Errol Charles 🇱🇨
Governor General Sir Cornelius A. Smith 🇧🇸
Governor General Sir Rodney Williams and Lady Williams 🇦🇬
International organisations
Charles Michel (President) 🇪🇺
Ursula von der Leyen (President of European Commission)
Jens Stoltenberg (Secretary General of NATO)
Earle Courtenay Rattray (Chief of Staff to UN Secretary General)
Baroness Scotland (Secretary-General of the Commonwealth)
Sir Don McKinnon (Former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth)
Religious Leaders
Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin 🇻🇦
Foreign Minster Archbishop Paul Gallagher 🇻🇦
Maybe attending -
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama 🇺🇸
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cleoselene · 4 months
Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, aka the Saudi prince who had journalist Jamal Khashoggi chopped up into little pieces while his fiancee waited for him outside the embassy, is now bankrolling and funding his new bestie Johnny Depp's lifestyle
really lovely guy the internet decided to take up for there, I know when I'm just a beautiful artistic soul who is completely innocent of any wrongdoing, I hang around people who chop up journalists all the time
he is garbage and I hate everyone who still takes up for that pile of musty scarves
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theculturedmarxist · 8 months
In the meantime, while Iran was coordinating with the resistance groups on the military front, China and Saudi Arabia shifted gear on the diplomatic track. On Thursday, even as the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was heading for Arab capitals after talks in Tel Aviv, seeking help to get the hostages released by Hamas, China’s Special Envoy on the Middle East Zhai Jun contacted the Deputy Minister for Political Affairs of the Saudi foreign ministry Arabia Saud M. Al-Sati on the Palestine-Israel situation with focus on the Palestine issue and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, in particular. The contrast couldn’t be sharper. 
On the same day, an extraordinary event took place in the Chinese foreign ministry when the Arab envoys in Beijing sought a group meeting with Special Envoy Zhai to underscore their collective stance that a “very severe” humanitarian crisis has emerged following Israel’s attack on Gaza and “the international community has the responsibility to take immediate actions to ease the tension, promote the resumption of talks for peace, and safeguard the Palestinian people’s lawful national rights.” 
The Arab ambassadors thanked China “for upholding a just position on the Palestinian question … and expressed the hope that China will continue to play a positive and constructive role.” Zhai voiced full understanding that the “top priority is to keep calm and exercise restraint, protect civilians, and provide necessary conditions for relieving the humanitarian crisis.” 
After this extraordinary meeting, the Chinese Foreign Ministry posted on its website at midnight a full-bodied statement by Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi titled China Stands on the Side of Peace and Human Conscience on the Question of Palestine. This reportedly prompted a call by the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan to Wang Yi. 
Interestingly, Blinken too called Wang Yi from Riyadh on October 14,     where, according to the state department readout, he “reiterated U.S. support for Israel’s right to defend itself and called for an immediate cessation of Hamas’ attacks and the release of all hostages” and stressed the importance of “discouraging other parties (read Iran and Hezbollah) from entering the conflict.”
Succinctly put, in all these exchanges involving Saudi Arabia — especially, in Blinken’s meetings in Riyadh with Saudi FM and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, while the US focused on the hostage issue, the Saudi side instead turned the attention to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The state department readouts (here and here) bring out the two sides’ divergent priorities. 
Suffice to say, a coordinated Saudi-Iranian strategy backed by China is putting pressure on Israel to agree to a ceasefire and to de-escalate. The UN’s backing isolates Israel further.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s exit is to be expected but he won’t throw in the towel without a fight. US-Israel ties may come under strain. President Biden is caught in a bind, harking back to Jimmy Carter’s predicament over the Iran hostage crisis in 1980, which ended his bid for a second term as president. Biden is already backtracking. 
Where do things go from here? Clearly, the longer the Israeli assault on Gaza continues, the international condemnation and demand to allow a humanitarian corridor will only intensify. Not only will countries like India which expressed “solidarity” with Israel lose face in the Global South, even Washington’s European allies will be hard-pressed. It remains to be seen whether an invasion of Gaza by Israel is anymore realistic at all. 
Going forward, the Arab-Iran-China axis will raise the plight of Gaza in the UN Security Council unless Israel retracted. Russia has proposed a draft resolution and is insisting on a voting. If the US vetoes the resolution, the UN GA may step in to adopt it. 
Meanwhile, the US project to resuscitate the Abraham Accords loses traction and the plot to undermine the China-brokered Saudi-Iranian rapprochement faces sudden death.
As regards the power dynamic in West Asia, these trends can only work to the advantage of Russia and China, especially if the BRICS were to take a lead role at some point to navigate a Middle East peace process that is no longer the monopoly of the US. This is payback time for Russia. 
The era of petrodollar is ending — and along with that, the US’ global hegemony. The emergent trends, therefore, go a long way to strengthen multipolarity in the world order. 
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