#Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
g4zdtechtv · 1 month
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Signed, Sealed, Drunkenly Delivered | 12/5/06
Hope you loosen up.
(4GTV - 24/7. LIVE. WATCH NOW.)
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sporkberries · 9 months
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Metal Gear Lore
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Happy international women's day mgs women! ^^
I'm sorry kojima wrote most of you so badly, but you gals are still in my heart <3
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scieel · 3 months
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Oh to be bigbo and have a blonde harem 😮‍💨
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 6 months
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mefiless25 · 1 year
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twistedshack · 5 months
Shoutout to my friend for encouraging me to.draw gray fox for their inspo, there's also a small william birkin I forgot to delete
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noelshourai · 4 months
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Dated October 2022, probably.
If you're wondering, I drew some of these Metal Gear comics in response to othatsraspberry's Metal Gear streams. Don't forget to check out her comics, they're funny and cute.
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machobusta · 1 year
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danthepest · 7 months
So with the Metal Gear Collection out now (of debatable quality), I figured I'd make a short, handy list of the chronological order of these games, and a short summary of what they're about. I'll try to be as vague and spoiler free as possible.
1 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Takes place in 1964 during the Cold War. CIA operative and FOX unit member Naked Snake is sent to Russia and has to survive the jungle (don't ask, just roll with it) to stop the development and deployment of a new kind of ultimate weapon, the Shagohod. Things are not what they seem and the political machinations of both the United States of America and Russia will have severe repercussions for the rest of the series. Most of all, it will affect Naked Snake and his legacy.
2 - Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - Takes place in 1970. FOX has seemingly gone rogue and started a revolt in San Hieronymo. Naked Snake begins to build his own resistance with the help of Roy Campbell. (The game is only available for PSP and while it was touted as a "missing link" between Snake Eater and Metal Gear 1, it hasn't been mentioned or referenced since. Easily skippable.)
3 - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Takes place in 1974 in Costa Rica. Naked Snake and Kazuhira Miller begin building their private military company Militaires Sans Frontières. As they uncover the truth behind the strife in Costa Rica, Snake's past during the Snake Eater incident comes back to haunt him. (Originally a PSP game, it was included in the PS3 HD collection. This was also billed as a "missing link". Up to you if agree. Definitely need to play this to understand the next game.)
4 - Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - Takes place in 1975. After the Peace Walker Incident, one of MSF's own people goes to Cuba on a failed rescue mission and Naked Snake goes in alone to retrieve his man and the person he came to rescue. Serves as an epilogue to Peace Walker and a prologue to the next game.
5 - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Takes place in 1984, primarily in Afghanistan. Ten years after what happens in Ground Zeroes, Naked Snake is rechristened Venom Snake and is rebuilding his forces with Miller, naming themselves Diamond Dogs. They prepare to strike back at the organization that has been targeting them for 10 years. A startling truth is revealed and strong alliances shatter.
6 - Metal Gear - Takes place in 1995. FOXHOUND unit rookie, Solid Snake is sent into the fortified state, Outer Heaven, to rescue FOXHOUND veteran Gray Fox and discover the secret behind Outer Heaven's nuclear weapon and the identity of its leader.
7 - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - Takes place in 1999. Dr. Kio Marv has bio-engineered a new fuel and energy source that would reduce the consumption of oil. Military forces belonging to Zanzibar Land kidnap the doctor, intending to control the world's oil supply and hold the world hostage as well as stockpiling nuclear weapons. New FOXHOUND commander Roy Campbell forces Solid Snake out of retirement to infiltrate Zanzibar Land and rescue Dr. Kio Marv. Solid Snake is forced to face those he once considered friends and mentors.
8 - Metal Gear Solid - Takes place in 2005. FOXHOUND rebels against the US government and takes over the Alaskan island Shadow Moses, which contains a nuclear weapons facility. Among their demands is the body of Big Boss who is considered the greatest soldier that ever lived. They wish to use his genes to create an army of super soldiers. At the behest of the Secretary of Defense, Roy Campbell once again has to ask Solid Snake out of retirement for one last solo mission. Solid Snake is forced to confront who he is, where he came from and what it is he's fighting for.
9 - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Takes place in 2007 and 2009. In 2007, the anti-terrorist organization Philanthropy learns that a new Metal Gear is being transported through the Hudson river and attempt to stop it. They are thwarted by Russian mercenaries and the tanker is blown up as they get away with said Metal Gear.
In 2009, FOXHOUND operative Raiden is sent to infiltrate the Big Shell, a large decontamination facility that has been taken over by a terrorist faction calling themselves the Son of Liberty. Raiden must neutralize the threat and save the hostages. However, Raiden will soon learn of a conspiracy that dates back to even before the Cold War and begin to question his own existence.
10 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Takes place in 2014. War has changed. War has become a commodity and has created what is known as the War Economy. Old Snake is tasked with putting a stop to the madness as well as put an end to a personal war that started as far back as 1964. (So far, this is exclusively a PS3 title, but there is hope that it will be released for PC in a further Metal Gear Collection)
11 - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Takes place in 2018. Raiden has made peace with his lot in life and is trying to support his family by working as a military trainer and VIP bodyguard among other things. While protecting a VIP, Raiden is ambushed and utterly defeated by a cyborg that is part of a larger organization. Raiden begins his quest of vengeance and will finally see if he can put his past behind him.
And there you have it! Dunno really what prompted me to do this, but hey, maybe someone out there will find this helpful or interesting or intriguing or whatever.
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Young Roy Campbell met Big Boss
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g4zdtechtv · 2 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Metal Gear Solid Double Feature | 11/17/04 & 12/26/06
Tactical Reviewing Action.
(4GTV - 24/7. LIVE. WATCH NOW.)
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solidsnakecake · 1 month
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This ugly game is my parasocial enemy. I need to murder and Skullface it for the damage it's done to fans' perception of the Metal Gear lore. Particularly for whitewashing Gray Fox and running his story and timeline.
Yeah, I know barely anyone's played it but the fact it exists at all is a sin.
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Good timezone, everyone! After much blood, sweat, and tears (and wrestling with graphic design applications), I'm proud to announce that I've completed the bracket, as well as determined the matchups and their order. You've waited long enough for it, so here is our bracket for the Metal Gear Solid Vocal Song Tournament!
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Winner of each round will continue into the main bracket, while losers will drop to the losers' bracket below and have one more shot at redemption (and potentially the whole tournament!).
The first four matches, which are:
Heavens Divide vs Oishii Two-Han Seikatsu
Collective Consciousness vs Rules of Nature,
The Only Thing I Know for Real vs Behind the Drapery,
Calling to the Night vs Dark Skies
...will start Saturday, December 9th at 6:00 PM EST. Make sure to mark your calendars, tell your friends/mutuals, and above all else, vote for your fave!
Tagging for visibility: @tournament-announcer, @tournamentdirectory, @mostmisunderstoodtournament, @sequestered-song-skirmish, @worstsongtournament, @who-do-i-know-this-man
Text-only version of this bracket will be below the cut.
Heavens Divide vs Oishii Two Han Seikatsu
Collective Consciousness vs Rules of Nature
The Only Thing I Know For Real vs Behind the Drapery
Calling to the Night vs Dark Skies
The Stains of Time vs Don't Be Afraid
Red Sun vs Way to Fall
The Man Who Sold the World vs Return to Ashes
A Phantom Pain vs The Best Is Yet to Come
A Stranger I Remain vs Sing
I'm My Own Master Now vs The Hot Wind Blowing
It Has to Be This Way vs A Soul Can't Be Cut
Quiet's Theme vs The War Still Rages Within
Snake Eater vs Love Theme
Sins of the Father vs Can't Say Goodbye to Yesterday
Koi no Yokushiryoku vs Victory Song
Inori no Uta vs Here's To You
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shimshilla · 6 months
when for one person disappearance of another meant darkness in life
and reunion spark the lights again
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 6 months
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Big Boss stats for fellow nerds.
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