#Made in Cascade Montana
furnituremontana · 2 years
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Ebonized and Rustic Oak Dresser
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kemetic-dreams · 11 months
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"Stagecoach" Mary Fields, America's first African female postal worker, was known for her fearless delivery of mail across hundreds of miles in the dangerous Wild West.
Born a slave in the 1830s in the South, Fields found work with the help of a nun named Mother Amadeus after the Civil War. Initially, she worked in an Ohio convent, then moved to St. Peter’s Convent in Montana.
Despite working among nuns, Fields was far from nun-like. She was a regular visitor to saloons, smoked cigars, got into brawls, and wasn't shy to use her guns. After an altercation with a janitor at St. Peter’s, she was set up by Mother Amadeus with a job at the U.S. Postal Service in 1895.
Fields, the first African woman and only the second woman overall to hold a mail route in the U.S., demonstrated great resilience and courage. In her 60s, she dutifully protected her mail with a rifle and a revolver, unfazed by danger.
She often traveled 300 miles a week to cover her route. In snow, she would strap on her snowshoes and carry the mail in a sack across her shoulders, ensuring it reached its destination.
Her commitment to her job and strong character made her a local hero in Cascade, Montana. She was the only woman allowed to drink at the local bar who wasn't a sex worker, ate for free at the Cascade Hotel, and the townspeople built her a new home when hers burned down.
After eight years of mail delivery, she started a laundry business. Upon her death in 1914, the Cascade community held one of the largest funerals the town had ever witnessed in her honor.
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I saw this back when I used to use Reddit (for animal crossing and trans+ stuff mostly), and I felt so honoured that they used my Florida flag redesign in this that I screenshotted it. But when I looked to find the original poster, they had deleted the post (likely because of negative replies, vexillology Reddit is scary).
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They recreated the state flags to be more about symbolism and individuality rather than about aesthetics (which is the problem I see with a lot of over simplified state flags). All while keeping the flags that actually carry deep meaning and are beloved by the residents.
I’m not the biggest fan of Nebraska’s, Virginia’s, and Wisconsin’s, but all the others are wonderful (especially Florida’s… I will not apologize for being biased lol)
The original Reddit person’s caption:
“I kept some flags which I believe are currently great. Most of them are all over State merchandise, and people of these states carry a lot of state pride for these flags. They are:
1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. lowa
8. Maryland
9. Mississippi
10. Missouri
11. New Mexico
12. Ohio, my home state! [not mine, OPs]
13. Rhode Island
14. South Carolina
15. Tennessee
16. Texas
17. Utah
18. Wyoming
19. District of Columbia [I believe you mean the Douglass Commonwealth]
20. Guam
21. The Northern Mariana Islands
22. Puerto Rico
I've switched some State’s boring Seal on a Bedsheet flags into their more popular historical ones. They are:
23. Conecticut ~ New England Flag
24. Hawaii ~ Kanaka Maoli
25. Maine ~ Original State Flag
26. Vermont ~ Green Mountain Boys Flag
27. Virginia ~ Gadsden Flag
28. West Virginia ~ Original State Flag
I've made a few tweaks to some existing flags so they look more unique / are more easily recognizable. They are:
29. Indiana ~ Golden Frame
30. New Jersey ~ Added Stripes
31. North Carolina ~ Un-Tex-ified
32. Oklahoma ~ Added Stripes
33. American Samoa ~ Added Southern Cross
I designed some using the Pan Cascade colours for the Pacific Northwest (BC will have the tree one). They are:
34. Idaho
35. Oregon
36. Washington
I borrowed some other designs which I found on here which I found beautiful. I mostly looked for flags which were designed by locals from the states that they are redesigning or included state symbols on their old flags. They are:
37. Florida [omg they chose mine!!!]
38. Georgia
39. Kansas
40. Kentucky
41. Louisiana
42. Michigan
43. Montana
44. Nevada
45. New Hampshire
46. New York
47. North Dakota [I prefer my communist flag better wajajaja]
48. Pennsylvania
49. South Dakota
50. Wisconsin
51. Virgin Islands
I left the flags currently in the process of a redesign blank, for, given the recent track record, any new flags are probably going to look amazing like Utah’s and Mississippi’s. They are:
52. Illinois [this is your reminder to vote for your new state flag if you’re from this state!!!]
53. Massachusetts [this is your reminder to vote for your new state flag if you’re from this state!!!]
54. Minnesota [this is your reminder to vote for your new state flag if you’re from this state!!!]
I kept one Seal on a Bedsheet flag to honour this horrid time in American vexillological history. That is:
55. Delaware
And lastly
56. Nebraska (idk)”
While I agree with most of the OP’s opinions, I think Nebraska’s flag would look better if it looked something like this:
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Better designed of course, I made this on Pic Collage in like 5 minutes
Im not sure about Wisconsin and Virginia, I just know I’m not the biggest fan of either (since Virginia’s flag has a separate meaning and Wisconsin’s is just bland.
Let me know what you think!
And if you’re the OP of this, please let me know, I like your choices!!
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i adore accidental nephew so i'm happy to send in some questions ^_^ so you know the poll you made regarding who'd find out peter is spider-man next? since electro won, are you considering adding that as a plot point in the future of cascading smoke? although i am a bit biased towards electro (voted for him and he's my fave lol) - i'm curious to see what it would be like if other characters found out as well. thank you and i'd love to hear ur thoughts!
Aww thanks! Im so glad you like it!!
That poll was mostly to see interest but did have some influence on my planning.
Okay! Plot talk. as we see in that first chapter, Tombstone gets to find out next. so there will probably be a period of readjustment after that and then, quite honestly, I really really want Elctro to find out. Him finding out is the ultimate cascade (ha get it?)
so spoiler thoughts underneath cause this is my legit plan as of today for this thread of fate
Thanks for asking! Fun to get these ideas in to the public
so electro finds out through peter slipping up. not sure how exactly yet. might be something either like tinks or tombs discovery. BUT important!! This happens around most of Peters uncles.
electro freaks out. This kid needs to be kept safe! why is no one stopping him?! he's going to die if he keeps being spiderman. Electro tries to bolt and tell ock, the only person he trusts to try and "save" peter from negligent uncles. Montana tackles him. and electro discovers a fun new power that is only possible because peter had allowed him more stability and control.
He is able to turn into a pure beam of electricity. he is able to escape into the nearby lightbulb. his limiters fall to the floor, rolling for a second, and clinking softly as they fall to the floor.
Peter feels terror at this. He knows electro is going to ock and he knows ock is going to do something with this information.
from there... well, i generally let the characters talk and make their own choices. which ig sounds strange. i dont control these peeps tho lol. ((half of my fave seens were characters taking over and making a choice against what I had in mind, *stares at the whole harry plot line*
as for others
ock: we saw something in hollow of what he really wants. but Montana ain't about to be okay with that ever.
Toomes: also very much wants peter of the street. this causes a big rift between him and peter. less willing than doc to actually do a kidnapping
rhino: very tempted to just bundle peter up and give him warm food and try to talk him out of fighting killers on the streets.
sandy: so worried. so concerned. but lowkey agrees with montana's approach
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santinorojas · 2 years
starter for: @elizabcthward​. location: cascade country fair, closing time.
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The county fair was something Santino didn’t think to attend this year. Not because he hated it, no, he just had work to do elsewhere. The Ward ranch wasn’t going to watch over itself with Jim Ward in his current state. Besides, despite no hard feelings toward the event, Santino would much rather work than mingle and eat sweet, fried food. At the end of the night, his mind wanders. His hands are under cold water, Santino rubbing dirt from his knuckles. He thinks of Liza, roaming about the fair. The image makes him smile to himself, mostly because he knows how much she’d rather be anywhere else too. Somewhere alone, somewhere with him. Or at least that’s what he hopes. In truth, his mind was often swarmed with thoughts of Elizabeth Ward. Thoughts he could never shake. He spent most of his previous New York nights wondering of her, picturing her in vacant Montana fields, the sun glistening down on her skin and red hair. It was always dreamlike and perhaps that’s how it would always stay. A dream made for a wandering, desire-stricken mind.
And desire is all Santino can feel on the drive home. The lights from the fair illuminate the night sky just in the distance, the large Ferris wheel in sight too. Again, he thinks of her. He wonders where she must be now. Even as he pulls up into his driveway, pulling the keys from the ignition, these thoughts persist. He’s settling in for the night, grabbing a cigar to accompany him, when a message comes.
Hello. Drunk. I am.
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Santino smiles wide, plucking his keys from the table and leaving in an instant. The drive only takes minutes, the man pulling up just in time. He already knows where she’ll be settled, just toward the front. He pulls up, rolling down the passenger side window before leaning over to see her. “Evening, querida.” He greets, a warm smile gracing his expression. A smile reserved for her and her alone. “Necesite transporte?” The man asks teasingly, just to make her laugh or smile.
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loriabrams · 2 years
starter for: @claudialight​. location: cascade county fair, near the rides.
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Jealousy. Where do we begin? Once upon a time, Lorianne knew little about jealousy. She was once the one people envied, the pretty high school queen with a crown on her styled head. But now she was older, served by the great hand of adulthood. And adulthood was never kind. Not to Lori, anyway. She was stuck in the same routines, pouring coffee and wearing an apron while previous peers thrived. Others moved on. The ones who envied her now live a life filled with things they know and love, and Lori remains. Stuck in Montana, forever clinging to a past that she could no longer spot in the rearview.
So, what does this have to do with Claudia Light? It’s simple, really, she’s jealous. Lorianne is jealous of the vigor inside her, the evident independence that oozes from every pore. She’s smart, lively, loves to swim, has a knack for the stars, and more little things that Lori does not fully understand. It kills her. It makes her stomach coil and twist as if she’s eaten bad fish. Due to this, when she spots her at the fair, she goes into a strange form of fight-mode. Her guard is up though it’s damaged, now made up of crumbling bricks.
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“Hey, Claudia.” She signs simply as a way of greeting. Her heart pounds just behind her ribs, sounding inside her ears. Lori attempts a smile but it instantly seems relatively forced. With all her might, she does everything to bury her evident insecurities, but it shows. “Are you having fun?” 
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xtruss · 17 days
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Fighting like cats and dogs? As Washington State cougars target wolves, scientists are grappling to understand this unusual behavior. Since their reintroduction to the American West in 1995, wolves have expanded their range. Though some neighboring states have five times as many wolves, Washington is documenting far more of these kills—almost 30 percent of the 21 documented natural wolf mortalities in the state. "That's huge if that trend holds," says Trent Roussin, a Washington biologist. Photograph By Bob Gibbons/Alamy
Cougars Are Ambushing And Killing Wolves—And No One Knows Why
These Rare Kills in Washington State have Biologists Searching For Answers. “Everyone Always Assumes Wolves Have The Upper Hand,” Says One Scientist. “But That’s Not Always The Case.”
— By Kylie Mohr | Published: August 25, 2023
A female wolf padded down an old logging road in northeastern Washington last summer. The yearling would have barely made a sound as she trotted through brush and dry pine needles on an overgrown path that dropped into a steep canyon. Somewhere in the shadows—possibly tucked away in the bushes or hunkered down behind a boulder—she was watched by amber eyes. They belonged to a cougar, which pounced.
The two tangled in a blur of fur, claws, and teeth, with evidence showing the fight came to an abrupt end, about a hundred yards downhill, when the cougar's sharp bite punctured the wolf's skull. The feline nibbled on the wolf, then hid the carcass for a later meal before slinking off into the forest.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) staff have documented cougars killing six collared wolves since 2013—almost 30 percent of the 21 documented natural wolf mortalities in the state. "That's huge if that trend holds and is representative of the entire population [in the state]," says Trent Roussin, a WDFW biologist. The kills involve multiple wolf packs in different areas of Washington.
Such kills are rare elsewhere in the U.S. West, where more wolves are on the landscape since their reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park, which is mostly in Wyoming, and central Idaho in 1995. Today Montana and Idaho have over five times more wolves than Washington.
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All but one of Washington's documented wolf kills by cougars involved lone wolves. The state counts around 216 wolves in 37 packs, mostly in the Cascade Range and its wooded northeastern corner, where this pack is located. Photograph Via WDFW
Yellowstone biologists documented only two cases of cougars killing wolves in the past 28 years (the last in 2003). Idaho also recorded only two kills (the last in 2012).
In Montana, five wolf deaths due to cougars were documented between 2009 and 2012. "We have not seen anything like that since that time to my knowledge," said Brian Wakeling, game management bureau chief, by email.
"It just goes to show how rare it is in those states,” says Roussin. “We have a much smaller population, but we've documented it far more frequently." Wolves had naturally dispersed into Washington by the summer of 2008; recent counts found 216 wolves in 37 packs, mostly in the Cascade Range and the state's wooded northeastern corner.
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Roussin points to the cougar's signature on this wolf skull: two punctures where the cat’s teeth pierced it. Photograph Via WDFW
The Lone Wolf Factor
While a wolf pack tends to have an advantage over a single cougar—sometimes running it up into a tree or kicking it off a carcass to scavenge for themselves—a cougar excels in a one-on-one ambush. All but one of Washington's wolf kills involved lone wolves.
"Everyone always assumes wolves have the upper hand," says ecologist Mark Elbroch, the leader of Panthera's Puma Program. "But that's not always the case." (Cougars are interchangeably referred to as pumas and mountain lions.)
Washington’s first known wolf death by cougars, in 2013, was an underweight yearling female traveling on a ridgeline in the Cascade Mountains. A cougar killed another wolf in the same Teanaway pack, a two-year-old male, in March 2014, near a creek. It happened again, a month later: a six-year-old breeding male of the Smackout pack, within sight of the den. Researchers also documented more recent cougar kills: a seven-year-old female wolf in 2019, the yearling female in early September of last year, and then a wolf pup later that month.
A Clue From Tracking Tools
Radio collars tipped off biologists to this trend. "The use of collars certainly brings some of these stories to light," says Dan Stahler, a biologist who leads wolf and cougar research in Yellowstone National Park. When an animal doesn't move for eight hours, its collar sends a signal. Scientists hustle to retrieve the collar and piece together what happened.
Investigators first look for signs of poaching by humans, a common cause of death. They also examine the scene for animal tracks, scat, and the wolf’s body positioning. A neatly hidden carcass suggests a cougar, while a mess of scattered limbs could be another wolf. Biologists then take the wolf carcass, or sometimes just its head, back to the lab for more tests. Necropsies reveal the distinct cougar signature: two punctures in the skull.
When the two species interact, it tends to be over prey, but only one of Washington's documented wolf mortalities by a cougar involved a moose carcass—a messy situation where researchers believe a cougar killed a wolf pup while its pack was feeding on a moose.
Could Terrain Be Key?
Interactions between wolves and cougars appear to vary by habitat. Researchers found wolves killing numerous cougar kittens in the Teton Range, and a 2020 study there found wolves affected cougar populations more than recreational hunting or prey availability. Cougars fatally attacking wolves, lead author Elbroch says, is "the rarer of the two potential outcomes."
But biologists haven't documented wolf kills of cougars or their kittens in Washington. And while wolves have killed a few cougars and kittens in neighboring Yellowstone National Park, researchers found wolves didn't have a major effect on cougar populations there. In fact, cougars continued to increase in number following wolf reintroduction.
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Wolf tracks on a Washington road. Wolves generally prefer open areas such as meadows while cougars inhabit craggy ravines and forests. One theory holds that Washington's landscape may be giving cougars an upper hand, though this hasn't yet been formally studied. Photograph Via WDFW
Data collected in Yellowstone before, during, and after wolf reintroduction provides a window into how the species have found a way to warily coexist by partitioning the landscape. Cougars shrunk their home ranges as wolves expanded in the park, selecting areas that were craggier, steeper, and more densely forested.
"This is what allows them to be more sneaky, to work their way through and still survive in this landscape that's dominated by wolves and bears," says Toni Ruth, a biologist who studied cougars there from 1998 to 2006 for the Hornocker Wildlife Institute. Wolves hunting in packs prefer open country where they can outrun, tire, and surround their prey.
Without a large enough sample size to draw more definitive conclusions, Roussin suggests habitat differences could help explain Washington's higher wolf mortality from cougars. The state has steep mountains, tight ravines, and fewer open rolling meadows—which might give cougars an upper hand. Experts say other factors could be at play too, like cougar density, wolf pack size, or even wolves' relative newness to an area. Roussin plans a formal analysis if more incidents occur.
Meanwhile wolves and cougars will continue overlapping, as they have for thousands of years. "These two species coexisted a heck of a long time before we began interfering with things," Elbroch says.
As wolves newly repopulate in areas such as Oregon and California, a better understanding of how they interact with other species, including us, is key. "We're in an era of carnivore restoration in the western U.S. that's unprecedented," Stahler says. "The big question that's unanswered is how do we as humans fit into that story."
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devonshirewoods · 11 months
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"Stagecoach" Mary Fields, the pioneering African-American female postal worker, gained recognition for fearlessly delivering mail across treacherous territories in the Wild West. Born into slavery during the 1830s in the southern United States, Fields managed to secure employment with the aid of Mother Amadeus, a nun, after the conclusion of the Civil War. Initially, she worked in an Ohio convent before eventually relocating to St. Peter's Convent in Montana. Despite her proximity to nuns, Fields exhibited behavior far removed from that of a conventional nun. Known for her frequent visits to saloons, her affinity for smoking cigars, engaging in altercations, and displaying proficiency with firearms, Fields defied traditional expectations. Following a dispute with a janitor at St. Peter's, Mother Amadeus arranged for her to join the U.S. Postal Service in 1895.
Fields, the first Black woman, and the second woman overall to assume a mail route in the United States, demonstrated unwavering resilience and bravery. In her sixties, she faithfully safeguarded her mail while armed with a rifle and a revolver, undeterred by the perils she encountered. Each week, Fields traversed approximately 300 miles to fulfill her mail delivery duties. In snowy conditions, she would equip herself with snowshoes, carrying the mail in a sack across her shoulders to ensure its successful delivery.
Her exceptional dedication to her profession and strong character made her a revered figure in Cascade, Montana. Fields was the only non-sex worker woman permitted to drink at the local bar, received complimentary meals at the Cascade Hotel, and the community rallied together to construct a new home for her after hers was destroyed by fire. Following eight years of service as a mail carrier, Fields transitioned to the laundry business. When she passed away in 1914, the Cascade community held one of the largest funerals ever witnessed in the town to pay tribute to her remarkable life.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Elevated Hard Seltzer. The latest release from Seven Peaks Hard Seltzer in flavors Raspberry Cosmo, Huckleberry Lemondrop, Mango Mule, & Marionberry Peach Bellini.
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image courtesy Seven Peaks Hard Seltzer
Press Release
Bend, OR: 5/30/23– Seven Peaks Hard Seltzer is excited to announce their latest, innovative  line up of hard seltzer releases. Crafted based off classic, beloved cocktail flavors, Seven Peaks  seltzer is made with mountain water sourced directly from the Cascades Watershed.  
With a light and palatable 4.7% ABV, Seven Peaks Elevated Hard Seltzer is the perfect  harmony of refreshingly light while still showcasing bold fruit flavors. Their most recent flavor  lineup includes: Marionberry Peach Bellini, Mango Mule, Huckleberry Lemondrop, and  Raspberry Cosmo. “Seven Peaks Elevated Seltzer is a unique option for consumers in a  crowded market,” said Sam Roberts, CEO of Seven Peaks Seltzer and Avid Cider Co. “Using  only the freshest mountain water runoff from the Cascades Watershed provides for a clean,  refreshing and natural taste.” She continued.  
The newest line up comes in a variety of packaging options that include variety 12 packs, mixed  six packs, and 19.2 oz cans. “Hard seltzer continues to be a refreshing and light go-to option for  consumers, especially in the warmer months.” Stated Mike Erwert, Regional Sales Manager for  
Seven Peaks Seltzer and Avid Cider Co. “Our cocktail inspired recipes put a unique twist on  flavors that consumers have enjoyed and loved for decades” he continued. 
Seven Peaks cocktail inspired flavors are now available throughout the west coast, including:  Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Northern California, and Nevada. To find our seltzers near you, visit our product finder on our website at https://bit.ly/43m5ZUj .  
Seven Peaks Elevated Hard Seltzer was born from the desire to create something unique in the  Hard Seltzer market. Made using Northwest apples, our flavor forward products continue to  stand apart from a sea of options as the go to seltzer for those who wish to elevate their  experience.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3C5wMs1
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waltergmeyer-blog · 1 year
More of Zion National Park
After conquering Angels Landing and living to tell the tale, Zach was ready to hike the trail to the Emerald Pools. Like many parts of Zion, the signage was lacking. In fact, the entire national park system could use better signs. We especially noticed this in Yellowstone where the park map we got at the ranger station showed some point of interest that looked interesting, but then there would be no sign for the Virginia Cascade and we’d see a sign that we were crossing the Gibbon River and realize we had just missed the cascade turnoff. Many points of interest only had signs for one direction of traffic. For instance, we wanted to check out Wraith Falls, but there was no sign. Coming back that same route from the opposite direction, there was a sign for the turnoff to the falls.
Wraith was probably the most disappointing of all the falls we saw in Yellowstone, but we enjoyed the walk—it was one of the few trails with almost no people. It was nice to have a bit of the park to ourselves as when we hiked up beyond the Pebble Creek campground and could be alone with the stream. Of course, numerous signs warned about going too far afield except in groups of three or more due the dangers of bears. But more on that when we get to Yellowstone.
So there was lots of guesswork to finding the Emerald Pools in Zion. And lots of asking other people coming the other way, “Is this the way to the pools?” and being asked that a lot by other people, even though we were ignorant of the geography as well.
The first couple of pools and the one little waterfall were not very impressive or worth the climb, although some other visitors said the falls were better earlier in the year. It had now been pretty dry for a few months. And the pools didn’t look any special color, certainly not emerald. Although it was nice, we weren’t quite getting the attraction and were wondering about expending all this energy for a hike over lots of rocks and tree roots.
Then we got to the third emerald pool. And it truly was emerald and very pretty and coupled with the other sights along the way, made it worth the trek.
There were other little waterfalls and interesting rocks and trees along the way. It was difficult at times to know what to photograph. You could almost point the camera a random direction and get a spectacular shot of rock formations or beautiful trees.
The geology of so many of these places was amazing. I did take a geology course in college—Gsci 20, Rocks for Jocks—and can still remember parts of it which came in handy on this trip, but I wish I had remembered a lot more. Truth be told, I still can’t tell schist from Shinola.
We were also fortunate that the weather was so perfect. Blue skies that made for a nice backdrop for the photos of the mountains and warm enough for just shorts and T-shirts.
After Zion, it was on to West Yellowstone, Montana.
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furnituremontana · 2 years
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Ancient Oregon Floods, Part 2: The Missoula Floods
(Originally posted at my website at http://www.rebeccalexa.com/articles)
Last week I talked about how Oregon and Washington were covered in several massive floods of lava that hardened into the cliffs and layers of basalt we see today. Another topic that I often touch on in my Ecoregions of Oregon class (hence the title of this post) are the Missoula floods. By this point in the class I’ve already touched on the exotic terranes that make up some of the oldest rocks in this part of the Northwest (a topic I’ll talk more about later) and the aforementioned basalt floods. This sets the stage for the next massive event that shaped the landscape, and we fast-forward to the last ice age, approximately 19,000 years ago.
Ice ages are global cooling events in which the ice that we think of as a primarily polar phenomenon advances further south (or, in the case of the Antarctic, north.) Not only does this lower the levels of the oceans dramatically, causing previously inundated land to be exposed, but large portions of territory are covered in sheets of ice that can be several thousand feet thick. Of particular interest here is the Cordilleran ice sheet, which covered sections of modern-day Alaska, British Columbia, and northern Montana and Washington.
At this time, the ice sheet had advanced far enough into Montana and Idaho to dam the Clark Fork River, which had been a major avenue for glacial meltwater to flow from the western slopes of the Rockies in that region to the Pacific Ocean. The backed-up water created Glacial Lake Missoula. Further west, the Columbia River–the largest river in the Pacific Northwest–was blocked off, and Glacial Lake Columbia formed. Sometimes the ice would create a division in Columbia, and the eastern section became Glacial Lake Spokane.
Of the three, Glacial Lake Missoula was certainly the biggest, equal in size to today’s Lakes Ontario and Erie combined. And the only thing holding five hundred cubic miles of water back was the ice dam. Every so often this dam failed; there is still debate as to exactly what happened. It could have been that the volume was enough to “float” the 2000-foot-high dam like a mass of ice in a glass of water suddenly shifting upward, or the water may have built up enough to simply spill over the dam entirely. There’s evidence pointing to anywhere from forty to a hundred floods from 19,000 years ago to 13,000 years ago, and it’s likely that similar floods occurred here earlier in the Pleistocene, as early as 2.5 million years ago.
However it happened, each time the dam failed this massive amount of water was suddenly released, and it didn’t take its sweet time leaving, either. Glacial Lake Missoula likely emptied within a matter of a few days–not weeks, not months, DAYS– creating a flood that traveled up to eighty miles an hour. And all that water had to go somewhere, fast.
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When Glacial Lake Missoula (east yellow section on map) emptied, crashed into Glacial Lake Columbia (west yellow section), and cascaded over places like Dry Falls, all that floodwater didn’t stick to one neat pathway. This USGS map demonstrates that many large sections of eastern Washington were scoured by floodwaters, though each flood may have taken a different route than the last. When a flood did make far enough down the Columbia River, the water was squeezed through the Wallula Gap. This narrow point was only a little over a mile wide, forcing the water through at high speed, and creating a flood crest hundreds of feet high that rushed down the Columbia.
The floods were so powerful that they carried debris all the way to the Pacific Ocean, and these deposits can be found on the ocean floor hundreds of miles west of the mouth of the Columbia. But not all the water made a straight shot to the coast. Tributaries along the Columbia often found themselves the recipients of massive amounts of floodwater.
Perhaps the most impressive result was the Willamette Valley. The Willamette River empties into the Columbia in present-day Portland, OR. But it originates in mountains east of Eugene, with three main forks joining just north of the city. Topographic maps clearly show the wide, flat river valley.
What they don’t show you, and which is best seen in person when possible, is the incredibly rich soil created from the massive amounts of silt and other deposits left by the floods each time they diverted south along the Willamette. Instead of washing into the ocean, it settled in the valley as the waters receded. Not only is the resulting soil excellent for growing plants of all sorts, but it’s thick–some places have deposits 300 feet deep. And the deposits can be found all the way to Eugene, over a hundred miles south from where the Willamette meets the Columbia.
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Not all places were as lucky. After all, all that soil had to come from somewhere, and that somewhere was eastern Washington. Millions of acres of land were stripped bare of everything but the underlying basalt through numerous floods. Known today as the Channeled Scablands, this area has barely had time to recover from a geological perspective.  While some quiet side valleys in the area may have enjoyed a similar buildup of soil as the Willamette, the higher elevations directly in the path of the water were left as bare rock, further eroded by each flood’s passing. While life has returned to the Scablands, it is still deeply–and literally–marked by its recent geological past.
The water didn’t just strip away soil, though. It was so powerful that it carved into the basalt. Potholes were created when the water would form into spiraling eddies. Sand and other debris enhanced the erosive properties of the water.
As the Missoula Floods violently eroded the basalt left over from the earlier lava floods, they often created deeper and wider channels for the rivers that carried it. The Columbia River Gorge is the most famous example thereof. While this river has always been a major drainage in the Pacific Northwest, the flooding created its immense depth today. The effects are especially dramatic on the south bank of the river west of the Cascades; some of the many waterfalls that can be seen along this stretch of Interstate 84 are rivers and streams whose deltas were worn away by the floods. Instead of flowing gradually downhill into the Columbia, they instead leap off sharp precipices hundreds of feet high, only to flow rather sedately for the last leg to their destinations.
The floods left other evidence behind. They were so powerful they could move enormous boulders with ease. The rocks, a type of glacial erratic, sometimes ended up hundreds of miles from their origins. (Rocks moved by solid glacier ice are also known as erratics, for what it’s worth.) As the floodwaters slowed down, they began dropping their heaviest loads first, then smaller rocks, and finally sand and silt. Scientists have even been able to use the presence or lack of certain sizes of debris to estimate the speed at which the water was traveling at a given place; the heavier the rocks being dropped, the faster the water was going.
One of the downsides of having multiple floods, at least from a historical perspective, is that a flood could alter or even erase some of these records of previous floods. An erratic deposited in one location could be pushed further downriver if a larger, stronger flood came along, for example. On the bright side, there are places where each subsequent flood would add another layer of silt on top of that left by its predecessors. While some have eroded a bit with time, others still display very cleanly delineated layers, allowing a person to count floods like one might count tree rings.
Both sets of floods–those of basalt, and those of glacial water–are a big part of what makes the Pacific Northwest such an absolutely fascinating place geologically speaking. There’s plenty more for future articles; in the meantime, if you have a particular topic you’d like to see me write on, drop me a line!
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online natural history classes, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written!
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sooniesspot · 3 years
Fluff Drabbles
☁️ Jikook Poly Fluff ☁️
A/N: the only reasoning I have for this is that I didn't know who would be cuter, so you got the best of both worlds *tries desperately not to sing Hannah Montana*
Word count: 2.9k??
No warnings apart from a rubber duck being scolded and Jimin falling over, what's new. Just super sweet jikook being top boyfriends to you 🥺
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“We’ll always be together, baby.”
It was mid-March. Venturing out with your boyfriends with their hands woven in yours as you entered the park. Darkness of a cold spring night falling as backdrop to delicate fairy lights tangled on tree branches. Cascading luminescent shapes onto the spaces around it as the glow bounced off the leaves coming through. The dewy frost of the grass crunched under your feet as you trudged on through the park, hearing chatter and laughter in the distance. You looked to your boyfriends; bare hands still encased in their own. 
Your first boyfriend, his eyes like diamonds as they held every star from the sky in them; kept between his eyelids that turned into crescent moons when he smiled. His sand blonde hair peeking out from beneath the baker boy cap you had bought him as a ‘just because I thought of you’ gift. Small silver hooped earrings dangled effortlessly from his ears; skimming the strong line of his neck that made way to a solid jaw but endearing cheeks. Flawless skin. His coat black that kept him warm; lavender polar neck adding that pop of colour as it peeked out from the open lapel of the coat. He wore black slacks with black slightly heeled boots that made him feel taller although he was already taller than you. 
Your other boyfriend. Taller. Darker hair but the same ivory skin. Just as handsome as the first. Short hickory brown hair; fluffy and unkempt on his head. Eyebrow piercing shining in the gleam of lights as his eyebrows bounced with glee. Eyes dancing with the excitement of a small child. His nose that scrunched as he smiled back at you. Skin unblemished and beautiful. Brought to light against the dark of the night and his clothing.  In all black; just the way you liked it. Black bomber jacket with silver accents matching his eyebrow piercing and thicker hooped earrings that dangled from his own ears. Black sweatshirt with matching cargo pants and black combat boots. He was thicker and broader than your shorter; sweeter boyfriend but had the soul of a toddler in an angsty teens body. 
Hands swinging in tandem as lights continued to illuminate the trees around you. The tinkling of an old tune began to dully tickle your ears as you walked closer to the funfair in the near distance. The sounds of idle chatter and laughing engulfing you as you finally made it to the entrance. Flashing lights in an array of colours. A bright archway you walked through, lining up to purchase your tickets. You having to drag your aimlessly gawking brunette boyfriend along by his collar when the line would move as he gazed at all of the lights in awe. 
You found it sweet how he would look at everything in wonder. So enamoured by twinkling lights as if he had never seen them before. As if he had never seen a sea of lights. A sea of lights from thousands of people at one of his own concerts. The blonde however, making sure you were both with him as he handed over the money to the ticket attendant with a sure smile. Taking the tickets in turn you paraded off into the park, your hand tightly gripping each of your boyfriends in an attempt to keep hold of them. 
Your taller, darker haired boyfriend dragged you straight towards the rollercoasters and you giggled heartily at the blonde’s panic. Giving him a reassuring squeeze of your hand and planting a quick kiss on his lips as you joined the queue. Turning to the brunette who had tugged on your arm; a pout evident on his face. 
“You’re such a baby, Guk.” You rolled your eyes before planting a kiss onto his lips. 
He smiled with a scrunch of his nose before moving the 3 of you forward to the quickly moving line. Soon enough you were at the front, watching the cars in front of you speed off at a speed similar to a butterfly. The blonde squeezed your hand with wide eyes. 
“Minnie, you’ll be fine. Promise.” 
“Pinky Promise?” He asked, raising his pinky to your own. 
Taking it in your own pinky, you laughed at the beaming smile on his face. 
There were 2 seats to a row in a 2-row cart and because your beautiful blonde boyfriend was scared you sat with him while your brave brunette was alone in front. The rollercoaster was fairly small and not very fast, but this didn’t stop your blonde boyfriend holding onto you for dear life. A wail or two when you would plummet around 20 feet towards the ground at break-neck speed of 7mph. while your boyfriend in front raised his hands and jeered in excitement at every twist and turn. 
Exiting the cart, linking arms with the brunette, already having the blonde attached to you. You venture around the fun fair a little more. Hook A Duck was eventful as tempers flared at the notion you and the brunette managed to hook several ducks and the blonde couldn’t grab a single one. Groaning and growling ensued at the silly rubber ducks that bobbed about leisurely in the water: mocking him. Until a whine was near, breaking your ears as he looked at you with all the sadness of a scolded puppy. His hook resting on the side of the table, you observed as a duck had somehow managed to be looped onto his hook. You delighted in telling him that he had finally caught one. Looking at you with brilliant dazzling eyes; wide in disbelief. Plump lips turning into an O before breaking into a smile that made his eyes match the moon above; crescent and glowing. Jumping about and enveloping you in a hug to which you gladly accepted, being held against his warm chest; scents of lavender and homes as he chuckled with glee and the reverberations were kept between you - Before getting sandwiched in between both of your boyfriends. You planted a kiss to the blondes rosy cheek while the brunette softly kissed his hair and then your own.
Never enough to win a prize, you found yourselves deeper in the fair and before you, stood a large carousel. Turquoise in colour. It was familiar but couldn’t be placed. Scrolling through the index of your brain, mulling over details of your life thus far. Nothing coming to mind. The carousel was old, but painted anew. The vibrant colour stood out from the backdrop of mostly bare trees and wrapped up walkers. As the 3 of you glided closer you could see, horses were newly built in, hard plastic with different shades of grey, white and black. Neutrals. Polished with silver and gold saddles with an abundance of cherry blossoms around them instead of the normal; overplayed roses. The centre of the carousel with reflective mirrors; cherry blossoms draped around the edge of the mirrors also. Bright spherical lights aligned the centre and ceiling of the carousel with the odd lightbulb hanging down spiralled with cherry blossoms. The carousel spun, slowly at first until it picked up speed gradually and the horses began to raise up and down. The 3 of you had already decided this was something you all wanted to go on. 
Stepping into the carousel after not much of a wait, the 3 of you sat astride a horse each. Laughing to yourselves as the blonde managed to fall off after a moment sat on the robust; unmoving plastic horse. An awfully composed tune of clusters of minor notes into G#’s and E notes that shambolically created a chaotic chorus. In another life the song would be beautiful & sad simultaneously. You watched as the carousel attendant slammed his fist down on the music box that played the dreadful tune and suddenly, it sounded beautiful. Just like you thought it would. The carousel began to spin and the horses began their movement. You looked around you at your 2 boyfriends; Jeongguk your daringly handsome brunette sat beside you on a grey horse about a meter away. Jimin your stunning blonde boyfriend just behind him on a black horse. You looked at them both with big smiles; feeling like a lovesick child. 
You adored them both in their entirety, never really thinking your heart would be big enough to love 2 such emotionally and physically strong men. But here you were. Head over heels. Unequivocally and irrevocably in love with them both. Nights alone, in the quiet of the night where you would all sit up and talk with one another, about anything and everything you could. Even in nights where there was no room for words or much else apart from the 3 of you. Where bodies moved in tandem and kisses were stolen under crisp sheets. Blazing fire that threatened to burn down everything around you as cries fell from swollen lips as you succumbed to ecstasy in turn. Sure there were challenges at first and a lot of people had negativities they didn’t care to quiet. Trials and tribulations at every turn in your relationship when it came to these 2 wonderful men, whom you loved like no other lover had been loved. Your heart swelling to the size that would be home to yourself and 2 to spare. Jimin and Jeongguk. They always made sure you loved yourself first and foremost before even loving them. Alternatively, as fate might have it, you managed to fall in love with them first and then gradually love yourself in the distance; relishing in the relationship and the person it made you become. 
Nay Sayers would tell you it wouldn’t last. Telling you that you weren’t good enough to be with one of them, let alone both. Saying they would be better off without you. But they would hold you tight, promising to never let go. Promising to still be with you; regardless of time apart or negativity thrown your way. After faltering on the road to self-love and dabbling in a relationship so intense and personal to the 3 of you. Even after all of that. After all was said and done. You couldn’t imagine waking up sandwiched between anyone else. Waking up to strong arms engulfing you and plump lips peppering your face with soft chaste kisses that spread butterflies throughout your entirety. Hearing giggles and scrunched noses and crescent moons that filled the empty saddening space in your life.
Looking to the mirror in the centre of the carousel adorned with bright lights and cherry blossoms in abundance you could see them both, grinning and laughing to themselves. You couldn’t help but just observe them. In all their wonder. The tune feeling nostalgic to you but you couldn’t pinpoint where you had heard it from. Jeongguk seeming to hum along eventually as the carousel was slowing to a halt. Smiling deeply at each other once again, Jeongguk hopped off his horse while offering his hand out to you to help you off the sturdy fixture. Watching as Jimin struggled to get off at first, due to his toes not quite touching the ground on one side. 
Eventually off, the three of you went on several other rides until you decided to stop as Jeongguk had seen a Cotton Candy Stand. His eyes lit up at the sugary confectionary that was handed to him on a stick as you handed over the money to the attendant. He hummed with glee as the giant pink cloud shielded most of his face from your view as he picked at some of the pink fluff with an unwavering excitement for the sweet treat. Jimin had ventured off to other amusement games while both you and your taller boyfriend sat on a bench, watching the world go by. 
There you sat, while Jeongguk demolished the pink cloud next to you. Thinking about the way he would move his hair from his eyes with delicate fingers. His nose scrunch when he giggled. They both had mannerisms that you adored and every one of them made you fall in love with them even more. You loved them wholeheartedly but your mind, like a thief in the night would rob you of your optimism as some nights you sat awake, watching your angels sleeping either side of you. Your mind would wander. What if this didn’t last? What if it couldn’t? Surely, they loved you? You were reminded that a lot of people; fans or not, were disapproving of your relationship. A woman. With 2 men. A lot of hate was thrown your way and the boys brought you out with them this evening as a deterrent from what was going on in the confines of your mind. Of course it had subsided since the relationship began but there was always the odd few comments that really pierced through your heart.  
“Y’know, we love you right?” Jeongguk mumbled, his hand on your knee, pulling you out of your reverie. 
A cloud of pink appeared in front of your face as you shifted to face him. 
“Of course, I love you both too.” You smiled, looking into his eyes as the cotton candy lowered. 
You sat in silence after that sharing the weightless, dreamy sweet now, as it was much like your boyfriends; looked too good to resist. Jeongguk wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he cradled you closer while keeping an eye out for Jimin. Once candyfloss had been digested the both of you set off to find Jimin, in the meantime laughing with each other at several clownlike figures that were putting on a small show for children, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning to see a large fluffy teddy bear, cinnamon in colour with a large green satin bow around its neck, a cream muzzle with a small sewn on smile and nose along with cute brown doe eyes. You looked slightly alarmed until the bear lowered to reveal the face of the blonde boyfriend you were searching for. His smile wide with scrunched eyelids and hair slightly dishevelled from running his hands endlessly through it. Plump lips moist from licking them too much; something he did in concentration. His coat now open revealing more of his figure kept in the lilac jumper. He looked at you with all the love in the world. 
“Baby! A bear for you, I won it!” he forcefully handed it to you in his excitement to show you the stall he had won the bear from; pointing with vigour. 
His smile returning to you brighter and wider than ever before. You hugged the bear close until you wrapped an arm around the blondes neck and planted a kiss against his lips; important and purposeful. To show love and affection, not to elicit any ideas he must’ve had once you had finished; sharing a look with Jeongguk causing the younger to blush furiously. Playfully hitting Jimin’s arm with a shake of your head.
“It was a thank you kiss.” You smiled again before planting another kiss to his cheek as you linked your hand in his.
stealing a kiss from your other boyfriends lips before you set off walking. Jeongguk slung an arm around your shoulder as your other hand was preoccupied by holding the bear.  Taking your time as the night got later, finding other amusement stalls to try your luck at. Eventually you made it to the Ferris wheel. No queue in sight as many would deem it a boring ride. A small basket shaped round car to yourself as the three of you and the bear piled in. the attendant closed the door and you were off at a slow place. In the enclosed cage like car you found yourselves in with seating around the perimeter. You knelt on the seat with the window facing forward at the rest of the funfair as you slowly began to rise. 
You watched the dazzling lights below as both your boyfriends came to your side. Jeongguk with feather light touch swayed hair behind your ear before moving your head to face him; his fingers laced in your hair as he cradled the back of your neck. His eyes, burning with love for you looked down and scorched all that they touched. 
“Love you” he mumbled with a smile before he pressed his lips to yours fervently, as if he’d been wanting to kiss you like this all evening. 
But as quick as the kiss began, he pulled away, pulling you against his chest and kissing your hair, inhaling the smell of your shampoo. Jimin then turned you to face him, cupping your cheeks in both of his hands and peppered kisses all over your face with mutterings of ‘I…love…you’ planting a firm and final kiss to your forehead. You had turned back to the view outside and fell in love with the world all over again. Resting your head on Jeongguk’s shoulder as you held Jimin’s hand in your own. Watching the world go by outside. Nobody judging, everybody loving and filled with joy and laughter. This was all you could ever want. The world the way you saw it through that small window above on the Ferris wheel, with the 2 loves of your life. Soft hand caressing your side in comfort while the other soothed your hair. There was no place you would rather be in the world.
“We’ll always be together, baby.”
© sunnysidejoon - 2021 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
Shout out to my bestie @countingyoongis who is my proof reading qweeeen ly 🌚
Hope you guys enjoyed! I take requests so please do ask 😊
Love Always
Mac 🧡💜
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missjanjie · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise | Chapter 5
Title: Taste of a Poison Paradise Summary: Life at Jackie Cox’s strip club, Poison Paradise, isn’t just lapdances and g-strings. There’s enough drama, lust, and heartache to rival any soap opera. None of the girls know what to expect on any given shift, especially while navigating their torrid, complicated relationships. Word Count: ~2.9k (this chapter) / ~15.1k (total) Relationship(s): Lemyanka (Lemon/Priyanka), Crygi (Crystal Methyd/Gigi Goode), Sportsdoll (Jan Sport/Nicky Doll), Jaidie (Jaida Essence Hall/Jackie Cox), Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Kamjie (Kameron Michaels/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo), Rosnali (Rosé/Denali Foxx) Rating: E
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Chapter Summary: Lemon and Priyanka's relationship is more of a rollercoaster than ever and Rosé figures out the truth about Denali
“Are you still giving me the cold shoulder?” Priyanka asked, a mix of frustration and exhaustion in her voice. There was also an underlying hint of anxiety, but that was something she could address later, as much later as possible.
Lemon turned to look at her with a deadpan expression. She didn’t utter a word, instead, she blinked and looked back at her phone, scrolling in tension-filled silence.
The taller woman sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Lem, I told you I haven’t been avoiding you. Mark’s project got delayed so he’s home all the time. He was gonna start getting suspicious if I kept spending the night with you.”
“He keeping you occupied with that mediocre dick?” The cold harshness in her voice was, at least to Priyanka, even worse than the silence.
“Lem, don’t do this,” she pleaded softly. “You know I’d much rather be giving you my fake dick than taking his real one. But it’s just gonna be a little difficult for us to have our usual rendezvous until his project starts back up,” she explained, then quietly strummed her fingers against the bar. “I’ll make up an excuse and come over tonight… if you still want me to, I mean.”
Despite her best efforts, Lemon cracked a slight smile. “Yeah, I still do. I’m not gonna punish my pussy just because I’m still pissed at you.”
Priyanka put her arms up in surrender. “Hey, I’ll take what I can get.”
Lemon swallowed a laugh as she hopped down from the barstool. “I’ll be back after my shift, there better not be any sudden plan changes,” she warned before going upstairs to spend the time before her shift in the common room.
“You seem to be in better spirits,” Jan observed as she noticed Lemon come in. She sat down on the couch with the mug of coffee she’d just poured. “I take it Pri was finally able to pencil you in for a booty call?”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that, it makes me sound desperate,” she rolled her eyes. “Her stupid, ugly, smelly boyfriend is still around.
Jan quirked her brow. “Have you ever been in the same room as him?”
“No, but I don’t need to be to know I’m right.”
“You know I worry that you two are gonna end up in over your heads if you aren’t already,” she warned in a calm, gentle tone. She’d had a front-row seat to a fair amount of Lemon and Priyanka’s intimate trysts being Lemon’s roommate and from day one, she’d had the sinking feeling things would end badly. But there was only so much arguing one could do with someone like Lemon.
And unsurprisingly, Lemon scoffed. “Look, I know what we’ve been doing is amoral, but when you think about it, it’s not even our fault. It’s society’s fault for making Pri feel like she has some guy when I’m literally right here.”
“So you do wanna date her?”
Her face reddened, which she tried to offset by rolling her eyes. “That’s not what I meant.”
Denali fixed herself up in the quick-change dressing room. It was her last main stage dance for the night and she had just enough momentum built up to go out with a bang. She looked up when she saw Gigi walk in via the reflection in the mirror. “What’s with the smug grin?”
“I think you have a special visitor in the audience.” When they noticed the confusion in the dancer’s expression, Gigi followed up with, “Rosé asked me if you were up next and sat herself front and center when I said that you were.”
“Oh!” her voice went up in pitch and volume. She cleared her throat and instead focused on fixing her platinum blonde wig. “I mean… oh, cool. I’m sure she’ll enjoy the show.”
Gigi tilted their head to the side. “Is that how I sounded all this time? Fuck,” they shook their head. “Oh, by the way, I’ve decided to go by they/them off the clock, I’ve been letting the rest of the girls know too. It's like, I've been feeling like I’m just dressing up like a girl on stage, you know how it is.”
Denali nodded as she got up. “Whatever makes you feel the most yourself, babe,” she told her with a smile, then took a deep breath as she sauntered onto the stage to the slow, seductive beat of the music. She focused on maintaining the confidence she always brought to her performances and not letting the fact that Rosé was right in her field of vision throw her off.
Rosé watched intently, and while her gaze tended to linger on Denali’s body, she would look up at her face often enough for something to click. She finally realized she recognized the dancer from her work as a cam girl. The realization made her blush but didn’t deter her in the slightest.
After Denali had finished her number, she beckoned Rosé over. She leaned down and whispered, “go upstairs, I’ll meet you there in five,” before backing off to collect her tips as if nothing had happened.
Naturally, Rosé made her way upstairs as quickly as her legs would take her and waited eagerly for Denali to join her. “You know,” she started when she saw her, “I figured out where I know you from.”
“You got me,” she replied and slowly pulled off her wig and wig cap in one go, so her black hair cascaded down her back. “I’m Hannah Montana.”
Rosé blinked, then snorted with laughter. “You’re so fucking stupid,” her tone was fond as she shook her head. “I guess it makes sense. Taking this on as a second job.”
“I’m a people person, being in front of a camera just doesn’t do it for me. Money’s decent, but still. I’ve been considering bringing that stage name over here.”
“Oh you’re not gonna make poor Heidi try and announce ‘Aurora Borealis,” she playfully chastised. Then there was a beat of silence. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked. “Did you think I’d have a problem with it or something?”
“No,” she shrugged. “It was more fun making you work for it.”
She cocked her brow. “Oh, you’re a little brat, aren’t you?”
“I feel like there’s not much use in trying to argue that, so.” Denali leaned against the wall, looking up at Rosé and fluttering her lashes with coy flirtation. “You gonna do something about it or not?”
Rosé tilted her head and bit her lip, moving closer to Denali until she had both arms bracketing her against the wall. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Was that your endgame the whole time? Give me this whole run around until I was frustrated enough to fuck you as hard as your bratty ass wants?”
“I mean… yes, obviously.”
“Not in the common room, we eat and cry in here.” Jan’s voice pulled Rosé and Denali from their moment, but she shrugged when they glared at her. “What? Just fuck in the spa room like the rest of us,” she told them as she grabbed a cup o’ noodles from one of the drawers that Jackie kept stocked for the girls, and left a couple of dollars from her bra in its place.
Rosé rolled her eyes. “Bitch, I will fuck her in front of you, don’t test me.”
Jan scoffed as she started eating her noodles. “Do it, I dare you.”
“I am begging you not to,” another voice chimed in, the three women turned to see Lemon come up the stairs. While of course, she had no issue with hooking up in various parts of the building, Rosé is her cousin and that was simply a line she refused to cross. She did not care how badly Rosé wanted to fuck Denali – and yes, she knew.
“I cannot believe you’re cockblocking me right now,” she huffed, glancing back at Denali and mouthing ‘sorry’.
But Denali was unphased by the entire exchange. “Girl, just take me home. I’m still gonna put out.”
“Oh,” Rosé blinked, “alright then.”
Even though it had barely been a week since Lemon and Priyanka had last hooked up, it felt like ages for them. The second they were inside Lemon’s apartment, clothes were coming off and being tossed any which way as they stumbled into the bedroom, naked by the time their bodies hit the bed.
Priyanka rifled through Lemon’s closet until she came back with the strap-on, fastening it around her waist. She smirked when she turned around and realized Lemon was waiting for her on all fours. “Damn, I should hold out on you more often,” she teased.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Lemon hissed as if there was the slightest chance Priyanka would pass up time with her if given the option.
She chuckled as she positioned herself behind her. “There’s my bratty little Lem,” she cooed, holding her waist with one hand while the other guided the length of the silicone toy into her. She waited for a beat after she bottomed out, making sure Lemon was comfortable before she began thrusting steadily.
Lemon started moaning out the second it started. Her hands fisted into the comforter on her bed, her head hanging forward. Whenever she wanted more or wanted it harder, she would push her hips against Priyanka to urge her on.
And Priyanka knew what each movement meant. “You’re so fucking needy, aren’t you? So desperate to get pounded out,” she grunted. Her hand moved from Lemon’s waist to grab her hair, pulling it back while her free hand moved between her legs, rubbing her clit in time with her thrusts.
“Fuck, baby, just like that, please,” it was only when Lemon was in the heat of the moment, and close to an orgasm, that she would use words like ‘baby’ or ‘please’ unless she was trying to get her way with something. But luckily for her, Priyanka obliged without comment, and she let out a sharp, pleasured cry as she came moments later.
“That’s my good girl,” Priyanka praised, pressing a kiss to her shoulder as she eased out of her, cleaning up and putting the dildo and harness away, then got under the covers. “Come, you owe me cuddles.”
Lemon ducked her head away to hide how big her smile was, then cuddled up to Priyanka, resting her head on her chest. “Not to be like, corny or whatever, but I missed you,” she mumbled, hiding her face in the crook of her neck, lest she accidentally make eye contact.
Priyanka grinned, shaking her head. “I missed you too, weirdo,” she said and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She gazed down at her, feeling warmth and affection for a fleeting moment, before angst and melancholy built up from the pit of her stomach, coming out in a sad sigh.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I…” she chewed on her lip and looked away. “Yeah, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Rosé hummed to herself as she got into the shower, letting the hot water wake her up from the deep sleep the night before. And perhaps she needed it more than she realized, as she was startled when she suddenly noticed she was no longer alone. “I thought you were still asleep.”
Denali shrugged. “I was. But then I woke up and you weren’t there, and I got bored.”
She chuckled softly, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman’s waist. “Well, good morning, then,” she pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You sleep alright?”
“More than alright. Pretty sure I passed out somewhere after the fourth orgasm,” she chuckled softly, trailing light kisses along her jaw.
Rosé smirked. “No wonder you’re so clingy, they always wanna stick around after they get fucked well,” she teased, her hands moving from Denali’s back to squeeze her ass. “That why you’re in here? Woke up craving more?”
“God, you’re so fucking cocky,” Denali huffed, though she had no honest way of denying that. “But… yeah, very much so.”
“That’s what I thought,” she chuckled before sinking to her knees and nudging Denali’s thighs apart. She gripped each of her thighs, keeping them far enough apart for her to trace her tongue along her folds, then swirled it around her clit.
Denali gasped out softly, resting her head against the wall. “Fuck…” she exhaled, her eyes fluttering shut, moaning at the sensation of Rosé’s tongue on her clit and her fingers easing their way into her.
Rosé continued to lick and suck on her clit as she steadily curled and thrust two fingers into Denali, her free hand moving to her waist, gripping it to keep her steady and hold her in place.
She whimpered and moaned, dragging her fingers through Rosé’s wet hair, her hips starting to rock despite her grip. It wasn’t long after that that she felt a familiar tightness building in her stomach. “Fuck, Rosie, I’m close,” she warned, and not a minute after that, her body arched forward as she came.
Once she was certain Denali was done, Rosé eased out of her and stood back upright, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Now, do you mind if I actually take a shower? I have to get ready for work.”
“Okay, okay,” Denali put her hands up in surrender as she stepped out of the shower. “You think your roommate heard us last night? Or just now?”
Rosé shrugged as she washed her hair. “Probably not, Mik sleeps like a rock. The bitch would sleep through a nuclear holocaust.”
“Fair enough, not that I mind an audience, after all,” she hummed. “Well, I’ll get out of your hair,” she laughed at her own joke then kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you around.” She dried off and redressed before leaving for her apartment. Everything had gone well so far, she thought, the sex was fantastic and they didn’t need to complicate it with anything else.
Lemon had just finished her set when she noticed something out of the ordinary. After grabbing her robe from the quick-change room, she made her way over to the bar. “What’re you doing back there, Jaida? Is Jackie cross-training the strippers now?”
“I bartended in college,” Jaida explained. “Pri couldn’t come in, said she had an important dinner to go to, and based on how it sounded, I think it’s with her boyfriend.”
“Gross,” Lemon muttered. “Gimme a melon ball and a lemon drop.”
Jaida arched her brow but made the shots for her nonetheless. “You a little cranky without your girlfriend here, huh?”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” she huffed, downing the shots one after the other. “And I don’t care who the fuck she has dinner with. I’m just annoyed because she was supposed to give me a ride home. Since, you know, Jan spends more time at Nicky’s than anywhere else.”
“I’ll give you a ride,” she offered with a shrug. “Something tells me you’re not gonna wanna be alone tonight.”
Lemon smiled weakly. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” She was quiet for a few beats with her downcast gaze on the bar, until she finally looked back up at Jaida and asked, “can I get another lemon drop?”
And, as it turned out, Lemon would need the adult supervision. Once her shift ended, she had gotten much more drunk and needed to be hauled into her apartment and tucked into bed, where she passed out almost instantly.
Jaida had stayed awake and watched Lemon for a little while, feeling almost a maternal instinct when it came to Lemon. But eventually, she retired to Jan’s room for the night, figuring she wouldn’t mind, given the circumstances, and slept through the night. She woke up the next morning to a knock on the door and pushed herself out of bed. “Oh, hey Pri, how was your dinner?”
Priyanka furrowed her brows. “Why are you in Lemon’s apartment?” she asked, her stomach tightening in a knot as she followed up with, “did you guys hook up?”
“Nah, she was too wasted to even try,” she shook her head as she ushered her inside, the two of them sitting down on the couch. “What’s going on? You look like you saw a ghost or something.”
Priyanka exhaled deeply. “No, um… actually, I’m kinda glad I can practice on someone else, because I’m terrified of telling Lemon,” she looked down, fumbling with the hem of her shirt, shifting uncomfortably, unable to find a satisfactory way to sit and instead just slumped forward and sighed. “Mark proposed. And I panicked and said yes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring, morosely sliding it onto her finger.
“Oh shit,” Jaida blinked in surprise, her eyes widening when she saw the ring. She pressed her lips into a fine line. “Listen, this might not be the ‘right’ advice, but I don’t think you should tell Lemon yet. You can say whatever you want about whatever your relationship is, but it don’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s more than just sex. She’s not gonna take it well, you need to really think this out.”
She swallowed thickly and nodded, taking the ring off and putting it back in her pocket, then scratched at her hands as if she were fighting the urge to wash them. “You’re right,” she nodded, eyes focused squarely on the floor. “I can’t tell her yet.”
But she didn’t need to, as Lemon had been silently listening from her room, peering through the cracked open door. She shut it quickly but quietly, deciding to go right back to bed. It was too early for her heart to break.
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glaciernps · 3 years
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Hiking, but make it fashion.
In this midcentury promotional photo from the Great Northern Railway publicity department, three women stand next to Florence Falls in Glacier National Park. Their attire is quite a departure from what the Railway recommended women wear in a 1916 brochure:
“She should wear a divided skirt, of khaki, tweed, or forestry cloth; bloomers; woman’s drab flannel outing shirt; red mackinaw coat; rain cloak; felt hat; red tie; belt, belt knife and folding hatchet; long wool stockings and hunting boots.”
Such practical, durable clothing would have made sense for 1916, when many visitors to the park expected to spend multiple days in the backcountry on foot or horseback, exposed to the elements. But in the 1940s and 1950s, more visitors traveled through the park by automobile, staying in motor inns and other accommodations close to the road. With access to such modern conveniences, it makes sense that wardrobe options would have broadened.
The exact date of this photo is unknown, but it was likely taken on the earlier end of the period 1940-1965.
(Thanks to funding from the Glacier National Park Conservancy, this photo is part of our historical photographs collection on the Montana Memory Project: https://mtmemory.org/digital/collection/p16013coll83/id/343.)
[Image description: Three women in stylish attire stand next to a waterfall cascading down a hill.]
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xtruss · 9 months
Cougars are Ambushing and Killing Wolves—and No One Knows Why
These rare kills in Washington State have biologists searching for answers. “Everyone always assumes wolves have the upper hand,” says one scientist. “But that’s not always the case.”
— By Kylie Mohr | August 25, 2023
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Fighting like Cats and Dogs? As Washington State Cougars target Wolves, scientists are grappling to understand this unusual behavior. Since their reintroduction to the American West in 1995, wolves have expanded their range. Though some neighboring States have five times as many wolves, Washington is documenting far more of these kills—almost 30 percent of the 21 documented natural wolf mortalities in the state. "That's huge if that trend holds," says Trent Roussin, a Washington biologist. Photograph By Bob Gibbson/Alamy
A female wolf padded down an old logging road in northeastern Washington last summer. The yearling would have barely made a sound as she trotted through brush and dry pine needles on an overgrown path that dropped into a steep canyon. Somewhere in the shadows—possibly tucked away in the bushes or hunkered down behind a boulder—she was watched by amber eyes. They belonged to a cougar, which pounced.
The two tangled in a blur of fur, claws, and teeth, with evidence showing the fight came to an abrupt end, about a hundred yards downhill, when the cougar's sharp bite punctured the wolf's skull. The feline nibbled on the wolf, then hid the carcass for a later meal before slinking off into the forest.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) staff have documented cougars killing six collared wolves since 2013—almost 30 percent of the 21 documented natural wolf mortalities in the state. "That's huge if that trend holds and is representative of the entire population [in the state]," says Trent Roussin, a WDFW biologist. The kills involve multiple wolf packs in different areas of Washington.
Such kills are rare elsewhere in the U.S. West, where more wolves are on the landscape since their reintroduction to Yellowstone National Park, which is mostly in Wyoming, and central Idaho in 1995. Today Montana and Idaho have over five times more wolves than Washington.
Yellowstone biologists documented only two cases of cougars killing wolves in the past 28 years (the last in 2003). Idaho also recorded only two kills (the last in 2012).
In Montana, five wolf deaths due to cougars were documented between 2009 and 2012. "We have not seen anything like that since that time to my knowledge," said Brian Wakeling, game management bureau chief, by email.
"It just goes to show how rare it is in those states,” says Roussin. “We have a much smaller population, but we've documented it far more frequently." Wolves had naturally dispersed into Washington by the summer of 2008; recent counts found 216 wolves in 37 packs, mostly in the Cascade Range and the state's wooded northeastern corner.
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Roussin points to the cougar's signature on this wolf skull: two punctures where the cat’s teeth pierced it. Photograph Via WDFW
The Lone Wolf Factor
While a wolf pack tends to have an advantage over a single cougar—sometimes running it up into a tree or kicking it off a carcass to scavenge for themselves—a cougar excels in a one-on-one ambush. All but one of Washington's wolf kills involved lone wolves.
"Everyone always assumes wolves have the upper hand," says ecologist Mark Elbroch, the leader of Panthera's Puma Program. "But that's not always the case." (Cougars are interchangeably referred to as pumas and mountain lions.)
Washington’s first known wolf death by cougars, in 2013, was an underweight yearling female traveling on a ridgeline in the Cascade Mountains. A cougar killed another wolf in the same Teanaway pack, a two-year-old male, in March 2014, near a creek. It happened again, a month later: a six-year-old breeding male of the Smackout pack, within sight of the den. Researchers also documented more recent cougar kills: a seven-year-old female wolf in 2019, the yearling female in early September of last year, and then a wolf pup later that month.
A Clue From Tracking Tools
Radio collars tipped off biologists to this trend. "The use of collars certainly brings some of these stories to light," says Dan Stahler, a biologist who leads wolf and cougar research in Yellowstone National Park. When an animal doesn't move for eight hours, its collar sends a signal. Scientists hustle to retrieve the collar and piece together what happened.
Investigators first look for signs of poaching by humans, a common cause of death. They also examine the scene for animal tracks, scat, and the wolf’s body positioning. A neatly hidden carcass suggests a cougar, while a mess of scattered limbs could be another wolf. Biologists then take the wolf carcass, or sometimes just its head, back to the lab for more tests. Necropsies reveal the distinct cougar signature: two punctures in the skull.
When the two species interact, it tends to be over prey, but only one of Washington's documented wolf mortalities by a cougar involved a moose carcass—a messy situation where researchers believe a cougar killed a wolf pup while its pack was feeding on a moose.
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All but one of Washington's documented wolf kills by cougars involved lone wolves. The state counts around 216 wolves in 37 packs, mostly in the Cascade Range and its wooded northeastern corner, where this pack is located. Photograph Via WDFW
Could Terrain Be Key?
Interactions between wolves and cougars appear to vary by habitat. Researchers found wolves killing numerous cougar kittens in the Teton Range, and a 2020 study there found wolves affected cougar populations more than recreational hunting or prey availability. Cougars fatally attacking wolves, lead author Elbroch says, is "the rarer of the two potential outcomes."
But biologists haven't documented wolf kills of cougars or their kittens in Washington. And while wolves have killed a few cougars and kittens in neighboring Yellowstone National Park, researchers found wolves didn't have a major effect on cougar populations there. In fact, cougars continued to increase in number following wolf reintroduction.
Data collected in Yellowstone before, during, and after wolf reintroduction provides a window into how the species have found a way to warily coexist by partitioning the landscape. Cougars shrunk their home ranges as wolves expanded in the park, selecting areas that were craggier, steeper, and more densely forested.
"This is what allows them to be more sneaky, to work their way through and still survive in this landscape that's dominated by wolves and bears," says Toni Ruth, a biologist who studied cougars there from 1998 to 2006 for the Hornocker Wildlife Institute. Wolves hunting in packs prefer open country where they can outrun, tire, and surround their prey.
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Wolf tracks on a Washington road. Wolves generally prefer open areas such as meadows while cougars inhabit craggy ravines and forests. One theory holds that Washington's landscape may be giving cougars an upper hand, though this hasn't yet been formally studied. Photograph Via WDFW
Without a large enough sample size to draw more definitive conclusions, Roussin suggests habitat differences could help explain Washington's higher wolf mortality from cougars. The state has steep mountains, tight ravines, and fewer open rolling meadows—which might give cougars an upper hand. Experts say other factors could be at play too, like cougar density, wolf pack size, or even wolves' relative newness to an area. Roussin plans a formal analysis if more incidents occur.
Meanwhile wolves and cougars will continue overlapping, as they have for thousands of years. "These two species coexisted a heck of a long time before we began interfering with things," Elbroch says.
As wolves newly repopulate in areas such as Oregon and California, a better understanding of how they interact with other species, including us, is key. "We're in an era of carnivore restoration in the western U.S. that's unprecedented," Stahler says. "The big question that's unanswered is how do we as humans fit into that story."
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