tytoalbion · 7 months
I vaguely remember being requested for more sword videos, so here’s a short longsword fencing one from an event my group did today. I’m the one on the right with the red and white gloves 😌
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venvellan · 11 months
the wettest sloppiest kiss in all of thedas award goes to anders. for mffg-m-mgghh-ahhngh-ing directly into hawke's mouth. for chewing on syllables that aren't there. wake up, be sexy, free the mages, moan into your lover's mouth. panting like a damn dog
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tai-janai · 7 days
mffg... new stp animatic idea .. ungh..
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kforourke · 1 year
At a Distance
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Some* records simply demand to be listened to on headphones, including Bill Orcutt’s Music for Four Guitars, which I’ve recently gotten into.
I’m a few months behind—MfFG was released in September 2022**—and I’ve only listened to the album a handful of times, but hoo boy has it been love at first sight. MfFG is one of those works of art that is both excellent and, just as importantly, is inspirational in its excellence.
What do I mean by that? Well, the art that I think of as inspirational is the sort of art that makes one want to go out and make art of one’s own (or at least write reviews on one’s blog). How exactly one defines art-that-is-excellent-and-inspirational vs. art-that-is-simply-excellent is harder to define, and may in fact be entirely subjective, but I’ll just say that the art that inspires me tends toward the difficult and/or the meditative, which MfFG definitely is. It’s difficult and meditative.
MfFG is a collection of short, two minute-ish songs that’s clearly descended from minimalist compositions like Steve Reich’s Music for 18 Musicians (note the titles), albeit with a harder, electrified-guitar edge, as if Glenn Branca had snuck into a Reich ensemble.
That makes sense, because much of Orcutt’s work—going back to his time in the noise group Harry Pussy*** (yes, that was their name), a band New Noise Magazine described as “truly intimidating and strange”—has been atonal and aggressive, not the sort of music you’d put on for company. Which makes Music for Four Guitars that much more compelling, since it’s downright melodic and soothing compared to Orcutt’s earlier output. Sure, a touch of the caterwauling and feedback that marks Orcutt’s work is there, though not as stridently as before.
And this progression is part of what I find inspiring about the record. That and the transporting music, of course. Given the degree to which I’ve been grappling with and/or thinking about writer’s block, I’d say I’m on the hunt for inspiration. Have I been experiencing “a stress reaction that paralyzes the ability to put thoughts into words” as Canadian Family Medicine defines writer’s block? Uh, maybe? Regardless, work like Orcutt’s MfFG is eminently welcome. Experiencing the art of other artists can be just as pleasurable as creating art oneself.
*All records?
**Orcutt, who is quite prolific, already has another record coming out. Jump On It releases 4/28 and is “a collection of canonical, mature acoustic guitar soli to contrast against the fractured downtown conceits of previous acoustic releases.”
***Here’s footage of Harry Pussy playing in 1997. Proceed at your own risk.
Additional notes:
Header image of Orcutt via the Del-Uks Flickr photostream.
Title of this blog post is taken from the song of the same name from MfFG.
Here’s a live performance of the entirety of Music for Four Guitars! It rules!
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kyarymell · 4 years
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joyffree · 3 years
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💜 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 💜 Magnolia's Fall from Grace by ➜ Zara Teleg is releasing March 18th! Add to Goodreads ➜ http://bit.ly/3aSGgJ5 Watch the #booktrailer ➜ https://youtu.be/cZU5T-UcALI 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 From two different worlds, Venom and Magnolia were warned that they could never work, but their souls were not convinced. Taking a chance on each other wasn’t a choice, it was written in the stars. But sometimes, no matter how epic one’s love is, fate has other plans. What if happily ever after isn’t everyone’s destiny? Magnolia They say God forgives any sin if you are truly sorry, but was I sorry? It took less than ninety days for a lifetime of beliefs to be shattered, rules to be broken, and for me to throw away everything for him. I was tempted by the serpent and I allowed him to slither into my life. I fell under his spell, letting Venom course through my veins, intoxicating me in both pleasure and pain. His violet eyes called to me, wore me down, and drew me into his world. I knew better and I want to say I tried to resist, but that would be another lie to add to the long list of sins I committed. Now, giving him up may be the only way to save his soul and mine. Venom I never believed in angels until the day I laid eyes on Magnolia Grace. Under any other circumstances, no Cajun King prince would come across a girl like her. Maggie was pure and good. She opened my eyes and made me question everything I knew. Involving her in my life was dangerous, and could hurt us both, but I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t know how deep I would fall. She was my addiction, but the more she introduced me to her world, the more I knew she didn’t fit into mine. We agreed to give ourselves the summer. No regrets. Now, the nights have grown shorter, signaling our end is near. Can I let her go, or will it all crash down around us? 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐔𝐩 to Promote today ⬇️ https://forms.gle/Sxj9XHTGNHEGHUhr5 #magnoliasfallfromgraceteasertuesday #teasertuesday #zaratelegauthor #comingsoon #marchrelease #mffg #cajunsoulsmc #tbr #enticingjourney Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions https://www.instagram.com/p/CMM5et8gtdR/?igshid=1kxnhyj88ndwb
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Wiktenauer needs your help! (Not your money, your actual help.)
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I've put quite a lot of effort over the past ten years into assembling the clearest, cleanest, highest-resolution scans of our fencing manuals that I could find. This approach has characterized a lot of our work on the research side of HEMA—finding or fabricating clean, attractive scans, and transcribing and translating them to be as accessible to modern readers as possible. This work is important, but far from the only way that we can learn from the treatises.
In one sense, a treatise is an abstract entity, a collection of ideas divorced from any particular copy of it. But each individual copy of that text is a concrete, very real object, a *book*, which was owned by *people* and hopefully used by some of those owners for learning or teaching. And it is books *as* books that we are going to talk about today.
Manuscripts, of course, are generally unique works of art, either commissioned by a specific buyer, or created first and then customized and completed to the buyer's desires. The history of printed books begins with similar expectations—moveable type was viewed as a labor-saving device for scribes, and the same level of artistic embellishment that went into manuscripts was applied to books after the initial printing.
The 16th century ushered in the age of cheap, uniform texts sold as-printed, but the desire to make a book one's own continued long after. The way readers customized and used (and even defaced) their books is a fledgling field of study that has only begun to be recognized in academia in the past couple decades.
The first printed fighting manual seems to have been De Dignoscendis Hominibus by Pedro Monte, printed in 1492. There is one other possible 15th century treatise (the Landshutter Ringuch), and then about three dozen in the 16th century. We are familiar with the text of these earliest printed fencing manuals, but we know much less about the context that they existed in and the people who bought and used them.
If these books were purchased by fencers, as some of them must have been, then all manner of treasure might have been scribbled into them. For example, in Göttingen there is a copy of Hans Wilhelm Schoeffer's 1620 rapier treatise which also contains a massive hand-written treatise on fencing against left-handers, starting on the book's 23 blank leaves and continuing onto 22 extras that were bound into it—an 88-page manuscript fencing manual hidden inside a 900-page printed book.
The knowledge that may be lurking in the margins and blank pages of copies of 15th-16th century fencing manuals has been on my mind a lot in the past year. Our early manuscripts have a tragic lack of substantial additions by later owners, as people who have attended my lectures recently have heard me lament. But most printed fencing books from this period have never been systematically examined.
* * * * *
Roger Norling stated in a lecture he gave at Meyer Symposium this year that one of the tasks the MFFG should take on is cataloging every surviving copy of Meyer's work. Afterward, he and I discussed some of what's stated above, and agreed that finding even one extensively-annotated copy of Meyer would be a major game-changer.
So, STEP 1: Find all the Meyers
What we've done so far:
- Sarah Barsness shared with us a spreadsheet she'd been working on for some time, in which she took all of the entries in Worldcat and winnowed them down to actual, physical copies (eliminating more than half of the results). - Several members and friends of the guild helped her expand the catalog to include copies that we knew of outside of Worldcat. - Additional copies were discovered in Thimm's fencing bibliography and the Universal Short Title Catalogue, which were added to the list after being verified in the catalogs of their respective institutions.
Master list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TSFg3VQVWrVWYZPwLV_AniN5JjLPngCy37RBZLO0v6o/edit?fbclid=IwAR0J7FHi-qswPCRLE6eVdWTOkiEt3L9wYKoqItgrx79EgEbRTQcyM2aZtII#gid=0
STEP 2: Examine all the Meyers
What we've done so far:
- We've looked through all of the copies on Sara's list that have digital scans available, searching for use marks. - London Darce photographed use marks in the copy in Austin, TX. - I ordered scans of the copy in Olomouc, Czech Republic, whose catalog entry indicates that it has an extra page of "fencing rules" (šermířské regule). - Volunteers from local clubs have agreed to try to gain access to the copies in New York City, Washington DC, and London, to examine them in person.
STEP 3: Write up all of our findings
When we've exhausted all leads and feel that we have enough material to draw some conclusions and lessons from, Roger and I (and probably others) will publish the results (and all of the raw materials) for everyone to study and learn from. The format will depend on how much we find, but anything from an article on HROARR to a paper in Acta Periodica Duellatorum is possible.
* * * * *
STEP 1: Find all the Meyers
Copies of Meyer have ended up in many unexpected places. There's one in the New York Public Library. There's one at the University of Texas - Austin. There might be one in your backyard. We've gone through Worldcat, but only 72,000 libraries subscribe to Worldcat, and not all of them have put their special collections catalogs online.
Check the catalogs of public libraries and university libraries in your area. Even your state or national libraries, if you have them. A small group of us simply cannot check every library in the world, but if enough HEMAists get involved, we could take a big bite out of the problem.
Meyer was published in 1570 and 1600, and there are historical references to printings in 1610 and 1660 that we've never found confirmation for; any of these might be in your library. Search for "Joachim Meyer" and "Meyer, Joachim" around those dates. Search for keywords like "fechten" and "fechter" (which often also turns up other gems). If the library catalog is not digitized, you may have to email a librarian or even go in person.
Do you have connections to people with private collections of rare books? Ask them too!
And if you find a Meyer not on the list, let us know!
(If you're feeling very ambitious, we'd also be interested to know about copies of Andre Paurnfeindt, Christian Egenolff, and Fabian von Auerswald; if this goes well, that will probably be the subject of a similar project.)
STEP 2: Examine all the Meyers
If you live in one of the cities on the list, then find out if you can access the special collections of the institution that owns the book. Maybe even see if you can go with other interested members of your club, to give everyone a taste of history (and also to avoid overwhelming the library with requests).
If you can get access to the book, go through it carefully. Take pictures of any writing in the book you can find, even if it's just an owner's mark. Write down places with underlining or circles. If the artwork has been colored, that's also useful to know. (If they don't allow photography, note down any pages with writing so that we can order official scans of them.)
If they won't let you view the book, and you don't know anyone who can, then at least try to open a conversation with a research librarian at the institution. They are often willing to go flip through books on behalf of patrons, and might even already have the information you need in a file.
If you have the skills, volunteer to transcribe or translate the pages with writing that we find. There are already a few pages of notes that need to be processed, and hopefully there will be many more!
STEP 3: Write up all of our findings
We'll know more about how you can help with this step when steps 1-2 have proceeded further.
We've already found some interesting things just be checking the low-hanging fruit. See the gallery below for examples. With your help, we'll find much more.
P.S. Happy pride to all!
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400legends · 2 years
Games (Day 140)
I looked up from the workbench when I heard EDI say “You are not authorized to perform that function.” Fitting the new cap on my fingertip compartment, I hurried to the bridge. I found the Cosmic Peanut and Sara there with Nexus.
The child was standing on the captain's chair and pressing buttons. "Where are the games?" they asked.
"I got games," the Cosmic Peanut said as she grabbed the child under the arms and plopped them down away from the command console. "This," CP waved her paw, "is a no touch area. I can teach you about it, if you want. Later." She turned her focus to the console, fingers flying over the interface.
"I'm sorry," Nexus said. They trundled up beside the captain. "What's this button do?" Nexus reached out with one finger, which was neatly intercepted by CP.
"That is the multi-field force generator, OK? So imagine that you're flying into an asteroid field - or flying out of one, like we just did, right? If you engage the MFFG, it's gonna help you navigate. But you can't engage it too early because asteroids are rocks, but they come in a couple of varieties, so you should engage the spectrum analyzer before you...."
I could see that Nexus had lost interest and was looking for something else to push or pull or move, so I flashed to them in Olaran, "The Cosmic Peanut is the captain and must be respected. She is not, however, a very good teacher. We can review basic piloting if you are truly interested."
To my surprise Nexus used their eyes to reply in Olaran: “There are no good games here. I want breakfast.”
"I believe, Captain, that the child is hungry."
"You like coffee?" The Cosmic Peanut's eyes lit up. "I never scrimp on coffee." With that the captain headed to the galley. Sara took that moment to give Nexus a tiny wave. "Hello. Have you ever met anyone like me?"
The child looked down and shook their head.
“You never saw anyone with flowers before?” Sara took a step closer.
Nexus “I’ve never seen a flower really. Is that like your hair?”
“In a way. If I was to pick a flower, I’d grow another. Do you want to pick a flower.”
Nexus looked up at the Sagurine then, “You, um, you have a lot of spikes. Do you use those to hurt people?”
“They are my self defense. I don’t harm people unless they harm me or my friends."
“How do you sleep with the spikes?"
Sara motioned for Nexus to head to the galley, and then said, "I stand up."
"Don’t your legs get tired?"
I followed them to the galley and heard Sara say, "Oh no, I stand in a sand bed under a light and that gives me energy." She paused. "I can show you after breakfast, if you'd like."
"I sleep in the light sometimes," Nexus muttered. "So no one can sneak up on me."
Sara and I watched as the child ate breakfast. Requiem joined us and later took Nexus away for something she called "a fitting."
I went back to the workbench to tinker with a darkcore energy pack that I'd found in the med bay on Eternia.
That evening Iota was in the galley eating, and Nexus crawled into the wireborn's lap. They poked at the tray of cooked grain and protein strips. "Is that good?"
Iota shrugged. "I've had worse. Try some."
As the child began to eat, Iota said, "Today was a fun day, don't you think? How would you spend your days on the other ship?"
Nexus shrugged, and at first I thought that was all they would do, but then the child said, "All sorts a stuff. Sometimes it was fun, but sometimes…. I mean Dr. Hreza and Dr. Quant were really nice, but sometime they would ask me to run, and sometimes they would put me to sleep and do scans and stuff. Sometimes they’d put me in machine that made noise and made me dizzy."
They carefully lifted a mug and drank, then placed it gently down. The child wiped their mouth and said, "Sometimes they'd show me people’s pictures, and I was supposed to think of them. Some people I knew, but some people I didn’t." They shrugged and ate another bite.
Iota caught the captain's eye across the table and said to the child, "Can I tell you a secret?"
"Not supposed to tell secrets."
Iota leaned forward so she could look at Nexus' face. "It's OK because it's my secret. I lived in a place just like that. There were lots of doctors and tests, and I had to move things, and find things, and sometimes hurt things, like hurt animals or dummies or other stuff."
Nexus placed the spoon beside the bowl. "I never had to hurt anyone." They slid from Iota's lap. "Where are the games anyway?"
"Have you heard of tictactoe?" I asked. "It is a strategy game--"
"Do you have Ope! That's my favorite game."
CP's eyes went wide. "I got you covered, Buddy. I just happened to have picked up that very game before we left Eternia."
We cleared a small space at the galley table, but once Nexus began to carefully pull pieces from the game box, I moved everything from the table to make enough room. First came a stack of cards, and then five stacks of circular tokens which the child divided into three groups, then a dozen dice of various shapes. Once those were on the table, Nexus pulled first one and then three more large metal squares from the box, fitting them together to make a gameboard.
I looked at the Cosmic Peanut, who shrugged. "It was heavy," she said.
Nexus took me and the captain through the intricacies of the game, and at one point, when they seemed to falter, I said, "Shall I consult the rulebook?"
"No rulebook. Dr. Quant taught me." Nexus rolled three of the odd dice, raised their hands in triumph and moved a marker four paces.
"I see. The dice introduce the element of chance, so that even a novice player like myself could perhaps win the day."
"No. The dice are everything. You gotta roll high numbers." With that Nexus handed me one of the lumps of dice. An assortment of numbers dotted the surface.
"And you just.... toss it?" I looked to the captain.
"Blow on it for good luck," she said.
"I do not have any lung capacity for such a maneuver. Perhaps--"
"Forget I mentioned it. Just toss it," said the Cosmic Peanut.
I tossed the die into the air, and it landed on the table with a thunk.
"17!" Nexus threw their arms up. "You win!"
"I do? I did?" A warmth filled my chest. "I have never won anything before."
Just then Requiem came into the galley. "I won the game," I told her.
"Congratulations. Looks like fun."
"You can join for the second round," I said. "The strategy is--"
I was interrupted by a loud yawn from Nexus.
"That's gonna need to wait, eh Buddy?" The Cosmic Peanut patted Nexus' hand. "It was a busy day, huh?"
"Let me tuck you in." Requiem held out her hand, and Nexus took it. Soon the ship was filled with the lovely, haunting lilt of a Hanadarian lullaby.
I began to collect the game pieces, but CP said, "Leave it. We can play again tomorrow. We got at least 10 hours before we reach the fueling station. Time enough for another session."
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floweroyalty · 7 years
mffg i am very sad and lonely so please: https://sageling.sarahah.com
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outlawsaviour-a · 5 years
let teddy ( poorly ) draw your muse  ৲  send ‘em  ▸  @rabidbite
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hollyjjangu · 7 years
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kdjfklsdfj this prompt was so adorable ty for the lovely idea, i hope it suffices!
- admin artemis (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・゚✧  ♡
This is the end.
Taehyung concludes, blowing the bangs out from his face.
This is in fact, the moment prior to his demise. He hugs the baseball bat close to his chest, eyes squeezing shut, deciding to wait for the perpetrator to just waltz in and murder him, rob him of the two bills, crushed up peppermints and hi-chew wrappers in his pockets.
It's well past midnight, and Taehyung sits up in his mattress, blanket wrapped around his entire figure like a burrito and he’s scared shitless at the rustling deriving from the living room.
It wasn’t Jimin, he knows for a fact because he had shot him a text just a few hours earlier, telling him he was spending the night at Yoongi’s tonight.
What in the actual fuck does he do in situations like this? He fumbles about in his bed, throwing his pillows and blankets every which way in search for his phone when it hits him that he left his iPhone, all alone with whatever demon was in his living room.
So he’s royally screwed, too terrified to do anything besides whimper and hide underneath blankets.
Taehyung awaits once again, his senses heightened in paranoia. Everything is suddenly much louder, like the person’s footsteps, whatever shoes they’re wearing seem to be quite chunky, heavy, perhaps boots?
Taehyung winces at the thought of their white-carpeting, they’re probably muggy and wet from snow now.
It’s almost as if the person is searching for something, with all the frequent rustling noises and all. And any previous consideration of this person being Jimin was out the window, if it was Jimin, he would’ve called Taehyung’s name by now, would’ve came by Taehyung’s room the check-in on him. It was just Jimin’s usual behavior.
So whoever the fuck is in his kitchen now, is most definitely not Taehyung’s precious tiny best friend.
He hears the refrigerator open, a faint hum from the machinery being the only sound audible besides cartons of milk being shoved aside and that’s when Taehyung hears it.
He hears his pizza box being open, his leftover pizza and so suddenly any previous evidence of fear is washed from his features.
“Not today Satan.” 
He huffs to himself, tying the ends of the blanket tightly together,  almost as if it was a cape.
He clenches Jimin’s baseball bat firmly in his hand, bracing himself for whatever hell was out there before kicking his own bedroom door open.
Okay perhaps that was a bit too courageous of him and maybe he did just recklessly surrender himself to the murderer raiding his refrigerator, because now that he’s exposed himself and his existence, he’s certain he’ll be killed now.
He won’t even be able to avenge his pizza’s life, because at the sight before him, a boy he’s never seen before, is already wolfing down his third slice.
“Ohmff— you muff be Taehyung-mffg.” He attempts to utter, raising a hand up in a friendly wave, doe eyes slowly but surely turning quizzical as he takes in the sight before him.
“Why do you have a bat—”
Taehyung, suddenly feeling another rush of bravery strike him, bolts into his kitchen, yanks the pizza out from his hand (setting it gently back in the box of course)  before turning back to the thing before him, and the next thing Jeongguk sees is his world turning upside down, his legs falling underneath him and now his mouth is filled with mushy white carpeting.
Taehyung pants, out of breath, in a taekwondo position he had learned too many years back to count, muttering something about not being able to stretch and wow I should really practice more I’m getting rusty.
The intruder winces in agony, he can practically feel the bruise forming on his calves from the blow of Taehyung’s kick, his feet moved too fast for his eyes to follow. He can’t see anything besides pretty tan feet, toes curled inwards, he’s quite literally at Taehyung’s feet right now.
And then the world is being pulled back upwards.
Grabbing the boy by his wrists and hauling him up, Taehyung slams the boy against the wall so hard his picture frame drops lifelessly to the ground.
“Who the fuck are you?” Taehyung spits intimidatingly in his face, “and why the fuck are you eating my leftovers?”
“My fucking— dude can you fucking relax and let me go!” He attempts to break free from Taehyung’s grasp, keyword here is attempt, Taehyung’s grip is practically made of iron.
“Fuck, how the hell are you so strong?” Taehyung was a skinny lanky boy, didn’t appear to bestow the strength he carried. The boy is huffing for air now as he’s tired himself out and the ache in his legs still hasn’t gone away. Taehyung doesn’t budge, eyebrows knitted together angrily, lips in straight line and oddly enough, even after getting his ass beat, he can’t help but admire that Taehyung is in fact quite handsome.
He has really nice eyebrows too—
“Answer my question!” His thoughts of how pretty Taehyung’s nose mole was, practically severed.
“Okay! I’m an art major, Jeon Jeongguk, please put me down!” Taehyung releases the boy as requested.  
A starving artist, Taehyung clicks his tongue, he should’ve known.
“Why the fuck are you in my apartment? You have five seconds to reply before I call the police—”
“I’m Jeongguk, Jimin’s cousin, didn’t he tell you I would be here?” Jeongguk finally explains, hands on his knees, as he heaves air back into his lungs.
He watches Taehyung’s angered expression soften slowly into one of sudden realization as recollection hits him like a fucking freight train.
Right when he was dozing off, Jimin had called him, frantically asking Taehyung for permission if his younger cousin could stay at their place for the night, and Taehyung, sleepy and totally incoherent,  muttered a string of agreements before hanging up and succumbing to sleep again.
“Oh, shit you’re right!”
Taehyung’s face lights up like a switch has been flipped, and then he’s laughing, obnoxiously so, clutching his stomach as he doubles over into another fit. He looks nice like this, disheveled bed hair sticking every which way, face a bright red from laughing too hard, and his trademark rectangular smile.
He looks lovely, Jeongguk can’t bring himself to be even the slightest bit upset nor angered.
“I forgot! I’m so sorry— oh my god.”  Taehyung attempts to apologize again, pulling the boy into a hug and slapping his back a bit too hard as compensation.
“Consider it initiation to the dorm.” He says with a sly yet coy smile, hand falling shyly behind his neck.
And although Jeongguk is positive his calves are purple right about now, he can’t help the chuckle that escapes his mouth too, or the warmth flooding his chest as he beams right back at Taehyung.
pssst, our ask box is open… send in a prompt, a headcanon, ask us a question, etc!
- admin artemis (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・゚✧  ♡
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tytoalbion · 2 years
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Defender of CUPCAKES 🧁
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matchaseul · 6 years
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tokodeals-blog · 7 years
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Bangku Gereja Jati Minimalis Terbaru Model Bangku Gereja Jati Minimalis Terbaru KODE PRODUK : MFFG-01 Desain Bangku Gereja Pemesanan Bangku Gereja Kayu Jati
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kyarymell · 4 years
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hs-wxn-wngs-blog · 12 years
m wxn wngs f mrphn
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