#MAG 31
tmascrapbook · 12 days
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Mag 31: first hunt
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citadelss · 3 months
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Magnus Archives cover art concepts pt. 2 :) :)
This one’s for MAG 31 — First Hunt
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 2 years
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meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 32
MAG 31 - First Hunt
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silly-lil-blog · 1 year
My favorite thing in the about the statements is the random person they encounter that says something spooky and gives me goosebumps. Fav examples include:
"Enjoy sky blue." -Simon MAG21
"No, sir, you have nothing to fear from the dead." -Man from the Cemetery MAG23
"Be still, for there is strange music." (Not a person but it counts for me) -The Calliope MAG24
"You cannot stop slaughter by closing the door." Tom Haan- MAG30
"Tomorrow will be a good day for a run." -Hiker MAG31
I'll add as i go further along
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almaprincess66 · 9 months
MAG 31 First Hunt.
Now I fully remember why we draw S5 Daisy as a wolf creature.
Also can anybody reccomend a Daisy x Basira fic that has Little Red Ridinghood theme?
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
As an American I got really excited about First Hunt, cause it started spreading the lore over into my territory.
Spoiler for a later EP: I noticed a minor but to me hilarious detail on a re-listen that may only get picked up by Americans who have an interest in hiking. The werewolf in First Hunt is stalking the Appalachian Trail (ACT), a massive trail that runs from the entire south to north length of the US along the East Coast.
When Jon later runs into Julia and Trevor in America, we get this exchange:
And, uh, why America?
Heard tell there were a wolfman.
Old Davey – he’s down in Plymouth – swore blind his brother had seen one on the Pacific Crest trail –
I told Trevor he was a liar – but here we are anyway! Have been for a couple of years.
Hey, now, no wolfman, sure, but they’re’ve been plenty out here that needs killing!
If you aren't paying close attention that many episodes later, you /might/ recognize the callback to First Hunt and figure they just didn't find the wolfman....but Trevor says the Wolfman was on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), which is also a trail that runs from the south to north of the United States, but is on the WEST coast. I laughed out loud when I heard it imagining that they just got the two very long very famous trails mixed up and ended up stuck in America without passports because they went to the wrong side of it on their hunt.
Lmaoo that's amazing I never made this connection thank you for sharing!!
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helenmywife · 5 months
hot take the hunt avatar from mag 31 was fucking hot as hell chase me next please please pleasr
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Mag 31
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Fuck yes First Hunt!! All the girlies love First Hunt! <3
It's great that the episode opens by telling you the entire meaning of the Hunt as an Entity; killing was always besides the point. The chase is the thing. This is what separates the Hunt from the Slaughter (in addition to the Hunt being about intimate violence while the Slaughter is about impersonal mass violence). The Slaughter is all about the kill; the Hunt plays with its food.
So the Hunt is one of the Entities that I just enjoy without over analysing it too much (by my standards anyway; I am a person who will be posting a commentary for all 200 episodes of TMA largely for my own amusement). It's not one of the Entities that really terrifies me or that I really emphasise with, in universe I don't think I'd be in any particular danger of being consumed or claimed by it. I just think it's a vibe. I have fun with the Hunt! Like, hunting prey/being hunted by a predator seems a bit too outdoorsy for me, but I get it and if it's your thing then I love that for you.
I guess I'm saying I think I want to be friends with a Hunt avatar? I think we'd get along great. Maybe I just want a werewolf girlfriend?
Anyway I love this statement, it's one of my favourites.
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And a big part of why this is a favourite of mine is the statement-giver Lawrence Mortimer. What a guy! He's just such a jolly, cheerful dude. I love all his weird turns of phrase and the way he's so I genuinely excited and enthusiastic about going on his little adventure. As much as I love Jonny's voicework on this one, I really wish we'd gotten to meet him in person. He's got dorky dad energy for me.
Fuck I've just realised how much he reminds me of my actual dad. Two screenshots in and this is becoming and epsiode of Revelations for me.
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Amazing. Imagine travelling alone to another country to meet an absolute stranger who you've only ever spoken to via message board, but who is openly a gun nut that wants to take you on a remote hike in the wilderness. Men really do be living in a different world, don't they?
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Haha fuck yes Lawrence! I love this guy!! He's a funny little man.
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Oh god the mortifying ordeal of realising that you've committed to spending a prolonged period of time alone with an extrovert. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Also I have to assume that the part about being laughed at for his accent is written from either personal or anecdotal experience, because I ran this by one of my best friends who immigrated from England to Australia when we were teenagers and he was like 'Yes, everyone did that to me incessantly for years, especially you Reeah, because you're a bad person and a terrible friend.'
(He loves me. I will be a bridesmaid at his wedding next year. His accent is cringe tho. Imagine being British. 😬)
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Okay, BIG YIKES here. This is the only thing about this epsiode that I really dislike. As mentioned above I'm Australian. We have strict gun control here and I generally cannot stand anyone who likes guns or thinks of them as cool fun toys. Massive red flag. Especially if you add the entire premise of the episode; hunting and killing animals for sport, another thing that I absolutely loathe irl!
But mostly I don't mind just letting these things go in this instance. Partially because, as I said, it's the premise of the episode and engaging with a story demands a certain amount of good faith. The other reason I have figured out while typing this; it's because Lawrence's general sense of wonder and enthusiasm about guns reminds me of my dad and his most beloved special interest -- WWI era tanks. The Tiger 1 is his favourite and he is overcome with joy and excitement every time he gets a chnace to talk about it. If I can let go over my objections regarding the military for long enough to allow my dad to re-tell the story of the time he got special permission to go inside the Tiger 1 at the the tank museum, I guess I can let this fictional man enjoy his fictional gun holiday.
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More big yikes!! Hate this!! Terrible!!
Geuinely the worst thing I can imagine encountering out in the wilderness is just a guy with bad energy singing a creepy little song. I'd take a bear or something any day of the week. At least I know what a bear's deal is.
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Very telling that two grown men (both of whom are down for a days long hike through the wild with an internet stranger) immediately pick up on this dude's terrible vibes and seemingly agree instantly and silently to not help him or offer any information about themselves. Girlies having each other backs in the club energy.
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Ahhh! I hate this!! He stopped to get their scents!! What would you even do? Like, obviously they are doomed form this point because he's chosen them as targets and won't let them escape, but if it were me I'd still be tempted to risk a night hike to get the fuck out there.
Attention all creepy strangers in the woods: stay the fuck away from me (unless you are a werewolf and interested in being my girlfriend).
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I'd completely forgotten this part! So the Hunter hung around their camp all night making sure they couldn't sleep. Do we think this was because he wanted to make sure that they would be tired and afraid for the big chase tomorrow, or is this just like the murderer's version of edging?
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Round One Part Two - Match 11
Bone apple teeth -- eat up, and don't forget to breathe! I feel like Anatomy Class is an honorary Flesh statement, tbh. Do you think Lawrence Mortimer got to see Mothman?
MAG 034 - Anatomy Class | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Dr. Lionel Elliott, regarding a series of events that took place during his class, Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, at Kings College, London.
MAG 031 - First Hunt | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Lawrence Mortimer, regarding his hunting trip to Blue Ridge, Virginia.
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artfulacrostic · 2 years
jon at ep 31 is like "FUCK this statement and FUCK this encounter, america is simply too far away and i do not CARE" but like. honey u got a biiiiig storm coming 🫣
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im-a-mint · 2 years
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“The moonlight shone on him in full and what I saw was not human.”
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chaoticfandomthot · 2 years
I'm not even gonna mention the horror of mag 30 but wtf is wrong with the guy in mag 31
"Ah yes let me go on a 3days hiking/hunting trip with a stranger"
"He was fkn weird but all was forgotten when he showed me all his gorgeous gorgeous GUNS."
Huh ???? Im not even 5minutes in wtf
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stealthetrees · 11 months
Me, from Alabama, often goes camping on the appalation trail, listening to the magnus archives 31: yeah that sounds about right
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hiker babygirl hope you're tearing into men in heaven
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oaxleaf · 2 years
mag 31 - first hunt
i'll admit, i don't find this episode very engaging. like jon said, it's not really relevant enough neither to stuff happening in season one of things happening later on for me to care. i'm also generally much more interested in the original monsters of tma rather than the spins on already existing ones. thus, as you can imagine, the vampires don't really engage me either.
however, i don't think that was the point of this episode. to me, the most important part is jon's reaction to it. in this episode he explicitly talks about feeling hunted. the stakes are rising and everybody in the archives feel it.
i do think some of the specifics about guns and percieved power and masculinity can be picked from this episode too. to me, tma is not specifically about capitalism, at least not completely, but rather about all types of power and how it sooner or later gets tainted by ill-will, greed, or corruption. whilst not all hunters do it for the thrill of a power-trip, this man clearly does, at least in part. everything about him, from his enthusiasm for guns to his military background, raises red flags for me to be honest.
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“You have no idea what it’s like to be prey”
Little did he know he would
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