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La lymphe est un liquide biologique blanchâtre ou jaunâtre, transporté par le système lymphatique. Sa composition est analogue à celle du plasma sanguin, dont elle n'est qu'un filtrat : elle contient des globules blancs, notamment des lymphocytes dépourvue de globules rouges, elle baigne les organes - information capitale; elle est plus pauvre en nutriments que le sang, plus riche en déchets. Vous la connaissez peu et pourtant, votre organisme en contient en moyenne 6 à 8 litres, de la tête aux pieds. La lymphe joue un rôle indispensable dans la défense de l'organisme. La lymphe, réseau parallèle au sang, évacue 75 % environ des déchets de nos cellules. On comprend alors pourquoi il est important que la lymphe soit propre et non pas saturée de détritus afin que toutes les fonctions physiologiques liées puissent correctement fonctionner. La fonction première de la lymphe est véritablement le nettoyage. Sur son chemin, la lymphe transporte notamment des bactéries et des cellules endommagées. Comme la lymphe est écolo et qu’elle aime le tri, elle emporte ces détritus jusqu’aux ganglions lymphatiques. Ils débarrassent la lymphe de ses déchets et, en échange, ils lui ajoutent des lymphocytes. Une famille de globules blancs, dont le rôle est de défendre l’organisme des agressions extérieures : des virus ou des bactéries. Il est incontournable, dans un monde d'agressions envers notre santé (pollution, malbouffe, stress...) de prendre soin, entre autres, de notre lymphe.
🍀 Au quotidien, on peut pratiquer le brossage à sec afin de stimuler le système lymphatique.
🍀 L’exercice physique est une technique fondamentale en naturopathie pour de multiples raisons : il permet, entre autres, l’accélération de la circulation des liquides internes (sang, lymphe et différents sérums) et l’augmentation de la vitalité. Eh oui, le muscle est un support de vitalité. Pratiquez une activité physique modérée quotidienne, en commençant par la marche et/ou par une activité ludique qui amène le plaisir. Le trampoline est une activité sympathique et très efficace qui permet de stimuler le système lymphatique, d’oxygéner les cellules (et d’éliminer également par la respiration) et de renforcer les articulations et le système cardiovasculaire.
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Das Lymphsystem und die Bedeutung für unser Wohlbefinden
Die Lymphe ist unsere Müllabfuhr, Transportmedium von wichtigen fetten und sooo vieles mehr! Lesen Sie gerne womit Lymphe noch zu tun hat! #lymphe #wackersberg #naturheilkunde #heilpraktikerin #apothekerin
Das Lymphatische System wird sehr häufig verkannt in seiner Rolle und in seiner Wichtigkeit für einen reibungslosen Ablauf vieler Prozesse und dem allgemeinen Fluss in unserem Körper.So möchte ich hier einen Einblick geben; vielleicht erkennt ja der eine oder andere Betroffene auch seine Problematik. Was ist das Lymphsystem? Das lymphatische System besteht aus: –Lymphbahnen-Lymphatischen…
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aucoeurdeschevaux · 2 years
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Le système lymphatique
L'élément qui draine le liquide interstitiel en surplus...
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kyrian-lebenamlimit · 2 years
Die Lymphe wollen nicht so...
Die Lymphe wollen nicht so…
wie sie sollten! Es fing vor einigen Wochen mit einem Bienenstich an. Mein linker Unterarm war geschwollen. Erst dachte ich mir nix dabei und nahm an es gehe schnell vorbei. Aber er wurde immer dicker und es spannte. Ich ging zu meinem Freund und Arzt. Hm es sollten die Lymphe sein die nicht mehr richtig arbeiten wollen, also ein Lymphstau, ein Lympfödem? Ich will das nicht glauben. Erstmal wurde…
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hpadrianstemmer · 2 years
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In der Nahaufnahme fällt die Reichhaltigkeit dieses sonst recht unscheinbaren Pflänzchen auf. Viele Farben und Muster sind zu erkennen. Storchenschnabel ist mir ein liebes Pflänzchen geworden. #geranium #heilpflanzen #kräuter #gesundheit #heilkunde #lymphe (hier: AYURNA Offenbach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvYUZuMIu0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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no minecraft stream today folks i woke up and seem to have the flu
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businessmemes · 7 months
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Lymph nodes are the source of business acumen and need to be palpated and massaged regularly.
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nipuni · 6 months
Doctor Who report!! We made it to the 12th doctor!! Just finished watching the specials up to 11th regeneration AHHH I'm so excited to meet him!! Looking back on all of 11th run we really enjoyed it, it started weak but it got better and we ended up loving Matt and his companions. We went into it scared that we wouldn't enjoy it because of what we had heard about it on top of the writing style not clicking for us at times but that wasn't the case! it had many good episodes and concepts explored! Ten is still our absolute favourite but Eleven was great!! I'm very hopeful for Capaldi, I also really love his face 😌
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
Scientists have discovered a 'secret passageway' in mice that connects the brain to the body's lymphatic system. The network of vessels appears to form an overlooked brain drainage system that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and function of the central nervous system. If the findings extend to humans, it could fundamentally change how scientists understand the circulation of fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord.
Continue Reading.
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oensible · 10 months
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"i know this tunnel and this tunnel knows me"
image descriptions in alt
(version without the map/diagram under the cut!)
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I love how the pooka has ZERO PLOT RELEVANCE. It’s really just there to piss us off I love it
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I would be the worst fucking shapeshifter in the world i would shapeshift one (1) time and die immediately cause i don't know Shit about Anatomy and probably forget to give myself Lymph nodes or make my lungs way too inefficient or some Shit Like that
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sanctus-ingenium · 10 months
Just imaging historians slowly piecing together Mezian history and being like: hey guys. What the fuck.
The Median theocracy was actually very meticulous at record-keeping! Unfortunately only like three people are allowed to access the full uncensored history and they all share a common interest in keeping that shit under wraps so you can bet that future historians will have to be piecing it all together. i can imagine the reaction would be very similar to how we feel when we read about. well. any of those old texts that are like "bees are the kindest of all birds and serve their king loyally"
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labete-du-gevaudan · 4 months
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Sassy is the best nurse ever. She hasn’t left my side since I got back from the hospital 😭💜
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allamericanb-tch · 12 days
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planetsallalign · 3 months
Things I’m currently worried about.
My sisters upcoming surgery to release her tethered spinal cord. She won’t be able to basic tasks for 2+ months. With potential 6 months to 1 year for full recovery. A walker for awhile after surgery, physical therapy to help. And her anxiety has ramped up to when she video chats me she is sobbing so bad she can’t breathe. She can only focus on the what ifs and worst possible outcomes and spirals out. She’s starting therapy soon to help with that because after talking with her I didn’t realize how bad she has gotten.
My mother just telling me she’s had a lump for 3-4 years that she finally mentioned to her doctor and is getting an ultrasound on it. Which should be fine but what they’re calling it if you look it up the potentials are infection in the limb (no signs of any of that) or possible lymphoma/leukemia symptoms. Upon reading those symptoms I’m nervous. Because she will get so weary and achey by the afternoons she can barely move. And will say it hurts in her bones, but chalks it up to she must have whole body arthritis.
My father’s calcium score test that shows he has a blockage in the artery they call the “widow maker” and is being put on a statin ASAP. They’ll call to schedule a stress test which will be the does he need a stent or not decision. He came home yesterday from the grocery store with his statin, ice cream and mini powdered donuts. He doesn’t seem to get that yes you exercise hard and are in shape but it doesn’t mean you get to eat whatever you want. Because that’s how he has thought about it for years. Now I get to be bad guy and change his diet.
I’m sure it will all be ok and everyone will be fine/recover. It’s just a lot at once and I’m always the calm, keep it together one who is the rock. And all I want to do is scream.
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