#Ler! Enid
lopsicle · 1 year
Okay, so I finished Wednesday like 3 days ago and I’ve really been wanting to write a fic since, so let me know if this is any good!
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Pairing: Enid x Wednesday (implies romantic, but not together yet)
Warnings: Tickle fic, mentions of death
Words: 2,300.
No one particularly liked working hard, mainly due to how tired it could make you, or the task itself, but some still saw it as a necessary evil and would push themselves to their limits to get whatever it is finished. In our case, Wednesday Addams is hunched over her table, each exhale letting clouds of cold smoke exit her freezing lips. It was in the middle of winter, and if she was being honest, which she wouldn’t be, she was experiencing a burn out with her writing. However, she didn’t want to talk about with anyone, or make Enid think she was growing lazy, so the girl continued, no matter how small or meaningless the idea. Her hands were practically frosted over and each tap at her typewriter was a slow, awkward movement. Her teeth gritted in frustration each time her mind went blank, or when she simply couldn’t figure out how to continue her novel.
The girl continued like this for the better part of an hour, before she heard the door suddenly open. The girl’s fingers curled in as Enid merrily barged into the shared dorm. Living with the girl was like a rollercoaster for Wednesday. Enid had her upsides and her downsides, but much like a rollercoaster, it seems confusing as to why you’d like it. She was a polar opposite to the gothic girl, yet as Enid said, they worked, even if they didn’t know why. ‘Wednesday! You will never believe what me and Yoko did, I haven’t had time to write about it on my- are you alright?’ She asked, taking a few cautious steps towards her. The two girls were very observant of each other’s habits, and this definitely wasn’t how Wednesday wrote, her fingers were stiff and her movements had much less energy then usual. It was another mystery to Wednesday on why Enid cared this much about her, but after a while, she learned to accept it, even if she found it aggravating at times. She let out another breath of cold air, which just made Enid more concerned. ‘Yes,’ Wednesday replied. Okay, something was wrong. Her voice was quieter then usual, almost drained, and normally she’d have some kind of remark to make it against Enid, but this time it was just nothing. A lie. Enid walked towards the girl, and reclusively, Wednesday turned her body back to the typewriter, not facing the girl. The werewolf leaned down next to her, and placed her hand on Wednesday’s, causing the girl to let out a sharp exhale and tug her hand away. Enid nearly recoiled just from feeling the icicle that was Wednesday’s hand. ‘Jesus Christ, you’re absolutely freezing! How long have you been sitting there for?’ She asked, as Wednesday finally turned to with a look of irritation. She took her time pulling her paper out from the typewriter and sealing it in her box before giving the girl a response. ‘An hour,’ she said flatly, still too deflated to even shoot a remark at Enid for touching her. ‘An hour?!’ The colourful girl’s eyes widened and she shook her head. ‘No, no, you couldn’t of been sitting there for an hour!’ Enid said incredulously, she knew the girl lacked self preservation, I mean, she practically threw herself at danger at any opportunity, but this seemed stupid, even for Wednesday.
‘You have eyes, don’t you?’ Wednesday shot back at her, which Enid for the most part ignored. ‘You’re going to your bed right now,’ Enid said sternly, standing right behind the girl. Wednesday didn’t even bother looking back at her as she said ‘I’m not a child.’ Enid huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. ‘Well, your certainly acting like one, you’ve been here far too long, you’re feel like ice!’ Wednesday’s finger slowed over the typewriter. She couldn’t focus like this, not when Enid was caring about her, all she could focus on was her denial to let the girl help her, and she hated it. ‘I’m not acting like a child, you’re acting overbearing. I’m behind on my novel, I have to keep doing this,’ she explained, trying to keep a calm tone to not upset Enid further. The girl behind her fell silent, to which Wednesday assumed would be the end of their mini argument. But in reality, Enid wasn’t going to back down that easily, not at all. Wednesday had taken her attention away from the werewolf, which gave her some time to think about what she should do. Sure, she could pick Wednesday up and carry her to her bed, but the gothic one would definitely get disgruntled at that. There was the option of just giving her a blanket while she was on the chair, but Enid thought that would be too simply, especially since Wednesday had proven to be difficult right now. Though, there was one option that lingered in her mind. Wednesday’s arms were stretched in front of her as her digits tapped against the typewriter in an agonisingly slow fashion, and Enid’s eyes were drew to the girls side. Sure, it may seem uncharacteristic for Wednesday Addams of all people to be tickling, but it was worth a shot to at least try. She stretched out her index finger and took a long, colourful now before swiping it down Wednesday’s side. The girl practically recoiled away in surprise, nearly falling off her chair but she caught herself in the desk with her left arm. She flipped her head around to this her dorm mate with gritted teeth, ready to tear into her for even trying that, but the smirk the other girl was wearing completely tore away her confidence to that. ‘Don’t,’ Wednesday ordered firmly, wrapping her left arm around her stomach and holding out her right in Enid’s direction to be ready to try and stop the girl if she advanced. ‘Don’t what?’ Enid asked with the sweetest, oblivious smile as she took another step closer to the goth, causing her to lower herself in her chair and curl her knees to her chest. ‘You know what,’ she stated, her tone having the slightest hint of desperation in it, but that wasn’t gonna save her. ‘I don’t know, could you remind me?’ She asked, suddenly snatching Wednesday’s right wrist and holding her arm above her head. Normally, Wednesday would be able to fight the girl off, but that’s on a good day, not a sleep deprived, freezing day. The girl tightly pressed her lips shut, and covering her mouth already with her left hand. ‘Now, let’s see here..’ Enid’s fingers wrapped around Wednesday’s sides before she started rapidly squeezing against them, causing the cold girl to bounce with each touch from the werewolf’s hands. ‘Hm, you’re already getting really squirmy, someone must be very ticklish, that’s so fun!’ Enid smiled down warmly at the girl, who despite her current mannerisms, was still wearing a neutral expression.
Wednesday had been tickled before, so she learned how to control herself in the situation, however Enid was probing rather difficult for her. Wednesday didn’t mind the tickles at all, she was favourable to them, but she’d die before she’d admit that. I mean, with her other interests like death, and torture, you’d think admitting that she likes tickling would be easy enough, but it seemed far too off-brand and childish for her, she couldn’t allow herself to. That’s why Enid’s teasing was making it even harder for her not to crack and let out the giggles blocked up in her throat. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll stop at any time!’ Enid said thoughtfully, as her hands made its way around to Wednesday’s stomach. ‘As long as you take a break and get yourself warm, I mean, even your tummy is freezing!’ She exclaimed, scribbling her long painted nails around Wednesday’s stomach, sending sharp ticklish shocks all throughout the girl’s torso. Wednesday pressed her arms further against her face, not wanting let a single reaction slip as she buckled slightly at the devilish touch of her friend’s nails. Her head shook slightly in response to Enid’s statement, half because she still wanted to continue her writing, and half because she didn’t want it to end just yet. She bit down on the inside of her cheek as some laughter nearly threatened to spill, but kept herself composed nonetheless. ‘Fine, have it your way!’ Enid said, but her tone was only half serious, mainly because she was still concerned for Wednesday, but knew the girl wouldn’t listen to her normally. Her scribbling got even faster, with one hand clawing at the girl’s stomach and her other randomly scratching along with her nails. The nail on her pinkie finger even slipped into the girl’s belly button and started swirling against it in circles,vans finally, all the tickling attention caught up to the girl and she couldn’t contain herself anymore.
‘Kihihihihihihi!’ Wednesday’s legs kicked back and forth halfheartedly as a barrage of soft snickers exited her mouth. Her expression miraculously remained neutral, but her lips were curling at the end of her mouth. Enid’s heart melted at the sight of the squirming girl beneath her. ‘Aw, you have such adorable laughter! You should really start laughing more!’ She encouraged, but she knew it would be fruitless; Wednesday would hardly open up like that. However, the teasing was making this all the more torturous for Wednesday, slowly breaking down at her composure. The worst was yet to come for the girl as Enid’s nails trailed a bit further up and her nails were just barely tracing at her bottom rib. This tipped Wednesday over the edge, she held her hand tightly against her mouth and began twisting her body around in the chair, flailing her legs around as she tried to use her free arm to bat at Enid’s hands. ‘Aw, what’s wrong, did I find a bad spot?’ She cooed, letting her fingers wiggle and pinch against the girl’s ribs, which made her jolt and squirm around, her arms randomly flailing around as laughter carelessly poured out of her mouth. ‘Ah! E-e ihahahd! Stahahahp!’ The girl could only muster out a couple of words between her laughter, which Enid chuckled out. Enid slowly pulled away her fingers from the goth. ‘Hm, I could,’ and in an instant, she jabbed them all back against her ribs, letting them wriggle around and scratch against the sensitive spot. ‘But you have been difficult lately!’
Wednesday utterly exploded into loud, awkward laughter. ‘Ahahahaha my gahahahahad, fihahaahahne, I’ll tahahahahake a breahahahahak!’ She conceded, still flustered she was bested of tickling of all things. Enid slowly pulled her hands away, giving her ribs one last pinch which made the girl jump. Wednesday leaned back in her wooden chair, taking in deep breaths through her nose as she settled down tiredly. All the squirming had only warmed the girl up a bit, but she was still extremely cold. Enid smiled softly at the sight, proud of her new discovery. ‘Thanks for your cooperation.’ She decided that Wednesday looked tired enough and slowly, almost cautiously picked her up but Wednesday accepted the touch and even wrapped her arms around the colourful girl’s neck to make it easier for her to be carried. She pulled back the pitch black covers of the girl’s bed and placed her against the mattress, which she nearly melted into. Enid leaned down next to the bed. ‘How are you feeling?’ She asked compassionately. ‘Drained,’ Wednesday replied, but she wanted to say more. So much more. I mean, this could be her one opportunity to final receive any form of tickling, she wanted to take it so badly. And this was Enid she was talking about, the girl was so trustworthy and had accepted Wednesday’s other morbid interests, she’d be sure to accept a softer one, right?
‘I didn’t mind that..’ she muttered, barely audible but Enid picked it up with a teasing smirk. ‘Mind what?’ She asked, which caused Wednesday to subtly curl up a bit. ‘What you just did,’ she responded, her throat tightening a bit as the words left her mouth, unable to take them back. Enid raised an eyebrow at this and examined the exhausted girl again. She wasn’t messing with her, that was for sure, and she liked the tickling? Enid’s face took a second to process before breaking out in a wide smile, thinking of a careful response before saying ‘That’s okay! I think I liked it too!’ She offered, and Wednesday let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. ‘Maybe we could do it again sometime!’ Enid offered again, presenting it as just a possibility as she didn’t want to overstep. Wednesday pondered in silence for a moment, before finally saying ‘Just don’t tell anyone or I’ll rip out your tongue.’ She warned her, which caused Enid to giggle. ‘Of course! Our secret!’ Wednesday covered her mouth and let out a small yawn, her eyes blinking slowly and it looked like the girl was on the verge of passing out. ‘Okay, I’ll leave you to sleep now, night Wednesday!’ She turned to leave, but she felt a small, gentle pinch on the back of her trouser leg, behind her knee. She turned to see Wednesday’s arm stretched out to her, and she mumbled a small ‘stay here..’. Enid’s heart fluttered at the sight as she gave the girl a nod, seemingly loosing her ability to speak as she crawled into the bed next to her. Neither of the girls were that experienced with physical contact, so Wednesday leaned the side of her head on the girl’s lap as Enid pulled the covers of her, and the girl was finally starting to feel warm as her stressed expression was replaced with a peaceful one.
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new-44556678 · 7 months
Enid (In Werewolf form) tickles Wednesday
Summary: Wednesday takes a walk in the nearby woods at night, but stumbles upon Enid and some unpredictable events ahead.
Warning: Tickles, Fluff, Really short.
Ler! Enid, Lee! Wednesday.
Wednesday was enjoying her walk in the woods and begins to enjoy it a bit more when Enid shows up "Oh, hi Enid." Wednesday said. She didn't find it surprising. After all Enid did wolf out on this night. She was just hoping that Enid wouldn't mistake her best friend as a tasty snack. Lucky for both of them, she didn't.
After some more time passed Enid began cuddling with Wednesday and doing other various things that Wednesday either loved or hated. But the thing that really surprised her is when Enid began licking Wednesday, making the goth girl jump at the sudden touch and snort while moving away.
After some time Enid remembered how ticklish Wednesday was, and that's probably why she was jumping and moving so much. So Enid just decided to dig her big cold werewolf nose into Wednesday's pale ticklish stomach. "Hahaha!!" Wednesday laughed as the strong, tickly sensation kept smearing throughout her whole body. "Haha! Enid stop!"
After hearing Wednesday's pleading for a long time now Enid started slowing a little bit, making Wednesday try and use the opportunity to push Enid off, but failing miserably in the process. No wonder she couldn't do it. Enid was bigger than her in general, not just as a Werewolf, but also as a person. So it wasn't to surprising to see that she couldn't exactly do it. Sorry Wednesday.
Eventually Enid saw that Wednesday was about to pass out, pee her pants, die, or in other words just close to her breaking point. So Enid stopped tickling Wednesday and continued on her hunt.
The next day where both of them woke up on their own bed in their shared dorm, Enid ran up to Wednesday excitedly and said in that adorable sing song voice. "I loved the tickle fest we had last night!" But Wednesday wasn't having that. But she was having this. "Come here Enid!" Wednesday said.
"What are you doing? Go away!"
Wednesday and Enid:
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blushyeleven · 1 year
Hey! So this is my Christmas fic! Im so sorry it’s bad but it was really rushed. But nonetheless have an amazing Christmas!
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Characters: lee!y/n, ler!wednesday, ler! enid (Bianca, Xavier, Ajax and yoko at the end!)
Warnings: tickles
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𝑻𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈
your eyelids flung opened. Your eyes became more apparent to the light as you fondly rubbed them. Christmas. It was Christmas!!! What time was it?! You questioned as you reached for your phone, switching it on. 10:43.
You looked beside you to see enid and wednesday look up “oh hey! Your awake! Merry Christmas!!” Enid excitedly said and she came running over to you before launching into a hug. “Morning” Wednesday said, as mellow as ever. Even though it was Christmas.. some things never change. You hugged enid back before smiling and saying “merry Christmas!” And standing up from your bed before skipping over to Wednesday. You didn’t expect a hug but to your surprise she stood up and half-heartedly put an arm around your waist. Your smile beamed at her “wow! I get a half hug, somebody must be in a good mood today, for once!” You jokingly commented “oh please, I just felt like showing gratitude to you, I know you have been excited about today especially. Although I will never understand why” she commented before retracting her arm. You and enid both just giggled at her
“Presents!!” Enid enthusiastically stated. “You guys haven’t opened your presents?” You questioned “enid insisted we waiting for you” Wednesday replied. Enids jaw dropped “but you said-“ she was cut of by a death stare being delivered by Wednesday “never mind!” She widened her eyes before smiling at you. “Okayy..” you raised a brow before handing Wednesday and enid their perfectly wrapped presents.
Enid wasted no time before clawing into the wrapping paper,shredding it into little peices that elegantly fell to the floor. Inside she found a new nail varnish and a pink candle. “Oh my god! I love it! Thankyou so much y/n!” she exclaimed and she then threw her arms around you again.Grasping you into a bear hug. “Ofcourse!” You said wrapping your arms back around her before you both let go and you could see the excitement lit in her eyes.
You then looked over at Wednesday, seeing her tearing the wrapping paper. You cross your fingers, hoping she likes it. Once she ripped a big enough hole she pulled out a black metal necklace with a deep purple, crystal charm hanging from the necklace. You saw her eyes widen slightly, seeming impressed as she held it in her hand and inspected it. “It’s nice, thankyou y/n” she said looking up at you. Your worried expression faded into a smile. If that sentence came from anybody else you would be skeptical, doubting if they meant it. But because it came from Wednesday you were buzzing. “Ofcourse!”
Enid then practically shoved your gift into your arms, watching you i inquisitively open it. It was a white, hand knitted, scarf? You looked confused, you wasn’t quite sure what it was but either way you were still grateful. Enid saw your puzzled face and enlightened you with “it’s a snood! Your now matching with me and Wednesday!” Your then smiled before saying “oh! I see! Thankyou so much!” Before placing it gently on your bed.
“Right, what are our plans for-“ you were cut off by Wednesday. “We’re not done” she said. Stretching her arm out, handing you a gift bag. Your eyes lit up and your lips curved into a smile “but you said you weren’t doing gifts” you remarked seeing advert your eye contact, looking at the floor “don’t mention it.” She quickly replied so you thought better then to drag it on.
Her deep black pupils followed your fingers as you opened the bag, lifting out a silver necklace with a heart locket dangling from it with your initial on it. You opened your mouth slightly before opening the locket to see a picture that enid had taken of you and Wednesday. Your smile stretched across your face “I- W-wednesday, I love it!” You Stuttered, finding it difficult to form any words. “Your welcome” she said in her slightly lighter tone. “I helped choose it!” Enid butted in as you smiled further, still being mesmerised by the gift. “I can help you put it on!” Enid mentioned and she held her hand out to which you placed the necklace in and she skipped behind you, securing the necklace to your neck before spinning around you again to see how you looked. You jokingly began to pose as Wednesday half smiled and enid excitedly clapped.
“Right, plans for today?” You questioned. “We can go meet everybody later, but for now we can just chill in our dorm?” Enid suggested to which you and Wednesday both reluctantly agreed. You decided to put on some comfy clothes to make yourself more presentable. So you picked up a pair of joggers and a jumper before walking to the bathroom to get dressed.
Once you exited you had the great idea of Modeling your snood to Enid and Wednesday. So you carefully picked it up from you bed and tying it around you head. After you wrapped it a few times you found yourself becoming tangled in it, unable to get it off from your head. “Uhm help” you said, muffled through the cotton.
Enid started laughing seeing you stuck and you couldn’t see but Wednesday smirked, clearly amused. After enid had finished her laughing fit she skipped over to help you with Wednesday shortly behind
“Arms up!” Enid said as you followed her very straight forward orders. You then realised your arms go and. that’s when you felt a graze of fingers against your armpit. Presumably an accident but nonetheless you still let out a muffled squeal before jumping back
“Oh I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?” Enid empathised as Wednesday was just standing, watching, extremely entertained. “No.. im okay!” you reassured with your arms still in the air. “Okay okay” enid replied as she began trying to fix your rather embarrassing mess. But once again you felt her fingers graze against your armpits and this time you let out a quite giggle before inching back
“What’s so funny?” Enid questioned still trying to unravel you. “N-Nothing” you stuttered before being freed by enid. But although you were free from the snood you weren’t free from the questions
“So what was that all about, did I scare you or something?” Enid raised a brow, puzzled “nope, honestly I’m fine!” You tried to say. That’s when Wednesday walked over “it seemed to be when Enid touched your armpi- oh, oh I see, ticklish?” Wednesday mischievously smirked “what? I’m lost!” Enid whined before Wednesday was still smirking while moving closer to you. Your face fading into a deeper red
“Well, she seemed to either giggle or jump whenever you touched her armpit so that leads me to believe she’s sensitive” wednesday stated causing you to shuffle in your place uncomfortably “sensit- oh! that’s adorable” enid said smiling at you.
“I don’t know what you guys are taking about” you said defensively. There was no way they just found out your secret. thoughts swarmed to your brain, desperately trying to find a solution. You saw how evil Wednesday was with tickling. Recently you had witness her wreck enid past years because enid had started blasting pop music. That couldn’t be you.
“Well I did just explain it to you” Wednesday said, still smirking. “Alow me to demonstrate what I mean!” She added before jabbing her black painted fingernails into your sides. Again, causing you to react with a squeal before jumping back “see” she said smugly.
“Nononononono, come on! It’s Christmas, it’s the season of giving!” You said backing up but they both stepped closer. “Exactly! So we’re giving you tickles!” Enid remarked before rapidly squeezing your sides. You fell back on your bed erupting into bright, bubbly giggles. Wednesday then decided to crawl on top of you. Sitting on your waistline before scribbling her trimmed nails across your stomach and enid sat next to you, poking at your sides.
You then exploded into loud heaps of helpless laughter “BAHAHHAHAHAHAH NOHO GEHEHET OOHOFFF!!” You complained, attempting to squirm. “I don’t think I will, consider this an extra Christmas gift” Wednesday teased “WEHEHEL DOHOES THIS OHONE COME WIHITH A REHECIET!” You shrieked, flailing about. “Hey! Don’t be rude!” Enid warned before using her wolf claws to scratch at your armpits “BAHAHAHAHAHAAH I CAHAHHAHHANNTT!!” You screamed as they just continued to mercilessly tickle you. They both didn’t plan on stopping any time soon so whether you liked it or not, you were going to be tickled past tears. it’s not like you were kicking up a fuss about it, or complaining. In fact you secretly enjoyed it. But there was no way you would ever admit that to anybody. Wednesday started to wiggled her fingers against your ribs. Evilly Smirking at your current state. “Come on, it’s just a bit of tickling there’s no need to be so dramatic” Wednesday snarkily commented. You felt a little heat rise to your cheeks after she said the dreaded t word. “And your going all pink!!” Enid observed, poking your cheek before working her way down to your knees. Squeezing at them. You then kicked out your legs while desperately trying to grab Wednesdays torturous hands. But her finger were to quick for you. Everytime you tried to grab her hands she would inch them further down your tummy. Closer and closer to your belly button. Causing your laughter to increase an octave with ever inch. Wednesday took note of this before teasingly swirling her finger around the rim of to ur belly button seeing you explode into hysterics “NOOHOHOOHOHHOHOHO OKAHAHHAHAY NOHOHOHOOT THEHEHEHHEHEREE!!!!” You pleaded. Although Wednesday wasn’t in the mood for showing any mercy. So she quickly and Methodicaly began scratching at your belly button, causing you to squeal, scream and thrash about. Meanwhile enid was going to town on your knees. Latching onto them and squeezing, before spidering her fingers just under them. You were just laying there. In a laughing fit with the overpowering tickly sensations buzzing through your whole body.
They didn’t stop untill they heard the door open
Surely enough it was bianca, yoko, xavier and ajax walking through “merry Christmas!” They said in unison as Wednesday and enid crawled of you to stand up and say hello.
You were still laying on the bed with a flushed face, watery eyes and still, quite giggles lingered in your voice
“Is y/n okay? What did you guys do?” Bianca asked clearly concerned. “Don’t worry, they was just receiving one of their Christmas gifts” Wednesday said with a hint of mischief in her tone
“Do we even wanna kn-“ Xavier mentioned before being interrupted by enid “tickles” she said and smiled causing your obvious blush to increase.
Eventually, you stood up from your bed and walked over to greet them with your hair slightly messed up, still watery eyes and extremely red cheeks “hey guys!” You said standing next to Wednesday
“Remind me never to get onto enids or Wednesdays bad side” bianca said causing everybody to smile, even Wednesday. (It was a Christmas miracle)
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44556678 · 1 year
Wednesday tickles You)
This is a Y/N story. Why am I making this.
I'm tired, bored, and I don't know what to do.
Wednesday was at her typewriter. Tapping at the keys and making a spine chilling noise every time she did it. You spotted her and asked her to stop but all she did was look at you and continue typing. Way to ask Wednesday bruh.
Wednesday kept on tapping the keys despite your pleads for her to stop. And she stopped right when it was 11:00 O'clock. "Hmm" you hummed as Wednesday stopped you looked over to see if Wednesday was there but she was gone. You assumed that she was just gonna tickle you again but it turned out that you were just drowzed out from all the typing you passed a out and when you woke up you heard Wednesday and Enid talking. You walked up to them and said "Hey guys What are you talking about." You said and Enid walked up to you with her claws out and started tickling you very hard with them. You laughed and asked why she was doing it and Wednesday spoke. "It's because you interrupted my writing time." You laughed on and on but there was no stopping until 8:00.
Thank you so %&$&@#$ much for reading this.
Quick Interruption: Oh my gosh I wanna go to bed.
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nosecondivelived · 2 years
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unsure if this has been done before, but anyways poly ftw
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scooter-ing · 1 year
ive been itching to actually say something about this, so like
idk man i just think its actually appalling how some people can't get it past their thick skulls that tyler/?? didnt care about wednesday. oh, "wednesday has tyler!" no she doesn't, he admitted to enjoying the brutal murder of multiple innocent people. and even if that isn't enough to get wednesday away from him, he literally hurt eugene and sent him into a coma?? she literally blamed herself for it!!!!!! and then he also hurt enid, who she has quite literally actively shown more care to rather than xavier or tyler. she didn't even touch him when she kissed him. she fucking ran away from him when she had the vision!! how thick headed can you be!! oh, "she said he was his type," it was a quip. she's talking about how she seems to attract dangerous people.
don't even get me started on xavier, that man is just so pathetic it's just beyond me lmao. the guy had the gall to actually continue to try to win her over, even AFTER she got him fucking arrested without remorse??? that's just so funny to me. bought her a whole ass iphone and everything. she asked him to the dance ONLY because she had ulterior motives relating to the hyde, and really didn't gaf when he found out. just resorted to more scouting w/ eugene for the night of the dance. and that scene where he asked bianca to make him forget about her... just Ew. like ew stop that. poor bianca.
i genuinely don't know how to express my feelings in relation this cause its just all so incoherent. like, isn't it obvious enough how much wednesday brushes off xavier and tyler?? like? so obvious? obvious enough that wednesday is actively upset and says that being alone doesn't fucking feel good? only when ENID leaves, and ENID gets mad at her, and she only hugs ENID, and tries to maneuver her language to not upset ENID!! (save for eugene) . it's just, ugh. like,,, ugh. how can you say that there's no chemistry. i just don't get it. "im not homophobic but its obvious that wednesday is straight" okay well shut up i think you just don't wanna see gay people in shows that you like (you're homophobic). and it's not even just that, there's so much more to back up wenclair than there is like, any other ship in this series.
i don't mean for this to be like actively directed at anyone btw, i'm just channeling my thoughts into a stupid tumblr.com text post because im angry and hyperfixating on a ship that i like. this is extremely incoherent im sorry u had to read this
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I hate how Wenclair shippers get called delusional even though there’s so much ground to base our ship in. Like I could do a whole ass presentation on it
Meanwhile there’s people shipping Wednesday x Tyler even though it’s canon that he never liked her and was only keeping an eye on her so he and Laurel could kill her later
Yet somehow we’re the delusional ones I guess
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raine-or-shine · 1 year
outside the box
✩summary: wednesday’s writers block has left her irritation more prominent than usual, but enid and thing are quick to notice—and quick to help
✩characters: lee!wednesday, ler!enid (wenclair)
✩word count: 1.6k
✩warnings: This is a tickle fic, if that’s not your thing, scroll <3
“There! You’re all done!” 
A few thumps of glee, and the appendage flexed its fingers, giving a thumbs up. Enid clapped her hands together with a prideful grin at her latest achievement. After some convincing, Thing’s nails now glimmered with a glossy coat of charcoal polish. Tapping a few fingers together, it then waved around, and Enid nodded with a smile, “Well yeah, it’ll take a few more minutes to dry, but you look amazing!” 
The door creaked open, and the severed hand spun around, hopping up and down with glee to greet Wednesday, who simply looked it up and down as she approached Enid’s bed. “Hmm. It’s a new look, for sure. Maybe it’ll stick after a week.” Thing only waved a few fingers, before tapping Enid’s hand followed by a thankful snap. 
“Glad I could help! You look fantastic, don’t worry.” She assured, and they exchanged fist bumps before Wednesday cleared her throat, making her way over to her desk. “I see you and Thing are getting along nicely.” 
“Yup! We’ve had a few heart-to-hearts, and I learned how much he needed some reimagination for himself—sooo, that’s the nails!” She hopped to her feet, her tail flicking to the side as she tried to get a glance at Wednesday’s expression, but as usual remained blankly concentrated on her next task. She sat to continue her writing, the steady stream of clicks from the typewriter now filling the room. But as soon as they had started, they ended, Wednesday squeezing her eyes shut with a sigh, Thing climbing up her desk and drumming a few fingers against the wooden top. 
“I’m fine.” Wednesday mumbled, her eyes opening to an unconvinced finger wag from the appendage, and Enid's brow furrowing in confusion. “He’s right, you’ve been acting weird—well, weirder than usual.” Wednesday turned her gaze to meet Enid’s, the girl's ears perked in curiosity. 
“I’m stuck.” The discouraged air to her voice only proved her sincerity, as she pushed her chair back with a constrained creak against the wooden planks below them. Enid’s mind remained at a standstill for a few seconds, blinking before raising an eyebrow, “Writer’s block?” Wednesday gave a silent nod, frustration evident with an exhale. Enid folded her arms in thought, pacing over back to her side of the room. “Wait wait—what always helps me when I’m bored—”
“…Boredom is not the same thing as writer’s block—”
“Well I know that, but they’re both unavoidable states of frustration right? In this case, like a block of your creative flow!” Thinking out loud at this point, her tail flicks only confirming her concentration as she paced about. Also joining the determined effort to help, Thing hopped down from the tabletop, scampering over to the foot of Enid’s bed, where she now sat. It extended an index finger, and Enid’s ears perked up once again, her eyes now wide with resolution. “That’s it—Wednesday!”
The other lifted her head in response, awaiting Enid’s words. “Try to think outside the box…trapping yourself in a box of what you want to write about can limit your ability to write or think!” A few lengthy moments of silence, now wondering if she’d even heard her, caused her brow to furrow as she rose to her feet again. “...Wednesday?”
Her voice fell on deaf ears, as the other only remained silent, eyes glued to the typewriter. Enid’s ears fell, her eyes now focused directly on her, as she gradually made her way over to the desk. Thing wasn’t far behind, even crawling up the legs of the chair to rest on its top. Wednesday was either deep in thought, or didn’t care enough to respond to either of them. It wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary, but Enid found her eagerness to help fend off the writer's block that plagued her partner more defining than a simple zoning out. 
Thing patience however, was immune to Wednesday’s apathy. Her surprised jolt from a swift poke to her side had brought her back to reality, feeling her cheeks reddening as she inhaled sharply. “Do that again and you’ll lose a finger.” The vexed tone in her voice only made Thing hop down from his pedestal to the floor, while Wednesday still attempted a look of irritation, which was almost ruined by the red hue making itself more visible by the moment. Enid couldn’t help but notice as much, her ears perking up with a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She was blushing? Oh, this was too good. 
“Oh my god—Wednesday, are you ticklish?!” Her face lit up with a wide grin, the excitement of a puppy strongly resembled through her now swishing tail. Thing’s fingers drumming against the floor somehow was enough of an expression for Enid to pick up on, Wednesday quickly rising to her feet, “The last person to tickle me lost a finger. Try me.” She uttered, her composure slowly slipping away as Enid rocked from side to side with that shit-eating grin, a strategy clearly brewing. “Mhm, like that time you were also going to smother me in my sleep? Bury my snood in the graveyard?” 
Wednesday swallowed dryly, blinking in response as she slowly backed a few steps back. The giggles from Enid were enough to convince her of her fate, her heart skipping a beat when she placed Thing atop her shoulder. “What it sounds like to me is that you have quite a few empty threats, wouldn’t you say?” Still at a loss for words, Wednesday didn’t know what to do besides remain standing. Making a run for it surely wouldn’t end well—the last thing she wanted was for anyone else to see what fate would possibly await her. 
“I’m not.” She finally managed after a minute, startling herself with her sudden difficulty with making eye contact. “…ticklish, I mean.” She clarified with a slight furrow of her brow, realizing the need to clarify when Enid’s head cocked to the side in confusion briefly. What a feeling, a very odd one at that, she couldn’t recognize at all. It was like butterflies in her stomach but, why wasn’t she anxious? Why was she intrigued? 
Before she could finish that thought, Thing’s fingers drumming against her sides had her preoccupied with a lip bite, swallowing back any giggles that threatened to make an appearance as she crumpled to the floor. Afraid if she spoke she’d lose composure, she swatted at her companion with furrowed brow. Enid only skipped over not long after, giggling as she gave some quick squeezes to her sides, her face lighting up when Wednesday’s lips quivered into a faint smile. 
“Well, I seem to still have all ten of my fingers—and you seem like you might be ticklish.” Enid’s words only earned a death glare from the other, but it quickly crumbled away with the sudden prodding up her ribs from the appendage, replaced with a wide grin, giggles following close behind. Enid couldn’t help but gush over her reactions, her eyes lighting up when she saw her smile only grow.
“Wednesday—you have dimples?! Oh my god—you're adorable!” She found herself laughing along with the other, the comment making Wednesday’s cheeks flush darker. Thing halted its movements for a moment, jumping up and flexing its fingers briefly. Enid grinned from ear to ear, suddenly scribbling her fingers up her ribs, “Oh, go for the ribs? Ahaww—you’re right!” She cooed, Wednesday’s laughter picking up in volume as she squeezed around her upper ribs. Enid’s eyes only widened with a grin at every new reaction she discovered, laughing at a few snorts she didn’t expect. 
“God I had no idea you could laugh like this! You’re adorable, holy shit!” She snickered at the weak shove Wednesday attempted at her hands, which only pinched at her sides for a moment, before halting her attack. “Oh my god,” Enid repeated again, her grin still present as she tilted her head a bit, trying to get a good look at Wednesday’s expression. And to her pleasant surprise, she was still smiling. In fact, not even a second later she was leaning into Enid’s touch, which only encouraged a growing flush against her face. 
“You had fun didn't you?” Enid sang with a few additional pokes to the other’s torso, her tail thumping happily against the floorboards as Wednesday dissolved into another quite giggle fit, offering nothing in response but laughter. “I-I’ll get you—“ She managed to get out, still giggling even when Enid withdrew her fingers. 
“Mhmmm, I know I know! But now I can get you.” She smirked with a playful hum, Wednesday rolling her eyes once Thing waved around. “This whole thing was your fault, wasn’t it?” The hand was still for a moment, before swiftly scampering off. Enid chuckled, “Don’t be mad at him, it was my idea.” Her ears drooped as her cheeks flushed slightly, averting eyes, “You were so in your head and upset about writing so…I just wanted to help get your mind off of it?” She offered a lopsided smile, and Wednesday blinked, before nodding slowly. 
“I see what you meant…I appreciate the efforts.” She mumbled the last bit, staring up at the ceiling now. What was it she said about thinking outside a box? A box was restricting…isolating. 
With a sigh, Wednesday rose to her feet. “Maybe you and Thing could stay. I think having company might help me get out of this…box.” She stated, before walking over to her typewriter and cracking her knuckles. Enid couldn’t help but smile, her gaze fixed on the girl in front of her. Wednesday Addams was difficult to read for sure, but that’s only if she wanted to make it hard for someone to. Counting herself lucky to be one that she didn’t feel the need to hide behind any mask, Enid stood with stretch. 
“What chapter are you on again?”
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sleepyemoxd · 1 year
Sometimes after wolfing out Enid would scoop Wednesday up and playfully pin her to their bed (they sleep in the same bed most of the time now) then saying "I'm hungry" in an overly serious tone before slipping her head underneath her girlfriend's oversized hoodie and playfully nomming her sides, ribs and tummy
The first time it happened it was not too long after she found out Wednesday was ticklish, randomly deciding that the girl needed a good laugh.
And the best part? It doesn't take nearly as long for the poor girl to burst out laughing because let's face it, nobody can handle tummy noms XD
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kloirdevan · 1 year
A lot of folks are like ”wow, Wednesday was so against t*ler being a serial killer even though she kills people herself?” And forgetting that Wednesday and all of the addams have things like standards, Nuances and most importantly A CODE. They’re not a one note murder family. They’re most important quality is that they love each unconditionally and are extremely protective of each other.
When it come to murder, unlike t*ler, the addams and especially Wednesday don’t kill people senselessly. It’s a last minute resort at most and only when given a reason. Otherwise, they mostly just have fun with torture. Wednesday is always given a reason, a MOTIVE for her actions. When she’s not torturing her brother for fun, she’s maiming the people who bullied him. In the movie, it was because of a colonizer and an indoctrination camp they were stuck inside of and in the show it was because of colonizers, AND her loved ones almost getting killed. Wednesday is by no means a hero, but she’s not senseless nor heartless. A killer, but not without a code, and a vicious one when it comes to her loved ones.
Take for example the scene in the last episode where she BASHED thornhill face in with her foot right after she told eugene to look away because she didn’t want him to witness the brutality.
The writers quoted it better: “Wednesday find the violence in the world delicious but she find the punishment of that violence even more delicious.”
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dannystheone · 1 year
Happy Birthday Wednesday! (Wednesday Lee/Enid Ler)
This Wednesday fanfic is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend @nnainai She turns 20 years old! Everyone wish her a happy birthday and all the gifts and birthday tickles she deserves :> I love you honey you’re my gorgeous girl <333 
 It’s Wednesday’s birthday but she doesn’t see the appeal in celebrating. Enid decides to cheer her up on her special day. 
WARNING: small kiss at the ending :>
 The sun cast rays of golden glow filtering through gilded trees. The sky was full of puffy clouds, and green grass waved at passer-bys from the gentle breeze. Boys played football with friends, girls chatted on picnic blankets, people walked their dogs happily. A picturesque day, but to Wednesday Addams:
 It was dreadful. 
 Wednesday turned from her window and walked back to her desk, which has turned into her dark comfort corner. Today was a day like any other, despite her parents ringing her phone and her crystal ball. They were insistent on wishing her a Happy Birthday, but today was anything but. Her dreariness to the occasion was physically draining, more so draining than how she usually felt. 
 Wednesday has never understood what was so important about birthdays. Despite the euphoric feeling of being one year closer to death, that was about as much enjoyment she could get from the supposed holiday. The more people tried to wish her well on this day, the more nauseated she felt. She never brought up the subject to her birthday to anyone she would consider a friend, and she preferred it that way. 
 Besides, there wasn’t a single day out of the year she didn’t put herself first. Yet, if Wednesday was supposed to enjoy herself *more* on this day, she’d rather spend it doing what usually consisted of her routine. She’d type more of her book listening to her carefully selected music, and grab some coffee before studying in the library. It sounded like a good enough day to her-
 “WEDNESDAY! EEEE!” Well, it DID sound like a good day. Enid flew into the room with all of the energy of a hyper-active child. Enid carried plenty of bags and presents for Wednesday, with Thing right behind her carrying more gifts as well. All the gifts were wrapped with black and white wrapping paper. 
 “Thing told me it was my roomy’s birthday and you didn’t tell me! These presents are totally last minute, but I’m excited to be celebrating at all!” Enid put her presents on the floor, and looked up at her with a bright smile despite Wednesday glaring at Thing for revealing her secret. 
 “Thing, I’m disowning you. I specifically said to keep it a secret.” Thing’s expression soured as it looked to the floor. Enid looked at Wednesday with a quizzical look.  
 “Secret? Why would you need your birthday to be a secret? We need to celebrate!” Wednesday folded her arms as Enid gave her a big hug. Enid smelled of sickeningly sweet Strawberry Shortcake perfume 
 “I don’t see the importance of birthdays. They’re loud, pointless, and exhausting.” Wednesday stepped back from Enid’s hug and took a seat on her bed. Enid quirked her lip as she thought for a big. 
 “Exhausting, huh? Well, are you exhausted right now?” Enid asked. Wednesday thought for a moment. A nap in the catacombs did sound promising. Her parents have been blowing up her devices to wish her well, and that’s been punishing enough. 
 “Well, actually yes. I suppose I am.” Enid’s grin turned sinister as she sat on Wednesday’s bed and wiggled her fingers in her direction. 
 “Sounds like you need a pick-me-up~ Considering it’s your 20th birthday, you do need about 20 minutes of birthday tickles, and one more minute for good luck of course.” Wednesday looked down at Enid’s wiggling fingers with a neutral expression, but on the inside she was screaming. Last time she was tickled by Enid it wasn’t...the worse thing in the world. But that didn’t mean she would just ask for it. 
 “...You put your hands on me, they get chopped off.” Enid had a knowing expression. Enid and Wednesday both knew that this was as consenting as Wednesday was going to get. Verbally, anyway. 
 “Sure, they’ll get chopped off. Matter of fact, let’s make the safe-word ‘Cleaver.’ Sound good?” Pfft. Safe-word. For tickling? How childish- 
 Well, that’s what Wednesday was thinking before Enid put her hands on her and started the tickling. Enid started gently skittering her nails around Wednesday’s ears and neck, the fluttering feelings surrounding her head. 
 “You can laugh you know. It’s kind of what you’re supposed to do in this situation.” Enid reminded Wednesday. Wednesday didn’t know where to put her hands, so she kept them balled in her lap as Enid skittered her nails down Wednesday’s arms. 
 “You’re lucky you get to do this- at ahahall-” Wednesday giggled as Enid strayed past her ribs in her tickling flurry. 
 “You’re right, I’m the luckiest wolf in the world~ I get to tickle tickle tickle my stoic raincloud of a roommate and watch her slooowly crack a smile~” Enid was actually a well-versed teaser, she knew how to make Wednesday feel like her skin was crawling. 
 “Ah! Ehehenid!” Wednesday squeaked as she fell back into her bed, her arms barely protecting her sides. 
 “Aww, you’re just giving it to me aren’t you? You’re not even pushing my arms away or anything~” Enid got on her knees to better lean in to Wednesday. She still gave her plenty of space while her fingers scribbled and sunk into her black suit jacket. For someone so menacing, Wednesday was quite small. Enid could reach down and squeeze the middle of her thigh without having to bend over much. 
 “Nohoho! Be quiehehet!” Wednesday’s braids splayed on the bed as Enid started tickling her tummy. Working out wasn’t a necessity for Wednesday, studying took quite a lot of her focus. Due to this, her tummy was modest and not at all hardened with discipline. 
 “Why should I? You’re the one making all the noise. What if you disturb the other students with how loud you are? That’d be totes embarrassing...” Enid scritched in Wednesday’s tummy, eliciting more giggles from her dark roommate. 
 Enid did have to say, seeing any other facial expression aside from Wednesday’s sour expression was a strange sight. But it was endearing. Wednesday’s laughing face was bright, and she had little wrinkles near her eyes and on her nose when she scrunched her face. Enid started to blush seeing Wednesday in such a giggly state. 
 Enid’s fingers started to slow. Wednesday looked up at her as Enid was barely tickling her now. 
 “Enid? What’s wrong?” Wednesday asked. Enid swallowed and balled her fist. 
 “I um...you just looked really pretty. When you were you know...laughing.” Wednesday sat upright with lightly pink cheeks. 
 “...Thank you. You look pretty today too.” Enid looked up at Wednesday with a shy smile. The two girls swallowed their nervousness and gently leaned in to share a small kiss on the lips. 
 “Happy birthday, Wednesday.” 
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lopsicle · 1 year
Wooo, I made amazing progress on a Wednesday fic today! It’s not lee! Enid like I promised, but I will make a Christmas themed fic to do with that! The fic should be around 1500 words when it’s done!
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new-44556678 · 8 months
Enid: Where are you Wednesday? School just ended.
Wednesday: Finally, I've got you!
Enid: Wednesday! Finall- Hahahahahaha Wednesday stohop! Hahahahahahahaha P-please!
Wednesday: It is nice seeing you laugh, you know that?
Enid: You could've just showed me something funny.
Wednesday: I don't do funny, I do tickle.
Enid: Nohohohohohahahahahaha
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blushyeleven · 8 months
Tickletober - DAY 12
Characters: lee!wednesday, ler!enid
Warnings: tickles
a/n: sorry if this isn’t great! I didn’t rlly like the prompt😭
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𝒬𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇
It was an ordinary winters evening at nevermore. The sky painting with mesmerising hues of orange and pink and the sun slowly set over the over the school. While the two completely contrasting roomates (and girlfriends) were relaxing in their dorm. Wednesday, who was sat at her type writer, filling the room with a migraine inducing sound.. and enid who sprawled out on her pastel coloured bed, mindlessly scrolling through tiktoks. The werewolf often glanced at wednesday, wondering when she would finally stop her writing time to join her. But seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours and enid was beginning to grow even more impatient.
“Wednesday? Are you almost finished with writing?” The werewolf asked innocently, all she really wanted was the cuddle up with wednesday but the only thing that stood in her way was the girls type writer. The pigtailed girl then let out an audible sigh “no.” She replied codly before resuming drilling her fingers into the keys of her type writer. Enid just rolled her eyes “well.. do you know when you will be?” She asked hopefully as the goth didn’t even bother to stop typing this time. “I’ll be finished when I’m finished” Wednesday replied and enid just let out a small brown before flopping back into her bed.
She scoffed at the fact that she felt in competition with a type writer, honestly. How could that stupid peace of metal win over her girlfriends attention more then herself? But she decided not to complain anymore, and just continue to scroll through TikTok.
Another 20 minutes past and enid had almost lost all hope in trying to persuade Wednesday to stop her writing. I say almost because it was in that instance that she saw our o the corner of her eye, Wednesday was getting up from her chair. Clearly being done for the night. The blondes eyes widened and let out a small squeak like an excited puppy, as threw her phone across her bed, opening up her arms. The raven just slowly crawled into her arms, the urge to tense up was bubbling over but she tried to resist. Wednesday still wasn’t use to the whole overspill of affection. But she was getting there. After the goth made herself comfortable she finally spoke up. “hi” was all she said, staring off Into the distance of the dorm room as enid looked down on her with the widest grin. “Hi!” She said as enid began to hold her closer.
Enid then kissed the top of Wednesdays head and started peppering small kisses all over the girls neck. A small sign of affection that enid often gave out to Wednesday. Although, enid had always wanted to try new things to see all the different types of affection that Wednesday didn’t mind/preferred. So when either of the girls had a new idea they would try it out on each other to see how it went. Enid tried hard to think to herself about something new she could try.
The blonde then vaguely remembered a conversation she had with Yoko a couple of days back as the vampire was informing enid how she usually bites Divinas neck. At first enid remember being weirded out by the fact but yoko had to further explain that it was more of like playful bites and nothing harmful. It wasn’t like vampire type shit where she would feast on her neck, it was more of affectionate nibbles. Enid then smiled to herself before asking with Wednesday.
“Hey wens?” The writer looked up at enid “mhm?” She spoke, in a more of a soft manner then usual. “Did you wanna try something new?” Enid asked hopefully but with pretty high hopes, knowing her girlfriend mostly always agreed. “sure, what might it be?” The raven asked still watching the grin etching across the girls face. “Well.. you’ll find out!” She said, still smiling to herself. Wednesday then just simply nodded, clearly curious to see what it was but also trusting the girl. Something that was extremely rare fr Wednesday.
After Wednesday gave the wereworld the get go, she then cautiously lowered her face down to the front of the goths pale neck and started softly and gently nibbling at the skin. Being careful not to leave any marks or cause any pain. Wednesday let out a small gasp, obviously not expecting that feeling but she didn’t hate it. Infact she tilted her head back slightly to give enid more room to continue. The blonde didn’t stop, she knew if Wednesday was feeling uncomfortable she would have said so by now so the fact that Wednesday was easing into it gave her the courage to carry on.
Enid then moved across her neck, placing her teeth to the side of her neck and began gently nomming. This was when Wednesday let out another gasp followed by the surprising sound of a snicker. Enid then stopped her antics to look at Wednesday in a mix of shock and admiration “what was that?” Enid asked, unable to contain her stretching smile. Wednesday then moved her hand up to rub at her neck clearly trying to get rid of the slightly ticklish feeling. “Nothing.” Wednesday denied as she was still rubbing her neck. This only made enid realise what was really going on.. was her girlfriend.. Wednesday addams.. ticklish? Her thought process was cut short by Wednesdays speach, clearly trying to break the moment of silence between the two girls while saying “you can carry on..” and after hearing this the werewolf didn’t hesitate before diving back into that same sensitive area. The raven girl then just sunk her own teeth into her lower lip after feeling the out of character giggles bubbling up in her throat. She longed for the feeling of enids teeth but also wanted to push at her blonde head.
The more enid kept nibbling on that area, the more harder it was becoming for wednesday to controll herself. She actually began to hold her breath and shut her eyes, all while trying not to act overly suspicious even though her girlfriend already knew. She was just continuing to try and see if she’d snicker again.
She just kept grazing and nomming her canines across that one area before Wednesday lost in a battle of her own instincts and let out a quite, barely audible giggle as the goth immediately brought her hand up to cover her mouth, clasping her hand so tightly around it looked like it was practically glued their. Her hand was acting as a shield of sound because it was doing an amazing job of muffling the small and quite giggles. But it wasn’t good enough for Enids werewolf hearing to not pick up on the sound. “Oh my god Wednesday! I-“ enid giggled, causing a vibration to add to the ticklish feeling on Wednesdays neck. “Shut up!”
Enid then moved her mouth to Wednesdays colour bone, gently sinking her teeth into the bone as wednesday let out another muffled squeak as she clenched her eyes shut. Which only made the sensation more unbearably ticklish. “This is so childish!” The goth remarked as her snickeres became slightly louder through her hand, however. Enid was hungry for more of her laughter. So in an attempt to bring her hand down enid simultaneously shoved her hand directly into the girls armpit, wiggling her fingers into her hollows. Just long enough for the goth to shoot her hand down while letting out get another squeak. It was more clear this time though, seeming as her pesky hand wasn’t in the way.
Enid then just remained nibbling on the girls collar bone and watching the pigtailed girl wiggle around slightly while being unable to voice her words in fear her giggles would become any louder. At the moment her sniggeres were just soft and quite but she also had the faintest of smiles on her face. Showing off her dimples. The blonde started admiring her girlfriend, she never knew wednesday had dimples. She honestly looked.. adorable. Although Wednesday would kill her if she knew that was what her girlfriend was thinking.
It wasn’t long after that before wednesday tapped out though, slamming her hand three times onto the vibrantly coloured quilt that was covering enids bed. That’s when the blonde immediately lifted her head up. “That was torture.. thankyou” the raven said, looking up at her overjoyed girlfriend. Did Wednesday just thank her? Although again, her scrambling thoughts were cut off short by the quick change of tone and demeanour by Wednesday.
“Although if you utter a word about this to anybody I will.. I will kill you” Wednesday noticed giving out threats to enid was becoming seemingly harder. Was she actually falling inlove? “Your secret is safe with me, wends”
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44556678 · 1 year
When Enid tickles Wednesday
Enid is a friendly tickle fairy, Wednesday was feeling shy and introverted, so she decided to take some matter into her own hands, She snuck over to Enid's side of the room and tickled her until she couldn't take it anymore! Wednesday laughed and giggled uncontrollably, and Enid couldn't help but join in the fun. They stayed up all night giggling and tickling each other, and they never wanted the night to end. In the morning, Wednesday woke up feeling refreshed and energized. So she decided she was going to spend more time with Enid, and they would continue to habe fun together. Wednesday was sure they would never get tired of each others company. Wednesday was right! They never got tired of each others company, and they always had a good time when they were together. Wednesday was glad that she found a friend like Enid in her life.
Well... She tickled Wednesday so hard she stopped breathing. Wednesday was so happy that she couldn't even speak. She just laughed and laughed, and Enid kept tickling her until she had to stop. They laughed until they cried, and it was the best night of their lives. Enid was feeling very happy and excited that night, she had a lot to look forward to. And she couldn't wait to spend time with Wednesday, after she was done with all her homework she merrily skipped over to Wednesday's side of the room and tickled her until she couldn't take it anymore, Wednesday laughed and giggled uncontrollably. And Enid began to give her tummy nomes, and it was the best time Enid ever had!
Wednesday was the best tickler in Nevermore, but Enid was not far behind. Enid had a good sense of humor, and she enjoyed telling jokes and funny stories to her friends and classmates and see them laugh their heads off! But strangely Wednesday never really laughed at her jokes or stories, and to be honest she didn't really laugh or smile at all. Enid had to change that! Enid loved spending time with her roomie, and always liked walking and talking with her. One night when they were both at their dorm Enid began to tell her some jokes to try and make her laugh, "Hey Wednesday, Why do coins stink after they fall in the toilet?" Enid said smiling and giggling, waiting for her to answer, Wednesday was not intrigued but she asked why anyway. "I don't know Enid, why?" "Because they have a cent!" Enid said already having a huge smile across her face but Wednesday didn't even crack A smirk, "Wow very funny Enid, now will you be quiet and give me some space? It is my writing time so please don't cause Ruckus!" Wednesday demanded, Enid was still smiling but accepted her order, Enid was feeling determined here! She was not gonna give up without a fight, so she thought for a few minutes and then she got the best joke to say. "Wait Wednesday! I have one more Joke! It is ok it will be quick!" Enid said as Wednesday turned around and said in her normal monotone voice "Fine, what is it?" "Just give me sec" Enid said as she began to get closer to her and pounced on her and began to wiggle her colorful claws around Wednesday's sides. "Are you ticklish? Are you? Are you? Are you?" Enid said with her normal adorable-tone and some wide-eyes. Wednesday didn't respond but as the tickling went on her face grew redder and redder and her dead-PAN face growing less and less intimidating, after about 5 more minutes she broke her straight face. "Hahahahahahaa Eeeeniihid!" "Your ticklish! Wednesday Addams is ticklish! Wait until I tell the whole school about this!" Enid said, and for the first time she was the intimidating one and Wednesday was the helpless one getting tickled against her own will. "Iiiihiill kihil yohohou!" Wednesday yelled through her laughter trying to sound intimidating but it was not use, actually it made everything worse. "You'll kill me? Ok little missy, you wanna please bad-girl? We can do that!" Enid said before blowing A monstrous raspberry into Wednesday's bellybutton, at this point Wednesday (the scariest person in Nevermore) was begging for the ruthless torture to stop. "Will you start smiling more if I stop?" Enid said. "No! Nehever!" Wednesday fought back only to make the punishment more then ten times worse. "Oh are you sure Ms. Addams? You should not push yourself to anything worse!" Enid said as she began targeting Wednesday's chest, her worst spot. "Ahhhhhhh! Ok I will I will I will!" Wednesday shreiked through her laughter and Enid immediately stopped after she heard ( I will!) "See Wednesday, That was all I wanted." Enid said in a soft and calm tone, Wednesday was dying while trying to catch her breath. But by the time she did she was sounding pretty intimidating again. "Your a monster, you know that?" Wednesday said in her low monotone voice, "Sorry Wednesday, I just wanted to see you smile. It is not often anyone sees you smile." "That is because I live with an adorable puppy who thinks she better then everyone! Rolling down the street saying, "MY ROOMMATE IS WEDNESDAY!" " Enid snickered at that comment, as they were both calling it a truce they finally went back to their normal business.
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fruityavocados · 1 year
it’s honestly confuses me why people say that wenclair has zero chemistry when w*vier and w*ler exists.
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