#Lancelot and Gwen should have been endgame
remuscariad · 13 days
Rewatching Merlin and I think the reason Arthur’s personality started going downhill again in S2 is because BBC’s writers wanted to introduce Gwen as a love interest to him and realized (too late) what they did in S1 between Arthur and Merlin— damn they’re going around drinking poison for each other, dreaming of one another, making oaths and envisioning their kingdom together, welcoming death if it means the other would survive, staring. STARING. They’re gay. We made them gay. Holy shit.
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
perhaps my hottest BBC Merlin take is that the endgame ships should have been Arthur/Gwen and Merlin/Lancelot
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awanderingmuse-ficrec · 11 months
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You were the one to teach me how to use knives (Merlin re-write Series)
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Author: Obsessedwithfanfiction, @turnsoutnoonewasexaggerating​
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, Major Character Death
Word Count:  318,538
Pairings: Arwen, Mergana, Merthur, Gwencelot, Freylin
Characters: Merlin, Morgana, Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Gaius, Uther Pendragon, Lancelot, Leon, Catrina, Aredian, Morgause, Freya, Kilgharrah, Mithian, Mordred, Trickler, George, Hunith, Alvarr, Elyan, Balinor
Tags: Some of these feature more in this part than others, If you're in it for Merlin/Arthur be prepared for a slowburn, None of these pairings are necessarily their endgame, We're still in the early days, Pairings are only ordered by when they first appear in the story, Endgame potential is still v much in the air, And will be updated as we go- no one panic, Fix-It, Season 2 onwards rewrite, If Merlin had told Morgana about magic but not that he had it, Lol I promise it makes sense, What if the Merlin writers were actually capable of continuity and emotional catharsis, Morgana doesn't just suddenly become evil, But neither is everything magically fixed knowing she has a friend in the castle, And everyone is in love with Merlin fight me, Merlin finds out about Balinor slightly earlier than canon, Even I don't know who's going to end up with who, Every character in this show has romantic tension with every other character, I'm just taking the romantic tension where it leads me, One day the title will make sense I promise, This part covers Nightmare Begins-Lady of the Lake Vol 2 but we're still on S2 because I cannot control myself, You defo need to read the first part to read this part don't jump in here, My continuous crusade to bring emotional catharsis to Merlin, Everyone is still in love with Merlin and everyone can still fight me, I have slightly more of a plan about who ends up with who but I can still be persuaded, by myself, Don't try and persuade me yourself lol, Still just taking that romantic tension that is between everyone wherever it leads me, But probably not any time soon, This part covers Sweet Dreams- The Last Dragonlord, Whoo boy here we go again, Season 2 onwards re-write, WE'RE FINALLY ON SEASON 3 BBY, Pls read the other parts first or this will make little sense, What if BBC's Merlin had emotional catharsis?, And consistency?, Wouldn't that be... Beautiful, Everyone is still in love with Merlin, Except Merlin, He is in a bit of a guilt phase, We're still following that tensionnnnn, Probs not in this part, Maybe the Next One, who knows certainly not me, Posts every other Friday atm
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 1
Merlin chose to save Mordred against the dragon's advice. He should have made the same choice for Morgana. In which Merlin is more than a little fed up of old men and old dragons telling him what to do, and gives Morgana some hope. Maybe it won't change the dark path she's destined to walk down... Or perhaps in doing so, Merlin saves all of Albion from her wrath. Featuring the emotional catharsis and continuity we were denied in canon and a systematic re-writing of what could have been
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 2
Merlin's trained Morgana in magic against Gaius & the dragon's advice, hasn't killed Mordred, and honestly thought he was doing a pretty good job of moving his destiny along. Then, he lost Freya. Has his faith in Arthur been shaken enough to make the prophecised Albion further away than ever? Featuring Merlin actually reacting to Arthur killing his beloved, Morgana realising that Merlin's role in keeping Arthur alive is even harder than she thought, and Arthur still trying to come to terms with his own opinions on magic- and his father
You were the one who taught me how to use knives: Vol 3
Merlin's lost his first love and his father in the space of a few months, and he's not sure how much more he's willing to let destiny take from him. But with that loss has come the unburdening of some of his secrets, and now with fewer distractions, he can't deny his relationship with Arthur is changing...
Arthur's between a rock and a hard place; between his childhood and what he's learnt as an adult, between being loyal and being just, between his father and Mer- the magical community. With a heavier burden placed on him from the king's more frequent bouts of insanity, he's bound to break under the pressure, but perhaps that's the only way to heal straight...
Morgana's magic's been revealed to everyone, but somehow she's got to find a way back into her position in Camelot's court if she ever wants to make a change. The problem is, Morgana's only ally now is her sister, and she doesn't know how much she can trust her...
Gwen's going to get her answers. No matter what.
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sylvies-chen · 2 years
Ok now that I’ve been thinking about a Charlie/Nick Merthur AU for a while, the characters actually translate pretty well if you make a few adjustments and it’s making me SO EXCITED to write something related to this so I’ll just put my character choices under the cut:
First off, obviously, we have Nick as Arthur and Charlie as Merlin. (I am going off of the BBC show by the way, not the actual legends themselves). I mean, the blonde jock and his scrawny, slightly sassy boyfriend? Yeah, I’ll eat that trope up every time. Now obviously Merlin and Arthur are a very enemies to lovers trope and Charlie and Nick never had that element of hatred, but I would just scrap that enemies portion and have them like each other right out of the gate, but also have Charlie be a little blunt with Nick which Nick isn’t used to because he’s royalty. And I would also make that ICONIC pilot fight scene not between Charlie and Nick, but between Harry and Tao— minus the absolutely stupendous homosexual tension at the beginning (or maybe leave it in lmao). I would have Charlie using his magic the whole time and grinning from the sidelines while Nick, unaware that it’s magic he’s using, is standing there making eyes at the new physician’s nephew.
Tao is Lancelot. This is a pretty easy one. Brave, insanely loyal almost to a fault, starts off as lower on the social hierarchy but proves to be a higher quality knight and person than most of the noblemen, so he earns Nick’s respect really quickly. It takes Nick longer to earn Tao’s.
Then you have Elle as Guinevere. Now, the obvious choice at first glance is Imogen, since she’s the pretty girl that Nick “should” want but doesn’t. Even Tara would fit that description. But that would defeat the entire essence of Guinevere, who doesn’t start out as high on the social order as Imogen did. Guinevere was a blacksmith’s daughter and considered lower in the hierarchy, just like Elle is seen as an outcast because of her transness as well as her association with other people on the “lower end of the social food chain”. Plus, since the AU would make Nick and Charlie (Arthur and Merlin) endgame, Gwen no longer needs to be worried about as a threat to their relationship or as a romantic prospect, and Guinevere does fall in love with Lancelot at one point, so to put Elle in that character but have her stay with Tao/Lancelot would be perfect.
In the end, I think Imogen would translate perfectly into Lady Vivian in the 2.10 episode “Sweet Dreams” because after Arthur’s love potion wears off hers doesn’t which kind of leaves you just feeling sorry for her in the end and she would actually be a baddie and super beloved if she hadn’t been messing with Arthur’s relationships.
I think I would have Freya AKA the Lady of the Lake go to Tara but I would change it so that a) Merlin/Charlie wouldn’t fall in love with her and neither would Nick, and b) so that Nick and Charlie work at freeing her together. Tara’s struggles after her coming out post were really relatable and sad so idk, I think she would kind of peacefully vibe with helping them from the lake and wielding Excalibur for Nick to take when the time comes. After all, they’re besties in the show so having him be involved in helping her escape in the AU would make them besties there too.
Morgana is a hard one to cast because there isn’t a single main female villain in Heartstopper. My gut is to go with Tori because I think she matches the vibe and I think Tori, like Morgana, has a lot of hurt so she would be a villain that would be heartbreaking to watch go up against Nick and Charlie (her own brother!! Imagine the ANGST!!) but also really interesting because again, just like it was with Morgana, the audience would understand where she’s coming from. Also, we know she’s had her conflicts with Nick in the past when it came to that one incident with Charlie’s ED so her grudge could be more towards him and then “Merlin” aka Charlie could have been trying to mediate things between them this whole time because he loves them both (which would align perfectly with Merlin’s very pacifist tendencies).
Last but not least— and ooh, this is SO important to me— is MR. AJAYI AS GAIUS. Please. I think this would be so cute. Like I know Charlie has parents but they could be Hunith and Balinor and whatever, that’d be great— but MR AJAYI AS GAIUS WOULD BE AMAZING. Mr Ajayi has been a present queer figure in Charlie’s life and if we’re really extending the idea of magic as an allegory for queerness having Gaius, the source of all of Merlin’s knowledge of various creatures of the Old Religion, is Mr Ajayi it’s literally like having a queer mentor. 10/10 would kill to see this.
Anyway, this is all I have so far for character translations. All that’s left is Darcy and Isaac (and Aled if I’m doing the comics). I think it’ll be a really fun AU to write if I ever get my ass out of a knee-deep WIP list and manage to start writing it!!
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thebadgersknackers · 3 years
a not-so-short and incomplete list of everything the cowards bbc merlin writers robbed me of:
Gaius dying (he should have died in the season 1 finale and i will not be taking criticism)
Arthur hating Uther for all the atrocities he did and fully disavowing everything he did (Arthur always wanted Uther's validation, even after Uther died and that does not sit right with me. He should have had a arc where he gained self-worth and learned that Uther's opinion is worth jack shit)
Merthur love confession bc we all know they loved each other
MORE. GWEN. AND. LANCELOT. (they were endgame idc how cute Arwen is)
Let Morgana be the mean lesbian she was meant to be!!!
Merlin raising Aithusa (i know its unreasonable but what if there was just ONE scene where Merlin sneaks out of Camelot to feed her or teach her to fly or some other cute dragon parent shit)
More background on the knights of the round table. We were given crumbs and all I'm asking for is just a slice of bread at this point. Not even the whole loaf.
Daegal being Merlin's apprentice 🥺
Obligatory "what if they didn't kill off everyone Merlin loved so he could actually have a support system and someone who isn't Gaius to talk to about his magic"
And last but certainly not least, a better magic reveal!!! Please how cool would it have been to see even one episode where Arthur accompanies Merlin on some Magical Shenanigans™ before he died??
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