#Korba News
nidarchhattisgarh · 1 year
कटघोरा एसडीएम के खिलाफ दहेज प्रताड़ना का जुर्म दर्ज
कटघोरा एसडीएम के खिलाफ दहेज प्रताड़ना का जुर्म दर्ज पद के अनुरूप दहेज नहीं देने पर कर रहा था प्रताड़ित NCG News desk Korba :-  कटघोरा एसडीएम पर महिला थाने में दहेज प्रताड़ना का मामला दर्ज किया गया है। पीड़ित पत्नी ने एसडीएम पति पर पद के अनुरूप दहेज नहीं मिलने पर दहेज प्रताड़ना का आरोप लगाया है। उन्होंने अपने पति को पद से हटाकर मामले की जांच व अपहरण का मामला दर्ज करने की मांग की है। नागदौने कालोनी…
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vocaltv · 11 months
CG: अस्पताल में महिला के बैड नीचे फन फैलाए बैठा था नाग सांप, फिर....
छत्तीसगढ़ के कोरबा जिले में आज जिला मेडिकल कॉलेज अस्पताल के महिला वार्ड में फन फैलाए नाग दिखा. जिससे अस्पताल में हड़कंप मच गया. सांप के मिलने की सूचना पर स्नेक कैचर पहुंचे और सांप को पकड़कर अस्पताल से बाहर निकाला. जानकारी के अनुसार, मेडिकल कॉलेज अस्पताल के महिला वार्ड में नाग दिखा. सांप दिखने से मरीज और परिजनों में अफरातफरी की स्थिति निर्मित हो गई. बताया जा रहा है कि मरीज के बेड के नीचे सांप फन…
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bo3mira · 1 year
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angelofghetto · 4 months
Hosszú utazás
Sokszor leírtam már, mennyire szeretem a déli államokban játszódó amcsi filmeket. Mély emberi tartalmakat hordoznak, olyan értékeket mutatnak meg, amelyek már kiveszőben, elgondolkoztatnak, és érezni tanítanak. Olyan mélységeket kavarnak fel bennünk, amelyekről talán nem is tudtunk, vagy már elfelejtettük.
Kiskoromban imádtam hallgatni az öregek történeteit. Beleláthattam az ő szemükön át a történelembe, olyan korba, amely csak általuk idézhető fel hitelesen. Minden sárgult fotóhoz tartozott egy anekdota, ismeretlen, rég meghalt emberek mosolyogtak vagy hunyorogtak rám szépia-barnán, cakkos papírszélek közül. Mintha titkokat bíznának rám, amiket magammal kell vinnem, és talán továbbadnom egyszer. Mert ha már senki sem emlékszik a pillanatmorzsákba merevedett valóságukra, csak elmosódó foltok maradnak egy fényérzékeny felület rabságában. Személytelenné és lényegtelenné válnak valamennyien.
A Hosszú utazás (The Longest Ride, 2015) cselekménye nem bonyolult. Két idősíkon játszódik: a jelenben, és egy öregember felidézett emlékeiben. Egy fiatal párocska a randija végén talál rá a balesetet szenvedett autóra, és benne az öregúrra, akit kimentenek, és kimentik a dobozát, amihez görcsösen ragaszkodik. A dobozban levelek vannak, melyeket élete szerelmével váltottak, és leírják egész közös életüket. Furcsa párhuzamokat vet a jelen és a múlt, hatnak egymásra az életek, az emberek, a történetek. Elképzelések, vágyak, küzdelmek, megvalósulások és megvalósulatlanságok. Két generáció különös találkozása és kölcsönhatása, akik tanulnak egymástól, és adnak a másiknak valami.
Mi fontos igazán az életben? Hogy valaki felérjen a csúcsra a rodeón, újra és újra lesérülve mégis legyőzze a legvadabb bikát? Megkapja élete álommelóját New Yorkban? Végre saját gyereke legyen, akivel törődhet? Boldoggá tehesse a szerelmét még akkor is, ha maga nem része ennek? Mi az a jutalom, ami bármit megér?
Szeretjük a Szerelmünk lapjai típusú filmeket. Igen, még a pasik is, mert a klasszikus értékekről, erényekről, igazi összetartozásról, elfogadásról szólnak, amikor még a férfi férfi volt, és nő a nő. Ha az tetszett, ez is tetszeni fog.
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measuringbliss · 4 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 041: Brother Power, Sister Sun (SSM 12-15)
Oh my, long time no see!
I've been craving some Spider-Man these past few weeks. I did a bit of a break following the stellar Wein Green Goblin arc, as I think I was getting burnt out.
Since then, my boyfriend gifted me Marvels (1994) for Christmas, so expect a post about that soon-ish. I also still got to continue the Dark Web event, but it's not quite a priority (although I enjoyed what I read).
Anyway, I figured that it was time for a bit of reading, what do you think? The secondary aspect of Spectacular Spider-Man absolutely looks perfect for today's post.
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Oh, Flash as a damsel in distress, y'all know I'm fond of this <3
The issue starts like the best issues: HOMOEROTICISM!
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I've read and watched Death Note. Several times. I know the homosexual power of a tennis match. And I'm totally here to see more of Peter's personal life, because it's been seriously missing those past two years (of comics).
I like that their relationship is multi-faceted, they're now both mature enough to recognize when they're being unfair with each other. Next thing you know, they'll kiss!
Except they don't, because a cult interrupts them on the court. They both decide to see what's up with that. The titular siblings are responsible for this, but Flash is shaken to his core when he notices that Sister Sun's voice is also... Sha-Shan's! And her "brother" is actually her husband. Not a twist I expected, but one that instantly makes the storyline more interesting.
Spidey arrives just in time to save Flash from the duo's magical ray,
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Flash caring for Spider-Man, so nice to see! Cops arrive before Spidey can subdue the duo, and we get more panels of Flash being carried by his boyfriend. I'm so here for it!
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Boyfriends! Boyfriends!!!!
So the fish on the wall is Glory's present! I wasn't sure here, but I did think it was a possibility.
...Wait. Wait!
This is a different fish, because...
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So Peter has TWO fish decorations in his apartment. Damn!
Anyway, Peter goes back to ESU and his hot teacher helpfully informs him that the cult he encountered is led by Korba (aka Sha-Shan's husband), who found some mystical power in Vietnam.
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I love that the professor mentions the Bugle, makes the world feel interconnected! Anyway, Flash's message is a bit funny. Did he really need to underline the important words? Hahaha.
So Flash confronts Sha-Shan, but gets rekt by Korba.
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Spidey too. Wonderful panel, by the way. I fear this post may need a second part...
#13! In the alley he was just thrown into, Spidey meets Razorback, a villain with a design so hideous I simply do not want to look at it: a green, tight suit with a gold belt and a boar head.
Razorback punched Spidey into Sha-Shan's restaurant because he heard that was the custom around here. He's absolutely right. Just wanted to know the little spider fella.
Spidey doesn't care because his boyfriend is in danger upstairs. After he makes sure Flash is alright, he tries to follow our cultists...
But Razorback interrupts him. You know what? I'm starting to like the guy. He annoys everybody and smiles, and that's kind of my gremlin energy as well. He also put a tracker on the duo's car, so there's that.
Turns out things are personal as well for him, but there's no time. Razorback has another trick up his sleeve.
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This isn't yet Stegron-level of buffoonery, but it's certainly close, hahaha.
Anyway, we meet the duo's chief:
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That design is kind of really solid for a villain?
So anyway, I was wondering who this new character could be, and the Marvel wikia helpfully informed me that this is a clone of Adolf Hitler, which I never expected. Okay. Uh. Okay? COMICS.
Razorback's issue with the cult is that his lil' sister is part of it. Okay, cool. What a mess of an issue but let's go along. And his sister arrives as he's fighting goons with Flash, while Spidey fights the duo. They all get shackled in a dungeon. Cliffhanger!
#14! They're freed by Razorback's car!
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This is the only panel that matters.
So the big plan is for the cult to spread hate through TV broadcast. Simple and efficient.
There's a confrontation, in which the Hate-Monger says he bested Hulk even though the textbox says he didn't... and Spidey and Razorback get brainwashed into attacking each other. Flash saves the day, then...
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Uh, okay. So he's an imposter. Alright then!
In the last issue of this batch...
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It keeps on giving.
Turns out Man-Beast is from Counter-Earth, created by the High Evolutionary. If you've seen Guardians of the Galaxy 3, you get it. Damn. I kind of expected that, but still. Things are changed around a bit, but it doesn't really matter because Man-Beast is EVIL INCARNATE, and he sure hopes you remember that. He's the one who actually gave powers to Korba!
Everybody fights. Sha-Shan's good again! The cultists are no longer subservient! Korba's dead! Man-Beast's dead (probably not, but who cares).
Well, Razorback's sister thinks she might find another cult that's a bit less evil. Uh, okay. Sure.
Overall, it's a shame because I was really into the first issue, but then, once again, it became 100% fighting for like two issues and a half and that's just not something I'm too interested in, although the interpersonal stakes were nice.
Next time: More SSM! Look forward to it, pals.
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nournafea · 6 months
I propose a photography project called "Al Korba Aromas" that aims to showcase the blend of scents in Miss El Gedida specifically in the Al Korba neighborhood. This project seeks to capture the captivating smells that define this area taking viewers on a journey, through the lens of a camera.
My aim is to create a narrative that goes beyond the portrayal of a neighborhood. By focusing on the experiences we strive to engage viewers allowing them to virtually experience and appreciate the scents of Al Korba fostering a stronger connection with the community.
My approach involves capturing moments of life in Al Korba with particular emphasis on documenting the various fragrances that fill the neighborhood. This will include photographs showcasing bakeries and capturing the aroma of freshly baked bread. I will also capture scenes, from street vendors grilling corn and sweet potatoes evoking the scents associated with these street foods.
Bakery Bliss; Close up shots revealing bread being taken out from ovens capturing the fragrance of freshly baked goods.
Experience the scenes of street vendors grilling corn and sweet potatoes filling the air with tantalizing scents that will make your mouth water.
Indulge, in the images of ice cream cones being prepared enticing both locals and visitors with their irresistible aromas.
Immerse yourself in the coffee shops, where you can witness the art of brewing coffee and enjoy it's comforting fragrance.
Be enchanted by the shots of street florists weaving flower arrangements, surrounded by delicate and captivating scents.
Explore the action packed shots of shawarma being prepared highlighting the mouth watering aromas of meat and grilled spices that have made it a beloved street food.
Get lost in snapshots of the spice market, where cumin, coriander and other spices create an aromatic symphony that fills the air.
Take a trip through bustling bazaars where you can experience a sensory journey as earthy scents are stirred up by peoples movements—reflecting daily life, in Al Korba with all its vibrancy.
Join us on this journey to ignite curiosity and celebrate Miss El Gedidas cultural diversity.
The photographs in the area will not promote community pride but also give residents a new outlook on their everyday environment. With the project "Al Korba Aromas " my aim is to create an experience that goes beyond visual narratives offering a distinctive and captivating view of the lively Al Korba community, in Misr El Gedida.
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synchronousemma · 2 years
1st July: Emma is rebuffed
Read the post and comment on WordPress
Read: Vol. 3, ch. 9 [45]; pp. 256–257 (“and the following morning” to “‘in want of any thing’”).
Emma invites Jane Fairfax to take a drive with her and is refused; she sends some arrow-root, which is sent back.
We know that this occurs “the following morning” (p. 256) after Emma’s first invitation to Jane.
For “arrow-root,” Jane Austen’s original manuscript had “arra-root.” Austen wrote to her sister Cassandra on November 26, 1815: “The Printers continue to supply me very well, I am advanced in vol.3. to my arra-root, upon which peculiar style of spelling, there is a modest qu:ry? [query] in the Margin” (Le Faye, p. 300, qtd. in Sutherland, p. 301). Kathyrn Sutherland writes that “The printed text’s correction to ‘arrow-root’ represents gain and loss—the regularized spelling and so immediate intelligibility, but the loss (now that we know it) of a rare clue to Austen’s own pronunciation. It is important to resist the assumption, however, that she was a consistent misspeller; some of her seemingly idiosyncratic forms were in fact permissible eighteenth-century variants” (pp. 301–2; see also Gilson pp. 64–5; van Ostade p. 130).
Readings and Interpretations
Repent at Leisure
Edgar Shannon Jr., whose reading of Emma is a conventional one according to which Emma must repent of her character flaws and wrongdoings to be morally redeemed by the end of the novel, writes of this incident as evidence that Emma’s “repentance” has begun:
The visit to Miss Bates produces […] evidence of Emma’s sincere alteration. “Her heart had been long growing kinder towards Jane” [vol. 3, ch. 8 [44]; p. 249]; and after Miss Bates’s account of her niece’s ill health, Emma invites Jane to spend the day at Hartfield, to go for an airing in the Woodhouse carriage, and to accept, from the Hartfield stores, some fine arrow-root. When Jane refuses the invitations and returns the arrow-root, Emma learns that a few days of attention cannot compensate several months of neglect; she understands that her former merits the present rebuff. Yet she has “the consolation of knowing her intentions were good” [vol. 3, ch. 9 [45]; p. 257]. (pp. 641–2)
Whatever its motive, Emma’s newfound focus on Jane ends up necessitating ego-saving measures: her reflection (upon learning that Mmes. Elton, Perry, and Cole had been admitted to see Jane) that she “did not want to be classed with the Mrs. Eltons, the Mrs. Perrys, and the Mrs. Coles, who would force themselves anywhere” (p. 256) seems a way of avoiding the realization that she in particular is not welcome. We may also wonder whether Jane’s message (“‘Miss Fairfax’s compliments and thanks, but is quite unequal to any exercise’”) truly represents “tremulous inequality,” or whether it is instead deliberately terse. Helen Dry points out that this sentence must be FID focalized through Emma, due to the hidden dative phrase “for Emma” implied in “impossible to quarrel” (p. 94).
Discussion Questions
Is Emma’s charity regarding the arrow-root an instance of good household management and genuine repentance, or is Emma (as Susan Korba suggests) only interested in Jane now that she (Jane) has been humbled?
Austen, Jane. Emma (Norton Critical Edition). 3rd ed. Ed. Stephen M. Parrish. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, [1815] 2000.
Gilson, David. “Jane Austen’s Text: A Survey of Editions.” The Review of English Studies 53.209 (February 2002), pp. 61–85.
Korba, Susan M. “‘Improper and Dangerous Distinctions’: Female Relationships and Erotic Domination in Emma,” Studies in the Novel 29.2 (1997), pp. 139–63.
Le Faye, Deirdre, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters. New York: Oxford University Press (1995).
Shannon, Edgar F. “Emma: Character and Construction.” PMLA 71.4 (September 1956), pp.
Sutherland, Kathryn. Jane Austen’s Textual Lives: From Aeschylus to Bollywood. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2005).
Van Ostade, Ingrid Tieken-Boon. In Search of Jane Austen: The Language of the Letters. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2014).
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cutegirlsfunfunny · 1 year
Female Escorts In Guwahati With Call Girls
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Hi guys! I am Niharika, your Guwahati Escort, owning a new Guwahati escort agency in the name of Niharika Guwahati Escort Services. I have come of age since I started as a freelance escort in Guwahati to an established and professional Guwahati freelance escort to an owner of this organization. I have seen it all Niharika Guwahati Escorts, the fighting, the rude behavior of the clients, and the abuse from both the clients and the organization I used to work for. One of the reasons why I started this professionally run organization is attributed to the fact that it gave me and some of the best female escorts in Guwahati a platform to work with ease without worrying about anything and more importantly without no fear. I have laid the foundation of this High ProfileGuwahati Escorts with honesty, sincerity, dedication, commitment, and quick response as one of the few basic principles as fundamental pillars of this organization. The name is now enough to convince you of a completely professional and mind-blowing experience with some of the best escorts in Guwahati. misbehaves or does not meet the standards set by me I do not hesitate to take serious action. For me the most important thing is satisfaction and for this, I can do what is in my power and make sure to satisfy them at all costs. I intervene if necessary or if my staff doesn't solve the problem, but I make sure to solve all your problems at all costs. Escorts then you are certainly in the right place. My organization and I make sure to provide you with an honest, genuine, and transparent service with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Feel free to call me or Mr. Rajat and have the happiest love-making experience. My Escorts and I are eagerly waiting to serve you and make every second spent in this wonderful agency one of the most memorable.
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ricardotomasz · 1 month
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on https://greaterandgrander.com/spider-man-a-complete-list-of-768-marvel-characters-and-teams-owned-by-sony/
Spider Man! A Complete List of 768 Marvel Characters and Teams Owned by Sony
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In the vast universe of Marvel characters, Sony Pictures Entertainment holds the cinematic rights to a unique set of beloved superheroes and villains. From the electrifying webslinger, Spider-Man, to the enigmatic antihero, Venom, Sony's roster offers a captivating array of characters primed for compelling visual storytelling. Harnessing the iconic imagery and rich narratives of these characters can elevate any message, capturing audience attention and ensuring memorable communication.
Individual Characters
Abigail Slade
Ace / “Ace” Spencer
Agony / Leslie Gesneria
Alexis Sharp
Alien Symbiote / Alien Costume (origin of the black-suited Spider-Man)
Alison Mongrain
Amanda Saint
Amun / Jon Kasiya
Amy Chen
Angus (Sandy Aitchinson’s bloodhound)
Angus Munro
Answer, The / Aaron Nicholson
Anti-Venom / Eddie Brock
Antro / Hashi Noto
Anubia / Anubis
Apocalypse (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Arachne / Dr. Sylvia Yacqua
Arachne / Julia Carpenter
Arachne as an alias for Jessica Drew
Araknet, The Spider-God
Araña / Anya (Ana) Sofia Corazon
Ariadne / Julia Carpenter
Ariadne Hyde as an alias for Jessica Drew
Armand Dubroth
Arnold Strunk
Ashcan / Alexander “Alex” Woolcot
Aura / Annie Herd
Barnett, Geoffrey “Boss”
Basilisk / Wayne Gifford
Batwing / James “Jimmy” Santini
Belladonna / Narda Ravanna
Bert Gilmore
Big Man (I) a.k.a. Mr. Big / Frederick Foswell
Bigman (II) / Janice Foswell
Big Wheel, The / Jackson Weele
Binka Ivana
Black Alfred
Black Cat / Felicia Hardy
Black Fox, The / Raul Chalmers
Black Insect Swarm
Black Tarantula (I) / Carlos LaMuerto
Black Tarantula (II) / Fabian LaMuerto
Blackie Gaxton
Blaze (I) / Ashley Crawford, Thomas and Barry (students participating in a hoax)
Blaze (II) / Kirk Donaghue
Blitzgeist 2099
Blood Leader
Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Blood Spider
Bloodbath aka Bloodbather, “Subway Vampire Killer”
Bloodlust / Beatta Dubiel
Bloodshed / Wyndell Dichinson
Bluebird (I) / Zora Loftus
Bluebird (II) / Sally Avril
Bomblast / Parmenter
Bones (I) / Rosa Estevez
Bones (II) / Bess Bliss
Morgan Boone
Bounty Hunter / Tommy Barrett
Brainstorm / Jimmy
Brother Power / Achmed Korba
Brown Raincoat
Bruno Grainger
Buddy Corbett
Buel a.k.a. Plasmmage, a.k.a. Gremlyn-Lord
Bugeye / Abner
Burglar a.k.a. Carjacker / Carradine
Buzz, The / Jack Jameson
Caesar “Big C” Cicero
Calypso / Calypso Ezili
Captain Power / Dr. Christina “Chris” Carr
Captain Zero
Cardiac / Dr. Elias “Eli” Wirtham
Carlyle, nicknamed Carlyle Calamari
Caretaker of Arcturus IV
Carnage / Cletus Kasady
Carrion (I) / Prof. Miles Warren clone
Carrion (II) / Malcolm McBride / Malcolm MacBride
Carrion (III) / Dr. William Allen
Cat a.k.a. Cat Burglar, Prowler
Cat, The / Walter Hardy
Chameleon, The / Dmitri Smerdyakov a.k.a. Dmitri Kravinoff
Chameleon 2211
Chance / Nicholas Powell
Charles H. “Charlie” Buchanan
Charlie Shaddock
Chief Inspector Krahn, RCMP
Clifton Arliss
Col. Buchinsky
Coldheart / Kateri Deseronto
Commanda / Catherine D’Anton
Commuter / Ron
Conchita Hernandez
Connie Hunt
Corona / Dagny Forrester / Dagney Forrester
Crazy Eight
Crime-Master (I) / Nick “Lucky” Lewis
Crime-Master (II) / Nick Lewis, Jr.
Critical Mass / Arnie Gunderson
Crown a.k.a. Hunger
Cyber Scarlet Spider / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Cyber-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Cyborg X
Cyclone / André Gerard
D.K. / David Kalen
Daniel Lindy
Dark Angel as an alias for Jessica Drew
Dark Mairi of the Shore / Mairi
Darter / Randy Vale
Dead Aim
Deadmaker / Anatolovich
Dealer, The
Demogoblin / an unknown demon fused with Jason Philip “The Hobgoblin” Macendale, Jr.
Demon-Fire Cult (villain team)
Dentist, The
Dick Packer
Digger (I)
Digger (II / former mobsters known as “The Vegas Thirteen”, including Freddie Carnevale, Santo Castellani, Jimmy “Little Man” Desanti, Louis Fredone, Tony Mascapone, George Sims and seven others
Disruptor / Richard M. Raleigh
Doctor Angst / Jonas Mueller
Doctor Hope
Dr. David Langford
Dr. Emil Kovax – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s father
Dr. Jacob Weisenthal
Dr. Jonas Harrow
Dr. Judas Traveller and his Host
Doctor Nero / Dr. Royce Nero
Doctor Octopus (I) a.k.a. “Doc Ock” (I) / Dr. Otto Octavius
Doctor Octopus (II) a.k.a. Lady Octopus, “Lady Ock” / Dr. Carolyn Trainer
Doctor Paine / Dr. Thaddeus Paine
Don Fortunato / Vincente Fortunato
Don Moroni
Doppelganger a.k.a. Spider-Man Doppelganger
Dormouse, The
Doug Powell
Dragons / street gang
Dryrot / Paul Contoni
Duke (first appearing in Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1)
Dumont, Harry
Dusk (I) / Peter Parker
Dusk (II) / Cassie St. Commons
El Muerto / Juan Carlos Estrada Sanchez
El Toro Negro (The Black Bull) / Sergio Torres
El Uno
Electro / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Electro / Hyper-Electro
Eli Rumsford
Elmak the Light-Shaper
Emilio – Morbius Victim
Empathoid, The
Emperor of the Eastern Galactic Sector
Ephex, The
Equinox a.k.a. Thermodynamic Man, The / Terrence “Terry” Sorenson
Ezekiel / Ezekiel Sims
FACADE (Full Acclimation Combat And Defense Explo-skeleton) / unknown alter ego – suspects include Archer Bryce and Cole Cooper
Fancy Dan (I) / Daniel Brito
Fancy Dan (II) / Dan Rubinstein
Finisher, The / Karl Fiers
Firebrand / Russ Broxtel
Firelight / Gabriel “Gabe” O’Hara
Flipside / Junior – robot
Flying Fox
Fogg / Thomas Fogg
Foreigner, The / Basil, Rafael Sabitini, Lt. Christopher “Kris” Keating and others aliases
Fox, The / Reynard Slinker
Foxy Briggs
Frank Cortese
Frank Cruz / Franz Kraus
Frank Gibbs
Frankie the Fish
Fusion (I), the Twin Terror / Hubert and Pinky Fusser
Fusion (II) / Wayne Markley
Future Max / Max
Fyodor Rebrov
Gatekeeper, The
Gaunt / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Gauntlet / Alfredo Morelli
Gavin Thorpe
Gentleman, The / Gustav Fiers
George Hill
Gibbon, The / Martin Blank
Goblin, The – from Spider-Man Noir
Goblin God / Peter Parker
Goblin 2099 / Gabriel O’Hara
Gog (an alien, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #103)
Gorath Tenclaws
Gray Goblin, The Gabriel Stacy
“Green goblin” / Nalan Oberoi
Green Goblin, The (I) / Norman Osborn II
Green Goblin, The (II) a.k.a. “The New Goblin” / Harold “Harry” Osborn
Green Goblin, The (III) / Dr. Barton “Bart” Hamilton
Green Goblin, The (IV) / Phillip “Phil” Urich
Green Goblin, The (V)
Green Goblin, The (VI) / Norman “Normie” Harry Osborn
Green Goblin – Ultimate Green Goblin
Green Goblin / Crusher Hogan
Green Goblin / Peter Parker
Green Goblin Construct
Gremlyns, The
Griffins (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Grim Hunter / Vladimir Kravinoff
Grizzly / Maxwell Markham
Guardian / a hulking, or large, clone of Spider-Man
Gunplay / Miho Mikashi
Gunther Stein
Guy Jones
Hal Goldman
Hammerhead a.k.a. Brain Dead / Joseph
Hardcases (Vic Slaughter’s mercenaries)
Hardshell / Leila Davis
Headsman, The
Hermit / Timothy Quail
Hershell (first appearing in Web of Spider-Man #28)
Hobgoblin, The (I) / Roderick Kingsley
Hobgoblin, The (II) / Arnold “Lefty” Donovan
Hobgoblin, The (III) / Ned Leeds
Hobgoblin, The (IV) / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Hobgoblin, The (V)
Hobgoblin 2211 / Robin Bourne
Homo Arachnis / Carlton Drake
Honeysuckle Muldoon
Hornet (I) / Peter Parker
Hornet (II) / Eddie McDonough
Human Fly, The / Richard Deacon
Humbug / Prof. Buck Mitty
Hybrid / Scott Washington
Hydro-Man / Morris Bench
Hypertron a.k.a. Bobster / Sturdevant E. “Bob” Robbins
Hypno-Hustler and the Mercy Killers
Iguana, The
Izumi (Spider)
Jack / child-sized clone of Spider-Man
Jackal / Prof. Miles Warren
Jack O’Lantern / Jason Philip Macendale, Jr.
Jackpot (I) / Sara Ehret
Jackpot (II) / Alana Jobson
Jacks / miniature clones of The Jackal and Spider-Man
Jaime Jade
Jake Martino
Jason Havershaw
Jason Tso
Jefferson Bolt
Jennings, Miss
Jeremiah Slade
Jimmy “The Mouth” Tannen
Jimmy-Six / Giacomo Fortunato
Joe Smith a.k.a. “A Guy Named Joe” / Joseph “Joe” Smith
Joey Beal
Joey Z
Jonathon Caesar
Josephine “Joey” Pulaski
Joshua Coolridge
Joystick / Janice Olivia Yanizeski
Justin (Demon-Fire Cult member)
Kaina / Marcy Kane
Kaine / flawed clone of Peter Parker
Kangaroo (I) / Frank Oliver
Kangaroo (II) / Brian Hibbs
Kid Ock / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Klara – Mordechai (Bloodbath) Kovax’s mother
Knight / Malcolm Knight
Knockout / Elizabeth Rawson
Komodo (first appearing in Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1)
Kraven The Hunter (I) / Sergei Kravinoff
Kraven The Hunter (II) / Alyosha “Al” Kravinoff
Kraven (III) / Ana Tatiana Kravinoff
Kurudred the Blood Drinker a.k.a. Tyrant of Dolara, a.k.a. Master of the Night Spawn
Kwaku Anasi / Spider-Man
Larry Arnold
Lasher (I) / Ramon Hernandez
Lasher (II)
Legar, Miguel
Lena Ivana and her “Amulet of Change”
Leroy Tallon
Leticia Mason
Lightmaster (I) / Dr. Edward Lansky
Light-Master (II
Lightning Fist
Living Brain, The
Lizard, The / Dr. Curtis “Curt” Connors
Lizard Offspring
Lobo Brothers, The / Carlos and Eduardo Lobo
Loop Lash
Looter, The a.k.a. Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Lucky Lobo / Francisco Lobo
Mad Jack / Daniel Berkhart & Maguire Beck
Mad Hatter, The
Madam Web / Madame Web / Cassandra Webb
Madame Fang
Madame Fate
Mandy Tyler
Major Toler Weil
Man-Monster a.k.a. Smasher
Man-Mountain Marko / Michael Marko
Manslaughter Marsdale / Marsdale
Man-Spider / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Man-Spider / Antoine Tarantella
Man-Spider – 1994 Spider-Man television series
Man-Wolf / Starwolf / Ultimate Man-Wolf / Col. John Jameson
Mary Slade
Mass Carnage
Master Monarch
Master of Vengeance / Dwight Faron
Master Planner / Dr. Otto Octavius
Master Programmer / artificial intelligence, based on the mind of Dr. Otto Octavius
Medgar DuPaul
Megawatt / Dirk Leyden
Menace / Lily Hollister
Meteor Man / Norton G. Fester
Mindblast / Danielle Forte
Mindworm / William Turner
Mirage / Desmond Charne
Misery / Melissa Carsdale
Miss Arrow / Ero
Mister Negative / Martin Li
Molten Man / Mark Raxton
Molten Man / Charles “Charlie” Weiderman
Monster of the Moors aka The Madman of Mansion Slade
Montana (I) / Jackson W. Brice
Montana (II) / Montana Bale
Morbius the Living Vampire / Dr. Michael Morbius
Morris “The Snake” Diamond
Morris Forelli
Morty Phillips
Mr. Brownstone / Garrison Klum
Mr. Nacht
Mr. Nobody
Mr. P. & Mr. Q
Mr. Zodiac / Astro; sometimes in persona as Jane Virgo
Ms. Fortune / Laura
Mud-Thing / Sandman (Flint Marko/William Baker) and Hydro-Man (Morris Bench) fused together
Murder[er] By Spider
Muse / Shannon Fitzpatrick
Mutilation Killer, The
Mysterio (I) / Quentin Beck, sometimes posing in character under aliases like Dr. Ludwig Rinehart
Mysterio (II) / Daniel “Dan” Berkhart
Mysterio (III) / Francis Klum
Myth Monster, The
Nails Hogan
Nightwatch / Dr. Kevin Barry Trench
Nichols (first appearing in Morbius #2)
Nocturne / Angela Cairn
Oliver (Sister Saint’s servant)
Operator, The / Lenny Flynn
Orbit (member of the Spacemen)
Ortega, Alberto
Ortega, Pilar – Alberto Ortega’s wife
Osborn, Norman – clone
Osborn, Normie III
Osborne, Norman – from 1602
Other, The / otherwordly being with Spider-Man’s powers
Override / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Ox, The (I) / Raymond Bloch
Ox, The (II) / Ronald Bloch
Ox, The (III) / Bruno Sanchez
Pale Rider
Patch (I) / Frederick Foswell
Patch (II)
Paul Tannen
Persuader, The / Roland Rayburn
Phage / Carl Mach
Phelps (boss of the Jagged Club)
Phillip Cussler, Sr.
Phineas T. Coroner
Phreak / Steve Petty
Poison / Cecelia Cardinale and the other-dimensional entity named Ylandris
Poison / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Primal Lizard
Prodigy (I) / Peter Parker
Prodigy (II) / Richie Gilmore
Prodigy, The
Proto-Goblin / Nels Van Adder
Prowler, The (I) / Hobie Brown
Prowler, The (II) / “The Cat”
Prowler, The (III) / Rick Lawson
Puma, The / Thomas Fireheart
Purty Larry
Rabbi Krause
Ramshot / Samuel Caulkin
Ranger, The (first appearing in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1)
Rapier / Dominic Tyrone
Rasheed ven Garmchee
Rattler / Henry Bingham
Raul Quentino
Razorback / Buford Hollis
Razorwire (I)
Razorwire (II)
Reaper (first appearing in Vampire Tales #7)
Reapers / street gang
Red / Norman Osborn
Red Nine / Wallace Jackson
Reid (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Replicoids / duplicates of Richard and Mary Parker
Reverend Daemond aka Daemond the Sorcerer
Rhino, The a.k.a. Mecha-Rhino / Alex O’Hirn, born as Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich
Ricochet (I) / Peter Parker
Ricochet (II) / Johnathon “Johnny” Gallo
Ridgeway, Meg
Riot / Trevor Cole
Roberto DeNatale
Robot Master / Prof. Mendel Stromm
Rocket Racer / Robert Farrell
Roland Treece
Rose, The (I) a.k.a. Blood Rose / Richard Fisk
Rose, The (II) / Det. Sgt. Blume
Rose, The (III) / Jacob Conover
Sandman, The / Flint Marko, born as William Baker, a.k.a. Sylvester Mann
Sandstorm / Tony Trainor
Sandy Aitchinson
Sarah Stacy
Savage Fin
Scar the Stalker / Brian Lash – Loop’s son
Scarlet Spider (I) / Ben Reilly
Scarlet Spider (II) / Joseph “Joe” Wade
Scarlet Spider (III) / Michael
Scarlet Spider (IV) / Van
Scarlet Spider (V) / Patrick
Scarlet Spider (VI) / Chu Chi Huan
Scarlet Spider (VII) / Felicity Hardy
Schemer, The / Richard Fisk
Schizoid Man / Chip Martin
Scorcher, The / Steven Hudak
Scorpia / Elaine Coll
Scorpion, The / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Scream / Donna Diego
Screech / Maxwell “Max” Taylor
Scrier / Charles Bates
Scrier, Jr. a.k.a. Scrier Junior / Matthew DeRoma
Sean Dunne
Sentry (I) / Curtis Elkins
Sentry (II) / Senator Stewart Ward
Seth Youngblood
Shade / Jake
Shadrac (I) / Gray Dolman
Shadrac (II) / Dr. Gregory “Greg” Herd
Shaman / Threetrees
Shathra / Sharon Keller
She-Venom (I) / Anne Weying
She-Venom (II) / Patricia Robertson
Shiwa ven Garmchee
SHOC / Neal Aiken, born Todd Fields
Shocker / Herman Schultz
Shriek / Sandra Deel a.k.a. Frances Louise Barrison
Silver Sable / Silver Sablinova
Silvermane / Silvio Manfredi
Simon Stroud
Sin-Eater (I) / Det. Stanley “Stan” Carter
Sin-Eater (II) / Michael Engelschwert
Sin-Eater (III) / Emil Gregg
Sister Saint aka Mrs. Agnes
Sister Sun Sha Shan
Six-Armed Spider-Man / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Skinhead / Edward “Eddie” Cross
Slasher, The / Elyse Nelson
Slime / sentient empathic slime within NYC sewers
Slyde / Jalome Beacher
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (I) / Fred Hopkins
Smithville Thunderbolt, The (II) / Ludlow Grimes
Smythe (I) / Prof. Spencer Smythe
Smythe (II) / Alistair Alphonso Smythe
“Snake” Sanchus
Snaky Duvall
Sneak Thief
Sorcerer, The / Jonathan East
SpellCheck / Benjamin “Ben” Pancake
Spider / Peter Parker-Carnage symbiote
Spider (1602) / Peter Parquagh
Spider Clone / Ben Reilly
Spider-Carnage / Ben Reilly and the symbiote Carnage
Spidercide / clone of Spider-Man
Spider-Demon / Demon Spider-Man
Spider-Girl (I) / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Girl (II) / Betty Brant
Spider-Girl 2020 / May Parker
Spider-Hybrid, The
Spider-Kid / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Spider-Lizard / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (I) / Peter “Pete” Benjamin Parker
Spider-Man (II) / Ben Reilly
Spider-Man (III) / Miles Morales
Spider-Man (IV) / Gerry Drew
Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O’Hara
Spider-Man 2211 / Dr. Max Borne
Spider-Man imposter / Ron Corbett
Spider-Man imposter / Marc Noletti
Spider-Man imposters / David, Mike and a third, unnamed actor
Spider-Man: India / Peter Prabhakar
Spider-Man Noir / Peter Parker
Spider-Man Robot a.k.a. el Arana del Diablo (The Spider of the Devil, or Devil’s Spider)
Spider-Slayers / various “Marks” of robots
Spider-Wasp / Sharon Keller
Spider-Woman (II) / Julia Cornwall Carpenter
Spider-Woman (III) / Martha “Mattie” Franklin
Spider-Woman (IV) / Charlotte Witter
Spider-Woman (V) / Mary Jane “MJ” Watson
Spider-Woman / May “Mayday” Parker
Spider-Woman / unnamed female, Earth 92124
Spider-X / Brian Kornfield
Spindrifter / Marandi Sjörokker
Spoiler, The
Spot / Dr. Johnathon Ohnn / Dr. Jonathan Ohnn
Squid, The / Don “Donny” Callahan
Stag Beetle, The / Krolnek
Starngore / Maxwell “Max” Dillon
Steel Spider / Oliver “Ollie” Osnick
Stegron the Dinosaur Man / Dr. Vincent Stegron
Stone / Gerald Stone
Strongarm / Cary Armstrong
Stunner / Angelina Brancale
Styx / Jacob Eishorn
Sugar Face
Sundown / Dr. David Patrick Lowell
Supercharger / Ronald “Ronnie” Hilliard
Synario / Angela Bradford
Synthetic Man, The a.k.a. The Hollow Man / robot into which The Sorcerer projects his consciousness
Tadj (first appearing in Morbius #30)
Tara and the Children of the Comet
Tarantula (I) / Anton Miguel Rodriguez
Tarantula (II) / Capt. Luis Alvarez
Tendril / River Verys
Terrier (II) / Gordon “Gordo” Savinsky
Therak / Theodore “Theo” Davros
Thousand, The / Carl King
“Three Fingers” Eddie Enders
Thunderclap / Stanly George Johnson
Timespinner / robot created to impersonate Spider-Man
Tinkerer, The (I) a.k.a. The Terrible Tinkerer / Phineas T. Mason
Tinkerer, The (II) / Elijah Stern
Tom Cochrane
Tombstone / Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
Tordenkakerlakk a.k.a. The Thunder Cockroach
Toxin / Patrick “Pat” / “Paddy” Mulligan
Toy / robot created by The Tinkerer
Turbine / Joline Cargill
Typeface / Pvt. Gordon “Geordie” Thomas
Undertaker, The / Conrad Eisenstadt
Valeri Kasatanov
Ven-orpion / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan (aka The Scorpion)
Venom (I) / Edward Charles “Eddie” Brock
Venom (II) / Angelo Fortunato
Venom (III) / MacDonald “Mac” Gargan
Venom (IV) / Daniel Jackson
Venom / “Black Ops” Venom / Flash Thompson
Venom / “The Suit” Venom / Eddie Brock, Jr.
Venom / Edward Saks
Venom / Spider-Girl, May “Mayday” Parker
Venom 2099
Vermin / Edward Whelan
Vic Slaughter
Vince Granetti
Vincent “Vince” Tannen
Virus, The / Corman
Vladimir (first appearing in Morbius #25)
Vladimir Kravinoff
VR-39 / Master Programmer’s cyberspace creation
Vulture 2099, The
Vulture, The (I) / Adrian Toomes
Vulture, The (II) / Blackie Drago
Vulture, The (III) / Dr. Clifton Shallot
Warrant / Gray Garrison / Grey Garrison
Wendigo, The / elemental creature (first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #277)
Wes Cassady / Wesley Cassady
Whiplash / Leean Foreman
White Dragon
White Rabbit / Lorina Dodson
Wild Whip
Will O’The Wisp / Jackson Arvad
Willy Stein
Winston Shepherd
Winston Walker
Wraith, The / Brian DeWolff
Wysper / Jennifer “Jenny” Stewart
XP-2000 a.k.a. XP
Yokai (The Damned)
Amazing Siskinsky Sisters, The / Sophie Siskinsky and her sisters
Anarchists for Freedom
Arcane Order of the Night / Andrew Carpathian and his cult members
ARES (Assassination, Revolution, Extortion, and Sabotage)
Band of Baddies
Banko Squad / armed robbers
Barons, The / street gang
Black Apostles, The
Black Hoods, The / terrorists in Northern Ireland
Blazing Skulls muggers
Blue Boys / criminal gang
Brll’nah>Zhhk<, The / alien race
Cabal of Scriers, The
Cult of the Jackal
Death Squad
Diggers / Life Foundation operatives
Dragon Lords, The / White Dragon, Tommy Li and other street gang members
Enforcers, The
Exterminators, The / team of villains led by The Chameleon
Femme Fatales
First-Strikers; Magenta, Brown, Red, Green – villains
Foragers (Packrat and Solly)
Gathering of Five
Intruders, The
John, Paul, Ringo, and George (teenage thugs, first appearing in Spectacular Spider- Man #110)
Jury, The
League of Three Threes, The
Legion of Light
M’Sieu Tete’s Gang (Goldie, Shiner and Silent Joe)
Masters of Mayhem
Meridian Institute
Misfits (group featuring Spider-Kid but for the sake of clarity, specifically excluding Frog-Man and Toad)
Mimes, The
Monks of the Hidden Temple, The / High Priest (Guardian of the Light), Giant One and other guardian monks
National Crime Syndicate
New Enforcers, The
Order of the Goblin, The
Outlaws, The
Penny Ant-Es
People’s Liberation Front / terrorist group
Praetorian Guard, The
Protectors / Life Foundation mercenaries
Q-4 / Russian mercenaries
Rat Pack (a criminal gang, first appearing in Amazing Spider-Man #220)
Ricardo, Freddy and Dumbo
Rogues, The
Shadowforce Alpha
Silencers / mercenaries
Silver Squad, The
Sinister Seven, The
Sinister Six, The
Sinister Syndicate, The
Sinister Twelve, The
Sisterhood of the Wasp, The
Slingers, The
Snake Clan / Faire de Lain and his followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spacemen, The
Spider Clan / Taran, High Priestess of the Temple of the Great Weaver, and her followers in their Peruvian tribe
Spider Society, The
Spider-Man Revenge Squad, The a.k.a. The Legion of Losers
Spider-Squad / 3 unnamed criminals (a strongman, an acrobat, and a tumbler)
Students of Love / Teacher, Brother Bruce, Brother Guy, Brother Lenny, Sister Betty (Betty Brant), Sister Jane, Sister Kate (Kate Cushing) and other cult members
Subhumans, The / NYC sewer-dwellers who assist Morbius
Team Spider
Technomancers, The and their Menagerie / Master Om, Maegis Gunther Senreic, Maegis Hamilton Cromwell and others
Terror Unlimited / terrorist group
Tiger’s Claw, The (street gang)
Timmy, Chester and Myron (former A.I.M. agents who tried to steal Hypertron 1.0)
Time-spinners – Spider-Man 2211
Ultimate Enforcers, The
Universal Liberation Army / terrorist group
Venom Task Force / Det. Clark, Det. Steen and other members of the police task force
Waiters, The / tuxedo-wearing assassins
Warzone / Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta
Wicked Brigade, The
Wild Pack / The Delta Team - band of mercenaries led by Silver Sable
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gaurangenterprise · 2 months
Supplier of Pani Puri Making Machine in Chhattisgarh
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Introductiuon: Gaurang Enterprise Gaurang Enterprise is a Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Pani Puri Making Machine in Chhattisgarh. Gaurang Enterprise headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Our commitment to quality and contemporary manufacturing procedures allows us to efficiently handle orders of all sizes while keeping a well-stocked product range for quick delivery without sacrificing quality. Our Pani Puri machine is built to last and is simple to use and maintain, making it an ideal choice for restaurants, food booths, and catering businesses. Whether for small or large-scale production, our machines are ready to fulfill your needs. Investing in our Pani Puri machine not only lowers labor expenses, but also assures that your clients receive clean and consistent Pani Puris, satisfying them with tasty, flawlessly constructed delights each time. Explore our selection of Pani Puri machines to find the best option for your company requirements. Our high-efficiency machines will save you time, increase productivity, and boost your Pani Puri production. Our Products: Pani Puri Making Machines Papad Making Machines Dough Atta Kneaders Atta Kneaders with Sheeters Samosha Patti Making Machines Farsi Puri Making Machines Sakkarpara Making Machines Specifications: Machine Name: Pani Puri Making Machine Model Number: 7K NEW Electric Motor: 0.5 HP Single Phase Production Capacity: 7000 Nos. Per Hour Machine Size: 56″ x 23″ x 36″ Machine Weight: 110kg Usage/Application: Cutting Raw pani puri Gaurang Enterprise proudly serves as a trusted Manufacturer and Supplier of Pani Puri Making Machine in Chhattisgarh, and various locations including Raipur, Bhilai, Bilaspur, Korba, Durg, Rajnandgaon, Raigarh, Jagdalpur, Ambikapur, Kawardha, Mahasamund, Bhatapara. Dhamtari, Baloda Bazar, Balod, Mungeli, Pandariya, Takhatpur, Bhilai Charoda, Kumhari, Bemetara, Basna, Chirmiri, Dongargarh, Khairagarh, Pithora. For further details, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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nidarchhattisgarh · 1 year
INTUC CHHATTISGARH :- इंटक के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव एवम छत्तीसगढ़ इंटक के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संजय सिंह व प्रदेश महासचिव जय प्रकाश पर 420 का मामला दर्ज
इंटक के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव एवम छत्तीसगढ़ इंटक के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संजय सिंह व प्रदेश महासचिव जय प्रकाश पर 420 का मामला दर्ज मजदूर हितैषियों पर लगा शोषण का आरोप  NCG News desk Korba :-  कोरबा। बालको इंटक के कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष एवं प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संजय सिंह और इंटक के महासचिव जय प्रकाश पर पैसे लेकर नौकरी लगाने के नाम पर ठगी करने की शिकायत बालको कर्मी ने थाने में की है। शिकायतकर्ता ने पुलिस को साक्ष्य…
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cgnews24 · 3 months
Korba News : TI का तबादला….SP ने कई थानों के टीआई बदले, उप निरीक्षकों का भी तबादला, देखिये पूरी लिस्ट…. प्रदेश के पुलिस विभाग में तबादला का दौर जारी है. कोरबा पुलिस विभाग में बड़े पैमाने पर तबादला किया गया है. कोरबा एसपी जितेंद्र शुक्ला ने निरीक्षकों, उपनिरीक्षकों समेत सहायक उपनिरीक्षकों को इधर से उधर किया है।  
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Watch Drunken brother molested his sister: Indecent act with 12th class student in Korba, minor reached police station crying - Hindi News Paper - Dainik Bhaskar
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chattisgarh · 5 months
Top 5 Chhattisgarh News Headlines Today
1. IED blast injures two CRPF jawans in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh
An IED blast injured two CRPF jawans in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh on Tuesday. The incident took place near the Pujaripara village under the Kuakonda police station limits. The injured jawans have been identified as constables Deepak Kumar and Devendra Singh. They are currently undergoing treatment at a local hospital.
2. Farmers in Korba opt for bonus instead of loan waiver
Farmers in Korba district of Chhattisgarh have opted for bonus instead of loan waiver. The government had offered both options to farmers. However, a majority of farmers have chosen bonus, citing better financial benefits. The bonus scheme provides Rs 5000 per acre to farmers who have repaid their loans.
3. BJP's closest allies quit posts in Chhattisgarh government
Some of the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) closest allies have resigned from their posts in the Chhattisgarh government. This comes in the wake of the party's defeat in the recent assembly elections. The resignations have caused a stir in the political circles of the state.
4. 64 candidates polled less than NOTA in Chhattisgarh elections
A total of 64 candidates polled less than NOTA (None of the Above) in the recent Chhattisgarh assembly elections. This indicates that voters were not satisfied with any of the candidates in their respective constituencies. NOTA secured 1.5% of the total votes polled in the state.
5. Dozen over 70-year-old candidates contested Chhattisgarh elections, only 5 won
A total of over 70-year-old candidates contested the recent Chhattisgarh assembly elections. However, only five of them managed to win. This indicates that the trend of young candidates is gaining momentum in the state.
These are just a few of the top Chhattisgarh news headlines today. For more news updates, please stay tuned to our website.sharemore_vert
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agarwaldomestic · 5 months
Packers and Movers in Raigarh. 8262850046.
ADHR Packers and Movers in Raigarh.8262850046
Delivering Swift and Secure Goods Delivery with Customer Satisfaction in Mind
At ADHR Packers and Movers in Raigarh, we prioritize customers, ensuring the prompt and secure delivery of goods to their desired locations. With a track record of serving over 15,000 customers, our experienced team has safely shifted them with care. As Agarwal Movers and Packers in Raigarh, our dedicated employees handle your goods with expertise in packing and moving. Our straightforward shifting process starts with a call, making it our responsibility to shift your goods with care and perfection hassle-free. We take pride in being recognized as the Best Packers and Movers in Raigarh.
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As the best movers and packers in Raigarh, we provide excellent support services to ensure your complete satisfaction. Understanding your needs, we meticulously plan and handle documentation. Our commitment to transparency includes written deals and proper legal documents. Unlike other movers and packers, we refrain from unnecessary charges, prioritizing client satisfaction as our biggest achievement. Whatever your needs, come to us for unmatched services in any work.
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In the competitive industry of packers and movers in Raigarh, we take pride in competing with utmost perfection. Our highly efficient and refined work strategies positively support entire projects. When you choose ADHR Packers and Movers in Raigarh, guaranteed satisfactory results are evident. Our best strategies effectively fulfil all your needs. Reasons to choose our services include Local Shifting Vs. National Shifting: We understand the nuances of both types of movements and guide you accordingly.
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At Agarwal Movers and Packers Raigarh, we've served customers from all over India, capable of handling residential, commercial, or industrial relocations with ease. Using standard methods and quality packing materials, we ensure the safety of your goods and items.
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Wondering about moving your car or bike for inter-city movements? Yes, you can, and we use special closed containers to transport your vehicle safely to your new home.
Why Choose Professional Packers and Movers?
If this is your first time moving, attempting it on your own can be overwhelming. The relocation process involves many factors and can be both exhausting and expensive. Experienced and professional packers and movers like us can assist you, making the entire process smoother and more efficient. Choose the experts for a hassle-free move!
Contact us:- ADHR Packers and Movers in Raigarh.
Mobile:- 8262850010. 8262850044. 8262850046.
Packing. Loading. Transportation. Unloading. Unpacking. Local Moving Packing. Office Relocation. Warehousing Services.
Website:- https://aggarwaldomesticpackersandmov...
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Here are some cities near Raigarh:
Bilaspur. Raipur. Korba. Jharsuguda. Bhilai. Durg. Rourkela. Sambalpur. Brajarajnagar. Bargarh
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The latest advances in diabetes prevention and treatment
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In the relentless pursuit of effective diabetes prevention and treatment, medical science has made significant strides. These advancements offer new hope for those managing or at risk of this chronic condition. From cutting-edge therapies to lifestyle interventions.
Here are the key developments in diabetes prevention and treatment:
Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM):
CGM devices have revolutionized diabetes care. These tools provide real-time data, enabling patients to make informed decisions about their diet, insulin dosage, and physical activity.
Advanced Medications:
Innovative medications have emerged, offering more precise blood sugar control with fewer side effects. SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists are some examples of these breakthroughs.
Artificial Pancreas:
The development of artificial pancreas systems has been a game-changer. These devices automate insulin delivery, reducing the burden of constant monitoring and insulin administration.
Bariatric Surgery:
For some individuals with type 2 diabetes, bariatric surgery has shown remarkable results. It can lead to substantial weight loss and, in many cases, remission of diabetes.
Behavioral Support:
Diabetes management isn't just about medications; it's also about lifestyle. The best diabetes doctors in Korba emphasize the importance of behavioral interventions, helping patients adopt healthier habits and sustain them.
Telemedicine and Digital Health:
Telemedicine has made healthcare more accessible. Diabetes patients can now consult their doctors remotely, ensuring regular follow-ups and adjustments to their treatment plans.
Research in Immunotherapy:
Ongoing research into immunotherapies aims to find a cure for type 1 diabetes by addressing the autoimmune attack on insulin-producing cells.
The best diabetes treatment in Korba is at the forefront of these remarkable advances in diabetes prevention and treatment. These innovations, from personalized care plans to cutting-edge medications and technology, offer patients a brighter future. As research continues to evolve, the promise of even better outcomes for diabetes patients becomes increasingly attainable. These developments bring us closer to a world where diabetes no longer has the devastating impact it once did.
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