#Kohane Tsuyuri
yonae · 26 days
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xxxHolic by Clamp
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It will never cease to amaze me how many people simp for the wet cat known as Kimihiro Watanuki.
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milkevolii · 3 months
xxxholic playlists!
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monoukotori · 7 months
Concept: Sayaka with a sister that looks exactly like Kohane and is a fortune teller
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sakuraswordly · 10 months
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Mirabel: I will never... be good enough for you... will I? No matter how hard I try....no matter how hard any of us try...
Mirabel: You're the one breaking our home!
Abuela Alma : Don't you ever...! 
Mirabel: The miracle is dying because of you!
What I analysed in Relationships between Kohane Tsuyuri and Suzu Fujibayashi (Tsofph Season 1) Those who wish harm on others will wish harm to themselves just like Kohane's mother. This time Abuela Alma was different, she wish for this miracle to continue forever because this is a symbol of her husband, Abuelo Pedro and her happiness. Because in time in her past, Alma met a man named Pedro during a celebration for the Day of the Little Candles in their village, where they fell in love and eventually got married a short time
Abuela Alma: I was given a miracle... a second chance. And I was so afraid to lose it... that I lost sight of who our miracle was for...
Losing everything in the span of one night, Alma never had time to properly process her pain and mourn as she had to raise her infant children alone and lead the refugees from her village. The responsibility that was imposed on her as guardian of the miracle made her a hardened woman and since the day she lost her husband she has been afraid of losing her home and family again.
She was given a miracle also her wish but in the end that wish became to hurt herself. Mirabel didn't get a gift and the door disappeared. Alma, fearful for the family's magic, asked Bruno to look into the future to see what this meant, as no Madrigal child had ever been denied a gift before. However, Bruno would never tell Alma about what he saw and disappear without saying anything. Alma never knew why her son abandoned the family and blamed Mirabel for Bruno's disappearance and pushed her away. Fearful that Mirabel's lack of a gift meant the family had not proven themselves worthy of the miracle, Alma increased the family's efforts to serve the community. Although she meant well, Alma also inadvertently put too much pressure on her family, with some of her grandchildren growing up with some emotional trauma from her expectations.
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"blamed Mirabel for Bruno's disappearance and pushed her away"
Go back to xxxholic story when Kohane's mother said
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So that means if Kohane lies to her mother, her mother won't get her any mercy like she feels revenge for her husband. Her mother will blame Kohane all eternally.
The same way for Abuela Alma as well. Because just Mirabel didn't get a gift and the door disappeared. In Abuela Alma's view, this candle is the symbol of her husband which means Mirabel rejects her husband's wish. On top of that Bruno left this family, which makes Abuela Alma blame Mirabel for Bruno's disappearance and pushed her away.
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"Her wish for the three of us to live happily ever"
"And I was so afraid to lose it... that I lost sight of who our miracle was for.."
Both Kohane's mother and Abuela Alma, They keep wishing for happiness to not disappear again but their heart was already hurt and had a fracture inside them that never heal. They thought they were strong enough to take care of themself and their family. In the end, they hurt their own family.
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The same way for Mirabel as well. How many times does she need to wait for her chance? Until the destruction of Casita....
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It was because of this, that Alma was constantly looking outwards for a problem or even a threat to all she held dear, that she never thought to look inward until it was too late, which is when she finally realized, her family had been broken because of her, not Mirabel or Bruno, and why she never once considered that her well-intentioned actions were the problem. Casita knew and Casita gave Mirabel "The connection of family Broken Family Ties and family love bond" That's why Mirabel didn't get a gift. If she gets like Kohane, no matter how much Mirabel tries she will not save Abuela Alma who was broken just like Kohane can't save her mother. Mirabel needs to be normal. Normal people had something more than people had magic or gifts, normal people had bravely and were more enthusiastic than someone who has everything.
“Well, my little friend, I am not, because the truth is, gift or no gift, I am just as special as the rest of my family.”
The candle gave people happiness the happiness itself is a miracle that means "I am just as special as the rest of my family" Mirabel makes everyone happy and makes the bond of the family from broken. Mirabel is the miracle not because of her magic or gif but because of her love like Alma's husband, Abuelo Pedro's love for everyone to be happy even Alma.
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That's why Bruno said, "You're the real gif kid. Let us in."
This picture told us enough and with Mirabel's cloth with butterfly. You remember there was a butterfly that flew away when Alma met Pedro during a celebration for Day of the Little Candles for the first time. 
Love also means wishing too. Just like Yuuko said, if you keep wishing, one day it will come true. Also the same as Cinderella when she sang "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" too.
"Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true"
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imnosupaman · 2 years
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gabbylyons · 2 years
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ikebanaka · 7 months
You ever think about Doumeki and Kohane loving Watanuki so deeply and tragically that they get married and have a kid, even though they're barely friends at the time, just so Watanuki will still have a companion when they grow old and die and he's still waiting for someone who will never return
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otakusparkle · 7 months
Identity V x XXXHOLIC Collaboration Commencing
Identity V x XXXHOLIC Collaboration Poster Preview
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mikeystrawberry · 1 year
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Tried challenging myself to draw anything but DnDads today and I held out pretty strong. The other half of the challenge was not caring whether they looked nice or not. I even did a whole page of designs on the spot where I just went with where they took me
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tomoyoo · 2 years
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xxxholic rou
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ellayuki · 1 year
we're all made of glitter and nightmares (and baby, we thrive)
Tsubasa Chronicle Month 2023
- Day 6: xxxHolic
The day Doumeki marries Kohane, Watanuki opens a bottle of saké at seven in the morning (and tells himself, like the lying liar he is, that it's in celebration, because surely he'll see less of the bastard now), the small gift box he's prepared and never got around to actually giving away sitting almost ostentatiously in the middle of the small, low table by his divan. 
Mokona, Maru and Moro are… somewhere around the shop, making themselves scarce, though Watanuki doesn't get why. It's not like he's upset. He has no reason to be. 
Sure, he pities poor Kohane-chan for getting saddled with an oaf for a husband, and sure, he's maybe a touch bit sad that, despite that, he can't see what a beautiful bride she'll make. 
But other than that, Watanuki is fine.
(The bottle's empty in half an hour. The second one is already a third empty by the time eight a.m. rolls around.)
He's just about ready to sink into sleep, perhaps take a stroll through some dream if he can manage it, when the front doors open and his name's being called.
…That can't be right, he thinks, blinking against the languid haze he's been enjoying. He shouldn't be here. 
"Watanuki?" comes the second call, and yes, alright, he's getting up because apparently it's not really a hallucination. 
He goes into the shop's genkan, and stops in the doorway.
"Oh," slips out between numb lips.
Doumeki and Kohane stand just inside the doors, both dressed impeccably in traditional wedding attire, both looking at Watanuki with clear determination in their eyes. 
(And oh, how Watanuki loves them.)
"What are you doing here?" he asks when he feels like he can breathe again. "You should be getting married right about now. Or did I remember the time wrong?" He didn't. He knows he didn't. So why-
Doumeki snorts (and Watanuki wants to bristle at the exasperation in the noise), but it's Kohane who speaks, voice soft. "You can't come to the wedding. So we decided to come and see you."
"Kohane-chan… You shouldn't have…" 
"You're an idiot," Doumeki says, letting go of Kohane's hand and walking up to Watanuki. He pokes him between the eyebrows (because even on his damn wedding day Doumeki makes it a point of being a pain in Watanuki's ass), and then again for good measure. "As if we wouldn't. You'd cry."
Watanuki does bristle then, because he absolutely would not. 
He huffs, pushing Doumeki's hand away from his face. "Wait here," he tells them before stepping back into his salon and picking up the small lacquered box.
Then he walks back out into the entryway and pushes the gift into Doumeki's chest. "Here. Your wedding gift. Now go get married. I'm sure your families and the other guests are waiting and wondering where you ran off to."
"Watanuki," Doumeki starts, and there's something on his face, something in his voice that has something in Watanuki's chest clenching painfully. No. You can't. You can't. It's already…
Watanuki shakes his head, just a bit, and the faintest smile graces his lips. "Your bride's waiting. Kohane-chan," he turns his attention to the young woman that's finally joined them. He hugs her. "You're beautiful. I'm thankful I got to see you."
Kohane returns the hug, her lower lip trembling ever so slightly. "I wish you could have been there with us."
"I know. But things are the way they're supposed to be."
"I still hate it."
"I know."
"Shizuka-kun does, too."
Watanuki opens his eyes on a sigh. Yes. "I know." And so do I.
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surpriserose · 2 years
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Characters who break my heart btw 🥺
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sorrowmarked · 2 years
starter for @zhonde (kohane & yuzuki)
kohane’s smile was soft as a new visitor approached the temple, she set aside the broom she’d been using to sweep the temple grounds. “welcome,” she said, voice soft as she gestured towards the temple. “please feel free to take your prayers there, if you would like fortune telling, all you need to do is ask.”
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monoukotori · 2 years
I know the circumstances of their relationship are really tragic, but I like to think that Kohane and Shizuka had a good marriage, and learned how to love each other, eventually.
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sakuraswordly · 10 months
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Suzu: When I travelled with them, as a ninja, I closed my heart and mind with the ninja technic. I learned about people's hearts and emotions and that being an adult came from many meetings and many partings. But Chester-san comfort me and said it was okay to cry.
Kohane: I've changed since Kimihiro-kun came into my life. Now I'm happy. That's why I want him to be happy as well. I have been able to sense a dark aura growing around my mother and am afraid that one day that aura may engulf her entirely. My mother focuses on having me on as many television shows as possible and buys large amounts of extravagant items. This treatment causes me to have a quiet and lonely demeanour, though I attempt to stay strong for her mother's sake, blaming everything on herself.
Chester: Wait.....and what happens to Kohane's mother........
Domeki: After we protected Kohane-chan on TV shows, her mother still stayed at the Hospital.
Falcon: What......? That's terrible.
Domeki: Most of the time Kohane's mother is seen on the phone arguing or rather bartering with TV producers on what she will get if Kohane will guest or perform an exorcism for them. She was in no condition to go anywhere by herself.
Watanuki: There's nothing has changed between Kohane-chan and her mother. Kohane-chan's mother still needs some time alone.
Kohane: Now I stay with Grandma while I wait for my mother to get to heal, she needs to be alone.
Suzu: If everything is over, I also need to return to my Ninja Village. I wish I would stay and be friends with Kohane-san a little longer.
Arche: Then why don't you join team Sphere huh? I can ask Akito to bring my two little girls to join with two extra boys.
Kohane & Suzu: Little girls...?(Blush)
Mokona(Black): What if she stays at Domeki's place instead? It's huge!
Watanuki: We already clear this! No!
Falcon: I don't mind if my mother said that.
Watanuki: Then we okay to take extra Domeki?!
Arche: What's your problem Watanuki?! At least you had more of your friends?!
Falcon: Domeki is not bad. He's also very good at archery like my father. I like him.
Domeki: At least I will be more reliable than you.
Watanuki: What?! Why you...!!
Chester: Watanuki.....at least he did help me back then.
Hikaru: Yeah unlike YOU doing weird movements and not helping at all! All you can do is guide the wrong way!!
Kamui: She's right. I agree with this one.
Yuko: With Domeki here, there's more of a chance for them to appear here!
Watanuki: It may be true, but.....
Cless: Chester....you really had a weird friend in here.
Watanuki: WHAT's that mean?!
Chester: Suzu-chan. Don't let the opportunity slip away.
Suzu: Are you sure?
Mint: Yes go on.
Fai: At least Suzu-chan don't end up like a big bad dog behind me.
Kohane: Suzu.......Suzu-chan.
Suzu: .........! Thank you so much.
Kurogane: Don't look down.
Chester: Huh?
Kurogane: Don't look down. If you have something you must do, then look forward. Remember what I said, kid?
Chester: I....remember....in Hashin....
Arche: ..........................
Sakura: At least I remember you, Arche-san
Arche: Yeah. And where is Syaoran?
Sakura: I wonder where he is too. I came to ask Arche-san but it seem you don't know too.
Mokona: Syaoran really must have wanted to share the journey with all friends we have here now.
Syaoran: Yes...also....with Chester-san now.
Mokona: Yeah..even he still does not remember us but one day he will.
Syaoran: Umm.......Dhaos-san, thank you for your mercy to Suzu. None of this happens because of your decision, you save my mother and my father too.
Dhaos: You should thank "Punch" for making this happen. It's not me who helps humans. I had my goals and would do anything to achieve them, with the ends justifying the means. Even I banish all Humans.
Syaoran & Mokona: Punch?
Syaoran: But then who saves my father and my mother and can make Cless-san's group, Fai-san and Kurogane-san come to this world? And what happened back then after I took Sakura.
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Dhaos: I am just the prince and leader who led his people with a vision of peace and prosperity. I can't tell. I don't have power like my friends Clow Reeds and Yuko have. I don't know what the golden king did but it turns out it's okay.
Syaoran: The golden king.......! Can you tell me what is his name?
Dhaos: Are you sure you can trust me after you heard how evil I am?
Syaoran: Yes. Cless-san, Fai-san, Kurogane-san and Morrison-san told me about you but they said you are doing it to save your plant and Yggdrasill and the Spirits of Aselia from dying. You have no choice too. I understand.
Dhaos: Very well. His name is....................
Source Character:
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Kohane Tsuyuri (五月七日小羽) is one of the supporting characters in the Clamp XxxHOLiC series. Her first name in kanji is translated as "small feathers" and her last name literally means May 7th. Kohane is a powerful exorcist; she is first introduced in the ninth volume of the manga. She is best friends with Watanuki, Doumeki and Himawari.
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Suzu Fujibayashi (藤林 すず) is an optional protagonist in Tales of Phantasia. She is the granddaughter of Ranzo Fujibayashi, current chief of Ninja Village. Though young, she has been trained in the way of the ninja her entire life, and is next in line to be chief. She is an non-playable character in the original Super Famicom version of the game. However, in all subsequent versions, she is recruitable if her sidequest is completed.
Explanation 8(Analysis)
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Suzu: Father... Mother... Suzu will not cry anymore. These tears shall be my last, Suzu will become an honorable ninja!
The future Chief, Suzu knows the price of betrayal and sets out to try to convince some wayward ninja to return back to the Village and stop serving Dhaos. Her father and her mother change because Dhaos's minion, after capturing our companions, brainwashed them into this personal army. Suzu changes to cold and unfeeling, often brought upon by her attempt to adhere to the ninja ideal of masking one's emotions. The same go to Kohane as well. Her mother wants to take revenge on her father for making Kohane become famous on tv. Kohane needs to be strong to change or save her mother from a happy girl to cold and unfeeling. "Brainwashed" also happens to Kohane's mother as well but not like Suzu's parents but because she did it by herself. Those who wish harm on others will wish harm to themselves just like Kohane's mother. Despite it all, Kohane cared for her mother and was hoping that eventually she would actually come around and start wishing for the same thing she did. But she didn’t, and so she had to look for a chance to change the circumstances. 
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Suzu: I also wished to ask the same. I am deeply indebted to you all. I would like the chance to return the favour. Until now, my mission has always been to find my parents, but that matter is now closed. I may be a burden on you at first, but from now on, I want to do everything I can to help. Although, it may be a little much to say it is for the sake of this world...
Suzu is still a little girl and the wish...keep wishing like Kohane that her father and her mother will be alright the same way to Kohane as well for her mother to stop but in the end, Kohane couldn't stop it so she waited for her chance.
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In this scene, her mother uses her child to be famous and turned her fame into power to take revenge on her husband. When Kohane targets her mother. She was so anxious that she would lose all power.
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The result is in the end they can't because their parents did it by themself so it's too much burden for only a little girl to change them. That's why Suzu and Kohane become best friends and very deep bond in Tsubasa of Phantasia. Therefore, when adults tell each other not to interfere in adult affairs because we are not strong enough to carry this burden.
In Tsofph season 1 story contains spoilers
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Kohane's story continues to this chapter before Cless's group come to xxxholic world. Chester and Syaoran together stop Kohane's mother with Watanuki and Domeki.
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And help to comfort and take care of Kohane for a while.
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Source: Link(「君と僕とで歩む道」 ファルケン×すず) and テイルズ・オブ・ファンタジア―魔剣忍法帖
As Suzu's story, Suzu and Falcon bond a lot and from what is in this book(Link) ship them really hard.
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After Cless's group come to xxxholic world, Suzu shared her story for her first friend, Kohane. When Cless's group take a tour of xxxholic world and help Chester to recover his memories. Suzu spent time with Kohane, Falcon and Domeki. Dhaos told Syaoran that Suzu in Future Timeline is just a fracture timeline that doesn't exist so if anything happens to Future Timeline. If we need to defeat the fake Dhaos in Future Timeline, Suzu will vanish forever. (Spoiler: Suzu is fractured Dimension Syaoran and Sakura's child. Her father and her mother are Syaoran and Sakura. That affects happens because Chester and Arche were born into this Aselia world) That's why Cless's group let Suzu spend time with Kohane, Falcon and Domeki for a while.
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