#Kay Zar
thislovintime · 11 months
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Peter Tork at Monterey Pop Festival (June 16-18, 1967). (All?) photos © 2006 Bryan Costales.
And the story behind that candle...
“One of the nicest surprises for me while I was up there [in Monterey] was a gift, given to me by a girl-friend, Kay Zar. She knows just how much I dig candles, and when she was wandering around the display booths, spotted a gigantic candle, it has to be at least two feet high. I now have it standing in the center of the fireplace in my house, and it looks just fantastic. As the flame burns, all different colored wax drips… really groovy looking.” - Peter Tork, Fabulous 208, July 15, 1967
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toastedwigeon-blog · 11 days
Playing fallout Vegas and this guy just called it "Kay-zars" legion.
My boy how did that go down in the recording studio
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Crosshair said I should not post this, but -
Technically, Caesar is pronounced "kai-zar." There is no soft "c" in Latin like there is in Basic.
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tijdvoormemes · 1 year
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vithcy · 1 year
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Some of my mutuals' cool OCs! Thank you for trusting me with them, I hope I did them justice🥺💖
Ylva belongs to @luna-sheep
Kai belongs to @ashi-cookie
Quartz belongs to @peachbunby
Janie belongs to @annieisyourfavourite
Dylan belongs to @szczek
Vertical belongs to @staticcolour
Zar belongs to @mythicalmythology
Musi belongs to @transannabeth
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chiacynta · 7 months
imagine having a caesar's legion gf
she goes something like: the new slave girls (you in your new collar) are quite beautiful
you respond with: ave! true to caesar! (that's what you call her)
and then she says that it's pronounced kai-sar not see-zar and if you keep mispronouncing it she won't make you a frumentarii (buy you fox ears)
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snort-vanilla-coke · 1 year
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Mmm here's some out of context hints about the Phantom Thieves in the Magic Au. Maybe some of these will make it easier to guess who is who, who knows
Selkie - cannot cook and is deeply upset over it
Werewolf - cried over Sailor Moon
Changeling - still can barely tell their left from their right
Vampire - was scared of Mickey Mouse as a kid
Succubus - cried the first time they killed a bug
Witch - can put their foot behind their head
Sorcerer - doesn't like comments about their height
Undead - once they sneezed so hard they got a concussion
Haunted - pronounces it "kay-zar" salad instead of Caesar
Kitsune - least likely to be invited back after a sleepover award
Anyways there you are. We're like. Ten days away from me starting this au for real! You can ask me about it or guess or stuff I'm having fun
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gayteensupreme · 1 year
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Use "Ceez-er" when talking about Edward Sallow use "Kai-zar" when talking about Julius Caesar
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grokebaby · 2 years
"Uh how tf do you pronounce Kxxxtr?"
If that's something you're wondering about, this post is for you! For reference, the long version of the name is Klatterasphaus ["Clutter-uh-s-faus"], but it's briefed to that^ for in-story reasons.
You can actually do it a few different ways, any of them are cool w me.
Most commonly: K-tsrrr [the K is Not "Kay", it's "kuh"](I mentally read it like this whenever I see the name)
Alternatively: Cut-zar [The A vowel comes from the long version of the name. The c is a hard sound] (easier version of that previous one)
Also possible: Kaxter [Minus the L since the briefed version doesn't have it] (a combination of the first and second one)
Most rarely but also valid: Klaxter or Klatter [First half of the name by itself, plus X] (sounds cool)
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
Dear dream me, please leave hockey free agency to awake me. Also don't get my hope up with ZAR Kay thx
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
19) one muse gets hurt trying to help the other which leads to an argument,  resulting in the one who was being protected to proclaim how much they care about the injured party.  / wait kalim & zar first (kind of) fight?
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This is a moment that’s been long in the making, the moment where the snow queen would finally grow like a beast she is to the one who was shining like the sun. The kindest of them all, the sweetest of them all, the most annoying of them all to Zarina personally. Gerda’s words echo in her mind once again, the accusations and the words that sound like prophecy now: you’ll forever be alone if you treat others this way. Then again, no one understood how she lived. No one understood the hell that she had to go through, from nothing to everything at such a young age. Even this, this protection that she had to hold onto to make sure that the current plan won’t go to shit. She already went so far, so ahead, so fucking far. From rags to riches, indeed, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t yet enough. This is why she felt that it was the time when something inside snapped, just one of the threads that held her self-control and her everything. Only one, but it was enough to show the appearance of a friendly bride to slip for that moment. 
Kalim always showed that he was afraid to make her mad, to make her upset, to do something she hated. Sadly, it was nigh impossible knowing her judgmental and her critical statue. She may not speak it out loud, but each move was criticized and judged inside her mind. Sometimes, she would lead him and guide him to do what she wanted so he would avoid making troubles for her. His safety meant the safety of her plan, but it seemed like he did not understand that trying to help her was the last thing she needed. It feels bitter and disgusting when she hears that he cares about her. Not because she despises Kalim himself, but because she despises the notion of such words without knowing everything. It feels fake, it feels forced, it feels so bleak and so unnecessary. They are to be wed, but does he really think that this mean he has to tell her this? Does he really care? As if. Her cynicism cannot accept this, he doesn’t know shit and it makes her even more irritated. 
“ If you do care, then why do you keep making everything harder? ” Zarina suddenly asks, breaking the silence as she finishes treating his injury. Her voice comes out sharp, cold, and much deeper almost like a growl. It’s enough to make the room go cold, the temperature dropping far more than anyone would like. It would feel dangerous, terrifying, stinging. Kalim would notice how his breathe would turn white when he would breathe out for that one moment, all until she would finish speaking. “ I’m trying to make this all work out. I’m trying to keep you uninjured for everyone’s sake. I told you countless times I do not need you... ” There’s a second of pause as she hurriedly finishes that thought, but the pre-pause is far more true to her. She doesn’t need him emotionally, but she does need him for other reasons. His life is of the highest value, the bargaining chip to her ascension. However, she doesn’t say it. She doesn’t mean it in these wording right now. “ ... to help me, to protect me. Do you think your father would approve of someone who cannot protect herself when his son is so carefree despite his knowledge and his status? ”
It comes off much sharper than anything she’s ever told him. It could be interpreted as ‘You’re useless’ but she doesn’t say it like that. However, the sharpness and the coldness of her tone might be taken as that. It’s rare for her to lose her cool like this, but it’s been one after another thing with Gerda and Kai appearing, with some of the plans getting disturbed, and now Kalim is being a nuisance in her eyes. He tries, but she told him several times not to overdo it. He did start to try and do things on his own, but does he not see where his knowledge ends and his burdensome weight on her begins? Perhaps, she gave him too much credit. It’s time to tug the strings. 
She sighs now, the cold in the room suddenly disappears as if never existed and Zarina looks up at Al-Asim with a troubled yet softer look. She must make him rely on her, want her to be by his side, to have him attached to her. Such is the best end of scenario. He must know she’s better, she knows a lot, and that she’s enough to keep him safe. 
Morozova apologizes to hide away her true nature and to alleviate some stress from him:
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“ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I worry about you, too. You are always putting yourself behind everyone when you are a future ruler. You have so many people after you, ” her voice becomes softer as she controls the conversation yet again, reaching out with her hand to cup his cheek and gently caress his skin with her thumb. He must be controlled like a rabbit in a garden, well-fed and protected, served as a cute little pet with too much power thanks to his blood. 
“ Can I ask you... to let me protect you? ” To cage you, to chain you, to manipulate you, to let you remain my ‘king’ chess piece on this board. “ I don’t want you to get hurt for my well-being, it ... I will not lie, it does hurt my pride when I want to prove to you I’m strong enough to keep you safe when it’s just you and I. ” So you don’t get in my way, so you don’t fuck this up, so you don’t get used for your damn kind heart because I must be the one to capture this heart. “ Kalim, I... I need you to understand that if you get hurt, I will be in danger as well. ” He’s a kind-hearted young man, naturally he won’t listen if I say not to protect me but if I say that I will be in danger if he gets hurt? Surely, he’ll think it over to keep me safe in his own way. 
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gonzalo-obes · 17 days
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Día Mundial del Asma, Día Mundial de los Huérfanos del Sida, Semana de Acción Contra los Mosquitos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Judit, Santa Mastidia, Santa Domilia y San Benedicto.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2006
Un equipo de investigación descubre cuatro fósiles de una nueva especie de peces en China, que data de hace 400 millones de años.
En Francia Jacques Chirac, líder de la derecha gaullista, resulta elegido presidente de la República, frente al candidato socialista Lionel Jospin. En 2002 logrará un segundo mandato que le mantendrá en la presidencia hasta 2007, año en el que renunciará a presentarse de nuevo. (Hace 29 años)
50.000 vietnamitas liderados por Ho Chim Minh arrebatan, tras 57 días de duro asedio, Dien Bien Phu a los franceses que la habían conquistado el año anterior exhaustos de la guerra en la jungla. Con anterioridad, en 1949, Ho Chi Minh inició la guerra de guerrillas contra los franceses, que intentaban mantener intactos sus intereses coloniales en el país. Esta derrota supondrá la retirada de Francia de sus intereses coloniales en Indochina. (Hace 70 años)
Se firma en Reims (Francia), el fin de la II Guerra Mundial en Europa tras más cinco años y medio de horror y con la rendición incondicional de Alemania. No obstante, hasta la rendición total de Japón, la victoria sólo está medio ganada. El 14 de agosto, Japón se rendirá a los aliados, después de ocho días trascendentales en los que se lanzarán dos bombas atómicas norteamericanas sobre territorio japonés. El 2 de septiembre concluirá oficialmente la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con la firma de la rendición japonesa en el acorazado Missouri, anclado en la Bahía de Tokio. (Hace 79 años)
El nacionalista Chiang Kai Chek se convierte en presidente del Consejo Central Supremo de la República China. (Hace 95 años)
Cerca del viejo faro de Old Kinsale frente a las costas irlandesas, el trasatlántico estadounidense Lusitania resulta hundido por submarinos alemanes. Perecen un total de 1.198 personas, 234 de las cuales son norteamericanas. 785 de las víctimas son pasajeros (entre ellos 291 mujeres y 94 niños) y 413 tripulantes. La muerte de los ciudadanos estadounidenses influirá notablemente para que los Estados Unidos entren en la I Guerra Mundial dos años más tarde. (Hace 109 años)
A cambio de 18 de las islas Kuriles, Japón cede a Rusia la isla de Sajalín meridional. (Hace 149 años)
En el Teatro de la Corte Imperial de Viena (Austria), abarrotado de un público selecto, tiene lugar el estreno de la Novena Sinfonía en re menor, de Ludwig van Beethoven, completamente sordo e impedido de oír nada de lo que su genio es capaz de crear. A partir del segundo movimiento, un público asombrado y embelesado por la riqueza y amplitud de lo que escucha, estalla en aplausos. Al final del concierto, un Beethoven emocionado verá entre lágrimas, a todos los asistentes puestos en pie que no pararán de ovacionarle. (Hace 200 años)
En Moscú (Rusia) se producen graves enfrentamientos por la sucesión imperial, ya que al morir el Zar Feodor III el 27 de abril pasado, la Asamblea Nacional elige como nuevo Zar a su hermano Pedro I, de 10 años de edad. La Corte, sin embargo, considera ilegal esta designación, pero reinará hasta su muerte en 1725, convirtiendo a Rusia en una potencia. (Hace 342 años)
En Francia, Juana de Arco al frente de un ejército de 5.000 hombres, se apodera del acceso de la ciudad de Orleans. Juana de Arco resulta herida de gravedad en su hombro izquierdo durante la batalla por una flecha inglesa. Al día siguiente su tropa tomará la ciudad y a continuación, realizará una serie de campañas triunfantes que despejarán al delfín Carlos el camino hacia Reims, permintiendo su coronación como Carlos VII de Francia el 17 de julio de este mismo año. (Hace 595 años)
Convocado por el papa romano Gregorio X, en la ciudad francesa de Lyon, tiene lugar la apertura del II Concilio de Lyon para adelantar una reforma de la Iglesia, la unión con los griegos y la situación de Jerusalén y las cruzadas. Se desarrollará a lo largo de seis sesiones a las que asistirán cerca de medio millar de obispos, sesenta abades y más de mil prelados o sus procuradores entre los que destacarán San Buenaventura que morirá durante las sesiones. Santo Tomás de Aquino, que también pretende participar en el concilio, fallecerá en el camino. El Concilio se cerrará el día 17 de julio de este año y nada de lo que se aprobará llegará a tener un total cumplimiento: La Iglesia no resultará reformada, las cruzadas no se continuarán, y la pretendida "unión" con la Iglesia griega no se materializará ni tan siquiera en un mero acercamiento. (Hace 750 años)
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cherryphobe · 1 month
Yall think pre war ghouls make fun of all the wastelanders who pronounce landmarks incorrectly? The 'Moe-Jave', or 'Kai-Zar's' Legion. You dumb mother fuckers.
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stalkerkyoko · 2 months
"Who? charles in savage land saved by kay zar
never heard of him
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