#Katashi’s outfit is beautiful
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [11]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.6K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: Hello my loves! If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know! And as always, I'd love to know your what you think since we did switch genres this chapter!
For everyone who congratulated me on my milestone and those who have sent in requests, A BIG THANK YOU! I will be working on those asap and let me tell you, I am sosososo excited to do them because you sent in some ANGSTY requests which i love love love! My heart broke reading some of them so I can't wait! Thank you so much again my love and happy reading! <3 Please don't hate me!
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Today was the big day. The day of the engagement party. The day you were going to be shown off as the Blood Prince’s bride-to-be and future queen of the Kingdom. You felt excited yet sick to your stomach at the same time. You’ve never attended these types of events as a servant before so you had no idea what to expect or how to even act. You couldn’t even imagine how the day was going to go.
You woke up, of course, an empty bed. Images of last nights events replayed in your mind, making your cheeks heat up. But you smiled. It was one of the happiest and most memorable times of your life. Could life get any better at this point?
You were quick to jump out of bed, in a rush to find Bakugou. Your feet were light and your chest was filled with love that you felt like you couldn’t spend another minute without him. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t realize that you were still in your rather revealing nightgown that exposed more skin than necessary. In the moment, that didn’t matter to you. The silky, white gown flowed behind you as you rushed to find the man of your dreams.
Bakugou was conversing with some of the boys, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari. By now, he hadn’t seen you yet which was perfect because now you could surprise him.
“Katsuki!” you shouted his name. The moment he turned around, you were jumping right into his arms. Your arms were tightly secured around his neck and your nose buried in the crook of his neck, giving you all of his scent. The boys had to turn away, faces red, out of respect for your privacy, as well as they didn’t want to die in the hands of a jealous Blood Prince. The boys immediately looked up, pretending that something had caught their eye so it wasn’t as obvious. Oh, but was it so obvious.
Bakugou was startled to see you in his arms so early. But quickly became protective when he saw what you were wearing. Nothing but sheer fabric? Revealing places that only Bakugou has seen? Not on his watch. Bakugou was quick to cover you up with his fur cape but also took to aside so no one was watching.
He takes you to a secluded hallway, or what seemed like one since he shooed everyone away. He places his hands on his hips and lets out a frustrated sigh.
“Why are you still in your nightgown?” he asks, annoyed. You give him a giddy smile while taking slow steps towards him. You place your fingers on his abdomen, slowly walking them up to tap his chest.
“I couldn’t wait to see you, my love,” you flirted in your best flirtatious voice possible. Bakugou couldn’t help himself. He pulled you in so your lips could meet. His kiss was so addicting, you wanted more of him. But like many good things, it was taken too fast for your liking. Bakugou had pulled away to rest your foreheads together, him breathless.
“You’re really tempting me,” he said in a raspy voice. “Should I take you right here, right now? For everyone to hear?” it was meant to be a threat but you giggled and one upped him.
“I’m all yours, your highness,” you say softly, getting closer to him all innocent like.
Bakugou didn’t really mean what he said. Did he want you right now? Absolutely. But it was all tease for fun and games. He wanted to rile you up as much as he can today so that later that night, that’s when they can have a lot of fun. Bakugou backs up and laughs at your pouting face. God, how he loved all your faces, all your expressions. You were so lively and expressive and beautiful. He couldn’t get enough of you.
“Later,” he promised. “You should be getting ready for the ball.”
“As should you, but I don’t see you all fancied up,” you argue. He nods his head and shoos you away by placing a hand on the dimples of your back.
“Yes, yes, I’m about to do that now. I’ll come find you when you’re ready?” you nod in excitement, not being able to wait for that moment. He gives you an affectionate look, teasing you with an eskimo kiss before leaving back to his men. You absolutely melted at his touch. Sigh, you were so in love, it was painful to watch.
The ball was only a couple hours away and you had just gotten finished dressing. Your servants had prepared a lovely ballgown for you that was breathtaking to look at. The color red was supposed to signify the power you were being married into. As well as to match with the Prince’s outfit but we will keep that on the downlow. The dress was embroidered with thousands of handstitched flowers in the waist to bust area, around the sleaves and a little bit more throughout the ends of the dress. Not only that, but you were bedazzled in large jewels: dangling earrings and a bold necklace to match with the red tiara sitting on your head. It was a glamorous and expensive look they were having you go for. Only appropriate for a princess, soon to be queen.
Your heart was going pitter patter when you saw yourself. You couldn’t believe it. This was really happening. You were going to be getting engaged to your love. There was a knock at the door and in comes Bakugou, looking all dashing and handsome.
You gasped at the way he looked. The normal Bakugou you would see would be wearing his usual: cape with no shirt underneath, a pair of washed out pants and his boots. But this Bakugou? It was like you were seeing a completely different person. He wore a suit like a Prince, red and gold to the fit. He even had a side pocket that contained a handkerchief. His hair was lazily slid back but it didn’t matter because he was still handsome in your eyes.
“I’m surprised. You’re actually wearing clothes for once,” you comment.
“Get a good look princess, because this is the only time you’ll get to see me like this,” he says. He comes to you, placing a chaste kiss upon your lips. He side eyes the girls in your room. That gave them the cue to leave. They bowed, quickly leaving the room to give you some alone time for now.
As soon as that door closes, Bakugou attacks your lips with harsh and hungry kisses. You hum into the kiss as your teeth clash against each other but he makes up for it by slipping his tongue in.
“Stop, not now,” you protest, trying to push him off but with lazy pushes of his shoulders.
“You’re just so pretty,” he responds, not stopping his actions. You start to giggle when he attacks your neck. He’s about to take off your chunky necklace but you whine.
“Katsuki!” you whine playfully.
“Yes, my love,” he says and your heart skips a beat hearing those words. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him one more time.
“Darling, you promised after the dance,” you reminded him.
“I said later. Now is later, right?” he tried to play it smooth but you weren’t buying it.
“Shouldn’t we head out? I feel guests should be arriving any second and we should greet them, no?”
“Fine. But I want to show you the ballroom first,” he insisted.
“Hm? Why? I can see it later,” you told him, not seeing what he was trying to do.
“It’s a surprise,” he said and he led you to the ballroom with closed eyes.
When you opened your eyes for the first time, everything was so pretty, you were in awe. The room was so spacious, enough room for hundreds of people to dance. There were extra chandeliers hanging with red ribbon draped over every light. Some tables were set up for seating and crimson flowers, the same shade as Bakugou’s eyes, decorated every corner, every table top, every space you could imagine. It was truly a sight to behold. You had seen the ballroom being built and put together but you had never seen the final piece like this. Bakugou comes up behind you, proudly, as you continue to admire the room.
“It’s all for you. Everythingis for you,” he said. You turn around to look him in the eyes and they were filled with admiration and love. Kirishima and the other soldiers were there, looking at how in love you both looked at each other. It warmed their hearts and put a smile on all their faces. Before you could grapple in each other’s face once again, Bakugou’s second oldest brother, Katashi, makes his entrance, also dressed for the occasion.
“Ah, if it isn’t the main characters for today,” Katashi spoke up, bowing in the direction of Bakugou. “Your highness.” He addresses the Prince in a sarcastic tone as he always does. But when he looks at you, he doesn’t say anything and brushes you to the side, like he didn’t acknowledge you at all. You felt awkward and tension rise in the air. Looking to the side, you could tell Bakugou was irritated.
“You will not disrespect your future queen like that,” Bakugou says.
“Forgive me, your highness.” He apologizes in a nasty, rude tone. “But however shall I call this… lady?”
“You will address her as, ‘Your Highness’”, he ordered. But Katashi doesn’t do so.
“I don’t think I should be addressing a mere servant with such high status,” he retaliates. And your stomach drops. You feel like your ears are deceiving you. How does he know? Was he just saying that to be disrespectful? Or does he actually know the truth? But how? You were protecting this secret so well, there’s no way he would have found out. Your heart rate was picking up the pace and your palms started to sweat. You had to focus on your breathing because if you didn’t, you would be having a full on panic attack and then your cover would be blown. While you were feeling all these rollercoaster of emotions, Bakugou was furious and grabbed his brother by the collar.
“What did you fucking say?” he asked through gritted teeth. It was like his brother was asking to be punched in the face and Bakugou would gladly give it to him. Yet, his brother didn’t look fazed at all. He just smirked.
“Oh, dear brother. You didn’t know? She is not the real princess,” he points out. And if on cue, the realprincess walks out from her hiding spot, revealing herself to everybody. Anybody who sees her could tell that she was a real princess. By the way she walked and presented herself, she was the real deal. Bakugou didn’t look impressed but you could see his eyes wavering, like he was confused. Because to him, you were the real princess. Why would you lie to him? And how did you come here instead of the real princess? It didn’t help that you two looked almost identical to each other. There were only a small differences he could make out because he stared at your face for a bit too long when you were sleeping.
“How do you know for sure that’s the real princess? What if you’re just lying to be an ass?” he challenged but his brother laughed at his ignorance.
“Oh, silly brother. If only you went to all those parties like Father suggested instead of tending to those poor souls, you would know that that woman next to you in an imposter, and your fiancée is standing right next to me. I could tell from one look that that woman was just a poor servant,” he spat at you, making you flinch at his harsh words.
“Well go on, princess. Don’t make me wait for the show,” Katashi gave the real princess the floor with his cocky self. She rolled her eyes and stepped forward, looking down on you with all the hatred in her eyes.
“Bow,” she ordered. As if a spell had been cast upon you, you bowed until you were parallel with the ground.
“Your highness,” you greeted her. Shame. Shame was all you felt in that moment. Bakugou watched as you bowed down to this self-proclaimed princess and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Neither did anybody else. Because they were all watching. Kirishima. Sero. Kaminari. Mina. The other soldiers. The guards. The servants. They were all watching you get put into your place.
“You really thought you could get away with this. I trusted you to break off this engagement and now you’re here? Marrying him in my place? How did you not think you were going to get caught? Well how does it feel now? To be humiliated in front of all these people who think you are royalty. Only to be revealed as some lowlife peasant who serves, not to be served,” she hissed at you. Every word stung your heart because it was true. You were an imposter who thought you could get away with marrying an unattainable man you fell in love with.
Bakugou had heard enough. His eyes were dark and his heart was fueling with rage. He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he takes your wrist and painfully drags you away into a room. He slams the door in anger and shoves you up against the wall.
“Katsuki,” you wanted to explain but he punches the wall next to you, making you tense up.
“Don’t fucking put my name in your filthy mouth,” he spits at you. And your heart breaks. Bit by bit, until a dull pain was left in place of your heart. But you had to keep preparing yourself because you know he wasn’t done there. You looked down at the ground, feeling put in your place, back as a servant. You couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore.
“You lied to me,” he breathed heavy, trying to maintain his cool but it was so, so hard.
“I was going to tell you,” you choked, barely able to get that sense out. The lump in your throat hurt so bad that you don’t know how you were going to speak.
“When? Until we were already married and start a family? Until I’m on my death bed? When? WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?!” he shouted, repeatedly hitting the wall. You were sobbing at this point, but you tried your best to keep it all together. For your own sake.
“When were you going to tell me?” he whispered, broken. Tears ran endlessly from your eyes and you shook your head, not knowing the answer.
“Everything we had was a lie. Everything I told you, was from my heart. And you just kept lying, and lying, and lying,” he talked to himself, turning away from you so he could narrate your whole relationship in his head. But you reached out to him. Despite you being in the wrong, you didn’t want to see him go. It couldn’t end like this. You wanted to explain. If he just let you explain, maybe, maybe things can turn around.
“Your highness, I lov-” you began but as soon as Bakugou heard those words, he became furious once again. He grabbed a dagger that was secured in his holster and threw it at you effortlessly. The knife landed right beside your head, barely slicing your cheek. Had he thrown it any closer, you would have been dead. But Bakugou was too confused in his feelings that he missed on purpose to let you live.
“Don’t you dare say that to me. I want you out of my sight, peasant,” his words stung like venom. Tears continued to pour out and before you knew it, servants were harshly tugging at the elegant clothes on your body until only white under garments were worn. You were escorted out of the palace with Bakugou not even sparing you another glance.
A/N: :)
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma @bakugousmrs @random-fandom-girl-24 @monetfatalia @triviajeongin @readingslumpfanfic @softredrobin @daddy-daichis @stardream14@spicysherlock @cathwritestragediesnotsins @luvtaromilktea @aaannaabbanana@i-ameri-cant @shyonigirichan @aomi04 @anime-for-live @maggiecc @cloudsgathering @backoftheletter @moshi-moshi-angie015
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