#Kaserne Basel
sinfried · 2 years
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Obwohl ein Plugin veraltet war und etliche von Euch die Nachricht erhielten, dass die Verbindung zum Sinfried unsicher sei und daher mit dem Lesen lieber warten wollten bis mein BrudiFried sein technisches Knowhow einsetzt, freue ich mich, dass mein letzter Beitrag dennoch über 250 Aufrufe hatte. Witzigerweise wurde auch die Umfrage nicht nur von Personen aus der Schweiz und Deutschland gemacht,…
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kHaus Basel: Transformation and refurbish of main building in Kaserne Barracks by Focketyn del Rio Studio @focketyndelriostudio. Miquel del Rio + Hans Focketyn Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Adrià Goula @adriagoulaphoto. All under one roof: Focketyn del Rio Studio completes the transformation of the kHaus Basel, Switzerland. The transformation of a pre-existing building into a new cultural center has become a model for circular architecture and re-use: built 150 years ago as a military barracks, this seminal building has just become a new public nexus in the heart of Basel. In 2013, Miquel del Rio and Hans Focketyn won the international competition to reconceptualize the existing Basel Barracks main building, creating a cultural beacon that, after an eight-year transformation process, is now open to the public, the city, and the future… #basel #switzerland #culturalcenter #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMP0l2Lg6Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hbedebiyatsanat · 8 months
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Kültür, sanat, edebiyat programımız #KaralamaDefteri’nin bu akşamki konuğu Yönetmen Aydın Sevinç olacak. Birlikte Orient Express Kültür ve Sanat Derneği'nin etkinlikleri, Orient Express Film Günleri ve Kültür Haftaları hakkında, sanat çalışmaları ve güncel gelişmeleri de katarak konuşacağız. Tüm dostlarımızı söyleşimize, Karalama Defteri'ne, #MardefTv 'ye bekliyoruz..
22 Ekim 2023 Pazar Avrupa saati 20.00
Türkiye saati 21.00 MARDEF TV Ekranlarında
Mardef Radyo / TV
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Orient Express Kültür ve Sanat Derneği
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Orient express film günleri ve kültür haftalari 2023
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Film gösterimleri
24 – 30 Ekim tarihleri arası – Quinnie Sineması
1-5 Kasım tarihleri arası – Uto Kino ve Rote Fabrik
8-19 Kasım tarihleri arası – Neueskino
St. Gallen
9 – 27 Kasım tarihleri arası – Kinok
2 Kasım
İlhan Erşahin’in İstanbul Session konseri- Kaserne Basel
4 Kasım
İlhan Erşahin’in İstanbul Session konseri – Rote Fabrik Zürih
1 Aralık
Aynur Doğan konseri- Stadtcasino Basel
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Dayanışma inceliği gösteren dostlara şimdiden çok teşekkür ediyorum.
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isvicreninsesi · 1 year
1 Mayıs İsviçre kentlerinde direnişle karşılandı
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🇨🇭SESİ- İsviçre’nin onlarca merkezinde kadın emeğinin sömürüsüne karşı “Kadın emeği değerlidir” diyerek alanlara çıkan on binler, 1 Mayıs'ı “Jin, jiyan, azadî” sloganıyla karşıladı.
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Emekçilerin Uluslararası Birlik, Mücadele ve Dayanışma Günü olan 1 Mayıs, İsviçre'nin İsviçre’nin Zürih, Cenevre, Lozan, Basel, Bern, Luzern, St Gallen, Wintherthur, Solothurn dahil onlarca merkezinde düzenlenen etkinliklerle kutlandı. ZÜRİH Zürih 1 Mayıs Komitesi tarafından 29 Nisan'da başlayan kutlamalar, bugün binlerin katılımıyla düzenlenen yürüyüşle devam etti. Alte Kaserne meydanında 29 Nisan'da başlayan kutlamalarda İsviçre, Kolombiya, Küba, Afganistan, İran, Filistin, Türkiye ve Kurdistan’dan çok sayıda göçmen kurum, örgütler, siyasi parti, sivil toplum kurumları ve sendikalar tarafından stantlar açıldı. Üç gün boyunca devam eden etkinliklerde iklim krizi, doğanın yıkımı, kadın özgürlüğü, cins eşitliği, savaşlar, ekonomik kriz, ırkçılık ile göçmen sorunlarının ele alındığı podyumlar ve sunumlar gerçekleştirildi. 1 Mayıs etkinlikleri kapsamında bugün düzenlenen yürüyüşe ise binlerce kişi katıldı. Helvetiaplatz’da bir araya gelen binler, üzerinde “Jin, jiyan, azadî” yazılı ana pankart arkasında yürüyüşe geçti. Oluşturulan yürüyüş kortejinde yer alan kurumlar tarafından yürüyüş boyunca kapitalist sistemin kadınlara, işçi ve emekçilere, ezilen halklara, doğaya, yaşama yönelik saldırılarına karşı açıklamalar okundu. Anarşist ve otonom gruplar tarafından bankalara kapitalist iş merkezlerinin camlarına boyaların fırlatılması üzerine çok sayıda kişi gözaltına alındı. Yaklaşık bir saat süren yürüyüşün ardından Bellevue alanında ulaşan kitle, burada bir miting gerçekleştirdi. 1 Mayıs Komitesi tarafından yapılan konuşmalarda “Toplumsal cinsiyet adaleti mücadelesini sınıf mücadelesiyle birleştirelim” denilerek 14 Haziran İsviçre Kadın Grevi'ne güçlü katılım çağrıları yapıldı. Yürüyüş, konuşmalar ardından sonlandırılırken kitle tekrar 1 Mayıs alanına dönerek etkinliklerine devam etti. Alte Kaserne alanında gün boyu düzenlenen etkinliklerde Daf Connection tarafından düzenlenen konser ilgiyle izlendi. Öte yandan Medico International, “Rojava: Devrim, Kadın Kurtuluşu ve Sağlık” konulu panel gerçekleştirdi. 1 Mayıs etkinlikleri geç saatlere kadar süren konserler serisiyle sonlandırıldı. WINTERTHUR Winterthur'da 1 Mayıs etkinliğini İsviçre'nin en büyük sendikası olan UNIA Sendikası organize etti. Etkinlik Aufbau, Antifa, CDK-S Winterthur (Demokratik Kürt Toplum Merkezi), Grünen Partisi, sosyalistler, anarşistler ve çeşitli grupların katılımıyla gerçekleşti. Saat 11:00’da Steinbergasse’de başlayan yürüyüş, yaklaşık bir buçuk saat sürdü. Yürüyüş boyunca 1 Mayıs'ın anlam ve önemine ilişkin birçok slogan atıldı. Yaklaşık bir buçuk saat süren yürüyüş, Winterthur şehir merkezi içinde devam etti. Yürüyüş, renkli görüntülerle başladığı noktaya geri döndükten sonra buruda yapılan konuşmalarla son buldu. BASEL Basel'de düzenlenen 1 Mayıs yürüyüşünde, kanton polisi otonom ve anarşist grupları hedef alarak saldırdı. Sabah saatlerinde Die Welt Park’ta bir araya gelen siyasi parti, sendika ve göçmen kurumlar buradan yürüyüşe geçti. İlk 10 dakika boyunca normal seyrinde devam eden yürüyüş korteji Elisabethen Kilisesi önünden geçerken ani ve sebepsiz bir şekilde polisin saldırısına uğradı. Enternasyonalist kortejin arasına dalan polis,  Anti-faşist grubu ayırıp, diğer eylemcilerin yürümesinde sorun olmadığını bildirdi. Sebepsiz bu müdahaleye halk tepki gösterdi. Ardından polis orantısız bir şekilde gaz bombası ve plastik mermiyle saldırdı. 1 Mayıs Komitesi, izinli olan bu eyleme karşı yapılan saldırıyı kabul etmediklerini belirterek, ablukaya alınan arkadaşları serbest bırakılıncaya kadar eylemlerini sürdürecekleri mesajını verdi. Polis saldırısında birçok kişi gazdan etkilendi veya yaralandı. Burada 6 saate yakın süren bekleyişin ardından kitle yürüyüşe devam etti. 22 kişi gözaltına alınırken, çok sayıda  kişi de kimlik kontrolü sonrası serbest bırakıldı. Kasernen meydanına ulaşan kitle adına yapılan konuşmalarda polisin orantısız ve anlamsız saldırısı protesto edildi. CENEVRE Cenevre’de Place de Gare'de toplanan dünyanın birçok noktasından farklı örgüt, sendika, oluşum ve siyasi partiden binlerce kişi, 1 Mayıs’ı kutladı. Kentte yaşayan Kürtlerin de dahil olduğu kutlamada, çalınan müzik eşliğinde bir süre halay çekildi. Ardından pankartlar açan kitle flama ve bayraklar taşıdı, düdük çalarak yürüyüşe geçti. Yürüyüş boyunca 1 Mayıs'a yönelik açıklamalar okundu. Park du Bastion’da yürüyüş sonlandırılırken, burada da çeşitli etkinlikler düzenlendi. ST GALLEN St Gallen’de aralarında Demokratik Kürt Toplum Merkezi'nin de yer aldığı 1 Mayıs kutlaması büyük bir coşkuyla geçti. Grabenhalle meydanında toplanan kitle, büyük bir coşkuyla kent merkezine doğru yürüyüşe geçti. Yürüyüşün ardından 1 Mayıs alanına ulaşan kitle, burada bir miting gerçekleştirdi. Kurumlar adına yapılan konuşmalarla devam eden kutlamada bilgilendirme stantları açıldı ve bir dizi konser düzenlendi. BELLINZONA   Read the full article
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sergj7 · 2 years
Toshinori Kondo & Paul Lovens - 1987-03-20, Kaserne, Basel, Switzerland
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Iels sont toujours aussi belles et beaux, impressionnants, drôles, et magnifiques ! . À l'échelle, par la Cie Moost, Kaserne Basel. (at Kaserne Basel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch1PhcRo4tn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shoosalmon · 2 years
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i never read artbook fair basel 2022
at kaserne basel
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designdailynet · 2 years
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kHaus Basel: Transformation and refurbish of main building in Kaserne Barracks by Focketyn del Rio Studio, Miquel del Ri… Visit #DesignDaily for more #architecture and #design DesignDaily.net #architect #interiordesign #designer #home #homedecor #landscape #house #decor #building — view on Instagram https://scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/290112754_435055898195714_8632822043719217323_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=IqgkDyedpyYAX_ylm21&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT_8BfXLlD-r4RKjL4SZgijSKt2SvdTKnxiJcxEyiQyt0g&oe=62B9A822
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sinfried · 3 years
"Der Reiz des Nebensächlichen"
“Der Reiz des Nebensächlichen”
Was für ein genialer Titel, den “die nomadisierenden veranstalter” (Hg.) ihrem Buch mit “sieben [alternativen] Spaziergängen durch Basel“ (erschienen im Park Book- Verlag) gegeben haben. Wie der Name schon sagt, führen sieben Spaziergänge durch Basel. Die Idee ist so genial, dass ich fast verführt bin, diese Reihe für andere Städte fortzusetzen. Was diesen speziellen Reiseführer besonders macht?…
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marcopapiro · 7 years
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Ensemble Phœnix / Lou Reed / Ulrich Krieger Metal Machine Music Design: Marco Papiro Offset print, 420 × 594 mm
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hibasel-blog · 5 years
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morning blue #morningblue #blue #painter #basel #kleinbasel #kaserne #fridaysforfuture (hier: Basel, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw_SOaAJLdM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=191ou63w0e9qr
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artcademia · 3 years
I have been grappling with this assignment for weeks now. Amidst the absurdities of an ongoing global pandemic that forces us to work, write and study from home, and the partial lockdown which forced my workplace to close for an indefinite time many weeks ago, I suddenly find myself with an abundance of time and a complete lack of inspiration and motivation at once. It took me forever to figure out which approach to take to this assignment. This was, however, not because the topics that we talked about in class did not stay with me – because they did. I very often find myself thinking about our session with Stacy Hardy and the way she drew our attention to our relationships with our own bodies. I have since made it a habit to actively try to sense myself in my whole body.
I remember back when I was younger, when I was still training for and performing in the circus, I used to be very much aware of my body and its strengths and limitations at all times. We spent months trying to push our bodies to new limits, constantly urging for more – more flexibility, more strength, more control. And we did it without consciously knowing that this was what we were doing. It never felt like exercising. It was merely part of the build-up to the annual climax: the public circus shows during the last week of summer break. Our bodies were our instruments; we used them as a means to tell stories to an audience.
In fact, many artists – particularly those who work in the performative sector – rely on their bodies to narrate stories or impart knowledge or emotions. And while actors or clowns usually use both their bodies and voices to portray characters and to narrate stories, dancers and acrobats are mostly restricted to their bodies. They move their bodies to tell their tales. The body is an important and absolutely essential part – not just of artists – but of every single person on this planet. By ‘body/-ies’, I refer to our actual physical bodies; that is our skeleton, muscles, organs, flesh, blood and skin. Bodies come in many sizes, shapes and colours. They can be flexible or stiff, tender or hard, fit or flabby, strong or weak, big or small, injured or healthy. They are incredibly versatile and can be shaped with the help of nutrition, exercise or drugs or even permanently altered through surgical intervention. Bodies can be decorated with tattoos, piercings, jewellery and clothes. Bodies can get ill or injured and bodies can be healed or even heal themselves.
And bodies have – at least in some way – been a very prominent topic throughout these past couple of months. The pandemic has forced us to focus thoroughly on how bodies work, how they can be vulnerable, how they can transmit diseases and what we have to do to keep them safe. Our bodies vulnerability to external hazards such as viruses has dominated and determined all kinds of decision-making during this pandemic. Decisions that were designed to protect as many bodies as possible, ironically forced many bodies into intermission. As theatres, opera houses, circuses, concert halls, sports stadiums and all sorts of stages had to shut their doors, millions of artists and performers suddenly find themselves unable to do the very thing they need to do to survive – both financially, physically and emotionally.
The movement of bodies has been restricted in various ways during this seemingly never-ending pandemic. Borders have been closed – not for goods, but for bodies – airplanes have been grounded, trains, trams and busses have come to a halt, ships were stuck in harbours, some governments have imposed curfews. And so, all over the world bodies have been stuck at home – at least those that have a home – to prevent them from ending up in body bags.
And many – including myself – have experienced feelings of rustiness, stiffness and ache due to a lack of movement. Confined to the safety of my apartment, I have come to re-evaluate my relationship with my body and the part I play in my physical and emotional wellbeing. I cannot even begin to imagine what this must feel like for dancers, acrobats or athletes. What if they are not only prevented from performing in front of an audience, but are also banned from their training halls, stages and dance studios? What does this situation do to people who are used to expressing their emotions through their bodies?
Back in May 2019, I went to see Jeremy Nedd & Impilo Mapantsula’s (CH/ZA) dance performance The Ecstatic at Kaserne Basel (co-production). The description of their show read as follows:
Pantsula, a historically significant South African subculture. Expressed not only as a powerful dance form which is well known for it’s [sic] high-speed virtuosic footwork, but also evident through a dress code, language, music, and a particular philosophy of life that is all it’s [sic] own. An expression that during Apartheid gave a voice to a whole generation. Praise Break, a mode of praise. A moment... a pause… a break in the context of the Christian Pentecostal Church service, where the dancing body, voice and music energetically coalesce and as a result blur the difference between ecstatic and cathartic. What happens when the aesthetics of these two worlds converge? What happens in this transcendental moment of “break”[?] Within the dance piece The Ecstatic six Pantsula dancers turn to the motions that lead up to the praise break in order to find out, and “break open” a new space all their own.
– https://www.kaserne-basel.ch/en/programme/the-ecstatic/07-05-2019_20-00
The show was phenomenal, and the audience seemed to be blown away throughout. The lightness, humour and flow with which the dancers moved across the stage was stunning and intoxicating. The performance was celebrated with a roaring round of applause and a standing ovation.
After the show, the audience had the opportunity to meet the crew and ask questions during an open discussion with the dancers and choreographers. Jeremy Nedd (CH) and the dancers (Impilo Mapantsula, ZA) explained, that the pantsula dance had its origins in the black townships of apartheid South Africa – particularly in Sophiatown and Alexandra in Johannesburg. The pantsula dance style and culture was developed by black South Africans as a form of peaceful protest against the racist apartheid regime. The dance moves originate from various everyday actions or movements frequently performed by black workers – for example running alongside and jumping on a moving train, sweeping the floor, or assembly-line work. Therefore, the pantsula dance tells the story of black South African workers. This is also reflected in their dance uniforms: pantsula dancers typically dress in colourful work wear inspired clothes, such as bib overalls and converse. According to Impilo Mapantsula, pantsula is not only a dance style, but rather a lifestyle and culture in itself.
What struck me, was the complete absence of women in the Impilo Mapantsula dance crew. When I questioned them about it, they explained that pantsula was originally developed and performed by men only. From the 1980s onwards, there was also an increasing number of female pantsula dancers. Impilo Mapantsula is actually a larger network of pantsula dancers in South Africa, which also includes women. However, they did not specify as to why they did not include any of them in the show.
I wonder what the pandemic with its curfews and lockdowns has done to the pantsula dancers and culture. Do they still meet in secret to dance? Do they dance together via skype or zoom in front of their smartphones? Do they now have to dance alone? What will happen to this culture and art form if it is forced to stand still for too long? How are they going to teach the next generations of pantsula dancers? How do they ensure that the knowledge and history communicated through this highly complex dance style will live on?
Pantsula is but one of countless forms of performative art which are practiced all over the world. How many of them will survive the pandemic? How will they change? Is the performative culture going to be changed throughout? Will dancers, actors and acrobats start to integrate physical distancing into their performances? I guess only time will tell.
Wanda Rutishauser
January 2021
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niandco · 4 years
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Renovation of the Kaserne Exhibition Space, Basel, Switzerland - Herzog & de Meuron (1980-1981)
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cherylprime · 5 years
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09/10/19 Caspar Brötzmann and @sunnofficial #casparbrötzmann #sunno #drone #amplifierworship (at Kaserne Basel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3bxUPCJO1S/?igshid=18i7etyy023dt
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designeverywhere · 5 years
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Kaserne Basel
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Dieses Showcase zeigt einen Auszug realisierter und freier Arbeiten.
Es finden sich Arbeiten für folgende Brands:  Choclo / Ginger Graphic / IBS / Oerlikon Solar / Sony / Swiss Music Awards / Tinguely Museum / Kaserne Basel / Kiehl’s …
Me Karin Glarner, eidg. dipl. Grafikerin > PDF CV (auf Anfrage)
Ausbildung Grafikfachklasse, Schule für Gestaltung Basel / 4 Jahre Vorkurs Schule für Gestaltung Basel / 1 Jahr - Berufliche Laufbahn: Zürich Tokio / 6 Jahre Kaserne Basel, Inhouse Grafikerin / 3 Jahre Büro für Gestaltung Michael Renner / 1 Jahr - Aktuell: GINGER GRAPHIC, selbständig www.gingergraphic.ch showcase-karinglarner.tumblr.com karin-glarner.tumblr.com behance.net/karinglarner
Tätigkeitsbereiche: Corporate Design, Editorial Design, Packaging, Web Design, Art Work +…Freelance Kontakt:  [email protected]
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