#Johnathan lynn
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do-you-know-this-play · 5 months
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yellowmagicalgirl · 3 months
Forgotten or Merely Parallel?
Celia, formerly known as Lynne, thinks back on what got her to the OIAR.
After episode 6, I was skeptical that the two Celia's were the same, and thought that it was a coincidence that they shared both a voice actress and a name (the latter easily explained by this being a podcast by Jonny Sims). And then episode 7 came out and inspired me to write this tripple drabble. Also, I feel simultaneously scared for John and also vindicated.
AO3 (archive-locked) | SquidgeWorld | FFN
It had been shockingly easy for Celia to create an identity for herself in this new world. Some part of her wondered if this was because she had lost the name of the woman she used to be before the prophets had rescued her. If she had no identity, then she was a blank slate molding herself to this world, instead of getting caught up on all the little details, all the little differences.
Perhaps there was a Celia in this world, too, or whatever her name was. Maybe if Celia remembered her original name, she could become the long-lost twin to this world's version of her. She had met versions of Arun and Laverne, but they didn't remember her or whatever alternate self she might have had.
Getting a job at the OIAR was easy enough, and Celia appreciated the minidoughnuts as well as the offers of biscuits and various warm beverages. She wondered if she had a greater appreciation for food in general after all the Ennui-branded coke bottles, or if her previous self had also been a foodie and Celia had merely forgotten. She was excited to start this job. No, excited wasn't the right word. Excited didn't cover how she was both desperate for a mundane life and unable to put what little she had of her past behind her. Perhaps that made her uniquely suited to this job, even if they weren't categorizing like the prophets.
But then there was John. John, who had known the prophets. John, who had been chased by tape recorders. John, whom Celia could imagine wrestling a manila folder - why did Celia say that? Why did she tempt fate?
John, who now spoke from the computer. Was this the one she had known, or was Chester merely this world's version?
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cowardlyoreo · 2 years
hiii again
more Batman stuff coming through
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well that's it uhhh bye
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sommerspage · 10 months
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Clue (1985)
Dir: Johnathan Lynn
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creativepup · 2 years
Was doing some research and discovered there have actually been several ballet adaptions of Dracula:
Michael Pink's Dracula - this version was developed in 1997 for the book's centennial, and also happens to be the version I'm familiar with (it's great 🦇). Follows a streamlined version of the book plot, Quincey is there, Seward gets combined with Van Helsing. There's a cool bit of choreography in the middle where Dracula goes upside-down climbing some scaffolding.
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Krzysztof Pastor's Dracula - based off of Coppola's film Bram Stoker's Dracula (which greatly deviates from the book plot). Mina is a reincarnation (?) of Dracula's long-lost wife from before he became a vampire. Has won multiple performing arts awards.
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Ben Stevenson’s Dracula - Set entirely in Transylvania in the 1800s (although Renfield is still there). Vampire brides fly around the stage, and Dracula gets sone epic bat wings.
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Gary Taylor's Dracula - like Pastor's version, this is a Dracula/Mina love story from Dracula's POV.
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David Nixon's Dracula (Northern Ballet) - Sexy Dracula TM. Opens with Dracula emerging nude from his coffin. Also features the blood transfusion and a Seward & Renfield number.
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Lynne Taylor-Corbett’s Dracula - Inspired by the 1931 Bela Lugosi film, though costumes definitely taking their own route. Designed to accompany a ballet adaptation of The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe.
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William Starrett's Dracula: Ballet with a Bite - Execution style varies from year to year (at least one year took a modern dance approach), though the storyline remains consistent. Includes Lucy getting staked.
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Gonzalo Galguera's Dracula - another Sexy Dracula adaptation, although less Halloween-store-variety and more leather.
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Honorary mention: Dracula, Pages from a Virgin's Diary - a Dracula ballet in movie form, shot silent-film style. Switches the order of Lucy and Johnathan's encounters.
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If anyone knows of any additional versions out there, let me know and I'll add them to the list!
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jackstanleyroberts · 6 months
The descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise Part 3
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 3 of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise, here's part 3 when you know about the descriptions of the characters & I already have done part 2 because in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise part 1 has the main characters some are newer & some are related to the legacy characters part 2 have supporting characters of the franchise. Here comes more of the newer characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
Supporting Characters: Part 2
India Eisley as Alivia Williams, an really Beautiful, Kind, Knowledgeable & Busy young woman who's being the elder sister of Ronald "Rory" Williams & Elaine Williams & she's born & raised in New York, she's being a student in Blackmore University & part of the friend group with The Fab Twelve & The Core Four.
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Bailee Madison as Riley Johnson, an Gorgeous, Badass, & Sassy young woman who's been cute as people call her as an bowtie on her head but she's definitely not that cute & she's ready to scrap on girls, because she's the kind friend of Terry & Larry Watkins as a part of their friend group. She's also the younger sister of Dorothy Johnson.
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Yvette Monreal as Lorraine "Lynn" Sanchez, an Shy, Beautiful, & Responsible young woman who's being a part of the friend group of Terry & Larry Watkins & she's the older sister of Laura "Lori" Sanchez.
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Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales, Intelligent, Independent, Sweet, Kind, Beautiful, & Hot young woman who's being a part of the friend group of the Watkins brothers & she's the sister of Damien "Dame" Yales. She's not a fan of horror movies like featuring cannibals & killer dolls.
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Hayden Byerly as Damien "Dame" Yales, an Tough, Kind, & Protective young man who's been a part of the friend group of the Watkins brothers & he's the brother of Isabella "Izzy" Yales by proxy they both being childhood friends with Terrence William "Terry" Watkins.
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The Friendly Posse: Part 1
Charlie Plummer & Katherine Langford as Samuel Johnathan "Sam" & Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid, the Tough, Kind, Supportive, & Caring older siblings of Graceland "Grace" Prescott & they're being friends with Fred & Will Hicks, they also the son & daughter of Sidney Prescott & Mark Kincaid.
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Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis, an Hot, Beautiful, Sassy, & Kind young woman who's being friends with The Hicks brothers Will & Fred Hicks.
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Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson, an Beautiful, Resourceful, & Friendly woman who's being friends with Fred & Will Hicks in their friend group.
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Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters, an Hard-Partying, Wild, Straight, & Kind young woman who's being a part of the friend group of Fred & Will Hicks & the younger sister of Eleanor "Ellie" Winters.
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More descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Stay Tuned!
What's your favorite scary movie?
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talkingtea · 2 months
That one anon that mentioned how Megan and Johnathan actually have people rooting for them was right. I saw this video today by youtuber, Lailah Lynn, because Megan's ex, the pastor Devon, is dating now. The majority of comments under the video think Megan and John are so cute together. Even though Lailah pointed out some disturbing abusive texts he sent his ex. A few said Megan is hurting her career by being with him, but it doesn't look like it to me. The video even said she's confessed to being in love with him. I don't get it.
This MG/JM thing is the most blatant PR we think we’ve ever seen (and that’s saying something) but inexplicably it seems to be working. Especially in spaces where the idea of ‘black love’ by any means necessary is prevalent. He needs a black woman by his side that he can be seen treating well and she needs exposure. It’s a win/win for both of them.
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sawtastic-sideblog · 9 months
"I meant to ask. What's the J for?" Peter asks as he hands Lynn her drink.
"Johnathan. After John."
"Well, that's sweet. Does he know yet?" Peter asks as Lynn nods. Lynn walks to her table to wait on Jeff and Corbett to arrive as Adam rushes through the door.
"Is it just me or has this snow gotten worse?"
"It's definitely gotten worse. Hopefully not too much worse. Wanna clock in and get some drinks for Jeff and Corbett ready. I'll get the ladies theirs," Peter suggests. Adam nods and heads back to the breakroom.
"Adam's socks are soaked. He's upset by it. I'll go get him more once I get these scones out," Amanda says walking to the kitchen.
"It's cold out," Pops says observing the snow falling outside the shop. "We may close down early."
"Whatever you think is best," Peter says watching Jeff and Corbett run in and over to the table Lynn is at, chatting with Adam. Timothy walks in a few minutes later followed by Lawrence and finally Mark within the hour.
"Peter," Pops calls from his office.
"Yeah?" Peter asks as he walks into the office.
"Inform everyone that we will be shutting down early. As in now early. Finally got the internet to connect long enough to check the weather. We have a big snow storm coming in. Give them each a bag of pastries on the house. If anyone needs a ride, help them find one."
"Yes, sir," Peter turns and goes to find his coworkers. "Adam, Amanda!"
The two emerge from the kitchen, each with a fresh tray of various pastries. Peter explains the situation and everyone springs into action. Amanda starts bagging up pastries, Adam makes everyone a warm beverage for their journey home, and Peter goes to switch the sign to 'closed' and starts making his rounds and telling everyone the news.
Just as everyone starts to get ready to venture out into the cold, a loud crash is heard. Everyone goes silent as they turn toward the door. Some with looks of confusion, others with concern, and Corbett with fear.
"Mom? What happened?"
"I don't know, honey," Lynn says as she looks to Peter for an answer. He can only stand hopeless staring at the snow covered glass door. Pops strides up to the counter.
"The backdoor is covered too," he says solemnly. "I'm going to make some calls. Adam, Amanda, Peter, drinks on the house."
The three scramble into action, making sure everyone is comfortable. Pops comes back about forty five minutes later.
"What's going on, Pops?" Adam asks from the Old Bitty Commitee table.
"The abandoned building behind us collapsed, according to Jill. She said it was so old that the structure couldn't take the weight of the snow. It fell this way and blocked off at least eight stores on this side. Six across from us. There are people buried out there, so if yall see anybody get them inside. I called the mall office and they said emergency personnel are working on getting us all out, but cars and motorcycles, in Adam's case, are all buried. If we get out the city will be providing busses to get all of us home. For now, everyone get comfortable, charge your phones, computers, whatever you have in case we lose power, and get settled in because it looks like we're gonna have a long night. Happy New Year Ever, everyone."
Concerned whispers go around the shop. Peter goes towards the breakroom with Amanda, pulling Adam along with her, not far behind.
"Remember Pops' birthday? Where we played games and had a movie night here with some of our regulars?" Peter asks Amanda.
"Yeah, I think the games are in the cupboard and we should still have that projector and screen somewhere," she replies while going to rummage through a closet. Adam plugs in his phone and takes his laptop from bag and plugs it in as well. Peter and Amanda also plug in their phones.
"Found the games," Adam says pulling down Monopoly, Clue, Chess, Checkers, a deck of cards, Uno, Phase 10, and some weird headband game. He walks out into the cafe and sets the games down. "I found these if anyone wants to play. I think Peter and Amanda are still looking for things. I'll go back to help them."
"You good?" Peter asks as Adam returns to the breakroom. Adam shakes his head, his cheeks flushed.
"I can't help but feel like an idiot when I talk to Lawrence. I'm a full on fool when I do anything remotely close to public speaking, so having Lawrence here as I talk to a room full of people. I'm just a dolt."
"Don't beat yourself up. It's rough having to talk to people. I get it," Amanda says, placing a hand on Adam's shoulder. Adam shakes his head again.
" I don't think you do, Amanda. I like this guy. I thought he was super attractive the day I fist saw him and I've kinda gotten to know him the last month, even though I don't really talk to him. I see the books he's reading and I look them up. I've read a couple. I listen to the conversations he has with other patrons. He's so smart and kind and funny. I'm in deep, guys. I'm in way too deep."
"I'd say so," a voice from the doorway says. Adam jumps and turns around to find Cal there. His face turns to worry. "I'm not gonna tell anyone. Calm down. I just came back to see if you needed help to find the projector."
"Please," Peter says. "I don't remember where we put it."
"Pops' office. The DVD player is in there and the DVDs."
"Thanks, Cal," Peter says, ruffling her purple hair that is currently pulled into low ponytail. She swats at his hand and follows him into the office. About twenty minutes later, the projector is up and everyone decided that Corbett got to pick the movie. The opening credits to Flushed Away plays on the screen as a thud is heard on the window.
"It's a kid," Mark says as he makes his way to the door. He opens it and plows, head first, into the snow. Lawrence and Lynn stand near the door ready to take a look at the boy. Mark grabs the kid by the arm and drags him through the snow to his body. They make their way through the door. Jeff and Adam push it closed as Amanda and Cal sweep the snow out. Peter and Pops provide them with towels and the two doctors are immediately looking over the boy. He's a teenager probably around sixteen. His blond hair in wet curls against his forehead. Lawrence is checking his pulse while Lynn checks his eyes with her cellphone flashlight. Timothy offers a few suggestions about getting him warm.
"Here, Mark," Peter says as he holds out a towel.
"You're soaked."
"Snow is water, Peter."
"He's alright," Lawrence says to the worried crowd. "A little cold but nothing life threatening right now, but I do suggest a proper doctor's visit after this."
"What's your name, son?" Pops asks crouching in front of the chair the kid is in.
"Daniel Matthews."
"Where were you coming from?"
"I was out with my friend, Brent. We were trying to leave and got separated when the snow fell. I managed to make my way here. I'm freezing."
"Adam, make him a drink. Peter I think there's at least some shirts in the store room," Pops tells Peter who start walking to the store room, Mark hot on his heels.
"Can I help you?" Peter asks as he walks in.
"I'm helping you find a shirt for the kid. And for me. I'm cold too."
"Fair enough."
It takes the men a couple of minutes to find a box of shirts with the logo of the shop on them. Mark sheds his button up and undershirt, leaving him bare chested inches from Peter, who takes in the view. Discreetly of course. He looks down at the shirt in his hands but his eyes follow Mark's body down to his waistband.
"Like what you see?"
"Considering I designed this shirt. Yes, I do."
Mark hooks his fingers under Peter's chin and makes eye contact. Peter swallows hard and tries to avoid Mark's burning eyes. Mark's hand drops to the shirt and he pulls it over his head. He leans in close to Peter's ear.
"This could all be yours. Just say the word. I'll leave you to take care of that," Mark says as he takes the shirt from Peter's shaky hands. Peter let's out a breath after Mark closes the door. Slowly, Peter sinks to the floor and groans. Feeling the effect Mark has left on him. Painfully so.
The door opens, someone enters, and the door closes again. The person sits in the floor across from Peter. He knows who it is and that they won't take until Peter is ready. A cup and a napkins with a cookie on it enter his view. The pair sit in silence for a few more minutes. Peter finally takes the cup and brings it to his mouth. The scent of chamomile enters his nose.
"My favorite."
"Especially the way I make it?" Pops jokes. Peter nods almost pathetically.
"What's wrong with me, Pops?" Finally meeting Pops' eyes, Peter questions. Sad blue eyes meeting older, sympathetic eyes.
"Nothing, Peter. There is nothing wrong with you. You have a crush on a man. And for the first time, you're letting yourself feel it. At least, a little bit. It's scary, I know."
"Fucking terrifying."
"Let yourself feel it. Take it slow. Set your boundaries. Let Mark know that you're interested in more than just the physical way you body reacts," Pops says making a vague motion towards Peter's lap. "I just want you to be happy. Give yourself that. I've seen you beat yourself up over things, throw yourself into women when you feel like you've had feelings for a man, and I've seen you going crazy over Mark for a month. Please, Peter, let him in. Let yourself fall. If you get hurt, that's life, but I don't think that Mark will hurt you. He's a gentleman through and through, but he is a big flirt."
"Did you have this talk with Adam, too?" Peter asks chuckling as he sniffs and wipes his eyes with the arm holding his cup.
"No, but I don't need to. He's realized it. Of course, he can always ask questions and come to any of us."
"Pops, I'm scared," Peter whispers meeting his eyes. Tears fall as he tries to quickly wipe them away.
"Talk to him. Nine hours to midnight. Maybe you'll have a new years kiss," Pops says chuckling to himself. Peter throws the now empty napkin at him.
"Crazy old man," Peter laughs. "I'm gonna sit in here a while. Think about things."
"Take your time, son. We'll be waiting."
Peter nods as Pops stands.
"No matter what, Peter, I still love you."
"I love you, too, Pops."
Pops walks back to the group and looks around. The of the four older ladies in the corner booth have taken it upon themselves to each knit a part of a sweater for Daniel. Cal is crocheting parts of it. Adam is refilling Jeff and Timothy's coffees as they play chess. Lynn and Corbett are watching the movie. Lawrence is reading his book, occasionally looking up at the movie or at Adam. Amanda is talking to Daniel and making him play Checkers. Mark walks out of the bathroom and over to Pops.
"I take it you talked to him about me?" Mark asks, although it wasn't much of a question.
"Don't hurt him. I don't have any kids and Peter is like my son," Pops responds, not looking at Mark.
"I promise you, Pops, it is not my intention to hurt him. I really like him."
"I know," Pops nods, "and I know you are going to respect him. You have me, Jill, Amanda, and, now, Adam to answer to. As well as that booth of ladies and many other people who love Peter."
"I know."
"Good. Now, let him come to you and respect his wishes."
Mark nods and walks over to an empty table and starts watching the movie. A few minutes later, he spots Peter walk out of the store room and into the kitchen. Knowing Pops will kick his ass, he stays put and watches as Amanda forfeits her game with Daniel and walks to Adam, whispers something to him, and the pair walk to the kitchen.
"You okay? You didn't walk out with Mark and we saw Pops go in to talk to you. Are you stress cleaning?" Amanda asks.
"Yep! I'm in love with a man. What's not to stress about?"
"In love?" Adam asks. Peter stops in his tracks and looks at his friends.
"Shit!" Peter laughs before whispering, "in love. I'm in love with fucking Mark. I don't even know his last name. Or what he does. Or anything about him other than his order and the fact he likes motorcycles and that he likes me. Oh fuck."
Adam smiles sadly at Peter, who is scrubbing the oven.
"I'm kinda going through the same thing. With Lawrence. So, if you need to talk, I'll be around. We're gonna leave you to it," Adam throws his arm around Amanda's shoulders and leads her out the door. Peter continues his scrub down of the kitchen. At various points Pops, Amanda, Cal, and a few others pop in to check on him, but not getting answers.
"You've been cleaning for about four hours. There's only four hours until New Year. Come celebrate with us," Amanda all but begs.
"I will. I've calmed down, but I want to finish the kitchen. It needed it."
"Can I help?"
"Sure. Sinks and counters are the last things as soon as I get these bowls up."
Amanda helps him put up the bowls and with clearing down the counters and sinks. The pair emerge from the kitchen with Peter stopping at the trashcan to take off the gloves he was wearing.
"Oh, Peter. Your hands. Lawrence!" Amanda calls. The doctor hurries to Amanda's call and eyes Peter's hands.
"Oh, Peter."
"Yeah, that seems the general consensus."
"Come on. Amanda the first aid kit, please."
"I'm fine."
"Your nails are scratched to hell. You've been bleeding. Please, humor me."
Peter sighs and nods. Lawrence carefully examines Peter's hands and cleans them with help from Amanda. Pops and Adam walk in.
"What happened?" Pops asks.
"I scrubbed shit too hard. Made my hands bleed."
"Will he live, Doctor Gordon," Adam jokes.
"He will live. His hands will be sore for a few days, but he will live."
"Good. We need him," Pops says.
A couple of hours later and someone has started a count down to midnight. One hour and fifty six minutes. After bandaging Peter's fingers, Lawrence asked Adam to talk. Pops provided his office. The two walked out a hour later and sat together at Lawrence's usual table. They have been chatting and laughing since. Corbett befriended Daniel and they played cards together and watched movies until they fell asleep. Corbett in Jeff's lap and Daniel with his head on Lynn's leg, his hand holding Corbett's. Jeff and Lynn are watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Old Bitty Commitee had long since finished Daniel's sweater, but he fell asleep before they could give it to him. The five commitee members are watching the movie, Timothy is playing a game of chess against Pops. Amanda is sitting with Peter. Both taking glances at the movie as they play rummy. Peter is also taking quick glances at Mark, who hasn't talked to him since their conversation in the store room.
"Go talk to him," Amanda whispers. Peter shakes his head. They keep playing and watching movies. Their game soon ends and Peter can't focus so they just watch the movie.
"Fifteen minutes until midnight," Gladys says excitedly. Exclaims of tired excitement sound from around the room. Peter doest hear them. He's staring at Mark, who is falling asleep. His chin resting in his hand. He looks so peaceful. Peter can't take it. He stands and walks past Mark, tapping his shoulder. He continues walking to the storage room. He sits in the spot he sat earlier. The door opens again and closes behind Mark, who sits across from Peter.
"Can I help you?" Mark asks. Peter shakes his head. "Then why did you tap me? If you don't want to talk, I'll go back to my table."
Mark goes to stand up but Peter grabs his wrist. Mark sits back down and looks at Peter. Peter look distraught.
"Hey, it's okay. Whatever it is."
"It's you."
"I figured."
"I'm scared."
"I know."
Peter nods and looks at Mark.
"Don't hurt me, please," Peter whispers. Mark nods but doesn't make a move even though he wants to hug him and hold him tight.
"I would never dream of it."
"What's your last name?"
"Hoffman. You?"
"Strahm. What do you do for work?"
"I teach history at the community college. You're a barista at the best coffee shop I've ever been to."
"Where did you grow up?"
"New York. Divorced parents. No relationship with my siblings or my father. I have a very straned relationship with my mother. We rarely talk."
"My dad died when I was twelve. Mom and I have dinner every Tuesday. If we're together, you have to come."
"I'd love to. What was your favorite subject in school?"
"I liked English. I like to read. Lawrence and I are thinking about starting a book club."
"That would be fun. I'd join."
"What is your special interest?"
"Other than you? Maritime. I like shipwrecks."
"That's morbid."
"A little, but I'm also a true crime junkie."
"Me too," Peter finally looks at Mark.
"Acid bath killings?"
"What was wrong with Haigh?"
"I don't know."
"Black Dahlia?"
"Fucked up," Mark says. Peter laughs a little and Mark watches his eyes light up. They fall into a comfortable silence and stare at each other.
"I really like you, Mark."
"I really like you, too, Peter."
"I'm scared all of this is new to me."
"I know. I won't hurt you."
"I know."
The crowd in the shop start counting down from ten. Peter looks at Mark wide eyed.
"We don't hav-"
"I want too."
"Five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!" Everyone chants. Lynn and Jeff share a quick kiss, Amanda and the commitee ladies toast their drinks to the New Year, Daniel and Corbett sleep through everything, Timothy and Pops shake hands, and Adam and Lawrence share their first kiss.
Peter pulls Mark by his shirt and kisses him timidly, but with passion. Mark pulls away first and leans his forehead against Peter's.
"Happy New Year, Peter."
"Happy New Year, Mark. Kiss me again."
"Gladly," Mark says, leaning back in.
The next morning, rescue workers have made their way to the shop. The Denlons, Timothy, and Daniel, who is now wearing his sweater, help the commitee to the bus. Cal trails along with their things. Amanda follows, dragging her feet. Adam and Lawrence walk out hand in hand, smiling at Pops along the way. Pops smiles back and goes to find Peter and Mark. He finds them still in the storage room, where they had talked until they fell asleep.
"Peter, Mark, wake up," Pops shakes them as he speaks. Peter groans and opens his eyes.
"What do you want, old man?" Peter asks groggily.
"Don't be mean, Peter," Mark says, eyes still closed.
"The rescue workers got to the door. They're letting us go home."
The men start to move. Mark lifts his head off of Peter's chest and looks at Pops. Minutes later, the men are at the door.
"We'll wait until the storm is over to reopen and clean up," Pops says as Peter and Mark walk past him.
"Good choice. I'll be asleep on my couch for three days then."
"With me by your side, I hope," Mark says, hopefully.
"Yeah, we need to talk more," Peter answers as he steps onto the bus. Adam and Lawrence have seats across the aisle from them. Peter and Mark take them. Adam and Peter smile at each other and share a fist bump.
"What's that?" Lawrence asks.
"What's what?" Adam asks back, playing dumb.
"That fist bump."
"Friends can't fist bump, Lawrence?" Adam asks, mocking offense. Lawrence chuckles and takes Adam's hand.
"Not the way the two of you did it, my dear."
"Yeah, there's something weird going on," Mark agrees. "They're already cheating on us."
"I would never," Adam defends. Peter frowns and looks at Mark.
"I wouldn't do that. I know what it feels like."
"I'm joking, Peter. I'm sorry. It wasn't a good one."
"It's okay."
"I accept the apology, too, there, Mark," Adam says.
"I'm sorry to you, too, Adam."
"So sensitive," Lawrence jokes.
"Sensitive, my ass," Adam says.
"Alright, everybody, listen up. I have a clipboard coming around. Put your address down and we will get going," the bus driver says. The passengers write down their addresses and when the bus pulls up to Peter's apartment, he and Mark get off together.
"Bye, Pops. Call me when we open again," Peter says as he passes the man. "And thanks for the advice."
"My pleasure. Have a good few days off, Peter. See you around, Mark. Take care of him."
"He will know nothing but pleasure for the foreseeable future," Mark winks. "See ya around, Pops."
The men enter Peter's apartment. Mark takes a look around the living space.
"I think we're about the same size. I'll get you some pajamas and I'll wash your clothes," Peter says as he disappears into the hallway. A minute later he is back with a stack of clothes for Mark, while wearing a pair of sweats and a hoodie. "Bathroom is first door on the right."
Once Mark is in the fresh clothes and Peter has started the washer the men sit on the couch. They talk about boundaries they have with certain things which eventually leads to them cuddling and watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
"Hey, Mark?"
"Yes, Peter?"
"What's your Hogwarts house?"
"Slytherin. You?"
"Sounds like you, babe."
"Babe?" Peter moves to where his chin rests on Mark's chest. Mark looks at him, slightly worried he's said something wrong. Peter smiles. "I like it."
Mark let's out a breath and chuckles.
Peter leans up and gives Mark a quick kiss. Mark's hand moves from behind his head to Peter's cheek, keeping him in place. Peter pulls away and looks back at the screen.
"Hey, I-"
"Shhhhhhh," Peter interrupts Mark again. He watches as Snape kills Dumbledore. "Everytime I watch this movie, I think the outcome will change. It never does."
"I've never see any of these movies. You just turned it on."
"Then how do you know your house?"
"Students. They also think I'm a witch. I haven't told them any different."
"Oh, cool, so my boyfriend is a witch."
"Boyfriend?" Mark asks. Peter looks at him in panic.
"I mean , if you want, we don't have to label it or anythi-" Peter is cut off by Mark swiftly sitting up, wrapping him in his arms, and kissing him.
"I've wanted nothing more for a month. I'm so glad I decided to walk into the shop."
"Me too."
Mark quickly kisses Peter again before laying back and pulling Peter on top of him. The pair drift off to sleep to the sound of Harry Potter.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Rabbit Hole🐇👇
Remember, in 2018, there were Child Sex trafficking camps founded on Clinton Foundation property that Cemex had owned!
This is going to tie in a lot here!👇
Don’t forget Black And Veatch joined Cemex in their new Start up!
Who gave to McCain’s Foundation?👇
Black and Veatch built bio labs for DTRA in 2003!
Who funded that?👇
Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca, the NIH and Bill Gates (there is your Finger Lakes connection)
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Who is the owner of Cemex?👇
Carlos Slim
He is the 2nd largest stock holder on NY stock exchange!
Does that make sense why The NY Times hates Trump!
Who is fighting human trafficking?🤔
From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world by the Forbes business magazine.
Cemex offers blood in their concrete, cement and mortar!
Cemex is linked to the Rothschilds, Bronfmans and Clinton’s!
Where the Tuscon sex trafficking camps were found is where Johnathan Rothschild was mayor!
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This is Sara Bronfman!
She is the Heiress of the Bronfman fortune and invovled with NXIVM sex cult and with Haiti!
She launched a trade agreement between Canada and Libya!
Sara also took trips to Benghazi up until the attacks!
Fathom that!🤔
How long have they been laundering money thru the colleges? 🤔
Let me explain! 👇
McCain Institute partnered with ASU and Thorn(think Ashton Kutcher)
McCain Institute has a board of Trustees!
Guess who is on it?👇
Lady Lynn Forrester de Rothschild of Bronfman
McCain was involved with the ASU program with the Philanthropy and Service cirriculumn!
ASU paid the Clinton Foundation 500k!
And let's not forget 👇
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cowardlysimon · 1 year
but here is how I think ,Batman, villains taste.
Scarecrow, / Johnathan, Crane,
rotting flesh
he was mauled half to death by Killer, Croc, nothing good is left 😭
Jervis, T,etch, / Ma,d Hatt,er
or anything sweet really
he's 4ft 11 go get him 😈
Edward Nygm,a / The Riddler,
motor oil grease and sweat
kiwi on special occasions what are those special occasions who knows (what did I mean by this)
Oswald Cobblep,ot / The Penguin,,
rasberries he just I dunno he looks like it
Harve,y De,nt / Two-Fa,ce
Whatever scabs tasted like
he used to taste like vanilla but yeah. Got half his face burnt off.
Maybe stick to one side.
Drury, Wal,ker / Kill,er ,Moth,
like a stuffed animal
the fur gets all stuck in your mouth and shit that's not fun
he's too big anyway
Garfie,ld Lynn,s / Firefl,y
She tasted like oranges at some point
Now he tastes like burnt flesh cuz she fucked up and now he has 3rd degree burns
Victor, Zsasz,
that's it
Victor, Fries,/ Mr. Freez,e (fries is pronounced freeze I got it wrong at first too)
Those fucking popsicles that are red white and blue
Y'all know them right
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Pamela, Isle y/ Poison, Ivy,
Idk spinach?? Or cauliflower.
Selina Kyl,e / Catwom,,an
Licorice. I hate Licorice
uhahhsh can't think of anymore if you think of someone just ask I guess I'll do other DC, characters too since this old draft was just ,Batman,, :p
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GG and JJ in Hotel Paradiso, 1980
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
Frostverse Sountrack!
This post will get updated as I think of stuff <3 <3 <3 Some of these have full spotify playlists! Ask if you'd like the link.
The Family
-You're Dead by Norma Tanega
-Our House by Madness
-Our Word by Jessie Shelton
-Finale Ultimo (Don't Feed The Plants) from the Little Shop of Horrors Soundtrack
-Schadenfreude from Avenue Q
-Dive Into The Madness by Dan Bull
-Sabbath Bloody Sabbath by The Cardigans
-Happy Meal II by The Cardigans
-Step On Me by The Cardigans
-Stuff Is Way by They Might Be Giants
-The Ballad Of Jane Doe by Emily Rohm
-Skinned by Blind Melon
-She's Not There by The Zombies
-Killer Queen by Queen
-Suburbia Overture/Greetings from Mary Bell Township!/Vampire Culture by Will Wood
-Halloweenie IV: Innards by Ashnikko
-Nuttin For Christmas by Art Mooney and Barry Gordon
-Suzy Snowflake by Rosemary Clooney
-I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas by Gayla Peevey
-Frosty the Snowman by The Ronettes
-They're Coming To Take Me Away by Sloppy Jane
-Tonight You Belong To Me by Patience and Prudence
-Alive by Anthony Warlow
-Valley Girl by Frank Zappa and Moon Zappa
-Screw Loose by Ali Mauzey
-The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
-The End Of The World by Skeeter Davis
-I Will Follow Him by Peggy March
-Stand By Your Man by Tammy Wynette
-I'm A Woman by Peggy Lee
-Batty Rap by Robin Williams
-Sweet Bod by Lemon Demon
-You Ain't Woman Enough by Loretta Lynn
-Lights On by Kyle Allen Music
-Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight by Tiny Tim
-Cold Island by My Singing Monsters
-Thermodynamic Lawyer by Will Wood
-Break Stuff by Limp Biskit
-Right Now by Korn
-Scars by Papa Roach
-Pity Party by Melanie Martinez
-Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo
-Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
-Dark Red by Steve Lacy
-Creep by Radiohead
-Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton
-Girls by MARINA
- My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone
-Biggering by The 88
-Dead To Me by Kali Uchis
-Take A Slice by Glass Animals
-Apex Predator by Barrett Wilbert Weed
-World Burn by Taylor Louderman
-Killer Instinct from Bring It On: The Musical
-ROXANNE by Arizona Zervas
-Competition by Azealia Banks
-Applause by Lady Gaga
-Coin-Operated Boy by The Dresden Dolls
-Don't Mess With Me by temposhark
-Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
-King Herod's Song by Mike D'Abo
-Feast or Famine by Starkid Productions
-Let's Have A Battle by The Dazzlings
-Under Our Spell by The Dazzlings
-When You're Evil by Aurelio Voltaire
-The Ugly Truth by Nick Jonas
-Venus Fly Trap by MARINA
-Call Me Cruella by Florence + The Machine
-Land of the Dead by Aurelio Voltaire
-Toxic Love by Tim Curry
-The Hills by The Weeknd
-The King of Villains by Aurelio Voltaire
-The Main Character by Will Wood
-Killing Spree by Matt Smith
-Not A Common Man by Matt Smith
-Ultraluminary by Phillipa Soo
-I Know Him by Johnathan Groff
-Ambrosia Wine by Madds Buckley
-Fabulous by Phineas
-Be Prepared by Jeremy Irons
-Fabulous by Sharpay Evans
-Watch Me Work by Brianna Mazzola
-Paint The Town Red by Doja Cat
-Primadonna by MARINA
-Money, Money, Money by ABBA
- Jump In the Line by Harry Belafonte
-Dance The Night by Dua Lipa -Blame It On The Boogie by The Jackson 5
-Move Your Feet by Junior Senior
-Super Freak by Rick James
-Girls Just Want To Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
-I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston
-Primadonna by MARINA
-Fancy by Reba McEntire
-I Squeezed Out A Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who The Father Is by Masuna
- I'm A Princess by Bill Wurtz
-1985 by Bo Burnham
-Girls by The Beastie Boys
-Monsta Mack by Sir Mix-A-Lot
-Lips of an Angel by Hinder
-Twisted by The Original Starkid Cast of Twisted
-No Good Deed by Idina Menzel
-Gethsemane by Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Northern Downpour by Panic! at the Disco
-Nine in the Afternoon by Panic! at the Disco
Character Relationships
Jack and Suzy
-Chapel Of Love by The Dixie Cups
-Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry by Darlene Love
-Be My Baby by The Ronettes
-I'm Into Something Good by Herman's Hermits
-Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John
-Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
-Screw Loose by Alli Mauzey
-Me And My Husband by Mitski
-Pavlov by Kate Douglas
-The Horror Of Our Love by Ludo
-Running On A Treadmill by Oingo Boingo
-Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
-An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
-Under My Thumb by The Rolling Stones
-Stalkers Tango by Autoheart
-I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie
-Poisoning Pigeons in the Park by Tom Lehrer
-Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience
-I Hold Your Hand In Mine by Tom Lehrer
-I Only Want To Be With You by Dusty Springfield
Santa and Virginia
- Everlong by The Foo Fighters
- Cirice by Ghost
- Electric Love by BORNS
-Do I Wanna Know? by The Arctic Monkeys
- Love The One You're With by Crosby, Stills & Nash
-Lucky by Collbie Calliat
-Animals by Nickelback
Jack and Santa
-Eddie Baby by Felix Hagan and The Family
-Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA
-Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother
-Curses by The Crane Wives
-Angel Of Small Death And The Codene Scene by Hozier
-Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
-Just The Two Of Us by Bill Withers
-Like Real People Do by Hozier
-Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
James and Rudy
-Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner
-The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer
-Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas
Justin and Mercy
- Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse
- Once Shattered, Now Whole by Brian D'Arcy
- Glimpse Of Us by Joji
- I Think I Love You by The Partridge Family
- There She Goes by The La's
-Talia by Chaz Duffy
Jasmine and Jeremy
-Nothing Left To Lose by Jeremy Jordan
-Crossing The Line by Mandy Moore
-Good For You by Rachael Bay Jones
-Nothing Good by Lea Salonga
-Fish In A Birdcage by Fish In A Birdcage
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anouri · 2 years
hello beautiful, can you recommend me books? 👉👈💞
hi < 3
yes i can!
dark academia / existential crises / morality idk:
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
if we were villains by m.l. rio
nausea by jean paul sartre
the stranger by albert camus
tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica
vicious & vengeful by v.e. schwab
six of crows duology by leigh bardugo
johannes cabal the necromancer by johnathan howard
romance w another subplot too:
icebreaker by a.l. graziadei
see you yesterday by rachel lynn solomon
all that’s left in the world by erik brown
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engin-program · 6 months
🌎🤝 Spotlight on Impact from the corporate world! A big shoutout to Lynn Schimmel Patrick and her incredible team at Capital Group for their extraordinary support of ENGin, our mission, and the Ukrainian community.
Kathy Makowski - The driving force who introduced ENGin to her colleagues.
Lucy Sivov & Nancy Lee - Passionate volunteers dedicated to making a difference.
Johnathan Audi Skabowski, Brian Schnabel, Ballabh Garg - Committed associates bringing unique perspectives and enthusiasm.
Plus, two amazing associate husbands have joined the cause!
💻 The colleagues meet bi-monthly, sharing stories, ideas, and overcoming challenges together. They're a testament to what can be achieved when a small group of dedicated people come together for a great cause. With over 9,000 people at Capital Group, this initiative is a beautiful way to connect, learn, and contribute.
💬 "We all love our buddies! ENGin’s mission is wonderful, and we're impressed by the resources provided to volunteers." - Lynn Patrick, Capital Group
🩵💛 A huge thank you to the entire team for securing a significant grant for ENGin, fostering a culture of giving, and inspiring others through your actions. Stories like these remind us of the power of community and the impact of volunteering together.
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LA / Keeping Score
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Hong Hong, Father's Mother: Chart of the Inner Warp and Mother: You are Your Own, Handmade Paper, 112 inches (H) x 120 inches (W) x 86 inches (D), 2022, Photograph by Ben Premeaux, courtesy of artist
Keeping Score October 15 - November 6 Opening Reception: Saturday, October 15 7-10pm
Tiger Strikes Asteroid LA is proud to present Keeping Score, an exhibition featuring large-scale works by Hong Hong and Johnathan Payne, curated by Alex Paik. For both of these artists, paper itself is a living, breathing support, carrying with it the various environmental and material processes that have been imposed upon it. Hong Hong takes material from both the local environment where she is making her paper as well as material from her family history and uses those to create monumental hand-made paper works. Johnathan Payne builds his quilt-like scaffolds from shredded comic books, using both the found imagery from the material as well as layered geometric patterns to complicate the standard intersections of a Cartesian grid. Through their work we see the elusive and constantly shifting relationships between one’s lived experience, environment, and personal journey and how that affects the formation and re-formation of identity.
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Johnathan Payne, Bloodline, Acrylic and thread on shredded-and-collaged paper, 31 x 31 inches, 2021
Born in 1989 in Hefei, Anhui, China, Hong Hong earned her BFA from State University of New York at Potsdam (2011) and MFA from University of Georgia (2014). Since 2015, she has travelled to faraway locations across the US to create site-responsive, monumental paperworks. In this nomadic practice, traditional methods of Chinese papermaking coalesces with painting, monastic rituals, and feminist performances. These works have been included in exhibitions at Sarasota Museum of Art, Real Art Ways, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Georgia Museum of Art, Penland School of Crafts, Artspace New Haven, Lawndale Art Center and Jewett Art Center, among others. Hong is the recipient of grants and fellowships at NEA (2019), FCA (2015, 2020), MacDowell (2020), Yaddo (2019), McColl Center for Art and Innovation (2022), Vermont Studio Center (2019), I-Park (2019), and Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (2020 - 2021). Hong currently divides her time between New York and Massachusetts.
Johnathan Payne (he/him) is a visual artist living and working in Brooklyn, NY. He obtained a BA in art from Rhodes College in 2012 and received his MFA in painting and printmaking from Yale School of Art in 2018. Recent exhibitions of Payne’s work include The Bridge to Uncertainty at Beeler Gallery at the Columbus College of Art and Design (2021; Columbus, OH), Threads at Foxy Production (2021; New York, NY), and Miss Lizzie’s Lattice at Deli Gallery (2020; Brooklyn, NY). He is featured in New American Paintings (MFA Annual #135), and has been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Observer, and Vice. Payne was a Spring 2020 Artist-in-Residence at Crosstown Arts in Memphis, TN, and was the 2020-22 recipient of the Grant Wood Fellowship in Painting and Drawing at the University of Iowa. Payne was the inaugural recipient of the Aminah Residency in summer 2021, named after the late Columbus-based artist and MacArthur Grant recipient Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson.
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