#Joey Harmin
ziracona · 3 years
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Couple little Joey and Quentin doodles because technically I am still writing New Dawn Fades and I think about them a lot. Messing around a little with style after watching so much Infinity Train.
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multiedits · 3 years
hello! may i please request some joey harmin lovecore icons from dead by daylight? hes a huge comfort character
🍭 ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ 🍭
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— ᴍᴏᴅ ɢɪʀ 🤖💚
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ziracona · 3 years
reading the chimeric horde cosmetics descriptions, i can’t help but imagine talbot wrote julie off as ‘incapable of communication’ , when in reality she was just super pissed (and in pain. and disoriented.) and Didnt Really Feel Like Answering. do u have any headcannons on how they function (or at least try to handle being That)
Sorry I’m answering this so late. There’s not a proper term for how much last week handed me not my ass but my biological system as a whole. 
This is a super interesting question though! 
I think it’s possible Julie, Joey, and/or Susie can still talk, although god knows how their biological body is comprised now and where vocal chords ended up--or even if Frank, who got least mutated, still has his. It’s interesting, initially when I saw this skin, it made me think I was wrong about my interpretation of Legion (which is that all four share a ‘body’, kind of. As in they have one form, but like a shape shifter can swap between any of their four. Although their consciousness goes with their own body--kind of like the initial release picture for Darkness Among Us implies, with the reflections? With all of them being present as individuals with autonomy /internally/, and able to communicate with each other even when they don’t have the body, but like, only one at a time being able to actually visibly exist and speak in a way someone in the room with them could hear), but looking at it again now, it actually reinforces it in my heart. Because of the way they’re melded together. It’s like a scientific conservation of mass law thing--their body is roughly the size it has always been as Frank. Whereas, if, say, four autonomous bodies were meshed together, you’d get a big flesh pile much larger. There’s just no other way, without actively destroying matter, for that combination to go, speaking to laws of basic physics. So how they look makes a lot more sense for them being basically forced to lose control of how they transform/being able to do it, and into a distorted form that is agonizing where parts of them all exist at once, but only one has control, and they can no longer shift. That actually makes the description of Joey trying to cut himself free make sense more to me too, and him losing control to Frank’s arm. Totally canon might go the other way, but I like that, and it’s what makes sense to me!
For my personal headcanons, I do have them! I think Frank can talk normally, although he’s in immense pain, so like, with that added difficulty, but his throat is fine. I think the other three can make sounds, but would struggle to form actual words. Probably could if they tried really hard, especially Julie, but it would probably be a really pitiful and broken, “..P..lea..se. ..H...el..p” or whimpering sounds or, “No,” “..S..top,” or “Frank,” that kind of stuff. I think All of them including Frank hate it and are in misery. Frank definitely ended up the dominant/in control of the four, but I don’t think he did it in a ‘fuck you I’m not losing’ way to the other four at all. The Legion care about each other, whatever their many other faults, and I’ve always HC’d Frank feels responsible for his group even when they’re pissing him off, and would not try to do anything to hurt them/works to protect them.
I think what Talbot did to them fucked them up and their powers up horrifically, and that they can still talk mentally to each other okay, but that they can’t at first. That a lot of wires got crossed and damage taken, and for a while, Frank just can’t hear them at all no matter how much he pleads or looks for them or tries to listen, and he’s terrified it’s always going to be that way. And then after a few days, Julie struggles her way into connecting to him mentally again and he’s so relieved he breaks down. Joey and Susie figure it out after a little too, Susie last, and pitifully brokenly. I think they all have intense PTSD from this and are both terrified and broken, and furious with Talbot and want to kill him, and before that, to force him to fix them. They cope with being in agony and their trauma by formulating a plan and promising each other they’ll find a way to undo this. Probably they call to the Entity for help too, but I don’t think it helps them. I HC that after making him a killer, the Entity sends other killers to Talbot for punishment sometimes, and that’s probably what happens to Legion. They have the belief it won’t leave them like this forever as a kind of light at the end of the tunnel, but they’re not planning on waiting either.
All of them are in incredible pain constantly, and miserable. Frank tries to keep them calm by convincing them of ways they can make Talbot fix them. It’s kind of the only thing getting them to be able to cope. They can’t stand to look at themselves, so after looking in a mirror once to try to understand the damage, Frank completely avoids looking at any reflective surface, and if he ever does on accident, it fucks him up. I mean, pain aside, the level of horrific bodyhorror all four of them have undergone is enough to put a crack in anyone’s brain, to say the least. I think Frank works really hard to support and comfort the other three constantly outside trials, since while he’s not remotely in a good place, he’s in a better one than they are, and feels responsible. The other three need and depend on that. Joey copes by completely believing Frank’s promises and trying to help, Susie tries to just shut down and go to sleep as much as she can and not be there, and Julie copes by dissociating as much as humanly possible from what happens. Frank I guess copes with the mom-friend/fuck we’re in a crisis I literally can’t fail override. But he’s not doing very well at all. 
When they’re in trials, Frank tries to play their appearance off as scary and threatening, and seem not remotely worried. This mostly works, because you know, the survivors are a bunch of traumatized and abused murder on repeat victims. But one time in a trial he’s chasing someone and knocks into them to throw them on the ground, and their medkit flies open, and he’s suddenly looking down on a reflective surface, seeing himself, grafted faces of his friends in agony trapped inside him on his chest, Julie’s hair hanging by his neck, his own eyes and mouth pouring orange puss. And he knows he has no idea how to fix it or if he ever will and just has something inside him snap and falls to his knees totally out of it for a second, finally overwhelmed by too much he’s been trying to carry alone. And it’s been long enough that Jeff’s figured out who the four of them are, and tried and failed to reach out to them before, but he sees that. Maybe he’s the person on the ground, maybe he’s coming to help them. But he sees it and instead of being smart and jumping Frank in the moment of opportunity, because he’s Jeff he tries to talk to him. And because he’s finally so broken he can’t take it and it’s the only person in the entirety of what he has left of a world that Frank trusts even the tiniest bit, he doesn’t stab him. He just breaks down.
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ziracona · 3 years
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Claudette and yet another JoeyQuin bc I’m finally about done w the bext chapter of NDF & I love them.
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ziracona · 3 years
​AU where Chimera stumbles out onto the red forest when they escape and collapse right onto Anna, but she doesn’t recognise them just the blight serum from being tortured and experimented on herself, and that it’s /multiple/ human children in there. Hasn’t had a child since coming here, and suddenly four scared kids in agony, and the only time she’s had an alliance or understanding with other humans who weren’t her kids was back when she and Wraith were chained up side by side dying from blight growths, and it comes flooding back, and she is furious and invested and Legion is like “Shit shit shit it’s that feral woman and we’re so fucked up already we’re gonna get killed” but instead she kidnaps them to take care of and lays out a super careful stalker trap for Grimes and kidnaps him too to try and beat a remedy out of him, and anyway it’s my new found family fixer short fic concept heartwarming comedy of errors, featuring Anna loving on and caring for a fucked up terrified Legion, the chimera body kids having to find a way to rebuild trust between them and trauma console each other and rebuild crushed mental health, and Anna stalking and eventually beating the shit out of Talbot, until she gets a remedy for her kids.
And she’s so happy and proud. She did it! But once they go back to normal, they leave. Because they got kidnapped by her, and also know the Entity will eventually find and fuck them up, and also they—especially the boys—are still kinda scared of her. And when they go back to normal she /does/ recognise and they think she looks mad, and oh god, they don’t wanna chance what she might do, so they flee. They’ve heard stories. But Anna is so sad. And after a few weeks of hearing her cry or sing sadly all night or call for them, Joey and Susie can’t take it, and go back to see her, separately, but bump into each other. And then Frank and Julie show up, like “What are you doing?” And they’re like “Why are you here??” and apparently both the older kids have been watching and listening and feeling bad too. So tentatively they all sneak over and try to talk, and the second Anna sees them she’s comin like a bullet from a gun running full-tilt and they freak when she comes after them, but Susie hesitates and so she gets grabbed, and the others stop in case she needs defending, but Anna is just excited and bear hugging her, and Susie’s laughing—part fear relief, part real happiness, and they calm down. And they really can’t stay, because Entity, but Anna gains a punk gang of terrible children who sneak out periodically to visit her or bring her a trophy, and their collective mental health skyrockets for all 5.
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ziracona · 3 years
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I just love this young man a lot.
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ziracona · 3 years
Joey: I can't stand people who are loudly proud about their relationships, nah I like low-key stuff.
Joey, the second Quentin becomes his boyfriend: EVERYBODY LOOK AT BAE HES SO BEAUTIFUL! HE HAS A FACE AND OPINIONS!
Hahaha god once Joy got over being embarrassed he would be unbearable, but like, the good kind. Full of love.
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ziracona · 3 years
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Two Joeys and a tiny Claudette doodle from dbd queue. 💙
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ziracona · 4 years
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Out of context spoilers for New Dawn Fades.
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ziracona · 3 years
Can I just say that as a POC in the dbd fandom, i'm so thankful of the way you write Joey. Oftentimes poc characters are subjected to racist stereotypes in almost every fandom and it really upsets me but you write him so phenomenally and I cannot thank you enough for that. I love all your writing, but your joey and quentin fics have a special place in my heart. Thank you for writing them <3
Thank you so much! I am really glad to hear I’m doing a good job—that is so extremely important to me. 💙 And I’m really sorry you have to deal with that kind of thing.
There’s so much messed up & awful stuff in fandom. With Joey himself, I remember being shocked originally when Darkness Among Us dropped, because almost universally, people drew/portrayed Joey as waaay bigger, buffer, older, & more agressive & threatening than he was in his model or paragraph, especially compared to Frank, who almost universally got twinkified by the fandom. All fandoms tend to have some pretty gross amounts of racism, & I have definitely seen it in DbD. I am really sorry you have to deal with that. You shouldn’t. And I am really happy you enjoy how I write him.
Honestly, Joey is one of my favorites to write. I fell in love with that character voice the first time I wrote him like woof, what was it, a year and a half ago now? Close to two? He’s just a goofy teenager who wants approval and friends and to be proud of himself who made a few bad decisions and tripped and fell into hell, and is now stuck in awful corcumstances that completely overwhelm him and terrified of what can happen. He’s a kid in over his head who’s lost himself and doesn’t know what to do anymore. But he’s trying. TuT I am so happy you like my son and how I write him and that you like my stuff in general!
Seriously, thank you for the message, it means a ton to me. Good representation is so crucial and valuable, and I want to do a good job and always strive to. And less seriously but also just Joey in particular is one of my faves so I am always deeply happy when somebody else loves him too. So thank you! Really—This means so much to me; you’re very welcome! And thank you again. TuT💙
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ziracona · 3 years
Tbh I used to HATE Frank/the legion but legit you made me like him and them to the point I made a whole playlist for them and can't stop thinking about writing for them lol
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GOD what a mood!
I think I always liked Susie, and Joey was much more sympathetic, but I didn’t like Julie or Frank, and Frank I hated. Largely not because of his paragraph, but because of the way fanon both portrayed and acted towards his portrayls, which rubbed me /so/ wrong. When I started writing ILM, I absolutely hated Frank, and I had no intentions at all to write him as a major character or how things happened or to like him myself. I mean, he was a barely adult, and not a serial killer, so he didn’t like, die horribly in the original outline. But he and Julie ran off to an uncertain fate and were left kind of in the grey in the initial Legion outline, and a lot of other content was a but different. But, the version actually /in/ ILM—especially of Frank himself—was just...how it went. Almost against my will, but like, Jeff was Jeff, and sometimes writing—actually almost always, for me—writing is less like putting words you pick out on paper, and more like tapping into an alternate universe, and then describing what you witness, and Frank just...was how he is in ILM so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ — what can you do?
And I am glad! Because as much as the large majority of fanon takes on Frank I still find extremely unlikable and annoying as people and would hate with a passion, I really like all the Legion in ILM and Frank himself, they’re among my kids now, and they’ll always be canon Legion to me. :’-] I am quite happy their charcaters and stories turned out how they did. This is one of the most relatable things anyone has ever said to me about my Legion though. 🤣
Also I’d love to hear the playlist!! And Killer in the Mirror is a really good Frank song if you’re hunting, Partners in Crime and Freeze Your Brain good Julie-Frank songs, and Catch Me if You Can is ideal Frank @ Jeff (all except Freeze Your Brain are Set it Off songs, and FYB is from Heathers the Musical). Also a lot of Elektra Heary songs are ideal Julie, esp Oh no! and Bubblegum Bitch. So is Desire by Meg Myers. And Bullet For You by Ella Eyre is iconic Julie @ Frank. Gravel to Tempo is a great Susie song (and What I Need is good SusieMeg — both Hayley Kiyoko. So is She’s Like the Wind). Turning My Life Around from Anna & the Apocalypse is my biggest NDF mode and a good JoeyQuin but I will try to not regail you with all my JoeyQuin songs I have too many. And then Spineless by Nick Lutsko fits good conflicted Joey very well. So is Nobody Can Save Me by Linkin Park (don’t judge me I really like the last album TuT my heart...) and Champion by Fall Out Boy.
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ziracona · 4 years
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I need to write more NDF I miss Joey...
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ziracona · 3 years
Do you ever wonder what happened to some of Legion's real families? Joey had a single mom, and I don't know if they had the best relationship or if he just didn't enjoy Christmases (since it was in his sweater description) but thinking about her just never hearing from him ever again one day gives me turbo depression...
Oh, for sure. I wonder about everybody’s families. : (
What they thought, how long they looked, if they ever stopped looking. If they ran their finances into the ground trying to find a missing person they loved. If it haunts them. If they eventually purchased a grave stone, and leave flowers, or if they go in and tidy a room and leave presents on the table every birthday or under a Christmas tree each year hoping that this will be the miracle year they show up to open it. Is it the same present, or a stack that grows one gift in size every year? Did they blame themselves. Do they think they ran away, that they were kidnapped, that they’re dead? Do they wake up from dreams where their parent or sibling or best friend or child is there on the door step, soaking wet, but alive, and collapse into rejoiceful heartbroken sobs, only to wake up and realize a few seconds too late not to be earth-shatteringly painful, that it was just another dream? And they aren’t warm and safe in the room down the hall? Do they waste away waiting and searching, does it become a cause—a torch of motivation to help other lost kids get home safe? Or does it become forgotten? Or maybe a quiet depression like a weight on their skin, dulled senses, and they don’t live the rest of their life so much as go through the motions of it just not quite alive anymore. Do they sit and wait? Are they out there looking? Walking dark streets with a flashlight, praying again for a miracle. Like they have every night for years? Is it an open wound that will never heal and just might take its time claiming them? Or will they heal and live and find a cause or life or passion the missing loved one would have been proud of?
I don’t know. I think it varries, from person to person. But I think a lot of them faded and hurt and searched. And I think Joey’s mom looked, and prayed. I think she sat by the window every night after, reading or watching tv or listening to music or talking or thinking, because she convinced herself that if she did, someday there’d be movement in her periphery, and she’d turn her head and it’d be him.
I hope someday when she was grey and sad but still waiting and hoping just in case, that it was.
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ziracona · 4 years
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Claudette, Quentin, and Claudette and Joey from the new chapter of New Dawn Fades bc my heart is full of love for these kids.🖤🤍💜
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ziracona · 4 years
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A whole bunch of planning sketches for New Dawn Fades and From the Earth of No Return, plus a Halloween Laurie.
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ziracona · 4 years
Joey, "You sure seem blasé about being hooked." Cheryl, "Are you kidding? This is the best trial I've had this whole month." Joey, "The Entity is literally about to get you though?" Cheryl, "Yeah? Your point?"
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Joey begins cutting Cheryl specifically slack in trials because he feels bad for her but is way too afraid to ask wtf that meant and isn’t sure he really wants to know.
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