#Jikook music award shows
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BLACK N WHITE @blacknwhite_km 221008
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seoul-bros · 5 months
Jikook Week 3 Complete ✔️ (26/12/23 - 02/01/24)
Their third week in the military is now complete and it's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2015.
It was the end of the year and BTS were run off their feet with the usual rush of end of year shows.
They performed at the SBS Award show on the 29th December......
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......and at the KBS Song Festival on the 30th December. Big Hit's Twitter praised Jimin's solo dance break and JK's duet with Zion T. In Jimin's Twitter post he hoped people had enjoyed the performance.
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This beloved jikook clip was taken back stage at this show.
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On the 31st, while performing at the MBC Music Festival, they recorded their New Year messages for ARMY. Jimin was thankful for all the wonderful memories they had made that year and Jungkook was excited that he was finally going to be 20. He was anxious to be of age and looking forward to showing ARMY how manly he would become. Hmmmmmmm!
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The MBC Music Festival show also produced this amazing performance of Perfect Man.
Notice Namjoon isn't on stage with them. He fell off a ramp the day before and was told to rest. Jimin commented on it in his end of year message.
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Jimin and Jungkook ended 2015 together doing what they love and jikooking like crazy.
Post Date: 02/01/2024
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black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Top 10 Sus Jikook Moments
There are way too many moments to possibly list, but my friend and I thought it would be fun to compile a list of sus jikook moments. 
10. 2021 Jimin Birthday Live
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Cute and flustered Jimin calling Jungkook? Jungkook coming immediately to spend time with his boyfriend? Hobi calling out why Jimin was in Jungkook’s studio? So many questions.
9. 2015 Award Show Back Hug
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Let’s be real, there are plenty of questionable back hug moments, but this one is particularly interesting. The fact that it was so early in their relationship. The fact that it took place at a public award show. The way Jungkook held onto Jimin and how they swayed together. The questionable looks from the other members. I see you jikook, I see you.
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Honorable back hug mention is the BE live and the way Jungkook caged Jimin for an incredibly long time with their matching hair. Exuding boyfriend energy to the max.
8. Cute Feet During PJ Run
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Honestly, this is just one of my favorite moments that makes me feel giddy. How comfortable they are resting on one another. The way they’re playing with their feet. Jimin’s surprised laugh when Jungkook plays along. And let’s not forget the special photo of Jungkook spooning Jimin.
7. “Let me give you a hug” Dance Practice
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Am I the only one who has watched this clip over and over? We get to see how even during work they are always having fun together. But how can we not swoon over Jungkook’s smitten face as Jimin fails to lift him, and the way his smile grows brighter when he lifts Jimin like it’s nothing. Jimin tries to lift him one more time, but fails and instead hugs Jungkook and nuzzles into his neck ever so slightly. 
6. Jungkook’s Snow Gift
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We should all know this moment. Bon Voyage season 4 in New Zealand. This is the beginning of Jungkook really doing whatever the hell he wants, and he disappears one morning to go on a mountain hike and returns with a chunk of snow, much to everyone’s confusion. He specifically waits for Jimin to wake up and excitedly shows and gives it to him. Jimin is, understandably confused, but we all understand the intent.
5. Malta Room Sharing
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I’ll be honest, finding out about this speculation was what thrust me into the world of jikook. (It doesn’t seem to exist anymore, but I had wandered across an analysis video a few years ago). Obviously, we don’t know anything for sure, but there are enough clues here, as well as in many other occasions, that make it possible jikook were room sharing.
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(And let’s not forget their cute Malta date)
4. Osaka Live
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Similar vibe to number 5, but cranked up to 100. I don’t need to go in depth into this, because we all know, but my two cents is that Jimin was in that room. (Just as he hid in Jungkook’s room during the 2019 NJ live). What were they doing in a dark hotel room with sensual music playing? Eating bread, of course.
3. GCF in Tokyo
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Enough said.
2. MAMA 2018
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What I would give to hear everything the man sitting next to them heard. Something was truly in the air that day. They were all over each other and incredibly lovey dovey. While we can’t know for sure what they actually said to each other, the look in Jungkook’s eyes speaks volumes.
1. Rose Bowl
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Are we surprised this is my number 1? There are so many moments that exist, but all jikookers come back to this one. There are so many questions about why. Why nibble the ear? Why confess his love? Why give a kiss? (We all know why). But the emotions are palpable, as they would be at the end of a high intensity concert. Jimin was emotional, and Jungkook went to console Jimin, as we know he usually does. Hanging onto Jimin’s back isn’t out of the ordinary, but Jungkook took it a step further. And put Jimin’s ear in his mouth. My assumption is that he was saying something, but ultimately decided actions would speak louder than words. To be clear, he says something first, pulls back, and then goes back in, catches Jimin’s ear, and then delivers a clear kiss to Jimin’s head. There’s no mistaking it. Jungkook was taking care of his baby. 
Honorable Mentions:
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Rainy day fight
“I was with Jungkook [at 4AM on his birthday]”
That award show moment where Jungkook is singing a love song to Jimin and Jin is staring at them lovingly. (There is a video somewhere, but I can’t find it. Please, someone find it. I think it’s from the melon music awards)
Jungkook waking Jimin up on In the Soop season 2.
Jimin breaking Jungkook’s mosquito net on In the Soop season 1. (And the spooning that occurred the next day.) 
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Black Swan Lift
Honestly, there are too many moments to mention. Please share your top sus moments!
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Feeling a little jikook-deprived? Missing them?
Well, worry not. This post will make your day~ ENJOY~~!
The flirting. My GOD. The Matching Tees. The pizza moment.
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Their hairs!!
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Once again, their hairs complimenting each other as well as their outfits.
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I clearly remember this day. Apart from the matching suits we also got plenty iconic moments.
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Their shoes!
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Thid whole damn episode got me thirdwheeling them. (lol) Can we talk about how cute they were that day?
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8.MBC Plus × Genie Music Awards 181106
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The matching earrings were worn first in MGA2018
9. MGA 2018
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And thats a wrap! Thanks for joining the ride. Hope y'all enjoyed this. See you guys next time.
xx, tokyokookmin.
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
The Great Radio Debate: Roo's (limited) Understanding of this Issue UPDATED
Disclaimer: Sensitive topics are discussed below the cut; please do not incite drama, speak hate, or engage in bullying. This is a collection of my thoughts about what is currently happening with regard to Jungkook's single SEVEN and the implications it could mean for Jikook and ARMY. If you click below this cut, you are assuming responsibility for your own behavior and agreeing to engage with my blog and others respectfully, or you will be blocked.
We now by know that Jimin's music was not promoted to radio. We know this because when we went to request it from various major radio stations, it was not an option in the drop-downs; we had to manually type it in. Being "sent / promoted / serviced to radio" means a compressed file is sent from the company to radio stations so DJs can play high-def spins that are universally compatible with their station's set up.
None of Jimin's songs for Face were serviced:
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The airplay audience was the lowest for any song this decade:
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The controversy around Jungkook's SEVEN began last week when one DJ tweeted the following:
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As we now know, "serviced to radio" means they sent a compressed file (which they SHOULD have done for Like Crazy English Version, but didn't). They did service to radio for Butter and Dynamite and it was a huge help. Even Yet to Come was serviced, so it cracked Top 50 on the charts, but none of Face's songs were sent, which makes zero business sense any achievement on that chart amazing.
Because even when serviced, it doesn't guarantee spins... "Add" means they hope radio stations will add the song to rotation:
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But then the DJ had to go and say this:
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So they have already sent SEVEN to the radios, hoping for spins. And now one person is publicly saying the song absolutely will get spins immediately. This heavily implies payola, because why else would a song without demand or requests immediately spin multiple times on everyone's shows the second it was released?
I feel (I, Roo Bastmoon, personally think and feel) Seven is being pushed this way for two reasons:
Billboard's recent changes around what kind of sales (physical, digital, bundled) will counts on the charts puts songs without radio play at an extreme, nigh-insurmountable disadvantage; even with excellent streams (which are heavily culled and filtered), it will be hard to break into the top 50.
Additionally, Taylor Swift's Speak Now re-release has dropped this week and will be gunning for the charts next week when Jungkook debuts, and that is a personal problem for Scooter Braun.
For those not familiar (as I surely wasn't; I live under a rock), Taylor Swift felt compelled to leave her old management company back in 2018. To do so, she had to abandon the rights to any original music she made with them. They kept her masters and sold them off to Scooter Braun.
Each time someone wanted to play one of her original songs, they had to ask his permission and pony up money for a license fee. Scooter Braun also managed Kanye, and I'm sure everyone knows the Beyoncé is the Greatest of All Time award show fiasco that led to some bad blood between those two artists, so it added insult to injury for Taylor.
Taylor has now re-recorded everything and released Speak Now: Taylor's Version. Of COURSE her fans are motivated to support her and get every single song they can into the highest position on the Hot 100 for as long as possible... and frankly, I am not a Swiftie but I can't blame them because if someone did that to BTS, I'd make it my life's mission to chart them as a big Fuck You, too.
But it does put a lot of pressure on Jungkook's single, because now it's very likely been weaponized in a personal dick-measuring contest where Scooter is concerned. Not sure if I mentioned it but I truly hate that man so I'm not sure I can be impartial when talking about him but I will try.
So Jungkook's single has been set up so far with pre-orders on iTunes and compressed files to radio, which is a first for any member's solo work. He also has a debut stage on Good Morning America, which has a huge range beyond k-pop.
So far, none of this is foul play. It is a company doing its best to represent and set up the best conditions for its artist under changed circumstances. You can make a case for favoritism, clearly, but at the end of the day, companies are about making profits and sometimes they grossly underestimate what has potential and what the market wants.
The issues fans are facing now around Seven lie in:
1) the neglect around Jimin's Like Crazy English Version, which is still so stable that it could be smashing charts if only it would get radio play so this just seems to make zero business sense and be more of a slight than anything else, so Jikookers are left wondering what that means for the relationship and,
2) the fear that Hybe America under Scooter Braun has abandoned BTS' founding values and taken the easy way out by paying to play on radio, which would severely damage credibility that BTS worked so hard to build as an organic, fan-driven success.
I think we'll have to wait to see how many sales, streams, and spins Jungkook gets to figure out if payola was likely. Maybe that one DJ was tweeting his own assumptions like they were facts. Or maybe Hybe has now decided to do payola. If that is so... not gonna lie, I will be extremely disappointed. I will need to take a break and figure out what this means for me as a fan.
The next question is how much did Jungkook know about all this? There seems to be two camps of thought here: one says the boys are involved in every step of the way and choose everything that happened around their releases.
(I know Jimin is very humble but I HIGHLY doubt he ever said to his company "Please rush my release in between other releases so I get physically sick trying to keep up with it; please never restock my physicals in WeVerse and don't send a file for the English song I studied for to US radios; and please also never post about my world record nor celebrate my albums' success in any way; yes, I worked 10+ months on this very personal opus but I absolutely don't want any of that." I very, very much doubt the ways Face was handled after Hot 100 #1 was Jimin's choice. This also makes me doubt if all the ways Seven will be handled will be Jungkook's choice.)
The second camp of thought is that the artists have absolutely no say in the marketing and promotion styles of their work, and that they are kept out of sales matters altogether. And here's the limit of my understanding, because I've not seen or read much on Hybe / BigHit's strategic plans around distribution for either BTS' group or solo works.
(Side Note: I have seen them set up TXT for a Billboard Top Ten, only for their collab to come in at #135, which shows a gross misunderstanding of their market right now--as well as disregard for their artists' feelings and reputations. My heart goes out to those boys; they worked hard.)
But drawing on my own experience decades ago when I used to work in entertainment out in LA, I can tell you, even as Chief Editor, plenty of my media content was changed without anyone informing me--back-cover blurbs, cover designs, release dates, shelf talkers, pop ups, print runs, print houses, store placements, advertising, interview articles--at some point in my former career, all of those things got changed around and I found out after the fact, on my own projects. Which pissed me off but I'd signed NDAs and couldn't do a single thing about it. And the authors / creators didn't know until *I* had the hard job of informing them. And they couldn't do anything about it because they were under contract.
So I think the level of members' involvement in solo works is somewhere in between. I think as artists and performers, BTS members can have a great deal of say in their look, styles, lyrics, choreo, merch, and venues. But not total say. Definitely not deciding-factor say.
I think the company can make them water down their lyrics, change up the choreo, and flat-out tell them no when it comes to music videos, performance venues, pretty much anything budget-related. They don't even have to explain why; it's their budget and their bottom-line. (In the old days, it seems like the members could freely express opinions around the works and even challenge management when it came to creative content. Maybe that is still true.)
As far as Jungkook's involvement in Seven's style, we have a stylist going on record about how some of the options were their ideas and that Jungkook had a lot of input on the look and feel, so it was a mixture:
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For this reason alone, the fact that things like mud were added to clean pants or spikes to a jacket after Jungkook had input makes me truly feel this was his way of honoring Jimin and Face. It just seems like something our Jungkook would do--he may not always say it, but he's always watching Jimin-ssi.
As for sales and marketing strategies? The boys may never get looped in. Or they may be told the plans, but not invited to give input. Or they may sit down and plan it all out to the last detail with each department. I genuinely don't know. And because I don't know, I will not be assuming the worst of Jungkook or any member until I have all the facts. That is anti behavior, in my mind, and I just cannot stomach it. I can never bring myself to believe the worst of anyone until they fully and consistently show me that's who they are.
We've spent ten years with these guys. They are flawed human beings, yes, but not cheats, not assholes. I think they omit plenty of details but I don't think they straight-up lie to us. I don't think Jungkook would ever look his staff and executives in the eye and say "Yes, I want you to illegally pay money under the table so this single will top the charts." Jungkook is competitive, but also a stickler for fair play. You spend any amount of time watching Run, and the only time he "cheats" is when he wants to be with Jimin (lol) and he's pretty endearingly obvious about it; guy has almost no game face.
Okay but joking aside, I'm honestly very worried for JK. It sort of feels like he's being set up. Many questions have arisen over the stylistic choices for Seven. There's the fan frenzy around having a hot female protagonist in his video. And now the question about how much radio play Seven will get, and why. That's a lot of controversy to hang on a young man's shoulders. Especially in light of the recent book that's come out, in which it's clear now that the company and the artists are aware of hate-trending hashtags in English. GOD THAT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH.
To me, it feels (it feels--as in, my gut is telling me this; I have no receipts) like the company is using JK to experiment with a different way of doing business--a way that may stray from their founding values.
And there's so much potential for this to blow up in JK's face. There are solos who will insist he's stealing Jimin's style. Antis who will insist he's cheated on the charts. Insecure shippers who will lose their minds if anything flirty goes down with Han So-hee on screen. K-poppies, Swifties, and local racists all insisting on undermining his creativity, talent, and character because they fear the competition.
This release on Friday has the potential to be a blood bath. And I just don't trust the company to have his back and take ownership of their part in this, if so. From everything I've seen about Jungkook, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
My biggest question mark is how Jimin will respond to all of this. If he comes on live one day and says in a flat tone something like: "I was really surprised to see how similar Jungkookie's concept was to my own." or "How interesting that Seven got sent to radio--good for him, good for him. I wonder how that happens?" Then I'll take that to mean Jimin wasn't looped in on JK's plans and he doesn't feel great about it; that won't sit well with me.
Then again, if Jimin raves about Seven and plays it on live or joins JK in New York and mentions how flattered he was that they share the same style, how they click, how proud he is of JK's hard work and asks please ARMY give it a lot of love? Then I'll infer he was definitely looped in, this is a homage, and JK's actions were always above board. I will assume that because I will never doubt Jimin's integrity. If Jimin approves, I will approve. Jimin has earned my complete trust.
So this week is a very tense one (for me at least). But it does provide quite the distraction from the stress tests and specialist consults I have lined up, I'll give you that. Never a dull moment. (I am so ready for this fandom to have some dull moments.)
In the end, I'm going to chose to believe in the very best of our members until there's solid evidence to think otherwise. As of now? I think the only dirty cheater in the mix is the music industry at large. I know the entertainment world is corrupt, but Jesus, they are so blatant about it all.
Anyway, we may not get radio data for several days or weeks after the initial drop date, so I'm prepared to hang in there for a good bit. And if there is evidence of payola and JK knew about it... I'm gonna need time to process that and figure out where I go from there, as a Jikooker, as an ARMY. I will honestly be shocked.
One thing you'll never see me do is spout hatred for human beings. I will likely rant about the company. And there are plenty of people Scooter Braun that I viscerally dislike. But I'm making a commitment now not to spread dehumanizing hate speech on the timeline.
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That's not what BTS or Jimin would ever want. That's not what I want for myself, especially if my days in this life are limited. I don't need that kind of toxicity or karma.
Am I furious about all the crap that's gone down for Jimin (and other members too, to a lesser degree)? You bet your buttons, as my Nana used to say. I could rage and froth all day about it.
But I also remember who came online over and over to say Jimin's name, play Jimin's songs, mimic Jimin's interviews, giggle at Jimin's video clips, and invite Jimin into his life.
And based on moved lamps and dog scratches and Jimin bulking up, it's likely Jimin has accepted those invitations.
Whenever we do get to glimpse Jimin with Jungkook, he seems as endeared and besotted as he always has.
I trust Jimin to know if someone did him dirty, and to act accordingly. I do not believe any aspect of the Jikook relationship is performance.
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For those reasons, I'm gonna be withholding judgement until all info around Seven comes in.
I hope you will too, but I understand if you feel differently and I'm not on this Earth to judge other people's viewpoints or experiences. I just ask that if you want to be friends with me here, you try to be civil in your words and actions, even in the sway of big feelings. Every person behind the screen is a work in progress; we are all fighting invisible battles; there are many sides to each story.
All any of us can do is our best with what we are given. Let's wait and see what Jungkook (and Jimin, and the company) give us.
If you made it this far through my ramblings, kudos! I welcome ideas, so feel free to comment--but just remember, rudeness will be removed. There's no space for meanness on my blog.
Love and deep respect to you all,
So, it would seem the DJ who is hyping JK's Seven is also open to playing Like Crazy. This would imply it's been sent to some radio because before I remember he tweeted that he needed the compressed file in order to play it on his station (I am sorry I didn't save that link but he was talking about Hobi and Jimin if I recall, back at the time!).
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The radio stations that took requests (including the one mentioned above) back at that time were playing the music video version available to the public, not a compressed file sent by the company:
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And when I check on this linktree of top radio stations in the US, Like Crazy does not come up as any option in rotation. I have to manually request still, after four months of being stable on the charts.
So if Jungkook gets immediate spins and requests immediately come up in rotation... is that because radio stations really love Jungkook? Or is this a company "networking" deal? (And in any case, would JK be involved in that aspect?) Everything still remains to be seen. Let's be patient and try our best not to assume the worst.
Many thanks for JMDBJK for mentioning in the comments the likelihood that a title track would be sent out, which prompted me to go look soon as I could get to my computer. I really do value anyone willing to take the time to help me learn more info about this industry!
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shellbells-things · 1 year
So, I was chatting with some friends and we were discussing how, lately, the ASKS on Tumblr have been plagued with a bunch of “people” coming into our space, trying desperately to convince us that Jikook are basically estranged. It’s crazy how all over the place these ASKS are!
For example: “They have always hated each other and now they don’t have to hang out anymore. They are brothers and work friends only. They used to be a thing, but they aren’t anymore. They are cover for a real relationship. The company forces them to mention each other on social media. And my personal favorite….They’ve only seen each other a couple of times this year, they just aren’t close”.
What?! Are they stupid or something? Do they honestly think that they ONLY time Jikook (or any of the members actually) see each other is when they talk about it or post about it on social media? The rest of the time, nothing? Oh Lordy, I need something pretty to calm my nerves.
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Thats better! Do these people really live in such an isolated world that they believe that the litmus test for a relationship is the number of posts on Instagram? Because that’s the standard they are holding Jikook to. Heck, I checked my own personal social media pages and saw that I’ve posted things about the people I actually LIVE WITH or that I see every single day…only a handful of times this year. So clearly, social media posts aren’t necessary for maintaining (or proving) a relationship.
We all know why that specific group of people are here. They NEED to try and disprove Jikook because if Jikook exists as a couple, then their fantasy is just that, a fantasy. And listen, they KNOW. They see it. Images of Jikook, in all of their Jikook glory, are burned on their retinas. They wouldn’t take Jikook moments and alter them (badly…oh so badly) by replacing Jimin’s face with, well, someone else’s, if they didn’t see the moments as romantic. Oh the second-hand embarrassment I get when I see those edits. Yeeeeshhh.
As for the so called “insecure Jikooker”, I can see how it happens. Listen, we used to basically LIVE with BTS. We saw them during practice, at concerts, eating together, backstage, on RUN BTS, Bon Voyage, Bangtan Bombs, In the Soop (1&2), during special content, at music shows and awards shows, photoshoots, commercials. They were much more active on social media, posting selfies on Twitter, talking in Fan Cafes, doing vLives regularly. I mean dang! It was constant. During all of that, from day ONE, we saw Jikook together. Sometimes they were quiet, sometimes they were loud. Regardless, they were always together (Satellite Jeon saw to that). Now, during solo era, we rarely see any of them together. And there is no “natural reason” for Jikook to be joined at the hip in the public eye. Before, they had reason, they had “cover” so to speak. But now? Suddenly, they share very very little about themselves. It’s quite the adjustment for fans to make and I can see how it leads to “discomfort”.
So now, I’m finally to my point! Jikook has been close for 10+ years, closer than close. They’ve risked a LOT to be together, worked through tough and scary times together. After all of the risk, hard work, and commitment, do we really, really think that different schedules would cause them to throw in the towel? Do we really think that having different work priorities would make them suddenly fall out? Really? I call BS on that. Out here in Normalville, people in relationships manage to go to different jobs daily, have sets of friends that do not crossover, even go on work or pleasure trips without each other, and still maintain a healthy, happy relationship. Couples in Normalville don’t have to post about each other regularly on social media, nor must they FaceTime all of their family, friends, and coworkers just to give them an update or their relationship status. Yet, this is the standard people are holding Jikook to. If they don’t prove themselves, they aren’t real? Wow. Harsh.
I saw this tweet and I thought it went well with my Ted Talk today. All you have to do is look at them and you know they have something special. And just because we can no longer see them as often, it doesn’t change the fact that their special relationship still exists. Just look at them. LOOK AT THEM. I feel confident, based on what we HAVE seen during this solo era, that Jikook are the same as ever. They are just having to travel down a new path together. And an actual BONUS for them, I think, is that they are getting to have a lot more privacy than they have had in the past. Anybody who says different has their own agenda and I, for one, don’t plan to give them any of my attention.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i do actually have massive issues with the tone of this post [mrs-monaghan/720032101019353088/taekook-always-lead-in-fancam-views-because-their] minimising jungkook’s achievements (and tae’s for that matter but you can’t talk about him here unless to hate on him otherwise you’re accused to be a tkker). explain to me why it’s so important that jimin’s songs do better than jungkook’s? why is it not relevant when jungkook’s fancam is the most watched on tiktok but like crazy catching up to dreamers is so important? why were all jkkers actively tweeting about jimin surpassing jk’s record to 1b streams? never jk surpassing jimin in anything? jk’s achievements are never discussed by jkkers yet you defend jimin like your life depended on it. show me the last time you praised jk that wasn’t for his dick or what you think he does to jimin. jkkers never talk about jk as an individual without it relating to jimin yet jimin is praised on the daily like it’s your job.
Your main issue about me being a Jikooker and seeing JK as a shipping tool 👇🏽
I made my stand clear on this issue here
Here i once again praise both men because I support both and said JK will indeed break Jimin's records
I can't shut up about JK breaking Jimin's records
And lastly I dare you to tell me that this here isn't me being on JK's corner.
Your other issue about Jikookers and I talking about Jimin surpassing JK. Because he has??? And we are only talking about the records Jimin is breaking Because currently he's the only one between them breaking records?? He's the only one between them who's dropped an album so we are keeping up with FACE and it's achievements. When JJK1 drops and me and other Jikookers aren't praising him and talking about his achievements then by all means go off. But as it stands JK hasn't done anything. There is no album to talk about. Left and Right is making noise sure but anything it wins goes to Charlie poop. I want JK's own music where he gets the awards, he gets the credit.
Whatever you have seen on tumblr or on twitter is not my problem. I am not ALL Jikookers. I am Shaz. And me as Shaz love BOTH Jimin and JK. I root for both Jimin and JK. I can praise JK's dick and still praise his achievements. Those two are not mutually exclusive. I resent this accusation and honestly fuck you with a cactus.
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And fuck you for having an issue with us defending Jimin like our lives depend on it. He's the one who's always gotten fucked over my the company not JK. What is there to defend JK on when he gets the royal treatment while Jimin doesn't? Even today with their individual fancams coincidentally Jimin's own is the only one that only had a link. All the other 6 had their photos. This can affect views because the human brain is attracted to imagery more than just words. They only just fixed it like 2 hours ago. This is something so trivial and normally no one would give a shit. But when this shit keeps happening to Jimin over and over people can get triggered over the smallest shit. Thus why PJMs made a big deal over a simple cake. A cake that Jimin wouldn't have eaten anyway coz of his diet but why can't he get what others got?? Even after he achieved something that hasn't been achieved since the 1960s?? He wasn't just the first Korean but the first Asian to get a number 1 on BB hot 100 since the 60s and what did BH do for him to celebrate this? Fuck all. And u wanna be mad at us for defending him like our lives depend on it.
Maybe there are Jikookers out there who don't see JK as anything more than Jimin's lover. But that aint me. But yes, you will find more shipping posts on my blog than achievement posts because that's what this is. A shipping blog. I am here for Jikook's relationship so yes, its what I will talk about the most. I also talk about the Jungkonda alot because yes, man has a big dick and I wanna talk about it. And so what if it's more interesting to me?
And incase you hadn't noticed I answer asks. I don't make my own posts.
You wanna see JK math then go follow JK data accounts that only post about his music and achievements. I will mention these things occasionally but I'm primarily here for the Jikook relationship. I'm sorry if you misunderstood but I hope that's clear now. That also goes for Jimin. I definitely talk more about his relationship than I do his achievements. Why aren't you mad about that??
Just say you're a JK solo and go.
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myobsessionsspace · 8 months
The Individuals
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Another Chapter 2 post…
Straddling between seeing them as The Main & Lead Singers/Dancers of BTS, ‘Jikook’ or Jimin and Jung Kook
BTS have always been such a different experience for me in terms of being a fan. Not only do we have magazine interviews and music show interviews plus their music to give us an insight into them, we also have an array of other media. They didn’t win the ‘Top Social Artist Award’ for no reason, their twitter presence, their weverse presence, their V Lives showed us much about them to endear them to us. Shows such as Rookie King, Gayo, Run BTS, Bon Voyage, In The Soop etc I couldn’t help but watch them all.
Religiously watching any V lives I could catch, going back and watching archived ones, their Bangtan Bombs and episodes etc. has allowed me and millions of others to feel like we know the group and members we support.
Over the years through watching the BTS original content, I have come to recognise and appreciate that these two MEN (queerphobs exit left) have unique bond.
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They have special bonds with each of their members, never sparing any from words of affection, hugs and caring looks, playful moments etc. it the ‘magic’ of BTS.
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The closeness I personally see between Jimin and Jungkook over the years is a bond I find to be exclusive to them. A bond that encompasses that shared between the other members or confident, bestie, ‘soulmate’, mentor, playmate, work partner, Hyung/Dongsaeng etc. I see theirs to be all of the above and more exclusive to the two of them. Where variations of duos can claim one or more of the above Jikook in my eyes claim them all for the two of them.
If nothing else from all that I have seen, it’s undeniable that they are the closest duo of the group.
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It’s very enjoyable as a third party seeing the sparkle in each others eyes when looking at each other, the small and big smiles reserved for the two, the innocent and not so innocent moments that won’t be found between any other combination with the same level of meaning, intensity and dare I say, love, behind it.
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I enjoy them, I enjoy them enjoying each other and I see across many platforms others who also enjoy them too.
Saying that I also enjoy them as INDIVIDUALS.
I enjoy Jimin’s heart and mind, how he sees challenges, how he sees experiences, how he appreciates and embraces emotions and is articulate and delicate with his spoken and written word. I enjoy his strength of character but isn’t hardened by life, how he can be the funniest person in the room and can make others laugh in a second and laugh with and even at himself. How he can be smart and serious but also light, fun and goofy. His talent, how he can be book smart, word smart but also creative, use his body as art but is also artistically talented with a pencil and paper.
I enjoy Jungkook’s goofball humour, his playfulness with his Hyungs, his admiration of them, his self assuredness and stubbornness that his Hyungs have moaned about since day 1 but still serves him in the right circumstances. I enjoy his creative talents, drawing, filming, photography, his ear for music of all genres, his innocence, how he talks to insects, fish before he slices it up for lunch. I enjoy his no nonsense approach to his work, hearing anecdotes from the members about how he doesn’t fear scolding Hyungs who don’t take practice seriously. I enjoy his loyalty, his level of honesty. I could go on because each day they show us more and more to learn and love about them.
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The above has given us an insight as to who these boys to men are. Their likes, their dislikes, their music tastes, their fashion tastes of that time. For as much footage we have of the members, what they said yesterday could be different tomorrow, they are individuals, capable or change, capable of learning, growing, of influencing and being influenced.
Since even before chapter 2 the members have always spoken of how different they were as individuals. They have always shared their amazement that 7 different men could create such a phenomenon together and STAY together throughout their ups and downs for years upon years.
They’ve never claimed to be the same, never claimed to always want the same things. The prevailing statement I’ve heard from them has been they sacrificed for the sake of the group.
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Chapter 2 has been about no longer having to have that weight, in my opinion, about getting out everything they felt they weren’t able to say yes OR no to when 6 other members had to be considered.
The members are very aware that their solo work still represents, not just themselves, like one would ideally like, but still represents the group, that they made their name from. No matter how different their work is from the group they will always be ‘of BTS.’
Though it may be very late in the game, it occurred to me that I’m doing each member a disservice, in always looking past the individual and seeking to find the other members in their solo endeavours, especially Jimin and Jungkook because of my enjoyment of their duo. I gave some reasons earlier as to why I like them individually and why their duo draws my attention. I don’t need their coupling to like them individually because the lists for each still remain with or without their couple.
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They’ve all worked, learned, practiced and grown alongside each other but their shared experiences over the past 10+ years, their undeniable bond and closeness doesn’t mean they don’t have individuality that shouldn’t be acknowledged and appreciated as such. They’ve all had hurts, struggles, highs and lows, some connected to each other and some separate of each other.
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Though it’s my belief nothing between them has changed…
Enjoying them as they’ve intended for chapter 2 means to me, allowing them what they haven’t been given before, a chance to be them, on their terms, taking what they give us.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 8 months
I probably will be called out for making everything about Jimin but idfc.
Notice how whenever Jimin pulls himself out of something be it relationships or jobs the people he worked with and people he had relationship with start to crumble and lose their appeal at all. It's like they lose their soul. BTS had really nice music until 2020, their artistry was unmatched in the whole industry and their stage performances were talked abt for weeks after. Then Jimin started getting pushed back in choreos and being given lesser lines in their songs. Their group music is unlistenable now. Every performance now is the Graham Norton performance which Jimin wasn't able to attend. I've loved them so much, I've waited for every performance, award show and new music. Now I desperately beg for them to stop releasing it. It's this bad. Relationships too. Jimin was close to Yg, Th and Jk, you just can't deny it. Yeah, I didn't really like some of their interactions and most of it seemed exaggerated by fans but still it seemed quite genuine. Then Jimin stopped hanging out with Th. Th's weird attitude and shifty behavior started getting more and more obvious and severe. Never expected much from him but damn he makes me lower my expectations even more. I kinda liked Yg, ngl, but at some point he started giving Jm back handed compliments and Jm kinda withdrew himself from him I think. After it Yg's ass lickery, money and power greed tendencies and selfishness and bitterness just flourished. Finally, Jk. I think they had quite nice relationship back then even if it was hot and cold (well, Ig that's just how jk's personality is, he's awkward) and mostly one sided. Jk was also more involved in creative process and in general looked happier and more genuine. After 2020/2021 Jimin started withdrawing himself from this relationship, too. Then I started noticing quite radical changes in Jk's behavior. Blatant fanservice, playing on both ship parties on purpose, insincerity. His skills too, like, bro, wtf has happened to you? The dancing?? Stage presence (yeah, he never was strong in this field but he had good moments sometimes)?? Wtf is that? His mediocrity and blandness is insane. He looks like he completely lost himself. Just plain sad.
So my point is, Jimin is/was the soul and heart of BTS, their performances, songs and every relationship he's in. The lightweight vibes, genuine fun, sincerity, desire to be and do better than yesterday, charm. It's all gone with Jimin. It feels like Jimin transforms people around him, seriously affects them and their mind. It's like the people he chooses to be around and chooses to be close with start to want to do better and be better. The group's fate is truly sad.
I've had this in drafts for god knows how long, but I wrote this:
"Polyc saying Jimin impacted him and changed his outlook on life, made him want to be a better person. He hung out with Jungkook the most but had literally nothing special to say about him
Jk before 2017 was annoying, a brat, lowkey an asshole; after he got closer to Jimin he softened and then there you have the same jungkook again as you mentioned these past years. 2021 something about jikook wasn't the same anymore and he's been closer to taehyung and acting like him too"
So I assume it must be from around those days of the polyc interview lol. Timing aside, points were made.
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neverforever09 · 11 months
So, Seven was released. There was a lot of drama surrounding this before its release and a lot of drama after its release.
I fully support Jikook, but I think that my belief in Jikook is fully seperable and irrelavent when it comes to pointing out injustices in their music careers. Do I support the relationship that I belive JK and JM have? Yes. Do I acknowledge and love how JK and JM support each other? Yes. Do those things mean that I’m obligated to support Seven and be happy for JK as a musician? No. 
There are a lot of things you could point out in comparing between how FACE was handled and how Seven is being handled. A lot of those things ought to make you pissed off on JM’s behalf. The short promo? The disadvantageous chart manipulations? Gosh, even the lack of a cake (if you’ve followed BTS for all these years, you must know how a simple cake is a staple to celebrate significant events like...oh idk, a BB#1???!). Seven on the other hand, to put it lightly, did not recieve this kind of treatment. Am I advocating for JK’s music to face the injustices that JM’s FACE release did? No. I am simply putting it out there that it needs to be acknowledged that Seven was clearly favoured over JM’s debut album when looking at the treatment each of these recieved. As a fan, I honestly felt that JM’s success was more organic - his records came from songs he wrote, choreography he worked hours to perfect, and the dedication of his fans and their love for the music he put out.
Looking at Seven as a song, look I love JK as a musician. Anyone with ears can tell that dude can really sing well (again, putting it lightly). He’s an all rounder and from a business perspective, it’s easy to understand why so much favourtism is awarded to him (as an ARMY, that stuff does not sit right with me). This song, the GMA performances, the lyrics even - all of it felt, for lack of a better word, Western. It felt like any other American song about sex. The cherry on the cake was that he didn’t even write it, BTS didn’t write it. We don’t need to look at the credits to know who didn’t write it. BTS songs have beautiful lyricism and intellgient melodies and all of that is glaringly absent in Seven. All this promo, this hype, these analyses, for a mainstream-produced song that JK did not even write. Anyways, this side note is just to say that Seven did not hit the spot for me as a song, it did not live up to the hype surrounding it, and more than that, as a song associated with JK since I know he can do so much better. 
Another side note is that I felt the use of the subject of sex in this song was kind of cheap. I know BTS are grown ups and see no issue with them devoting songs to sex (that is an important and normal part of life, ngl). With Seven, I felt like sex was sorta used the same way that plot twists are cheaply used in TV shows, you know? As a shock factor or something to draw people in. The song isn’t deep (at least to me it isn’t), but is everyone screaming about it because JK sings about fucking someone right? Sure, the song is hot. JK is hot. But that’s irrelevent to whether the song is good, no?
Anyhow, those are my two cents on all this FACE/Seven stuff especially for people who might feel a similar conflict, but might be pressured by other posts they may see that mandate that you should be happy for Seven and JK as a musician if you are a Jikooker.
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piecesofmind @piecesofmind_jm 221008
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jiminieloved · 1 year
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 117
BE Era, Pt 5
March 3, 2021:
Run Ep. 131
0:20 Jimin misses the episode introduction because he is giving a little slap on JK’s arm
5:46 epic moment when they play the pushing game on the water and before they start JK puts his hands on Jimin waist from behind him and they try to reproduce a titanic scene, and even though JK is usually super competitive, Jimin easily pushes him in the water
0:31 playing martial arts together
5:07 Jimin asks JK if he is going to be the moderator first and he says yes
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2. March 4, 2021:
Love Myself Campaign Special Announcement Episode
0:36 sitting close and reading their brief for the campaign together
1:52 playing together with Hobi
4:17 sitting close and after Tae finishes his lines Jimin points a thumbs to JK
5:54 JK shows Jimin to the camera
6:32 sitting close, Jimin puts his arm behind JK
7:03 Jimin looks fondly at JK and laughs while holding his arm after he messes up the script
3. March 5, 2021:
Love Myself Give-ticon Shoot
2:34 vminkook photoshoot
3:38 standing close for the photoshoot
4. March 7, 2021:
JK Live
38:55 JK is asked to share a TMI and he says he took a bite of Jimin’s instant noodle cup
55:56 JK sings “Filter” and it seems like he is watching the performance video because he does some of the dance moves
5. March 8, 2021:
Jikook sharing a car
1:08 getting out of the same car
6. March 9, 2021:
Run Ep. 132
3:12 they have a debate about brushing teeth during the shower, Jimin talks against it by saying it could be messy, then JK teases him by saying “who spits it out on your body? You must do that then?”, then Jimin says he does that
16:50 Jimin asks JK if he accepts the debate argument to trick him into saying the forbidden word
28:24 JK erases the letters on Yoongi’s hands so Jimin can be the winner, the prize is a voucher for the presidential suite at The Plaza Hotel
7. March 15, 2021:
a) Music On A Mission - MusiCares & 63rs Grammy Awards Dynamite Performance Making
4:46 standing close, Jimin says it is amazing that JK only practiced playing the drums for one day
9:04 Jimin, JK and Hobi play a game with their fingers
16:58 sitting close
18:58 Jimin films JK and asks him to pretend to be tired, so JK does it
b) 63rd Grammy Awards Making Film
7:35 looking at each other and laughing
8:13 laying close on the couches
c) 63rd Grammy Awards Episode
8:02 Jimin compliments JK on the performance
8:58 posing for the pictures with each other’s mics
14:06 walking side by side
17:50 laying close on the couches
8. March 16, 2021:
Run Ep. 133
wearing matchy clothes in this episode
1:40 warming each other’s hands
4:45 Jimin takes a picture of JK using the giant keyboard
6:05 just an observation on how quick it was for Jimin to find an anniversary calculator (might mean nothing, but I thought it was interesting)
12:05 they are both looking for the answer and Jimin says “Jungkook-ah”
9. March 17, 2021:
BTS at You Quiz On The Block
Part 1
1:05 Jimin teases JK because he was trying to talk on the back and finally got his chance to, then JK says he isn’t good at catching timing so Jimin grabs his hand and says it’s okay
Part 2
1:19 a small moment when they go towards each other’s direction to react when they see an army dancing to mic drop on the show
Part 3
11:55 Jimin talks about his time as a trainee and JK says he was the hardest working person
BTS at You Quiz On The Block Making Film
4:52 standing close for the picture
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10. March 23, 2021:
Run Ep. 134
15:46 JK asks to switch places with Jin saying Jin’s is the lucky seat, then Jimin steals his seat and he doesn’t even argue, he just says “it’s okay to stand close to it”
28:01 Jikook fist bump
7:45 the staff says they have a very surprising winner, Jimin says it’s JK, then JK argues saying it wouldn’t be surprising for him to win because he is a dancer and glances at Jimin
11. March 24, 2021:
a) Film Out MV Making
4:15 talking to each other
b) BTS The Best Making 2
0:24 acting goofy along with Namjoon behind the scenes
1:06 Jimin sits next to JK
12. March 25, 2021:
Let’s BTS
Part 1
49:56 JK copies Jimin’s moves when they enter the room
Part 2
2:48 all the members write things they would like an specific member to say to them, when it’s Jimin’s turn, Jin and Tae say they think Jimin is going to write to JK
3:45 it is revealed that Jimin did write to JK and Jin says “of course it would be him”, then JK reads the words Jimin would like him to say to him, which are “I always copy you”
7:44 Jimin teases JK by saying he starts unbuttoning his shirt when they are about to go on stage, JK says he copied Jimin
13. March 26, 2021:
Coway x BTS Making Film
4:32 JK presses Jimin and Jin on the table so Jimin laughs and pushes him
14. March 30, 2021:
Run Ep. 135
19:37 they are playing a game where they have to look for hidden korean traditional items and Jimin asks JK if the traffic baton is a traditional item
4:59 Jimin comes back after hiding his item and JK notices his hands are red
7:48 JK says Jimin’s tone goes up a lot when he is innocent and being framed
Information compiled by Shan and @lagalaxiedemochi
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Bts looked so good with their long hair and nice suits on this last award show! I'm just really confused about what award show it was lol, how many do they have in South Korea? Because I've seen some fancams and video taken from shows that looked wildly different, with complex performances and dances, while this one seemed to me a little bit more tame.
I also remember seeing videos about the first extensive win of BTS that surprised many. Was it this one? Is this the most important award show in SK?
I'm just a bit curious, thank you for answering! :)
That was The Fact Award show. Officially abbreviated as TMA, often also called FMA. This award show was established I think, correct me if needed, in 2019. So it's *newer.* And it's awards are mostly fan voted and organized by the Fan N Star app where fans can vote for artists in whatever categories they are nominated for each year. BTS has attended and won each year. ARMYs were super happy about BTS winning so much at these awards this year since TMA is fan voted, it showed them that even with their solo ventures, hiatus and breaks, all their announcements they were so worried about, that ARMY is still there backing them, no matter what. But Jikook at TMA over the years and their performances
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Speech and their encore of Idol
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Award show delayed originally due to covid and missing yoongi due to his shoulder surgery. They performed Dynamite and Life Goes On.
And their encore stage of Dynamite in 2020
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They performed Boy With Luv, Butter and PTD in 2021, performance here
And encore of Butter
And most recently, 2022
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They performed Yet To Come and For Youth
And Maknae Line's "so show me" encore (jimin walked off the camera view but he was singing too lmao)
So yes, in general, they do tend to have a more laid back type of just having fun with it and armys performances and encore stages at this award show. As for the award show you mentioned where they won big for the first time. That I think you are referring to is from 2015 where they won first place for the first time with I Need U on KBS Music Bank
And because it should be included. Their lipstick encore performance after I Need U's second win on M Countdown
Everyone was so emotional!
Hope that this helps a little bit!
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tokyokookmin · 1 year
Jikook - power duo/aces of the group / main dancers/axis of the group. Yes, I'm talking about Jikook. The power couple. The duo rocks the stage with their charismatic personality and appearance. Amazing visuals. Sexy body. Powerful moves. Amazing vocals.
I thought of doing this post since we don't really get to talk about their dynamics on stage often. So, here's a post featuring my favourite JIKOOK stages as a unit in live concerts, off-stage dances, MV's and events. Also, keep in mind that I'm not ranking the stages. Whichever moment crops up in my mind first secures the top spot ya :)
Let's get it
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The most epic part of their choreography. Jikook as a unit with their power moves.
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FIRST OF ALL. THE SONG. IT'S LITERALLY SUCH A HYPE SONG. SECOND. This is my latest FAV JIKOOK MOMENT ON STAGE - CHOREOGRAPHY WISE. It's a shame we only got one moment. But hey, it's good enough!
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Let's never forget our QUEEN, DYNAMITE. The best pop song in 2020. BTS's ENGLISH SONG DEBUT. 2020 BTS was delightful!
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Cutesy, Subtle moments.
1. MMA 2019 BWL BTS
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1. FESTA 2016 BTS
We only had one performance but it was amazing. Jikooks power moves are splendid. I absolutely adore their efforts to produce a fantastic dance cover for the FESTA 2016 event.
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Again. We only had this performance once though it indeed captured our hearts. An iconic song.
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I saved the best for the last. Yes, Black Swan. That one performance went viral in 2020. It amazed everyone. They were the cover of the news and the talk of the town for multiple days. Their immaculate and gracious dance moved all of us, didn't it?
It was beautiful. Mesmerizing. Gracious.
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I wanted to put this here as well
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It's a wrap. I hope to continue this post soon!
All usage of Twitter links, Article links and Youtube links are provided. You can find them on my Twitter page if needed. I retweet all the tweets I use for my posts as a reference.
I said I'll be more active. Sometimes I just need to put this blog aside to tend more to my personal life.
xx, tokyokookmin.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Puppykitties, I do not mean this harshly, but distractions, drama, and sabotage happen with every comeback and never more so than with Jimin.
We are in the fight of our lives for placement on the charts and awards on music programs. We need fewer filtered streams and much higher sales.
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We absolutely cannot focus on trash talk and ship discourse right now.
Yes, I know today there was a lot of excitement. Joon, Yoongi, Tae, JK, and others (many others in the industry) went to Harry Styles' concert today and it very much appears that Jimin and J-Hope did not. How do I know? Because there's photos of the Tannies on their personal time all over my timeline when there should be screenshots of streaming and voting.
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It's disappointing because Jungkook just got done saying he was human too and asking us not to stalk him during his private time. I know some folks feel like if you're out in public, you are "fair game." But that's my point: they aren't game, they aren't prey--they are people and they deserve to be able to hang out with their friends and not have it scrutinized and weaponized. So just know it's always best to let THEM be the ones to share such info, like Joon and Tae did on their insta.
You best believe, the more we pressure them like this, the less we'll get of them.
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The last time we saw Jikook together off-schedule, just the two of them alone, they got in a car to leave from the airport in April of 2022. A few days later, the gossip rags sabotaged Jimin's first OST With You with a bullshit scandal about missing insurance premium payments and his apartment "seizure" (on paper).
And ever since that day, we have not seen Jikook hang out in any personal capacity, unless you count the arcade in DC with Hobi and Her. Not once have we seen them alone. POINTEDLY.
There's been blurry CCTV photos of two people in a mini mart and whispers from K forums of folks seeing them around the neighborhood, but nothing concrete; they don't even mention each other in TMIs any more.
We KNOW they have hung out, as per inferences from their family, tattoo artist, and boxing coach, but no solid evidence from the primary source, even when directly asked. Again, POINTEDLY.
And yet when they are together for a work thing or online, they get along like a house on fire. They slap butts and tap hands and do cute things for each other's birthdays and get into giggle fits and compliment each other and flirt like crazy on WeVerse. Jungkook has issued several emphatic invitations for Jimin to come to him and told us to look forward to his teaser at midnight.
But they aren't sharing their relationship with us like they used to, so we honestly do not know if they hang out in person much these days.
Not because there's any indication of bad blood or a whiff of a breakup. Our little perfectionist is booked and busy, and our golden maknae was taking time to recharge.
You need to remember that since solo era was mentioned, Jimin has been writing, composing, and recording his own songs.
He's traveled abroad multiple times--Chicago, LA, NYC, Paris--to name a few.
He's hosted people who have traveled to Korea to work with him.
The producers admonished him for not taking breaks to eat or shower and in fact sleeping in the studio for many nights.
He's had to rehearse for music shows, concerts, his collab, and his own music videos.
He's been training so hard on new choreo that he was in too much pain to join Jin for his birthday and you KNOW how our boy feels about his members' birthdays.
He's filmed RUN content and commercials and a documentary and all sorts of stuff for his own album.
He's had work as brand ambassador for Dior and Tiffany's beyond just Fashion Week, which was huge.
I've lost count of the number of high-end photoshoots he's done for Vogue, W, Elle, and I don't know what all else.
The man JUST got off a plane the day before from traveling half-way around the world to interview with and perform for Fallon for TWO NIGHTS.
If I were him, I wouldn't dash over to a packed concert less than 24 hours later, either. Doesn't mean I don't love my members, or my partner, or Styles. It means I'm TIRED and I'm protecting my health and energy.
Especially considering there are appearances on television coming up and god knows what else to promote FACE.
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I love you all, but I swear to God, if you give your time and energy to the assholes on the timeline attacking Jikook, you are robbing Jimin of the time and energy you should be giving to voting, streaming, buying, and hyping FACE. Which is what they want. They want to siphon that energy from you. Please don't be stupid.
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We are grasping for every INCH of space on the charts up against absolute giants this and next week. It would be different if all of ARMY got behind Jimin 24/7 but you know how many little 7s actually behave when push comes to shove. To say nothing of the antis, mantis, multis, and cult working against him with purpose.
Please don't let this kind of crap sabotage Jimin's hard work. Celebrate the fact that some BTS members got to hang out at a concert, and honor the fact that some BTS members had other things to do.
PLEASE snap out of it and stick to our goals. We can debate Jikook all day long after FACE is safely to bed. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.
We are in lockdown.
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Love, Roo
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook in Award Shows
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2015 MAMA
160703 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS at 5th GAON CHART K-POP Awards
KBS song festival 2016 (29 Dec 2016) how does it fit in the timeline?
170110 [BANGTAN BOMB] Message to A.R.M.Y as 'Blood, Sweat & Tears' last day
Sapporo Snow Festival 2016
M countdown That ain’t cake JK is looking at
2017 BBMA’s JM’s tweet
KBS music bank comeback Feb 2017
There was no fight or argument
2018 Golden disk award 3 (2 previous links in my recommended posts)
MAMA 2018 Hobi being a gatekeeper
Melon 2018
Melon 2018
Jikook Melon 2018
Melon 2018 & Only then
3 years to Melon 2018
Melon 2018 - the lipreading
Just because - Only then again
Jikook and award shows and award show subtle moment
TMA 2019 red carpet
TMA 2019
TMA 2019 red carpet JK signing I love you to JM
Bangtan Bomb 29 Aug 2021 - SBS 2020 performance: Link 1;  Link 2;  Link 3; Link 4
AMA’s 2021
Link 1 Jikook;  Link 2 Jikook;  Link 3 - NJ the protector; Link 4 Jikook again; Link 5 My universe - “we are made for each other”;  Link 6; Link 7 - Jinkook; Link 8 his eyes tell;  Link 9  cutie pies;  Link 10 NJ the protector another angle
AMA’s 2021 behind BTB
TMA’s 2021
TMA’s 2021
TMA 2021 JK’s powers of teleportation
TMA 2021 ending
TMA’s 2021 it’s already been a year
Grammy's 2021
Bangtan bomb Grammy’s 29 September 2021
JK looking at JM - again
Grammy’s 2022 Masterlist
Red carpet - love this
JM finding his way to JK
How this looks so familiar
Did someone say smooth like butter?
Someone needs to tell them JM is taken
Here we go...they are adorable
Love them
What you looking at JM?
More footage from the Grammy’s
Bangtan bomb Grammy’s 29 September 2021
TMA’s 2022 Masterlist
TMA’s 2022 here we go
We didn’t get this camera in the live stream
They are so beautiful, and posing for photos
Those broad smiles
The way they connect on stage
I’m still here
This too
Words not needed
JK being JM’s copy cat
The way JK finds JM so endearing
Jikook are Jikooking
Same moment better angle and clarity
Third time’s a charm?
Came across this photo
TMA’s BTB released 25 December 2022
TMA’s 2022 reminder clip (LINK?)
SBS inkigayo 2023
SBS pre recording June 12th 2022
More Karmy reports from the SBS pre-recording
And more Karmy posts from the SBS pre-recording
JM/JK leaving SBS after performance pre-recording
Bunch of JM and JK beautiful photos from the performance
BTB BTS  'Proof' Music Show Promotions Sketch - 17 September 2022
Who do you think took JM’s photo?
JM at the Inkigayo pre-recording 28 March 2023
MNET 2023
Mnet pre-recording
Mnet pre-recording 13 June 2022
JK singing My you to army during Mnet Pre-recording
BTB BTS ‘Proof’ Music Show Promotion Sketch
Music Bank 2023
JM/JK arriving to pre-recording of KBS performance
JK being JM’s protector
Music Bank - JK ending fairy to JM’s “rest of my life”
Music Bank 17 June 2022 - BTS ending clip
JM/JK leaving KBS
36 notes · View notes