#Jihyun's After End
duskerot · 1 month
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i disappear inside myself / my friends don't know it can't be helped
[Pure You - Nothing But Thieves]
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
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i choked
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piganatur · 1 year
The repetitive and varying emotions prior to a relationship are always sour or sweet (不问三九)
oh boy, soooo ep 4 huh? We start to deep dive into the nitty-gritty of the leads’ minds and I’m all for it.
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Jaewon tackling his feelings at his therapy session? Openly and candidly saying all his concerns while his therapist tells him you don’t have to be loved by everyone? The sheer force of this shot with the triangle of the fish tank behind him, the reflections of the metal balls before him and the sculpture of a head with its eyes and ears covered at his side? majestic Jaewon is teetering on the border of his fears and the truth all the while the outside world won’t notice or listen (no one knows this Jaewon, the one sitting on the couch in the office) but thanks to the reflection of the balls on the table he can see all three sides (also, out of the three balls one is glass, so it’s transparent, something that won't remind him, that lets him off the hook, something that he could fill with whatever he wants)
I’m ecstatic that most interactions that propel our leads to go forward, that affirm and reinforce the truths they have to hear and accept, are coming from women. Women have a crucial part in the eighth sense. They aren’t in the show just to be annoying or to be the punchline to some stereotype (I also love that none of them is related to the leads, yet they’re handled with care). All these female characters are fleshed-out individuals, integrated into the plot so deeply and seamlessly. I could sing odes about Yoonwon, or sajangnim or Aeri but let’s take Eunji for example, she’s not bitchy because she’s a woman but because she’s the ex (and also a brat). Jaewon was right, she really needs to learn some basic manners, I was waiting for the moment the two girls accompanying her to the bar would just stand up and leave that mess lmao. I also feel like Jaewon not only does what’s expected of him but what seems the most convenient bc at this point I honestly can’t get my head around why else he’d ever date Eunji. (Jaewon said they dated for about 2 years while the mandatory enlistment service is between 18-22 months. If they broke up around the middle of Jaewon’s service so at least 9 months(?) after he enlisted, and they had a period of some (썸 fling) before officially dating, then how long were they actually in a relationship?)
Now that I’m already rambling about Eunji, let’s take a look at the restaurant scene. I’ve seen people say that Jihyun should’ve stood up for himself there, but realistically speaking, there was nothing he could have done in that situation. Eunji’s not only a customer of the bar, but she’s also his sunbae in the surfing club. Did she act extremely rudely? Yes. Could’ve Jihyun done anything else but bear it? No. Even being as straightforward (or rude) as Yoonwon wouldn’t cut it, he’d have to be as rude as Shim Woojoo (shoutout to Call it love). His boss (sajangnim ily ♡) could defend Jihyun exactly because she’s the owner and she’s older, what she said can’t be considered rude. And look at that, Eunji didn’t back down even knowing these things (more proof that she’s a brat). Jihyun acting any other way than he did would’ve been out of line big time, only stoking the fire (I’m pretty sure Eunji, being as petty as she is, somewhat anticipated just that). His strength thus lies in his kindness and patience and the fact he didn’t let Eunnji’s bullshit about Jaewon affect their relationship (Jihyun-ah my beloved)
The blossoming relationship between Jihyun and Jaewon is a category of its own. I’ve already mentioned (in this post) the concept of being seen in the eighth sense and that goes hand in hand with showing. Jihyun doesn’t show a lot but it’s always sincere while Jaewon seemingly shows a ton but it’s a facade, something attractive but empty. This contrast, the way it gets a reaction out of them, the seeing and showing, the influence they have on e/o can be found in all of their interactions. One does or says a thing and it impacts the other to react to it, to correct their attitude or behaviour. Their run-in after Jihyun’s terrible shift is a great example. Jaewon first lies about the business he has near the dorms but nonetheless feels the need to be there for Jihyun so comforts him with his touch (his actions speak the truth) and Jihyun spills about his feelings (his words speak the truth). Jihyun’s sincerity once again demands for Jaewon to be, in turn, sincere (and he is, with his words this time). Every contact, the constant back and forth (verbal or nonverbal), the shared intimacy to be in their own world is masterful and so authentic. The two of them cloaked under the night, not as something others see during the day but as something they get to decide, the casual touches that are anything but casual bc they are a force in their own right, a wordless pull. It’s beautiful.
I won’t even try to tackle that moment in the library where for Jaewon, Jihyun is the sole source of light bc I’m unknowing and unworthy to put it into words but fortunately there are ppl out there who are knowing and worthy so read @mare-sanguis post and feel blessed (but I’m sure you already have)
One more thing and I’ll stop this long ass rambling pretending to be a review(?) analysis(?) who knows? It’s about the portrayal of romance because in so many stories of the romance genre one party does all the initiating, the chasing, and the other party is kind of passive idk? They feel good about the developments of course, but they don’t reciprocate that much, more like only accepting the advances? In the eighth sense, both parties put in the work to make this happen. However tentative, however unsure at times their participation is, they’re actively trying to romance each other. The way Jaewon is forward with his actions, Jihyun is forward with his words. It’s a give and take, testing of how well will this go? How far they can go? There’s an exchange in their shared scenes both emotionally and physically, and it makes both of their hearts flutter. Jaewon is bold yet Jihyun can make his breath stop and his head spin with one (1) art lesson by the Han River? Jaewon teases and flirts yet Jihyun asks the real questions, steering the topic to dating and defining relationships? It’s a dance where they take turns to lead depending on the situation because they both want this, because they feed into each other’s happiness.
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Ray AE without context:
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marshmallowprotection · 11 months
Thinking Thoughts about mysme once again and they started to overlap.
So, I feel like it's pretty likely that V has some scars from the fire when his mom died. The house was fully on fire when his mom went to save him. And there's one chat, for the life of me I can't remember which, where V mentions he doesn't like taking off his clothes in front of people (which made me start thinking it).
Also I looked through all the album images and what title screens I could find, V is almost always wearing long sleeves. There's a handful of times where his sleeves are rolled up (mostly title screens, and usually still below the elbows). there's one (1) image where he's in short sleeves without a jacket and it's one of the defaced pictures Ray sent to the RFA so it's not super visible (but honestly even if they showed V without scars cheritz can't stop me. Like the twins are also covered in scars. they can give us all the tank top saeyoung they want but i KNOW he's got scars)
ANYWAY so... VAE. V is the one who goes back to Magenta and gets Saeran out of the wreckage and runs off with him (a thought that came later: I wonder how he felt walking through burned ruins, hoping someone survived such pure destruction). There's a lot of complicated feelings between V and everyone else--ESPECIALLY the twins--but I wonder. Towards the end of that two years. He and Saeran must be at some sort of peace. Saeran's physical wounds are... healed, as much as they really can be. The scars will stay.
Maybe one day V just rolls his sleeves up or tugs his shirt collar aside or something, just enough to show Saeran he's not alone. He knows how it feels to burn long, long after the flames have gone out. The only other person who's seen his scars is Rika (And probably Jumin, either in the hospital after the fire or by accident over the years). Not the rest of the RFA, not even MC yet.
I don't know how to word it but just. that... A sense of not being alone or just being seen when you see someone with wounds similar to your own. They're not exactly the same, no two wounds can be, but on some level you both understand it.
Finally. God. Do you know how long I've been trying to advocate for Jihyun's burn scars by putting them in countless stories? There's no wrong answer for the placement of the scars, but I've always thought that they were on his back and likely patches of his arms. Jihyun is a modest guy in general, so it makes sense why he doesn't show much of his body off, but when you add in the accident with the fire... well, I think his being insecure about his scars would make sense.
It's not even that the scars make him feel bad about his reflection. Those scars are a mark that reminds him his mother is dead every time he looks at him. No wonder he wants to cover up. His life went through a change that nobody will ever understand when he lost her. His personality changed, he withdrew, and he started to hold back on everything because that grief wrecked him in ways that he still hasn't started to unpack by the time you encounter him.
Between feeling insecure about himself and carrying a constant reminder that his mother died for him; You can only imagine what things must be like in his head for years. The accident happened when he was a teenager. Somewhere between the ages of 16-18, that's the only definitive answer I've got on that. By the time MC comes around, Jihyun is 25.
That's almost ten years of carrying shame and self-hatred. We all know how he feels about his mother, but imagining him carrying every scar like it's a punishment for not "loving his mother enough," now, that's hard to stomach. I sympathize with him. Learning how to love himself is going to come with the price of learning how to accept his scars, too. In the same way that Saeran and Ray have to learn how to accept theirs.
I truly believe that Jihyun would've shown his scars to him at some point. He fights hard to help Saeran, but I just know he's going to be quick to run out of answers within the first couple of months and he'll have to resort to thinking outside the box. He'll have to learn that the best way to get through to Saeran is to show him, not tell him. Words are empty to him given what he went through. You need to show him what you're made of.
That's why revealing his scars would be crucial in the healing process.
Imagine Saeran and/or Ray lashing out at V for months because they are angry, afraid, and want nothing to do with this healing that Jihyun is selling. They fight him every step of the way and there's nothing the man can do to stop it. V would be at his wit's end. He would have to try and find something else.
An angry cry of: "You can't even begin to understand my pain, V! You'll never know what it's like to carry these scars!"
Jihyun will have no choice but to roll back the fabric and show Saeran the weight of his worst trauma. "...I'm afraid I understand more than you'll ever know."
No words will be spoken between them about that. Only thoughts of pain and confusion because Saeran didn't know that V had scars like that. V will give him space for a while before Saeran comes back to his side to ask about the scars, and to learn about the story that comes with it... so that's how they open up to each other and finally start to have a healthy dialogue about everything and anything that happened to them.
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ratss0up-deactivated · 4 months
playing mystic messenger v route for like the millionth time and if i dont get the cuck ending this time im going to lose it
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electronicfoxnerd · 1 year
I still can't comprehend that The Eighth Sense is actually ending next week. It feels like yesterday I was screaming about how wonderfully it's been shot after watching the first two episodes. This is the show that made me start posting on Tumblr again.
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xelasrecords · 6 months
Tired dad Jihyun the RFA really is a handful (affectionate)
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Okay but him being lowkey jealous after this and wanting to just be with his lil family isn't something I expected from him
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And Lucy. Maybe don't give your dad stabbing trauma flashbacks :)
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transpat · 1 year
uh so jaewon's last therapy session his therapist told him to not act rashly w this new relationship and jaewon did just that he made a rash decision to go the beach w jihyun and stay there for the weekend and the rash written on their surfing suits along w the jihyun driving incident I think ik where this is going.
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lithopsy · 1 month
having another fictional character breakdown again but it (spoilers for a seven year old game) is so insane that saeran killed jihyun IN FRONT of jumin in the SE like THAT GUY DIED?? THERE IS A FUNERAL CG?? like why does the fandom collectively ignore that scene
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
I Gave You My Heart
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Warnings: fluff 3rd person Saeran centered
A/N: sweet pink, strawberry Saeran 🥺
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Christmas was hard enough with Saeyoung being the way he is, but this was Saeran’s first official Christmas. He had gotten away a few years ago, but now he was out of treatment and able to spend it with everyone. 
The RFA had been so kind to him, it made him so happy to finally be with people who cared about him, especially you. You 2 had been together for a while, but he hadn’t kissed you since that time in the garden. He was trying to be more open about how he felt, but it was hard. You were incredibly understanding and let him take his time and decide how quickly things should move.
Now, he sat next to you while you all opened presents. It was hosted at Jumin’s penthouse, which was completely decked out. Elizabeth sat in Saeran’s lap, she refused to move, not that Saeran minded (Saeyoung was fuming). Zen passed out gifts, making sure Saeran was first, he was the guest of honor after all.
“From Jumin” Saeran said. He pulled the paper off and was left with a small box. Inside? A watch, it was dazzling, rose gold. “Thank you.”
Jaehee got him a set of baking utensils, bowl, and cook books. Zen got him a $100 gift card to his favorite ice cream place. Yoosung got him a strawberry scented candle (he’s on a college student budget). Jihyun got him a super soft pink blanket, one that Saeran had been interested in before. Saeyoung made him a personal assistant strawberry cat.
That left you. He knew that he would love anything you got him, no matter what. So when Zen handed him the gift from you, he didn’t even hesitate to rip it open. [Insert super obscure thing you think Saeran would want]. 
He grinned from ear to ear. He couldn’t contain himself and kissed you. It was short, sweet, and smiley.
“Sorry...” He mumbled, his neck to his ears bright red. You reassured him that it was okay, that he didn’t do anything wrong. But to be honest, he could only think about kissing you again.
He did, later when you 2 were getting more to drink in the kitchen. He softly tugged you to him and kissed you, just as sweetly as before. You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tip toes to reach him a little better.
“Thank you.”
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carmenlire · 1 year
I can’t get Jaewon and the eighth sense out of my head because i see so much of myself in him. The way he’s always there for his friends, even to the detriment to himself. and it doesn’t have to be anything tragic. it’s going out and getting drunk and putting on that mask every day. it’s getting out of your own head long enough to realize that your friend is going through it and you need to care.
i’ve only watched it once but it’s in the way depression can, occasionally, manifest as a sort of manic episode. like you’re so empty and numb but 1) you can’t let anyone find out 2) you decide you’re going to be better. just like that, through sheer force of will. and so Jaewon smiles brightly and meets with friends and greets teachers and does a bang-up job of acting like he’s perfect he’s fucking perfect but inside there’s just nothing there. or maybe it’s not that there’s nothing there-- it’s that there’s so much but he can’t access it, he’s afraid to touch it because if he does then it will overwhelm him.
Jaewon has a lot of trauma and circumstances that definitely didn’t help his mental health but Jihyun was the breath of fresh air he desperately needed. and not in a Jihyun saved Jaewon kinda way but in the way that this new person broke up the monotony, showed him it was okay to reach out for help that, there was at least one person he didn’t have to hide from.
and just-- 10/10 to this show for showing that Jaewon very much struggles with depression-- he takes antidepressants, he sees a therapist, and even with those tools (and Jihyun) he isn’t magically cured. he can still sink low. that this kinda shit is cyclical and you can try your best but it can still be hard, you can still suffer, you will still have to drag yourself back up from underwater. but you can do it. because you’ve done it before.
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
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this was so fucking funny
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linhmiu201 · 1 year
Okay so I decided to screw it, just be a bitch if you have to, and so I got the Judge Ending... But why is the last episode Forgive?! I chose one wrong choice, only one!! OTL
My brain tells me 'reset' to make it perfect, but my heart says 'no'. I love hoarding HGs, I'm really reluctant to spend some more... Do I truly, absolutely need to waste another 100 HGs sniff? TvT
I'll go reading it and make a comparison post between the 2 endings after farming to get back the sacrificed 280 HGs...
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I took a peak at the end of the route though, and see that the CG lying in the bed(?) with V is more appealing to my eyes? I get to see V's face up close so it's all good. At least I don't need to be a mama at my 20s. :)
And I find a need to comment about this. ↓
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No, Rika, it's not what I wanted. I want you to go to jail, and a mental hospital, not go into a vegetative state or have this sudden enlightenment and become a good person. Because you are excused from criminal responsibility either way. I kind of understand you but never in my wildest dream will I love you.
Edit: Okey I read Forgive Ending again and it's implied that she's in jail now. They should just show us, idk, the result of her trial on the news or something. (But that would give us a scene where Jumin's heart the heart that Jumin doesn't know whether or not it exists is broken hearing the news cuz apparently only Jumin has a TV in his home lol)
P/s: In V's route and his AE Cheritz taught us not to see things as just black and white, there are also gray and other colors too, but why do they force us to either be super bitchy or really nice almost like a saintess to Rika? Cuz V the Saint is eliminated so now MC is the new Saintess?
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
Yoosung and Rika
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I guess I feel bad for misjudged Yoosung when he's having a hard time and whining because of Rika over and over again. At first, I thought that he's being immature and annoying. I thought he could be at least understandable towards V and not being all pushy. When all he wants is the TRUTH about Rika. The secrets that V had been hiding from him, from the rest of the RFA. Because for Yoosung, Rika is an important person and a role model for himself.
But when it's come to Saeyoung about Saeran. I was so quick to being understanding towards the anger that Saeyoung feel and be furious with the stubbornness of V keeping a secret from him. Saeran is an important person to Saeyoung, just as Rika is an important person to Yoosung. I don't know if making a comparison between these two relationship is somewhat relevant but what I do want to say is, Yoosung suffered as much. V wrapped up Rika's lost with a suicide WITHOUT evidence. How do you think Yoosung would feel about that? How do you think Yoosung would feel when everyone in the RFA would always asked him to just trust V because he's the leader, to move on, to get a counseling session, to just focus on himself while his inspiration is already gone WITHOUT an appropriate explanation. Can you just shut your eyes, your mouth, your ears and accept the blind truth? Yoosung wouldn't accept that, just like Saeyoung would NEVER accept the lies about Saeran's safety.
Yoosung just want the truth, the solid evidence. But no. There's nothing but lies. There's nothing left but the unspoken truth, hiding and unresponsive V. Everyone seems to move on but not Yoosung. He's still grieving. While he's being somewhat childish and stubborn, he's being reasonable with being mad with V.
Just as Saeyoung's anger toward V is pretty much reasonable regarding of the consequences of V's constant lies (and Rika too) lead to Saeran suffered even more. I'm sorry Yoosung. I think I've come to realize about your frustration, and I would be more understanding now. Thank you for open my eyes and seeing the struggle that you had as real.
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I imagine meeting V post-RAE sometimes and him being lost, hopeless, guilt eating him from the inside over things he did and the people he hurt, the relationships he lost, thinking he is a sinner who doesn't deserve a second chance at life. Then I cry a lot.
Would he consider letting someone into his life again in this ending or it's all over for him?
It’s a difficult question. He’s not going back to the RFA. The relationship that he had with everyone is never going to go back to the way that it used to be, and I can't see any of them letting him back in willingly. He doesn't exactly want to go back, either. He feels that his complacency and his choices after word are things that can never be made up for even if he apologizes.
The best thing for him at this point would be to move forward and to make sense of his life after he serves his prison sentence and has some time to figure out where he wants to go and his next move.
It's possible that he might try to do some traveling to get away from everything and to figure out what his life is now that he doesn't have what he had before. I don't think it's likely that he's going to let people close for a very long time. It might take years before he's ready to make substantial relationships and bonds.
No matter how far he tries to go in life, the actions of his past are always going to haunt him because they are connected to him inherently. It's not something that he's going to be able to wipe off and walk forward. Even as he tries to make peace with himself, people are always going to connect him to the past.
I don't necessarily think that it's over for him, either. I think it's going to take a long time before he's ready to let people back into his life. He wants to learn and do better... He understands where he went wrong and how he hurt himself and others with his choices. Hindsight is 20/20 and he can't take back anything that he did.
He understands that and a part of his healing journey is going to be to learn how to forgive himself and understand that he has to keep moving forward to make sense of the life that he is living.
For him to be able to make relationships, he is going to have to be willing to accept he can mess up and do the wrong things even if he's trying to do something right. A part of the reason why he hesitates so often is because he was afraid of upsetting people or doing the wrong thing. However, something that a lot of people have to understand and accept in their life is that you can mess up and do bad things even if you didn't intend to do them.
You have to accept the consequences of those actions and you have to be willing to learn from them and move forward if you're ever going to get to a good place where you can take those lessons and make relationships that are right for you. 
I think that one day he's going to be able to make bonds with people in the right way. I don't know who, I don't know why, I don't know when, I don't know where, and I don't know how it'll be. But, I know that he's capable of doing that. We've seen him make peace with himself and move forward before so it is possible for him. 
We just don't know how long it's going to take before he can figure out how to do that again.
He doesn't have a support system anymore so he's going to have to learn how to take care of himself. He's capable. I realize that it's painful to watch and to think about since you know he's going to be alone, but he won't be alone forever. He's going to find and make connections that work for him eventually. But this is only possible if he's willing to forgive himself to move forward in life. He's going to have to take what he saw Saeran do and work on himself.
That’s the way that V will be able to make a life for himself after everything that’s happened. He’ll get a chance, but... it’s going to be in a world unlike the one he’s know all his life and it’s hard to paint that picture since there’s no telling where he will go or who he’ll find. At the very least, he knows what he has to do to try to make things better this time.
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