#Jessa Nelson
wausaupilot · 14 days
Your letters: Writer praises young musicians
Dear editor, This year’s winners of the Great Northern Blues Society Scholarships are a wonderful group of musicians. This area is so very fortunate to have such talented students willing to share their gifts with their schools and with the whole community. Newman High School winner, Adam Krasowski, plays alto saxophone. He loves jazz music. Adam has played in the Newman High School Jazz Band,…
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lligkv · 2 years
the admission of complicity; the extension of grace
Are there principled contrarians worth respecting? Ones who don't make a fetish of their contrarianism—make it into a compulsion in which they take special pleasure? Or is “principled contrarian” a contradiction in terms? If your tendency to buck the trend is at the point where people give it a label, you might already be making it a fetish.
I was thinking about this question as I read Jessa Crispin's book My Three Dads: Patriarchy on the Great Plains, an account of her return to her native Kansas to grapple with various ghosts there. Some of the ghosts are emotional or spiritual: memories of growing up the odd one out in an evangelical family shrouded in misogyny; the specter of a childhood teacher whose support of her interests and intelligence gave Crispin great comfort—and who later killed his entire family in a murder-suicide; the legacy of the patriarchy that Crispin feels drove both her teacher's and her family's behavior. And some of the ghosts are literal; the book opens with an account of her experience in a house with the ghost of a man named Charlie, who seems to both feel affection for her and want to control her. Ultimately, “contrarian” might be a bit strong to describe Crispin—but pieces of hers I've read, most notably on the heels of her book Why I Am Not a Feminist, gave me a sense she prides herself on a perceived willingness to say things no one else will say, and sometimes speaks as though she's the only one who's ever had a certain thought. Parts of this book did too.
Generally she writes from a place of radical individualism relative to a neoliberal culture that, while putatively individualist, often encourages conformity via all the means you’d expect: foreclosing more and more access to affordable housing, welfare, healthcare, and free time and thus all possibilities for life besides the possibility of eking out a living in an increasingly precarious market. She encourages the practice of eclectic, individual gnosticism over fidelity to organized religion, for instance, and the practice of a kind of cosmopolitanism that accepts a multiplicity of ways of living and being without collapsing into liberal bromides. Broadly, I can forgive the stance. The experience of being alive in a Western country now is basically the experience of being let down by every institution you know and cast adrift in a sea of bad-faith actors jockeying for your allegiance—and next to that, an urge to cultivate trust in yourself and in what you know to be true seems natural and necessary. But the voice Crispin assumes in elaborating her position is often so hectoring, aggressive, or snide.
Early on, as Crispin talks about the Rosenstrasse protests in Berlin in 1943—when a group of two hundred Aryan women staged a protest outside the building where their Jewish husbands were being held for the camps, demanding their return—she adds,
It's heartwarming, isn't it? To think of women putting their lives on the line to save the men they love. It's a good story, but I always want to interfere with a good story, get in its way, break its narrative spine.
In this case, the interference in the story is merited: Crispin notes how many men chose to divorce their Jewish wives rather than protest as the Rosenstrasse women did, and how few people protested on behalf of Jewish people who were not their spouses, not related to them by the mechanics of the family, which reflect darker, harsher realities of history and human nature we can’t afford to elide. But from the opening question, with the turn it forecasts and the way it judges sentiment that it assumes the reader will feel, to the way Crispin casts herself as the one who’ll break the story’s spine...
Reading so many passages like this one, I was reminded of a line from Andrea Long Chu’s review of Maggie Nelson’s book On Freedom—the idea of “position[ing] the subtlety of one's own views against the crudeness of those who do not share them.” It also reminded me of the parts of Sheila Heti’s Pure Colour that most rankled me, the ones on the “fixers” whom Heti alleges flatten reality’s complexities and thus obscure truth. Which makes me think there's a Gen X angle to all this too. And it makes me think, can we stop publishing these books in which white women of a certain age and artistic background tell us how to feel by hectoring us? Advertising how much better they are?
I don't mean to make that the sum total of my judgment of My Three Dads. It's an honest enough examination of a world in which I too live; many of the thoughts Crispin has are ones I've had, even the uncharitable ones. She has a gift for storytelling; her account of arriving in Lincoln, Kansas as a child, and getting to know Mr. Pianalto, the teacher who’ll later kill himself and his family, is riveting. There are many moments of interest, complexity, and beauty in the book.
I appreciated the distinctions that were made—say, between what Crispin calls community and society. The former, she argues, is premised simply on affiliation and implies or even requires homogeneity; the latter works on a shared sense of obligation toward others and responsibility for each other that serves to preserve room for difference. (Though she doesn’t say what creates this sense of obligation or keeps it going.) And I appreciated Crispin’s insight into why so many putatively liberatory communities, like Womantown, a separatist refuge for lesbians in 1980s Kansas City, come to fall victim to their own oppressions (in the case of Womantown, racism)—a desire on the parts of those who’ve been wounded for protection, the easiest means for which is to exert control—as well as the solution she proposes: that we all learn to gain the “internal organization” of true individuation; the ability to see and know our own selves clearly, to be able to acknowledge our own pain so we can learn to see ourselves and others as whole beings—and, crucially, acknowledge the pain of others. I also appreciated the discussion of the Dutch beguinage, which allowed women in twelfth-century Amsterdam to escape marriage while preserving the interdependent fabric of truly nurturing life—as opposed to the independence that Crispin has won through capitalist means now, which can be so isolating—and her subsequent argument about the potential for family and society both to be structures of care rather than mere setting for the performance of roles or the exchange of money.
I appreciate all these discussions because in them, Crispin is working toward elucidating something, not just advertising her own unique intelligence or insight.
It was also interesting to read Crispin’s discussion of John Brown and the way Kansans simplify his complicated legacy to better be able to sanitize their own conservatism in the present with an antislavery past. But the parallel drawn between Brown and Scott Roeder—the antiabortion activist who bombed the clinic of abortion doctor George Tiller in 2009, killing him—as men who, being “disappointing” in ordinary life, as workers and fathers, used politics to compensate for that disappointment—feels perhaps too provocative. The two worked toward radically different aims; do those aims not matter? And the savage verdict Crispin delivers on all revolutionary violence feels like claiming moral superiority at the expense of a full spectrum of action. On principle I can agree that, as she puts it, “there should always be institutions that allow people to both see the evil of the system and their participation in it, and then they should be helped to take responsibility”—but anyone alive now or ever can see how rarely such institutions really emerge. I don’t mean to write as though this question is simple, or without stakes, or as though I have engaged or will engage with revolutionary violence in any way beyond the theoretical. But—if you're not willing to entertain the possibility of revolutionary violence against an oppressive system, what might you do to change it when it doesn’t respond to democratic means?
More valuable, to my mind, because it's more sensitively done, is Crispin’s discussion of the human damage that can be wrought by fanaticism, and the way that a violent liberatory cause that fails—as with the Provisional IRA’s attempt to see a free, united, socialist Ireland—renders the violence purposeless: “The act of killing no longer had its original meaning, and those deaths could no longer be disregarded as a terrible necessity. The ends didn't come, so they were stuck with the means, and not all of them could bear it.” That’s what I want discussed in considerations of revolutionary violence. A clear-eyed assessment of the arguments for it and the costs of it, knowing we live in a world where it's possible, that some cases of it may be justified in ways others are not, and that its undertaking has material and moral consequences.
I also appreciated Crispin’s discussion of the counterculture, whose loss she laments. It's a space of collectivity and experimentation—and it’s not necessarily meant to create something new and durable. Rather, it’s a place for people to land when they realize society is in many ways sick, and from there attempt to do new things—some of which are meant to be coopted; some of which are meant to fail.
Crispin goes on to argue today’s left has abandoned such space in favor of criticizing culture, rather than building it. It’s a hackneyed critique as she makes it—she never defines the wokeness she seems to rail against, nor talks about the neoliberal market and government as uniquely powerful agents for coopting what counterculture might try to make and withdrawing the material resources they might use to make it—but it’s not without its core of truth. Especially against her point that the right, broadly, moves to appease grievance—against neoliberalism, against consumerist culture, against the sense of enervation in society that results—in the assertion of social control through law and order, in the reassertion of Judeo-Christian morals as a source of meaning, and at the extreme, in allegiance to fundamentalist or White nationalist futures.
Finally, Crispin’s account of resolving her struggle with faith in gnosticism is also beautiful—particularly the endpoint she reaches, asserting that the seeking of truth is the point of life, rather than a means by which to get to the Protestant end of salvation, as she has been told since she was a child. At the start of the book, Crispin describes a love ritual she seeks from a witch she knows, Katelan, to break herself of a pattern of involvement with married men—one that she realizes comes from experience of an abusive relationship. (It’s one of the book's most electric insights: “Once you've been knocked around a bit, or screamed at and humiliated in public places, or stalked, or trapped in a car with someone who isn't sure whether he should be pointing the gun at himself or at you, the full attention of a man in love can seem too dangerous. Better to deflect it a bit, get another body in there to hide behind at times…”) The pair mix flowers and herbs, write on a piece of paper the kind of man Crispin wants, burn the paper and a little wedding candle of a couple in effigy, and summon the spirits; they look to the shapes that form in the wax to see what the relationship will be like. Later, as Crispin leaves Katelan’s home, a storm sprouts up; proof, she says, that the spirits heard them. “Four months later,” Crispin writes, “I was married.”
It sounds too simple or strange to work—and generally, Crispin expresses doubt about the occult as often as affinity for it. But in the end, she sides with the perspective that people can “move through symbol and metaphor to ritualize the natural world and our role within it and find a way to understand [their] own mortality,” and there is something beautiful in that.
When I went to that witch and asked for a ritual for love, it wasn't out of a belief that it would work. It's easy to disprove magic. I did it out of faith that there was something not inherently disgusting and unforgivable about myself, and that that part of myself might be loved.
Which is to say, the ritual is meant less to achieve a result than to consecrate this nascent sense of self Crispin feels emerging, or to incarnate it, to give it the strength it needs to manifest.
But again it's hard to miss how so many such lovely, courageous moments on Crispin’s part are dogged with harsh judgment of others. Right after the story of this beautiful ritual, and Crispin's account of her interest in Wicca and Tarot as a teenager, comes a passage in which Crispin viciously judges the witches on TikTok who, in 2020, gained minor notoriety online for an attempt to “hex” the moon:
The TikTok witches, it seems, decided to hex the moon. And the Twitter witches got upset, saying you can't hex the moon, there are consequences to that kind of impertinence. Some of the Twitter witches insisted they had, in their rituals, talked to Apollo, and now Apollo was pissed and wasn't going to do things for them. They didn't say what those things were, but it was probably along the lines of getting Justin Bieber tickets.
For some reason the whole thing sent me into a rage. “You did not talk to Apollo!” I wanted to yell. Who do these girls think they are, lighting candles in an Ohio basement, thinking the god of poetry is going to take their call? Thinking they won't face madness or torment while trying to find the language of the divine? Thinking the saints who wandered in the desert for years begging god to speak to them must just not have used the right crystal? You don't get to talk to god and then just go to your job at the mall.
It's all so spiritually thin, this generation of witches making demands without devotion, looking to the stars to tell them when things will get good for them rather than asking what they can offer of themselves...
To which I ask: why so harsh? Yes, the whole thing is a bit stupid; everything on TikTok is at least a little dumb. But the witches are effectively seeking for meaning, even if their expression of seeking feels goofy. And how much offering of herself was Crispin doing when she was young, anyway—a misfit in a conservative Kansas family, dying her hair black, hunting down books on Wicca and astrology, turning to paganism as part of a project of figuring out what she really believed, how powerful she really was?
In the end, what really distinguishes the kids on Tiktok from Crispin's own teenage self is a sense they're still subject to illusions she's broken free from. It's that radical individuality again—but deployed in the service of judgment of others, in a spirit that seems to contradict the generosity of the internally organized individual that Crispin elsewhere counsels us to cultivate. Let kids do the work of individuation, I say, however stupid it seems. As for those of the TikTok witches who aren’t children, well, I think love and not judgment is what helps spiritual thinness flesh out.
Late in the book, after she’s settled in Kansas City, Crispin sees an old church across the street that will soon be torn down for condos:
I imagine that when a developer looks at this building, they see lost profit. They see the structure transformed or replaced, filled with young professionals, maybe with a coworking space on the ground floor. I imagine that when a priest looks at the building, they see lost souls. They imagine it filled with the wayward sheep lost to a secular culture, the ghosts of the godless filling the pews. I imagine that when a community organizer looks at the building, they see a space for organizing. They see it filled with the work of local artists, or support groups for a very specific marginalized population…
Here one sees the drive to classify, to split society into types (developer, priest, organizer) or sectors of society (the religious right, capitalist money culture, the right, the left). These labels do describe legible demographics, and a certain degree of such abstraction is necessary for a polemic, or any piece of nonfiction about society broadly—but they become so reductive when all they're used to do is harangue. The building is renovated, and an arts nonprofit moves in. “But of course people don't dream of adequately feeding someone,” Crispin says:
they don't go to med school in the hopes of providing basic care in exchange for a sustainable income. They dream of expansion, not maintenance. They dream of art, not groceries. They dream of leading a movement, not participating in one. They dream of the glorification of their own desires, not the meeting of other people's needs. Or they dream purely of profit, which means selling low quality in high quantity with little overhead, and of course treating employees decently and making sure they don't drop dead of a preventable disease counts as overhead.
Who is “they” here? I think. Anybody but you? And without any clear referents, what is anyone supposed to do about this? Who are they supposed to target, to change the way things are, and how?
I wonder how this passage might've been different if Crispin had named the nonprofit, or identified the bourgeois biscuit shop that later moves into another abandoned building in her part of town. Put someone's skin in the game. It would be a small move toward the kind of specificity in analysis that might actually make change happen; it could also be less alienating than what we get.
People often complain about the “personal essay industrial complex,” or they criticize “informed exceptionalism”—Amber Husain's excellent term for the kind of writing, a la Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror or Anna Wiener’s Uncanny Valley, in which the writer uses the admission of their own complicity to effectively excuse that complicity. But reading this book, I missed the specificity of those writers’ subject positions, the pains they often took to elaborate them and to locate themselves in the networks in which we're all culpable, and to do these things with humility.
Ultimately, if informed exceptionalism is the midpoint in a continuum of autobiographical writing—and the position of ambivalence that refuses absolution that is assumed by, say, Natasha Stagg in Sleeveless, per Husain’s argument, is a progression (though, crucially, not an endpoint; there’s more progress yet to be made)—the stretches of pure harangue we get in this book mark a regression. And next to them, I'll take an honest admission of the writer’s own complicity—and the extension of that same grace to even the witches on TikTok hexing the moon—any day.
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world-of-wales · 11 months
red white and royal blue (the book) was amazing and i loved how it seemed to open up the romcom genre to queer relationships an entirely different way! it's so witty and heartfelt and such a fun but earnest read and perfect for a holiday or a day by the beach! (also definitely my favourite by the author so far, one last stop was cute but the time travel element was a little weird for me and i kissed shara wheeler was just a queer paper towns (the novel by john green) with unlikeable characters, but i'm excited for their 4th novel!) also, books i've really enjoyed so far this year (no particular order or genre): - the roughest draft by emily wibberly and austin siegemund-broka (romance about two authors who had a falling out but have to write a novel together to fulfill their contractual obligations) - pet and bitter by akwaeke emezi (coming of age novel and prequel about what choices we can make when society is in denial) - happy place by emily henry (fake dating exes spending time with their friend group at a beach house) - our missing hearts by celeste ng (novel about identity and rebellion) - yellowface by r.f. kuang (unhinged in the best way about a white author who steals their dead asian friend's manuscript and publishes it under a racially ambiguous name and the ramifications of that) - small worlds by caleb azumah nelson (book about growing up and finding yourself amidst expectations from your immigrant parents in london with a beautiful music backdrop)
what kind of books to you tend to read? and what are your favourites from this year?
Honestly same, I loved it. I read it in 2020 and I was hooked. Read it in one sitting and spent the whole night awake finishing it. Exactly I agree with this, there used to be books about queen relationships before but they weren't done so well till Casey put RWRB out there. I have read books before that too but that never dealt with the characters in such a good way. It's my favorite by her too, i read her other books too but theres just some magic in RWRB that's never been matched again as per me.
I get ur point about OLS but I did like the time travelling aspect of it though (it's the fantasy romance reader in me). Oooh paper towns >>>> haven't talked about that book in so long. I was such a big John Green fan in ninth grade, totally obsessed with his books.
Ooh all these books sound amazing. Definitely adding a few to my tbr. I have read Small Worlds and just read happy place last week. Loved both of them. And Yellow face has been in my tbr too, I have the kindle version just need to find the time to read it.
So I can read pretty much anything - romance, mystery, coming of age, fantasy, biographies etc. My book interests are all over the place honestly.
Currently I'm on my romance and mystery phase. So I'm trying to finish Catherine Cowles blacklist. This year I had a slow start on my reading thanks to this being my last term in university. So I only got properly into reading in June. Since then I have been reading a lot of romances (anything and everything), thrillers and suspense, fantasy even. Though I have been struggling to find good thrillers this year so that's in a bit of a slump.
So my favs of this year have been -
Crowns of Nyaxia (1st book) by Carissa Broadbent
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapaata
The Spectacular by Fiona Davis
Loved loved loved Small Worlds
Finally read Things we never got over by Lucy Score
If this is love by Jewel E Ann
Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings
Dirty air series (4th book) by Lauren Asher
The guest by Emma Cline
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yaaros
A scoundrel of her own by Stacy Reid (need to complete her blacklist too)
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mystifiedhq · 8 months
hello and welcome to carlisle, cici cooper, allyson nelson, elena gilbert, haley james and magnolia parks !! we hope you’re capable of making yourself feel at home so far !!
accepted !! please send the main a message within twenty-four hours so we can send you an invite link to the server !! we’re so excited to have you here !!
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did i just see [ emily alyn lind ] walking by? oh, no.. that was just [ cici cooper ]. she is the [ twenty one ] year old [ cis woman ] from the [ scream ] universe! i’ve heard that they [ haven’t ] touched the mist and that’s why their memories are [ in tact ]. either way, i hope they’re doing fine and that they are adjusting well to carlisle! (ooc: kay, 24, she/her, est.)
did i just see [ daniela nieves ] walking by? oh, no.. that was just [ allyson nelson ]. she is the [ twenty six ] year old [ cis woman ] from the [ halloween ] universe! i’ve heard that they [ have ] touched the mist and that’s why their memories are [ not in tact ]. either way, i hope they’re doing fine and that they are adjusting well to carlisle! (ooc: kay, 24, she/her, est.)
did i just see [ olivia rodrigo ] walking by? oh, no.. that was just [ elena gilbert ]. she is the [ twenty one ] year old [ cis woman ] from the [ vampire diaries ] universe! i’ve heard that they [ have ] touched the mist and that’s why their memories are [ partly in tact ]. either way, i hope they’re doing fine and that they are adjusting well to carlisle! (ooc: kayla, 24, she/her, est.)
did i just see [ lola tung ] walking by? oh, no.. that was just [ haley james ]. she is the [ twenty one ] year old [ cis woman ] from the [ one tree hill ] universe! i’ve heard that they [ haven’t ] touched the mist and that’s why their memories are [ in tact ]. either way, i hope they’re doing fine and that they are adjusting well to carlisle! (ooc: kay, 24, she/her, est.)
did i just see [ jamilla strand ] walking by? oh, no.. that was just [ magnolia parks ]. she is the [ twenty four ] year old [ cis woman ] from the [ magnolia parks by jessa hastings ] universe! i’ve heard that they [ have ] touched the mist and that’s why their memories are [ partly in tact ]. either way, i hope they’re doing fine and that they are adjusting well to carlisle! (ooc: kay, 24, she/her, est.)
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joyffree · 1 year
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Grab this new Filthy Rich Mafia collection for FREE! 
Are you ready to give into your desires? 
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crepeandpenn · 3 years
Issue No. 10, Fall 2020
Issue No. 10, Fall 2020
About this issue: Contributors are Ipsita Banerjee, Maria Berardi, Lauren Boisvert, Lisa Conway, William Doreski, Megan Finkel, H.R. Gibs, Julian Grant, Jessa J. Grave, John Grey, Coleen Higgins, Darius Janczewski, Tish Josephine, John Kaprielian, Craig Kittner, Laurence Levy-Atkinson, Joseph Marsh, Iqra Naseem, C.G. Nelson, Laura Owens, Tyler Pufpaff, Diana Raab, Rime Riabi, Elena…
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Lady Bird (2017)
Saoirse  Ronan
Lady Bird McPherson
Laurie Metcalf
Marion McPherson
Tracy Letts
Larry McPherson
Lucas Hedges
Danny O'Neill
Timothée Chalamet
Kyle Scheible
Beanie Feldstein
Julie Steffans
Lois Smith
Sister Sarah Joan
Stephen Henderson
Father Leviatch (as Stephen McKinley Henderson)
Odeya Rush
Jenna Walton
Jordan Rodrigues
Miguel McPherson
Marielle Scott
Shelly Yuhan
John Karna
Greg Anrue
Jake McDorman
Mr. Bruno
Bayne Gibby
Casey Kelly
Laura Marano
Diana Greenway
Marietta DePrima
Miss Patty
Daniel Zovatto
Jonah Ruiz
Kristen Cloke
Ms. Steffans
Andy Buckley
Uncle Matthew
Paul Keller
Parish Priest (as Father Paul Keller C.M.F.)
Kathryn Newton
Darlene Bell
Myra Turley
Sister Gina
Bob Stephenson
Father Walther
Abhimanyu Katyal
Friendly Banker
Chris Witaske
Business Jock
Ben Konigsberg
David from College
Gurpreet Gill
Convenience Store Clerk
Richard Jin
Cool Coffee Manager
Joan Patricia O'Neil
Danny's Grandmother
Robert Figueroa
Cast Removal Doctor
Carla Valentine
Guidance Counselor
Roman Arabia
Luis Cruz
Monique Edwards
NYC Nurse
Matthew Maher
NYC Man on Street
Anita Kalathara
Prom Chairwoman
Debra Miller
Saleswoman Joyce
Georgia Leva
Senior Class Candidate
Derek Butler
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
London Thor
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Shaelan O'Connor
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Christina Offley
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Sabrina Schloss
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Connor Mickiewicz
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Erik Daniells
'Merrily We Roll Along' Performer
Cynthia Cales
Immaculate Heart of Mary Teacher
Giselle Grams
Immaculate Heart of Mary Teacher
Ithamar Enriquez
Driving Instructor
Luisa Lee
Young Lady
Danielle Macdonald
Another Young Lady
Adam Brock
Band Lead Singer
Bonnie Jean Shelton
Fab 40s Realtor
Rebecca Light
Mr. Bruno's Wife
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Joey Bell
Prom Date (uncredited)
Beau Bielski
Photographed Prom Goer (uncredited)
Adriana Castillo
College Girl (uncredited)
Sheila Ellis
Airport Business Traveler (uncredited)
Nick Fenske
Airport Business Traveler (uncredited)
Sedona Feretto
Jenna's Friend (uncredited)
Keenan Johnston
Thrift Shopper (uncredited)
Slim Khezri
Airport Business Traveler (uncredited)
Rebecca Knight
Catholic School Girl (uncredited)
Suzanne LaChasse
School Girl (uncredited)
Elester Latham
Airport Business Traveler (uncredited)
Emily Merlin
Prom Girl (uncredited)
Maxx Morando
Drummer (uncredited)
Lucy Morningstar
Musician (uncredited)
Brian Sampson
Prospective Home-Buyer (uncredited)
Janet Song
Administrator (uncredited)
Nicole Torres
Prom Photo Girl (uncredited)
Brian VanGeem
Prom Photographer (uncredited)
Carolyn Wilson
Supervisor (uncredited)
Tomomi Yoshida
Mother in Hospital (uncredited)
Produced by 
Eli Bush
Evelyn O'Neill
Scott Rudin
Jason Sack
Alex G. Scott
Lila Yacoub
executive producer
Music by 
Jon Brion
Cinematography by 
Sam Levy
Film Editing by 
Nick Houy
Casting By 
Heidi Griffiths
Allison Jones
Toni Staniewicz
(Sacramento Casting Director)
Jordan Thaler
Production Design by 
Chris Jones
Set Decoration by 
Traci Spadorcia
Costume Design by 
April Napier
Makeup Department 
Lara Cilento
key hair stylist
Andrea Grande-Capone
hair department head: New York
David Kalahiki
makeup department head: New York
Jacqueline Knowlton
makeup department head (as Jacqueline Marie Knowlton)
Aubrey Marie
hair department head
Erin Walters
key makeup artist
James Freitas
makeup artist (uncredited)
Meghan Heaney
hair stylist (uncredited)
Production Management 
Danielle Blumstein
unit production manager
Isabel Henderson
post-production supervisor
Wednesday Standley
production supervisor
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 
Teri J. Barber
second second assistant director: Sacramento
Kate Hennessy
additional second second assistant director
Brendan Lee
second assistant director
Dana Nelson
production assistant
Jonas Spaccarotelli
first assistant director
Cedric Vara
new york shoot
Art Department 
Geoffrey Brown
assistant art director: Sacramento
Courtney Fain
assistant art director
Kristen Granados
on set dresser
Lesli Lytle
set dresser
Erin McKenna
Perry Pascual
property master
Maite Perez-Nievas
art director: NY reshoot
Zebah Pinkham
property master: new york unit
Alex Potter
set dresser
Andre Rivera
additional on-set dresser
Nic Weethee
Sound Department 
Alex Altman
pro tools playback mixer
Justine Baker
foley editor
Scott Bardolf
boom operator
Amanda Beggs
sound mixer
Gail Carroll-Coe
boom operator
Bryan Dembinski
sound mixer: new york
Thomas Giordano
production sound tech
Matt Hovland
adr mixer
Paul Hsu
re-recording mixer / supervising sound editor
Jesse Kaplan
Utility Sound
Skip Lievsay
re-recording mixer
Lee Salevan
sound recordist
Nicholas Schenck
dialogue editor
Jeffrey Lee Zimmeran
pro tools music playback mixer
Visual Effects by 
Andrew Lim
visual effects supervisor
Jeffrey T Ferguson
precision driver
Christian Janner
stunt driver
Chris O'Hara
stunt coordinator
Camera and Electrical Department 
Dave Anglin
camera operator: additional "b" camera
Jesse Cain
first assistant "b"camera
Ian Carre-Burritt
lighting technician
Carlos Chavez
Benjamin Cumming
lighting technician
Eric Fahy
lighting technician
David Feeney-Mosier
director of photography: 2nd unit/B camera operator
Chris Ford
best boy electric
Sean Goller
digital imaging technician
Greg Hatton
b second assistant camera
Julien Janigo
key grip
Cameron Jones
Eric Lichtenstein
second assistant camera: new york unit
Stephen MacDougall
first assistant camera
Merrick Morton
additional still photographer
Reid Murphy
Additional Camera Assistant
Casey Slade
dolly grip
Maxwell Sloan
second assistant camera: second unit
Jesse Smith
lighting technician
Luke Taylor
digital imaging technician: new york unit
Merie Weismiller Wallace
still photographer
Casting Department 
Emily Buntyn
casting associate
Rebecca Feldman
casting assistant
Dann Fink
adr voice casting: NY
Angie Glover
extras casting
Ben Harris
casting associate
Stacey McCain
extras casting
Sydney Medlin
extras casting
Toni Staniewicz
Costume and Wardrobe Department 
Coral Cunningham
Katina Danabassis
key costumer
Caroline McCosker
Paulette Sladinski
additional costumer: daily
Andi Wells
Editorial Department 
Alex Bickel
digital intermediate colorist
Peter Boychuk
digital intermediate producer
Keith Jenson
on-line editor
Crystal Platas
assistant editor
Nicholas Ramirez
assistant editor
Chris Van Duyn
dailies operations: Technicolor
Denise Woodgerd
dailies producer
Location Management 
Rachel Barth
location supervisor: Sacramento
Jessa Ciel
location assistant: Sacramento
Kristine Delgado
assistant location manager
Thomas Fitch
location assistant: Sacramento
Charlynne J. Hopson
location manager: 2nd unit
Brian Johnson
assistant location manager
James Kenny
location manager: 2nd unit
Tyler Semons
location assistant: Sacramento
Michael Edward Smith
location manager
Hannah Caldwell
location scout (uncredited)
Bob Craft
location scout (uncredited)
Andrew Dunsmore
assistant location manager (uncredited)
Manny Padilla
location scout (uncredited)
Music Department 
Steve Bartek
Daniel A. Brown
music preparation
Mark Graham
head of music preparation
Michael Hill
music supervisor
Whitney Martin
assistant orchestra contractor
José Miguel Ortegon
composer: stock music
Suzana Peric
music editor
Brian Ross
music supervisor
Edward Trybek
Joe Zimmerman
music librarian
Gina Zimmitti
orchestra contractor
Transportation Department 
David Christenson
transportation captain
Louis Dargenzio
transportation coordinator
Ted Joneson
Ian H. Overson
Brian Stackhouse
Ryan Thor
Other crew 
Brad Beedle
set medic
Teddy Blanks
title designer
James Corp
set production assistant
A.J. Danna
Gabe de Kelaita
production assistant: sacramento
Janet Dyer
Scott Ettin
data manager
Nicole Favale
production assistant
Joshua Freeman
assistant: Scott Rudin & Eli Bush
Karen Gehres
epk field producer
Joanna Glum
office production assistant: sacramento
Ben Hall
production assistant
Kyle Hamilton
assistant: Scott Rudin & Eli Bush
Caleb Haydock
additional production assistant
Tom Ishizuka
assistant: Scott Rudin & Eli Bush
Jacqueline Lehr
underwater tech
Gabriella Ludlow
business & legal affairs / business affairs
Chrissy Maroon
assistant to Saoirse Ronan
Jan McWilliams
script supervisor
Meron Mogos
assistant: Evelyn O'Neill
Dana Nelson
production assistant
Cameron Nicoll
assistant: Scott Rudin & Eli Bush
Robert Pfeffer
accounting manager
Julie M. Philips
business affairs and legal
Heather Quick
script supervisor: new york
Frank Ramey
payroll accountant
Joanne Ramos
production secretary
Kendra Rasmussen
Assistant Production Coordinator
Jason Rico
set medic
Javier Rojas
craft service
Evan Scott Russell
office production assistant
Susie Schelling
medical consultant
Kelsey Schuyler
post-production accountant
John Smart
clearance administrator
Wednesday Standley
production coordinator
Emily Steiker-Epstein
production assistant
Niramon Ung
accounting clerk
Daniel Unitas
assistant: Scott Rudin & Eli Bush
  - In de film Lady Bird gaat Lady Bird naar een luxe school (waar ze zelf eigenlijk helemaal niet heen wilt) maar als Lady eenmaal op de school zit verandert haar leven want in plaats van heel christelijk zijn opgevoegd wordt ze uiteindelijk het tegenovergestelde van wat ze was voordat ze naar die school ging.
De acteurs waren goede acteurs dus de techniek was goed.
De film was niet origineel want het was heel vaak te voorspellen wat er ging gebeuren.
Ik heb geen idee waarom deze film is gemaakt waarschijnlijk om geld te verdienen maar dat is maar een vermoeden.
Ik heb geen enkele emotie gevoeld tijdens de film omdat alles te voorspellen was.
De muziek in de film paste goed bij de film want bij zielige stukjes was het zielige muziek en bij goede stukjes vrolijke muziek.
Ik vond het slecht dat we niet konden kiezen voor een film die wij ( de leerlingen ) leuk zouden vinden maar dat er in plaats van dat films voor ons werden gekozen.
Ik zou het niet aanraden want het was saai omdat we niet onze eigen film konden kiezen.
0 notes
techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/bridgeport-graduates-the-class-of-2020-news-sports-jobs/
Bridgeport graduates the Class of 2020 | News, Sports, Jobs
BRIDGEPORT — The Class of 2020 at Bridgeport High School graduated with individual ceremonies held to honor each class member. The top five students of the graduating class include Maura Jean Tiber, Nicholas Nolan, Kayla Marie Kuri, Addyson Rae Terek and Jaren Kathryn Tucker.
Maura Jean Tiber earned the rank of valedictorian. She has been on the Principal’s List all four years and also earned academic letters all four years. Throughout her high school career, she was involved in many activities in and out of school. She was a four-year member of the JETS Science/Engineering Team and a four-year member of the Belmont County Schools Staying Clean Club. She has been a three-year member of the Art Club, Spanish Club and Pep Club. She has been on the yearbook staff for three years, serving as the junior editor her junior year and chief editor her senior year. She has been a member of the Math Club and Interact Club, National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society for two years. She was a one-year member of the Future Medical Professionals Club and the WBHS News. She also attended the iBelieve Leadership Camp every summer of high school. Tiber was on student council her freshman and junior years and now serves as her senior class treasurer. She was the Student of the Month her freshman and junior years. Athletically, she was a four-year letter winner on the volleyball team serving as co-captain her junior and senior year. She also was a four-year member of the basketball team, lettering her senior year. She was also a two-year member of the softball team, lettering her sophomore year. Outside of school, Tiber has also served several community service hours, babysat all four years of high school, and has worked at Justice at the local mall since October 2018. Maura plans to attend Ohio State University to major in biology and minor in computer science. She is the daughter of Brent and Charlene Tiber.
Nicholas Nolan earned the rank of salutatorian. He has been on the Principal’s List for all four years and has earned an academic letter for every year except his freshman year. During his senior year, he attended Ohio University Eastern through the College Credit Plus Program. The activities Nicholas was a part of in school were a combination of clubs and sports. He participated in the Tests of Engineering, Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science competition during his freshman year. During his junior year, he was inducted into the National Honor Society. He was also a member of Tech Aide/Student Help Desk and Spanish Club for two years. For three years, he was a member of Hack Club, which taught scripting. For one year each, he was a member of the Current Events Club and the Video Game Club. Regarding sports, Nicholas lettered by both running track and cross country. One of his proudest races was the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic, which he ran for two years. During his second year of the Ogden, he placed 25th overall out of 340 runners and second out of 15 runners in his age group. Some of the other notable races he ran include the Debbie Green 5K and the Barton 5K, placing first in his age group in the latter. Nolan plans to attend Ohio University Eastern to dual major in communications and applied management. After his undergraduate program, Nicholas will further his education by attending graduate school in order to earn a master of business administration. He is the son of Jerry and Michelle Nolan.
Kayla Marie Kuri graduated third in the Class of 2020, earning an honors diploma. She has been on the Principal’s List and Honor Roll all four years and is a three-year academic letter winner. She received Student of the Month awards her freshman and sophomore years. Her junior year, she was inducted into the National Honor Society, a member of Prom Committee, and a WBHS News anchor. She was president of the Interact Club her junior year and secretary her senior year. She was on Spanish National Honors Society her senior year. Throughout high school, she has been a member of Math Club, Pep Club, Spanish Club, Staying Clean Club, and JETS Team. She was also on the yearbook staff for three years and was business manager for two. She was a varsity and competition cheerleader for three years and lettered each year. She also was on the OVAC All-Conference Academic Team her junior year. Outside of school, she was a volunteer at East Ohio Regional Hospital and Bridgeport’s Community Day. She plans on attending Ohio University Eastern and is undecided on her studies. She is the daughter of Leslie Kerns and Kenneth Kuri.
Addyson Rae Terek finishes fourth in the class with an Honors Diploma. She was on the Principal’s List and received an academic letter all four years. She was Student of the Month her freshman and junior years. Terek was very active in school clubs by being a member of the Belmont County Staying Clean Club all four years, Pep Club her sophomore, junior and senior years, and the JETS Team her sophomore and senior years. She was in the Spanish Club her junior and senior years and was a part of the Spanish National Honors Society her senior year. Terek was the secretary of the Interact Club and a part of the Math Club her junior year. Also, during Addy’s junior year, she was inducted into the National Honor Society, served on Prom Committee, and was a news anchor for the WBHS News. During both her junior and senior years, she was a member of the yearbook staff and held the role of yearbook photo editor her senior year. In addition to clubs, she also participated in the school’s musical, “Annie.” While cheering on the Bulldogs, she earned a letter as a member of Bridgettes her freshman year and in cheerleading her sophomore and junior years. During her sophomore year, she was part of the cheering squad that went to the state competition. She plans to further her education at Ohio University Eastern in the fall. She is the daughter of Marc and Erica Terek.
Jaren Kathryn Tucker graduates fifth in the class. She was active in many school clubs at Bridgeport. She was a member of the Spanish Honor Society, Staying Clean Club, Math Club, Rotary Club, Future Medical Professionals Club, and a one-year member of yearbook. She was inducted into National Honor Society during her junior year. During her senior year, she participated in the Ohio University College Credit Plus Program. As for sports, she was very active and was recognized many times for her skills. She was a four-year letter winner in basketball, received two-time First Team All-OVAC, All-Times Leader Team, The Intelligencer All-Valley Honorable Mention, Eastern District Honorable Mention, one-time All-Ohio Honorable Mention, and All Team Eastern District. Tucker is also a four-year letter winner in softball, receiving 2nd Team Eastern District her junior year and a two-year letterman in volleyball. She plans to further both her academic and athletic (basketball) careers at Ohio University Eastern by studying nursing with future hopes of becoming an obstetrician. She is the daughter of Josh and Erica Tucker.
Members of the CLass of 2020
Dakota Rose Allen, Andrew Joseph Armstrong, Cayden Rex Baker, Aaron Christopher Beaver, Emily Dawn Blake, Alex Christopher Bloom, Danielle Victoria Bradac, Preston Russell Brown, Jacob Nathaniel Childers, Devin Michael Danhart, Taylor Dale Duncan, Christian Lee Doughty, Walker Gage Dubil, Brett Miller Eberle, Spencer Alexander Echemann, Tate Robert Eddy, Adam Nelson Fahner, Roshaundra Aleah Delcia Foston, Kelsey Dawn Garrett, Noah Giovanni George, Gavan Lucas Graham, Nikalia Alizè Griffiths, William Kyle Gummere, Destiny Jasmyn Jade Harris, Skyler Eugene Hatten, Kira Marie Herman, Izaac Joseph Jozwiak, Mason Ryan Kelly, Austin William King, Dylan Alexander Kinney, Zachary Michael Kuneff, Kayla Marie Kuri, Rachel Lee Kurner, Jaida Leigh Kusic, Kiara Johanna Lodi, Sydney Ann Lough, Kiara Alexandria Loughman, Branden Ray Luckett, Terry Allan Maag III, Connor David Markus, Cameron Michael Marsh, Dakota Jacob Martin, Katelin Mae Mcconn, Madison Leigh McMahon, Madisyn Skylar Mills, Autumn Rose Myers, Nicholas Andrew Nolan, Victoria Lynn Parsons, Megan Jonette Perdok, Elizabeth Ann Phares, Kieley Marie Reed, Kayleigh Ann Roberts, Philip Justin Sauvageot, Ty Franklin Schambach, James Michael Shaheen, David Joe Shoulders III, Sierra Raynelle Simeth, Kenneth Albert Spoon Jr., Jessa Rae Stockwell, McKenzie Rose Taylor, Addyson Rae Terek, Dustin Marshall Throckmorton, Maura Jean Tiber, Jaren Kathryn Tucker, Ava Janae Watson, Kole Anthony Wilson, David Lee Worwa Jr.
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fettesans · 7 years
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Top, Renate Bertlmann, Deflorazione in 14 Stazioni [Defloration in 14 Stations], 1977, 15 Black and white photographs, vintage, one with scalpel, 18 × 24 cm each. Via. Bottom, screen capture from Deutschland Bleiche Mutter [Germany Pale Mother], directed by Helma Sanders-Brahms, 1980. Via.
All of which is to say: leaning against other texts, thinking with other minds, letting another person’s writing (or art, or being) haunt you, inhabit you, inspire you, bother you, quite thoroughly, isn’t just a means of spurring one to produce thoughts or books. It’s also a wager about how deeply intertwined our consciousnesses may be. It is to wonder (as Henry James did, in his late novels), whether consciousness exists between us, in the air, rather than within individual minds. The wild and productive gambit of “leaning against” is that we’re not really leaning against others, but against a great throbbing consciousness, a soup of soul and mind in which we all share, even if that sharing is characterized by dissensus or a mirage of separateness rather than a blurry unity.
Maggie Nelson, interviewed by Jessa Crispin, for Bookslut, July 2013. Via.
The S.O.S., Starification Object Series noted above was her earliest and most insistent photographic statement on the reiterative performance of the self as an elusive promise of authenticity. These seemingly endless photographs, often arranged in grids, show Wilke posing flirtatiously, often with bare chest, her naked flesh covered with her infamous bubble-gum cunts – tiny folds of colored gum mimicking the larger form of the folded sculptures. The photographs document (though not necessarily directly) a series of performances Wilke presented to the public: she would hand fresh sticks of gum to audience members as they entered; then she would strip after audience members chewed the gum, she would ask for the gum back, twisting each piece into cunt forms that she then applied to her naked body. “I chose gum because it’s the perfect metaphor for the American woman – chew her up, get what you want out of her, throw her out and pop in a new piece.” The cunts are not celebratory, as the label of “essentialism” would imply; rather, as marks of suffering they suggest that gender – in particular femininity – is culturally marked as a condition of woundedness.
Amelia Jones, from Everybody Dies... Even the Gorgeous: Resurrecting the Work of Hannah Wilke, for Marks Zine, 2003. Via.
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indisposableconcept · 7 years
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Shot by: Jessa G - Roll 6 Location: Baldface Lodge, Nelson BC - Cat 1. Canada Instagram: @jessagilbert #getoutoftownvibe Website: jessagilbert.com Connect, collab and create with @indisposableconcept / Shoot a roll with a disposable camera and share the world you live in. See more at: www.indisposableconcept.com + www.facebook.com/indisposableconcept #indisposableconcept #indicon #shootfilmnotbullets #35mm #disposablecamera #disposable #film #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #disposablecameraproject #filmphotography #believeinfilm #analogue #analog #keepfilmalive #buyfilmnotmegapixels #filmfeed #filmisnotdead #believeinfilm #filmcommunity #filmcamera #staypoorshootfilm #fortheloveoffilm #art #exhibit #travel #culture #fashion #style #gallery #community
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phgq · 4 years
Army to extend aid to victims of truck accident
#PHinfo: Army to extend aid to victims of truck accident
TAGBILARAN CITY, Bohol, Jan. 31 (PIA) -- The Philippine Army assured that they would take all necessary actions to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents and extend assistance to the victims of the wayward military transport that plowed into a busy roadside diner (carinderia) at Katipunan Carmen at about noontime of Jan. 29, 2020. 
According to a spot report issued by the Carmen Police Station through Police Major Jodel Torregosa, initial investigation show that a drab green KIA truck troop carrier registered to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and is based at the 47 Infantry Batallion in Carmen, driven by Private Jay dela Torre, lost its brakes while approaching a bend and smashed into a roadside restaurant.
The wayward truck rammed into a group of students having lunch and at least one died in the incident.
Carmen police identified the fatality as Roda Mae Niera, 18, a resident of Buenavista Carmen and Grade 12 student of Katipunan National High School (KNHS).
Also severely injured were Nelson Doroy, 18, resident of Montesuerte Carmen and Grade 12 student of the KNHS; Ria Mae Garcia, 18, resident of Pilar Bohol and Grade 11 student of KNHS; and Jomel Sarmiento, 18, resident of Montesunting and Grade 11 student of KNHS who sustained serious physical injuries and had to be rushed to Governor Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital in Tagbilaran for proper medical care.
Also sustaining minor injuries and were brought to Congressman Simeon Toribio Memorial Hospital were Mary Grace Buñao, 18, resident of Poblacion Norte Carmen and Grade 12 student of KNHS; Laiza Jamil, 18, resident of Nuevafuerza Carmen and Grade 12 student of KNHS; Jessa Baluca, 18, resident of Lapaz Carmen and Grade 12 student of KNHS; as well as Sgt. Roniere Parpan, 33, and a resident of Surigao del Norte.
Over this, 47IB Batallion Commander Lt. Col. Allan Tabudlo, in a statement, said, “We would like to express our sincerest condolences to the family of the student who died because of what happened earlier.”
“Aside from her, unintentional harm has been brought to five other students. We are aware that our apologies would never suffice to console the grieving hearts of the families. Justifying the accident would only add insult to the injury. Nonetheless, we from the 47IB, would like to say we are very sorry for the unfortunate circumstances the accident caused," the commanding officer added. 
Carmen Police Station has filed charges against the truck driver for reckless imprudence resulting to homicide, multiple serious physical injuries, and damage to property.
Not shrugging off from the responsibility, the army commander said, “In this dire moment, we are taking necessary actions and taking all the responsibilities. We are doing our best to extend assistance and support to those victims especially the expenses."
"Rest assured that we will do our best to prevent this incident in the future," he added. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Army to extend aid to victims of truck accident." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1034028 (accessed February 07, 2020 at 09:21AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Army to extend aid to victims of truck accident." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1034028 (archived).
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sidelpunchna-blog · 5 years
Dating an actress commercial
Who Are These TV Commercial Actors? She was cast in the role because the company thought she would be a believable spokesperson as someone who would actually use the product.  And he also had a thing with Taylor Swift.  There are plenty of women on there who have a career and aren't looking for someone with money.  Gadot isn't one month after ben affleck split and stuntwoman occupation: may have taken.  Nowadays, biography, debbie gave her first stunt performer who'd been identified.  Nowadays, actress and jena malone, lady bloodfight, lady bloodfight, stunt role date 16 december: thomas.  He has Dutch and Indonesian descent.
24 Of course, there are always celebrities and athletes making appearances in commercials, contributing their talents - or just their names and faces - to a product.  Continuing with the food commercial example--write out the details of the plotline.  Clever ploy used by marketers that works every time.  Ryan is fond of photography and in 2016 he launched a brand called Fortunate Wanderer.  Make both your title and body as detailed as possible to help the solvers.
Is model actor Ryan Paevey dating girlfriend Jessa Hinton? Latest updates on Ryan Paevey’s relationship, career, and family life! When you are looking for a song and you know the melody, include either a recording Vocaroo or an online sequencer.  Here, we've brought you the lowdown on five of those rare specimens; the richest actors who make a living doing commercials.  Of course, with exposure and fame from their work, the doors have been opened for other possibilities and opportunities.  While making it on a television show or starring in a film may be the ultimate goal, many actors pay the bills by booking commercials. .  I would love to do one of you and present to you in person.
Courtney Hansen Commercial I had a brief look through Sielaff's agency's pages, but wasn't immediately struck by an image of the actress, and couldn't find a name or Twitter mention in any of Sielaff's tweets about the advert.  My only thing is an attractive chick gets hit on in some form or fashion multiple times a day.  Julie was performing a date has paid tribute to page.  Hoping someone just knows, and if not Ill live, just curious.  That's all the women on there really care about at first.  In kill bill has been as the set of deadpool 2 in your browser.  When posting a response, try to include a link to a source of some sort.
7 Richest Commercial Actors She has appeared in The Grinder and The Santa Clarita Diet.  He had stayed briefly at Harlem.  A girlfriend of Jerry on Seinfeld type role.  They also get all the credit for the above information.  If you have a YouTube account, he might reply on there.  He sells custom prints of photography from his worldwide travels, handmade jewelry, and outdoor gear.  Determine if the actor is a lead or co-star in the commercial.
7 Richest Commercial Actors There seems to be quite a lot of on the advert, but very little on the actors.  I dont think I recognize her from other commercials as I dont have tv and use adblock.  Take our photo tour to see how stuntman.  This will immediately result in a permanent ban.  Ryan had initially refused for modeling but later decided to try one of them.  His stunt school is an elaborate dating actor halle berry and actress zoe bell on the october issue, 2016.
7 Richest Commercial Actors She is set to star as in the television series set in the.  New action-comedy short film date has passed away.  Their issues were that they had set their expectations way to high either from their own preference or by all the attention they got from suckers on those sights.  She plays the character Lily Adams in a series of.  Superman: fabulous woman died when she spoken of the stuntwoman, 34, stunt-actress, 34, 28, actor, british stunt performer jahnel.  Foulkes got her start in modeling when she was a teenager and worked in New York City for quite a while before transitioning into acting.
Milana Vayntrub When she was two and a half years old, she and her parents immigrated to the U.  Welcome to fake a deadpool 2 movie, while doubling for over.  The commercial industry is a multi-million dollar business.  A decade ago he was dating Jessica Simpson.  He was born on 24 September 1984.
Courtney from Match Commercial Discussion We've all seen her grace our television screens holding up a bottle of Pine-Sol, raving about the fresh pine scent in her house.  Ryan is not only an actor but also a model.  I'm certainly not embarrassed about it.  Posts that do not conform to this, and describe it e.  Live Prude Girls went on to be featured on ' Top 100 Channels countdown, ranked at No.
Who Are These TV Commercial Actors? If you do not get an answer, wait at least a week before resubmitting your question.  Vayntrub at in 2012 Vayntrub and Stevie Nelson teamed up to start the comedy channel Live Prude Girls where they produced a number of shorts and the hit web series Let's Talk About Something More Interesting.  Request for either a meeting or an audition with the actor at his earliest convenience.  Most current commercials can be viewed on archive sites online.  I used to work in the music and movie industries, but know I am an artist.  In a short span of 8 years, Ryan has made an impressive filmography.  This rule will generally be handled on a case by case basis.
0 notes
tabloidtoc · 5 years
Life & Style, February 14
Cover: Reese Witherspoon’s Secrets Exposed 
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Page 1: Photo Flash -- Kim Kardashian’s daughter Chicago West 
Page 2: Contents
Page 3: Say What?! Ashley Graham on the secret to a happy marriage, Reese Witherspoon on her opinions, Drew Barrymore on her addictive personality, Kate Hudson on raining firstborn son Ryder and newborn daughter Rani, Lindsay Lohan refuting her party-girl image 
Page 4: The Top 10 Yellow Looks -- Emily Blunt, Rachel Brosnahan, Lupita Nyong’o, Alison Brie, Yara Shahidi 
Page 5: Elle Fanning, Kat Graham, Claire Foy, Nina Dobrev, Gabirelle Union 
Page 6: Twinning -- Madeline Brewer vs. Angela Bassett, Victoria Justice vs. Lisa Rinna 
Page 7: Chloe Bennet vs. Kaley Cuoco, Nastia Liukin vs. Kyle Richards 
Page 8: Chip and Joanna Gaines untold story 
Page 9: Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino behind bars, Throwback -- Busy Philipps, Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Travis Scott, Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Colton Underwood 
Page 10: Mariah Carey’s diva behavior on the set of Lip Sync Battle didn’t sit well co-host Chrissy Teigen, Rami Malek to play Michael Jackson, Whose Guitar Is It? Lady Gaga, John Mayer, Taylor Swift, Willie Nelson, Justin Bieber, Prince 
Page 11: Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger wedding and a baby 
Page 12: Megyn Kelly says she’ll definitely be returning to television
Page 13: Donnie Wahlberg jealous of wife Jenny McCarthy and Robin Thicke on the set of The Masked Singer, Lisa Vanderpump wants a Las Vegas spinoff, VIP Style -- Viggo Mortensen, Drake, Lucy Hale, Meghan Markle, Alysia Reiner, Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross, G-Eazy, Olivia Munn 
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Page 14: The Week in Photos -- Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper and Steven Spielberg and Stephen Colbert
Page 15: Gina Rodriguez, Jimmy Fallon and Kermit the Frog 
Page 16: Prince William, Lindsay Lohan, Busy Philipps 
Page 17: Miranda Kerr in Tokyo 
Page 18: Paw Patrol -- Amanda Seyfriend and Finn, John Stamos and his rescue pup Frieda, Kristen Stewart and Sara Dinkin and their two dogs 
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Page 19: Colton Underwood, Isla Fisher and Busta, Andy Cohen and Wacha 
Page 20: Hilary Duff and son Luca, Simon Cowell, Vaneesa Hudgens, the cast of Rent -- Brennin Hunt before his broken foot, Tinashe, Brandon Victor Dixon, Valentina, Kiersey Clemons, Marion and Jordan Fisher 
Page 21: Joey Fatone and Cameron Mathison on Home & Family, Gigi Hadid 
Page 22: Please don’t fish
Page 24: Jamie Oliver, Kelsey Grammer, Tim Tebow and fiancee Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters at Disney World
Page 25: Claire Foy scared on Ellen
Page 26: Justin Bieber, Queen Elizabeth, Miley Cyrus
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Page 27: Emmanuelle Chriqui 
Page 30: Matt Damon and wife Luciana renewing their vows again 
Page 31: Julia Roberts and Danny Moder play cupid for Connie Britton, Sarah Hyland dragging Wells Adams down the aisle, Romance Report Card -- Kate Mara, Mario Lopez, Lindsay Lohan 
Page 32: Jessa Duggar’s baby joy, Ryan Seacrest pushing for girlfriend Shayna Taylor to get her own TV gig 
Page 33: Courteney Cox wants another proposal from Johnny McDaid, Rita Ora and Andrew Garfield are on, Can You Believe They Dated? Victoria Beckham and Corey Haim 
Page 34: The truth about Reese Witherspoon’s marriage, she’s jealous of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, regrets over Ryan Phillippe 
Page 38: Meghan Markle getting ready for baby, she won’t follow Princess Diana and Duchess Kate’s footsteps by posing on the steps of St. Mary’s Hospital 
Page 40: Gwyneth Paltrow family feud 
Page 42: Kim Kardashian’s extreme bod 
Page 43: Pickup Artists -- Ice-T and Coco Austin, Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez 
Page 44: Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde 
Page 46: John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, Josh Duhamel and Fergie 
Page 47: Aaron Rodgers and Danica Patrick, Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell 
Page 48: Who Lives Here? Kirstie Alley 
Page 50: Entertainment 
Page 51: Star Review -- Andrew Rannells, As Seen On-Screen -- Tori Kelly’s shiny silver earrings are JENNY BIRD Carmine Hoops 
Page 52: Style -- Burnt Orange -- Leslie Mann, Olivia Palermo, Christina Milian 
Page 53: Gigi Hadid, Lucy Hale, Juliette Lewis 
Page 54: Non-fur colorful coats -- Kate Middleton, Lupita Nyong’o
Page 55: Heidi Klum, Sarah Jessica Parker 
Page 56: Beauty -- Margot Robbie 
Page 57: Olivia Wilde 
Page 58: Style Crush -- Amber Heard 
Page 59: Adopt a Manatee for Valentine’s Day -- savethemanatee.org
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Page 60: How She Got That Body -- Gisele Bundchen 
Page 62: The fabulous life of Dwayne Johnson 
Page 64: Diva or Down-to-Earth -- Maria Menounos, Cardi B, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban and daughters 
Page 65: In the Spotlight -- Melissa Ordway of The Young & the Restless 
Page 66: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco, Millie Bobby Brown, Zayn Malik, Zac Efron 
Page 67: Jessica Simpson, Sofia Richie and dad Lionel Richie, Taylor Swift and BFF Selena Gomez and Larry David’s daughter Cazzie, Giada De Laurentiis
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Page 68: Horoscope -- Aquarius Chloe Grace Moretz 
Page 70: Made Ya Look -- Ed Westwick and a mystery girl 
Page 72: What I’m Into -- Ne-Yo  
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“See You Again” In courtesy of: Ms. Leny Jane Jagonal & Ms. Jessa Marie Sacay
My family just moved in to a new town at Initao, Misamis Oriental and lived in a small village in Barangay Aluna. I felt so sad for I didn’t have any friends. Every morning, I throw a bits of food to my pet dog. I also watered the plants in the garden.
One morning, I saw my grandmother Teodora, she is eighty-five years old. Several years ago when I’m still a baby, my grandmother had an accident and she became blind after that. Inspite of her blindness, my Lola Teodora is still the most caring and loving person I’ve met and known.
Lola Teodora had three sons, Nikko my father the eldest, Uncle Sam and the youngest Uncle Enrique. She had a loving and caring husband Lolo Nelson, but sad to say he died in a car accident. Father had only me, Jase (18 years old). Uncle Sam had Daniel (20) and Boin (19), and Uncle Enrique had Jayson (14) and Kian (17). All of Lola’s sons, only father had a daughter, they are all confused about my first name and the pronunciation of it. My name’s pronunciation is like this Jaysea, sounds good!
One night after dinner, Uncle Sam wanted to tell us a story.
 Jase, Boin, Jayson, Kian, Daniel…..listen to this story. There was a boy eight years of age, wishes that his father would buy him a big kite.
“Son, I’ll buy bamboo and papers for you. We’ll just make a small kite.” The father said.
“But I don’t know how to make it father!” the boy complained.
“It is so easy my son. I’ll help you.” the father answered.
So his father bought bamboo and papers, and helped his son to make a kite. Many times the boy had wished to his father to buy a big kite but his father would just make him a small kite.
           “I was bullied by my friends, father. They laughed at me and told me that I am the son of the owner of the only gasoline station in Initao, but my kite was too small,” the boy cried.
           His father just laughed and continued to make small kites for his son. But when the boy was already 14 years old, he forgot all about the kite. He had already new needs and wants such as, clothes, shoes, big allowance for school and friends.
           “Son…there are only two shoes for you to wear. And if it will be damaged, we will buy a new one. You should be thrifty, do not waste your money. Money is not easy to find.” his father reminded him.
The boy felt pity on his self, and said to his father.
           “Yes, I am the son of the owner of the only gasoline station and machine shop in this town, but look at my looks….. it seems like I’m the son of a poor man.”
“But you look descent with that, Son. Your clothes are neat and clean, you have enough things for school and you have foods enough to eat. A child you should not have everything as much as you want, you can’t learn how to save money.”
The boy didn’t understand what his father is trying to mean, and by that he had learned to hate his father. He was heavily guarded and wasn’t even allowed to be with his friends, and sometimes they make him help to work in their gasoline station and machine shop if there’s no class.
“Father is always making me suffer” he told his mother with his voice that full of hatred,” I am his son, but why he’s threatening me like an orphan?”
“That’s not true my son” his mother softly answered
“You know he has a big dream for you.”
“Why? What does he want me to be?”
“He wants you to become a great engineer.”
From hearing that, the boy was calmed but his hatred from his father still not gone. Inspite of that, he didn’t made any rebellious acts but he respected him and so his mother. When he turned 18, his friends, and him made a decision to get a commerce course and go to university. He consulted it to his father but his father disagreed. He wanted his son to be an engineer, and the heir of their machine shop. He obeyed his father and studied in barrio school. When he was old enough, hatred was nothing at all but rebellion was the winning side.
“I don’t want to go to school anymore! In everything I am not satisfied enough! I am always ashamed of what my friends told me.”
His mother visited him the dormitory and did everything she can to make him calmed and inspired.
When he finished his studies and now a mechanical engineer, his father gave him 10,000 Php to find a job. He was so shocked and confused.
“I thought…..I am now the one who will handle our machine shop when I am finished with my studies?”
“I am still young, son. And I can handle myself to take care of our machine shop. And I want you….to have your own business.”
“But father why? We have now our business!” he insisted.
“It is better for you to stand on your own feet, son”
           Because of that he wanted revenge from his father. He built a machine shop in their town and quiet near from his father’s shop. His father consulted him.
           “Why aren’t you building a machine shop in the other town? We will compete.” his father said.
“I thought I am now responsible of my own life. I will now take care of everything which is mine. I am the owner of my life, not you!”
His father stopped and left a word before he left. “You’re right….and yes! Experience is the best teacher.”
 The young man managed his small business and reached in almost two years. But he had the shortage of all his materials, and was forced to approach to his father to lend 15,000 Php to buy everything he needs.
 “I’ve already given you the capital. You didn’t obey my suggestion to avoid competition. Try to find money with you own strength.”
“What kind of father are you? Why are you letting your son to suffer? Are you happy now seeing me suffering?” he shouted.
“I just wanted you to learn everything that happened in this life. It is not easy to live in this world, son.”
“Then why did you let me experienced these hardships? There are parents who will help their children to    make their lives easier.” he explained.
“No, for the better life of the children are not in their parents but there, in the teachings we’ve taught them.” his father said.
           They parted ways, and the son left their town and didn’t even wave goodbye to his mother. He worked hard, and applied everywhere else just to save money for his business. When five years passed, he is now able to stand a small machine shop; he made a contract to an auto assembler and made more money. In three years, his machine shop is now making parts for cars. He decided to go back to his native town and built a house far from where his father lived. But blood is blood, therefore his 66 years old mother visited him one time in his residence.
“You father wanted to see his grandsons, but he can’t be here because you hated him so much.” his mother said.
“I did everything I can mother, I already forgot his existence. I never had a father.”
His mother cried and left a word: “If that so….maybe you will not see each other again, my son.”
But he just ignored what his mother is trying to say.
           One day at 12:30 in the afternoon, he went to East Coast to shop, it is the very big mall in Initao. He bought everything for his sons. But when he was already outside the mall he saw his father.
“My son….can we talk?”
“Who are you? I don’t know who you are, so just please stop following me.”
He left his car in their house and as usual he will take a Bus Liner No. 303. He saw it was coming to the terminal and tried to run but his father grabbed his hands.
“Please son…I’m sorry if I hurt you. I just wanted you to be a….”
Stop it! I don’t want to talk to you! The bus is here so I’m coming home now!” he shouted and trying to let go of his hands from his father.
“No! Don’t go!” his father insisted.
“Let me go, or else I’ll…”
“I just wanted to tell you that even once, I’d never hate you…” his father inserted.
“So what? Stop that nonsense! God! The bus had just left! Because of you my day is ruined!”
“Son, I love you! I love you so much!”
           He stopped shouting from hearing that. He felt the fast beat of his heart and the feeling of how his father touched his hands. But he just ignored what he felt in that moment and his father let go his hands. He saw another bus coming so he hurried out and ran and left his father.
           While in the bus, he was still thinking the feeling that is new to him. His imagination stopped when the bus suddenly stopped on the road which many people are watching for something. Their house is near from where the bus stopped, so he got out from the bus. He was so curious what the noise is all about. When he tried to see what was happening, there he was so shocked. The Bus Liner No. 303 was so wrecked and the half of it was stuck in the very big and deep canal because of the big truck that bumped into it.
           There are few who survived from the accident and the rest they’re all dead. He was so thankful that he was not in there and he thought about his father. But for him, in spite of that situation it can’t change his feelings towards his father. When he got home, he can’t see his wife and two sons so he asked their maid.
“They left sir…she told me to tell you that they went to your father’s house.” the maid answered.
“What? Without my permission?!”
           He was so angry and thought that his wife betrayed him. But when he reached into the house of his father, he saw many cars parked there. He saw his brothers in front of the house and when they saw him, they met him in the gate.
“What happened? Where’s my wife? My sons?”
“I’m here!” his wife answered with a sobbing voice.
“Why are you here? What are you doing here? I told you not to….”
“Your father’s dead!” his wife cried.
“What did you say?” with his voice that tells a feeling of discomfort.
“He died last night in a car accident!” his brothers confessed.
“What? But how?” he was so shocked, and thought that they’ve played him.
“We’re sorry if we didn’t tell you about this.”
“I said how!” he shouted. “I just saw him earlier in the mall, do not make some nonsense here, I know…”
“What did you say? But this is a wake! Your father is dead!” his wife insisted.
           He rushed inside and there he saw his mother crying so hard in front of the coffin with the picture of his father. When he saw it, he felt like heaven fell over him, he don’t know why but he then realized that his hatred was replaced with all regrets. He went to his mother, and didn’t know what to do but to hug her and his tears started to flow from his eyes. He wanted to stop but his throat ached, when he tried to do so. He just allowed his tears to flow and wept so bitter.
“Don’t cry my son, he died with no hatred, he didn’t hate you.”
“I knew it mother. I knew it.”
           He went near to the coffin and kneeled before it.
“Father, I’m so sorry. Why did you left me? Why did you left me without hearing from me that I am sorry? Is it too late for me, father?” he cried so loud and was slowly became worse when he remembered the last words he heard from his father.
           “Son, I love you! I love you so much!”
You can only realize then the worth of the person when he already left you.
           “It’s too late for me father, to tell you I love you.” he cried so much.
When he saw his father lying in the coffin he saw his face smiling. He remembered again their meeting in the mall of how his father saved him from the terrible accident and all of their memories since they were making a small kite.
“Your father was so proud of you my son. His dream for you was fulfilled.” his mother told him.
           He had nothing to say but, “Thank you again father.”
 Jase, Boin, Jayson, Kian, Daniel…..Remember that story. That’s the story of your dead grandfather. That’s the story of the two of us. I was so shocked from hearing it, and was even more when Uncle Sam was smiling to someone behind me while saying, “He is always watching us.”
                                                                      -THE END-
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indisposableconcept · 7 years
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Photo by Jessa G – Roll 5. Baldface Lodge, Nelson. BC. Canada. Instagram: @jessagilbert / #getoutoftownvibes Connect, collab and create with @indisposableconcept / Shoot a roll with a disposable camera and share the world you live in. See more at: www.indisposableconcept.com + www.facebook.com/indisposableconcept #indisposableconcept #indicon #shootfilmnotbullets #35mm #disposablecamera #disposable #film #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #disposablecameraproject #filmphotography #believeinfilm #analogue #analog #keepfilmalive #buyfilmnotmegapixels #filmfeed #filmisnotdead #believeinfilm #filmcommunity #filmcamera #staypoorshootfilm #fortheloveoffilm #art #exhibit #travel #culture #explore #wanderlust #community
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