#Jar spells
breelandwalker · 8 months
Simple Spell - Full Moon Wish Jar
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Intent: To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.
Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
Chime candle & fire source
Oil for sealing
Herbs and Items representing your wish
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.
Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want.
Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your focused intention is the most important component of all. If desired, you can write your wish on a dried leaf or a piece of paper to give the spell a clear direction to work in.
Some common plants associated with wish-making include:
Bay Leaf
Blue Violet
Dandelion Seeds
Dogwood Petals
Sage Leaf (any color)
Sunflower Petals or Seeds
Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight.
The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.
Recipe suggestions under the cut. (And if you like this spell, you'll love my books!)
Happy Witching! 🌕💜
Health, Wealth, & Happiness
Bay Leaf
Juniper Berries
Apple Wood Chip or Apple Seeds
Seal with Breath
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Holly Leaf
Juniper Berries
Seal with Sage or Dragon's Blood Oil
Seal with Basil Oil
Luck & Success
Clover Blossom
Galangal Root
Allspice Berries
Seal with Amber Oil
Orange Peel
Juniper Berries
Seal with Orange Oil
Rose Petals
Apple Wood Chip
Cherry Blossoms or Cherry Stones
Seal with Rose Oil
Jinx Remover
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Coffee Grounds
Sage (any type)
Black Peppercorns
Seal with Vinegar
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pnwitch-of-west17 · 6 months
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themanicnami · 1 year
Catch All Titanium Spider Web (Totally Spies Inspired Binding Spell)
A binding spell to prevent another from being an obstacle to you or your goals.
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Craft Wire or Pipe Cleaners or other thin wire
Paper or Cloth Poppet
Jar with a lid
Black Peppercorn
(Optional) Garnet Chips/Pieces
(Optional) Obsidian Pieces
Black Candle
Make your poppet/doll of the target you are intending to bind. Using your marker write onto the poppet the target's name
Using your craft wire bind up the poppet thoroughly and tightly in a manner like you tying someone up. While you are doing so, verbally or mentally chant: "Spider web, spider web - tie you tight. Spider web, spider web - bind you tight" or anything else you may prefer.
Once bond, drop your poppet into the jar with the crystals and black peppercorns.
Seal the jars lid tightly then burn the candle long enough to either melt it on top of the jar or have enough melted wax to pour it over the lid to seal it up.
Store the jar somewhere dark and hidden.
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upthewitchypunx · 1 year
My friend is doing some witchcraft research, specifically on container magic (jar spells, etc.) Care to help them out by taking this survey? All answers are anonymous and you would really help them out by participating. Click the link above or scan the code below.
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Please share!
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
I Am Smart & Capable Affirmation Jar
Back when I was a struggling student, I had to resort to magical efforts to keep myself afloat and feel supported. Thus, this 'I Am Smart & Capable" affirmation spell came to be!
spell jar
black salt
red agate
small piece of paper + writing utensil
yellow candle
Prep your workspace how you typically would. Cleanse, meditate, cast a circle; whatever you need to do!
Light your yellow candle, close your eyes, and focus on your affirmations: I am smart. I am capable. I am intelligent. Do this for however you feel you need to.
Cleanse your jar with the method of your choosing - I like to use incense.
Layer the bottom of your jar with black salt, for protection.
Next, add in your eggshells for additional protection and security.
Next, add rosemary - for intelligence and wisdom.
Add in a small red agate stone, or red agate chips. You may also use a large piece of agate to charge your jar, if you wish.
Write on your piece of paper your affirmation: I am smart and capable. Roll up your paper and place it in the jar.
Close up/cork your spell jar, and drip a small amount of wax onto the lid/seal. Careful! Don't forget: this is hot wax you're messing with here!
Allow the candle to burn completely, or snuff it out as needed.
Keep the jar on your altar, or preferably at your desk/study area. You can also carry it with you on campus or at work. Shake it to recharge, or use red agate or the King of Swords tarot card to charge it as well. 
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myhauntedsalem · 27 days
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Spell Jar to ward off negative energies. Keep in your room, house, car, bag or somewhere near you.
Rosemary (protection)
Fennel (purification, healing)
Lavender (peace, happiness)
Sage (protection)
Clover (love, loyalty, protection)
Black pepper (cleanse/protection)
Salt (cleanse)
Black wax
Substitute or exclude any materials as you need!
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ashabsynthe · 11 months
Easy Protection Spell Jar
A small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
A selection of protective herbs or spices (e.g., rosemary, bay leaves, sage, cinnamon)
Crystals for protection (e.g., black tourmaline, obsidian, amethyst)
Salt (preferably sea salt or black salt)
A piece of paper and a pen
Red string or ribbon
Optional: personal items or symbols of protection (e.g., small talismans, sigils, or written affirmations)
Cleanse the jar and all the ingredients with your preferred method, such as smudging with sage or passing them through incense smoke.
Set your intention for the spell: to create a powerful and personalized protection charm.
Herbal and Crystal Selection:
Choose a selection of protective herbs and spices that resonate with you. Focus on their protective properties and their ability to repel negativity.
Select crystals known for their protective energies. Consider their individual qualities and choose the ones that align with your intentions.
Intention Setting:
Take a moment to center yourself and clarify your intention for the protection jar spell. Visualize a shield of energy surrounding you or the person for whom you are casting the spell.
Layering the Ingredients:
Begin layering the ingredients in the jar. Start with a pinch of salt at the bottom, symbolizing purification and protection.
Add the herbs and spices one by one, focusing on their protective properties as you layer them.
Place the crystals in the jar, infusing them with your intention for protection.
If desired, add any personal items or symbols of protection that hold significance to you.
Written Intention:
Write your intention for protection on a small piece of paper. Be clear and specific about what you wish to protect yourself or others from.
Fold the paper neatly and place it in the jar, envisioning your intention being sealed within the jar.
Sealing and Activating:
Seal the jar tightly with its lid.
Use the red string or ribbon to tie a protective knot around the jar, symbolizing the containment of energy and sealing the intention within.
Charging and Activation:
Hold the jar in your hands and infuse it with your energy and intention. Visualize a radiant and impenetrable shield of protection emanating from the jar.
Speak or chant a protection affirmation or spell, reinforcing your intention and the power of the jar.
Placement and Maintenance:
Choose a suitable place to keep the protection jar. It could be on your altar, near your front door, or in a personal space where it will not be disturbed.
Every so often, hold the jar in your hands, recharge it with your energy, and visualize the protective shield being renewed and strengthened.
Remember, the effectiveness of the protection jar spell lies in your intention, belief, and consistent energy maintenance. Regularly reinforce your intentions and keep a positive mindset, knowing that the jar acts as a potent protective talisman.
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onnetonprinsessa · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Final Project, HELP NEEDED✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Hey yall, I made some test coloring pages that explore concepts for witchcraft adult coloring book.
The idea behind this theme for coloring book is that if you are interested in spells but aren’t able acquire or can’t afford some ingredients you can instead manifest spells through coloring in the ingredients. 
OR just use these pages for meditative purposes for stressful days, so you can just sit down and relax.
Some of the coloring pages have little extra tasks and hints!
HERE IS THE LINK FOR THE GOOGLE DOCS FOLDER THAT HAS THE TEST PAGES: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tPjLQJT51Ip3bG_k0RGVUjpXMzE-Mfja?usp=sharing
Download and print them as much as you want! 
Here is link to the english questionare, answering it will help me out a lot! 
Please don’t delete the pdf’s from the folder!!!
If you can’t try them out I would appreciate if you could share this so that I can get wider test audience <3
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spiralhouseshop · 2 years
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New in the Spiral House Shop!
September 2022
Femme Occulte magazine Issue 3 - Autumn 2022
Fiddler's Green 8: Idyl Hearts
The Nearly Perfect Necromancy of Lady Mondegreen: A Practical Guide to Malaprop Magic (from Fiddler's Green)
Tomten The Lore of the Christmas Gnome (from Fiddler's Green)
Spell Jar Book for Beginners: 60 Enchanting Spells to Focus Your Power and Unleash the Magic by Paige Vanderbeck
Critical Thinking Card Deck (This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain. For education? For being roasted if used for divination)
Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos by Peter Mark Adams
The Red Goddess
Star.Ships: A Prehistory of the Spirits by Gordon White
Ani.Mystic: Encounters with a Living Cosmos by Gordon White
Apocalyptic Witchcraft by Peter Grey
Upcoming 2022 Vending Events in Portland, Oregon:
September 18 - Columbia Willamette Pagan Pride Day
September 30-October 2 Critical Thinking Witch Con (virtual)
October 22 - If the Broom Fits Season of The Witch Market
(We have applied for a few more events so we'll keep you posted!)
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breelandwalker · 10 months
Hey Bree!
I'm working on a spell to help get an apartment, which is obviously a Very Big Very Important spell for me, so I feel it deserves some more pizzazz than the spells I normally do. Normal routine for me is carving/writing some sigils onto a candle and letting it burn, and that's that. But I'm honestly struggling to come up with ways to make this spell feel more special/impactful that aren't just "more candles." I'd love to hear if you had any ideas on how to spice it up a bit or add something that feels more substantial to my spellwork here. Thanks!
Ooo, good question! Ragnar and I bought a house this past year and we actually did a spell together to help us find just the right place. I'm sure it could be altered to find an apartment too.
I started out, coincidentally, with the same framework that I used for a long-ago love spell to find my perfect match - a list. We sat down together and drew up a list of a dozen or so things that we needed and wanted from our new home, then wrote them on large whole bay leaves that I found at the supermarket. I added these to a jar with a few coins and some herbs for success and happiness. Then we held the jar together and focused on everything we hoped for and breathed that wish into the jar before closing it up.
The jar was sealed with green wax from the stub of a candle spelled for success and abundance (I got it ages ago at Mystic Moon of Norfolk - thanks Deb!) and I took the extra step of securing it with kitchen twine and a lucky shield knot medallion off a bottle of our favorite whiskey. Then the jar was set in the window to catch the light of the full moon.
If I recall correctly, this spell was cast in either August or September of 2022. It was one of the harvest moons, but I can't remember if it was grain or fruit, only that it was still warm outside and light in the evening. But it had to be one of those two, because the week of Samhain that year, we checked out a house that Ragnar found by happenstance that turned out to be perfect and our offer was accepted the day after Halloween. We moved the following January.
The spell jar remains in our home for good luck and we'll keep it there until the time is right to make a new one with new wishes.
So for your apartment search, I'd recommend doing something similar. Write down your wants and needs for your new place and pop the list (or a bunch of bay leaves with wishes written on them) into a jar with your preferred herbs for success and happiness. (If you'd like to specially prepare your bay leaves for wishing spells, here's a spell that I use for the purpose.)
Here are a few suggestions for herbs (and purposes) to include:
Rose Petal and Orange Peel - good luck, attraction to find a new place
Basil and Rosemary - abundance of green space (and funds)
Borage and Juniper - something to help protect against scams and overpricing
Ginger - catalyst / energy to a quick and easy closing process
Orris Root and Marshmallow Root - gentle persuasion for an accepted offer
Vervain - general home blessing
Breathe your wish into the jar and cap it, then seal with twine and wax and perhaps a lucky charm. You might even use one of your bespelled candles for the sealing, that might be a nice touch. Put the jar out to catch sunlight or moonlight, whichever resonates most with you. (My practice tends toward the lunar.) Keep it somewhere safe and keep searching!
Hope this helps and best of luck to you!
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hernamewasluna · 2 years
Victorian Slangs For Spell Code
Gigglemug (always smiling)
Bitch the pot (pour the tea)
Got the mobs (temporary sadness)
Tight as a boiled owl (drunk)
Poked up (embarrassed)
Sauce-box (mouth)
Cupid's kettle drums (breasts)
Not up to dick (unwell)
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craiceann-fia · 7 months
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Did a small protection jar today. It features black salt, protection salt, garlic, honey, peppercorns, several sigils gathered from around the tags, and hair from both my partner and I. I plan to wear it around my neck as often as I can. Keep your closest close & be safe out there. ✨️🤍
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satanachia666 · 2 years
I have a question about hexing someone who is a confirmed pedophile. I’m thinking a sour jar with a pickle full of rusty nails but if you’re open to offering suggestions I’d love to hear them! Thank you from a fellow witch ✨💖
All of those ideas sound great! I would suggest working with a spirit, demon, or deity who's known for avenging predators like Medusa, Satan, and others. Also, I'd suggest leaving/burying the jar somewhere off of your property. I wish you the best of luck!
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monotheisticpagan · 9 months
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Elephant Carving Good Luck Jar
Jar with lid.
Blue adventure elephant carving.
Blue and pink bachelor buttons, dried.
2 dried dandelion flowers.
One dried pink zinnia flower.
Snowflake obsidian.
Blue rose quartz. 
Add the items to the jar taking care to place the elephant upright and decorating around it. 
Charge with your energy. Keep this jar in the home to attract good luck. Look upon it fondly. 
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allthingsblessedbe · 2 years
Court Case Spell
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iamwinklebottom · 2 years
Self Love Jar For Client + Burial
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