#It's like the girl being born with pink hair realising she's destined to be a main character
pseudowho · 1 month
"Hey, Kento," you began, approaching him, thoughtful, while the shower warmed up in the background. Kento hummed in response, turning the page of his book.
"Darling?" Kento inquired.
"Have you ever noticed how...I don't know...convenient and...I dont know, I suppose how coincidental some details of your life are?" Kento caught your eye now, one thin eyebrow arched uncertainly.
"...what do you--"
"I mean," you interrupted, "your 7:3 thing. It's...it's everywhere. You part your hair in 7:3. Your inherent technique is 7:3. Your surname means 'seven-three'. I mean, jesus, your birthday is even--"
"--July the...3rd." Kento looked a little ill, closing his book and feeling his world close in around him. You headed to the shower, calling back; "Just a crazy random happenstance, I'm sure!"
You came out, some time later, to an abandoned book on the bed and Kento stood at the balcony, with an enormous whiskey in his hand and staring, haunted, into the distance.
Kento turned, face twisted with existential crisis; "I don't-- I've never-- ...am I an anime character or something?"
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airashisakura · 3 years
Late submission for @fantasysasusaku SasuSaku Fantasy Week Day 6 - Soulmate/ Prophecy/ Reincarnation
Title: Embodiment of his Fate
Pairing: Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Sasuke
A/N: A mythology from my country had inspired me to write this piece. This was supposed to be posted during the event, but it got unusually long and took a lot of time than I expected. Also this first AU written by me.
Part I
Sasuke — the lone wanderer — didn’t expect again to see the embodiment of his fate in green and pink. Even the gods were sometimes astonished, and Sasuke, the god of catastrophe, felt his world shaking when a pair of tired yet cheerful eyes smiled at him.
“Sakura?” he asked, every syllable carrying disbelief. He bit his tongue as the forbidden name left his mouth, because the Sakura he knew and loved had died long ago.
The owner of shining jade eyes and rosy coloured hair nodded at him. “I’ve been waiting for you, Sasuke.”
Her words echoed more than the thunderstorms he created. He had heard those words before rolling out from a certain pinkette's mouth. He recognised the ‌same words and her loving tone, but only in memories of a time long ago.
Was she the Sakura he knew? Was it an illusion borne out of his longing? Or was she a reincarnation?
Sasuke had always been alone — without any roots and attachments. He didn’t know his family or when and where he was born. He grew up in the darkness of the Ryuchi caves, his only companions being snakes. They were neither his friends nor his enemies, but he polished his basic instincts by observing and mimicking them.
Over time, Sasuke became an invincible warrior — one who rivaled Naruto. Over time, he earned the dignity of a God alongside Naruto.
Sasuke’s sole purpose was to destroy the imperfections and illusions, paving the way for beneficial change. His kind of destruction wasn’t arbitrary but constructive. He was thus seen both as good and evil and regarded as one who combines contradictory elements.
Naruto, unlike Sasuke, had a peaceful demeanor — being praised as God of Preservation — and nourished the world and its being. They worked in sync and ran the cycle of life — destroying the life which was futile and restoring a better life from the ashes.
Their ideologies were different, but they created a perfect balance. Naruto thrived on building bonds and made judgments with compassion, always forgiving and guiding misled souls. Sasuke, on the other hand, was more extreme — he always took an eye for an eye and a hand for a hand, but he wasn’t cruel. He wasn’t forgiving like Naruto either, and he claimed that his sense of judgement was always clearer. Sasuke despised Naruto’s philosophy. In his perspective, being enslaved to mere emotions would bring no good to the world.
Sasuke was pure consciousness, completely without pretension, never repetitive, always spontaneous, forever inventive, ceaselessly creative, and passionate about his actions.
One day, when Naruto and Sasuke were settling their arguments with a battle, Kakashi, a wise and mischievous messenger between Gods of Heaven and Kings of Earth, noticed how passionately Sasuke wielded his sword. The more Kakashi saw of Sasuke, the more he was in awe of him. His cunning mind bore a wish. He wanted to see how passionately this man could build bonds.
Kakashi knew Sasuke would be enraged if he approached him. Instead, he plotted a conspiracy. He went to The Creator himself — the one who created the world and appointed the protector and the destroyer. Hagoromo himself was amused by Kakashi’s proposal, but he watched Sasuke and saw the stillness surrounding him — the pain that Sasuke was unable to see himself. Hagoromo took pity and advised Kakashi to go to The Land of Fire.
Konohagakure, the capital of the Land of Fire, was prosperous and mighty, ruled by Queen Tsunade. The queen was strong willed and stubborn and feared no catastrophe. She had always been the one who harshly criticized Sasuke’s way of living and his actions.
Kakashi was a shrewd diplomat and knew he could never succeed in convincing the Queen to do what Hagoromo suggested, so he tricked her. He told her that The Creator himself wanted her beautiful kingdom to prosper more and had decided to present a gift to her. Tsunade was thrilled to know that, and the wise lady was unable to see behind Kakashi’s conspiracy.
A holy fire always burned at the heart of The Land of Fire. This fire was regarded pious because it had been burning since the beginning of civilization. The strongest of rains and harshest of winds were never able to extinguish the holy fire. The high raging flames were Tsunade’s pride and she believed no one, even The Gods themselves could demolish her Kingdom.
As promised, a beautiful adolescent girl emerged from that fire. As the girl descended from the altar, the mere touch of her soles made the earth more fertile, and her smile brought serenity.
People called her The New Goddess, and she was named Sakura. Her beauty was ethereal and her voice sweeter than honey. The shade of her eyes rivaled emerald and her hair was as graceful as cherry blossoms. Her laugh jingled with air as melodious as an angel's song. She possessed a heart brimming with compassion and love that melted even the coldest of hearts.
Tsunade, a fierce and strong tempered woman, developed a motherly instinct towards her. Sakura churned out love from the depths of the heart of the warrior queen. Tsunade found peace in Sakura’s presence and loved doing mundane things with her. Tsunade treated Sakura like her own daughter and doted on her.
As years passed by, Sakura bloomed, and she mastered everything Tsunade had taught her. Tsunade was elated and boasted that she would make her a warrior and queen like herself.
Tsunade didn’t trust many people around Sakura. She considered Sakura a precious entity and kept her hidden from the eyes of the unknown and evil. However, Kakashi was neither unknown nor evil, and thus he met Sakura routinely and helped her with her growing loneliness.
“What does freedom feel like?” she had asked Kakashi one day while her eyes drifted out from her windows, trying to see the boundaries of the Konoha.
Kakashi knew what she was talking about, but he remained silent, finding the best possible way to introduce her to the character for whom he had conspired everything.
“I want to see what’s outside those big gates.”
Sakura looked towards Kakashi, expecting an answer, and added, her voice fading, “And know more people.”
Tsunade had told her that she was destined to be the queen of this land, and so she couldn’t befriend anybody she wanted.
Kakashi silently mocked the situation. A goddess boon for a kingdom, bane for herself.
“Do you want to meet someone who can show you the real essence of freedom?”
Sakura nodded, her green eyes sparkling with eagerness.
Kakashi’s eyes crinkled at her innocence — how prophecy was working in the background, without her knowledge.
“There’s one problem though.” Kakashi rubbed his chin, squinting his eyes.
Sakura gave him a questioning look, and Kakashi said in a hushed, secretive voice, “He doesn’t like meeting anybody.”
“Huh? But why?” Sakura demanded, her voice two octaves higher than Kakashi’s.
Kakashi laughed at her innocence again.
“Oh! Tell me, where can I meet him? And would mother allow me?” she asked hopefully, fidgeting with the laces of her gown.
Kakashi’s relaxed face became serious. However, he knew how to outsmart the legendary Queen herself.
“Well, you have to go to Shikkotsu Forest.”
Sakura looked bewildered, as she had never heard of the place before.
“You don’t know where it is, do you?” Kakashi asked, and Sakura shook her head with a frown.
“Don’t worry. I’ll escort you there.” Kakashi smiled softly to her, but before Sakura could run down to tell Tsunade about her adventure, Kakashi interrupted. “However, don’t tell The Queen that you are going to meet someone. You know right? The Queen doesn’t like that.”
Sakura nodded again, saddened by the fact that she had to lie, but the thrill of the impending adventure washed away her guilt.
Kakashi then convinced Tsunade to follow his plan by pointing out that Katsuyu, the slug from Shikkotsu forest, had always served the Queen and for Sakura to succeed her throne in the future, she must know Katsuyu and Shikkotsu woods. Tsunade was convinced and, although unwillingly, gave her permission.
Dressed in the attire of a warrior and saddled upon a horse, she waved goodbye to her mother and the kingdom. The horse kicked the ground and started running at full speed, and Sakura wondered why she hadn’t thought of exploring outside the high walls of the palace before. She had always thought Konoha was a paradise, but as she crossed mile after mile, she realised the world outside Konoha was much more chaotic and beautiful.
Sometimes they slowed down, and the horses lazily strolled while she and Kakashi chatted. Kakashi would tell her about the magical slug Katsuyu and how she would be going to live in the wilderness. She also learned a little more about the man she was going to meet.
He is the embodiment of stillness and energy both, she had remembered Kakashi saying. His face carried a calm and stoic expression while inside he was chaotic and frightful. He remained still and unmoving when he reflected on his purpose, and yet he moved with a lightning speed when he executed his actions.
His stillness and energy both intrigued Sakura more. She had never felt so lively before, and as she reached closer to Shikkotsu forest, she couldn’t wait more to taste how it felt — how freedom looked like.
Almost a year passed, and Sakura had accepted Shikkotsu woods as her new home. Her silky hair grew longer and unruly, and she tied it up in a messy knot. The dresses she had brought with herself were old and torn, and she learned how to sew them. She spent hours after hours collecting food and grew more petite. What didn’t change was her radiant beauty and the mesmerizing smile that never left her lips.
She remembered her mother’s command clearly:
Learn healing magic from Katsuyu. When you become The Queen, it will benefit the people of the Kingdom.
Sakura never strayed from her routine with Katsuyu, gaining knowledge about the secrets of magical power that the slug possessed.
After that, she spent most of her time sitting on the wooden branches of a tree, looking towards the entrance of the forest. Sometimes she swung her legs in impatience, sometimes disappointment took over, and sometimes she mulled over her decision to leave the kingdom. She had waited for almost two years now and sadness took over her face when she realised the day wasn’t far when her mother would send an army to escort her back.
Although a goddess who could do wonders waited for a man and her destiny.
When Kakashi had informed him that a certain intruder had invaded Shikkostu woods, Sasuke had scoffed when he found a frail lady roaming through the forest.
“What possible harm could she cause?” he’d said.
Kakashi chuckled under his breath.
Unless cold-blooded God knew, she had the capability to destroy his ultimate defense of indifference.
Sasuke became curious and went to Shikkotsu forest to know what a princess was doing there. When he arrived, he found no trace of her and thought she had left. He was about to leave, when he heard a rustling sound behind him. He turned, sighing that the intruder hadn’t left. Before he could say anything, the same fragile lady had already released an arrow from the bow.
He hadn’t expected much, but even less had he expected to meet her in the middle of Shikkotsu forest with blood dripping out from his chest where her arrow had pierced him. A pair of perplexed green eyes pierced his onyx while he struggled to stand straight but failed and stumbled to the ground.
Sakura didn’t realise she had shot the man she had been waiting for instead of some intruder until she took a minute to tally the features that Kakashi had supplied her with. Chiseled jawline, one visible onyx eye and another hidden under his raven locks, a face that was sharp as blade, and an expression hard as rock. The visible anger in his eye and the scowl that marred his face was undeniably attractive.
Sakura rushed towards him, bracing him in her arms. She could feel his ragged breathing tickling on her shoulders as he mumbled, “Sakura?”
Her eyes widened, but before she could brace herself for the next blow, she spoke out, “I’ve been waiting for you, Sasuke.”
She was bewildered, and he was unconscious. She stayed still, contemplating the situation. They were meeting for the first time. They’d never known each other, and they didn't know each other’s name, yet how smoothly their names rolled out of each other tongues.
When Sasuke gained consciousness, he saw a mop of messy pink hair. Although he felt his blood boiling because never in his whole life had he been knocked unconscious, but the presence of the woman whose back he could see pacified him. He didn’t know how, but it did. His throat was dry and his lips felt chapped, and he coughed, notifying his intruder that he was awake.
Sakura turned towards her intruder, getting off from her place where she was crushing and mixing some herbs with a mortar and pestle. She offered him water and apologised for earlier. Sasuke’s sour expression told her that her apology wasn’t accepted. She sighed, berating herself for the mistake. She had shot the man she had been waiting for.
How was she supposed to fix this?
Her fingers trembled as she layered herbs on his wound. She could feel his heart beating, and it felt oddly familiar — like she was well versed with the rhythm.
“How do you know my name?” She broke the silence.
Sasuke gave her a confused look, and then it dawned upon him that he had never met her before. He was speechless, somewhat unable to explain and somewhat lost in her eyes. What was happening to him? Whenever he looked into those deep green abysses, he felt he was losing, and for the first time ever, it felt good.
One day while Sakura was nursing him, she shared with him the prophecy she’d been told, ignoring his gruff and uninterested look. Sasuke walked away from her, stating he had been alone since birth and intended to be that way. He tried to sneak out, but Sakura demanded that he should stay until he was healed. He didn’t want to comply because he never had to anyone, but somehow the concern in her face made him. It felt good — someone worried for him — someone taking care of him.
He later regretted his decision when Sakura became too comfortable with him.
He was on his side trying to get some sleep when Sakura asked him out of nowhere, “What does freedom feel like?”
He glared at her, irritated she had interrupted his sweet sleep.
Next when she was coaxing him to eat something, and Sasuke sat there looking outside at the falling rain without responding to her tantrums, Sakura huffed in anger, “Why don’t you at least talk?”
He couldn’t explain what he had felt when he saw her sleeping face under the moonlight. It felt like anesthesia — lulling his senses — sending him to a deeper state of peacefulness. All the years of fighting, slaying and punishing wrong-doers started to feel futile. He snuck out of the forest that night because he knew he would be destroyed if he stayed with her any longer.
Prophecy was working in the background, and something unexpected happened. He found himself again at Shikkotsu forest with, finding way back to Sakura.
“Welcome back.”
When he found Sakura smiling back at him — smiling for him — he felt he had made the right decision to return
He was fishing for lunch while Sakura sat beside him, gazing at the floating clouds. She asked, breaking the silence, “Does freedom feel like this? Being you and doing all you want.”
He turned towards her, and noticed a wistful smile playing on her lips and offered, “I will show you, if you come with me.”
Every god and demigod was astonished. They have never seen Sasuke, the lone wanderer, indulging in life, bonds, or attachments. Kakashi sipped wine while watching Sasuke fall passionately in love.
The news spread like fire, and it didn’t take much time to reach Tsunade’s ears. She was infuriated and commanded her army to drag Sakura back. Before Sakura could explain the unexplainable bond that had developed between them, Tsunade lashed out at her. She criticized both Sakura’s decision and the man who she had given her heart. Sakura was put under watch, locked up in a room as punishment for her actions.
Perhaps punishing her for the fate that she carried from the day when she was born.
The decision was hers — to be caged and become The Queen or to flee and embrace freedom.
She chose the latter. Chose the path that the prophecy had led her to. Chose the stranger who had tugged the strings of her heart.
In the darkness of night as the horse galloped, Sakura looked back for the last time, and the kingdom disappeared on the horizon with a new life waiting for her.
She had everything, yet she had felt empty. When she abandoned everything, she felt complete.
When Sakura stepped into their new abode, she found piles of snow and chilly winds blowing around. She had spent part of her life under warm sunshine and the royal ceiling. For a princess, it was difficult to adjust, but alongside all adversities, there was unadulterated love — love that had lifted the weight of expectations of royal duties from her shoulders. She felt like home, the feeling Konoha couldn’t give her.
Now she spent her days carelessly. Some days she would rest her head on his shoulder and look at the horizon as far as her eyes would allow. Some days they would travel, disguising themselves as commoners. And at those moments, she took liberty of her newfound freedom — forgetting she was a goddess — and mingled with people of unknown places.
And Sasuke let her be random and spontaneous — like him.
Perhaps this was the freedom she yearned for and had searched all over these years. Sasuke didn’t teach her how to live. Instead, his presence influenced her. She would sit silently and watch with awe when he stayed still and meditated or practiced with his sword.
The one who never knew the meaning of home had made a home at the top of The Three Wolves Mountain. Sasuke, who hadn’t known feelings, started feeling multitudes of emotions. Love and companionship were the words he had despised, but now he could understand why his counterpart, Naruto, bragged about them. Sakura made his existence meaningful, showing him beauty in the things he had often dismissed.
Her presence never became a chain for him, and she never overstepped her boundaries or meddled with Sasuke’s work. He still had a clear view of judgement, with a pinch of compassion that he had learned from her. He hadn’t shed his furious demeanor, but he reconsidered his motives before acting.
Sasuke as the world knew him had untamed passion, which led him to be extreme in behaviour. Sometimes he was an ascetic — abstaining from worldly pleasure. At others he was a hedonist — indulging every bit in marital bliss.
Living with Sakura brought him balance.
Part II
“Don’t you understand? You’re the future Queen. You can’t fall in love with someone who has nothing and is a lunatic murderer.”
Tsunade’s blood had been boiling with anger when she learned about the prophecy that had been crafted right under her nose. She had believed that her daughter was innocent, and it was just a filthy trick that Kakashi was playing on her until she had heard Sakura pleading.
“Please let me go.”
Honey-colored eyes filled with anger and hurt glanced towards Sakura.
Sakura spoke again, albeit afraid of Tsunade. After that, Tsunade didn't lock Sakura away. She wanted to test Sakura’s resolve — test her loyalty and love towards her and Konoha.
The next morning she was greeted with the news that the princess had eloped.
If she wanted to, she could have hunted her down, but Tsunade clearly remembered Sakura’s final words from their last conversation.
“I want to live with Sasuke… I don’t want to live here anymore.”
Although she allowed Sakura to become part of Sasuke’s life, she never accepted them, and she could never forget the sting of Sakura’s words. She hated Sasuke more for taking Sakura away from her.
After some years had passed, Tsunade decided to hold a festival in the honor of the good harvest that had sprouted from the Land of Fire. She invited every god and demigod, every lord across the nation, even the commoners and beggars. She wanted to share the happiness that she had lost after she had last seen her daughter. She couldn’t lie to herself that she still loved Sakura dearly, although she had disowned her from her heart and cared less about her whereabouts.
That’s the price Sakura would pay, she thought, because everyone was welcomed, except Sasuke and Sakura.
While Sakura and Sasuke were enjoying their routine of sitting together in silence, Sakura noticed a lot of traffic — the finest of chariots, all the lords, gods and goddesses going somewhere dressed immaculately.
Sasuke noticed she was distracted by the commotion. He knew exactly what was happening and where all of them were going, but he said nothing.
Sakura couldn’t hold back her curiosity and she asked, “What is this? Where is everyone going?”
“It doesn’t matter. We don’t need to go where they are going,” Sasuke replied, ignoring her.
Sakura knew the roads the others traveled led towards her old home. She became more restless, and she asked Sasuke again, “It seems like everyone is going to Konoha. Is something happening there?”
“Don’t bother yourself. We are fine here,” Sasuke replied curtly.
Seeing Sakura disappointed, he finally let out his biggest insecurity, “Are you unhappy here?”
“No, I’m happy here,” Sakura smiled, giving up on her curiosity.
The next day when she saw the same, she didn’t pester Sasuke again. Instead she stopped one of the chariots and asked them, “Where are you all going?”
They replied, “Don’t you know? There’s a big festival in Konoha, and your mother has invited all of us. Are you not coming?”
She felt totally lost when she came to know that she and her husband had not been invited. She felt disgraced and humiliated. She thought it wasn’t fair to her and Sasuke.
She was deeply bothered by this and decided, “I am going to my mother. Why did she do this?”
Sasuke said, “It doesn’t matter to me. Why are you getting worked up? We are fine here. Why should we go to the festival?”
Sakura was so insulted that she wasn’t invited that she didn’t want to listen to anything. Although she knew she had fled from the Kingdom without her mother's permission, she was sure Tsunade still loved her like she loved Tsunade.
She argued, “No, I have to go. There must be some kind of mistake. Maybe the invitation was lost. How can she not invite you and me? I am her daughter.”
Sasuke reasoned, “You left her for me. I don’t see anything unusual in not inviting you.”
Sakura stomped out of their abode infuriated, “My mother isn’t like that. I am sure she wouldn’t do this.”
Sasuke knew there was no point in arguing so he sent his most faithful snake Aoda as escort and pleaded with her not to provoke any incident.
When Sakura reached the huge gates of Konoha, she didn’t find any resistance, but the old familiar people were cold and inhospitable. She ordered Aoda to stay outside, and she walked towards the palace. She was trying to respond to the odd vibes that people were giving her by smiling at everyone while she made her way to her mother. The place and the people seemed to be changed, or was she changed? Perhaps Sasuke was right, but she was too stubborn to accept that. She ignored all the cold glares and mocking tones and went into the palace, still believing that there was some kind of a mistake.
“Mother,” Sakura greeted and bowed when she found Tsunade.
“Mother?” Tsunade spat back. Tsunade was furious. She never thought Sakura would have the audacity to show her face again and to call her mother.
“My daughter died the day when she turned her back on the Kingdom.”
Sakura was on the verge of crying out, because Tsunade made it clear that Sasuke’s words were the truth. She wanted to leave, but she didn’t. She wanted to know why Tsunade had always despised Sasuke. Why he himself, being a God, was not acknowledged by The Queen.
She asked Tsunade, holding back her tears, “How can you not invite Sasuke?”
Tsunade abused Sasuke in every possible way, and she added, “I will never have him step into my Kingdom.”
She could swallow her own pride and could take more insults, but she couldn’t stand more to her mother dishonoring Sasuke. Soon they were in the midst of a heated argument, and every passing moment made it clearer to Sakura that her mother was entirely incapable of appreciating the many excellent qualities that her husband possessed. She was consumed by rage against her mother and loathed her mentality.
The realization then came to her that this abuse was being heaped on Sasuke more only because he had wed her. She was the cause of dishonor to her husband. She was so crestfallen that her love had brought more hatred for Sasuke. Sasuke gave her love, yet she had brought him disgrace.
She was shaking with raw anger, tears welling out of her green eyes. She wanted others to acknowledge Sasuke like she did — pure and gentle behind his facade. She thought with her life she could show that to the world.
She didn’t want to be there, but neither did she want to go back to The Three Wolves Mountain. She walked towards the fire from where she was born. She didn’t want to live a life where her love bore hatred to Sasuke. Calling up a prayer, that in future birth, to be born in a house where Sasuke was respected, Sakura invoked divine powers and burned herself.
If she had to die and take birth again to restore his honor, she would die million times.
When Aoda came back and told him about what had happened in Konoha, Sasuke sat still for a certain period. He felt all the happiness, all the colors that Sakura brought with her fading — he felt his sanity leaving. How could he let Sakura go? How dare she do such a thing?
Sakura had given him love and a home — things that were unknown to him. How dare she leave for such an insignificant reason? She was his pride and honor, and he didn’t need any appreciation from others. How could she have misunderstood that? He didn’t need the pride which took her away from him. Thus he shed his sanity that was straining him to wreak havoc — he became fire. For the first time, he became disillusioned and decided to take revenge on the innocents.
Burning with incomparable rage, he used the mighty powers of his eyes and burned the whole kingdom using Amaterasu. They had provoked her to burn herself, hence he watched everyone and everything that had snatched his wife from him burn.
When the flames inside him and of Amaterasu had subsided, he realised how ungodly he had acted. He let his emotions rule over his actions, but hadn’t he given in to his emotions since he had met Sakura? Maybe he had always despised emotions, because he was afraid he would get drowned in them and could never manage to reach the shore again.
His work was to destroy the elements that couldn't be fixed. He was broken and his emotions were far from repairable. After the throes of romance, death and grief, he decided to destroy the emotions that had been born in him because of Sakura.
He had loved Sakura more than any and would never love after her.
He had allowed himself the luxury once and when it was over, he came out of it and went into an indifferent state again. He went into meditation for many years, deeply upset over the death of his wife, ignoring all his duties.
Every destruction acted as a progenitor. Within the barren and burned hectares of the Land of Fire, a small village was born after many years. The village was always covered in spring blossoms, and the people were merry, carefree, and had a profound belief in Gods and their power. They revered Sasuke most, considering him the progenitor of beginning that had given a chance to sow over barren land and produce bountifully. They were hard workers, but humble enough to believe in the grace of Gods.
Sasuke, unaware of the fact, still meditated, grieving for his wife. Still unaware that his beloved had already taken birth again...
Sakura was reborn as a human — the daughter of Kizashi, the leader of Haruno tribe and his wife, Mebuki. This time, Sakura, as she had wished, was born to a family where Sasuke was worshiped ardently.
Sakura, unaware of her past, the prophecy, and the tragedy grew into a beautiful woman. Many lords asked her for marriage, but she always denied them. She always had an innate feeling that someone already had taken her heart, but she didn’t know who.
When Kakashi came to know that the goddess had lost the memories of her previous birth, he appeared in front of her parents. Regretting the path he had taken last time, he confronted her parents about her previous birth, the prophecy, and the fate that linked Sasuke and their daughter.
Kizashi and Mebuki were overwhelmed with joy after knowing this. However, Sakura was skeptical about it and questioned Kakashi.
“Go to Shikkotsu Forest. The answers to all your questions lie there,” Kakashi advised.
Sakura, with her parents’ permission, went to Shikkotsu forest, and as she spent days under the canopy where she had found her freedom once, she learned from Katsuyu to whom her heart belonged.
The moment when she remembered all about her past, she grew restless. At once she left for The Three Wolves Mountain — Sasuke’s home — their home. When she reached there, she found Sasuke lost in meditation.
Years passed, but she waited for Sasuke to open his eyes and to look at her and realize that she was there — as promised.
But Sasuke was deeply lost.
Although a human this time, Sakura was still stubborn.
She sat there in spite of the bitter chilly winds that rattled her bones. She didn’t move an inch to gather food even though her stomach hurt from hunger. She didn’t blink her eyes in spite of how much they threatened to close because of exhaustion.
Perhaps love was invincible — the strongest force that again moved the coldest heart.
Sasuke opened his eyes after many uncountable years. Something that he couldn’t pinpoint had stirred him out of his deep state. He rose in fury. How could anyone dare do that? Wasn’t tricking him once enough?
He swore he would see the death of the person who had disturbed him. He walked outside to see a lady whose head and shoulders were covered with snow, shivering.
His brows knitted in irritation because no one had stepped in The Three Wolves Mountain except Sakura.
The lady straightened herself, feeling his presence. Sasuke wasn’t ready to listen to any of her justifications.
Because no had stepped in their abode except Sakura, and no one would.
Although he was elated to see her again, what Sakura has done was unforgivable. Sasuke was bewildered. All these years of abandoning his emotions fell away when he felt a surge of love and hatred, fear and longing, hurt and comfort coursed through him.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to live with regrets and guilt earlier,” Sakura confessed to him, filling up the details of the past.
He realised the diamond mark on her forehead was gone. She was still beautiful and the smile he had longed to see was still graceful. Undoubtedly, she was Sakura, his wife. She was no longer a goddess though. She had sacrificed her divine powers for him.
He was scared to lose her again. He didn’t want to believe in the prophecy that had once taken Sakura away from her, but he listened peacefully to everything.
“This time will be different. Trust me, I'm not leaving you anywhere,” Sakura smiled, and assured Sasuke.
Who was Sasuke to defy her plea? Their love was weaved in the form of prophecy which defied cycles of lifes and deaths. No matter how far they go, they are bound to be together at the end.
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bangtanmythology · 4 years
In The Name Of Song. Truth Uncovered.
About: Y/N finds out the whole story of what she has become and who those around her are. Her training starts and her and Jimin become the siblings he’s always known they were.
Brother!Jimin x Reader, Mermaid!Jimin, Angel!Yoongi. BTS Supernatural AU.
Words: 2.9K
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“I understand the parent’s side of things. My Great, Great Grandmother betrayed a group of witches by having an affair with the head witches’ husband, who was a human and had a child, so they cursed her. The curse meant that she would never be able to marry a regular human or another mermaid, if she did fall in love with any of these then she was destined to kill him with her voice. Right? So, when she sang a lullaby to her baby, the husband died. The baby, who was my great grandmother, ended up marrying an nasty, rebelling mermaid, their female baby was born half mermaid, the other half became what was known as a siren because the baby, our grandmother, used her powers for evil things, she’d lure sailors in, killing them and using them, never falling in love but instead simply killing them. When we use our siren form to lure people instead of making them fall in love, we will simply kill them. Grandma used the sailors and ended up having a baby with one of them, she abandoned this baby and another mermaid raised mum.” You rambled,
The story was beyond complicated, your head spinning round in circles as Jimin stared at you, nodding every so often with a focused look on his face. He reached his hand out and placed it gently on your ankle, in the few hours that Yoongi had left you alone with Jimin you came to realise that he was an extremely clingy person.
“Yes, that’s all correct and then you know the story with mum and dad, we are now indebted to the reapers but the devils and angels work along side these reapers and when an angel falls, instead of becoming a devil, they are stuck wandering around the earth however they retain some of their angel powers. Yoongi is a fallen angel because he betrayed Michael, the archangel. He has not told me what he did to this day. He is stuck on earth, he begged the reapers to kill him again, to take him from this world and place him as a devil in the next but they would not do it. He begged for a purpose, for something to do, for something to protect, they told him that his debt would be payed off if he spent his life watching over our families. They told him that when we turned 18 he had to bring us here and watch us, make sure that we weren’t causing harm to the reality that we were in, this is the 7th Reality, we’re from the first reality which is the main reality. He had some other mermaids brought here to train me, our grandmother is here, she’s going to help you, along with me, we’re going to train you.” Jimin’s voice was soothing, his words somehow sinking fully into you and making it seem as though maybe all of this would be okay. 
“Right, so he is a fallen angel, a bad one? He stares at me funny.” You mumbled, looking down at Jimin’s hand that was now gently running over the smaller grazes on your calves. Jimin looked up at you, shaking his head and laughing,
“He’s not bad, he was kicked out of the angel realm, that’s all, he’s grumpy, I mean he basically looks after this world all alone, the reapers went extinct 9 years ago and nobody else was sent to care for everything. Half of this world is dead, only magical creatures and hybrids live here. There’s human’s who are sent here to repent their sins, a lot of the creatures and hybrids feast on them. Werewolves and vampires are the worst, we have those in our reality too, they are aggressive, dangerous cannibals who feast on people and kill them. Of course, the werewolves and vampires here take care of those who are criminals. Quite often the ones sent here are either humans who commit serious crimes that they get put into life imprisonment or death row. We also have monsters who fight amongst themselves sent here. This is basically a training ground for a lot of people who are supernatural. We only stay here for a coupe of years and then we go back to the reality we are from. Originally, Yoongi was going to be sent to the 2nd reality to purge it, it is a hell reality, everything burns there, everything is crime and corruption. Of course, that would have been an awful place for us to be seeing as we’re weak to fire after all.” Jimin was rambling, his head now on your thighs as you ran your fingers through his hair, petting down the stray hairs that always seemed to stick up around his face.
“Well, if we’re weak to fire, what actually are our powers and what exactly am I doing here? How long will I be here?” you were looking around the cave, the water placing you in a trance as your eyes focused and unfocused on the shapes beneath it.
“Well, our skin is like that of a fish, of course when we are in our human form it doesn’t look like it or feel like it, but it definitely still is. You will notice that you’re now comforted when you are in the water, in fact if you really need to you can actually manipulate the water, nothing intricate, we can’t make patterns or anything but we can make ripples, waves, if we work together in groups we can even cause tsunamis. The ocean is where we are the strongest. I read a few books that say that if we meet another being, we can give them the ability to breath underwater which is obviously one of our strengths. Fire burns us severely, even the slightest touch will scald our skin and burn us, fire will kill us 3 times faster than it will kill anything else. When we sing, we attract others, they become enchanted by the sounds of our voices and we can lure them in, make them fall in love with us. I’ve done so with many girls, that’s why I have a bit of a reputation,” His voice trailed off at the end, his tone turning into a cheeky, playful tone that had you chuckling slightly. The small, adorable guy who was currently half asleep on your lap did not seem like he could be seducing anyone. His cheeky, lazy smile put doubt into you when I t came to his adorable clingy personality and you were sure that he could be a scary person when needed.
“I highly doubt that you are luring any women in with this clinginess Jimin, plus I haven’t sung a day in my life, nor will I, I sound like a trampled cat when I sing and it really isn’t pleasant,” Your voice was full of laughter and playfulness, mimicking his tone. The fever you had been burning up in had since disappeared and Yoongi explained that it was because he dumped you straight into the water as soon as you got here and you had transformed into your mermaid body, the reason behind the cuts, bruises and scrapes across your legs. You had not remembered anything because apparently it had been excruciating and Jimin convinced Yoongi to erase your memory of the pain.
“Hey! I lure plenty of women in I’ll have you know,” Jimin mumbled. You gazed down at him, a loud laugh escaping your mouth as his cheeks burned bright pink. He was half asleep, a huge smile of his face as your fingers continued carding through your hair.
“Y’know, both of us were left with parent’s that knew what we’d become, they’re humans who come from special families, protectors, they take in orphaned supernatural children and babies. I hated them when I first went there, I was 6, I understood what was going on, I wouldn’t talk to them, I lashed out, I did not want to be there. I wanted to go back to you, I wanted my little sister, I’ve known all these years that I had a sister, that I couldn’t contact her, that there was a little girl out there who needed me and I couldn’t do anything, I didn’t try hard enough, I’m a fai-“
“shut up. Do not talk like that Jimin. You couldn’t have done anything, we were separated for a reason, I didn’t know you existed, I was always protected, I never had problems. I used to be different you know, I used to be cheerful and naïve, I had someone in my life, an older brother figure, he protected me. Sure, he betrayed my trust but because of that I became careful, I stopped trusting people, I can analyse people, I closed myself off. Of course, he came back, and he’s kept his promise to this day, but I think something is weird about him. I think he’s like us, he disappears once a month for like a week or so and then he comes back always in a good mood and happy and he’s really athletic, strangely so, he’s really protective as well,” You were rambling, your brain trying to process that Seokjin may be something other than human. That everyone in your life might be more than human.
“He’s not like us, sounds like a werewolf to me,” Jimin sounded angry, his jaw clenching and unclenching to calm himself down, his fingers gripping his sweatpants.
“No way. You said that werewolves are nasty, evil creatures. Seokjin is lovely, he taught me to ride a bike, he took me to my first swimming lesson, he even spoke to my boyfriend when he embarrassed me and broke up with me in front of the whole school,” Your fingers had stilled in his hair, instead resting them on his forehead. Jimin let out a breathy laugh,
“Then he had an ulterior motive, he must have known about you being a mermaid, there is no way he’d do that purely for care for you. He knows more than he is giving up. Also, let me guess, you never saw that guy ever again?” Jimin was looking up at you, dark brown eyes shimmering, luminescent flecks lighting up his iris.
“Well no, I didn’t actually. That’s not like Seokjin, why would he use me for something like that, I knew him for 18 years, you know, I’ll bet that the years that he was gone was because he was here.” Your words were unsure and Jimin’s eyes were scanning over your face, a small pout set on his lips.
“Y/N, you don’t even believe what is coming out of your mouth right now. Anyway, I am sleepy, and I’d rather not sleep now, I’d like to be asleep and not out and about at night because I do not want an encounter with a vampire thank you very much.” Jimin was stretching his legs, raising himself to his feet, stretching his hand out to help you stand up with him. You stood with a groan, your legs protesting, knees feeling as though they were splitting in half from having been crossed for so long.
“How about I teach you how to change into your mermaid form, I mean, we only have a few hours of day light left and if you turn at night, you become a siren, not a mermaid. I’ve never seen one in person, but I’ve heard many rumours, apparently its not pretty, sorry Y/N.” Jimin had a big grin on his face, his previous radiant, happy attitude coming right back.
“You know what, I’d love that.” You smiled, your eyes looking around the cave, then down at your legs, wiggling your toes, patting the slightly damp floor of the cave with the sole of your foot. Your eyes flitted back up to meet Jimin’s.
“I have no idea how this works,” You chuckled, a nervousness creeping into your belly, he laughed and raised his hands above his head, intertwining his fingers and stretching them high above his head, leaning from side to side and then straight down, his hands touching the floor, his body surprisingly flexible.
“Well, first you’re going to need to be naked, there’s no way you can do it with clothes on. I won’t look, I promise, although, it’s not like I haven’t seen a naked woman before you know, and it’s not weird because all the mermaids have to see each other naked and also you’re my sister so I wont look at you in that way.” Jimin was laughing as he spoke, probably a reaction to the disgusted face you were giving him. You shook your head and pursed your lips.
“Definitely not, you need to close your eyes, then I’ll take my clothes off.” You told him, your voice pointed, echoing against the humid grey walls. He nodded his head and turned around, pulling his sweatpants down and jumping into the water, swimming a few feet away and keeping his back to you. You stood still for a moment, ensuring he was not going to turn around and embarrass you. Once he had been facing away from you for a few moments you began to undo your bikini top. Your brain suddenly remembered the words Yoongi had told you.
“Wait. Yoongi said that when I got here, he put me in the water and I transformed, does that mean that I was naked, and he put me back into my bikini?” You mumbled, cheeks heating up as you gripped the material of your bikini top in your hands. You saw Jimin shrug, his shoulders tucking into his neck as he raised his arms up in the air.
“when I got here, you were dressed but you definitely couldn’t have transformed with your clothes on. That’s one thing that Grandma made sure I never did.” He sounded bored and you quickly pushed your bottoms down your legs, stepping out of them and slowly lowering yourself into the water. You sighed as the pain in your legs seemed to disappear, the water seeping into your wounds as the water sparkled and the cuts, grazes and nicks in your skin seem to vanish slowly.
“erm, what’s happening to my legs?” You mumbled, your jaw hanging low as shock set into your body,
“Oh, well this water has been here for years, it’s connected to the sea of life, who even knows I don’t understand it either, this is the only body of water that does that, even the rest of the sea of life doesn’t do that,” He was smiling, you could tell by his tone. His hands clapped together as he mumbled a small ‘right then’ under his breath.
“okay, you need to picture your tail in your head. Close your eyes and imagine a fish, it is a beautiful, shiny fish, it is sparkling and swimming freely, zooming through the sea, it is happy, content with its life. Feel the water graze over its fins, it is warm, flowing in and out of coral and then, it becomes a human, with a beautiful, long tail.” His words are painting an exact picture into your head. You picture an emerald green fish, the colour of Jimin’s tail with golden colouration around its tail. It swam, shining, weaving between rocks, coral and other large fishes around it. The fish became engulfed by a bright light as a sharp shooting pain engulfed your legs and you could hear a faint voice.
“Keep focused, ignore the pain, focus on the fish,”
The bright light faded into a yellow hue, shortly replaced by a turquoise wave that seemed to break directly into your face before the wave disappeared. Small bubbles spread out in the water, a woman with beautiful green hair had her back to you, golden scales over her hips and waist, a large expanse of her back was clear, beautiful skin, the skin merging with the scales on the small of her back. Your eyes moved down to where her legs should have been, the golden scales faded into a beautiful emerald green, the gold returning down the sides of her beautiful, long tail. The bottom fin of her tail was a completely translucent golden colour, shimmering inside of the water. The fin was long, at least a half the size of the tail, split down the middle, two sides forming two curved, soft scalene triangle shapes that fluttered inside the water.
“you did it!”
Your eyes shot open, staring ahead of you. You felt the same, completely normal.
“No, I didn’t. I feel the same,” You mumbled, disappointment sinking into your features. Jimin laughed and shook his head, flicking his emerald tail as he swam towards you, reaching his hands out to grab at your feet, your arms stretch out behind you to balance yourself on the rocks behind you. His eyes glistened a brilliant green as they stared down at your tail.
“oh my god! I did it!” You were screaming, the noise bouncing off the walls, a musical symphony piercing your ears, your eyes widened as you heard it, sending chills down yours and Jimin’s spines. You looked down at yourself, the beautiful gold and emerald tail you had seen in your mind was yours. Your chest was a translucent, shiny golden colour, it wasn’t scaly like your tail but more like the skin of a frog, glistening and smooth, your breasts completely covered in the golden colouring.
“Wow, this is amazing,” You laughed, a loud, airy laugh as you wiggled your tail out of Jimin’s grasp
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michiamotippete · 5 years
Can I have this dance?
HI! I’m really so so sorry for the long wait, guys! Finally, I can publish the second chapter of “Just Us”! I hope you’ll like it!
You can find the first part at this link!
OH! A special thanks to @lovelyluce that helped me!
She sighed. The warm water was melting her, relaxing her tense body. A soft scent of strawberries and vanilla lingering in the air, the candles surrounding her realising this calming mix. The light in the bathroom was dim, the only sources of light were the soft rays of the sunset entering her window and the flames of the candles. Blonde silk hair reflecting the light, making her messy bun seem a ball of molten gold.
She closed her eyes, sinking into the water until the suds were grazing her pointed chin. She sighed again. It had been a strange week; she needed this moment to distract herself from the thought of Natsu. The thought of his fanged grin and his oh-so-green eyes that made her legs turn into goo. She knew that she was falling for him  and she was worried about it. In the week she got to know him, she discovered he was  goofy, mischievous, brash and impulsive. Nonetheless, he was kind, funny and cared about her.  She groaned. They flirted all the time, he’d look at her with those jade eyes filled with lust and amusement and she’d bite her lip and squirm, aching for his touch.
She pushed herself up, her fingers wrinkled by now. She couldn’t understand how someone could be visibly interested in her and at the same time being completely indifferent. Wrapping a fluffy pink towel around her curves, she made a promise to herself. She’ll go out with her girls and stop thinking about that sexy fireman.
Two hours after her bath, she met with her colleagues in a bar. She was feeling confident, her pale skin lighted up by the moon and by the gentle light of the outdoor bar. Her hips swinging to the beat of the music. Her bare back grazed by the chill breeze. In her hand a pink-ish drink and on her lips a content smile. Lucy was having fun, despite the glances of some males, grazing her figure clad in a long dress with a rip from the hip.
Cana took the other hand of Lucy, taking her in the middle of the dancefloor. Blonde hair flowing around and laughs echo in the air and in that moment, warm hands slid along her column.
She gasped, rough hands drawing delicate patterns on her skin. Her breath hitched, her eyes wide and Cana smirking.
“I’m gonna drink something Lucy,” she said waving her hand, ”have fun you two!”
Lucy’s checks were ablaze. Goosebumps were raising along her arms. A strong arm circled  her waist, while his hand moved from the back to the bare skin of her ribs. His thumb grazing the side of her breast. She couldn’t breathe. He was making her mind go numb.
“Can I have this dance, Luce?” his voice rough, husky, sending shivers through her spine.
She nodded. His chapped lips were inches from her ear, making her throat dry. With a slow movement, the arm around her waist moved; a firm hand now pressed against her abdomen, pushing her against his chest. She shivered. His body was warm, almost boiling, but it wasn’t too much, it was something that made her feel safe. Her fingers trailed along his muscles, a sensual caress. She reached her goal: the back of his neck; she cupped it with her hand, intertwining her fingers in his surprisingly soft pink locks. He rested his chin on the top of her naked shoulder, avoiding her stretching to reach his neck.
They started dancing. It was slow, but sensual. They moved their hips in sync; he never stopped pressing her, making her ache for more. It was painful how slow they were moving. His breath caressing her neck making her sigh.
Smoke, spices and warmth flooded her senses making her head dizzy. His hands guiding her, pressing her against him and moving her around. He made her spin, now they were face to face; his now onyx eyes boring into hers.
“You’re so pretty…“ he whispered against her lips. She didn’t understand what was going on, he paralyzed her with his movement; she was putty in his hands.
Rough lips met plump ones. He was gentle, considerate; her eyes wide open, incredulous. After what seemed an eternity, he pulled away.
“Sorry, I thought-“ she didn’t wait for him to finish, instead she intertwined her fingers through pink hair. Lucy pressed her lips against Natsu’s, soft curves meeting hard muscles; he gave in, sneaking his arms around her petite figure. Their lips found soon a rhythm and all around them dissolved, she was aware only of his lips on hers. His calloused hands ghosting the skin of her back, sending shivers down her spine. She licked his bottom lip and he granted her access, his wet muscle battling hers to asserts dominance.
The music changed; an upbeat song came up. Bodies started to bump into them, disturbing their little space of heaven; they separated from each other, a thin trail of spit connecting their mouths. A sly smile break free on her face, his eyes fixated on her swollen lips; his hands squeezed her hips, then one moved oh-so-slowly down her figure. He grasped her bottom, plump flesh spilling through his fingers. She gasped, biting her lip.
“Let’s go somewhere else, Natsu…” she said, trailing off at the end. Her legs were wobbly, but she wanted him pressed against herself. These few moments with him lighted a fire in her body, making her feel alive; she never felt like that, he was like a breath of fresh air inside a crowded room. She wanted him to need her like she was needing him right now.
He didn’t answer, he let her drag him wherever she liked to go. His eyes scanning her figure, hunger swirling in them. She was so beautiful, the moonlight making her pale skin glow. Golden hair flowing in the air with every step she took; vanilla and strawberries filling his nostrils making his mouth water. From the moment he saw her,  he wanted to taste her, to touch her, to worship her.
She turned around, facing him. Big brown orbs sparkling in the night; rosy cheeks making her even more cute.
“Let’s go to my flat!” she said in a whisper. For the first time since she took his hand, he looked around him. The parking lot was desert; the moon light was dim, replaced by the orange light coming from the lamppost. In the distance the music from the outdoor bar, the notes of a tango echoing in the air; he grinned, sneaking an arm around her waist and heaved her against his chest. He made her bend, an arm supporting her spine while the other stretched on her torso. His hand caressed gently her cheek, tracing a path from her jaw to her breast. His fingertips barely touching her skin, lingering on her perky peaks; a gasp escaped her lips. He chuckled lightly; golden flakes present in his eyes making him even more attractive. He continued his journey until he rested his palm flat on her abdomen, with a fluid movement he made her twirl. She stopped, facing him, sneaking a thigh up his leg, which he grasped and held. She was pressed again against him, he couldn’t stop; the feeling of her soft curves against his strong chest driving him insane.
He reduced the space between their lips, keeping just a few inches apart. Eyes locked together.
“Hop on, Luce” he growled, pointed teeth poking from his lips. She shivered, aching for the feeling of those teeth scraping her skin.
He let her go, mounting on his loyal motorcycle. The sensation of her thighs pressed firmly against him fuelled a fire in his belly, a feeling that only this woman caused.
She told him her address and he started the engine, a powerful motor rumbled underneath them. He started driving, the light of his loyal bike the only thing illuminating the dark night surrounding them. Lucy looked around, but her eyes couldn’t make out figures clearly. A blur of shapes and colours passing before her eyes. She closed her eyes, inhaling his scent; a small content smile grazed her lips. She sighed, resting her cheek against Natsu’s broad back. His warmth seeping through his shirt clothes, strong muscles tensed against her face.
Her arms were crossed around his stomach, she moved a hand to gently stroke his chest. She continued with her innocent ministration, a rumble shocked his torso. It seemed a purr, she chuckled to herself.
The sound of the motorcycle was like a lullaby and the scent of smoke and spices had a calming effect on her, she wanted this moment to last forever. Just the two of them, riding off in the night. It was romantic and a little cliché, but she didn’t care. She wanted him, not just for a one night stand. She wanted him to stay with her. It was destiny when he entered the diner where she worked, she knew she fell for him even though she didn’t know him.
Love at first sight.
That was it. Lucy always dreamed of a love like this, a love that could be born just from a simple smile; and he had smiled to her, a perfect goofy grin that made her stomach do flips and her heart flutter.
Natsu was the one for her.
Suddenly, they came to a stop, tearing her away from her daydreaming. She looked around and it dawned on her, they had arrived at their destination.
The flaming passion that burned her, now completely gone; the motorbike trip had lulled her enough, the only thing she wanted now was to sleep, but then Natsu glanced at her above his shoulder. That glance made her squirm, hunger and lust clouding his eyes. She felt warm coil into her stomach, he did all of this just with a glance.
She hopped off the bike, careful not to trip with her high heels. He took her hand, his thumb gently stroking her skin.
“Let’s go Luce” he said pushing a lock of blond hair behind her ear. He bend over, his lips brushed against her jaw. A shiver run down her spine, her panties starting to be uncomfortable.
“You’re gonna scream my name tonight” he whispered, leaving a trail of kisses along her jaw.
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From Dusk Till Dawn - Chapter 5
Pairing: MadaSaku
Plot: Sakura was searching for a purpose. Madara was thirsting for revenge. Little do they know their fates intertwined centuries ago. Once he broke free from his banishment, he would usher in a new dusk. Until he realised that she was his dawn. Historical/mythological AU.
Note: Salutations, my lovelies. I’m back from the dead. So I know most of you will have probably forgotten this fic even exists (hell, even I forgot lol), but guess what - IT’S BACK BITCHES! I honestly have no idea what came over me today, but somehow I got reminded of this blog and the fics I started here, so I decided to dig it up out of the depths of my browser history, and you know what? I totally forgot how much fun I had writing these and that daaaaaaamn I had some good stories going on, which were in desperate need of updating, if only to ease my guilty conscience. 
Speaking of which, I honestly have no excuses for going AWOL for so long. I know some of you may have been bummed, because I think this fic did have a teeny tiny bit of a following, but honestly guys, this writing blog was only one of my many hobbies and it was never meant to take up too much of my time. It was one of these things I occasionaly devote my time to, but that was always doomed to be second place to my life/relationship/university responsibilites. But on the bright side, I did finally get my Bachelor’s degree, whoooo! Buuuuuuuut I am still at uni doing my Master’s, sooooo ya know - still not going to be a regular thing here. 
Anyways, TL;DR: I wanted to update this little nugget here out of pure nostalgia and curiosity to see how many of you will still remember the story, to see how many will appreciate and like this update and depending on your reaction, I might actually take up writing again. Goodie, I’m excited to be back. Have fun! :)
Oh also, please check out the first 4 chapters before reading this one, since - you know - I let so much dust settle on this story none of y’all will probably know what’s going on. 
EDIT: I had to delete the links to the first 4 chapters, because this chapter wasn’t showing up under the madasaku tag or any of the other tags, but as soon as I deleted the links it did? Soooo yeah whatever, fuck you Tumblr links. You’re gonna have to scroll through my blog to get to the other chapters, I’m sorry. I’ll figure out a way to post all of it in one piece, promise. Have fun and let me know what you think! :)
500 years ago…
The heavens stood still.
Tsunade watched a tired Jiraiya fall to his knees and let out a pained groan. Allowing a nervous sigh to escape her lips, she closed her eyes.
They did it. They finally did it. After decades of warfare, bloodshed, and carnage, they finally managed to seal away the bane of their existence.
The last of the dusk gods had fallen.
Opening her eyes again, she let her tired gaze wander across the scene of their final battle. Slain gods lay scattered across the barren field, the ashen ground beneath them stained in the colour of their blood.  Giant craters burning with the dreaded flames of the underworld tore through the otherwise idyllic scenery of the heavens like wounds from blade. The black flames of the dusk god’s feared Amaterasu eating up what little was left of the trees that once made this surrounding a forest.
It matters not, she kept telling herself. He is gone. And the dawn gods shall rebuild.
Just as Tsunade was about to join Jiraiya to take a look at his wounds, an ear-piercing screeching tore through her head, forcing her to her knees. Barely managing to open her eyes against the penetrating pain in her mind, she watched the other surviving gods around her writhe and hold their heads in agony.
All of a sudden, the screeching ebbed, giving way to a low hissing sound before a mysterious voice whispered into all of their ears:
At the fall of dusk, at the fall of old, spring shall bring forth his keeper,
who will call to him until his return at the night the darkness swallows the heavens.
Young and weak, the Eastern light shall seek out the old power in the West,
who will envelop her in darkness to unleash their true might.
Dawn will be his light, and dusk shall return.
It was only when the throbbing pain in her head finally dissipated that Tsunade dared to look up. The remaining gods looked at each other questioningly.
They were familiar with this pain, with this feeling. The hissing voice in their head. The dawn gods all knew what this was.
A prophecy. Foreshadowing the return of Madara.
The survivors did what they could to tend to the wounded on the battlefield. When no one else could be saved, the gods set them aflame and watched their bodies dissipate into golden dust, releasing their divine essence into the vast expanse of the universe, praying for them to be reborn again. Then, they retreated to their respective homes – or what was left of them – to lick their wounds, celebrate their survival, and grieve the death of the fallen.
Tsunade felt a heavy sadness weighing down her heart that night. Despite their unimaginable victory over the mightiest god to ever grace the face of the heavens, they had lost so many. She knew more peaceful times lay ahead of them now, and yet she felt restless. It had been ages since the universe had whispered a prophecy into their ears. And this one was particularly unsettling.
Dusk shall return.
But they sealed him, Tsunade reminded herself. And with one of Hashirama’s seals, no less. She was the one who studied the dusk god’s inscriptions, who knew his incantations like the back of her hand. She was certain Hashirama’s seal would be enough to imprison Madara for the rest of his miserable days.
And yet, mere minutes after the dawn gods managed the unthinkable and sealed away the last dusk god, the universe decided to warn them of his return. And prophecies always came true, the dawn goddess knew that much.
Not only that, but the prophecy also spoke of some Eastern light, who would supposedly help him unleash his true might. A cold shiver ran down Tsunade’s spine at the thought of Madara teaming up with such a force of nature that will grant him even more fearsome powers than he already had.
Yet the goddess of healing had no time to dwell on her worrisome thoughts, as her mind picked up the desperate prayer of a mortal couple. Never one to abandon the ones in need, the blonde goddess raced down into the mortal realm and materialised unseen in the living room of a small hut. She watched the couple on their knees, huddled together in front of the fire. They were rocking back and forth, with the woman holding a small bundle in her arms and the man raising one arm pleadingly into the air, calling out to the goddess of healing to save this poor baby.
This baby? Is that not their own child, Tsunade thought suspiciously. Babies do not just fall from the heavens.
Taking one step closer to the fire, the goddess suddenly felt a divine glow emanating from the bundle in the woman’s arms. Tsunade would recognise that anywhere – the essence of the gods. This was indeed not the mortal couple’s child, but a newborn of the dawn gods.
Still hidden from the mortal’s view, she leaned down and caught a glimpse of pink hair and emerald green eyes, staring knowingly, yet tiredly at her. As Tsunade stretched out a hand towards the babe to check its body temperature, a tiny chubby fist suddenly enclosed her index finger. This little touch was enough to flood the goddess with a feeling of warm motherly love.
Tsunade knew in that instant that this deity shall be hers to raise, care for, and love.
With her divine power, she mentally reached out to the mortals and willed them to lay the small bundle on the floor by the fire. She watched them carefully lower the baby and step back from the fire, worriedly glancing around the living room and waiting for something to happen.
In the blink of an eye, the small bundle was gone. The couple sighed in relief and fell into each other’s arms, knowing their beloved goddess of healing would take care of that weak little girl.
“Do you really think that was a wise choice?”
Tsunade ignored Jiraiya’s incessant nagging and kept bouncing the little babe on her arm. Immediately after taking the young goddess from the mortal’s hut, she returned home to her half-standing palace in the East, where some of the surviving gods have retreated to recuperate. One of them being Kakashi, the feared god of lightning, who was pinning her with a scrutinising gaze.
“Jiraiya’s right, you know. Tonight, of all nights, with this new prophecy looming above our heads… Have you even thought for a second that she could be this Eastern light, his keeper that was prophesised?”
Tsunade scoffed and shot him a challenging glare. “Please, Kakashi, don’t be paranoid. It was just one of the millions of prayers I receive every day. Only this time, it happened to involve a newly born dawn goddess, instead of a weak mortal. Just because she is one of us, does not mean she is tied to the prophecy. In fact, we should be thankful our pantheon is growing again after we lost so many.”
“The prophecy clearly said that at the fall of dusk some kind of keeper will emerge who is destined to help Madara unleash his full power upon the heavens. The fall of dusk was tonight, and after decades of no new deities, tonight is the night the universe decides to give us a new goddess, during spring no less? Coincidences like these might happen to the mortals but not in the heavens,” Shikamaru grumbled before taking a well-deserved puff from his ivory kiseru.
Rolling her eyes at the god of wisdom and strategy, Tsunade switched the little bundle to her other arm and kept bouncing her up and down, before she said, “What you all fail to see is that she cannot be the Easter light from the prophecy, since I found her in a mortal village in the middle of nowhere, not even remotely close to anywhere East. And don’t you think that if such a powerful force destined to be tied to Madara emerged that we would not have felt its birth? Elemental abnormalities, time standing still, earthquakes – anything that might indicate a new divine force has emerged. But there was absolutely nothing when this little goddess here was born. In fact, she is so tiny and weak, I honestly doubt that she will have a purpose grander than making flowers grow, that’s how harmless she is.”
Tsunade saw the uncertain faces around her, their doubtful gazes boring into her determination to keep the babe. She had to convince them, somehow. She could not just leave a part of her divine family, especially now that her kin was nearly wiped out. As soon as the young goddess had touched her, Tsunade felt responsible for her. She had to ignore the nagging feeling at the back of her head screaming at her to listen to the prophecy.
Yes, there were too many coincidences, Tsunade had to admit that herself. The prophecy clearly talks of a female, emerging during this particular night, during spring. All of which applied to the little dawn goddess in her arms.
But there was no way she could be the Eastern light; the goddess was not tied to any particular region. And Tsunade could not – for the life of her – imagine this tiny, frail little thing would be capable of stoking the fire of Madara’s wrath to the point that she would be the one to unleash his true might.
Shaking away her doubts, Tsunade gazed into the tired emeralds of the little girl in her arms. A smile spread across her lips when the tiny goddess snuggled closer to her chest.
There was absolutely no way she would abandon this little thing, not now after she lost so many of her family.
Raising her head, she shot a determined glance at all of the surviving deities in her presence and exclaimed, “I will not resign this precious goddess to a prophecy we have not even fully deciphered yet. None of us know what half of that steaming pile of donkey dung even means, so nobody is going to determine her fate based on any of that. Besides, even if she really is this keeper of his, this way we can at least raise her on our side. Teach her our story, our ways, our kindness. She will never be corrupted by him if we have the power to tell her the things we want her know. If he really does come back and they really do cross paths, there is no way she will choose him. I will tie her to me as tightly as she tied me to her.”
Lowering her caramel eyes, she cast a loving glance at the newest addition to her family and whispered softly, “I will protect my daughter from him. No matter what.”
Went to him… willingly … kidnapped … she chose him … sacrifice …
Sakura’s muddled mind started picking up fragments of speech as she slowly started to wake from her slumber. Forcing her weak body to sit up, she cast a disoriented glance around her only to find herself in her chambers at her mother’s palace.
All of a sudden, memories started flooding her mind and she felt her heart rate pick up.
She finally met him. She was in his palace. She was so close to getting some answers. A blush crept up her neck at the thought of his calloused fingers holding her chin in place as he was leaning closer to her, before… Before the dawn gods laid siege to his palace to take her away from him.
Wait, from him? Where did that thought come from? Since when did Sakura think she belonged by his side? She had only known him for a few moments and from what she had seen on the battlefields, he was not a god whose company she should be yearning for. And yet, she had never felt so strong, so alive as when being close to him.
And now that they were separated, her old familiar frailty had returned as well.
The young dawn goddess could feel frustration bubble up inside her. Rarely did she get mad at something or someone, but her constant state of weakness had been a source of anger for all of her short life. And the one being who could rectify that just had to be her mother’s mortal enemy and the one who had been waging war against her kin for the last weeks.  
Sakura felt like throwing something against the wall. Alas, all the smashable things in her room were solid gold or heavy ivory, all of which was too difficult for her to even pick up now. In Madara’s presence, however, she felt like she could carry the entire heavens on her shoulders.
Her depressing thoughts were interrupted when she felt the voices on the other side of her door grow louder.
“Look what Tsunade’s tying down has brought us. She went to him, willingly. All that keeping her close was for nothing!”
“She is so weak, she cannot even open doors without struggling, and you really think she made that trip all the way to the Western end of the heavens on her own? He clearly kidnapped her. We are lucky he left her alive for whatever reason.”
“Then tell me why she was reaching out to him when I-“
The angry voices were silenced when her mother suddenly burst through the doors and stomped into her room, glowering at Sakura with a furious expression.
“What in the heavens were you thinking?!”
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sasusakufestival · 7 years
Fated Encounter
February 19
Day 6: Insecurities
Title: Fated Encounter
Author: manika-on-a-whim
Summary: AU Fate has brought together an exceptionally skilful shinobi and an ordinary girl with extraordinary features. What will be the outcome of this encounter?
The mission that has been appointed to his team is quite an easy one. Truth be told, an extremely easy task to be put under the category of an S-Rank mission. Rescuing the Konoha civilians who have been captured by Orochimaru’s henchmen is not supposed to be an S-Rank thing. Perhaps it is the name ‘Orochimaru’ that has increased the rank of this mission to that of an S? But seriously, how strong can the guy really be? He may be one of the three legendary sannins but he sure as hell cannot be stronger than an Uchiha. 19-year old, young Anbu Captain Sasuke Uchiha thought this all to himself whilst running and bounding-off trees to reach the assumed location of the nearest lair where the captured civilians may have been taken.
At maximum it will take a group of trained shinobis about three hours to reach the spot. But since his squad consists of only the elites, they will arrive at their destination within an hour and a half. They will infiltrate the base as soon as they arrive and rescue all their village’s people. And if by chance, any misfortune befalls them, then they may even run into Orochimaru. Yet even that won’t be much of a problem as he’ll handle that snake-lookalike paedophile in no time.
And this is exactly how it happened. Every single thing occurred in the same sequential order that he had guessed on his way. Everything..except for one part that is…
The minute they entered the lair, they were not met by the sight of a small bunch of shinobi guarding the place. Instead, a huge wave of sound ninjas surrounded them from all sides. The whole thing turned into a long boring procedure of fighting off the sound shinobi and helping the Konoha civilians escape at the same time. In the midst of all the gruelling actions, someone bumped into him— a woman to be specific (he guessed by the body shape). However, the whole exchange seemed very weird as the woman had covered every single part of her body by a huge, white cloak, obscuring all of her features from the eyes of this harsh world. She apologised and ran out of the underground base, leaving him behind to take care of the sound small fries. Well, it’s not like he cares…
As he craned his neck back to face the battle zone, he saw the actual reason for the lady’s hurried run. There in the centre of all the commotion stood the leader of those dirty henchmen— Orochimaru! With his hands folded across his chest, he smirked like the Cheshire and looked directly at him.  He accepted the challenge expressed by the older man’s eyes and charged at him. It turned into one of the best and the worst fight that he has ever had in his life till date. At one point, the sannin began shedding his skin and took the form of a huge, white snake that was constructed by numerous smaller white snakes. The whole appearance was really ugly and disgusted the young captain to no end. The humongous snake even tried to use some unknown genjutsu on him that made him feel as if he were swallowed by the snake. But still..he is an Uchiha and all Uchihas possess the formidable sharingan which proved to be a powerful asset in this battle and Sasuke managed to defeat the snake.
Later on, he exited the lair with his best friend as well as the vice-captain of his team, Naruto Uzumaki. The ex-root member who goes by the pseudonym of Sai followed them along. His battle with Orochimaru had left him badly injured but at this point, it hardly matters. What’s most important is the safety of these citizens of his home village. He asked for everyone to gather around before him and when he was sure that people were standing in proper rows, he began speaking.
“Alright! I’m Sasuke Uchiha of the Uchiha Clan and I’m also the captain of this anbu team. Not only have we successfully freed you from that scoundrel named Orochimaru but also killed him. We’ll make camp in this area as it will soon start getting dark and leave for the village right at dawn. In the meantime, I expect each and everyone of you to co-operate.” He commanded the small crowd firmly, no signs of nervousness or hesitation in his tone.
“Sai, take three more members with you and examine the base again. Just in case we might’ve missed someone still trapped in there.” He ordered, to which the stoic guy nodded and turned to take his leave.
“Oh! And be careful. There may still be some of those sound lackeys alive.” He warned, earning another nod from the ex-root guy.
“And you better take care of those wounds!” came Naruto’s high pitched yell, making him snarl in irritation.
“I’m fine.” He stated boldly.
That hit a nerve in the blond’s head and he shouted, “What the hell! Sasuke! Learn to take proper care of-”
“You! Stop right there in your tracks.” Sasuke cut-off his bestie when he noticed one of the civilians scurrying away silently in the middle of the dispersing Konoha citizens. It was that same veiled lady from before, he noted and began walking towards her now trembling form.
“And where exactly were you heading off to?” He asked making her flinch.
“Oh! I..I just realised that I have some work in the village nearby so I decided to leave. I know you saved us all. Thank you for that and-”
The concealed woman stopped speaking when she felt the Uchiha put his scabbard under her veil. Sasuke didn’t quite enjoy the idea of talking to someone who’s trying to conceal their identity. It makes them look hideous. And so in one swift motion of his scabbard, he lifted her veil to reveal the true self of the girl he was conversing with. Immediately his determined onyxes clashed with a beryl shade emeralds and he gasped, for her eyes weren’t the only mesmerizing part about her. There was also this unusually entrancing shade of pink locks covering her head. The young lass had features that made her far too beautiful to be considered normal. She didn’t look like some ordinary citizen of Konoha.
“What an unusual hair.” Sasuke couldn’t help himself from admitting the fact.
She lowered her lashes at that, “Oh, I get that a lot.”
“Are you really a Konoha citizen?” He questioned suspiciously.
“Oh my!” She gasped, making Sasuke quirk his brows, “You are injured.”
“It’s fine.” He muttered.
“You’re lucky. I’m a nurse. I used to work at a local hospital in Konoha so I know the right medicines to treat these injuries.” She mumbled, searching for the appropriate bottles of medicines in her pack.
“No thanks. I can’t just accept anything from a strange looking girl who hasn’t even admitted about her citizenship of Konoha. And besides, what if you are someone who actually used to work for Orochimaru? And maybe what you are truly trying to give me is poisoned!” He spoke, giving her a look of distrust.
“But I-”
“Trust is something earned! Uchihas don’t give it away like that to just anyone.” He ignored her and added.
Momentarily, she pondered about his words and thought that he is actually right. Even she wouldn’t blindly trust someone she has just met. She squared her shoulders and took off the cloak covering her form. And as the white cloth was tossed carelessly to the ground, Sasuke took note of the beautiful, ankle-length, red cheongsam with a pattern of white rings embroidered over it that she was adorning with a pair of fawn-colored, short-shorts and black, heeled-sandals. Releasing a breath, she grabbed onto his scabbard and yanked it out of his grasp. And before the young Uchiha could even put a finger on her actions, she cautiously unsheathed his sword to reveal the shining blade of the Kusanagi and with an extreme finesse sliced her left wrist to create a wound exactly the same as that on Sasuke’s right arm.
“Are you insane?! What the fuck are you doing?!” He yelled, snatching his sword back and sheathing it again.
The pink-haired beauty however, ignored his words and rummaged in his bag, pulling out a small green, bottle of ointment. Then, by the use of a sanitary napkin, she wiped the blood oozing out of her freshly-carved wound and carefully applied the ample amount of ointment over the effected skin. Once done with that, she smiled up at him and spoke, “Sorry to disappoint you but I don’t usually loiter around poisoning people. And I really am a Konoha citizen.”
Sasuke was so taken aback by the daring act that she pulled off that he completely tuned-out the hysterically laughing Naruto in the background. Impressed and also amused, he kneeled-down before her and brought his right arm out.
“Well then Doctor..help me with my wounds.” He ordered softly, all the while staring at her calculatively.
“Are you sure that you’re not a medical ninja?” Sasuke asked uncertainly.
“If you say it like that then I’ll feel offended.” She uttered, wrapping a bandage around his injured arm.
“Well then..atleast tell me who are you?” He asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Sakura Haruno.” She stated simply.
“I’m Sasuke Uchiha.” He returned the gesture out of habit.
“I know.” She nodded.
He sighed in confusion and passed a hand through his unruly hair, “How come I’ve never noticed you in Konoha?”
She snorted, tying the bandage properly before answering, “Maybe you were too lost in becoming perfect?”
He wanted to glare at her for her bravery at talking to someone like him in such a casual manner. But..well, she is not completely wrong. Being born in a renowned clan is no fun at all. Especially if you happen to be the son of the clan’s leader. Both your parents and the other clansmen have high expectations from you and you are left with no choice but to focus on gaining nothing less than perfection. Sasuke has always had to suffer because of being born as the second child of the leader. Everyone literally wanted him to outshine his brother and well..he is doing a good job of atleast keeping-up to his brother’s level of skill.
A pair of soft yet scrutinising palms touching his stubbled-jaw pulled him out of his world of hard thoughts and he looked down at the pinkette who was busy examining his face for any injuries. There was a minor cut running down from his left jaw towards his throat. She quickly cleaned and disinfected it, followed by putting a band-aid over it. Suddenly, he caught her slowly receding palms and began stroking them with his fingers. No common girl has ever fascinated him before. Heck! Not even a girl from some prominent clan has ever caught his eye. She is the first one and he is enjoying his newfound interest in her.
“I have to agree that I was too blinded by my duties but leaving that aside, you have really fine hands.” He commented.
She blushed furiously; maybe at their presently entwined fingers or maybe at his compliment about her hands. He shook his head and spoke again to clarify what he actually meant. “I have a lot of experience as a Shinobi and I can tell that your hands are perfect for the task of a Medical Kunoichi.”
This time, she shook her head too, “I’m just an ordinary girl.”
“With extraordinary features and talent.” He added for her.
When she didn’t speak anything in response, he began to talk again, “Listen, if you meet our village’s best medical ninja, Tsunade Senju and talk to her then she will allot you a place in her academy as a trainee in medical arts.”
“Who knows? By the looks of it, she may even take you in as her apprentice.” From behind him, Naruto announced to the girl with a smile.
She freed her palms from Sasuke’s strong hold and waved them in his face, “No no! I can’t do that. I’m not anything special. I don’t even have any big title or surname. I don’t think this can ever happen.”
The young Captain scoffed, “Don’t you realise this? Everything happens for a reason. You bumped into me because this is bound to happen.”
Naruto stepped closer to the two and bent down to their level. “You know this is the first time that I have seen Sasuke expressing a genuine compliment for someone. And a girl at that. You really are special.”
“Special?” She laughed bitterly, making the two men stare at her in confusion, “It’s not easy being a part of one of the strongest villages when you have such distinguishable features. Orochimaru captured me for this very reason, thinking that I might be someone special when in reality…I’m just an ordinary Konoha civilian. I cannot change my fate…”
For some reason, the Uchiha stood-up and gazed sincerely in her drowning emeralds, “Fate, you say? Well..I really do believe that Fate has brought us together for some good reason. So why don’t you just stop being annoying and take my hand? I would seriously like to have someone like you on my team of elites someday.”
The way he thinks..is so inspiring… She thought.
“So..what do you say..Sakura?”
With one look into his deep onyx pools, she nodded her head, “I..I accept my Fate, Sasuke-kun.” He was surprised by her sudden address of his but he really did enjoy the additional honorific that she attached and he smirked smugly at her.
She ignored his cockiness and smiled back. It will be hard but…hey! What’s life without risks? And if someone with such a strong determination and broad perspective is willing to help her out then there’s absolutely no harm in accepting what Fate has in store for her. He sure is one hell of an arrogant bastard but his faith in her is what is giving her this strength to believe and charge forth. And so, she brought her hand out and placed her small palm in his awaiting, open one and decided to walk with him towards a much more promising future…
Okay so..I was watching Snow White with the Red Hair and the encounter between Shirayuki and Prince Zen gave me the idea to write this one. Hehe XD
However, now that I’ve written it, I would really like to take this forward into a full-fledged, multi-chaptered fanfic. I’ll begin posting this as a proper fanfic once the SSFest is over :D
Check out my other entries too:-
No Substitute
A Taste of Redemption
Washing the Regrets
Oh! And please reblog this story if you enjoyed reading it…:3
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