#It'll certainly be something
I really need to go in depth into MK's "smartie kid" arc that starts in 1x10 and is then a consistent thread through the whole show
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oltammefru · 4 months
I like Shu's character and visual design a lot but so much of her gameplay design is stupid in a way that I feel like bodes pretty poorly for the future of the game.
Here's her talent 2. It's really good and also kind of really stupid.
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Specifically the "when there are 4 Sui Operators in the squad" part. It's kind of absurdly fucking good. +12% ATK is a lot and +1 SP / 4 seconds is also a lot, especially when it applies to all skills that require SP, and not just auto-recover ones. The fact that it only requires them to be on the squad and not necessarily deployed is stupidly good, you don't even have to deploy them to get a massive buff to everyone. Almost all the "give buffs just by being on the squad lineup" talent effects are relatively small in numerical effect and relatively conditional (often times only affecting a single class or faction) but this one provides an effect that is universally useful and has obscenely good numbers on it. And it requires you to have 4 specific limited ops from a faction for which there are currently only 5 playable units for! If you want to make use of this effect and currently don't have any of the Sui or you just recently started playing or any other reason, well, you better have 1200 pulls!
But wait! There's more bullshit.
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(I don't really trust the EN AK wiki, but I do trust prts.wiki and they seem to corroborate this, although to be fair I am reading google translated text.)
They made it so the 3rd part of her talent 2 doesn't work if you borrow her from Support. That's right, even if you wanted to make use of her talent 2 3rd effect and have every other Sui in the game but you got unlucky on pulls and didn't want to spend 300 entire pulls for a single character, you can't! Fuck you!
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commsroom · 1 year
when it comes down to it, however much i think about eiffel's memory, whatever my reasoning might be, i think there's a much simpler core explanation for why i feel the way i do. i've said before that, if eiffel did regain his memory, i would want it to happen through 'an eiffel version of change of mind' i.e. a personal inner journey where the narrative he tells himself amounts to some greater reminder, self-confrontation, and self-realization. and that's just it:
eiffel regaining his memory wouldn't be a cop out to me for the same reason that lovelace not actually dying isn't a cop out: it's not just a story beat, it's a catalyst for character development & a better understanding of lovelace as a person. eiffel has spent his whole life trying not to be the person he is, and i just don't feel wolf 359 is the type of story to let him off the hook for that, when the ending is as much about accountability (to ourselves and to others and all the ways those responsibilities overlap) as it is about hope. i think there are ways you could argue that eiffel can still be eiffel without regaining his memory, but i think i've convinced myself that the symbolic resurrection / self-confrontation and acceptance of all the people he's been in the past, in order to move forward, is the more compelling option, especially for what it parallels, and the "eiffel is still eiffel" part is non-negotiable. it doesn't even feel like a question to me.
(and it makes the most sense to me in the context of eiffel's survivor's guilt - "of course i was fine. the driver's always fine." - and tendency towards a type of self-sacrifice and self-punishment that the show ultimately denies him / that doesn't address his real problem. he thinks sacrificing himself for the people he cares about will make up for something, but it won't. having him make that sacrifice and then keep living and keep being doug eiffel, with everything that means, feels like the natural extension of constructive criticism.)
in another story, or in a more theoretical context, there are all kinds of questions you could ask about whether eiffel's memory loss means he's a different person now, but in this case... i think it's better understood in narrative terms and what it represents for him as a character than any broader philosophical conclusion about the nature of the self and human consciousness. (and it is in no way as absolute as people sometimes behave like it is, considering he still has a concept of, like... everything. but that's a whole other topic of discussion.) most importantly, i just don't believe wolf 359 is a story about ideas as much as it is a story about people, these people, and in order to (hypothetically) continue to tell a story about doug eiffel, well. he has to still be doug eiffel. one way or another.
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jichanxo · 23 days
senseific ask time yet again: is there a non-placeholder title for it already? and is the fic turning out completely different from what you’ve had in mind at first (the length of it doesn’t count)?
1. a title? nope. I tend to title my fics towards the end of writing (or sometimes only when I’m writing up my ao3 listing lol so the literal last possible second) it’s going to be an interesting time for sure when I eventually have to think about titles… and chapter titles too… both daunting and fun. senseific is like my baby at this point it’s gonna feel so odd. I think I remember you mentioning you like to title things earlier and that surprised me! now that you mention it though it might be good to start thinking it over...
2. I’m not sure, since my initial ideas on senseific were pretty vague. I suppose I was anticipating it being more lighthearted, but in the end I think it’s going to be a bit more serious? I’d always imagined yagami and kitakata fighting quite a bit and it not necessarily being a big deal, but things didn’t really end up that way. their disagreements are more loaded than I anticipated...
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actuallyitsstar · 2 months
oh, also: Panic, buckle, calm, and never?
✨ send me a word & find it in my wip! ✨
When Bradley is awakened by a panicked shout in the middle of the night, he’s there in an instant, disentangling twisted sheets and reaching for Maverick’s hand, offering a tight hug and you’re ok, it was just a dream over and over until it sinks in.
(i didn't have anything for buckle unfortunately!)
During the relative silence that follows the read symbol appearing next to the text, Mav is already debating how to go about drawing back, how to be cautious and less forward, more calm and collected, when the answer at last pops in.
He can’t have whatever it is that will fix it- not that he knows that anything will- but at the very least, he wants to admit it to someone other than himself, to apologize for the things he’s thought but never said, as if getting them out of their cage inside of his head will rid him of their poison.
THANK U SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK OMG THIS WAS SO FUN !!! <3 <3 I HOPE U ENJOY...... a couple of these had a lot of options to choose from and it was a tough pick akdfjfhfj
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rotisseries · 10 months
actually now that the clique thing is a few days old, i didn't really get involved for a reason and I don't feel super strongly in either direction
but I will say that like. while there's certainly a problem of less interaction on the fanworks/posts from less popular blogs, this isn't really a byler exclusive issue? this happens in most fandoms these days, interaction is just on a decline in general which IS. a problem but not really a "byler tumblr is cliquey" problem. in regards to any actual cliques I wouldn't say they don't exist but I don't think it's "the popular kids" themselves doing this. I don't know if the rest of you have some other bloggers in mind that I don't know about, but as someone who is mutuals with a fair amount of who I thought were the popular blogs, they are always very nice and welcoming to me, and actually easy to talk to once you just. see them and talk to them as a normal human and not an omnipotent fandom god. so this is all to say that if there's a clique issue I think it's from the outside. I think maybe people are perceiving these bigger blogs who all happen to be friends as these untouchable idols in fandom and it's. making it cliquey from the outside. like are they a clique or have you just convinced yourself they wouldn't want anything to do with you and isolated this group from everyone else. this isn't to say that people can't be assholes of course just that I don't think any of this is intentional
#I think a lot of post interaction problems are also just probably coming from the fact that I don't think anyone checks the tag anymore#I certainly don't. I just keep up with what my mutuals are posting#and my mutuals are posting their work and they're sharing their friend's work or the work their friend shared from someone else#so if you're a little known blogger it can just be harder because. your posts just aren't making it as far you have a few followers#and they have even fewer. and so unless you get an anomaly popularity boost it'll be harder for a post to get traction#also “it's a clique bc all the popular blogs are friends and only associate with each other” well they have been friends for months#or a year now. and also probably were not as popular when that friendship started#so it's more like. a friend group forms and then when one of you gets a popularity boost so do the others bc you're friends#and then next thing you know it's a friend group of popular bloggers#anyway. all this to say get out and make some friends! either I'm right and this will actually fix the problem#or there really is a clique in which case why tf would you want to associate with them anyway#but genuinely this is rich coming from me actually known to most as godawful at talking to people irl#but it's really so simple to make tumblr friends it just requires you to be a little brave and genuine#if you see someone posting a lot of cool stuff follow them!! and then get in their askbox and talk to them about something#if they have an au you really like talk to them about that if they have some music they've been posting about check it out#and tell them what you thought!#just like. be friendly and open they'll probably respond in kind and next thing you know you have a really cool friend#anyway if you're one of my mutuals and you saw me like a post the other day or whatever that might feel contrary to this#well the other day I was just watching things go down lmao#I didn't care what any posts said I was busy with my own discourse lol#(and also if you're ANOTHER mutual wondering wtf this post is about don't worry about that)#idk I think I just. haven't really witnessed cliquey behavior but I see posts about this with enough notes#that sometimes I think. well you guys gotta be experiencing SOMETHING so idk. idk#I guess this is another “some people just have friends” post#anyway I think a good thing to remember here also is that we're arguing about popularity on Tumblr Dot Com. brother we are bloggers#and we're calling it cliques. like a highschool movie
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honestlyvan · 2 years
I think it would be very thematically appropriate if none of the Agnian commanders really got along with each other before the gang starts building their Aionios Mutual Aid Network, forcing them to start playing nice with each other.
Teach has a Reputation(tm), especially among those who remember Colony Chi, Isurd is completely impossible to work with because Lambda self-selects for people who are just as bureaucratic as he is, the previous commander of Iota was a known shitbag and Alexandria has done little to distinguish herself because the aura of menace serves her authority, and nobody knows poor Juniper and Fiona exist because their Consuls were actively isolating them.
Agnus also clearly has a stronger honour culture than Keves. Kevesi colonies certainly don’t work with each other more while everyone is still stuck using the Flame Clocks, but I got the impression that their commanders are at least generally in good terms with each other. They also have rogue colonies like Eleven and Fifteen that said “nuts to that” and are in borderline active rebellion against the Castle even before the events of the game, Flame Clocks or no. In contrast, as the system starts unraveling, Agnus looks like it might drift into actual civil war, and the soldiers and commanders alike seem to place a much stronger emphasis on duty in service to the Queen than survival.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
me: I want to write my WIPs and fic ideas: *exist* me: no not that one
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anistarrose · 6 months
big, BIG oneshot for taznc coming either later today or tomorrow 😊 and by big, I do mean a whopping 10k for you to — shall I say — sink your teeth into!
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whatsagirltoblogabout · 8 months
FIRST DRAFT DONE. for realsies this time!
Also I graphed the word count by chapter because I'm a nerd like that
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medicinemane · 4 months
As always, if you wonder why I don't talk about certain current events but do others, a lot of it comes down to whether I think it's something that other people are talking about a lot
If it's something where I figure you're going to be well informed and need a break, I tend to keep it to a minimum on here cause you already know
If it's something I rarely see talked about, then I'm more likely to mention it
World's bad, we're all doing what we can, I know people have said to me before they appreciate me more keeping to cats and frogs and random stuff, so I mostly try to do that, but... in the end I just kinda share whatever my brain decides to share
Want to give my thought process though
#and in this case it's a matter of that Syria really does feel forgotten and I won't deny I often forget too#but with the stuff that's going on right now I really prefer to when I can be reblogging stuff that has something at least a bit actionable#stuff that says where you can donate to give aid via reputable sources... that's what I like to try and focus on#but yeah... man; only place I really ever tend to see Syria mentioned is in Ukrainian circles#so that's why I wanted to highlight that one#man I wish I could do more in the world#so many people suffering and... and... well; and I can't do shit about it and that sucks#just keep trying to slowly get things together around here; and trying to slowly be able to help more and more people#and just hope that if you help people; it'll make them want to help people like they were helped#and maybe if enough of us get stable ground under our feet and know how it was to be helped... maybe some day we can collectively help enou#...try to avoid making things feel hopeless with my posts; cause things certainly feel hopeless#so I try to... try to focus on the good and what can be done to fix things as much as possible#want to keep people in the fight to try and make things better; not drain them by posting nothing but the bleakness of the world#things will never be right; those who've died can't be saved and we've failed them forever#which is all the more reason we can't give up and have to keep trying to make things better#because if we can never make things right; then the least we can do is try and make things better in the future#to at least stop adding to the list of people we'll never be able to fix things for#...something like that#it's bleak and I'm depressive anyway; but show must go on; you know?#so that's my thoughts here#I just feel the need to explain it sometimes; because people have a way of making assumptions#that if you don't talk about something you don't care#no... that's not it; I care; I just don't want to burn people out#and you can say they shouldn't burn out but I try to deal in practicalities and descriptivism; and people can be burned out#rather keep them in the fight to make the world better#so if there's a situation... like the George Floyd protests; that was another one where I didn't post much on it#cause we all knew... we all were paying attention and... I just figured people needed space#...I'm sad... sad more police reforms and accountability couldn't get pushed though but... at least we got something#...and I'm not gonna act like I'm some front line fighter when it comes to justice#I barely can deal with my own shit; I'm not saying I'm worth a damn thing in any cause
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statusquoergo · 10 months
“Come on.”
Diane looks up as Naomi stands and holds out her hand as if this isn't a ridiculously careless thing she's asking her to do, as if neither of them has the good sense to mention that neither one of them has any idea what they're getting themselves into. As if neither of them might be walking straight into a trap of their own making, or nothing much will change at all and they'll forget about each other in a month, or a few days. As if it's a risk worth taking to find out which.
As if there's anything else to do today.
“I'm not going to the hospital.”
“I know.” Naomi reaches a little closer. “I have a first aid kit at home.”
Enough to get them through, that's all. Enough for now.
“You know how to wrap it?” Diane asks as she takes Naomi's hand to pull herself up, as though the answer might change her mind somehow. Naomi smiles a little, as though she knows it just as well that it won't.
“Yeah.” She sets Diane's hand down on her shoulder. “It's not far, come on. I'll carry you down the stairs.”
“You'll drop me.”
“I will not.” Naomi urges her forward, along the concrete path out of the park. “I mean I'm just offering, I don't have to.”
It's a nice gesture, though, isn't it? It was a nice thought.
They walk slowly down the street, stepping more or less in sync past the general store with the baking supplies just past the doorway, turning at the corner to walk toward the coin laundry that's open even at three in the morning and also on holidays. A hand-drawn poster in the window of the discount shoe store across the street loudly advertises VACUUMS REFURBISHED while a Times New Roman printout on the telephone cubicle in the middle of the block offers “suitable compensation” in exchange for willing test subjects, No Questions Please; a few steps farther along stands an apartment building that somehow looks like it's missing a couple of stories, and Diane shifts her weight to her good leg as Naomi steps away to fumble with the lock on the front door.
“It's the door on the left,” Naomi says, the door sticking only slightly as she shoves it open. “When you get to the basement.”
She opens the first door on the right, a stairwell that only leads down.
“Upstairs is that door over there, but I don't know any of the neighbors, so. I'm not gonna introduce you to anyone.”
That's fine. Diane doesn't want to know any of them, either.
Naomi walks down the stairs first and doesn't try to carry her.
“Bathroom's at the end of the hall,” she says. “The taps aren't broken, the water's just cold when it's cold outside and warm when it isn't, but if you let it run for a little while, it'll...fix itself. And make sure you don't touch the water heater, it's metal and it gets really hot sometimes.”
Diane clutches the wooden banister nailed to the wall as she limps her way down and wonders how much of all this she's supposed to remember. All of it, probably. It isn't very complicated.
Naomi unlocks the door on the left and holds it open.
“You can sit on the bed.”
It's good of her to offer. It isn't much of a bed, really, more of a mattress pushed into the corner, but that isn't exactly a surprise, and it's good of her to offer all the same.
“Thanks,” Diane says, a little too late to seem quite natural. Naomi hums a disinterested acknowledgment and doesn't seem to mind.
“Take off your shoes.”
Diane promptly unties her sneakers, placing them on the floor beside the bed as Naomi kneels in front of her with a roll of ACE bandage in her hand and her eyes focused on Diane's ankle like she's the only attending physician in the entire complex who doesn't have better things to do with her time than tend to something as trivial as all this. Diane should count herself lucky the timing worked out the way that it did.
Lucky, was it? It's about time.
The single bulb in the overhead light flickers a little as if a public execution has just disrupted the power grid, or someone's turned on too many air conditioners at once and blown a fuse a few floors up.
“Don't worry about it,” Naomi says. Diane doesn't bother to assure her that she wasn't.
#anna tries to be original#i started reading something that objectively has nothing wrong with it but within about three pages had me bored out of my mind#and i started skimming it to see if it picked up or anything caught my interest later on#but i noticed that a few of the paragraphs were like thirty lines long#and i immediately noped the hell out of there#and then i was like 'you know what i should do is i should work on that story that i spend about twenty minutes on every four or five days'#i took a phys ed class in college that was literally all education#we didn't actually do any sports or anything#it was all classes and lectures and stuff#one day we went to the nurse's office or whatever you call that area on a college campus#and we learned how to wrap sprained ankles#i know i picked it up very quickly but i have absolutely no recollection of how to do it now#also yesterday i had to spend the day dealing with some incredibly idiotic coworkers#i don't even think they're necessarily stupid people but they were certainly acting like it#and first thing this morning one of the messaged me with a stupid question to follow up on all her stupid questions from yesterday#'where is this data in the file?' oh gosh i don't know have you tried spending two seconds actually LOOKING FOR IT#and someone else messaged me at the same time to ask for help with something that he's now doing completely wrong#but it's a new system and i know he's trying and i also know he is actually good at his job so i don't mind helping him#but i'm going to have to waste my afternoon in a meeting with the other idiot#and two people who DO have their shit together but i know for sure that if he has to do anything it'll add like half an hour's time#to a task that should take five minutes tops#also there's a severe weather warning for excessive heat today#i want to go out and buy some fruit before it gets too unbearable#but in order for that to happen i need these people to leave me alone for twenty minutes
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a-humble-waffle · 11 months
anybody else have that thing where you feel like you want to cry but you can't cry so you think "okay i'll just listen to some sad music and that'll make me cry" but you know there's a very good chance it won't make you cry and you'll just be sitting there even sadder than you already were so you don't bother with it?
just me?
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melonpond · 1 year
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He (sock puppet Mr. Hyde) haunts my every thought
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orcelito · 2 years
tumblr lagging bc of all the twitter ppl jumping ship over here
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korgosse-moved · 4 months
now that we are slowly gathering here: I'm thinking so much about Simon living between two worlds in more than one aspect of his life. he's between the upper class kids at H.illerska & his friends from home, between this prestigious boarding school & the small town he lives in. but he's also between his swedish & venezuelan heritage & I think the way he navigates both swedish & spanish & switches between them is a perfect visualization of that. also thinking about how he'll always be somewhere in between & never fully belong to either side.
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