iconxtinks · 8 months
Fundamentals of Data - Infographics
Visuals speak more than Words!
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flupertech · 5 years
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A perfect UI/UX design is the biggest factor that helps for the same. Explore more in this info-graphic.
Click Here:https://bit.ly/2GL1J9C
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epublisherworld · 2 years
6 Ways to Boost Your Business with Digital Publications | Epublisher
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Digital publications can be extremely valuable in boosting your business and attracting more customers, if you use them in the right way. Here are six ways digital publications can prove useful in your sales and marketing strategies. Explore each option to see which would work best for your business, then start making plans today to bring these business boosters into effect as soon as possible!
1) Email newsletters
Email newsletters are an effective way for digital publishers to reach their audiences. And because digital publishers can more easily customize these messages and present them in a friendly, more human fashion, they stand a good chance of succeeding over traditional mass-mailings sent from companies such as MailChimp or Constant Contact.
With individualized emails, digital publishers can also provide timely alerts about new products or services, sneak peeks at upcoming issues and even offer coupons for subscribers — not bad for a newsletter! While email newsletters are right for every publication in your portfolio (or even every newsletter you send), it’s definitely worth considering as one of many ways you can boost your business using digital publishing.
2) Video content creation
video marketing and video hosting services allow you to create, distribute, and track video content on your website. Having embedded videos increases site traffic, helps visitors find information more quickly, and gives them a better overall experience.
Video content creation is an inexpensive way for your business website or intranet site to look modern and updated. You can also use digital publications as a vehicle for delivering key messages about your product or service offerings; using video provides an excellent opportunity for demonstrating how your offering works in real-world situations.
Embedding videos within digital publications allows you to track how much time users spend watching each video so that you can measure which types of videos are most effective at generating interest in your offering . Over time, creating valuable video content will help boost awareness of your brand.
3) Optimize advertisements
Optimizing advertisements is one of the best ways digital publications can boost your business. Online news publishers who sell targeted ad space enjoy higher ad revenues than their print counterparts because they’re able to charge more for ads that are more relevant and appealing.
Many consumers, for example, are willing to pay a premium for personalized services based on their geographic location. In fact, digital publications often see higher conversion rates (the percentage of readers who click on an advertisement) because they’re able to use demographic information such as zip codes and age groups.
4) Infographics
Infographics are a type of visual information that come in all shapes and sizes. While they’re most commonly used on websites, they can be just as effective in print publications and social media posts, especially when it comes to creating content geared toward reaching out and grabbing new readers/viewers. Data graphics offer key benefits for marketers, including more social shares per post than text-based posts, which means they’re more likely to attract links back to your website.
They also tend to be longer-lasting than other types of visual information; according to Mashable, 94% of those who see an infographic will remember at least one piece of information from it a week later. And because infographics take up more space than photos or other images, you have room to include even more information.
Plus, you can easily embed them into your website or Facebook page so that readers can access them whenever they want. The bottom line: If you want something eye-catching and shareable, go with an infographic! epublisher helps on this to reach your potential digital publishing goal
5) Include strategic CTAs
If you’re an expert in your field and want a new way to attract customers, digital publications are worth considering. In addition to tapping into these hyper-targeted channels, including strategic CTAs will help grow your business even more. Digital publications put you at an advantage:
because each edition is laser-focused on one subject, it can have a higher ROI than general publications by delivering leads that have already demonstrated interest in their content.
If you know how to use them strategically, they can help elevate your sales and marketing efforts significantly. if you can’t strategize the CTA’s like expert Epublisher will help you to get more clicks on conversions with interactive CTA buttons page or article
6) Brand Awareness
Providing online content about your brand and industry can be a great way to boost your business’s overall brand awareness. When you write, there’s a possibility someone might stumble upon your publication and get interested in what you have to say — not only that, but they may take an interest in what else you have available.
This is a key tactic for any business. It’s not just about selling yourself as much as it is about getting people interested in what you’re doing or selling overall so that, at some point, they might want to become customers.
You don’t want them just coming for one thing; you want them coming back for multiple things over time. Branding is important in today’s environment since it’s more competitive than ever.
If you are known by your brand, it helps other brands know who you are and why they should trust you. In addition to increasing brand awareness, digital publications also help businesses keep their current customers happy.
If someone already knows and trusts your brand, chances are good that they’ll come back again when they need something else related to what you offer (again).
The same goes for other businesses who like yours — if they’ve enjoyed reading something from your company before, chances are good that they’ll enjoy reading more of what you publish too! Brand awareness is also boosted by digital publications because of social media sharing capabilities.
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6 Blogging Tips You Need To Know
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Are you new to blogging or just looking for tips to improve your blog? Then this article is for you. Let me help you with blogging tips to look out for this year, along with quick and easy ways to implement them into your blogging strategy.
If you focus on these techniques alone, you’ll definitely improve organic performance and digital strategy.
Let’s do this!
#1 Follow A Content Marketing Plan
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Did you know that according to Demand Metric, 90% of organizations market with content. Content marketing is one the most important techniques you can use to attract potential clients. But just as you wouldn’t start building a house without a blueprint, or a sculpture without a sketch, you don’t want to market your content without a plan! Yes, content is king! So, here’s how your content marketing plan should look like:
Define your goal
Know your audience
Come up with interesting topic ideas
Create a content calendar
Build a well-researched content
A quick trick! A good blog content strategy should answer these three questions:
Are you answering your audience’s question?
Does your content provide something of value?
Is your blog article keeping your audience wanting more?
#2 Publish Different Types of Long-form Contents
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To start, a long-form content is that of 2000+ words and offers a great depth of information on a specific topic. Long-form content is really important, especially when it comes to blogs. Search engines, like Google are focused on context and long-form content create greater context for the focus topic. Therefore, long-form content increases your chance in ranking. On the other hand, long-form content receives more shares since readers like to share useful content. If your long-form content is rich, it’s quite likely readers will share it. Another great benefit of long-form content is that it makes good SEO, high-quality resources attract more links and traffic.
Here are other great long-form content types you can use:
How to guides
Resource lists
Case studies
#3 Link to Internal Links as Well as Third-party Contents
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Internal links are links from one page of your website to a different page of your website and are commonly used in main navigation. For example, you link your audience from your blog to another page of your website. Third-Party contents on the other hand, also known as curated contents are contents published by others and you share them with your audience. For example, it could be a blog post related to your industry, expert advice from a leader or any other content that your audience enjoys.
How will internal links help your blog?
Internal links enhance navigation and user experience
Internal links will increase the time your audience spends on your site
The more links you create, the more your site will rank
How will third-party contents help your blog?
Third-party contents enable you to reach wider audience
Helps you create new segments for better audience targeting
#4 Create Infographics
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Infographics are the visual representations of any kind of information, it’s combining all different colors, icons, images, illustrations and fonts to explain a topic in a compelling and easy to understand way. Infographics are very popular in blogs and there are so many reasons why. They’re fun, engaging and super easy to share! We all know that the brain processes visuals better than texts but there are so many benefits of infographics you need to know!
Infographics help increase conversion rate
They’re great for SEO
They increase visibility
They’re easy to track and analyze
#5 Optimize your snippets
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You’re probably asking yourself what do you need to optimize your snippets for, well, it’s pretty simple, if you optimize your snippets you get the chance for featured snippets. And what are featured snippets? Featured snippets are selected search results that are featured on top of Google’s organic results below the ads in a box. There are three types of featured snippets, they can be paragraphs, lists or tables. Why are they important? Featured snippets bring traffic to your website and save money you spend on PPC. Now that you know what they are and why you need them, it’s time to know how to get them. Don’t worry, I got your back, here are the steps you need to follow:
Start with keyword research
Find out what questions your audience are asking
Make answers for these questions in your content
Answer to different questions and use relevant images
Add a section answering related questions
If you use these steps wisely, you’re definitely good to go!
#6 Always Respond to Comments
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Last tip! But definitely not the least. If you enable comments on your blog, then you obviously want your readers to interact with you. So, you need to make sure it doesn’t end up being a one-sided conversation! Let me give you some more reasons why you should never leave a comment not answered:
Answered comments encourage people to comment
They add quality to your blog
They add social proof
Even if it’s in a minimal way, but even answered comments help in SEO
They help build credibility and authority
Do you need more than all these good reasons to figure out why you should respond to comments? I don’t think so! Now go ahead and answer to your comments!
Let’s sum up
Now that you know some of the latest and greatest blogging trends, how will you implement them?
Whether your goal is better content, improved optimization, increased engagements or conversions, you should be including most, if not all, of these blogging tips.
Ultimately, tapping into each of these blogging tips can open up opportunities for new success. Don’t hesitate to contact Brain Space‘s team for an optimized and an eye-catching blog that will ensure you reach your goal.
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nummero123 · 2 years
Quick SEO Tricks and Hacks for Getting More Leads
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SEO strategies may change on a dime in today's fast-paced world—and the worst part is, you might not even realize it.
Understanding SEO is critical for drastically increasing traffic and brand awareness. 
Your aim as an SEO professional is to design your website such that it is at the top of this list. 
Higher ranks equal more organic traffic - prospective consumers you can turn into traffic and applaud the total ROI of your SEO approach.
It takes a lot of research and practice to stay on top of SEO. 
Because Google's algorithms are constantly altered, it's critical to remain up to speed on the newest news. 
With this in mind, and a little practice, you can become your SEO expert. 
You will gain more visibility if your website begins to rank on the top pages of Google's search results. 
This results in increased traffic, conversions, and, eventually, revenue growth.
Implement the following basic SEO techniques to accelerate the growth of your website:
Crown SEO Audit On Your Website
Auditing your website helps you figure out why you're not getting enough search traffic and purchases. 
Many SEO firms offer this service, but you may save a lot of money by doing it yourself.
Cognize What Your Visitors Aspire
Every tool, podium, and gadget you create must have a single purpose: to collect information from audiences and use it to build a more powerful search engine. You must concentrate on what your target clients expect. When you understand what customers want, you can create material that will entice them.
SEO Optimized Landing Pages
A well-designed, SEO-optimized landing page may help you increase lead generation and revenues. 
The more landing pages you create, the more doors you open for incoming search traffic.
Mobile-Friendly Website
It is more important than ever to ensure that your website is accessible via mobile devices. 
Furthermore, your website should be visually appealing and functional on mobile devices.
Thrive Your Traffic With Infographics
Infographics are fantastic because they allow you to convey complex information in an easy-to-understand style. 
Because the majority of individuals are visual learners, a graphic goes much beyond word material.
Optimized Content for RankBrain
RankBrain is a machine learning system that aids in the analysis of search results. 
It understands what a piece of content is about and how effectively it ties in with keywords that people are looking for. 
Imperatively, it aids in connecting a search with appropriate outcomes.
Fabricate Elaborative Content
The length of content isn't everything. 
The goal is to cover one issue so thoroughly that every portion of the piece is valuable to the reader. 
Making it more valuable to people makes it more valuable to Google as a page to appear in search results. 
Longer content has the advantage of naturally including more relevant keywords and ranking for them.
Scout And Employ Your Competitor’s SEO Keywords
It's a good idea to be ahead of your rivals. 
Why reinvent the wheel when all of your rivals' efforts to rank in Google's top pages have already been completed? 
You can find out what keywords they're ranking for and use those same phrases to create better content for your website
Concentrate solely on operational traffic sources. 
Complete not exhaust your energy by attempting to do everything at once. 
Determine the location and shape of your target audience. If you want to expand your business, you may contact us since we are the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore.
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kennethjpool89 · 2 years
10 Content Ideas to Boost Engagement on Your Facebook Business Page
The best way to increase Facebook engagement is to post engaging content that your audience will enjoy. However, coming up with fresh ideas can be challenging. So, if your Facebook business page is looking neglected, read on. Here are 10 Facebook content ideas to increase engagement on your business page.
 1. Tell Stories
Too much promotional content makes a Facebook business page dull. Branch out and tell some of the stories that your audience will love to read. How did you get started in business, for example? What good causes do you support? Or perhaps some of your employees have a tale they could tell? Getting personal is an excellent way of connecting with an audience. And if your story resonates with enough people, your post might even appear on the Facebook newsfeed.
 2. Go Behind the Scenes
Yes, you probably will have read this tip before. But have you followed up on this little gem of a content idea? People love to take a peek behind the scenes. So, consider posting some insider views of your business on Facebook. There are many potential topics for this type of post. You could explain how your product is made, for example. Or, how about introducing some of the backroom team to your customers. Bloopers and fails always go down well, too, so long as they don’t reflect poorly on your brand.
 3. Creative Product Photos
Filling your Facebook book page with product advertisements is not such a good idea. However, if you can place your products in interesting situations, that can make an excellent Facebook post. Creative product photos can also be used on Instagram. Consider how you could artistically present your products. Or reach out to customers to see if they have any unusual photos of your products in use. Creative product photos provide a way of showcasing your products in an entertaining, non-promotional way.
 4. Infographics
Infographics frequently get shared and are suitable content for your website and social media accounts. The time taken to create an infographic will be time well spent. You could make a graphical representation of market trends in your business. Or you could post a relevant tips infographic. When thinking about topics for infographics, consider what’s most likely to be shared. If you create a branded graphic that people value, your brand name could be shared on many websites and social media profiles.
 5. Ask Questions
There is no better way to get a response from an audience than to ask a question. For example, you could ask your customers what product enhancements they would like to see. Or you could ask for comments on a particular development in your industry. Answers to your questions might be left in the comments section. Or you could pose the question as a user poll or survey.
 6. Videos
Millions of videos are viewed on Facebook every day. And Facebook is so keen on videos that it has a dedicated video sharing page, Facebook Watch. Consider tapping into that massive potential by creating informative and entertaining video content relevant to your product or niche. You could take the behind-the-scenes idea mentioned above and turn that into a video. Quick-win videos, short videos providing valuable tips and advice, generally work well on Facebook.
 7. Create and Share Events
Creating and sharing company events is an excellent way to increase engagement on Facebook. You could set up virtual events, such as webinars, online sales, and live question-and-answer sessions. And local businesses can promote physical events such as store openings or open days.
 8. Follow Current Trends
Posting content related to current trends is likely to gain you more comments. And posts on trending topics are also more likely to appear in Facebook users’ feeds. Keep up with the trends in your industry and current national or local issues. And then post your comments, thoughts, or advice on the things currently on people’s minds.
 9. Share Blog Posts
Sharing blog posts on Facebook is not a new idea. Indeed, most social media sites are a perfect platform for promoting content.
However, merely posting a link to each new piece of content is a bit old hat. And posting the same content across all platforms is not the best approach to social media platforms.
So, when you post links to new blog posts on Facebook, add a unique description of your constant. Sell the benefits of the content, and you will get more traffic to your website.
 10. Share Other People’s Content
Finally, sharing other people’s content can increase engagement and win you some friends. Share engaging and helpful content related to your industry that your audience will value. Be careful not to exclusively share other people’s content, though. It’s better to create original material than rely solely on other people’s efforts.
Creating fresh content for Facebook can at first appear daunting. However, when you take the time to consider all of the above options, you will see that there are plenty of ways to deliver something new. And don’t forget that you can repurpose content by using alternate formats. A blog post, for example, could provide the basis for a video or infographic.
 The post 10 Content Ideas to Boost Engagement on Your Facebook Business Page appeared first on Landscapers Web Marketing.
Via https://www.landscaperswebmarketing.com/10-content-ideas-to-boost-engagement-on-your-facebook-business-page-2/
source https://landscaperswebmarketing.weebly.com/blog/10-content-ideas-to-boost-engagement-on-your-facebook-business-page
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seovietnamm · 3 years
Top 7 loại content hiệu quả cao
Content kinh doanh (tiếp thị nội dung) đã biến đổi thành một trong số những digital marketing mạnh khỏe nhất cho các doanh nghiệp. Bất kỳ thuộc quy mô nào, loại hình đơn vị nào. Đương nhiên, Lúc khởi đầu trở nên tân tiến kế hoạch kinh doanh, Bạn thực sự không dễ dàng quyết loại nào để sử dụng để phát triển công ty. Sau đây là 7 loại content  mà SEO VIETNAM trình làng cho bạn.
1. Nội dung Blog
nội dung blog là một trong số các kiểu nội dung marketing phổ biến nhất bây chừ. Khác biệt những doanh nghiệp vừa & nhỏ phát huy mạnh loại hình này. Blog là một trong số những giải pháp tốt nhất để nâng cấp SEO. Blog Rất có thể lôi cuốn rất nhiều lượt truy vấn organic đến web của doanh nghiệp bắt đầu từ những công cụ kiếm tìm. Điều đó Rất có thể hà tiện được rất nhiều Ngân sách chi tiêu để làm việc không giống, ví dụ như cho thêm vào quảng bá chẳng hạn.
Ngày nay, các trang web mà liệu có tạo blog thường hay đc lập chỉ mục nhiều hơn thế nữa đến 434% đối với những trang chưa có (theo Forbes). Các website liệu có bài blog sẽ có dịp lên trang nhất tiên bên trên thanh công cụ kiếm tìm. Dường như, với những website kinh doanh nhưng có những blog liên minh với 97% inbound link cũng tối ưu hóa đc trên dụng cụ tìm kiếm.
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2. Content video
nếu bạn muốn khó khăn trong Thị Phần digital này thì bạn phải định vị phương pháp lôi cuốn các khách hàng mục tiêu nhanh chóng. Hiện tại, người dùng chúng ta được coi video nhiều hơn thế nữa bao giờ hết. Hiện nay, ⅓ các hoạt động online đc dùng vào việc xem đoạn Clip. Chính vì như thế, hãy biến những video clip này biến thành kiểu content kinh doanh tốt hơn hết để tiếp cận và thu hút khách hàng.
Theo BrightCove, các thương hiệu có sử dụng đoạn Clip có mức nâng cao nhàng nhàng 157% lưu lượng truy vấn organic bắt đầu từ các dụng cụ tìm kiếm. Content video cũng khiến cho nâng cao 105% tỷ lệ thời gian Tại lại website. Rõ ràng, quý khách hàng đang dành thời gian rất nhiều cho website của công ty. Dĩ nhiên, thời cơ bán sản phẩm của doanh nghiệp cao hơn.
3. Infographics
Infographics giúp tổ chức định hướng giáo dục tinh thần của người tiêu dùng. Cung cấp thông tin có lợi để tăng thêm giá chẩn đoán khách hàng mục tiêu và lúc này. Dạng nội dung kinh doanh này vô cùng trực giác giúp cho bạn nam xem hình dung thuận tiện hơn những Ác liệu.
nếu tổ chức của công ty chọn lựa dùng infographics để lôi cuốn quý khách hàng thì hãy để ý chủ đề nào phù hợp nhất cho mô hình này. Bất cứ thông báo nào sẽ được lợi lợi từ là một hỗ trợ trực giác khiến thông báo hoàn hảo. Bạn cũng có thể dùng infographics để giảng giải 1 chủ đề tinh vi. Hay rình bày số liệu thống kê giúp người không giống hiểu giá trị của các gì tổ chức của doanh nghiệp cung ứng. Hoặc thậm chí cung ứng sơ đồ về sản phẩm của doanh nghiệp.
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4. Câu chuyện khách hàng
một trong những loại content kinh doanh liệu có giá trị đặc biệt là câu chuyện quý khách hàng. Về cơ bản là các câu chuyện của khách hàng minh họa biện pháp tổ chức của công ty đã giúp một quý khách hàng. Hoặc người tiêu dùng chi tiết trở thành chiến thắng. Các công ty Rất có thể sử dụng những nghiên cứu tiêu biểu để làm nổi bật những ứng dụng khác lạ. Hoặc dùng cho biết những dịch vụ và mặt hàng.
người tiêu dùng thích các câu chuyện hơn. Vì kiểu nội dung này giúp cho bọn họ biết rõ hơn về cách tên thương hiệu của bạn. Từ đó Rất có thể nâng cao giá trị trong cuộc sống hoặc công ty. Dù rằng bạn cũng có thể cung ứng những ứng dụng hoặc sử dụng thông thường cho các sản phẩm hay dịch vụ của doanh nghiệp. Một ví dụ thực tế thường thì có giá trị hơn. Bởi nó giúp cho đơn vị của doanh nghiệp thành lập niềm tin với người tiêu dùng tiềm năng thế hệ.
5. E-books
Ebooks là một kiểu content dài hạn hiệu suất cao nhưng mà đơn vị. Nó Rất có thể sử dụng để cung cấp giá trị cho người tiêu dùng tiềm năng & khách hàng thời điểm hiện tại. Keywords Tại đó là giá. Ebooks của công ty không nên là một quảng bá 5 tới 10 trang. Thay vào chỗ này, bạn sẽ cung ứng các dạng thông báo bổ ích & chi tiết phỏng đoán thành phần mục tiêu của doanh nghiệp. Giống như không ít dạng nội dung kinh doanh khác, không hẳn là bán sản phẩm mà là thành lập mối quan hệ đối với người tiêu dùng tiềm năng. Từ đấy để bọn họ tin yêu tên thương hiệu của bạn và đến đối với quý khách khi bọn họ sẵn sàng mua hàng.
Ebooks là một trong số những dạng content kinh doanh tốt nhất để thu thập thông báo khách hàng tiềm năng. Đấy là vì chúng thường hay đc tự chủ. Có nghĩa là khách truy cập phải cung cấp một số kiểu thông báo về bản thân để đổi sử dụng vấn đề chuyên chở xuống ebooks.
6. Checklists
Checklist là bảng đặc điểm cung ứng danh sách những vấn đề nên gây trong công đoạn để đạt được thành quả yêu cầu. Đây chắc chắn là mô hình mà bất cứ công ty nhỏ tuổi nào cũng cần có. Bởi lẽ chúng dễ tạo, tiếp thị và cung ứng giá đáng kể phỏng đoán thành phần mục tiêu.
Checklist này cung cấp 1 danh sách với đồng loạt hành động nhưng mà chủ nhà cần tiến hành đối với hệ thống HVAC. Chúng dễ đọc, thâu tóm thông tin điển hình. Bạn có thể share checklist này lên những công cụ truyền thông cộng đồng. Hoặc chúng ta có thể kết hợp trên bài blog. Quý khách càng chia sẻ và tái nội dung checklist thì tổ chức càng nhận được lợi lớn.
7. Bài đăng bên trên social
mạng xã hội media (phương tiện tiếp thị quảng cáo buôn bản hội) là dụng cụ đắc lực để truyền tải thông điệp & tên thương hiệu của công ty. Những nền móng tiếp thị quảng cáo cộng đồng như Facebook, Twitter, Instagram giúp bạn tạo mối liên quan với người tiêu dùng. Khác biệt, nhờ mạng xã hội truyền thông là môi trường xung quanh tiếp cận đối tượng mục tiêu. Content bài đăng bên trên social media sẽ quyết định vấn đề hấp dẫn được quý khách hàng mới và thời điểm hiện tại.
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những bài đăng trên social truyền thông như một phần của kế hoạch content marketing. Tùy mục tiêu chuyển đổi & tiếp cận đối tượng tiềm năng nhưng mà chọn lựa kênh tiếp thị khác nhau để phù hợp. Các nội dung này sẽ tác động quyết định mua sắm chọn lựa trong thị phần mục tiêu của bạn. Từ các bài đăng này, người tiêu dùng tiềm năng tò mò sản phẩm của doanh nghiệp. Song song cung ứng những thông báo. Ví dụ như báo hiệu sử dụng, những mẹo ảnh hưởng đến ngành quý khách hàng đang kinh doanh nhưng mà tác động miễn phí lên người tiêu dùng, …
Suy sau cuối, đội ngũ content kinh doanh của bạn phải ngưng chi tiêu lãng phí vào trang social & nội dung. Thay vào đó; hãy nghĩ biện pháp khác để tiếp cận người tiêu dùng của công ty bằng content mà người ta khó khăn Có thể bỏ dở. Tiếp nối phân bổ content đó Ở những kênh không xa lạ của bọn họ.
>>> TÌM HIỂU NGAY: Content Writer, Copywriter và Content Creator – khác biệt nhưng liệu có cách biệt?
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teenovel24 · 3 years
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How to Engage & Inspire with Interactive Content Marketing
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Easy Ways to Stand Out from the Competition
 I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage “Content is king.” While that’s certainly true, it’s not enough anymore to simply write a text-rich blog post and expect engagement to happen. 
According to a study by Microsoft, the average human has an attention span of eight seconds. Eight seconds! You need to attract your readers’ or followers’ attention and require their active engagement quickly. 
That can easily be done with something called interactive content marketing. 
While pieces like blog articles and eBooks are considered passive content, interactive content requires the person to actively engage with the content, whether that’s by swiping, tapping, answering a question... 
In this article, I’m providing 3 ideas you can use to attract your audience’s attention and stand out from your competitors.
Some of you may remember those “choose your own adventure” books from childhood. The TV show Black Mirror did an incredibly unique episode called ‘Bandersnatch’ that let you choose game designer Stefan’s moves and his ultimate fate. 
While you’re probably not going to go that far with your marketing videos, one easy interactive marketing tool is having a Facebook Live where you answer questions and take comments virtually. 
Here’s an example. During episodes of my Tea Time Tips on Facebook, I ask questions and encourage my viewers to comment. They can also ask questions that I answer live in the video.
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It’s a fun and simple two-way conversation that gets everyone involved with the episode versus me just talking “at” my followers.
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Do  Your Users Interact With Your Videos?
What you make, where the user  views the video, the story you tell, and where the user ends up are all  important.
Another step you can take to  make the most of your efforts is to make the video interactive. Read on to  learn Beyond Engagement: How interactive video marketing brings another  dimension to the user experience.
Polls and Questions
These are great interactive social media marketing tools. Let’s start with polls. I’m going to go with a Facebook example again, because it’s so easy to create a poll while you’re making up your post. Here’s how:
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In addition to polls, another way to easily encourage engagement is by asking a question in your news feed on Facebook. 
While it’s a good idea to keep your question relevant to your business, go ahead and have some fun with it! You want your audience to be motivated and excited to answer your question, whatever that might be. 
Here’s an example from one of our clients who owns Malary’s Fashion Network, a clothing boutique in Cloverdale, BC. Yvonne framed a fashion-related in a lighthearted way on her Facebook page and got a high number of engagements, including 20 comments.
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To do this well, think about some interesting topics that relate to your business. Here are a couple of generic prompts that could help: 
●       Can you recommend some good [your product or service category] books this summer?
●       What business advice would you give yourself when you were just starting out?
●       If you could run your business in any period in history, when would it be and why?
Infographics engaging visuals to communicate stats or other information quickly and clearly. Neil Patel did a great article back in 2014 on the power of infographics. It’s still relevant today, and you can read it here. 
However, it’s time to step up your infographics game with interactive elements. It’s true that it takes more time and effort to create a two-way infographic instead of a static one. But if it’s relevant to your business and captivates your audience, the traffic, engagement and social shares you get (which will link back to your site) will be well worth it. 
There are numerous sites out there that allow you to create infographics from a template, or you can hire a professional graphic design company to create them for you. 
Here’s an infographic Google did to explain the complex topic “How search works.” You can interact with various elements to move you through the content, which is much more interesting than a long page of text.
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  Now that we’ve gone over some ways that you can create these unique content marketing pieces, let’s look at some of the benefits. 
I talked a bit about it increasing engagement: you share an interesting and fun piece of content and users are more likely to interact with it and share it themselves. 
In addition to increased user engagement, here are 3 other ways that interactive marketing tools can be beneficial:
They can collect data for you.
As marketers we rely on data to make decisions that will benefit our business. It can be a challenge to collect behavioural data by asking questions outright for a few reasons: Customers are extremely wary of these tactics and it’s not fun! (When’s the last time you filled out one of those surveys a website randomly asked you, just because?) 
By using a poll or engaging question, you can learn more about your audience’s likes and dislikes. If you’re inviting your audience to interact with an infographic, you can gain valuable insights by looking at where they navigate and click. 
They increase clicks and conversions.
As a small business owner, you should always be looking for ways to engage with potential clients. It can be a real challenge to get someone to download your eBook or to convert on a landing page on your website. 
That’s where interactive content comes in. It can boost your click-throughs and conversion rates big-time. The Content Marketing Institute did some case studies of brands that each saw upwards of 50% click through rates when they used it. 
Put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes: what would you rather click on at the top of the marketing funnel? 
A ‘Submit’ button on a website asking you to provide your email so the business can send you a white paper? Or, a quiz or poll that asks for your opinion on a relevant topic, then asks for your email to send you the answer? 
You’ll find that many people are much more willing to provide their info if it’s presented in an engaging way and it doesn’t seem like you’re asking. 
They build brand loyalty.
When a viewer just reads an article or watches a video, their participation is minimal, and so is their engagement. But content people can interact with is different; it can create deeper relationships. 
Research has shown that the more of a relationship a consumer has with a brand, the more likely they are to be loyal long-term customers. You start to be seen as an expert in your area, and people trust you. And the more people trust you, the more likely they are to buy from you.
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5 Steps to a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media
Social media is everywhere and having yourself on it can be great; however, your professionalism doesn’t stop at your professional profiles. Read on to learn 5 steps to ensuring you have a strong personal brand that will help with your business success. 
The content marketing landscape is always evolving, and you need to be willing to change with the times if you want to be successful. 
Expect to see more interactive videos, quizzes, polls, questions, infographics and more; it’s time to seriously consider adding these to your marketing tools if you want to stay ahead of the competition. 
We know it can be nearly impossible to keep up with your marketing when you’ve got a business to run! 
We’re a full service digital marketing agency just outside of Vancouver, BC, and we can help you build a successful businesses through brand and graphic design, custom website design and development and digital marketing so you can be proud to showcase your business to the world. Let’s talk.
 To your business success, Susan Friesen
P.S. If you liked what you read (and heard) here, you will want to sign up for our newsletter where you’ll get notified every Thursday of that day’s blog post. Click here to also receive our free website guide: www.UltimateWebsiteGuide.ca
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