#If you've only ever read fanfic about that fight I highly recommend reading the comic itself
oifaaa · 1 year
Have you heard the theory that Tim hallucinated Jason attacking him in the Tower? I dont remember much of the evidence folks had for it, but it would make the “Tim has major beef but Jason has no idea who he is” thing so much funnier if the Horrible Trauma that Tim’s stans always harp about never even happened
Now you couldn't mean this post by any chance could you? Or is there another post floating about - probably is but yes I do actually love this theory bc there's alot of evidence to back it up like how it doesn't make sense timeline wise - how Jason never mentions Tim in the whole of under the red hood - the odd things the titans say and how Tim is known to hallucination / have weird dreams - how Jason is acting weird including somehow hiding a whole other outfit under his first outfit - it all seems very dream state more then something that actually happened
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