magneticovitalblog · 10 months
Crisis Existencial
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En psicología, una crisis existencial es un conflicto interno caracterizado por la impresión de que la vida carece de sentido y en el que los esquemas mentales construidos ya no sirven para afrontar la situación actual.
La crisis existencial se da porque la vida, o la forma de percibirla o entenderla, cambia. De repente, las ideas pasadas y las expectativas del futuro caen. Aparecen nuevas preocupaciones y preguntas que nunca habían sido planteadas y para las que no se tiene respuesta aún.
La persona se siente perdida, desorientada, no tiene claras sus metas y se replantea sus creencias y sus valores, con un malestar psicológico importante.
Es un punto de inflexión en nuestra historia vital, que conduce a sentir la necesidad de encontrar una identidad y un sentido o propósito a nuestra vida, lo que conlleva diferentes síntomas psicológicos y emocionales y que puede llegar a ser muy estresante.
Las crisis existenciales suceden cuando pensamos que no somos capaces de afrontar los acontecimientos de la vida, con los recursos que hasta ahora nos funcionaban. En ese momento nuestro dialogo interno se llena de expresiones como
«¿Cuál es mi propósito en la vida? No le encuentro sentido.» 
«¿Qué sentido tiene todo esto?»
«¿Quién soy yo?»
¿Cómo es que nada me llena como antes?
¿Qué será de mi mañana?
Si fuera el caso, probablemente estemos atravesando una crisis existencial, que puede cambiar radicalmente la dirección de nuestra vida haciendo que nos planteemos objetivos nuevos o, en cambio, puede llevarnos a una espiral negativa hacia la depresión.
Una crisis existencial conlleva sentimientos de malestar sobre el significado, la elección y la libertad en la vida.  
El problema radica en no encontrar respuestas satisfactorias, lo que puede desencadenar frustración y pérdida de alegría interior.
Nos sentimos inseguros sobre cómo responder o qué camino tomar, e incluso puede afectar nuestras vidas de manera negativa si estos sentimientos persisten o empeoran.
Tipos de crisis existencial
Crisis de falta de sentido cuando creemos que no hemos cumplido nuestras metas o no hemos conseguido algo significativo. Esto puede llevar a cuestionar la propia existencia y el propósito personal.
Crisis de identidad, que afectan la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos. Nos preguntamos si somos lo que realmente queremos ser.
Crisis de libertad y la responsabilidad, que surge ante la responsabilidad que causa la libre decisión. Algunas personas sienten que no son capaces de aceptar las consecuencias de sus decisiones y se abruman cuando dejan de depender de otras personas.
Crisis que responden a preguntas como
¿Me conformo con la vida que tengo?
¿Me quedo trabajando en un trabajo que no me gusta?
¿Qué estoy haciendo con mi vida?
Crisis sobre la mortalidad. Conforme cumplimos años, muchas personas comienzan a hacerse preguntas sobre el final de la vida y lo desconocido. Ello puede generar ansiedad y sentimientos vacío y confusión.
Crisis sobre la soledad. Las separaciones y el aislamiento que podemos ir sufriendo a lo largo de la vida pueden llegar a generar una sensación de soledad que puede generar una crisis porque no le vemos sentido a la realidad.
La crisis existencial implica un cambio en nosotros, de manera que nos llegamos a sentir como si fuéramos otra persona o cambian aspectos importantes en nuestra visión de la vida.
Durante esta crisis nos cuestionamos aspectos que hasta ese momento habíamos dado por sentados o que simplemente no nos preocupaban, habitualmente sobre la propia existencia.
Por otra parte, las preguntas que nos planteamos durante una crisis existencial implican un elevado compromiso personal. La respuesta que estamos buscando va dirigida a reencauzar el sentido de nuestra vida.
Los síntomas de la crisis existencial
Estamos atravesando una crisis existencial cuando:
Cambiamos nuestras costumbres para probar cosas diferentes, pero no nos satisfacen
Creemos que debemos cambiar nuestra vida, pero no sabemos cómo
Las actividades que antes nos motivaban han perdido su valor pues ya no les encontramos sentido
No encontramos sentido en nada.
No tenemos ganas de nada: ni de ir a comprar, ni de ir al gimnasio, ni de hacer nada de lo que antes te motivaba.
Nos cuesta levantarnos para ir al trabajo. No hay nada que nos motive.
Nos cuestionamos a menudo si tuviéramos que seguir teniendo la pareja que tenemos.
Nos cuestionas las decisiones más importantes que hemos tomado a lo largo de tu vida, como la elección de la profesión o de la pareja
Nos sentimos constantemente con tedio
Nos sentimos mu agotados emocionalmente
Pensamos que nos faltan muchas experiencias por vivir
Tenemos miedo al futuro pues no logramos verlo claramente
Tenemos una sensación de extrañeza con nosotros mismos, como si fuésemos otra persona
Tenemos una sensación de insatisfacción generalizada, aunque las cosas marchen bien
Todo nos da pereza: salir con amistades, una boda próxima que teóricamente nos tendría que hacer ilusión.
Las causas de la crisis existencial
La crisis existencial está profundamente vinculada al proceso de crecimiento y maduración por lo que puede ocurrir en cualquier momento de la vida.
Algunas causas pueden incluir:
Cambios de trabajo o carrera
Conciencia de los propios límites
Diagnóstico de una enfermedad grave o potencialmente mortal
Emociones reprimidas
Fallecimiento de un ser querido, y afrontar la propia muerte
Insatisfacción con uno mismo
Sentimiento de soledad y aislamiento en el mundo
Sentir culpa por algo
Sentirse perdido y fuera de control. No hallar un propósito para la vida
Sentirse socialmente insatisfecho
Tener hijos, el matrimonio o el divorcio
En algunos casos es posible encontrar un factor desencadenante, sin embargo, otras veces no es posible.
Las consecuencias de una crisis existencial
Cada persona es un mundo y no todas experimentamos la crisis existencial de la misma manera. Hay quienes viven la crisis de una manera puntual y en un periodo de tiempo muy limitado mientras que otras atraviesan un periodo mucho más largo, intenso y desestabilizador.
De hecho, hay quienes nunca atraviesan por una.
En algunos casos la crisis existencial no se resuelve satisfactoriamente y la persona cae en la “triada cognitiva”, desarrollando una perspectiva negativa de nosotros mismos, del mundo y del futuro, lo que puede generarnos problemas psicológicos, como:
Ideas suicidas
Sentimientos de indefensión
El tratamiento de la crisis existencial
Es conveniente estar activos para “Que la inspiración nos sorprenda trabajando. A veces es difícil, pero no nos interesa quedarnos parados: salimos a pasear, vamos a nadar, escuchamos música…”.
Esta actividad ayuda a abrir la mente y a propiciar la inspiración para encontrar una salida en la crisis.  
Estas técnicas pueden ser de ayuda para ello:
¿En qué destacamos? ¿Qué es aquello que se nos da bien?
¿Qué cosas hacemos que no sean por obligación?
¿Qué cosas nos satisfacen?
¿Qué podemos aportar a los demás?
Busquemos apoyo emocional, compartiendo nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos con personas de confianza, como amistades, familiares, etc.  
Busquemos nuestro propósito examinando nuestros valores y creencias: ¿qué es lo más importante para nosotros en la vida y qué creencias nos guían?, para encontrar un sentido más profundo y tomar decisiones alineadas con ellos.
Establezcamos metas y busquemos nuevas experiencias, con realismo, que nos ayuden a encontrar un propósito.  
Si existiera la magia ¿cómo sería nuestra vida?
No podemos dar respuesta a todas nuestras dudas y cuestiones y esto es algo que conviene aceptar. Sin embargo, es necesario reflexionar y apercibirnos de cuáles son los puntos más importantes de nuestra crisis: qué es aquello que más nos incomoda de nuestras vidas y cuál es el camino para cambiarlo.
Las respuestas a las cuestiones que frecuentemente plantea una crisis existencial implican un camino de descubrimiento personal, o sea que un psicólogo profesional podrá guiarnos en el camino para que las descubramos por nosotros mismos, atravesando valores y creencias, y nos ayudará a tener una visión con evidencias de la situación que estás viviendo y para que lograr encontrar un nuevo sentido a nuestra vida.
Según el doctor Irvin D. Yalom, se trata de orientar a la persona tomar decisiones significativas y hacia esos cambios que, estén en sintonía con sus valores y propósitos personales, en cuatro áreas básicas
abordar el miedo a la muerte
recuperar la libertad
un nuevo sentido vital
vencer el aislamiento
Trabajando lo siguiente:
Afrontar la incertidumbre y los sentimientos de angustia.
Beneficiar la conexión social para evitar la soledad.
Confrontar los pensamientos pesimistas y limitantes.
Permitirnos trazar nuevos significados vitales.
Promover la construcción de una vida más creativa, libre y con propósitos.
Las siguientes son algunas formas en las que la terapia psicológica online puede ayudarnos en una crisis existencial:
Exploración y reflexión de nuestras preguntas y preocupaciones existenciales, para indagar sobre nuestro sentido de identidad, valores y metas en la vida.
Autoconocimiento y comprensión de nuestros propios pensamientos, emociones y patrones de conducta, para comprender mejor nuestras inquietudes existenciales y descubrir nuevos significados y direcciones en la vida. Es conveniente mirarnos al espejo y apercibirnos de quién somos y qué queremos, ya que pasamos parte de nuestra vida siendo como otros esperan y dejándonos llevar por inercia.
¿Cómo nos gustaría ser dentro de cinco años?
¿Cuáles son nuestras fortalezas?
¿Cuáles son nuestras pasiones, sueños y deseos a corto y largo plazo?
¿La persona que somos ahora es quien deseamos ser de verdad?
¿Qué cambios deberíamos hacer para acercarnos a nuestro «auténtico yo»?
Reevaluación de creencias y valores desafiando las creencias limitantes o poco saludables, y a trabajar en la construcción de una base de valores más sólida y coherente.
Búsqueda de significado y propósito guiándonos en la búsqueda de actividades, relaciones y metas que nos proporciones un mayor sentido de satisfacción y significado personal. ¿Qué es lo que nos hace sentir bien y realizados como personas en este momento?
Estrategias de afrontamiento, porque la crisis existencial puede generar ansiedad, depresión u otros problemas emocionales, para los que el psicólogo puede enseñar estrategias de afrontamiento efectivas para manejar el malestar emocional y fomentar la resiliencia.
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post de Cristian Cherbit psicólogo online https://christiancherbit.com/
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helmort · 6 months
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🎃 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝘆 🎃
In the darkest corners of the human mind, A tiny fly, in despair it's confined, Once a buzzing insect, now a twisted soul, Believing it's human, seeking its role.
It wore the guise of a man so grand, Tiny wings replaced by a waving hand, It stood on tables, tried to converse, But to others, a mere fly, a dreadful curse.
"I'm one of you," it'd plaintively say, But all they heard was a buzz in dismay, Its voice unheard in a world so cruel, The fly played a part, a tragic, dark fool.
People swatted, they screamed, they cried, "Die, wretched insect!" they vehemently chide, But the fly persisted, deluded and frail, In its desperation, its human tale.
Rejected by humanity, despair took hold, A vendetta grew in a heart now cold, It found a path to the darkest core, A nuclear plant, to settle the score.
Bathed in radiation, its form did shift, A monstrous fly, its body did uplift, Its buzzing now a deadly, vengeful hum, As it emerged, all would succumb.
With a presence so toxic, it reigned supreme, The fly, now a monster, a terrible dream, Its eyes gleamed red with revenge in sight, Humanity fell before its frightful might.
In the end, the world lay in decay, As the fly's revenge had its way, A nuclear nightmare, a terror untold, In its twisted mind, the fly's tale unfolds.
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cookerypokery · 1 year
I Thought I Was Ruined
We all have a dark side, but most days I am pure angel. So it came as a surprise when I became my own inverse. For four days, I hated food.
It all started when I decided to go shopping on an empty stomach. I drove to the Chinese store. I piled my cart high with daikon, fish cake, bok choy, fresh shiitake mushrooms, tofu. And as I turned the corner to stand in line for checkout, I decided I needed a snack. I’m not talking some cookie-cake you use to distract children. I wanted something you could hang a skeleton on. So I wheeled my cart back around and bought half a cooked chicken.
This chicken had a name. “Scallion Oil Chicken.” “葱油鸡”。It had the model good looks of any Cantonese charcuterie. Plump, juicy meat. Glossy, perfect skin. In fact, the skin was a golden yellow, which Cantonese-style chicken often is. I don’t know how they do it, and it’s probably just food coloring, but humans wear makeup too to look more enticing, so who am I to judge?
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[An Internet photo of the chicken -- not what I ate.]
I thought, very briefly, about driving the 15 minutes home and eating it on a plate in my kitchen. I decided against it and scarfed it in my car. I didn’t eat all of it. Half a chicken in one sitting is too much for one person who sits all day for a living. But I ate strategically: some thigh, some breast, the drumstick. I even had the discipline to eat some of that dreaded back meat because you never want be stuck with only back meat for leftovers. After I finished it, I wiped my hands on some napkins that a wise person (likely Rebekah, given how much she prioritizes clean hands more than I do) placed in my glove compartment.
I didn’t know it then, but that chicken was the Trojan horse that would be my downfall.
I got food poisoning. Or a stomach bug. Or stomach flu. These are imprecise words for the mess than ensued, as I had no formal diagnosis. But I had the symptoms, and because Cookery Pokery has already been reported once for graphic content, I am not going to describe it for you. The one thing I will report is that when I first started to feel disgusting, the first thing I did was stick a meat thermometer in my mouth because I didn’t know where the body thermometer was. The meat thermometer was not precise enough to take my temperature, but I later learned that I had a fever of 101 degrees.
My lifelong love affair with food also fell apart. On the first day, all I could eat was a few bites of boiled apple, a sippy cup’s worth of plain rice congee, and a bite of banana. I didn’t want smells or textures or flavors. Food was a barbaric army invading my land, and I just wanted peace.
Rebekah made me a hard-boiled egg with a jammy yolk, and it was like masticating caulk. As she delivered me progressively blander foods to my bedside, I croaked to her, “Did you throw out the chicken?” To which she would say, “Not yet,” and I would shiver feverishly. 
I tried to distract myself from the roiling battle in my gut by looking at my phone, to realize that 90 percent of my Instagram feed featured cooking-related accounts.  Everything looked absolutely disgusting. One particularly memorable post was a close-up of a steaming hot fresh-baked pepperoni pizza, with cheese still bubbling and beads of grease collecting on the sausage. It violated me to the core. Even still, over the next few hours I kept reflexively opening the Instagram app in pursuit of the dopamine hit it usually delivered. But my online feeds were tailored to a self that no longer existed. I grimaced and buried my phone in the blankets.
In physics class, I learned that our hearing is logarithmic. This means that we are more sensitive to the fluctuations in quiet sounds – for example, you can discern whether a cricket is louder than a whisper more easily than you can discern whether a trumpet is louder than violin. My taste buds, too, felt logarithmic. I became unbearably conscious of subtle changes in taste and flavor and texture. It was all disgusting.
But day by day, I found myself able to look at, and stomach, more foods. I impressed myself when I ate an entire unripe banana. (To avoid flavor.) I impressed myself more when later I ate another banana that was actually ripe. I ate several jammy hard-boiled eggs, with soy sauce. The breakthrough was when I ate some mustard stem pickles, which my mom used to give me when I was sick, with my congee. Then I ate miso soup, with tofu and daikon and udon noodle.
“I threw away the chicken,” Rebekah reported. My heart leapt. “But,” I said, “Is it still in the house?”
“Nope,” Rebekah said. “I took it straight to the Dumpster.”
I rejoiced. I may have fallen, but that chicken was no match for my reinforcements.
But progress was slow. Before a conflict peaks, it can feel like it will never end. I wanted resolution. I wanted to know that I could look at a medium rare prime rib and salivate again, out of desire and not in preparation for vomiting.
I am still convalescing, so I can’t write the ending to this post. You’ll have to fill in that last major chord yourself. What else do you want from me? I’m sick.
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malaloves · 1 year
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My identity was that of a party girl. I never thought alcohol would ever leave my life. And it didn’t happen over night. Identity shifts don’t. They can be slow, messy and even painful. I got sober once and at first nobody could believe it when I said I didn’t drink. They thought it wouldn’t last. And one year in, just as they started to accept this new me, I had a sip of champagne and I was back on the train. Until I wasn’t. And whilst the decision felt easy I had built this fortitude from within. That held me on the path. My identity switch didn’t happen right away, it never does. I had to harness myself in for safety. I had to steer the ship towards the new identity I desired. It was only then that I could truly embody her. The new me. The girl who stayed sober for 5 years. And is now heading towards six. You can take on any identity you wish to. You just need to hold the vision with your spine, and dare to do it. You’ve got it in you. What identity are you leaning into? 📸 @loveandlegends #identitycrisis #sobergirl #sobergirlsociety #selfcareforprofessionals #mindsetcoach #mindsetcoachingforwomen #mindsetcoachingforwomen #nextlevelthinking #changeyourhabits #changeyourhabitschangeyourlife https://www.instagram.com/p/ClAqaAWuWM4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flouia · 2 years
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identity crisis continues
[blue = flouia/me, brown/red = me but.. more realistic]
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isloveworthdyingfor · 13 days
The Hour I Miss Myself
(Esther Nicholette Sullivan) The uncomfortable silence stretched thick with the weight of unspoken truths and the shadow of a love that had grown threadbare. I could feel James's gaze drilling into me, desperate for some kind of understanding or perhaps a sign of the woman he thought he married.
My chest tightened, each breath a struggle as if the air in the room had turned viscous and heavy. The faint hum of the refrigerator in the background became oddly amplified, a mundane soundtrack to our marital impasse.
"Nic..." His voice trailed off, unsure, perhaps even afraid of what more I might say. He moved as if to reach out but then seemed to think better of it, letting his hand fall to his side.
I closed my eyes briefly, recalling the countless times Major S's hands had corrected my stance, his touch firm yet gentle. How different it felt from the touch I had at home. His belief in me was unwavering, unlike the doubt that clouded James's eyes.
Opening my eyes, I forced myself to meet James's stare. "I need that hour," I said, my voice steadier than I felt. "It's not just about fitness; it's not vanity. It's sanity, James. It's the one thing that's purely mine."
He blinked, taken aback by the raw honesty in my words. Something shifted behind his eyes—a flicker of recognition, perhaps? I didn't know if he could fully grasp the gravity of my need, but the vulnerability I felt at that moment was all too real.
"Can't you see?" My voice quivered now, the anger dissolving into a plea. "When I'm there, I'm more than just 'Mom' or 'wife' or whatever role I'm supposed to play here. I'm Nic—just Nic. And damn it, I miss her."
It was as if admitting it aloud had permitted the feeling to flood through me, leaving no room for the armor I'd built up over the years. This was me, not the superheroine facade, but the flesh and blood woman who craved acknowledgment, who hungered to be seen for her own merits and not just her roles in others' lives.
A long breath escaped me, a white flag in the silence. I waited for him to say something, anything, that might bridge the chasm between us. But all I heard was the quiet ticking of the kitchen clock, marking the seconds of our standoff, the heartbeat of a marriage hanging in the balance.
My hand trembled as I reached for the doorknob, the cold metal offering no comfort. My heart thundered, fury's hot pulse racing through my veins. With a force that startled even me, I yanked the door open and strode across the threshold.
"Nic—" James's voice cracked, a pathetic attempt to salvage the conversation.
I didn't turn back. The resolve in my every step was a shield against his half-hearted appeal. He coughed again, a guttural sound muffled by distance and our crumbling connection. That fleeting glimpse of regret on his face flickered in my mind. Still, it was quickly snuffed out by the familiar cloak of his indifference.
What was he regretting anyway? Our shared silence? His neglect? Or the fact that he had finally been confronted with the truth?
The bedroom loomed before me, a sanctuary turned prison. My hand slammed the door shut with finality, the bang reverberating off the walls, mirroring the chaos inside me. The room felt smaller somehow, the shadows clinging to the corners like specters of all the unspoken words between us.
I stumbled to the bed, legs suddenly weak. The mattress gave way beneath me, the springs creaking a lament in time with my ragged breaths. My eyes burned, hot tears spilling over, tracing paths down my cheeks. They were tears of anger, of resentment - my last bastion against the sorrow threatening to consume me.
Flashbacks flickered behind my closed eyelids, a rapid montage of laughter, passion, and promises - all reduced to this desolate moment. How had we gone from whispered dreams in the dark to echoes of doubt and despair?
"James," I uttered into the void, tasting the bitterness of his name. Was I mourning the man I married or grieving the love that had once filled these walls?
The fabric of the pillowcase was rough against my skin as I buried my face in the cushion, muffling the sobs that wracked my body. It wasn't supposed to be like this. We weren't supposed to be like this.
In the gym, I was whole; amidst the clanking weights and encouraging shouts, I found pieces of myself I thought were lost. Major S's steady gaze and the warmth of his encouragement were like rays of sunlight piercing the gloom of my life. And now, here in the darkness, I yearned for that light.
"Fight for it, Nic," Major S's voice echoed in my memory, a mantra that had pushed me beyond limits at the gym. But could I muster the strength to fight for myself, for my own happiness, outside those walls?
With each shuddering breath, I made a silent vow. The anger and the resentment would not define me. I would find my way back to the woman who laughed freely and who lived fiercely. For my sons. For me.
And maybe I'd find a new path along the way—one where the roles I played didn't smother the person I was meant to be.
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swreactions · 23 days
Welcome to the Star Wars Reactions!
This week, hosts Aaron Harris and David Modders welcome back to the show author, world traveler and long time friend of the show Adam Bray as they sit down and share their reactions to the tenth and eleventh episodes of the third and final season of The Bad Batch!
Join them as they breakdown “Identity Crisis” and “Point of No Return”, from the character growth of Emerie Karr to  the return of Cad Bane and Grand Moff Tarkin to the Imperial invasion of Pabu. They also discuss Omega’s plan and the future of Star Wars animation.
Plus, David discusses an all new Psychology Factoid while Aaron shares an all new Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week from the upcoming book “Star Wars: Dad Jokes”, written by Kelly Knox, illustrated by Johnny Sampson and published by Chronicle Books. Available now wherever you buy books or click the link below to get yours!
Talking Points:
Show Opening
Episodes Intro
Initial Reactions
Set blasters to stun
Emerie Karr, Head Scientist
Tarkin and Cad Bane, oh my!
Imperial Invasion of Pabu
Omega’s Plan
What’s next for Star Wars animation?
Psychology Factoid
Star Wars Dad Joke of the Week
Star Wars Reactions: Elegant discussions for a more civilized age! “Star Wars: Dad Jokes, The Best, Worst Dad Jokes from a Galaxy Far, Far Way” written by Kelly Knox, illustrated by Johnny Sampson, published by Chronicle Books, available now!! Look for it wherever you get books or click here to order your copy!
Check out Adam Bray
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musicianfiend · 5 months
Possible Interpretations: Bohemian Rhapsody - Another Interpretation
Interpretation: The Artist’s Struggle with Fame and Identity “Bohemian Rhapsody” can be viewed as a reflection of the artist’s inner turmoil and struggle with fame and identity, a theme that resonates deeply with Freddie Mercury’s life and the broader context of the rock ‘n’ roll era. Intro – A Quest for Authenticity: The opening lines, “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” can be seen…
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The Topsy-Turvy World of Relevance According to James Bond
This morning, I woke up with relevance on my mind. The concept of the degree to which something is useful to what is happening outside it is a subject that weighs heavily on me and has for some time —  If I were to fall in the forest, would anyone hear the thud? The question of whether one is relevant inside our own little world, be it through relationships (as a significant other, a parent, a…
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healthwellwisher · 11 months
The Kerala Story Movie Review (2023) | Story and Budget
"The Kerala Story" is a Hindi-language movie directed by Sudipto Sen that explores the story of three young women who fall victim to ISIS. The film's plot follows Shalini, a Hindu nursing student from Kerala, who becomes a target of an Islamic group that brainwashes her into becoming an ISIS terrorist. The movie also touches upon the controversial concept of "Love Jihad," in which Muslim men pretend to love Hindu girls to convert them to Islam. The movie portrays the insidious network that recruits and exploits brainwashed and transformed women from Kerala to support terrorism, sending them to Syria to become sex slaves or suicide bombers.
The writing in the movie is exceptional, with a seamless weaving of different periods and characters. At the same time, the dialogues are natural and realistic. The movie explores the complexity of family relationships, making it relatable to audiences of all ages while highlighting the importance of family values. Sudipto Sen's direction brings the story to life on the big screen, and the cast delivers standout performances, with Adah Sharma, Sonia Balani, and Yogita Bihani delivering exceptional performances. The music is soul-stirring and complements the story. At the same time, the cinematography captures the beauty of Kerala in all its glory, with lush green landscapes and bustling streets.
Overall, "The Kerala Story" is a must-watch for any cinema lover, with its exceptional writing, direction, cast, music, and cinematography. The movie displays a deep sense of emotional vulnerability and portrays a significant societal issue that needs to be addressed. The movie's story is based on actual events, making it even more sorrowful and emotionally charged.
More Info:-
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its-cafechills-kool · 11 months
The Kerala Story Movie Review (2023) | Story and Budget
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"The Kerala Story" is a Hindi-language movie directed by Sudipto Sen that explores the story of three young women who fall victim to ISIS. The film's plot follows Shalini, a Hindu nursing student from Kerala, who becomes a target of an Islamic group that brainwashes her into becoming an ISIS terrorist. The movie also touches upon the controversial concept of "Love Jihad," in which Muslim men pretend to love Hindu girls to convert them to Islam. The movie portrays the insidious network that recruits and exploits brainwashed and transformed women from Kerala to support terrorism, sending them to Syria to become sex slaves or suicide bombers.
The writing in the movie is exceptional, with a seamless weaving of different periods and characters. At the same time, the dialogues are natural and realistic. The movie explores the complexity of family relationships, making it relatable to audiences of all ages while highlighting the importance of family values. Sudipto Sen's direction brings the story to life on the big screen, and the cast delivers standout performances, with Adah Sharma, Sonia Balani, and Yogita Bihani delivering exceptional performances. The music is soul-stirring and complements the story. At the same time, the cinematography captures the beauty of Kerala in all its glory, with lush green landscapes and bustling streets.
Overall, "The Kerala Story" is a must-watch for any cinema lover, with its exceptional writing, direction, cast, music, and cinematography. The movie displays a deep sense of emotional vulnerability and portrays a significant societal issue that needs to be addressed. The movie's story is based on actual events, making it even more sorrowful and emotionally charged.
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The Way In Which I Sold My Soul to College - Part One: Identity
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As I continue the hunt for NYC roommates/gal pals, one of the girls I reached out to on IG was hella smart and created a Google Form for all potential roomies to fill out so that it'd be easier for us all to get to know each other.
What's funny though - and very sad too - was that as I was filling out the form, I realized that I kinda sacrificed my identity for college success.
What are some of my favorite shows/movies: I can't remember the last time I binged a show for fun and not for a class project - what's on tv besides Euphoria? I forget if I prefer action movies or romcoms - is Marvel still producing stuff?
What are some of my hobbies/passions: writing - but most of it is for school, photography - but again most of it is for school, umm.. I used to like baking, I haven't done that in a while though. I had a passion for sewing once. What other hobbies are there? How can I try them and pick one to focus on?
A fun fact about myself: can I just reiterate what I usually say on my first day of class or does that not work without the context of being college students?
I seriously sat there at the table in shock for a few moments - college has consumed so much of my life I don't remember half the person I am outside of it now. What am I into? What do I enjoy? Who do I want to be presented as/what kind of character am I in this film of a life?
What's out there to explore and try besides new hard seltzers and TikTok trends? What do I want to spend a Saturday doing besides working or bullshitting an essay? How do I spend a Sunday afternoon besides recovering from a hangover?
It feels like I've become such a shell of a person for the sake of this college degree. I just had a conversation about my favorite color with one of my friends in photography class - we both love the periwinkle color-range. But I seriously can't remember the last time I shared that little bit of personal interest with someone; when I started college, my favorite color was purple - just like it was in preschool. But then it became blue/periwinkle - really it's been blue/periwinkle for years now but that was my sister's color for a while so I couldn't entertain it, and nobody seemed to care about that little fact either. I felt liberty in deciding that my official favorite color is now periwinkle/blue, but I didn't have a context to share that information - what did that have to do with being an ideal candidate for social media management or proving how I'm capable of succeeding in law school?
What is my life besides how I act at a party and what I want in a career or how I feel about abortion rights and trans people? Filling out that Google form, I realized that over the past 2/3 years, I haven't given much thought to myself - my likes and dislikes, my hobbies and passions; professors and classmates wanted to hear about that during orientation but now it's not important, not for full-time adult stuff I guess.
I hope that during my interim year before law school, I can better describe myself. I want a better grasp of who I am and what I enjoy; I want to remember funny stories and have a favorite food and a favorite actor and a favorite muscian/artist and a list of things I enjoy doing that can occupy my Saturday and a new movie or new album to look forward to. I want to fill out a Google Form and feel like I know myself and can represent myself well to attract the crowd I prefer and thrive with - and not fear an oncoming identity crisis.
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dduerksen · 1 year
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Today’s jam #thrice #identitycrisis https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnlPOFvceu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sadagarkalai · 1 year
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This is SADAGAR KALAI, a potential diplomat of India at Best Diplomats Thailand to be held in Bangkok from 28th April to 1st May, 2023. Join me and 200 other Young Leaders from diverse nations to help us craft Future Diplomats. #BestDiplomats #UnitedNations #UN #modelunitednations #mun #ayimun #awmun #youth #youthleader #youthpower #identitycrisis #diversity #munconference #conferenceinthailand #conferenceinbangkok #internationalrelations #internationalmun #internationalconference #futureleadersmun #arabyouthmun #worldyouthmun #asiaworldmun #africaworldmun https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiDA3spdSu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unicornashes · 1 year
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I had a bizarre rapport with this mirror and spent a lot of time gazing into the glass to see who was there….. #identitycrisis #pics #portraitphotography #portrait (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CofHdBOPTW5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waynelvslcy · 1 year
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Happy 70th Birthday to Lucy and Desi's $50,000,000 baby, Desi Arnaz Jr! The viewing public often blurred the lines between TV and reality with regards to the identity of Little Ricky mostly because Desi Jr's actual birth coincided with the birth of Little Ricky (played by Keith Thibodeaux in later years) on television. This confusion by the public eventually led to an identity crisis for the junior Arnaz. “I had this identity problem, and it wasn’t helped by people calling me Little Ricky, a name I learned to despise. I remember wanting rather desperately to be better at something – anything – than the boy who played Little Ricky. For a while, it seemed as if everything in my life was connected to Little Ricky’s.”—Desi Arnaz Jr. #lucilleball #desiarnaz #desiarnazjr #littlericky #ilovelucy #childactors #identityproblems #despised #resentment #friendship #dinahshore #keiththibodeaux #identitycrisis #famouschildren #drummer #childdrummer #happybirthday #waynelvslcy https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmpWGaOT6f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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