#Ice Beam Ltd
miketendo-64 · 5 months
[EXPlay] Make Way | Nintendo Switch
Get ready to make way for #MakeWay on #NintendoSwitch. @jonathanober jumps into the driver's seat of this "Make your own way" style racer in his latest Explain & Play Review #EXPlay
Welcome to EXPlay, (Explain & Play) the review series where we care not for scores but tell it how it is when it comes to every game we get our hands on, whilst also taking the time to include some lengthy gameplay, to give you the reader, the chance to shape your own impressions and views whilst watching and reading. In this explanatory review, we’re covering Make Way by developer Ice Beam…
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bizworldinsights · 3 months
 Automotive Wiper 
The Automotive Wiper market is estimated to exceed US$ 3.410 million in 2019, exhibiting a robust CAGR of 6.3% from 2018 to 2028. Windscreen wipers play a vital role in removing rainwater, snow, and dirt from the windshield, making them an essential component in four-wheelers. The sales of automotive wipers are directly linked to the sales of new four-wheelers, and the aftermarket segment further drives the sales of windscreen wipers. On average, a car undergoes replacement two to three times in its lifespan, leading to increased relative sales of automotive wipers with the rise in global four-wheeler sales.
To read more about the topic please visit site: https://bekryl.com/industry-trends/automotive-wiper-market-share-analysis
In 2018, approximately 78.6 million cars were sold, and the cumulative car sales since 2014 exceeded 310 million. The automotive industry is poised for sustained growth, significantly impacting the overall sales of automotive wipers worldwide. The increasing prominence of SUVs, accounting for almost one-third of total car sales in 2018, offers a substantial addressable revenue opportunity for wiper manufacturers, especially with the majority of SUVs being equipped with rear wipers.
Global Automotive Wiper Market Size and Forecast: Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific Dominates: The Asia Pacific emerged as the dominant market for automotive wipers, contributing to 43% of global sales in 2018. The region's higher sales are attributed to the increased number of four-wheeler sales, coupled with robust aftermarket sales. Additionally, Asia Pacific is witnessing impressive double-digit growth in electric car sales, creating a significant market opportunity for industry players. The favorable ecosystem, driven by the potential replacement of conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) cars with electric cars, is expected to generate substantial incremental revenue during the forecast period. The aging car fleets in the region also drive the demand for new wiper installations.
Western Europe Stands Out: Following Asia Pacific, Western Europe is a significant market, with Germany holding the highest share in the region. The country's high sales of automotive vehicles, especially premium cars, and the emergence of a connected car ecosystem have created a favorable market environment. The rise of autonomous and electric cars further propels the automotive wiper market in Western Europe.
Global Automotive Wiper Market Size and Forecast: Competition Landscape
The industry is highly competitive, featuring numerous midsize and sizable enterprises. Companies predominantly focus on direct marketing and associations with parent companies to enhance windshield wiper sales.
Key Players in the Automotive Wiper Market:
Robert Bosch GmbH
Mitsuba Corp.
DENSO Corporation
Hepworth and Company Limited
AM Equipment
Federal Mogul Motorparts LLC
Nippon Wiper Blade Co., Ltd.
Magneti Marelli S.p.A.
TEX Automotive Ltd.
Industry Segmentation
By Vehicle Type:
Gasoline-Based Vehicles
Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Electric Vehicles
Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Solar Vehicles
By Product Type:
Standard Blade
Beam Blade
Hybrid Blade
By Distribution Channel:
0 notes
storybookwolf · 4 years
Halfway There
[My contribution for @jancyweek2020 day 2. There were two possible themes: Dor (the heartbreak and sense of longing you feel because you’re separated from your love) and Reunion (an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation). I started writing this as a reunion story, but a lot of dor crept in there. Reunions can be very sweet when you know they are only temporary! 
NB: Greenville is one of the most common town names in the US. I haven’t attempted to guess where the Byers now live – all I know is it’s a long way away!]
Nancy really wished she’d had a second coffee at that diner.
Yes, the first one had been disgusting – it tasted burnt, left a gritty residue coating her teeth and tongue, and was served in a chipped, ancient mug. But coffee meant caffeine, which meant energy. And she was feeling a severe lack of energy now, two hours after leaving that roadside diner and following the highway through indistinguishable, nondescript towns and fields. Her eyeballs were starting to hurt.
Jonathan was right about this being the maximum any sane person would want to drive in a day. When he’d told her how far away he was moving, she’d been full of confidence that she could tackle any distance if he was at the other end of it. But the reality of hours and hours behind the wheel was proving her wrong. Her leg kept cramping, the tape deck had eaten the roadtrip mixtape Jonathan had sent her, and she desperately needed to pee (another coffee would only have made that worse, so maybe it was just as well she’d stopped at one).
But she was nearly there. She only had to keep it together for another twenty minutes or so and it would all be worth it. She’d arrive in Greenville, a town that was just as nondescript as all the ones she’d driven through en route, but which had one very important thing going for it: it was roughly halfway between Hawkins and the town where Jonathan now lived.
The Byers had stopped at a motel there when they left Hawkins back in October. Joyce had taken a book of matches from the front desk, and seeing it sitting by an ashtray in their new kitchen sparked a plan in Jonathan’s mind. They were too far apart for study sessions, or going to each other’s proms, or any normal teenage date. But what if they could each get away from their families and schools and jobs for one weekend? A motel halfway between two small towns could be their little oasis. So Nancy had hit the road early on a Saturday morning, her mother pressing Tupperware full of chocolate chip cookies into her hands (Jonathan’s favourites) and her father sternly warning her about road safety.
When you factored in all the time spent driving there today, and the time it would take to drive home tomorrow, they wouldn’t actually have that long together. It was going to be worth it though, to see him. She needed to be with him, a longing so intense that it still shocked her, even though she’d been living with it for months. It was a need to have sex with him, obviously (they definitely weren’t getting a double room this time), but it wasn’t only that. More than anything, she just needed to be near him. She felt safe and comfortable with him in ways that were impossible when they were apart.
There was so much that she wanted to talk to him about, but also a few topics that she knew they would just skirt around. The biggest one, of course, was that graduation was around the corner, and they hadn’t decided what came next. That Nancy was desperate to get away to college, to start a new life completely free of interdimensional monster and government conspiracies and small-town small-mindedness. That Jonathan wanted all that too but couldn’t afford it. Couldn’t leave his family, who were dependent on him. (Didn’t want to leave his family, who he was dependent on. Neither of them had ever said that part out loud.)
Nancy didn’t want any of that to impinge on these few hours that they were going to have together. So she would bite her tongue, choose different topics, or just make sure that their lips were otherwise occupied. Reality could wait for a little bit longer.
A faded billboard announced Rest Easy Motel next left – colour tv, ice, kitchenette. She glanced at her eyes in the visor mirror, relieved to see that her eye makeup had largely survived the journey. Not that Jonathan would care; she could have rolled straight out of bed into the car and he’d still be happy to see her.
The car park was fuller than she’d expected, but she managed to manoeuvre her mom’s station wagon into a space. She got out of the car, and was still scanning the lot for a rusted LTD when she heard his voice. ‘Nancy!’
She turned to see Jonathan emerging from reception, room key in one hand. Her heart quickened as he jogged towards her. His hair was longer, he was wearing a jacket she didn’t recognise, and he was beaming at her, looking more relaxed and happy than she’d ever see him before.
Meeting him halfway across the car park, she launched herself at him, and he kissed her with an intensity that rivalled that night at Murray’s. When they stopped to catch their breath, he stroked her face gently and gave that familiar half-smile that took her breath away.
‘Hey,’ he said. ‘I’ve missed you.’
Less than twenty-four hours later, Nancy was back behind the wheel of her mom’s Mercury and on her way back to Hawkins.
Their one night together had been perfect. It was exactly what she needed. She’d spent the night in Jonathan’s arms, she’d vented to him about everything from the annoying jocks in her homeroom to how much her mom was drinking, and he’d made her laugh and believe that everything would be okay.
So why was there an ache in her chest that grew more intense with each mile that ticked over on the odometer? It was as though this lightning-fast reunion with Jonathan had just reminded her how much she missed him. She’d been in a desert for months, parched and dehydrated. Now she’d had a few drops of water – and instead of quenching her thirst, they’d made her whole body cry out for more.
They were both busy (him especially), so it would be a while before they could do this again. She knew they’d get through it, like they had so far. But god, she wished they didn’t have to.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Medieval church ruins found with 'witch marks' removed for a high-speed rail
Medieval church ruins found with 'witch marks' removed for a high-speed rail
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Learning no lessons from horror films of yore, Britain has plans for a high-speed rail project that will lay tracks over the ruins of a medieval church. And, apparently, the project has run into some trouble with witches and dark spirits.
According to archaeologists working at Stoke Mandeville, a village that lies in the path of the proposed railway, an early excavation of the site’s 700-year-old church revealed stone beams etched with strange circular patterns known as “witch marks.”
These markings, which look like the spokes of a wheel with a hole drilled into the center, were created to “ward off evil spirits by entrapping them in an endless line or maze,” project officials wrote in a statement.
Michael Court, lead archaeologist at HS2 Ltd (the company behind the rail project), said the unusual markings offer a “fascinating insight into the past” at a site that has long been lost to history.
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Other ‘witch mark’ found among the ruins of St Mary. (HS2 Ltd)
The church in question, named St. Mary’s, was erected around 1070 as a private chapel for the lord of Stoke Mandeville in what is now Buckinghamshire, England, according to the statement. The church building was expanded in the 1340s to accommodate local villagers, then ultimately demolished in the 1860s when a new church popped up closer to town.
Yet during the first excavation of the site, the HS2 team found many sections of the medieval building to be in surprisingly good condition, with walls surviving to a height of almost 5 feet (1.5 meters) and floors intact.
The witch marks were carved into two different stones, one sitting at ground level and the other higher up. Given the location of the ground-level stone, the radial pattern wasn’t likely used as a sundial, something that is typically found near the southern doors of medieval churches, the archaeologists said.
Similar witch markings have turned up at medieval sites across the U.K., including a set discovered last year at Creswell Crags, a limestone gorge and cave complex that has been inhabited on and off since the last ice age.
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CG rendering of what St Mary’s looked like 700 years ago. (HS2 Ltd)
The markings are typically etched into stones near doorways, windows, and fireplaces to keep spirits away. 
The markings did not save St. Mary’s from its ultimate destruction. But with the scrawled stones still intact, modern witches keen on trying the new high-speed train may need to reroute their travels away from Stoke Mandeville.
This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.
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Wardog’s Fic Masterpost
You can find nearly all fics through my AO3 account, but here’s a list of links!
IronStrange- Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
Wishes (Better Left Ungranted)
General-  Tony makes a few wishes, but some are better left ungranted.
‘Till Then
Mature- Stephen Strange is trying to work at Kamar-Taj when his boyfriend texts him... from his Malibu bed. Stephen opens a portal to talk to him about it and they wind up, not really talking about it. ( Tony Stark Bingo Explicit Card A4 KINK: Masturbation)
The Theory of Magic (Series)
General- A get together series in which Stephen Strange has a crush and actually makes a movie. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
Remind Me
Study and Practice
Burden of Proof
Absence Makes the Heart
Time Heals All (Series)
General- Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are married. A little Team Cap antagonistic. Part 3 is a little Dark!IronStrange.
What the Doctor Ordered
Cloak and Dagger
Break Rules (Not Oaths)
IronPanther- Tony Stark x T’Challa
Hot Chocolate
General- (Fluff and Flirting)- So a combination of a prompt and a ship. From jacarandabanyan "Hot Chocolate" and bash-it-all's "IronPanther".
WinterHawk- James Barnes x Clint Barton
Nesting On Knives (Series)
Teen- Tumblr Prompt: 1.“Would you ever write WinterHawk?<3″ . Birthday Fic + Tumblr Prompt: All Avengers, clock, poking (+ Tony Stark) 1. Well-Armed (To Hold) 2. A Meddling Affection
WinterIron- James Barnes x Tony Stark
Children of Light
General to Teen- Slowbuild to WinterIron. Deals with the Death of JARVIS, the first activation of FRIDAY, and JARVIS’s eventual resurrection. (Note that J is the “Major Character Death” referenced.) This is angsty because I have FEELINGS about the loss of JARVIS and the fact that we never mourned him in MCU. Stories and Series ongoing.
Son of Stark
To Lose a Child
A Child’s Initiative
I Will Always Find You
General- Tony as Snow White, Bucky as Prince Charming in an AU snippet of OUAT.
Collision With a Dream
General- Bucky's walking along arguing about Russian Lit when he literally runs over his dream guy. Tasha does what she usually does, she makes it worse. That's alright, Tony's apparently the forgiving sort.
(You Wanna) Date My Dad
General- Featuring Harley Keener! "Would you ever write a fic where Bucky meets Harley?"
To Cure a Hangover (You Need Espresso and a Date)
General- Prompt: "Would you ever write: WinterIron with age difference? Like teacher!Bucky with Student!Tony? :P"
I Was Promised a Flying Car
General- Prompt: Would you ever write a fic where Tony and Bucky is bonding over being nerds/loving science? (And doing all kinds of wacky, mythbuster-esque experiments that Tony whips up any time Bucky begins a sentence with "I wonder what would happen if...?")So it's not "science" driven, but science nerd Bucky did spend his last night before deployment at the Stark Expo, staring at a flying car...
Mechanics, Millionaires, Models & More
General- Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are friends from childhood. When Tony as a single dad catches the eye of the model James Barnes, there’s some mutual Instagram-Stalking and a lot of flirting.
Tony’s First Friend
Coping for An Age
(Walk Walk) Fashion Baby
Milkshakes and Motorcycles
Teen- Bucky, second to the Captain for the Howling Commandos, hears a scuffle around the corner and finds himself with an armful of just about the prettiest little lost lamb he's ever seen. Since Tony don't seem too keen on his now-ex, Bucky's gonna buy him a milkshake, wrap him in a leather jacket, and hopefully show him a good time.
Coffee, Curses, Kisses
General- Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.) (This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 S4: FIRST KISS)
Riding Roughshod
Teen- The Heroic Captain America wakes up in a world that is integrated far beyond what he would have dreamed of when he went into the ice, though he never expected to be a part of it. A pioneer of mixed-race teams back in his own day, the last thing he expects is to be called upon to do so once again, this time gathering a group of heroes from some rather unlikely places. If that weren't enough to worry about, there's a wild-card Soldier with a familiar fighting style making trouble at top-security bases all over the world... and a shiny red and gold suit that doesn't seem to answer to anyone. That's to say nothing of the kid genius that's supposedly behind it. ( This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 R4: Centaurs / This is a Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 K3: Tony Stark/ Iron Man)
Love Like Knives
Mature- Winter wakes up Tony when he wants someone to play rough with.This is a Bingo Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019- U4: [Image: Winter Soldier holding a knife.]
California Dreamin’ A Beach Bums Verse
Teen- Note: A Special Collaboration Series! This is a WinterIron get together with puns, angst, fluff and more! Note that some fics may include Losers crossover characters! Also make sure to read my partner maevee’s stories!
Don’t Tell (Secrets) -Losers Crossover Fic
(Everyday Is A) Winding Road - Losers Crossover Fic
Mai Tai (Offer You A Drink) 
When You Wish Upon A Stark -Maevee
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bucky -Maevee!
Teen-James Barnes, the Winter Soldier, has been out of the ice and Hydra’s hands for a month the first time he hears a familiar voice. (A SoulMate AU)
True, Strong and Brave
Teen- Bucky Barnes moves into the tower and receives help from an otherwise elusive Iron Man. But when the team gets called out and things go wrong, Steve gets a reality check as to what has been done in his name. Bucky steps up, he's one of the few who can. (Team Cap Critical; Anti-Wanda)
General- From a Prompt on Tumblr: Random Sentence- “I’ll do it for you.”
(Were) Whisperer
Mature- In a world where Aliens rain destruction from portals through space, ancient Gods arrive on beams of light, and a certain Billionaire Philanthropist darts around the world in a metal suit: there really is a very high bar for what is considered "weird". Shapeshifters hardly register, having been long known. You’re either a Human, a Were, or a Whisperer. Most people can prove whether they’re the first or the second, a few will lie about being the third. Alternately, there's Tony. Tony Stark is one of the few people pretending the first and burying the third, and he’s more or less in the clear with it until Steve Rogers catches up with the Winter Soldier, and brings him home to Avengers Tower. Tony doesn’t have to say a word, the Wolf knows differently.
An Attraction
Jurassic World AU-  Write... a crossover/au of the last non-marvel movie you saw and marvel (if ships, winteriron?). Essentially Jurassic World & Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Snippets with WinterIron. Originally Posted on Tumblr: Expansion Pack for AO3 Rolling Out Now!
Next Year Will Be Better
General- Just a quick story for Tony’s birthday. Pre-Slash Tony Stark/James Barnes, and Tony acting as IronDad to the Spider Son and his Potato Gun Son.
Let’s Go Dancing
General- This is a Marvel Universe-Center Stage Fusion AU that no one asked for and everyone is getting anyway. Tony dances for the American Ballet Company as their featured ballerino, performing under the name Antonio Carbonell. James and Steve are two of the ABC’s newest students, and James gets a chance to meet his crush on his first day. Just his luck, Tony is even better in person. (Natalia may have been setting them up all along.) This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019- S1: Dancing
The B Team
Teen- Pepper Potts has had a long day that isn’t over yet, as Phil Coulson has just arrived on the doorstep of Tony’s Malibu Mansion to discuss Iron Man joining a new team. In most instances, it wouldn’t be enough to let him in the door, except he’s brought James Barnes along with him. Of course, he was probably expecting that James would be helping them talk business… But all the Soldier seems to want to do is get busy. (WinterIronWeek Day1/ TSB S2: [Image: Tony Stark working on IM in Workshop]) 
General- Tony has just started prep work to remove the old arm and install the new one he's built, and already James is impatient. Or maybe he just wants to needle his boyfriend a little? Tony gets pretty cute when he's annoyed. (WinterIronWeek Day 2)
A Second Take, A First Impression
General- A drunk Tony Stark meets his Soulmate at a college party, but James is a gentleman (and Rhodey is scary) so nothing can happen until they’re sober. Tony wakes up at an ungodly hour of the morning, confused at his current predicament, and meets his (very attractive, very shirtless) Soulmate all over again. (He wishes he could forget all of this.) (WinterIronWeek Day 3)
Hunting For (You)
General- The Soldier has cleared the last of his required therapies, been gifted a new arm, and turned loose. The first thing he wants is to show Tony, up close and personal. Of course, there's a certain winged pest that is going to interrupt. (WinterIronWeek Day5)
WinterWidow/RussianRoulette- James Barnes x Natasha Romanova
No Fics Currently
Stony- Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
A Guardian of Light
Teen- a.k.a. that time Steve sank the Valkyrie in the Arctic and became a spirit-walking wolf to guide Tony, at Frigga’s suggestion.
Shield Studios Ltd.
General Audiences- All the Avengers in a non-powered voice-acting AU for an animated show called "Assemble" staring their Marvel counterparts. Tony/Steve have a mutual admiration/crush but it's not actually romantic and can be read as gen.
Phil’s Failed Plan
You’re Welcome to Try
The Vague & The Unmistakable
General Audiences- Looking back on it, there are several things that should have tipped Steve off that today was his Birthday. (Starting with the fact that it's suddenly clear Tony engineered every one of them.)
Stucky- Steve Rogers x James Barnes
No Fics Currently
Stuckony- Steve Rogers x James Barnes x Tony Stark
On The Wing
Teen- A Wing AU for Stuckony. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
(I’ll) Be Good
Mature- So when the tumblr prompt "Would you ever write...ABO winterironshield with alpha Tony?" meets my Kink Card S2 Square "Alpha/Beta/Omega Society" this is where we end up.
Allergic to Coddling
From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Tony Stark having an allergic reaction to something and the rest of the Avengers babying him to the point of ridiculousness because they just love him so much?" Sort of Stuckony, sort of Everyone is Poly Because Avengers? Your choice.
Poly Avengers- Everyone Loves Everyone
Everybody Loves Me
From the Prompt: "Would you ever write a TonyXEveyone fic? Not exactly everyoneXeveryone, but everyone *in love* with Tony only?" Note this is a Partial Fill which may be expanded on later. Featuring Tales of Suspense Hawkeye/Comic Clint Barton, aka deaf and a dumpster kid until the end.
Non Romantic- No Shipping
Shut UP, Bucky!
Teen-  From the hellscape of Discord Discussions I bring you: QueenWuppy: "During World War II condoms were not only distributed to male U.S. military members, but enlisted men were also subject to significant contraception propaganda in the form of films, posters, and lectures. A number of slogans were coined by the military, with one film exhorting "Don't forget — put it on before you put it in." "guys i was doing research and and steve and bucky were subjected to this". AKA Bucky makes SO MANY COMMENTS about Super Soldier Sized Protection. So many.
The Most Powerful (Pillowfight)
General-  In which Carol and Tony (aggressively) support each other and then do battle (with pillows) for their honor. Or each other's honor? It's unclear, things got out of control. (James Rhodes loves these idiots way too much.) (This is a fill for the TSB 2019 Square: T2: A BATTLE/FIGHT/CONFRONTATION)
We Can’t Plot Murder All The Time
General Audiences- From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Deadpool/Tony (IronPool? DeadMan? IronDead? Dunno their ship name :b)" AN: I don’t ship them so this is a non-romantic.
The Losers
A Touch of Grace
Gen to Teen- Cougar has a bad feeling right before the Fadhil operation, and he admonishes Jake to be careful. Jake mostly pays attention, but Cougs is pretty distracting. (Slight D/s tones and Subspace.)
If I Touch You, Will You Listen? (Cougar’s POV)
If I Listen, Will You Touch Me? (Jensen’s POV)
Tag (You’re It)
Teen-  Jake hacks a new system for the express purpose of getting the Losers prank dog tags printed and delivered. Mostly because his Unit is full of people that make bad decisions, himself included. And also? To flirt with Cougar. Jake is willing to do stupid, stupid things in order to flirt with Cougar.
You And Tequila (Make Me Crazy)
Teen (and Up)- Fortalvarez Tequila is a family business that's been in operation for a hundred and fifty years. Currently, under the management of the family matriarch Constanza, the business will soon be passed to her beloved grandson Carlos. The problem is, Constanza does not care for modern technology or the fact that all of her grandbabies (but especially her favorite) are single. Her solution is a single advertisement for a new Social Media Expert, which is about to be answered by the very handsome (and rather impulsive) Jake Jensen. 
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hookaroo · 5 years
Vocivore, Ltd. (17 of ?)
Also on FFN and AO3 (still need to update there!) (ListerofTardis)
Tagging @ouatwinterwhump, @killian-whump, @cocohook38, @killianjonesownsmyheart1, and @courtorderedcake <3
****ALSO!!!!!!!!!!!!Chapter 12 animation and art that will absolutely astound you!!! THANK YOU MY WONDERFUL COCONUT FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!*************
Present (Thursday)...
Many years ago, before swearing off alcohol for good, Jones had once gotten so drunk that he’d slipped on a steep trail to the beach and slid the rest of the way down, tumbling and bouncing nearly 12 meters before landing among the rocks below. Waking from that little mishap probably had the edge over how he was feeling this morning… but not by much.
Jones gritted his teeth, knowing that shifting positions on the couch would drive a stake straight through his chest and out the other side, as it had done all night long.
“Sorry to wake you,” murmured Alice from somewhere nearby. “We’re off, though, and I wanted…”
She broke off, and Jones dragged one bleary eye open to see the anxiety on her face as she glanced at Robin. “Do you think I should stay?”
“No,” grunted her father. He considered trying to sit up but knew he’d probably only manage to compound Alice’s worry. “Cap’n Smee needs you as rascal wrangler.”
Even clearing his gravelly throat felt like someone stabbing him with an electric screwdriver. Squinting in the direction of the coffee table, Jones was met with the sight of his water glass moving toward his face. Alice held the straw as she offered it to him.
“Postpone, then. We could call everyone. Tell them we need another day to prepare.”
“Please, love,” he wheezed. “Don’t endanger them on my account.”
Jones was mostly successful at hiding a wince as he took the water glass from his daughter. She bit her lip but seemed to concede the point. From the table behind her, Alice produced a pill organizer, saying,
“I saw how hard it is for you to open your medicine bottles, so we thought this would be helpful.” She shook it and the resulting rattle made her grin. “All set up for you, see? It’s even got a divider for morning and night.”
She held it out for him, and after securing the water at his side, Jones gingerly accepted.
“Thank you. That was very thoughtful of you.”
Alice beamed at him, glanced at the clock, then said,
“Suppose it’s about time for your next dose; want to see if you can get it open?”
Jones humored her and pressed the tab that popped the Thursday, AM lid, but said,
“I should probably wait until I’ve had some breakfast.”
“Oh yes! Well, there’s porridge, or maybe you’d like some toast…”
“Later,” he said. “I promise you I can still operate a toaster.”
Robin moved closer then, clutching an ice pack. “Aunt Regina said to tell you that if you need anything, to just call and she’ll be right over.”
“Thank you.” He rested the pill box on his abdomen, slowly reached up, and took the ice from his daughter-in-law. Very carefully, he held it against his swollen cheek, which had nearly obstructed the vision in that eye and was currently throbbing at jig tempo. “I wouldn’t want to pull her from the search, though.”
Robin and Alice exchanged a glance.
“Oh,” said Robin. “I guess no one told you. They found Emma’s car last night.”
“Car?” repeated Jones, thoroughly confused. “Found it where?”
“At the edge of town,” Alice sighed. “Near the monster's territory; no surprise there.”
Quietly, Robin added,
“It seems Killian took Emma’s keys when he left the hospital.”
“Then what the bloody hell were we doing scouring the streets of Storybrooke all afternoon?” Jones glanced around in search of his phone, then realized he had left it plugged in on the kitchen counter. If he’d gotten any messages about the situation, he may not have heard them.
“Apparently, she didn’t notice,” said Robin.
“She is a bit preoccupied,” Alice added, her eyes sad.
“Anyway, this all went down after my aunt dragged your sorry butt back here, but once the car was found, Emma basically just called off the search. No point now; he’s back out of reach again.”
Jones just stared at Robin for a moment, bewildered by this turn of events. True, Emma had been emotional and likely not thinking clearly when she’d leapt through the hospital window in pursuit of her husband. She may have even been dealing with the aftereffects of being knocked unconscious--though she wouldn’t admit it--so it was understandable for her to have overlooked her missing keys. For a little while, anyway. But after hours and hours on foot… wouldn’t the idea of driving as an easier alternative have crossed her mind at least once? She didn’t realize then that the keys were gone?
And then, upon finding the car, to give up immediately? It all seemed very strange to Detective Jones. He’d come to know Emma rather well in the past three years, and she wasn’t the sort to be so easily beaten. Was it possible that the loss of her daughter, and then her husband, had changed her so much?
Or could the monster's influence be tainting her actions somehow?
A chime sounded from Robin’s phone. She checked the screen with a grimace. “We’d better go. We’re already late.”
Alice made a small whine of distress and threw herself down on her knees beside her father. “You’ll be okay, won't you? You won’t get taken over by the mind control too?” She reached for his hand. “Maybe you could come with us on the cruise! We packed some extra supplies, and I have experience going hungry if it comes to that…”
Painfully, Jones gripped her hand and brought it to his cheek in as much of a hug as he could manage. “Don’t worry about me, Starfish. I’m in no danger lying here on this bloody couch.” He placed a kiss on her knuckles, released her hand, then reached up to caress her face. “I’m sure we’ll have a breakthrough soon. Someone will find a solution and then everyone can come home, safe and sound.”
Alice sniffled and then smiled bravely. “We all have our roles to play, yes? Mine and Robin’s is to help with the kids, and yours… is to stay right here on this couch for the next month until you’re all healed up.”
She patted the cushion for emphasis, and Jones nodded ruefully.
“You are absolutely correct.”
Uncertainty crossed Alice’s face as a gathering cloud. “And where does the worry fit in?”
“Worry has its role too,” he admitted. “It’s an unavoidable part of love.”
Alice gently rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ll miss you, Papa.”
“Likewise. Be careful out there.”
“We will. Maybe our phones will work this time. Or in an emergency, we have that radio gadget on board.”
“Good. Speaking of phones, would you mind fetching mine here?”
Alice jumped to her feet, but Robin was already on it. She lay the device on the coffee table, reached down for a farewell squeeze of Jones’ hand, then headed for the door.
“I’m gonna go start the car. Feel better soon, Pops.”
After taking one reluctant step in that direction, Alice returned to her father’s side for one more gentle hug goodbye.
“I love you, Starfish.”
“I love you, Papa.”
Eventually, Alice gathered enough courage to scamper out the door, leaving Jones alone with his thoughts and his pain.
Holding the ice pack in place, he growled and snatched the phone off the table. Regina had texted him the developments, including a photo of the yellow Bug on the side of the road. The car’s passenger side bore minor scratches from the tree against which it had come to rest. From its reported position, Jones calculated the distance to the boundary at which guard slaves would start to appear: approximately a four-hour walk for someone in perfect health. If Emma had not inexplicably called off the search, they may have had enough time to catch up to a slowly moving Killian before he reached it, depending on when the car had been discovered.
But now? Twelve hours later? Jones had a fairly good idea of Killian’s whereabouts.
It didn’t bear thinking about.
Master rarely ventured forth from its compound. There was little need, as it had everything required for survival: its slaves, its Voices, eyes and ears to the surrounding kingdoms. Every requirement, every desire easily fulfilled by a simple directive to one of its limitless supply of minions eager to comply.
It wasn't that Master would be in any danger. It knew all. It could sense approaches. Any remote threat would quickly be extinguished by some of its more expendable slaves long before coming anywhere near Master’s location. So its reclusive nature had more to do with conserving energy.
But this day, Master had a craving. Easily satisfied, and soon, yet the object of that craving seemed hesitant to appear. Despite the sense of lethargy pinpointing his location, Master was in no mood to be merciful. Patience was a virtue not commonly practiced by the monster. It saw no reason to begin now.
Six crustacean legs picked their way through rotting leaves and bone dry pine needles, sometimes sinking deep into the spongy earth, yet never causing a stumble or slowing of pace. In fact, the dozen barefoot slaves accompanying their Master had much more trouble in that regard. Their frequent tumbles to the forest floor mingled with early morning birdsong to provide a jarring marching cadence for the trek. Fixated on the presence hidden somewhere nearby, Master ignored the ruckus. Soon. Soon it would be sated.
An unremarkable brush pile called out to Master, a mess of pine boughs and withered leaves gathered at the base of a tree a hundred paces ahead. Any other being may have overlooked it as a natural occurrence. But outward appearances could not deceive Master’s focused mind. He was under there, the prize, his flavor sharpening with increasing proximity. Master’s spindly legs quickened as its whole being pulsed with need. Its contingent of followers were hard-pressed to keep up. One by one, they dropped back until their Master had a sizeable lead.
The crab-like creature could build up to an impressive velocity with proper motivation. Top speeds required a 90-degree rotation for sideways travel, which Master normally found to be quite undignified. But this close to its quarry, dignity took lowest priority. Master's leading set of legs plowed into the brush pile like a tsunami, sending sticks, leaves, and soil exploding in all directions. The tree trunk was the only thing halting the creature's forward momentum; without its presence, Master would likely have skidded several yards beyond its target and been required to backtrack. As soon as it centered its balance over the pile, its hands, claws, and tentacles were tearing violently at the brush.
The pile stirred. Not only from Master’s frantic digging, but underneath. A flash of skin, the slightest hint of faded gray and blue. Then there came a faint groan. Hearing that Voice again, even on the very edges of perception, sent a quiver of ecstasy to the center of Master’s being. It was not enough; not loud enough, not strong enough. Not soon enough. Master’s indiscriminate pincer dove to the very depths of the pile and clamped with the force of a crocodile’s snapping jaws. Chitin grated against bone, warm, sticky blood drizzled onto leaf litter. Debris shifted, feeble grunts tickled Master’s core with delight, but did not satisfy.
In frustration, Master shifted its claw, altering the angle until a second deep laceration intersected the first.
“Come awake, my Tripod,” hissed the creature as it continued brushing all cover from the battered body beneath. Hopelessly squirming against the vice mauling his left ankle, Tripod finally emerged from the makeshift nest, trying and failing to roll onto his back. The iron grip on his lower leg kept him firmly on his side. He sounded dazed as he breathed a tearful,
“My faithful one,” cooed a charmed Master, its pride over Tripod’s fortitude momentarily overcoming the yearning. “I watched them take you and despaired of your return.” Master yanked on the captive limb and reveled in the catch in Tripod’s breath. “None emerge from that place except as a corpse.”
A tentacle brushed stray soil from the patterned fabric riding high on one discolored hip.
“Did my Tripod miss me as thoroughly as I have missed him?”
It did not fail to notice Tripod’s efforts to pull away from the serpentine tentacle. And that was okay; even the most faithful avoided its touch while simultaneously surrendering their bodies and Voices to their Master’s benefit. The tentacle inched higher, the pincer ground against bone, and Tripod struggled for breath.
“Master,” he whispered, “please…”
Sharp armor slipped on blood, rending more flesh from bone. The slave voiced a feeble yelp and curled toward the mangled limb, but other, older injuries restricted his movement.
“You know what it is I require.”
Another tear slipped from Tripod’s eye as he nodded. Shuddering, the slave shifted his weight, trying to relieve the pressure on his joints.
“Not... Not here. Please,” he begged. The pincer tightened in displeasure; any harder and it might sever the foot entirely. Master’s tentacle slithered onward as it contemplated. Had the days of freedom somehow dulled this slave’s loyalty? Tripod whimpered, his hand balled into a tight fist.
“I may not make it back,” winced Tripod, and Master’s grip relaxed fractionally. Thinking practically, that was all. Good boy.
“No need to concern yourself.” Master stroked him. He groaned. “Your Master will carry you.”
Need swelled within. A delicate claw slipped beneath a silken thread placed into skin much more precisely than any Z could have mustered. In a concerning show of resistance, Tripod wriggled his arm out from underneath himself and reached up as if to shove away his Master’s hand. The attempt was easily overcome by a savage pinch to the wrist, drawing blood and a helpless whine. A mere appetizer. Not nearly enough. Master tore the first suture free, growling,
“Give yourself, Tripod. I must feed.”
Overall, Master had no cause for worry. Tripod had returned on his own, and even if his time among friends had temporarily weakened his loyalty, it would not take long to retrain him. The pincer shifted again, adding additional stripes to the flayed skin of Tripod’s ankle, and the monster shivered a satisfied smile at its slave’s reaction.
The favorite was back. And Master knew exactly how to make him scream.
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The Durian: Symbol Of Mystique
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You will only know what's inside the durian after you pried open the fruit and feast your eyes on the fleshy yellowish pulp. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Since many of the durian trees are very old and very tall, nets are erected beneath the trees to catch the ripe fruits and prevent them from splitting on impact with the hard ground. 22. When two hippos are about to fight, they point their anuses at each other, wag their stubby little tails vigorously, and flick feces at each other. Compared to the era of our parents' childhoods -- wedged between two world wars and chastened by The Great Depression -- ours was a lucky time to be a kid. Some new durian-lovers compared the durians to "cupcakes with icing on top". Actually this encounter with the durian is just the beginning of a truly intriguing adventure of discovery. 48. The English invented football (soccer in America) when kicking around the heads of slaughtered Danish invaders. Women invented all of them! Let me share an experience here. Updated on November 23, 2014 Pete Michner moreContact Author Here we go! A play on a word perhaps? Thanks so much for coming along and getting the answer with all of us. So informative. Thanks again! Thanks RunAbstract - nice to meet you by the way and I am already a fan/follower! Google is no longer a mere search engine! 1. Disconnect anger from violence. I just don't understand their attitudes anymore. Plus it is fun! LOL LOL a vibrating lower body . I do not refer to my list as a "bucket list". Arthouses international Co.,Ltd. was established in 1976. which has long estabished good reputation for manufacturing high quality of products exported globally. After renouncing his birthright to Greek royalty, Phillip's father in law, King George VI, bestowed him with the title of Philip Duke of Edinburgh on the day before the wedding.
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ptc-stress · 2 years
Test method for stress of monocrystalline sapphire ingot
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Sapphire is an important optical material, which has been widely used in many fields such as science and technology, national defense and civil industry. Due to the unique mechanical processing characteristics of sapphire crystal, the precision grinding and polishing technology of IC wafer processing can obtain ultra-precise nano-sized substrate wafers, which have been widely used in science and technology, national defense and civil industry, electronic technology and many other fields. As the largest application field of sapphire substrate wafers, LED chips have been widely used in the LED lighting industry, which has an important impact on the development of the sapphire industry.
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Using the stress viewer developed and manufactured by Suzhou PTC Optical Instrument Co., Ltd. to detect the sapphire ingot, the conoscopic pattern can be observed. The conoscopic pattern is composed of black crosses and concentric interference color circles. The interference color circle is centered on the intersection of the black cross (the dew point of the optical axis) and forms a concentric ring. The number of interference color circles depends on the size and thickness of the birefringence of the crystal. When the local regular structure of the crystal is destroyed, the generated stress changes the direction of the optical axis at this position. And when the beam passes through this position, the black cross in the obtained conoscopic pattern is deformed. Therefore, the stress of the crystal can be detected by observing the conoscopic pattern at each position of the crystal.
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architectnews · 3 years
Carlos Gris creates Malaysian-informed home in the Cambridgeshire Fens
Lightly charred timber clads the walls of Sayang House, a house conceived by designer Carlos Gris for an aunt who had returned to UK after 20 years abroad.
Gris designed the home for his aunt Gretta Funnell, who decided to leave her home in Malaysia and move to the Cambridgeshire Fens to be closer to her sister following the death of her husband.
The house is single-storey with a large roof terrace
Gris wanted to make connections to Asia in his design for Funnell's new home, a minimal building with glazed facades and an overhanging roof.
For the exterior walls, he specified a Japanese technique known as shou sugi ban, which involves charring the wood to give it texture and a natural layer of protection against decay.
The exterior is clad in wood that has been lightly charred
While this technique usually blackens the wood, here it gives the material a rich brown tone.
"We went for this brown coloured shou sugi ban and it really does sit it into the fen marshlands," said Carlos in a video about the house.
"I hope that it captures a serenity, a calmness that I think she'd been looking for," he said.
The charring technique, called shou sugi ban, helps to protect the wood
Sayang House featured in the recent series of UK television show Grand Designs.
It is built next door to the home of Gris' parents. In order to build it, the couple sold a portion of their land to Funnell.
Floor-to-ceiling glazing features in every room
The two buildings are distinctively different.
Gretta wanted a more modern, minimal design rather than a traditional English country house.
Mjölk Architekti updates Czech cottage with burnt-wood cladding and revamped interior
This led Carlos to design a simple, single-storey building topped by a large roof garden. Glazed walls at the front and back offer views of the large garden shared by the two homes.
"It's not trying to be something to grab attention. We wanted to sit it back and almost make it blend into the countryside," said Carlos.
The house contains three bedrooms
There are two guest bedrooms located at the front of the house, along with the main bathroom, a lounge and a boot room that helps to stop mud being trodden into the building.
The third and main bedroom is located at the back, where it boasts an en-suite bathroom and a view of the garden. Alongside it is the largest room in the house, a generous kitchen, dining space and living room.
A freestanding tub is the focal point in the main bathroom
A staircase tucked into the corner of the exterior leads up to the roof, which is expected to become an outdoor living room for the house.
"Whilst the property would appear very clean-lined, it also tries to blend into the vernacular of the fenland," said Carlos.
"The strong geometric roof parapet is a reflection of the long and flat horizons seen in the area."
The corridor faces out to a zen-style garden
Despite its simple form, Sayang House integrates various neat details.
The extra-tall front door is aligned with a view of a weeping willow tree in the garden, while the central corridor faces out to a zen-style garden.
The overhang of the roof creates a sheltered place to sit
Additionally, the overhang of the roof creates a sheltered plan to sit and enjoy the garden, even when it's raining.
"There's nothing unnecessary; everything is done with a purpose," added Carlos.
Other houses that have featured in Grand Designs include the Carl Turner-designed Slip House and Patrick Bradley's home built from shipping containers.
Photography is by Ed Reeve.
Project credits
Architecture: Carlos Gris Studio Project management: Fernando Gris Architectural detailing support: James Rixon, Tony Walton Engineer: JMS Engineers, Matt Greasley SIPS specialist: SIPS building Ltd, Andrew Gillet Steel specialist: Ian Cross Services (ICS) Glazing specialist- Maxlight Carpentry and Shou Sugi Ban cladding: Kings Carpentry Ltd, Phillip King Block and Beam: Kingspan Electrician: Theo Bailey Drains and septic: Drain Store Roofing: Kieran Harcourt Plasterer: Danny Hatley Heating: Eco Installer
The post Carlos Gris creates Malaysian-informed home in the Cambridgeshire Fens appeared first on Dezeen.
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pwlanier · 6 years
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Princess Elizabeth. 1950. Fishing trawler. Builder's full hull model of the 'Princess Elizabeth' (1950), a single screw trawler (powered fishing craft), built at a scale of 1:24. The model is decked, equipped and rigged. The hull is cutaway on the starboard side to show the fish holds, storerooms and engines. The model is inscribed with ‘Princess Elizabeth H135’ on the port and starboard bows, ‘H135’ on the port and starboard stern quarters and funnel and ‘Princess Elizabeth Hull’ is on the stern counter. Owned by the Hellyer Brothers Ltd, Hull, ‘Princess Elizabeth’ was 189 feet in length, 32 feet in the beam and had a gross tonnage of 810. Although one of the finest trawlers afloat at the time, the vessel was lost, together with another Hull trawler, in exceptional weather conditions north of Iceland, only five years after being built. They both capsized because of the mass of ice which had formed on their upper works during the gale. There is a graphic description of this loss, based on radio reports given by the ship up to the moment of capsize in ‘Posted Missing’ by Alan Villiers (1956), a former Trustee of the NMM. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.
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igoldenlaser · 3 years
Laser Marking Equipment Machine
3D Laser Marking Automation machine,Logo Printing Machine Laser Engraver for Metal/Plastic/Wood,All the machine can be customized according to your own requirements. Good price top quality fixed static 30w max fiber laser engraving marking  machine with CE. Support customized staring screen and logo, multiple language,For example the machine is designed with linear or carouse tool changer, the amount of head or spindle can be added, also the rotary device is allowed to be installed on the machine……All in all, all the specification of machine can be customized!!! Now just  click the following machine for more details!
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Jinan iGolden CNC Equipment Co.,Ltd. is a R&D,manufacturing,sales integration company that specializing in cnc router, laser engraving and cutting machine, plasma cutting machine, cutting plotter,etc.The main configuration all adopt top parts which imported from Italy, Japan,Germany,etc. And welcome to visit us for more choices.
Fiber laser marking is a technique which uses computer-controlled laser beam to leave permanent mark on the surface of various kinds of object. The working principle of fiber laser marking machine is to use light amplication to cause chemical effect or burn part of the material to mark letters, symbols, bar codes, and other graphics on an object.
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Fiber laser marking Features:
1.Adopts the USA RF laser generator, high speed scanning vibrating lens and extending focusing system, high precision, high speed.
2.Red light positioning system,ensure accurate positioning,avoid waste.
3.Professional marking software owns strong graphics drawing and editing funcion,enable direct marking of color graphic or marking after color convert from RGB to grey scale.
4.It is popular with it's high precision, high speed, carving depth of random control. It can be applied to a variety of non-metal engraving. No consumables, Marking clear, not easy to wear and tear.
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Fiber laser marking Sample & Application
CO2 marking machine Non-metal,fabric,leather,wooden packing,paper packing,acry;ic pipe,PET,plastic,som of the paint layer,ceramics,glassFiber marking machineOrdinary metal,rare metal and alloy,alloy powder,ceramic materials,after surface treatment of metal,oxides,plastics.polymers 3M label paper.Portable marking machineThis device can print the minium character height is 0.8mm-18mm,suit for cable,auto parts,cosmetics,pharmaceutical and some industries which need micro character in small product
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atomicdinosaurdonut · 3 years
Global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size is expected to be valued at USD 2.3 Billion by 2025, with a 3.72% CAGR during the forecast period
The report covers segmentation and drivers for a better glimpse of the market in the coming years. Automotive windshield washers have registered a significant growth in adoption rates over the past few years in developing nations, such as China, the US, Germany, and India, owing to the rising automotive production and growing automotive aftermarket. The growth of the global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size is driven by factors such as the increase in automotive sales across the globe. Furthermore, the increasing global pollution levels have also increased the demand for windscreen washers in the global market due to the increasing amount of particulate matter in the environment.
Competitive Analysis
Some of the key industry participants of the global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size are 3M (US), Total (France), Soft99 corporation (Japan), Recochem Inc. (Canada), Prestone Products Corporation (US), ITW Global Brands (US), Qwix Mix (US), Sonax GmbH (Germany), ACDelco (US), Japan Chemical Industries (Japan), and Guangzhou Botny Chemical Co., Ltd. (China). The global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size is characterized by the presence of many local, regional, and global vendors. The market is highly competitive, with all the players continually competing to gain a larger market share.  These market players are adopting growth strategies such as product developments and acquisitions to gain more market share. High competition, technological advancements, and integrated solutions by market players are the key factors that facilitate market growth. Vendors compete based on cost, product quality, and reliability. Players need to offer cost-effective and superior technology to succeed in the competitive market.
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Recochem Inc. launched a new Rain-X ClearView Windshield Washer Fluid to remove ice, bug splatter, and road grime from vehicle windshields. This development helped the company develop a new and improved product that can be used in winter.
ITW Global Brands launched the new Rain-X Silicone AdvantEdge Wiper Blade based on the advanced spring beam technology that allows the wiper to hug the curvature of the windshield for a smooth and quiet wiping of washer fluid. This development helped the company expand its product portfolio in the global market.
Prestone Products Corporation developed De-Icer Windshield Washer Fluid that ensures the windshield of the vehicle stays clear while driving in hazardous environments. It helps remove light ice/frost and protects windshields from deep freezing.
Segmental Analysis
Global Market for automotive windshield washers is segmented based on fluid type, vehicle type, and region. By fluid type, the global market is divided into anti-freeze, water-repellent, bug-repellent, and others. The anti-freeze segment is expected to register considerable share over the projected timeframe. Anti-freeze washer fluids contain ethylene glycol and improve visibility in cold and stormy weather by cleaning the windshield and melting ice with the help of the windshield wipers.
Based on vehicle type, the global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size is segmented into passenger cars, LCV, and HCV. The passenger car segment is expected to exhibit steady growth over the forecast period. By application, the global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size is segmented into OEM and aftermarket. The aftermarket segment will account for a substantial market share over the study period. Additionally, the increase in the presence of distributors, retailers, and online channel partners around the globe is expected to increase the scope for automotive parts sales. Thus, these factors help create opportunities for aftermarket players to cater to the growing needs of the automotive industry across the globe.
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Regional Analysis
Geographic analysis of the global Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size spans across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
Asia-Pacific accounted for a significant market share in 2019. The economy of Asia-Pacific has grown substantially in the last decade due to rapid industrialization. This factor has notably increased the use of automobiles for different purposes in the region due to the rising per capita income among individuals. Furthermore, due to the rapid industrialization in the region, large trucks are used to haul products to neighboring countries and ports. Windshield washers are extremely helpful during long hauls as they reduce the downtime for drivers on the road. These factors are likely to boost the demand for windshield washers in Asia-Pacific during the forecast period.
  In 2019, Europe held the second-largest share of the Automotive Windshield Washer Market Size. The use of automobiles in the region has been growing steadily due to the rising per capita disposable income among individuals. The use of windshield washers is expected to continue growing during this period as consumers are likely to refrain from visiting car washes due to the costly and time-consuming process. Thus, car owners are expected to stock up on windshield washers to keep their windscreen clean during their drives. Furthermore, car windscreens tend to get dirty regularly due to dirt and other contaminant particles on the road.
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Which segmentation (Product/     Capacity) is driving market?
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How are the key players in this     market?
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harsha23 · 3 years
3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects  Market 2021: Amkor Technology, Elpida Memory Inc, Ibm Corp, Intel Corporation, Micron Technology Inc
The Latest Report by Empirical Data Insights: Global 3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects Market 2021 Report furnishes key depth Resolution on the market status of the 3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects manufacturers with market size, revenue, growth, share, trends as well as industry cost structure compete in worldwide Market. This report helps to analyze top companies, regions, revenue, price, and also covers Industry sales channels, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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Company Profiles :
Amkor Technology, Elpida Memory Inc, Ibm Corp, Intel Corporation, Micron Technology Inc, Monolithic 3D Inc, Nec Electronics Corporation, Qualcomm Incorporated, Renesas Electronics Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, Sony, Statschip Pac, St Microelectronics, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Tezzaron Semiconductor, Toshiba Corporation, United Microelectronics Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Ziptronix, Inc
According to the 3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects market report, the industry is predicted to gain significant returns while recording a commendable yearly growth rate in the predicted time period. The report provides an outline of this industry and offers data in relation to the valuation; that the market presently owns along with analysis of the 3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects market as well as growth opportunities in the business vertical.
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North America (the U.S., Canada)
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Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, Australia and New Zealand and other countries)
Europe (Germany, France, the U.K., Spain, Italy, Russia, and other countries)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, South Africa, Israel and Other countries)
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Data tables
Overview of global 3D IC/Chip and TSV Interconnects market
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Profiles of major players in the industry
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akashs123 · 3 years
GaAs Wafer Market 2021: Research Study and Future Prospects 2023
Market Research Future published a research report on “GaAs Wafer Market Research Report- Global Forecast 2023” – Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2023.
Market Highlights:
Gallium is a obtained after smelting of aluminium and zinc. GaAs is a major component in diodes, Field Effect Transistors (FETs) and Integrarted Circuits (ICs). Globally, the GaAs wafer market is expected to grow from USD 625 million in 2017 to USD 1,224.3 million by 2023, at a CAGR of 12% during the forecast period. Opportunities that aid the growth of GaAs market include increasing demand from smartphone manufacturers. Increasing demand for digital cameras, laptops are also contributing towards the growth of GaAs market.
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GaAs is more efficient and economical than silicon and extends battery life significantly. GaAs wafers can meet specialized demands in cellular terminals such as multiple input, carrier aggregation, and MIMO antennas among others.
Key Players
Prominent players in global Gaas Wafer Market are Advanced Wireless Semiconductor Company (Taiwan), Global Communication Semiconductors, LLC (US), Ommic S.A. (France), WIN Semiconductors Corporation (Taiwan), AXT Inc. (US), Century Epitech Co Ltd. (China), Powerway Advanced Material Co., Ltd. (China), Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc. (US), Sumitomo Electric Semiconductor Materials Inc. (US), Freiberger Compound Materials GmbH (Germany), IQE plc (UK), Qorvo, Inc. (US), United Monolithic Semiconductors (France), and Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co, Ltd. (Taiwan) among others.
By production method, the market is segmented into vertical gradient freeze (VGF), Liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC), Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE).
By application, the market is segmented into mobile devices, photovoltaic devices, wireless communication, optoelectronic devices, aerospace & defense, and others.
By region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world.
Regional Analysis
The global market for GaAs wafers is estimated to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period from 2018 to 2023. The geographical analysis of GaAs wafer market is studied for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world.
Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the GaAs wafer market during forecast period. Increasing population, increasing number of semiconductor manufacturers, telecom industries, government initiatives to make smart cities, and increasing smartphone users are a few factors driving the GaAs wafer market in Asia-Pacific. China, Taiwan, Japan are expected to dominate the GaAs wafer market in Asia-Pacific. Whereas, India, South Korea, are expected to grow at a fast rate during forecast period.
North America is expected to register a considerable growth during the forecast period. High adoption of new technologies and presence of big players is also driving the North American GaAs wafer market.
Europe is expected to remain stable during forecast period due to increasing use of GaAs wafers in consumer electronics applications.
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suraj1512 · 4 years
Global Photomask Market  Updates, News and Data 2026
A new market study, titled “Global Photomask Market Insights, Forecast to 2026” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
Photomasks are high-purity quartz or glass plates that contain a pattern of ICs. These are used in the reproduction of pattern structures for manufacturing printed circuit boards, electronic circuits, and LCD displays, and for the serial production of reticles and other microstructures.
Photomasks are used at wavelengths of 365 nm, 248 nm, and 193 nm. ICs are manufactured layer by layer, where each layer requires a unique photomask. As current generation ICs typically have 25-60 layers, the manufacturing process of photomasks has become complex.
ALSO READ:  https://industrytoday.co.uk/it/photomask-market---global-industry-analysis--size--share--growth--trends-and-forecast-2020-to-2025
Photomask, also known as photomask, photomask, lithography mask, reticle, etc., is a graphic "negative" in the manufacturing process of downstream industries and is the bearing of intellectual property information such as graphic design and process technology. a. In the lithography process, the mask is the carrier of the design graphics. Through photolithography, the design pattern on the mask plate is transferred to the photoresist, and then the pattern is etched onto the substrate to achieve the transfer of the pattern to the silicon wafer. The mask is an important part in the lithography process, and its performance has an important influence on the lithography.
The structure of the photomask is shown in the figure below, and its glass material can be selected according to different requirements. At present, with the advancement of process technology, quartz glass with low thermal expansion coefficient, low sodium content, high chemical stability and high light penetration characteristics is the mainstream, and an opaque chromium film with a thickness of about 100 nm is coated on it as As a layer and about 20nm of chromium oxide to reduce light reflection and increase the stability of the process.
The reason why the photomask can be used as a template for pattern transfer is that there is no chromium film. Where there is a chromium film, the light cannot penetrate, otherwise, the light can be irradiated through the quartz glass and coated with photoresist On the wafer, the wafer can be developed to produce different patterns. It is precisely because the photomask plate can be used for a large number of pattern transfers, so the defect density on the photomask plate will directly affect the excellent product rate of the product.
Step 1: Based on the design data, apply laser beam to the designated area for the photo resist to be exposed. Step 2: For positive type photo resist, by being exposed to the light, the photo resist coating of the exposed area is removed by the exposure process. Step 3: Chrome area on the revealed surface is removed by etching. Step 4: Remove the remaining photo resist on the chrome. After rinsing, the photomask pattern is completed.
Global Photomask Key Players: From the perspective of manufacturers, the current global mask plate manufacturers are mainly concentrated in several giants in Japan and the United States, including Japan Toppan Printing, Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., Photronics, Hoya, SK Electronics, etc. Among them, Photronics, Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. DNP and Japan Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Toppan accounted for more than 80% of the global mask plate market share. In addition, wafer fabs will also provide self-made masks in-house. For example, Intel, TSMC, Samsung, etc. all have self-made masks.
Photomask Classification Segment by Type, the Photomask market is segmented into Quartz Mask Soda Mask Toppan Film
In addition to material classification, semiconductor photomasks can also be classified according to size, the following table is the common size of semiconductor photomasks
Segment by Application, the Photomask market is segmented into Semiconductor Flat Panel Display Touch Industry Circuit Board
The following table shows the main application fields and specific applications of semiconductor photomasks. Application Industry Flat Panel Display TFT Photomask AMOLED Photomask STN Photomask Touch Industry In Cell/On Cell Photomask OGS Photomask Semiconductor IC-Bumping Photomask IC-Foundry Photomask IC-Substrate Photomask LED Photomask Circuit Board FPC Photomask HDI Photomask
Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 100 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt and will significantly affect the Photomask market in 2020.
COVID-19 can affect the global economy in three main ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on firms and financial markets.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
This report also analyses the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Photomask industry.
Based on our recent survey, we have several different scenarios about the Photomask YoY growth rate for 2020. The probable scenario is expected to grow by a xx% in 2020 and the revenue will be xx in 2020 from US$ xx million in 2019. The market size of Photomask will reach US$ xx in 2026, with a CAGR of xx% from 2020 to 2026.
At present, the outbreak of new coronary pneumonia is spreading all over the world. Countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea are undergoing the test of the outbreak, while China has been under the strong control of the country, and the epidemic has been initially controlled. The outbreak of the global epidemic will have a certain impact on the pattern of the semiconductor industry, especially the intensification of the epidemic in Japan, Europe and the United States will affect the supply of semiconductor materials. The Chinese epidemic situation has been well controlled, and in some sub-sectors of semiconductor materials, Chinese companies have achieved partial Chinese substitution. China has a first-mover advantage in supply, and Chinese semiconductor materials companies will usher in a golden development period.
The size of China's photomask market has maintained steady growth. In 2016, the size of the Chinese market was 4046 million US dollars. By 2026, the size of the Chinese market will be xx million US dollars.
The flat panel display industry in mainland China is currently in a period of rapid development, and the demand for the mask industry continues to increase. According to IHS statistics, the demand for mask plates in the flat panel display industry in mainland China accounts for the global share, rising from 22% in 2015 to 38% in 2019. In the future, with the further transfer of related industries to the domestic market, the demand for mask plates in the domestic flat panel display industry will continue to rise. It is estimated that by 2026, the global demand for mask plates in the flat panel display industry in mainland China will reach XX%.
With industry-standard accuracy in analysis and high data integrity, the report makes a brilliant attempt to unveil key opportunities available in the global Photomask market to help players in achieving a strong market position. Buyers of the report can access verified and reliable market forecasts, including those for the overall size of the global Photomask market in terms of both revenue and volume.
Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Photomask market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. For this version of the report, the segmental analysis focuses on sales (volume), revenue and forecast by each application segment in terms of sales and revenue and forecast by each type segment in terms of revenue for the period 2015-2026.
Production and Pricing Analyses
Readers are provided with deeper production analysis, import and export analysis, and pricing analysis for the global Photomask market. As part of production analysis, the report offers accurate statistics and figures for production capacity, production volume by region, and global production and production by each type segment for the period 2015-2026.
In the pricing analysis section of the report, readers are provided with validated statistics and figures for price by manufacturer and price by region for the period 2015-2020 and price by each type segment for the period 2015-2026. The import and export analysis for the global Photomask market has been provided based on region.
Regional and Country-level Analysis The report offers an exhaustive geographical analysis of the global Photomask market, covering important regions, viz, North America, Europe, China, Japan and South Korea. It also covers key countries (regions), viz, U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.
The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by each application segment in terms of volume for the period 2015-2026.
Competition Analysis In the competitive analysis section of the report, leading as well as prominent players of the global Photomask market are broadly studied on the basis of key factors. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on sales by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on price and revenue (global level) by player for the period 2015-2020.
On the whole, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Photomask market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global Photomask market.
The following manufacturers are covered in this report: Hoya DNP SK-Electronics Toppan Photronics LG Innotek Compugraphics Photomask Solutions Taiwan Mask IGI Nippon Filcon HTA ShenZheng QingVi Plasma Therm
Photomask Breakdown Data by Type Quartz Mask Soda Mask Toppan Film
Photomask Breakdown Data by Application Semiconductor Flat Panel Display Touch Industry Circuit Board
FOR MORE DETAILS – https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5220832-global-photomask-market-insights-forecast-to-2026
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