atinybitcreative · 1 year
First Meetings - Wilbur Soot
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Wilbur Soot x fem!oc
summary: after not logging into the SMP in a while, Stella Sweet decides its time to make an appearance and in doing so, makes the acquaiantance of Wilbur Soot who proves to be a sight for sore eyes as well as a potential new friendship.
disclaimer: stella is a character that i have made up - in no way is she meant to represent anybody real. I also must admit that my knowledge about the actual events of the SMP is limited to short recap videos of YT so terribly sorry if anything is wrong
“A lot of shit went down since Joffrey.” Stella Sweet spoke to her webcam, thousand of viewers on stream and the lights around her set to green for ‘dream ambience’ she had told her friends on call minutes prior. “And I am about to go meet the infamous exile, Tommyinnit, who did loads of crime while I’ve been away. He’s not been a very good boy. So, I’ve been called in to set him straight.”
angelfallen NANSJSJS stella lore yes
saltandpepper tommy won’t know what hit him
cokenotpepsi does this mean she’s gonna meet wilbur?
Stella read her chat with a smile, loading up Minecraft before typing a quick message to George who was most likely asleep at the current time. Despite being one of the beginning members of the DreamSMP, Stella hadn’t been on it an awful lot - but she was aware of what had gone on with Tommyinnit whom she had met once over call and had immediately loved. She knew about new members but had yet to meet any except for Tommy, her life had been quite busy with her son Leo and her dance channel up in the running also.
She and Dream had been talking in the meantime - they had known each other for a while. Being best friends with George since they were 5 years old came with its perks, such as Dream, who in seeing a 20 year old Stella burst in George’s facetime with a three-year old in her arms, had known he wanted to be fast friends with the foul-mouthed British woman. George encouraged Stella to start gaming, then to start streaming and soon she had an audience of her own. Mainly built from her relationship with George and Dream, but when people decide to stay, you know you’re doing something right. The DreamSMP was talked about with Stella multiple times so when Dream asked her to be one of the original members, how could she refuse?
But unfortunately she had not been on it for a while, though her son was at his dads that night so when she had showered, cooked dinner and ate, her stream was waiting for her.
“Boss man’s got some explaining to do.” She said as she watched the DreamSMP world load onto her screen and reveal the structures and grass all over the starting world. “Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo…where the hell is he?”
drdouche Camarvan
“Ooh, I’ve never seen the Camarvan. I’ve heard about the whole thing though. With that guy Wilmur.” Stella said as her character ran across the grassy planes of the minecraft world in search of this new town. “This might take a while guys.”
sparklingwater wilmur spot
“Oh, Wilbur.” Stella pronounced the word on her tongue, laughing a little as she ran across the DreamSMP in search of the small blonde boy. “Sorry, Wilbur, just completely butchered your name.“
As her character traipsed across the screen, a large open space cleared out of trees and bushes with a wide structure further on caught her eye, as well as two moving figures with their name tags flickering. There was no one there to stop her from getting closer like she feared there may be in an attempt to hide the activities that Tommy was supposedly taking part in and that she was supposedly meant to stop - she had no idea what it actually was except for the fact it took place in a caravan of some sort.
“Here we go.” Stella mumbled, eyeing the two flickering names ahead as she got closer to them and checked on the calls in the SMP discord chat. Tommy was in one with Wilbur Soot who she assumed was the other flickering name - the sound announcing her arrival seemed to go unnoticed by the two boys as she got closer to them.
“Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, look at this-" “No, Wil. I’m brewing.” “You’re brewing. HA. What-What are you brewing, Tommy?” “DRUGS.” “HAHAHAHA, AHAHAHA-“ “Yeahhh, brewing drugs.” Stella quickly muted herself, and looked to the web camera with a wide-eyed look and a smile growing on her face. Chat was going wild, laughing and keyboard spamming at Stella’s expression because of her first introduction to this new plot line. A laugh forced its way out of her mouth but luckily she was still muted so that she didn’t blow her cover of sneaking up on them.
“Honestly, chat, the people that Dream find.” Stella laughed and pulled up a google browser, quickly typing in Wilmur S-, backspacing and then typing Wilbur Soot. Chat went wild again, laughing at her blunder as the web page came up, pictures of a tall curly-haired brunette with glasses and a wide smile with dimples in his cheeks.
Apparently he did music and he had a whole EP out called Your City Gave Me Asthma, Stella had always wanted to make some music but never really had the time or talent considering her flipped around life at age 16. Distracted and completely unprofessional whilst on stream, Stella then pulled up the songs and pressed play for a moment, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted as she listened to the music and voiceover that came first.
Northern and Waterloo and City Lines, and National Rail Services This train terminates at Stanmore “London.” Stella acknowledged, sitting up in her seat and clearing her throat, checking chat for a second as they all talked about different facts about this Wilbur Soot.
Wasting your time You're wasting mine “Nice voice.” She smiled, turning the song off and clicking off of her youtube browser to go back onto the web page of Wilbur which told her that he was an Internet Personality who was the lead editor and co-founder of a group channel called SootHouse. “Mm, interesting.” She stated before she looked back at chat and noticed its speed had significantly increased.
brucethebatdog STELLA PLS
johnthanrosskin someone’s waiting for you
Confused at first by the words of her chat, Stella closed down her google browser and was in for a fright when she came face to face with Wilbur Soot’s minecraft skin staring back at her silently. A smile still on her face, Stella moved her characters head a little and laughed as Wilbur crouched. Stella did too in reply, both of them tilting their heads at one another in game whilst Stella tuned back into the call that was just Tommy saying stuff and Wilbur not replying. Stella was still on mute but was quite enjoying having a little stare off with Wilbur.
“Will, where’ve you gone, come back and brew drugs.” “Hang on, Tommy, I’m staring down this person.” “Stella.” Stella unmuted herself, trying to keep her laugh in as both Tommy and Wilbur managed a yelp at her sudden voice as neither of them had noticed she had joined the call. Wilburs character had even jumped back a little at the sound of her voice, but then shuffled a little closer again. “My name is Stella. What’s going on here?” “Nothing, nothing.” Tommy came rushing out of the caravan Stella and Wilbur were already stood outside of, he raced over to stand beside Wilbur and stood straight rather than crouching like the other one was. “It’s nice to see you again, Miss Sweet.” “It is certainly a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Wilbur shuffled closer and then backed away again, Tommy hit the boy a little and then turned back to Stella and crouched that time, looking up at the girl who stood straight. “Looking at you is always a pleasure.” “Flattery won’t save you, Mr. Soot.” Stella smirked as she walked around the two boys and approached the caravan, but Wilbur began running until he stood between her and the caravan, crouching again with a tilted head once more. “Out of my way, I’ve been ordered to inspect the premises.” “On what grounds?” “Dream’s grounds.” Stella accused and Wilbur seemed to take an annoyed breath, for his character didn’t do so well in dealing with Dream and all the rules. “He’s asked me to inspect, so I’m going to do my job and inspect. Thank you very much, Mr. Soot.” “Call me Wilbur.” He said, his voice low and a bit flirty - Stella smiled a little and cleared her throat but as Wilbur’s character shifted closer something told her that he wasn’t finished. “Or you can call me anything you want to.” “Will- HA, no, Will.” Tommy punched the boy as he came closer, blocking Stella from the Camarvan, which she read on the sign above the door with a small little laugh. “He’s Wilbur, he’s new to the community. This is his house, Stella, promise.” “I’ve learnt not to trust your promises, Tommy.” Stella said, watching as chat went wild with the reference to the first day of Tommy’s entrance to the SMP where Stella had been on for a short amount of time and after witnessing him murder George, he had promised not to kill her. Two seconds later, he had killed her. That was when she had decided to log off for the day and for a while.
“That was, haha, that was an accident. Swear. I paid for my mistakes.” Tommy giggled a little and Stella shook her head, stepping closer to the two boys in front of the Camarvan who shuffled closer together in order to try and protect the inside. “You don’t wanna go in Wilbur’s house. Wilbur doesn’t want you in his house-“ “Now, hang on.” “Wilbur, no!” barneymosby OH MY GOD????
daisypop he’s flirting so hard lol
wilburlove jealous :/
marshmallow2 mans whipped over a voice and some pixels
Stella smiled as she read the chat, hoping that a warm blush wasn’t dusting her cheeks as she listened to Wilbur’s shameless flirting. It was most likely his character but it had been a shock - she didn’t know what she was expecting, maybe someone like Tubbo that she had seen or even like Dream, who was suave but had never flirted with Stella this much. Maybe a few comments here and there but Wilbur was something different - chat seemed to notice it.
drdouche she’s blushing lmao
“What’s going on here?” A new voice joined the call, and a new figure approached the Camarvan. Sapnap was joining them, a friend of Stella’s also, and she mentally thanked him for coming to save her when he had. In a panic, Tommy and Wilbur looked at one another. “Stella, what’s up?” “Something fishy’s going on here, Sap.” She replied as Sapnap’s character came close beside her, staring down Tommy and Wilbur just as she was doing with the same little air of authority. “I’m trying to figure it out.” And so began the long and not necessarily gruelling stream that Stella had once thought it would be. As she and Sapnap discovered Tommy and Wilbur’s secrets in the back of the Camarvan, the time flying by didn’t even matter to her as she spoke to her old friend and new friends through her microphone. Chat had never seen her this happy and upbeat, from the way she had to keep muting herself every time she decided to laugh horrendously loud at Tommys joke and how Wilbur immediately responded with something even funnier. Sapnap had his little giggle but if Stella laughed like she did into the call, they wouldn’t be able to continue or finish the plot of the stream they were in.
It was so enjoyable that she didn’t even realise when they hit the 50 minute mark of her stream, it was only when a chatter recollected that Stella normally didn’t stream for very long that she realised it herself and her eyes almost bulged out of her head. Let’s wrap it up, she typed into the Discord chat, laughing at something Wilbur said as she watched Tommy laugh through his camera he had turned on. None of the others did. But soon after they had seen her message, the content for that stream came to a close and the four of them respectively deafened on call so they could close their own streams.
“- so flustered.” Sapnap was finishing a sentence as Stella undeafened, announcing her own arrival with a little greeting that made Sapnap gasp a little but he only greeted her back in his usual fashion. “Hey, Stel." “So your name is actually Stella Sweet?” Wilbur asked and looking at the call, she noticed that he now had his camera on too and was playing with a little fidget toy in his hands. Stella had one of her own on the side of her desk but hadn’t needed to pick it up that stream - it made her smile that she wasn’t the only one. “That’s a cool fucking name.” “Thank you.” She grinned, taking a sip of her water before turning her own camera on to join the two other boys - Sapnap remained hidden. Tommy chuckled a little as Wilbur's fidgeting paused for a second as her face and the office behind her appeared on the call. “Also, I completely butchered your name earlier so I apologise before you see the clips.” “That’s why chat was calling me Wilmur Spot.” Wilbur dragged out in realisation whilst laughing and Stella went red, covering her face with her hands at her blunder that was probably going to become another inside joke for their audiences. All because she didn’t know him sooner…it seemed like a mistake not to know this guy. The guy who had just sent her a Discord friend request. “I was so confused." “You’re both so British.” Sapnap mumbled, receiving a crude middle finger from Stella as she pushed it towards her camera. She knew that he could see her from the way he giggled a little under his breath when she took it away with a smirk full of humour and quickly accepted Wilbur's request.
“They're Southern.” Tommy corrected Sapnap, holding up a finger at the camera whilst Stella and Wilbur rolled their eyes in unison at Tommy's words. He noticed and couldn't help the little grin that grew larger on his face. “I’m not as posh as them. Brighton boy Wilbur and Stella…I don't know where Stella's from.” “Brighton boy?” Stella repeated after she had choked on a little bit of water after hearing the stupid nickname for Wilbur - her eyebrows were furrowed a little and Wilbur simply nodded with a little smirk on his face as Tommy sputtered a laugh at his own creativity. “Wilbur, you live in Brighton?" "Why the tone of surprise?" Wilbur asked, running a hand in his brown fluffy hair and swiping it to one side whilst his lip curled up in a smirk at the small look of shock and disbelief on Stella's face. Tommy made a little expression at Wilbur's smirk and Sapnap's laugh echoed in the background. "Do you not like Brighton? Are you a London girl, Watford maybe?" "No, no, it's not that." Stella laughed, adjusting her headphones and stretching back a little. George lived in London and Stella visited him often, but she couldn't move there and uproot her family no matter how much she craved to spend time with her best friend more than she did. Wilbur listened interestedly, twisting in his office chair as he watched her box on call. "It's just that I live in Brighton, too." "No way." He sat up straighter, eyebrows raising on his forehead before he placed his fidget toy down. Tommy and Sapnap milled around doing their own things in the back of the call such as keyboard clacking and mouse clicking, but Wilbur simply looked around him and examined Stella once more. "Are you in an office of some kind? Which- Which office block are you in, we might be in the same building." "I'm at home." Stella shook her head, trying not to smile at Wilbur's slightly open mouth as he settled back into his chair less excited than he had been at the prospect of them being in the same building by coincidence. "We installed a kitchen island recently and with all the attention coming in, I didn't really want people seeing my bedroom so I decided since we have an island and we have chairs, why do we need a separate dining room. It's quite small anyway, but I just thought why not make it into an office, y'know? Tad uncivilised but hey, I'm a minecraft streamer." "And what does your partner do?" Wilbur asked with a hint of curiosity and the clacking of Tommy's keyboard paused and Stella watched as the younger boy's eyes flitted back to the call whilst Wilbur ran a hand through his hair again and pursed his lips.
"Oh, I don't have a partner." Stella widened her eyes a little, picking up her bottle of water again and tipping it back as she drank a little. Tommy continued to peer into their conversation a little but Sapnap carried on clicking, he knew most things about Stella's life. "When I say we, I mean me and my son. I act like a 7-year-old helps me make decisions when all he does is watch fucking Lego Ninjago." "How old are you?" Tommy asked in shock, his mouth falling open as Wilbur rushed to reprimand both Tommy's tone and his question. Both boys flushed red, Wilbur in embarrassment, Tommy in embarrassment also but in a bit of humour also. Sapnap chuckled mysteriously again from his hidden section of the call.
"Tommy! You can't just fucking ask that." "It's fine, Will." Stella laughed a little herself, shaking her head at Tommy who put his hands on his face and dragged them down his face with an awkward laugh. Wilbur rolled his eyes but was still a little red from the question Tommy had asked, he almost didn't notice the shortened name. Almost. "Tommy, I'm 23. Almost 24, I've got like a couple weeks." "You're 23 and you have a 7-year-old?" Tommy asked and Stella shifted a little waiting for the realisation, Wilbur looked on in horror with his hands over his face whilst Tommy dug a whole deeper. Sapnap tutted as Tommy mentally did the math. "But that would mean- oh." "Yep." "So sorry." "Yep." "It's okay, Tommy, there's been worse reactions." Stella smiled warmly and every tense muscle from Tommy's shoulders melted at her reassurance, she didn't seem to be too bothered. But Wilbur still looked a little reserved from the call as his keyboard began clacking more. "For example, Sapnap." "I don't know how many times I can tell you that it was the food that made me throw up!" Sapnap immediately started defending himself against Stella's accusation. Since first meeting each other online through a call, Stella had talked about her teen parentage and Sapnap had proceeded to be sick in response.
That had been followed by an awkward silence from the people on the call: Stella, George, Sapnap, Dream. Stella had pursed her lips and debated on messaging George about it when Sapnap quickly returned to apologise profusely, claiming it was simply food poisoning. From that moment, the group had a little inside joke between them concerning the events of Stella's past and every time, it enraged Sapnap to no end.
"I promise I didn't throw up because of that!" Sapnap continued almost shouting through his microphone, this had made Tommy lose it as the boy smacked and banged his desk over and over with shrieks akin to an eagle's flying out of his mouth. Whilst Stella grinned at her friend's yelling, a direct message notification took her by surprise and she checked her recent Discord conversations.
Wilbur Soot I'm so sorry about Tommy. He doesn't know how to people.
Stella Sweet haha don't worry about it, he seems to be alright laughing at Sapnap
Wilbur Soot I bet they wouldn't even realise if we left the call.
Stella Sweet probably not. fools who run their mouths off wind up dead.
Stella Sweet HAHAHAHA YOUR FACE you got so excited also yes i know Hamilton, non-stop is my starting soon song
Wilbur Soot Have you seen it on Disney Plus?
Stella Sweet noooooo i don't have disney plus but i've been wanting to watch it so bad
Wilbur Soot Since we're both in Brighton, why don't you come over and watch it with me sometime? Because I have Disney Plus And it's easily accessible And so you don't have to pay for an extra expense
Stella Sweet that'd be so good it's a date
Wilbur Soot is typing… Stella Sweet metaphorically speaking
Wilbur Soot Of course. I don't know how I've never seen you before, I feel like I've seen everyone in Brighton at least once.
Stella Sweet maybe we've passed each other before and you don't remember
Wilbur Soot I'd definitely remember you.
"Stella, what the fuck are you grinning at? I DIDN'T THROW UP BECAUSE OF YOU!" Sapnap's loud voice broke her out of her little conversation with Wilbur, her eyes returning to the call as Sapnap's mic crackled under his tone and his volume. Tommy was still laughing, banging on his desk but all Stella did was look at her face in the camera and notice the red on her cheeks.
"Nothing, I just read something. It was funny." She smiled a little, trying to avoiding looking at Wilbur's box where he chewed on his bottom lip in an attempt to keep a grin in before he leant his head on his fist and let his eyes swap back to the call. "I think I'm gonna go ahead and call it a night, boys. I'm tired." "Don't text the group chat when you wake up, you'll wake me." Sapnap said through the call and Stella nodded as she began to close down all of the open tabs and applications she had. Every morning she sends her daily good morning text to the group chat with herself, Dream, George and Sapnap - George responds but the Americans remain asleep.
"Okay, okay, I get it, goodnight." "GOODNIGHT." "Night, Stel. Love you, honey bun."
Stella grimaced at Sapnap's words and he laughed loudly as a response to her disgusted expression.
"Goodnight, Stel." "Night night, Wil."
The sound of the first person leaving the call echoed through all of the boy's headphones and for a couple of seconds, they all remained silent apart from the clicking of mouses and keyboards. Tommy looked to the call and looked at Wilbur and the man's smile whilst he looked at a separate monitor, Wilbur met eyes with Tommy after being stared at for a while and tilted his head at the young boy who would not stop glaring.
"You two were definitely flirting just then."
"Oh, 100 fucking percent."
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fruuthsspam · 3 years
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okay, absolutely no shade to the dc artists, but tiny crescent rose gave me a good laugh this morning
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