#IDK. like they're connected but not directly and they're formatted kind of like chapters but not in any order
springcatalyst ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ“š ๐Ÿ““ ๐Ÿ—‚ ๐Ÿ—“ ๐Ÿ–‡ ๐Ÿ“ˆ? <3
๐Ÿ“š What are some books that have influenced your style?
oh god fuck if i know. I like the way maggie steifvater does some things and that's probably wormed its way into my writing, I've been (very slowly) reading Underland by robert mcfarlane and some of his prose is SO beautifully written and I know i've stolen some of his style in scene descriptors and the like. And this is really weird and also not a book but To Build a Fire by jack london does some really interesting things with tension but in a way that lacks a lot of the overt emotion that a lot of longer form works do? I don't know how to describe it but it's also got its hooks in my brain.
๐Ÿ““ What was the last sentence you wrote?
He fled the ship, disappearing among the harbor trailing an itch for blood.
๐Ÿ—‚ What's your biggest project?
Uhhhhhhh I mean technically speaking everything I work on is part of one big thing that I'll eventually connect together, but the real answer is that the longest thing I've written is titled Faultline and that's only about 5300 words... i like it a lot tho I think it slaps if I may be so bold
๐Ÿ—“ How long have you been writing for?
Lol so I think like most of yall I wrote bad stories in middle school with a bunch of friends, but that stopped once I got to high school and I just started actually writing like... the very beginning of 2021, so It hasn't been long at ALL? Assuming you ignore academic papers and the like because that's a different beast, even if it helped with honing skills and whatnot.
๐Ÿ–‡ What subjects or themes recur in your works?
I don't know... all my characters are weirdly isolated in one way or another and they all wander without much destination. There's a lot of leaving something behind in favor of something unfamiliar and impossible but better. There's a lot of finding your people, large-scale or in the case that 'your people' is just a few close friends. There's a lot of perception vs reality and the ways that having someone see you can be a blessing or a curse (or both). There's a lot of... there's a lot of sitting alone in the cold under a sky filled with stars.
๐Ÿ“ˆ What's your average word count?
About 2200, tho a lot of my really early ones are short as FUCK so that might skew my number a bit. They get longer as I get used to writing.
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thebrokenbean ยท 9 months
Okay spoilers for Chapter 25 of Breaking Bread by @ss-shitstorm
I said in the Ao3 comments section that I have theories, and I was told to share. I typed all of this out in Ao3 but realized what an utter wall of text it was going to be, so here it is on Tumblr! Technically it'll be a wall of text anyway but... idk formatting probably works better here lol
In any case, I'm just gonna pick up from my first thought and go from there.
Theory time about Reader's Stranger:
Metal. He's metal. Definitely Megs, especially since we've already found out that he shares the same dream as Reader. Based on his dialogue I'm also guessing that he's experiencing this dream at the exact same time as Reader - they're talking to each other via the dream world and neither of them even knows it.
"I've seen these rooms, I've walked these floors" excuse the Hallelujah quote lol but Reader's recognition of their surroundings reminded me of that. Anyway, I'm getting reincarnation vibes here??? Not that they've both reincarnated though. Megs has been alive far too long for that. BUT maybe it was just Reader?? That would explain why he had such reverence when he asked if it was really them that he was seeing and speaking to.
Their nickname is 'Mouse'. Mouse = tiny, so this could mean in their past life that they were a human he knew very well (How well remains to be seen but I'm leaning towards them being romantic, or at least almost that way, despite how he says 'friend'). If they weren't a human in their past life, maybe they were a small Cybertronian (a minibot??) and 'mouse' is just the English translation of the Cybertronian word? And if they were indeed Cybertronian, 'mouse' could either apply to their physical size or maybe their speed/agility?
"You're light-years from your time, little one"
This ^ does throw me off though. He did show (hastily masked) grief when Reader's death was mentioned, so it's possible he was just trying to reassure them? I mean, it's possible (again, assuming that they're talking directly to his subconscious) he thinks they're just a memory. Like a snapshot of the person he once knew, but the snapshot is taken from before anything bad happened to them. If that's the case, he could just be reassuring them that they're fine so that he doesn't have to relive the pain & deal with his Stranger (re?)learning of their terrible fate. So to connect back to the 'light-years' part, that could just be a figure of speech.
"Were it up to me, I'd never leave"
See see this is one of the reasons why I think they're both dreaming each other in real-time! HOWEVER.
โ€œBut you have to leave.โ€/โ€œWe both do. Weโ€™ve our lives to return to, after all.โ€
We both do. This probably throws off the reincarnation theory, which should simply confuse me but instead I'm confused and also fascinated!
What does he mean? How much is he actually aware of?? He definitely doesn't recognize Reader outside of the dream world, since he'd be all over them and (I quote) treating them "as a knight would his king". So what kind of life does he think his Stranger is returning to when they wake up?? Maybe this actually does support the reincarnation theory, while also telling us that he knows about said reincarnation?? Does he think their reincarnated form is somewhere else on the planet (somewhere else in the universe even??) living their life without him, while they're actually right under his olfactory sensor in the form of Reader?? I'm so curious!
โ€œAm I gonna see you again?โ€/โ€œOf that, youโ€™ve unfortunately no choice.โ€
The 'unfortunately' here is hanging me up. Granted, "his smile loses all traces of sorrow", so he's back to being a bit of a cheeky menace, which is good because that's normal for him. Butttt something feels off? I think is the right term here? Idk. Might be nothing, or it might be super significant. Either way, I think him being so sure of seeing them again has to do with the dreams. If he meant they'd see him in the real world, that would mean he'd know who Reader is and I've already established that I think their current dynamic would be wildly different if that were the case. So it's possible he simply knows that they'll both have these repeating dreams occur again.
โ€œYouโ€™d think the eons that passed would have afforded me greater equanimity, but Iโ€™m every bit as emotional as I thought Iโ€™d be.โ€
Wait wait going backwards in the chapter to look at this for a second- "as I thought I'd be." Was he expecting to meet them in this dream?? Also, eons?? Just how much time has passed since he last saw his Stranger in person? Are we looking at multiple reincarnations, if Reader was indeed originally a human?
โ€œThere is much I cannot discuss, despite my overwhelming longing to do so.โ€
Okay actually it's possible he does know about reincarnation. Possibly. I really want to know what he wants to discuss, but for the sake of theorizing... maybe he's refraining from telling them because of what I mentioned about keeping them safe from the knowledge of their horribly tragic death. But it should be fine to talk about other not so horrible things, so that's hard to say. Maybe he does know about reincarnation, knows his Stranger forgets everything, and doesn't want to overwhelm them? Again, hard to say.
โ€œBut I donโ€™t... I donโ€™t know who youย are.โ€ / โ€œAnd it must stay that way, for now.โ€
Hnnnnn yeah I think he knows. He's got to. Or at the very least, his subconscious does. Again, not so sure why he's keeping that a secret from them. Maybe like I mentioned earlier it really is just his subconscious that Reader is speaking to? If it were his main consciousness (like it sort of seems to be for Reader), he probably wouldn't care so much about being cautious (we all know TFP Megs can be a bit too focused on instant gratification lol), but perhaps his subconscious knows better? There's still a lot that remains to be seen though.
Hoo boy. That is utter word vomit. My gosh. Okay. I thinkkk I got everything. I sincerely hope that didn't get too incoherent. I was running out of ways to express my thoughts lol. Plus it was like 1am when I wrote this last night and I'd had a long day ๐Ÿ˜‚
In any case, I'm off to read Chapter 26 because gahh I'm so excited to see where this goes!
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