julierysava · 9 months
IBM's Cutting-Edge Innovations: Redefining the Future
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In the fast-paced realm of technology, few names carry the weight and legacy of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation). With a history spanning over a century, IBM has consistently been at the forefront of innovation, ushering in new eras in computing and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. In this post, we'll delve into some of IBM's latest releases and how they're shaping the future of technology.
IBM Power Systems: Pioneering Performance
IBM Power Systems have long been synonymous with robust, high-performance computing. Designed to handle the most demanding workloads, the latest offerings in this series are nothing short of revolutionary.
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IBM Power10
At the heart of IBM Power Systems' latest release is the Power10 processor. Built with a focus on security, scalability, and energy efficiency, the Power10 is a powerhouse designed for the hybrid cloud era. It offers a significant boost in performance, making it ideal for AI workloads, data-intensive tasks, and modern cloud-native applications.
The Power10's advanced security features, including transparent memory encryption and AI-driven threat detection, make it a top choice for enterprises looking to safeguard their data in an increasingly complex threat landscape.
IBM Quantum Computing: Unleashing Quantum Power
IBM's foray into quantum computing is nothing short of groundbreaking. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to finance, and IBM is leading the charge.
IBM Quantum System Two
The IBM Quantum System Two is a testament to the company's commitment to making quantum computing accessible. With its 65-qubit processor, it offers researchers and businesses the computational power needed to tackle complex problems which were once thought impossible.
IBM's Quantum Hummingbird, a 65-qubit quantum computer, is already making waves in the scientific community. It provides the foundation for breakthroughs in quantum mechanics, cryptography, and materials science, paving the way for transformative advancements.
IBM Cloud: Navigating the Digital Frontier
In an era where data is the lifeblood of businesses, the cloud plays a pivotal role. IBM Cloud has been instrumental in helping organizations navigate the digital frontier.
IBM Cloud Satellite
IBM Cloud Satellite extends the power of IBM Cloud to any environment, whether it's on-premises, in a multi-cloud setting, or at the edge. It offers consistent cloud services and infrastructure, allowing businesses to deploy applications and services seamlessly across various locations.
This level of flexibility is invaluable for businesses with diverse computing needs, enabling them to harness the full potential of the cloud while maintaining control over their data and applications.
IBM Watson: AI for All
IBM Watson, the company's AI platform, continues to lead the way in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Watson Discovery
Watson Discovery is a powerful AI-driven search and text analysis platform. It empowers organizations to unlock valuable insights from their unstructured data, making it easier to search through vast amounts of information and discover hidden patterns and trends.
The Future with IBM
IBM's latest releases underscore the company's commitment to innovation, performance, and security. Whether it's the game-changing Power10 processor, the groundbreaking Quantum System Two, the flexible IBM Cloud Satellite, or the AI-driven Watson Discovery, IBM continues to shape the future of technology.
As we move forward in the digital age, IBM remains a beam of innovation, offering solutions to empower businesses and researchers to tackle some of the world's most pressing challenges. The journey into the future with IBM promises to be an exciting one, as we witness the transformative potential of their cutting-edge technologies.
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In conclusion, IBM's latest releases represent a convergence of innovation and practicality. They not only push the boundaries of what's possible in computing but also provide tools and solutions empowering businesses and researchers to thrive in an increasingly complex digital landscape. With a legacy built on innovation, IBM continues to shape the future of technology.
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r00kiec00kie · 2 years
"Okay my friend ibmay not bê able to understand what tu say or what you write but i know what i Will bê able to understand... What you drawn! Só here"
Gives pen and paper tô the cookie
"How are you feeling today? Please drawn It"
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Sorbet takes the pencil and paper... and draws lots of bubbles!
At this point, Sorbet might just be pulling your mask, Ghost Cookie...
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just--kay · 6 years
Hey fam just so you all know I don't like to share f/o's,, it makes me uncomfortable
So like if we have the same f/o I'm not going to stop you or get angry (I won't send hate I'm not that petty ), just refrain from talking to me about it thanks 👍
Oh also feel free to unfollow and block me if you don't agree, or don't like that 👍👍
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spookeyzesty · 4 years
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why does this have me in tears
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hold-the-fjord · 5 years
Been getting caught up on Campaign 2, but taking a break for the one shots that take place after Campaign one. The difference between everyone's characters is astounding. Also I still cry about the end of Campaign one whenever they bring up.
Oh man I realize that Ibmay have unwittingly sent you campaign 1 spoilers on accident (forgetting to check where you were)
Nah, don’t worry, I’ve heavily spoiled myself about the ending somewhere at the beginning of getting acquainted with the show :D
and yeah! for me personally it’s always Laura’s 180 in her acting, because with every other person I can sometimes see where their c1 and c2 characters bleed into what I suspect are the real person’s quirks/personalities, but with Laura I’ve always had this strong sense of two completely distinct characters and personalities
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samvea · 4 years
Ethics vrs Technology
1. What areas in your field of interest or usage in regards to technology, that you can identify potential current or future ethical or design bias issues? (identify at least one) 
I have recently been looking into AI and how to create a perfect AI system. Although I don't have near the skills to attempt anything in AI I found the concept of creating an ethical AI extremely challenging. With AI I believe there are many Ethical issues that include:
AI can be completely oblivious to not being racism and will function by using race in an identifying process (https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/01/race-problem-artificial-intelligence-machines-learning-racist-12478025/)
AI brings a biger separation to the rich and the poor. In other words AI is bringing in inequality
AI is not totally beneficial in today's world
AI is stealing jobs in a world where we are beginning to become over populated
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2. What are those issues specifically? 
I believe the biggest issue of the above issues is the inequality the AI brings. To break it down and simplify it AI is stealing our jobs and separating the rich from the poor. Last year it was predicted that in 2020 1.8 million jobs will be lost to AI ranging from desk jobs to construction (1). With production lines and consultation turning to automation it leaves our age left with cars being fully produced in 24.7 hours (2) and chat bots that let us log into our life savings in the bank. By having this the simple person who installs the wheels on a car has been replaced by AI which installs the right wheel with 0% chance of error. As well as that we have AI call centres that are expected to grow from $800 million last year to $2.9 billion in the next few years (3). Jobs are being lost at the bottom of the equality see-saw but at the top, companies are finding cheap ways to have no human error by replacing humans with AI.
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jason-mars · 4 years
Forbes Insights: The Future Of AI Is Unsupervised https://www.forbes.com/sites/insights-ibmai/2020/06/01/the-future-of-ai-is-unsupervised/
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gtfohnews · 4 years
Forbes: The Future Of AI Is Unsupervised
Forbes: The Future Of AI Is Unsupervised
Forbes: The Future Of AI Is Unsupervised. https://www.forbes.com/sites/insights-ibmai/2020/06/01/the-future-of-ai-is-unsupervised/
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yogeshmalik · 4 years
Where Asia Is Taking The World With AI - Forbes https://ift.tt/3ebhUKS
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yogeshmalik · 4 years
Where Asia Is Taking The World With AI - Forbes https://ift.tt/3ebhUKS
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