proerptraining · 5 months
Advance Your Career in IT Security with IBM BigFix Online Training Courses
In today's digital age, the need for highly skilled IT security professionals has never been greater. With the constant threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, companies are investing heavily in securing their networks and systems. As such, the demand for individuals with specialized knowledge in IT security, particularly in areas such as vulnerability management and patching, is on the rise. To meet this growing demand, IBM has introduced BigFix, a comprehensive IT security solution designed to help organizations mitigate risks and protect against potential threats. To ensure that professionals have the necessary expertise to utilize this powerful tool effectively, IBM offers a range of online training courses through their BigFix Academy. These courses provide in-depth training on the various features and capabilities of BigFix, equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to advance their careers in IT security. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of IBM BigFix online training courses and how they can help professionals enhance their skills and stay ahead in the constantly evolving field of IT security.
Enhance your IT security skills.
In today's increasingly digital world, the importance of strong IT security skills cannot be overstated. As technology continues to advance, so do the threats and vulnerabilities that organizations face. By enhancing your IT security skills, you can not only protect sensitive data and information but also contribute to the overall security posture of your organization. Whether you are an experienced IT professional looking to stay up-to-date with the latest security trends or someone interested in starting a career in IT security, investing in comprehensive training courses can provide you with the knowledge and practical skills needed to navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity. With IBM BigFix Online Training Courses, you can gain valuable insights and hands-on experience in areas such as threat management, vulnerability assessment, and incident response, equipping you with the expertise to tackle security challenges head-on and advance your career in IT security.
Learn with IBM BigFix experts.
With IBM BigFix Online Training Courses, you have the opportunity to learn from industry-leading experts in the field of IT security. These courses are designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills that are essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity. By learning from IBM BigFix experts, you can gain valuable insights into the latest security trends, best practices, and cutting-edge technologies. With their guidance and expertise, you can enhance your understanding of threat management, vulnerability assessment, and incident response, allowing you to become a trusted professional in the field of IT security. So, take the next step in advancing your career and learn with IBM BigFix experts to stay ahead in the dynamic world of IT security.
Stay ahead in the industry.
In order to stay ahead in the industry, it is crucial to continuously update your skills and knowledge to keep up with the rapidly evolving landscape of IT security. With the ever-increasing number of cyber threats and attacks, organizations are constantly seeking professionals who possess the expertise to safeguard their systems and data effectively. By investing in IBM BigFix Online Training Courses, you can gain the specialized skills and insights needed to excel in the field of IT security. These courses offer comprehensive training on the latest security protocols, emerging technologies, and industry best practices. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements, you can position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization and ensure long-term success in your IT security career.
Online training from industry experts.
Our online training courses are designed to provide you with the opportunity to learn from industry experts who have extensive experience and knowledge in the field of IT security. Our team of instructors are professionals who have worked in top organizations and have a deep understanding of the challenges and complexities of the industry. They bring their real-world expertise into the virtual classroom, ensuring that you receive practical insights and valuable guidance throughout your learning journey. With their guidance, you can gain a deep understanding of IT security concepts, learn the latest techniques and strategies, and develop the skills necessary to tackle complex security issues. By learning from industry experts, you can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality training and acquiring the expertise that is in high demand in the job market.
Boost your career prospects today.
Unlocking your career potential in the field of IT security has never been more accessible. With our comprehensive online training courses, you can enhance your knowledge, acquire new skills, and boost your career prospects in the highly sought-after field of IT security. Our courses are meticulously designed to provide you with the latest industry insights, practical skills, and hands-on experience required to excel in this rapidly evolving sector. By investing in your professional development with our training, you can position yourself for success, stand out from the competition, and open doors to exciting career opportunities. Don't wait any longer - take charge of your future and elevate your career in IT security today.
In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, IT security has become a crucial aspect for businesses to protect their valuable data and assets. With the IBM BigFix online training course, professionals can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to advance their careers in this high-demand field. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a career in IT security or an experienced professional looking to upskill, these courses offer comprehensive training and hands-on experience with industry-leading technology. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your career and become a sought-after IT security expert with IBM BigFix. Enroll in a course today and take the first step towards your professional growth and success.
Interested in learning IBM BigFix?
Contact us: [email protected]
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julierysava · 9 months
IBM's Cutting-Edge Innovations: Redefining the Future
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In the fast-paced realm of technology, few names carry the weight and legacy of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation). With a history spanning over a century, IBM has consistently been at the forefront of innovation, ushering in new eras in computing and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. In this post, we'll delve into some of IBM's latest releases and how they're shaping the future of technology.
IBM Power Systems: Pioneering Performance
IBM Power Systems have long been synonymous with robust, high-performance computing. Designed to handle the most demanding workloads, the latest offerings in this series are nothing short of revolutionary.
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IBM Power10
At the heart of IBM Power Systems' latest release is the Power10 processor. Built with a focus on security, scalability, and energy efficiency, the Power10 is a powerhouse designed for the hybrid cloud era. It offers a significant boost in performance, making it ideal for AI workloads, data-intensive tasks, and modern cloud-native applications.
The Power10's advanced security features, including transparent memory encryption and AI-driven threat detection, make it a top choice for enterprises looking to safeguard their data in an increasingly complex threat landscape.
IBM Quantum Computing: Unleashing Quantum Power
IBM's foray into quantum computing is nothing short of groundbreaking. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to finance, and IBM is leading the charge.
IBM Quantum System Two
The IBM Quantum System Two is a testament to the company's commitment to making quantum computing accessible. With its 65-qubit processor, it offers researchers and businesses the computational power needed to tackle complex problems which were once thought impossible.
IBM's Quantum Hummingbird, a 65-qubit quantum computer, is already making waves in the scientific community. It provides the foundation for breakthroughs in quantum mechanics, cryptography, and materials science, paving the way for transformative advancements.
IBM Cloud: Navigating the Digital Frontier
In an era where data is the lifeblood of businesses, the cloud plays a pivotal role. IBM Cloud has been instrumental in helping organizations navigate the digital frontier.
IBM Cloud Satellite
IBM Cloud Satellite extends the power of IBM Cloud to any environment, whether it's on-premises, in a multi-cloud setting, or at the edge. It offers consistent cloud services and infrastructure, allowing businesses to deploy applications and services seamlessly across various locations.
This level of flexibility is invaluable for businesses with diverse computing needs, enabling them to harness the full potential of the cloud while maintaining control over their data and applications.
IBM Watson: AI for All
IBM Watson, the company's AI platform, continues to lead the way in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Watson Discovery
Watson Discovery is a powerful AI-driven search and text analysis platform. It empowers organizations to unlock valuable insights from their unstructured data, making it easier to search through vast amounts of information and discover hidden patterns and trends.
The Future with IBM
IBM's latest releases underscore the company's commitment to innovation, performance, and security. Whether it's the game-changing Power10 processor, the groundbreaking Quantum System Two, the flexible IBM Cloud Satellite, or the AI-driven Watson Discovery, IBM continues to shape the future of technology.
As we move forward in the digital age, IBM remains a beam of innovation, offering solutions to empower businesses and researchers to tackle some of the world's most pressing challenges. The journey into the future with IBM promises to be an exciting one, as we witness the transformative potential of their cutting-edge technologies.
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In conclusion, IBM's latest releases represent a convergence of innovation and practicality. They not only push the boundaries of what's possible in computing but also provide tools and solutions empowering businesses and researchers to thrive in an increasingly complex digital landscape. With a legacy built on innovation, IBM continues to shape the future of technology.
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maxmunuss--123 · 2 years
Maxmunus provides IBM Qradar Training; this IBM Qradar online certification course includes hands-on exercises and teaches security analysts, architects, and administrators how to navigate the Qradar SIEM user interface and investigate offences. In this IBM QRadar e-learning, You search and analyze the information from which Qradar concluded a suspicious activity. IBM Qradar Job support services play a vital role in completing the tasks on time. We provide the best IBM Qradar services considering which you can draw inspiration to work on your projects. We also Hire an IBM QRadar freelancer for implementation and outsourcing projects.
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iamliberalartsgt · 6 years
Hannah Corpe Introductory Post
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I’ve been into history since I was in the first grade in 2003. I know that sounds extra, and that’s how everybody starts introductory blogs, but it’s true. One of my older sisters did a book report on Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer and left the book lying around, and I picked it up and was instantly hooked. This started me on a passion for the history of Tudor England specifically, but also a fascination with how things used to be and how they had changed in the intervening centuries between now and “a long time ago”.
At first, history was just a hobby, a class I excelled in and was interested by, but nothing more. Then in 9th grade, I saw quote from Stephen King, saying that a real author reads 70-80 books per year. Since being an author had been the ambition of my tender heart since before I knew how to write (I actually got in trouble several times for “writing” when I was in pre-k, since my “writing” at the time was just scribbling lines of loops in the perfectly nice journals I had been given for practicing the alphabet) I thought, I should give that a try. I pretty quickly ran out of YA that I found compelling, and so I moved on to historical fiction, remembering how interesting I had always found different time periods. Shortly even that wasn’t enough, and I began to read more scholarly works of historical nonfiction to find out more about my favorite subjects. By the time I was in 11th grade (2013) I knew that I wanted history to figure prominently in my higher education.
I knew that I wanted my future to involve a well-paid job without many extra years of schooling beyond undergrad, so it seemed like a traditional liberal arts college was out of the question. But there was nothing that interested me as much or made me as happy as history, and nothing that made me feel as out of my depth as technology. Because my dad from graduated Tech (BSBio in 1976) and I had two sisters there at the time who have since graduated (both BSBAs in 2016) and I’ve been going to Tech football games since before I really knew what football was, it made sense to at least check it out and see if I could picture myself happy in any of the majors.
That was when I hit across something that perfectly fit all of my requirements- the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. I could study my history and learn about the things that interested me, but I could also learn other supporting skills that would help me get a job after graduation. All of my coursework would be geared towards relevance in the modern world without losing respect for the past. The IAC had a wealth of opportunities, from doing research with professors to being a college ambassador, and I would have access to all the resources of a large, well-funded state institute while still enjoying the small class sizes and close relationships with professors of a regular liberal arts college. Additionally, I would graduate with a Bachelor of Science, instead of a Bachelor of Arts, so I would be equally prepared for any path I wanted to take- if I wanted a job in a humanities field, my coursework would speak for itself, and if I wanted a job in any different field, having a BS would clearly demonstrate that I had been well trained in the rigorous STEM courses expected of a Bachelor of Science. And as an added bonus, the History, Technology, and Society major had the most free credits of any major in the school, making it easy for me to pursue anything from a double major to a certificate as well as possible to continue participating in band and orchestra, programs I have enjoyed since my early adolescence.
When I packed up and moved to campus and got ready for my first semester, I didn’t know just how many amazing opportunities I would have. I’ve been able to participate in the research option, and write an entire paper about the Tudors, which I presented at the most recent regional history conference. I’ve become one of the Ivan Allen College Ambassadors, and the vast array of skills I’ve learned from helping coordinate volunteers at our Shadow Day recruitment events and hosting information sessions have helped me become a more effective student and to stay calm (or calmer anyway!)  in high-pressure situations. Those skills also translated well to working part-time while also taking classes in the Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs for almost a year. I founded a club (the History and Sociology Club) and was inducted to Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society. I’ve taken classes that have impacted my worldview like European Intellectual History and the History of Disease and Medicine, and classes that greatly developed my understanding of subjects I previously thought I knew a lot about, like the Classical Tradition, and the Science, Politics, and Culture of Nazi Germany. I’ve had a chance to learn from teachers who are some of the foremost subject experts in their field. It’s also been possible for me to get a certificate in Information Technology Management from the Scheller College of Business, which helped me get my current internship with IBM, and to remain a member of the Yellow Jacket Marching Band and become a brother of KKPsi, the national honorary band service fraternity.
These experiences have really influenced my development from a teenager who was unsure of quite what she wanted to do but knew she wanted it to not involve chemistry or computers into an adult with aspirations to work full-time, and perhaps pursue a masters’ degree, in Cybersecurity Policy. My experiences at Georgia Tech as a whole, but specifically in the Ivan Allen College, have taught me that if there’s anything important to have in life, it’s the attitude that any problem, no matter how daunting, can be solved. Except for maybe chemistry I’m not gonna lie to you it’s the devil’s work.
As I enter my senior year, I’m looking forward to continuing to work part time, and giving more of my attention to my extracurricular activities. I still have one more year left, and I’m really excited to see how many new opportunities and experiences are waiting around the corner.
Note: the picture above is of me as Eleanor of Aquitaine at the HCon, hosted by the History and Sociology Club on Halloween. Featured also is the most prominent HTS major, Kayleigh Haskin, as a fabulous Boudicca. 
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dhovorka · 5 years
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Nuclear ☢️? 😂 we love you China #giftideas #metco #metcoglobal #metco-global #ibmsecurity #ibmroundtable (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzIQpe4hAm6/?igshid=1soydkjbsjxc
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'กลุ่มสามารถ' โอ่ 2 เดือนกวาดสัญญาแล้วกว่า 2 พันล้านบาท
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'กลุ่มสามารถ' เปิดปีหมูรับข่าวดี เพียง 2 เดือนแรก กวาดสัญญาไปแล้วกว่า 2,000 ล้านบาท โดยเฉพาะโครงการไอซีทีกว่า 900 ล้านบาท เตรียมสร้างผลงานเด่น รอการประมูลอีกกว่า 1.4 หมื่นล้านบาท ตั้งเป้าปี 2019 จะมีรายได้กว่า 2 หมื่นล้าน นายวัฒน์ชัย วิไลลักษณ์ กรรมการผู้จัดการใหญ่ บมจ.สามารถคอร์ปอเรชั่น เปิดเผยว่า “เริ่มต้นปีหมู กลุ่มสามารถมีสัญญาณดี จากข่าวดี และโอกาสทางธุรกิจในหลายโครงการ ล่าสุดเฉพาะ 2 เดือนแรกเซ็นต์สัญญาไปแล้วเกือบ 2 พันล้านบาท หนุนรายได้ปี 2019 ที่ 2 หมื่นล้านบาท “ในสายธุรกิจ ICT เริ่มต้นได้สวย ระยะเวลาเพียง 2 เดือน ���ซ็นต์สัญญาไปแล้วประมาณ 900 ล้านบาท ประเดิมได้งานโครงการติดตั้งอุปกรณ์สื่อสารทางไกลเพื่อสนับสนุนให้แก่โรงเรียนปลายทาง, โครงการดูแลระบบไอทีของ บมจ.ท่าอากาศยานไทย ,โครงการ Smart Health ID ของกระทรวงสาธารณสุข และ โครงการติดตั้งและพัฒนาระบบสารสนเทศธุรกิจหลัก หรือ Core Business Process System ให้กับธนาคารพัฒนาวิสาหกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมแห่งประเทศไทย หรือ SME Bank มูลค่า 579 ล้านบาท ซึ่งก่อนหน้านี้ กลุ่มสามารถ ได้งานจากโครงการบริการบํารุงรักษาระบบ Core Banking และระบบงาน Loan Origination จากธนาคารอาคารสงเคราะห์ มูลค่า 1,400 ล้านบาท เห็นได้ว่าธุรกิจด้าน Finance Solution มีโอกาสเติบโตที่ค่อนข้างสูง และยังมีโครงการที่เพิ่งเซ็นต์สัญญาไปเมื่อปลายปีที่ผ่านมาและจะรับรู้รายได้ต้นปีนี้ คือ โครงการระบบตรวจบัตรโดยสารขึ้นเครื่อง (CUPPS) ที่ท่าอากาศยานจ.กระบี่ ของกรมท่าอากาศยาน ทั้งนี้ ยังมีโครงการที่รอประมูลอีกกว่า 14,000 ล้านบาท อาทิ โครงการของการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาคกว่า 7,000 ล้านบาท โครงการของกองบัญชาการตำรวจแห่งชาติ 6,000 ล้านบาท และโครงการของบมจ.การท่าอากาศยานไทยกว่า 1,500 ล้านบาท ส่วน บมจ.สามารถดิจิตอล หลังรุกคืบธุรกิจ Digital Network เต็มรูปแบบ และได้ร่วมมือกับ บริษัท กสท โทรคมนาคม จํากัด (มหาชน) ในการพัฒนาระบบวิทยุคมนาคมเฉพาะกิจระบบดิจิตอล หรือ CAT Nationwide DTRS ให้สามารถบริการใช้งานติดต่อสื่อสารถึงกันครอบคลุมพื้นที่ทั่วประเทศ รวมถึงการจำหน่ายเครื่องวิทยุสื่อสาร DTRS ให้กับกลุ่มลูกค้าทั้งหน่วยงานภาครัฐ และเอกชน ที่ต้องการความปลอดภัยในการสื่อสารเฉพาะกลุ่มเป็นหลัก ล่าสุดได้จำหน่ายเครื่องให้แก่ กรมป้องกันและบรรเทาสาธารณภัย จำนวน 150 เครื่อง ส่วนหน่วยงานอื่นๆ เช่น กรมอุทยานฯ และ สำนักปลัดมหาดไทย คาดว่าจะเซ็นต์สัญญาเร็วๆ นี้ ซึ่งปี 2019 ตั้งเป้าจำหน่ายเครื่อง DTRS จำนวน 8 หมื่นเครื่อง นอกจากนี้บริษัทฯ ยังได้ร่วมกับ บริษัท แอ็ดวานซ์ อินฟอร์เมชั่น เทคโนโลยี จำกัด (มหาชน) ในโครงการจัดหาอุปกรณ์ระบบโสตทัศนูปกรณ์ และระบบคอมพิวเตอร์แม่ข่าย และซอฟต์แวร์สนับสนุน ณ อาคารรัฐสภาแห่งใหม่ มูลค่า 800 ล้านบาท ด้วย ทั้งนี้ ยังมีอีกหนึ่งโอกาสที่เกี่ยวข้องกับภัยคุกคามทางไซเบอร์อันอาจกระทบต่อความมั่นคงของรัฐและความสงบเรียบร้อยของประเทศ จากบริษัท ซีเคียวอินโฟ (SECUEiNFO) หนึ่งในกลุ่มบริษัทสามารถ ที่จับมือ IBM Security ผู้นำระดับโลกด้านเทคโนโลยีศูนย์เฝ้าระวังภัยคุกคามไซเบอร์ หรือ Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) นำเอาระบบ AI มาช่วยตรวจจับ วิเคราะห์การโจมตีทางไซเบอร์ได้อย่างรวดเร็วแม่นยำสูงสุดเป็นแห่งแรกในประเทศไทย ซึ่งขณะนี้อยู่ในช่วงการเปิดตลาด คาดว่าจะได้รับความสนใจจากกลุ่มภาครัฐ และภาคธุรกิจเอกชนอย่างแน่นอน ลิงค์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง บมจ.สามารถคอร์ปอเรชั่น Read the full article
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avishek429 · 6 years
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The internet has enabled great things. It allows teams to collaborate from remote locations. It allows IBM QRadar SIEM Support to provide exceptional support to its clients over it.
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ibmextremeblue · 5 years
Blue Vision: One Step Ahead of the Hackers
Meet Blue Vision
Blue Vision is a toolkit that allows IBM’s QRadar system to defend against complex security threats with the use of machine learning and robust statistical analysis techniques. This toolkit gives security analysts complete control over the data selection, processing, modelling, and visualization steps required to properly mitigate a wide range of cyberattacks.
Meet our team:
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From left to right: Jose Taquia, Pratham Desai, Zarif Shahriar and Matthew Tigwell.
Zarif Shahriar
Zarif is currently finishing up his degree in Software Engineering at the University of Ottawa and has just one more year left. His key interests include going to the gym where he attempts to get thicc, eating good food with the boys and attempting to make good looking sites. Zarif was also a huge Game of Thrones fan, but like everyone else who saw the last season, his disappointment was pretty obvious. His primary role on Blue Vision is lead front end developer and designer but in reality making sure the boys never fall into the error of using Emacs.  Focussing on React and UX Design, Zarif was able to learn a ton of new concepts to improve his front end skillset while at the same time learning best design practices to improve his UI design skills.
Matthew Tigwell
Matt just finished up his engineering degree at Queen’s and is looking forward to returning to pursue a master’s in the fall. His roles on the team include working as a cognitive developer, motivating the boys at the gym, and convincing Pratham Emacs isn’t as good as he thinks it is. When he’s not busy developing API’s and ML models, he’s either at the track riding dirt bikes, or trying to prove to the rest of the team that motocross is the hardest sport in the world.
Pratham Desai
Pratham is pursuing a degree in Statistics and Cognitive Science at the University of Toronto. He enjoys long walks on the beach and writing machine learning models that talk like Yeezus. When Pratham isn’t writing ML models to solve security use cases, he’s longboarding down semi-steep hills, throwing money into stocks, and trying to convince Matt that motocrossing isn’t the hardest sport. Recently, he’s started dabbling in frontend development and with the help of fellow frontender Zarif, has quickly mastered the ability to run create-react-app command in Emacs shell. Pratham enjoys Emacs, and believes it holds the keys to solving many world issues.
Jose Taquia
Jose is pursuing his MBA degree at Rotman School of Management. As the business intern, he spent most of his time with the market research, pumping up our numbers for the financials, and filling our presentation with supportive slides (Knowing he won’t be using Appendixes for NYC broke his heart). After the internship he may be tempted to start coding and go beyond the Excel macros. During his free time, he enjoys listening to urban music, and the meetings he records. Since Jose has moved from Toronto to Ottawa, he has enough time to spend his weekends exploring either downtown or his Nintendo Switch’s Zelda world.
We want to thank to all our mentors that helped us through this process: Milan Patel, Matthew Oulette, Susanta Datta, Adam Frank and finally, thanks to our manager, Bonny Grenier, for her support.
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rossradev · 5 years
RT @ibm_in: The future is hybrid, #multicloud security systems—and that's just what #IBM #CloudPak for Security is built for. #IBMSecurity @Forrester covers IBM's latest release here: https://t.co/YMedrb2eYa
The future is hybrid, #multicloud security systems—and that's just what #IBM #CloudPak for Security is built for. #IBMSecurity@Forrester covers IBM's latest release here: https://t.co/YMedrb2eYa
— IBM India (@ibm_in) November 27, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Ross_Radev
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releaseteam · 3 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/releaseteam
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Bob Carver ✭ @cybersecboardrm: Average Cost of a Data Breach #CyberSecurity #infosec #databreach @IBMSecurity Source: Twitter
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Your Future Starts Here in IBM Security Guardium V10.0 Administration!
#IBM #Certification #training #IBMSecurity #Administrtaion #SecurityAdministrtaion
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babyawacs · 5 years
#qubit #qubits #qbit #qbits #1 #fair #minute #thought #cmon #! .@energy @energy @nsagov @gchq @i ntel .@intel @amd .@amd @arm @qualcomm @apple .@ibm @ibmsecurity @wired .@wired ./@wired ./wired @wireduk .@wireduk .@darpa ./@darpa @darpa ‎ ******‎ howmany electrons in center remain qubit superposition until hammer electron up or down sorts them to the last result.‎ ‎ isay 2electrons paired can still be a superposition.  many ofthem in center canbe a loooonger superposition 2incenter the shortest superposition *******‎ ‎ ‎ think it through one fair second:   youknow 100photons in . you know aha!! the hammer out electron into out or
#qubit #qubits #qbit #qbits #1 #fair #minute #thought #cmon #! .@energy @energy @nsagov @gchq @i ntel .@intel @amd .@amd @arm @qualcomm @apple .@ibm @ibmsecurity @wired .@wired ./@wired ./wired @wireduk .@wireduk .@darpa ./@darpa @darpa ‎ ******‎ howmany electrons in center remain qubit superposition until hammer electron up or down sorts them to the last result.‎ ‎ isay 2electrons paired can still be a superposition.  many ofthem in center canbe a loooonger superposition 2incenter the shortest superposition *******‎ ‎ ‎ think it through one fair second:   youknow 100photons in . you know aha!! the hammer out electron into out or
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#qubit #qubits #qbit #qbits #1 #fair #minute #thought #cmon #! .@energy @energy @nsagov @gchq @intel .@intel @amd .@amd @arm @qualcomm @apple .@ibm @ibmsecurity @wired .@wired ./@wired ./wired @wireduk .@wireduk .@darpa ./@darpa @darpa
****** howmany electrons in center remain qubit superposition until hammer electron up or down sorts them to the last result.
isay 2electrons paired can still be a…
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avishek429 · 4 years
For several years running, QRadar has been the leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for SIEM. 
IBM QRadar is an enterprise (SIEM)product
IBM Security QRadar Training SIEM is a tech platform developed by IBM to provide a 360-degree overview of an organization’s security system.
QRadar normalizes events that come from a security system’s log sources and correlates them according to certain rules configured in QRadar. 
IBM QRadar online training collects log data from an enterprise, network devices, host assets, operating systems, applications, vulnerabilities, user activities and behaviors. 
IBM QRadar performs real-time analysis of the log data and network flows for identify malicious activity so it could be stopped quickly, preventing or minimizing damage to an organization.
Why QRadar Online Training Is Best SIEM Tool
IBM Security QRadar SIEM will correlate system vulnerabilities with an incident and network information, it helps to rank security incidents. 
Provides close to time period visibility for threat detection and prioritization, delivering surveillance throughout for the whole IT infrastructure. 
Reduces and prioritizes alerts to focus investigations on an unjust list of suspected incidents. 
Enables more practical threat management whereas manufacturing careful information access and user activity reports. 
Delivers security intelligence in cloud environments. 
Produces detailed information access and user activity reports to assist manage compliance.
Features Of IBM QRadar SIEM
 l API Updates 
l Historical Correlation 
l Overlapping IP Support in SIEM 
l Support LDAP Authorization 
l Deployment Actions from System Management 
l Enterprise Ready Reporting 
l Patch Rollback Framework 
l Factory Re-install, new ‘retain’ option to preserve /store 
l Offense (CRE) Count Resets 
l Password Storage Enhancement in QRadar
l Complex threat detection
l Malicious activity identification
l User activity monitoring
l Compliance monitoring
l data loss prevention & Fraud detection for more key use cases
IBM Security QRadar SIEM training providing larger eases of use Sense Analytics Engine to & lower total value of possession whereas uses a sophisticated discover & advanced threats.IBM QRadar SIEM classroom training7.2 (Security Intelligence Platform provides an event management), incident response, log management, incident forensics, anomaly detection, & unified design for desegregation security info & vulnerability management & configuration.
Prerequisites for IBM QRadar SIEM online training
 IT infrastructure
IT security fundamentals
TCP/IP networking
Futures with IBM QRADAR online training
 $1.2B more investing in cloud biggest IT solution provider.
$6B R&D investment-huge intellectual property rights.
Strong customer experience. 
Hybrid approach.
Open source platform. 
Highly scalable & available architecture.
 IBM QRADAR is the winner in the SANS Best of Award program for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).
 For more details, IBM QRadar Training kindly feels free to contact us.
Name – Avishek Priyadarshi
Phone:   +91-8553177744
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rossradev · 5 years
RT IBMSecurity "Operational technology (OT) security has implications for everything from electricity to the environment. Learn more on the latest Security Intelligence Podcast episode: https://t.co/UFLOjAhOCN https://t.co/391vSG86vR"
RT IBMSecurity "Operational technology (OT) security has implications for everything from electricity to the environment. Learn more on the latest Security Intelligence Podcast episode: https://t.co/UFLOjAhOCN pic.twitter.com/391vSG86vR"
— Ross Radev (@Ross_Radev) May 11, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Ross_Radev
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