#I.e. Raz :V
presidentstalkeyes · 1 year
Norma Natividad is autistic.
Now, I know it might seem iffy that I'm headcanoning the academically-inclined jerk character as autistic, but hear me out. :V
Her investigative tendencies strike me as a special interest of hers, so when the mystery of the mole comes on the scene she pounces on it and remains focused for the entirety of the story, while all the other Interns are varying degrees of apathetic. She tells everyone it's for the extra credit points but Lizzie's post-game comment - "she's been 'helping' me all my life" suggest it's just a Thing Norma Does. She's also shown talking about her investigation to a less-than-interested Gisu, despite the fact that Raz is standing right there, suggesting that's her 'I'm gonna spill about my interests today because I have to tell someone' moment.
Playing into the above, she wants to make herself helpful and useful - hence the investigation and snitching on Raz to 'Truman' - but has a bit of trouble with impulse control and reading the room. Sometimes she 'helps' when it isn't really asked for and has difficulty leaving well enough alone. I do imagine this is rooted a lot in her past as a psychic, but there's also an element of internalized ableism - she wants to prove she can 'fit in' and contribute to neurotypical society.
While she wasn't unbiased towards Raz to start with because, you know, literal child getting into the Intern program on his first day and all - she came up with her theory because she 'saw what others couldn't' and took the events surrounding Raz's arrival at face value (kid she's never heard of before suddenly showing up out of nowhere, becomes an Intern immediately and is apparently best buddies with three Senior Agents) and came to the logical - but incorrect - conclusion that something didn't add up. This feels like a very autistic thing for me personally, to see something that should be obvious yet gets ignored for apparently arbitrary reasons.
She seems adept at, essentially, spycraft, which she accomplishes by putting on acts - again projecting here, but when you mask for long enough eventually you sorta understand how to mask and in what way to get a desired reaction. I personally don't do this because I can't stand being dishonest, but Norma has no such hangups... which is not to say she enjoys it. Masking for a long time can be exhausting. So when she doesn't need to, she speaks bluntly and honestly, and depending on her mood she either doesn't know or doesn't care if she comes off as rude in the process. It's her treat! (Her comment to Raz about his father, "I'm sorry, are you jealous? Did your father not spend much time with you growing up?" was half-honest question, half-low-blow jab to get a rise out of him because she still thinks he's a smug brat who's duping everyone and 'if only everyone else could see what I'm seeing!')
Kinda grasping at straws for this one, but she has a couple tics she repeats a lot - she's often seen with her hands clasped together in front of her and regularly pulls her glasses up her nose, which both feel like stims.
Finally, going by one of the cut Bottled Thoughts, she suffers from anxiety over if she's really a good person or not, showing she still has empathy for others buried beneath that prickly exterior. This is sort of made apparent in the final game - she apologizes to Raz for thinking he's the Mole and promises to make it up to him, and using Clairvoyance on her in the postgame reveals she at least begrudgingly warmed up to him after that. However, when Raz and her sister directly confront her over her wrongdoing, her knee-jerk response is to downplay it and be like 'well it all worked out in the end, what's the problem?'. I know based on my own experience and convos with other autistic folks that an unfortunate reality of being autistic is having strangers overreact towards something you did or said for seemingly no logical reason, so it's tempting to wish that everyone would just stop making such a huge deal over minor errors - pobody's nerfect, just accept mistakes happen and move on. Except in Norma's case it's more than just a simple mistake, but she's still in the denial phase of the incident and doesn't want that 'am I a good person?' anxiety to flare up again, and her difficulty at reading the room lead to her reaction.
Also note that this is the only time you can finally hand her the 'Mission-Critical Assets', whereupon she'll act like a jerk towards Raz again ("get over yourself, it's just a scavenger hunt!") - which, considering my earlier thoughts, strikes me as a 'well fine, if you wanna treat me like a jerk then I guess I'll act like one!' moment (showing she still struggles to regulate her emotions). Then she gets uncharacteristically flustered when Raz suddenly turns the tables on her, and let me tell you, I felt that. :V
Just to be clear, this is in no way meant to justify or excuse her dickish behaviour towards Raz, who I'm pretty sure is autistic himself (and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that). I'm autistic and I was a kind of a dick when I was Norma's age, and I make no excuses for that. She just has some growing up to do, really.
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deadpanwalking · 6 years
Re: your P/V translation rec - When I wanted to start reading Master & Margherita I went looking for translation forum discussions as usual and the overwhelming conclusion seemed to be that they sucked all the fluidity and enjoyment and subtlety out of the works they translated and were why many thought they didn't like Russian lit in school until they read a dif translation later in life, so I'm surprised to see you recommend them so effusively. What about their work stands above others to you?
Yes. We had yet another critic, at the very beginning, an old Russianémigré lady. When we first told her we were translating The Brothers Karamazov, she said, Oh,Dostoevsky, I hope you correct his awful style. I said, No, that is preciselywhat we’re going to keep. - Richard Pevear, in this dope ass interview for The Paris Review
Thisis a good question.  I think mypreference might come down to the fact that I read the books in Russian beforereading the English translations—remember: Russian language uses something like20%  fewer words and has a wealth of compounds,i.e. in English you have “corrode"; our equivalent is raz’est’ which breaksdown to ‘around-eat’ (raz=around; est’=eat). With that in mind, a lot of translators, wary of being too repetitive,either get too liberal with the synonyms or gloss over important parts of thetext—that arguably creates a sense of consistency for nonRussophone readers, but at the expense of critical aspects of the original work.
Meanwhile,P&V translations are like when you transpose a violin concerto to flute* (thekey changes but the phrasing remains the same)—I respond to that because it fundamentallypreserves the nuances in music that I already love.  I’m not sure if I’d feel the same way if they were my first introduction to Russian literature.
*Briggs’translations are like really good covers of a song, and on the other end of thespectrum, Garnett’s may as well be Kidz Bops.
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dennakryptoanalyza · 7 years
BTC nadalej rastie, ale uvidime tento mesiac nove ATH?
Minuly tyzden som preskocil kompletnu analyzu a namiesto toho napisal len kratky update kedze som si nebol velmi isty dalsimi pohybmi BTC. Situacia sa odvtedy rychlo zmenila a dnes popisem co budem sledovat v blizkom tyzdni.
Moja povodna teoria bola, ze som ocakaval $4350-4400 ako top tohoto mierneho rally ktore zacalo na $3500, kedze som videl znaky vycerpanosti (i.e. 'divergences') na indikatoroch. Predpokladal som pad na nejakych $4050, konsolidaciu medzi $4100 - $4400 a az neskor eventualny prelom velkej hranice $4400. Napriek divergences, BTCUSD islo hore a dostalo sa prekvapujuc na hranicu $4480. Aj som zacal v tomto bode shortovat ale som to closeol lebo BTC bolo pre mna prilis nepredvidatelne na tradeovanie (silly me).
Ked o par dni BTCUSD padlo pod $4300, az vtedy som zbadal na grafe ze BTCUSD formovalo krasnu Elliott Wave:
BTCUSD, 2H sviecky, Bitfinex, Logaritmicka skala
Idealne Elliot Waves. Doporucujem nastudovat teoriu, jeden zo zakladnych principov s ktorym sa budete stretavat.
Aj som vtedy zakreslil linie do grafu zrkadlujuc lavu stranu, ale necakal som ze by cena sledovala ten pattern az uplne nadol, to by bolo prilis dokonale. Ako mozme vidiet, od $4130 sa cena velmi silno odrazila az nad $4270 a momentalne sa drzi medzi $4300 - $4400. U mna bullish signal. Okay, otvaranie longov na podpornych fibo liniach by malo byt relativne bezpecne.
Stale som bol ale strateny a nevedel som co ocakavat od ceny. Podla 4H Ichimoku Cloud (10,30,60) som urcil, ze hranica $4435 je jednoznacne dolezita resistance linia ktoru treba sledovat pre potencialny breakout (sice sme uz videli $4480, ale sviecky 4H+ sa aj tak uzavreli presne pod $4435):
BTCUSD, 4H sviecky, Bitfinex, Logaritmicka skala. Ako vidime, cena sa neraz odrazila od tejto klucovej hranice + linie Sekou Span B.
Nakoniec som si ale vsimol nasledovny pattern, vyzerajuc ako tzv. 'Rising Wedge' - bearish pattern z ktoreho sa vacsinou cena prelamuje nadol na vysokom predajnom objeme.
Co je ale zaujimave v tomto pripade, az privelmi sa podobu tomu istemu rising wedge, ktore ETHUSD tvorilo v Auguste ked sa inicialne odrazilo od $140 a neskor dosiahlo $395. Dopadlo to velmi krvavo, az to stiahlo cely trh so sebou:
Vlavo: BTCUSD, 4H sviecky, Bitfinex, Log     Vpravo: ETHUSD, 6H sviecky, Bitfinex, Log
Ta podobnost, a nie len toho rising wedge ale aj tej korekcie ktore viedla k jeho zaciatku je priam neuveritelna, vsak ze? Az odtialto vidim tie dolare ktore sa vam objavili v ociach.
Rad sa pozeram na fraktaly v minulosti pretoze velmi pekne odrazaju spravanie a mentalitu trhu a poukazuju na to, co mozem ocakavat od buduceho vyvoja cien. Ale predtym, ako si zoberiete hypoteky a predate organy na nakupenie BTC po tom co ste toto videli, vas chcem upozornit ze je nebezpecne tradeovat ciste na zaklade minulych fraktalov. Berte ich v ohlad a zapamatajte si ich a sledujte vyvoj, ale nebudte nimi zaslepeni a nadalej sledujte charts a vase oblubene indikatory, a ostante pri svojich strategiach. Inak lahko mozte byt brutalne rekt. (Zdroj: Ja v minulosti a tradeovanie fraktalov gone wrong).
Musim ale priznat ze trochu sa uskrnam z pod fuz ked toto vidim, nie len kvoli momentalnej long prilezitosti (som long z $4335 a pridam ak pojde nizsie), ale aj potencialnej Big Short prilezitosti na konci. K tomu sa ale dostaneme neskor ked/ak tam prideme. Budem vyzerat divergences na oscilatoroch.
Samozrejme ako konzervativny trader by som chcel vidiet viacero potvrdeni na tych Rising Wedge liniach. S dolnou podpornou liniou som ale celkom spokojny, s hornou ale nie. Taktiez, Rising Wedge by aj presne vyvrcholil v okoli $4800 (15-16 Oktober), co je okolie sucasneho ATH, a mozme i vidiet postupne znizujuci sa volume, co je tiez indikator potvrdzujuci Rising Wedge.
Ak to pojde dokonale, tak mame asi jasnu odpoved na otazku v nadpise.
Fraktal-nefraktal, stale by som bol prekvapeny novym ATH tento mesiac aj z fundamentalneho hladiska - v novembri nas caka dalsia Hard Fork drama - aj z technickeho hladiska - Bollingerove Pasma na vysokych skalach stale niesu dostatocne stiahnute, + mesacne RSI.3D a 1W Bollingerove Pasma som uz spominal minule a boli jeden z indikatorov podla ktorych som povodne ocakaval opatovny test $3000. Nakoniec sme sa dostali len k $3500. Napriek tomu, nove ATH sa tazko dosahuju bez obcasnych dlhych konsolidacnych period a Bollingerove pasma (a ich sirku) stale povazujem za skvely indikator volatility a urcovania konsolidacnych period. Pozrime sa na 3D a 1W opat:
Vlavo: BTCUSD, 3D sviecky, Bitfinex, Log     
Vpravo: BTCUSD, 1W sviecky, Bitfinex, Log
3D uz mame celkom pekne stiahnute, ale 1W este potrebuju zopar tyzdnov. Napriek tomuto BTCUSD stale moze ist v tomto bode vyssie a spravit nove ATH, ale vysoke ceny typu $7000 by asi boli nepravdepodobne a to rally by nebolo prilis udrzatelne. Ak ostane co najdlhsie sa konsolidovat v $4000kach (FYI 3D Bollingerove Pasma su ~$4850 a ~$3650) pred dalsim pokracovanim, tak to rally bude mat o to vacsi potencial...
...za predpokladu ze to pojde hore. Avsak nebojim sa toho ze by do konca roka nemalo spravit este aspon jeden vystup. Volume je najdolezitejsi indikator, a ked sa pozrieme na tie grafy vyssie, hlavne na 1W, vidime ze nam pekne spolahlivo stupa pocas tohoto bull run, indikujuc zvysujuci sa zaujem a doveru vo vyssich cenach.
To je vsetko.
Co sledovat
1. Ak sa niekto zarazil pri tom ako som spomenul Ichimoku Cloud a cudoval sa co je to za voodoo, je to pomocka pri analyzovani grafov (viac tu). Donedavna som to pouzival zriedkavo a nebol som s tym dobry, nedavno ma ale jeden trader naucil mnozstvo zaujimavych veci o Ichimoku Cloud ktore na mna zaposobili a zatial s uspechom som ich implementol do svojej strategie. Pri najmensom vynikajuco znazornuje podporne a resistancne linie. Budete ma vidiet castejsie ho pouzivat, raz o nom nieco aj ja postnem.
2. Vyssie spominany Rising Wedge. Mal by trvat vysse tyzdna. Opat vas upozornujem pozor na tradeovanie fraktalov.
3. NEO je jedno z par alts ktore su momentalne bullish a spolahlivo idu ruka v ruke s BTC. Osobne idem dokupit spolu k BTC.
4. Ostatne alts su anal fucked, niektore (napr. STRAT) spadli pod long term support line, ine ako XMR, ZEC alebo ETHBTC sa na nich ledva drzia. Sledoval by som ich a pripravil sa na na otvorenie padaku ak holdujete.
5. BAT ma sklamal. Nemyslim cenovo (i ked vyzera neprijemne, yikes), ale nadslubili a Mercury v plnej verzii neprisiel, nakoniec len preview -_-. Plna verzia nasledujuci tyzden. Nie je to pre mna dealbreaker a nebudem predavat svoj cenny BAT, len dufam ze sa v buducnosti budu vyvarovat tychto praktik.
6. Velmi ma zaujima kadial pojde ETH v blizkej dobe ak predpokladame ze BTC ozaj vystupi na tych $4800. ETHBTC stale neprejavuje znamky zivota a volume je coraz mensi a mensi. Dokonca je prvy krat po dlhych mesiacoch pod 4H EMA200. 0.067 ostava hlavna podpora, ak sa zlomi, mozme vidiet 0.05. Na USD sa musi konecne udrzat nad $310, co je velmi silna resistance.
Tolko odo mna tento vikend, stastne tradeovanie and stay safe kids! 
Sledujte ma na Twitteri a Facebooku ak vas zaujimaju moje obchody a nazory na trh pocas tyzdna.
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Protegese de Los Fundamentos para Deportarle
No Les Da Fundamento Para Expulsarle:
5 Errores Generales Que Un/A Inmigrante Puede Cometer Que Pueden Afectar Sus Derechos de Inmigración
Inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos enfrentan nuevas amenazas a sus derechos de Inmigración y de su libertad. Tienen un Presidente y agentes de inmigración comprometidos a buscar fundamentos para expulsarlos. La Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) provee a los y las agentes y juezes bastantes y amplios fundamentos para castigar severamente a inmigrantes quienes incumplen con las reglas - con multas, denegaciones de admisión, con deportación, y hasta con años de encarcelación
Es apremiante que inmigrantes y sus abogadxs entienden cuales son los fosos grandes para no caer en ellos, resultando en un impacto desatrozo a ellos y a sus familias por años:
1. No mienta en sus peticiones
2. Cumple con las condiciones de su visa: registrese como “Alien” según requerido; obtenga todas requeridas vacunas de salud; no permanece en el país después que se vence la visa
3. No participe en conducta criminal y mantense LEJOS de drogas (inclusive no volverse adicto/a a ellas)
4. No solicite ayudas de pobreza del gobierno
5. Sí busque y guarde documentos para evidenciar cumplimiento con diversos requisitos de visas o vistas
Aunque todos sabemos que es malo mentir y cometer delitos, tiene merito entender como cierta conducta arriesgue a los derechos de inmigrantes. Por ejemplo (no taxativo):
1. Mentir
1.     Casarse con propósito de evadir leyes de inmigración (“sham marriage”) puede resultar en una multa de $250,000 y encarcelación por 5 años. INA Sec. 275.
2.     Radicar una frivola petición de asilo puede resultar en ser permanentemente ineligible por cualquier beneficio de inmigración. INA. Sec. 208.
3.     Naturalización y ciudadania obtenida fraudulentemente puede resultar en desnaturalización, y, revocación de ciudadania. INA Sec. 340.
4.     Si dentro de cinco años de recibir Lawful Permanent Resident Status (el Green Card), percibe el gobierno que el estatus no debería haber sido ofrecido, pueden revocar el estatus, resultando en deportación. INA Sec. 246.
5.     Si un peticionario miente en su solicitud, o falsamente declara ciudadania norteamericana en peticiones, puede resultar en deportación. INA Sec. 212.
 2. Cumple con Condiciones de la Visa
1.     Meramente incumplir con la regla de notificar un cambio de dirección postal dentro de 10 dias del cambio es fundamento para deportación. INA Secs. 265 y 266.
2.     Estudiantes que permanecen en el país después que se vence su visa son excluíbles del país por cinco años desde la fecha de la violación.
3.     Inmigrantes, admitidos como “nonimmigrant,” (i.e. atleta, au pair, comerciante, medico/a, profesor/a, etc.) quienes no mantienen ese estatus o incumplen con las condiciones del estatus, son deportables. INA Sec. 237.
4.     Overstays:
a.     Si se vence la visa, pero el o la inmigrante permanece en el país por:
                                                    i.     seis meses a un año, y se va antes que comienza el proceso de deportación, el o la inmigrante es inadmisible por otros 3 años (no puede exitosamente solicitar beneficios de Inmigración). INA Sec. 212.
b.     Si permance por un año o más, es inadmissible por 10 años. INA Sec. 212.
 3. Drogas (Sustancias Controladas) y Conducta Criminal
 OJO:  Al agente de Inmigración, al meramente saber o tener razón de saber, que el o la inmigrante participó en conducta criminal, tiene suficiente fundamento para deportar, con muchos años prohibiendo admisión de nuevo. Es decir, NO NECESITA esperar celebraciónde un juicio, ni condena ni sentencia judicial o administrativa. Cuidado - admitiendo o confesando la conducta criminal permite al gobierno saber o tener razón de saber de la conducta criminal – dando el fundamento a deportar el o la inmigrante.
Ejemplos de conducta criminal que, al gobierno saber o tener razon de saber, sin condena:
1.     Traficar en sustancias controladas o asistir en lo mismo.
a.     OJO: la pareja y los hijos de este o esta inmigrante TAMBIEN son deportables si dentro los últimos cinco años se beneficiaron del traficar de sustancias controladas a sabiendas de la conducta o si deberían de haber sabido. INA Sec. 212.
2.     Lavar dinero o asistir en lo mismo – deportable. INA Sec. 212.
3.     Trata Humana (Human Trafficking) – deportable.
a.     La pareja y los hijos de este o esta inmigrante TAMBIEN son deportable si se beneficiaron de la venta de humanos dentro los últimos cinco años a sabiendas de la conducta o si deberían de haber sabido. INA Sec. 212.
4.     Prostitución, dentro de los últimos 10 años, o llegar al país para prostituir, es fundamento para ser deportado o deportada. También, otros vicios comercializados son prohibidos y dan fundamento a la deportación. INA Sec. 212.
5.     Espionage, Sabotage, tumbar el gobierno violentamente, y terrorismo dan fundamento a la deportación. INA Sec. 212.
 De nuevo, toda conducta arriba es fundamento a deportar solo con meras sospechas razonables sin procesos de ley (juicios, sentencias, condenas). INA Sec. 212.
 Otro fundamendo relacionado con drogas es el abuso de, o ser adicto o adicta, a drogas. INA Sec. 212.
 La lista de delitos con condenas (a diferencia a los delitos sin evidencia de condena) dando lugar a deportación es larga, por ende, hay muchas oportunidades para inmigrantes perder sus privilegios de Inmigración si no se cuiadan:
 1.     Condenas de delitos que involucran “Moral Turpitude” da fundamento a la deportación. INA Sec. 212.
a.     “Moral Turpitude” es un concepto ambiguo, sin definición reglamentada. Entonces no es fija de juez a juez. Depende en gran parte si la ley criminalizando la conducta contiene elementos requiriendo intención o conocimiento criminal. Por ende, puede variar según jurisdicción. Delitos de “moral turpitude” pueden incluir:
                                                    i.     Violencia injustificada con una arma peligrosa
                                                   ii.     Aggravated battery
                                                 iii.     Delitos de fraude, hurto y robo
                                                 iv.     Delitos sexuales y delitos violentos
                                                   v.     Delitos defraudando el gobierno o sobornando un o una agente del gobierno.
b.     Si el inmigrante es Lawful Permanent Resident (tiene Green Card), y es condenado por un delito en que pudiera haber sido confinado por un año o más por un delito de “Moral Turpitude” dentro de cinco años desde ser admitido al país, puede ser deportado. Notar: la sentencia a ser confinado no tiene que haber sido el año completo; meramente si el codigo penal dispone que si se puede encarcelar por un año o más por cometer el delito, ya está satisfecho el requisite.
2.     Multiples condenas:
a.     Si el o la inmigrante es sentenciado/a por 2 o más delitos, y el tiempo combinado total de ser confinado/a es cinco años o más, el o la inmigrante es deportable. La sentencia no tiene que ser ejecutada, meramente si las sentencias así lo indican. INA Sec. 212.
3.     Condena relacionada a armas de fuego da lugar a la deportación. INA Sec. 237.
4.     Condena de Delito Graves Agravada (aggravated felony) es fundamento para ser deportado. INA Sec. 237.
5.     Huir con Alta Velocidad: condena por huir de un punto de reviso de Inmigración es fundamento para ser deportado. INA Sec. 237.
Delitos en contra la familia:
 OJO: Si el o la inmigrante tiene pareja, o tiene hijos, esta expuesto a riesgo de condenas de violencia domestica o maltrato de menores, y a desacatos de ordenes de protección. Cada instancia, condenas de violencia domesetica o maltrato de menores, y los desacatos de ordenes de protección son fundamentos a ser deportado o deportada. INA Sec. 237. Por ende, es importante que este o esta inmigrante mantenga su control emocional en sus discusiones de pareja o en su forma de criar sus hijos.
 4. Ayudas del Gobierno
 Un o una inmigrante que solicita ayuda del gobierno, dentro de cinco años de entrar al país, resultando de causas antes de entrar al país, es deportable. INA Sec. 237.
 Doble Castigo
 Es importante notar, que las deportaciones trae una castigo encima del castigo – la inadmisibilidad de entrar al país de nuevo. El término de inadmisibilidad puede durar entre tres a 20 años, dependiendo el fundamuento por la deportación. INA Sec. 212.
 5. Buscar y Guardar Documentos
 La mayoria de procedimientos de Inmigración requiren prueba documental. Sin ella, peticiones tienen más posibilidad de ser denegadas. Decisiones adjudicativas pueden resultar en contra del inmigrante - resultando en el o la inmigrante no poder ser admitido/a, ser confinado/a sin fianza, o ser deportado o deportada. En un ambiente en donde el liderazgo ejecutivo del país busca cualquiera manera de rechazar o explulsar a inmigrantes, es importante tener toda la evidencia posible para fortalezer una petición y conservar derechos de Inmigración.
 Documentos importantes (no taxativo) son los que evidencian historial de empleo, colaboración con la comunidad, vínculos efamiliares, y residencia (evidencia que buscaste los documentos sin exito también es importante). Ejemplos:
 §  Certificados de nacimiento y matrimonio
§  Certificados de bautisos
§  Identificación Nacional
§  Affidavits Personales
§  Documentos de empleo (talonarios, contratos, documentos de empleo gubernamental, documentos provistos por empleadores y sindicatos)
§  Vacunas
§  Contratos de Arrendamiento
§  Cuentas de Electricidad, Agua, Internet
§  Records Escolares
§  Records Médicos y Hospitalarios
§  Atestaciones de iglesia y sindicatos
§  Evidencia de Persecusión (incluso, su diario personal relatando sus experiencias)
 En conclusión, la ley provee muchos fundamentos para que los y las agentes y juezes de Inmigración deniegen privilegios de Inmigración, para luego deportar y hasta encarcelar inmigrantes. Entendiendo cuales son los fundamentos que el gobierno busca ayudará a inmigrantes precaver contra caer en situaciones desagradables, y lograr obtener y conservar los derechos y privilegios de Inmigración que merecen.
 Eyal Rosenstock, Esq. es abogado de inmigración* en el bufete Rosenstock Immigration Solutions LLC con oficinas en San Juan y Mayagüez.
Puede llamarlo si su cliente tiene un asunto que toca cuestiones de Inmigración a 202.361.5851.
Eyal es inmigrante de tercera generación de una familia de cuatro generaciones de inmigrantes en las Americas y en los Estados Unidos. Esta comprometido a defender los derechos de inmigrantes con dedicación, compasión e integridad.
*Práctica en Puerto Rico limitado exclusivamente a Inmigración nacionalmente mediante licencia de ejercer abogacia en el Distrito Federal (Washington, D.C.). 8 CFR § 1.2. No admitido a ejercer derecho de Puerto Rico.
Este escrito no es asesoría legal. Siempre considera consultar con un o una abogada con su asunto particular antes de tomar o no tomar acciones legales.
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dramauricaversan · 3 years
Advice from a Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto: Dealing with Vitamin D During Wintertime
#text-639723061 { text-align: center; }
Our clinic’s naturopathic doctor in Toronto advises Canadians on why they need to consider vitamin D supplementation in the wintertime. It is because the body can produce vitamin D efficiently during the summer months. But with grey skies during the wintertime, Canadians need to pay attention to their vitamin D levels. A vitamin D deficiency may cause various side effects, including depression, bone and muscle pain, cramping and/or weakness.
Below are some relevant facts about Vitamin D and its impact on health, as well as recommendations from our Toronto Naturopath on how you may find alternative supplementation.
Why is vitamin D called the “sunshine vitamin”?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally obtained from exposing uncovered skin to sunlight. In particular, ultraviolet B (UVB) rays shine onto the skin; the skin then generates a precursor that is altered into an active vitamin D form in the kidneys and liver.
Vitamin D supports bone health; it also helps with the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Many tissues and organs in the human body have vitamin D receptors, denoting the vitamin’s critical roles in insulin regulation, fertility support, cardiovascular health, and immune, brain, and nervous system support.
Vitamin D may bring additional support to the immune system
Did you know that studies have linked vitamin D deficiencies to respiratory tract infections, including the common cold, bronchitis and pneumonia? It’s safe to say that vitamin D supplements may impact your health during cold and flu season and beyond.
One of the roles of this vitamin includes keeping your immune system strong to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D interacts with the body’s antimicrobial activity in our innate immune cells, prompting the fight against infections.
Vitamin D has also been shown to enhance antimicrobial peptides, molecules that defend our cells from bacterial “invaders”. Hence, it’s suggested that there’s a molecular basis for vitamin D protecting the body against bacteria and viruses.
Vitamin D may help you deal with the “winter blues”
Suffering from the winter blues? Some Canadians experience this from a lack of sun exposure, resulting in prolonged sadness. Seasonal changes in vitamin D levels suggest the possibility that supplementation may help with issues such as seasonal mood disorders.
In fact, “Several studies showed a significant relationship between vitamin D deficiency and late-life depression in northern latitudes,” explains an article in Neuropsychiatry. The article goes on to say, “In further assessment of an older population-based cohort living at northern latitudes, a moderate inverse relationship between vitamin D serum level and depressive symptoms was observed among both genders.”
However, additional studies need to be conducted on specifically preventing or treating depression with vitamin D. Meanwhile, research continues to suggest that depression and vitamin D deficiencies are connected.
Vitamin D may help reduce muscle and back pain from a vitamin D deficiency
Did you know that bone, leg, shin and/or low back pain, combined with fatigue, may be a sign of insufficient vitamin D levels in the blood? In one controlled study, participants deficient in vitamin D were almost twice as likely to have achy joints, ribs or legs in comparison to those with normal-range blood levels.
If you’re indoors during most of the winter season and you have body pain, you may want to discuss vitamin D therapy with your naturopathic doctor in Toronto. According to Frontiers in Immunology, “Several studies indicate that vitamin D supplementation and/or deficiency changes the gut microbiota profile; as such, this can potentially modulate visceral pain.”
Many are surprised to learn that muscle pain may be related to vitamin D deficiencies. Some health care practitioners believe this may be common for patients with muscle knots (also known as “trigger points”). More research needs to be shepherded on this thought, but vitamin D may help scientists understand this further.
On the plus side, vitamin D supplementation may help improve muscle strength. As reported by Nutrients, “Studies have demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation can improve muscle strength which in turn contributes to a decrease in incidence of falls, one of the largest contributors to fracture incidence.”
Where to find vitamin D sources
It’s possible to improve your vitamin D levels. Naturopathic doctors would suggest eating D-rich foods, such as fatty fish (i.e. salmon and arctic char), fish oil, fortified milk, egg yolks, and fortified breakfast cereals.
Nevertheless, vitamin D isn’t always accessible through diet, especially if you’re vegan or lactose intolerant. So vitamin D liquid or gel capsules are recommended. Unlike tablets, liquid or gel capsules are efficient for bodily absorption. When choosing a vitamin D supplement, look at the product’s certificate of analysis. This ensures that third-party groups have tested the product for safety and that your product is free of contaminants. If you can’t find the certificate of analysis, call the supplement company to request this.
Finally, ask your naturopathic doctor in Toronto about vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D supplementation is also available via intramuscular injections, which are available at Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre, a naturopathic medicine clinic located at the heart of Toronto, Ontario. High-dose vitamin D may be injected into the muscle, which gradually releases the vitamin through the bloodstream.
Are you at risk of a vitamin D deficiency?
Vitamin D deficiency is surprisingly common. Unfortunately, it’s hard to pinpoint when it’s an issue, especially since symptoms may feel minimal by those who are affected. If you have health concerns or is concerned about a vitamin D deficiency, please speak to your health care practitioner. Currently, our naturopathic doctor in Toronto is accepting new patients; strict COVID-19 protocols are in place. By applying integrative functional medicine, our clinic embraces individuality; all of our natural treatments take your lifestyle and biology into consideration.
Do you have questions about our other services? Our Toronto Naturopathic clinic is open from Mondays to Saturdays. If you have health goals and in need of assistance in achieving optimal health, our naturopathic therapies may be able to help you. Please call (416) 922-4114 to book your appointment.
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The blog post Advice from a Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto: Dealing with Vitamin D During Wintertime first appeared on Dr. Amauri Caversan ND
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