#I've recently met two neat people but I don't know where to start
goodmorningawfulbye · 2 years
Listen as one of my FF mutuals I gotta know…. can you rank your top five villains (bonus points if you say why you like em)?
now, I've played fewer FF games than maybe the average FF fan but I love the ones I have played so yes I am up to the challenge.
However. In a way, I'm counting XIV expansions as individual games, and due to how they're structured, "antagonist" may fit certain characters more than "villain" but like they have boss fights at an end point of their expac so I say that counts
Mild to moderate spoilers for every game I mention wheeee (7, 8, 14, 15)
Zenos yae Galvus (FFXIV). As written, Zenos is somewhere between "it could be that deep" and "it is that deep," because of Choices(TM) the writers have made along the way, including locking valuable information in a side book that people will now disregard/downplay the importance of due to their not having read it. ANYWAY. But. Zenos is very much a reflection of the hero, the Warrior of Light. People had been discussing this since Stormblood, and then fighting about this since Endwalker came out and said it pretty explicitly, but he is. It's another version of the path the Warrior walks. If he hadn't been subjected to all he was in his life (and hoo boy is that a whole rant-worthy thing), he could have been different, more like the Warrior. If the Warrior hadn't had all the support they got, they could have behaved more like Zenos. This is just scratching the surface, because going deeper gets into excessive spoilers and personal headcanon but yeah. Zenos is a really cool character and I wish more people recognized it.
Nidhogg (FFXIV). Nidhogg was justified in doing what he did, for the most part. And the wherefore makes total sense, when the dragons say "we live forever so a thousand years ago is like last week to us, of course he's still mad." Totally valid. As an antagonist, he perfectly fits the themes of Heavensward. I wish we hadn't had to resolve his story the way we did. We had the perfect "see, people and dragons can work together with no exploitation or murder" solution. Maybe a couple, actually. But I guess he was fairly set in his position, and one can't say his grief and anger aren't valid. I just think it could have been great. I wish we'd gotten to see a flashback to when he wasn't so mired in his grief. I dunno I just really like Nidhogg and I would have wanted to see if peace could have been restored another way (my friend Dae and I say, correctly, he just needs a catgirl wife)
Sephiroth (FFVII). What's most interesting about him is how he gets where he is. He's engineered to be perfect, and then dropped into a situation, and it goes off the rails so fast from there. I was rewatching the cutscenes from Crisis Core recently and I realized Shinra is doing like five extremely messed-up things at once, and they all kind of converge on Sephiroth. Poor guy has two moms and one god-awful dad and they're all in the web of Shinra's machinations (Hojo willingly). But he didn't have to burn down Nibelheim about it. That created like. Even more problems. But his question of identity is a good one. That's interesting! I wish SE didn't use FFVII as its milkiest cash cow such that it dilutes his story but what can ya do
Ultimecia (FFVIII). What's funny to me is that Ultimecia is both really interesting and really boring. I read this really neat theory years ago that Ultimecia's final form was the Great Hyne, the first sorceress. That's what's made me like her, is that theory. And/but a lot of the cool stuff Ultimecia does is spread throughout the game when we haven't met her yet and don't know the full extent of what she's up to. Like, Edea, the stuff in space, Adel and Rinoa (as a unit), that's all before everyone starts really working on the whole Time Compression thing. I remember groaning to myself, "every disc, it's another sorceress" Though, the fact that she creates a time loop at the end of the game is pretty neat, too. (I have only seen that scene once despite playing FFVIII three times. The Ultimecia fight--the four fights one after another, in fact--suuuuuuuuucks, it took me months, and you need Rinoa in the party for Angelo but iirc that carries its own risks so I usually just go "yeah okay I bet the game I've beaten Ulti before, I'm done" instead of going through it again)
Ardyn (FFXV). I have extremely mixed feelings about Ardyn, partially due to SE's handling of the second bunch of Episodes. And because the Ardyn fans I knew in 2017 really turned me off being interested/exploring him as a character in fandom space. In canon, though, I do think "Christ, but Supremely Problematic" is deeply intriguing. SE has done the "bad guy is your family" thing before, and I think it's to pretty good effect each time. Ultimately, I have questions, but I don't feel like looking for answers. Which is sad, because there's depths there I just can't plumb.
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dearlordsanta · 2 years
Work, school, rosacea, and community
It's been a while. Thought I'd pop in with a little update!
I won't go too much into work because I don't want folks to be able to guess where I work. That being said, work has been a little tough lately, like it has been at a lot of places, we've been impacted by the recession. Hiring freezes, layoffs, being short-staffed, the whole bit. I recently even had to reapply to keep my job. It was stressful. I like my job, and this is the best company I've ever worked for. On top of all that, this job is the only reason I can keep going to school because they are paying for it. I mentioned my anxiety a bit in the past, but not in every post, which is saying a lot, I feel because I'm anxious almost all the time. I did interview practice with a third-party company that was made available to us during the time of layoffs, met with my mentor, and prepped as best I could for questions I thought might be asked. I did well in my interview, better than almost any other interview I've had, so I'm happy to report I'm staying employed! Yay!
School is still going great! I'm in my second math class and it's actually pretty neat. We're learning how to do equations in Google Sheets/Excel, which I thought was interesting. It's practical learning that I can apply to my current, and any future, jobs that I may have. I am also learning that the work I've done in Excel so far is barely scratching the surface, so I'm excited to learn more. Still holding steady at a 4.0 too, by the way! Woot woot!
I have never been officially diagnosed with rosacea, but my face (especially my nose) is red ALL the time, and my mom has been diagnosed with rosacea, so we've always assumed that's what it was. I used to try to cover it with make-up, but that is worse. I gave up on coverup a long time ago and try new things now and again, but it never goes away. That is not why I am bringing this up though! A few months ago, one eye started being really red almost constantly. I thought it might be allergies, so I tried allergy medicine and allergy eye drops to no avail. It was also starting to hurt. Finally, after about a month/month-and-a-half, I went to the optometrist. She informed me that I have rosacea ON/IN my eye! Honestly, I almost cried. I almost cried because I knew this was one more thing that would be forever. There is treatment, but no cure. If I didn't want to be in pain, I was going to have to work at it and I knew even then that there was no guarantee. She told me the treatment, scheduled a checkup in four weeks, and sent me on my way with a promise to call if it got worse. If you read my blog, you know everything else that is on my plate, and I was having a bad day. It was too much. I have eye wipes, eyelid spray, and eye drops. I have to do the wipes and the spray twice a day and the eye drops four times a day. I've been doing that, and it's helped. Again, not gone, but better. Until a few days ago. Three nights ago, I couldn't sleep because my eye hurt so badly. No matter what I did, nothing helped. It was red and swollen and it hurt every time I closed my eyes, even if it was just to blink. After a sleepless night, I called the doctor. She told me to keep doing the wipes and the spray, to up the eye drops to every two hours while I am awake, and to add eye gel. It's annoying, but it's helped. I was able to sleep, but it still hurts to blink sometimes. My appointment is in a few days now. Hopefully, nothing else is going on.
Lastly, I know I've written about my dogs before, but it's been a while. When you have a dog, you become part of a community. I realize this the more I go to dog parks. Even at the pet store, you get people who are rude about your dog, even if the dog isn't doing anything. However, today at the dog park, my girl was running and playing like normal and then she tripped and started crying. I don't mean the sad pitiful crying, but loud, high-pitched, I-think-I'm-dying type of crying. I was close by [obviously] and immediately rushed over to her. She didn't even stop crying when I picked her up and she was favoring her leg. EVERY SINGLE DOG OWNER RAN over to see if my dog was okay. They watched as I carefully, followed by not-so-carefully, felt her leg for injury. Once my pup realized it didn't hurt anymore, she ran off to play. Everyone there asked if she was okay or if I needed help and distracted her by petting her while I was checking her leg. When she ran off again, they all said how glad they were that she wasn't hurt. Y'all...I hadn't met a SINGLE person there before. At that moment though, they became my people. It was so comforting, and it reminded me why I drive a smidge further to this dog park than going to one a little closer to home.
PS: No real updates on my husband. He was doing really well for several weeks and was talking about going back to work part-time, but a couple weeks ago, he had another flare-up that is still going on, so I'm back to barely talking to him because he's mostly sleeping, or too cranky/sick to talk. Feeling really lucky to have my dogs <3
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upthewitchypunx · 2 years
I think making friends when you get older is hard because, where do you start?
Like, "Let me catch you up on decades of trauma thst brought me to this point."
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kz-i-co · 4 years
Incomparable: Part II
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Summary: As you feel like you and Kihyun's relationship start to develop, something or someone gets in the way.
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun/ Reader
Genre: Angst x fluff
Words: 2.6k
m.list ╫ mx masterlist
Part 1
A/N: I was thinking about this for a while now......but I might rewrite this one, so please stand by
"Hey you made it." Jooheon smiled as soon as you and Kihyun walked through the door.
"Yeah sorry I'm late. I had to speak with my professor."
"You're here that's all that matters." You couldn't help but blush.
Jooheon still gave you feelings you couldn't explain but now Kihyun was in the picture. You liked seeing his playful side and he really showed to be a caring person but how were things going to change now.
"(Y/N) come on. You need to try this cake that Gihyun made. It's amazing."
"Stop." Gihyun blushed.
"No seriously. You should be a culinary major." He continued complimenting.
"Hey thank you for bringing my canvas." You said to Gihyun.
"No problem (Y/N)." She smiled warmly.
"I love my gift. Can't believe how talented you are. You made me look dope." He smiled showing off his dimples.
"Hey dude." Wonho greeted Kihyun as he leaned against the wall on the opposite side. "What's with you?"
"W-what? Nothing." He shook off. He glanced at you still engaged with Jooheon. You were smiling and laughing and he can tell you were enjoying his company.
"You reek of jealousy."
"What would I be jealous of?" He snipped.
"Obviously the cute girl talking to Jooheon you entered with."
"It's so cute." He continued as he leaned forward to pinch his cheeks but Kihyun quickly stopped him.
"I'm not jealous. I was helping her out with Jooheon, that's all."
"If you say so."
"Hey (Y/N), if you want, there is a concert in the park tomorrow. You want to go?" Jooheon asked you. Was he asking you out? Oh no, what should you do. "I understand if you have something planned already with Kihyun."
"No, I don't have any plans tomorrow."
"Great. It will be fun."
"I'm bringing the snacks." Gihyun winked. She's going? Maybe it's not what you think.
"Hey let me get your number so I can tell you the details." Jooheon smiled and you blushed as you gave him your phone.
"Cute wallpaper." He said handing it back.
"Thank you."
"Jooheon." More people walked into the tight dorm. "Happy birthday."
"I'll be right back." He started walking away. "There's tons of food, eat up." He left you alone with your thoughts.
You looked around not sure what to do until your eyes spotted a lonely Kihyun sipping down a drink while playing on his phone.
"Hey." You greeted.
He looked up at you all flushed. You figured it was his drink taking control.
"Thanks again, for what you did."
"Why do you keep thanking me, It was my fault." He arched his eyebrows.
"It was both of our faults, but it was fun doing it." You smiled.
"If you say so."
"Are you drunk?" You leaned forward looking in his drowsy eyes.
"No." He stood up straight, denying.
"I think you are." You gave a slight giggle.
"(Y/N) were playing beer pong come on." Jooheon smiled.
"Um." You looked back at Kihyun but he was already out the door. "Wait."
"Come on (Y/N)." Gihyun continued.
You just shrugged it off hoping he was okay.
You looked around causally trying to spot Kihyun as you hung out with Jooheon and Gihyun. The more you hung out with Gihyun the more you disliked her. She had a comment for everything, and always had to one up herself for everything that came out of your mouth. Like she was competing with you.
"I'm going to use the restroom." You told Jooheon as he nodded. You had to get away from Gihyun and her constant chatting. The closer you traveled down the hall, you heard loud music of people singing along and the loud chaos of people cheering.
"Bang bang bang!" You turned the corner seeing a crowd in the hang out as two figures were singing along to the tv as it layered lyrics down the screen as they stood on the couch.
This can't be good this late at night.
You got closer about to head down the other hall until the familiar voice got you off guard. Kihyun? Oh no.
"Yeojadeureun get low. Danggyeora BANG BANG BANG- Hey (Y/N)!" Kihyun made eye contact with you. "Come up here."
You just shook your head.
"What the fuck is going on?" The RN came in as you were quick to get Jooheon.
"Um Jooheon." You started but you could feel a sudden presence behind you.
"Jooheon you said you were gonna keep this party out of control."
"What are you talking about?" He looked at the RN.
"Your friends are drunk and causing a ruckus. Please just send everyone back to their rooms before we get into trouble." She left in a rush.
You followed Jooheon back out to the hangout as everyone was already gone. "Sorry Jooheon." A boy with blonde hair spoke.
"Minhyuk, where is Kihyun?" He pointed to a figure laying on the floor against the wall.
"Shit." Jooheon mumbled concerned for his friend. "Kihyun doesn't do this, ever. I've seen him drunk before but not this bad."
"I'll help clean up Jooheon." Gihyun said sweetly.
"I'll take Kihyun to his room." It was your turn to speak.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah." You smiled and was already on the move.
"Okay, let's go." You grabbed his hands trying to pull him up. "Let's get you to bed."
"I can sleep here." He said pulling you down to lay on the floor. He wrapped his arms around you, cuddling you cutely. Okay maybe Kihyun was the cutest drunk ever.
"Kihyun, we need to lay in our beds not the floor." You giggled.
"My bed is like a hour away. I'll just stay here." He whispered.
"This floor is disgusting." You whined. "How about my bed? It's closer."
He hummed in agreement but still chose not to move. "Kihyun." You whispered closer to you but he bumped his head against yours causing you both to winch away.
"Who are you?"
"(Y/N)." You giggled some more. But he just looked at you trying to be proven correct.
"I wished you like me instead."
You immediately felt that punch in the gut feeling. The short time you knew him, he wasn't very keen on sharing but he liked you, it was confirmed.
He didn't deserve you by the way you look at it. You used him for his friend and continued to like his friend. It wasn't that you didn't feel anything for him but you couldn't forget about the other.
"Let's go. For real this time." You continued to help him back to your bed.
Once you finally settled him down, your friend must of slept somewhere since she was no where to be found. You attempted to sleep in her bed until Kihyun's clingy ass forced you in your own bed with him. He was definitely not what you expected when he drinks.
The next morning, you woke from Kihyun quickly getting up alerted.
"Sorry (Y/N) I'm gonna be late for my showcase."
"What showcase?" You asked yawning.
"My photography course. I'll see you later."
You got ready as the day was starting and quickly made your way out of the dorm.
"Hey (Y/N)." Jooheon smiled as he approached you with Gihyun.
"The concert got cancelled, on the count of rain...." He began. "But did you want to do something anyway?"
"Umm....okay." You shrugged.
"We're so happy we bumped into you. We were just thinking what we should do." Gihyun spoke with that annoying fake tone. "It's funny, we were just talking about you and how amazing your artwork is."
"How long have you been painting?" She continued.
"About 12 years." You said clearly uncomfortable with her as Jooheon just nodded along.
"Wow. You and Kihyun are so artistic. Probably why you make such a great pair."
"Thanks....technically we're not a pair."
"Not yet, at least." She giggled as you tried not to roll your eyes.
"Well it was nice talking to you guys, I'm gonna run." You waved goodbye as you continued to get your morning coffee you were urging for.
"(Y/N)! Wait up!" Jooheon ran after you.
"Wait, so you and Kihyun aren't together?" He asked confused.
"No, we're just friends. We've only met recently for tutoring."
"Oh okay.....Look I know Gihyun wants to do something but you busy right now? We can do something just the two of us?" Oh no. Why were you still feeling flustered when Kihyun is the one you should like.
"Um....no, I'm just getting coffee." You smiled.
"Mind if I join you?" His tone was sweet.
"No." Yes. Why was this happening now?
"I'm sorry that Gihyun is constantly clinging on to me." He laughed. "I mean, she's great and all but I don't want to hang out with her 24/7. I need a break."
"Well, she likes you." You laughed.
"Ha no."
"Yes. I thought you guys were together at first."
"I guess we were both wrong." He smiled with a slight blush warming his cheeks.
"How long have you and Kihyun been friends?"
"We met our third year of high school." Jooheon opened the door for you.
"Did he ever sing at all?" You couldn't help but wondered about the boy that was slowly taking your heart.
"Sure, I mean no more then the average person, but it wasn't something he showed interest in." You ordered your drinks and sat down.
"Well he should." He smiled at your response.
You knocked on Kihyun's door and answered it, dressed all neat and formal. "Hey." You began confused. "How was your showcase?"
"Fine." He shrugged. You followed him into the dorm as he was setting up his portfolio.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" You couldn't help but wonder.
"Not really."
"Just want to say that you are a very cute drunk." You laughed.
"Great, you saw a side I probably didn't want you to see." He rolled his eyes.
"Nah, I liked it." You bit your lip. "Very clingy, I should add."
"Is something wrong?" You asked from his silence.
"Nothing, I'm just wondering why you aren't with Jooheon right now." He began.
"Well....I was with him before, but it was just coffee."
"Ah...so he asked you out, like you wanted?" He laughed like nothing was different.
"It was just coffee, I wouldn't really call it a date." You looked at him confused. "Why are we talking about this?"
"Well....it turns out that Jooheon likes you. I guess you got your wish."
"He likes me? How do you even know that?"
"Because he told me." He finally looked at you, putting his work down. "I guess we're done here."
"But what about yesterday?"
"We can forget about that. We just got caught up in the moment."
You shrugged confused. "Kihyun-"
"It's okay (Y/N), Jooheon likes you. That's great." Sure he was right, you should be happy but why weren't you. Seeing Jooheon early, still gave you all those old feelings but now everything was different. "You don't owe me anything (Y/N). It was the deal remember."
"I don't understand-"
"You like him and now he likes you. It's what you wanted."
"Did something happen between you two?" You continued to ask from the sudden change in his behavior. He was acting the way you first met him.
"No, he was just asking about you. I'm sorry I really need to finish this."
"But Kihyun." You were at a loss of words.
"(Y/N)." He gave you a look you didn't quite understand. He was clearly hurt and trying to push you away.
You couldn't stop thinking about Kihyun. Why was he lying to you? What happened this morning?
You quickly rushed through the door. "Where were you all day?" Your friend asked.
"Oh um....The concert in the park."
"Wasn't that cancelled?" She arched her eyebrows.
"Yeah." You sighed. "I was with Jooheon and his side dish Gihyun, who clearly can't take a hint."
"Still competing with that girl?" She laughed.
"I really don't think I want to. I think I'm ready to move on."
"Don't tell me its because of Kihyun?"
"Why not?"
"Nothing, I just thought you were into Jooheon." She smiled. "I was confused because everyone is saying you're with Kihyun. Remember you both mysteriously walked in covered in paint."
"We were just goofing off." You said hiding the truth. Not that you knew yourself. You didn't know where things stood now. You felt something with that kiss and you sensed he did too. But now Jooheon was interested and Kihyun was acting like he supports it. You feel like everything is all mixed up now and you didn't know what to do.
"Sure. You've guys been attached lately."
"I don't know what to do." You sighed siting on the bed. "I like Jooheon but now since Kihyun and I kissed, I'm having mixed feelings."
"Excuse me! You kissed?" She looked at you baffled that you completely forgot to even mention it.
"I thought I told you."
"You certainly had not! When?"
"Yesterday. I was cleaning the art room and he came and helped me and then we started dancing and it just happened."
"So now what are you going to do?" She asked. "You don't want to string on two guys."
"I'm not." You whined. "Kihyun doesn't even like me, at least that's what he said."
"It's hard, if you're making it hard."
"Are you going to go talk to him?" Sowon asked as you gathered your belongs since class was almost over.
"Talk to who?"
"Kihyun dummy."
"Why would I do that?" You kept asking.
"Because you like him."
"How many times do I have to tell you?"
"I'm not an idiot (Y/N), you've fallen for him hard, and it seems like he thinks you and Jooheon can be all happy together but that's probably because he doesn't know that you like him back."
"Kihyun hates me. It's no use."
"Then maybe staring at him the whole class should be stopped." She smirked.
"You know what.....whatever." You got up.
"It's true." She laughed. "You and Kihyun sitting in a tree...."
"Please shut up, he's right there."
Then class started piling out. "Hey Kihyun (Y/N) wants to ask you something."
He looked at you with no mood in his expression and continued leaving with the class.
"I told you. He hates me."
"So......go kiss and make up with him."
"Kihyun please wait." You caught up with him and pulled him into an empty classroom.
"What do you want, trouble in paradise?"
"Why did you lie to me?"
"I didn't lie."
"You told Jooheon I liked him? He told me last night."
"That wasn't a lie." He arched his eyebrows.
"You said you weren't gonna say anything."
"I was just trying to speed up the process, it was getting exhausting."
"I want the truth. We seemed fine and all of a sudden you're being your old jerk self again." You folded your arms.
"He asked about you." He shrugged.
"Like how?"
"He said he liked you, what more information do you need?"
"So what?"
"You like Jooheon, why are you questioning this?" He sounded offended.
"Maybe I changed my mind." You shrugged.
"Well then I can't help you there."
"Why are you acting like such an idiot. Yes I liked Jooheon but it changed once we started hanging out and now things feel different."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He looked at you puzzled. You nodded confirming. "You're choosing me over him?"
"Why are you acting so surprised. I'm the one that should be surprised. You have been such a jerk to me. Who knew." He finally smiled.
"So finding out Jooheon likes you, means nothing."
"It means nothing." You smiled back. "So um, maybe we can make it official by going out tonight?"
"I don't get you." He shook his head amused and reached to hold your hand.
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Title: Second-Year Valentine's Day
Author: meiberry
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12852677/1/Second-Year-Valentine-s-Day
Fandom: Kenkyo Kenjitsu
Pairing: EnjouXReika
Photo: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/67148847
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"No. I'm not going to take it. It's going to make me sleepy. Plus it tastes like soap."
The muffled voice of Yukino came from beneath the covers. The IV drip tube poked out from the ball of sheets in the hospital bed.
Shuusuke sighed at his little brother's stubborn actions. Good thing he came prepared for this. "Yukino. Kisshouin-san wrote you a letter."
The ball of sheets shifted, and Yukino's head popped out from beneath the covers, his doe peering up at Enjou in surprise. "...Reika-oneesama?"
Shuusuke held up a small pink envelope with "Yukino-kun" written in neat handwriting in the center. Yukino reached for it when Shuusuke swept it back out of reach with a gentle smile.
"..." Sullenly, Yukino obediently drank the medicine. Watching as he finished it, Shuusuke patted his head and handed him a glass of water with a piece of candy to take care of the medicine's bitter aftertaste. Yukino popped the candy in his mouth with one hand and eagerly held out the other, looking up at Shuusuke expectantly. Shuusuke handed him the letter and watched as his little brother opened it earnestly.
In the beginning, Shuusuke was pretty surprised to see him get along so well with an older girl. Usually, Yukino was not so nice. He was a really smart kid for his young age, and many older girls had been trapped by his soft, harmless facade only to be humiliated and insulted beyond repair. But recently, Shuusuke found that with Kisshouin, Yukino seemed to genuinely act like his appearance.
Shuusuke could see why. Kisshouin clearly didn't have any ulterior motives when speaking to Yukino. Older girls usually saw Yukino as a means to an end. If they weren't patronizing then they were obsequious, obviously trying to use the younger brother to get to the older one. But when it came to Kisshouin… if anything, it was as if her treatment of the two brothers was reversed. In the ten years of knowing her, the very first time that Kisshouin started a one-on-one conversation with Shuusuke that lasted longer than one minute happened to be because Yukino. It was a dreadfully humbling experience. Yukino has sure put up with a lot these past few years.
In any case, no matter how devilish he was to other people, in the end, Yukino really was still a little boy, and Shuusuke was simply grateful that he was able to be just a normal, cute kid with someone, even if it was a girl who clearly didn't put Shuusuke in her eyes.
He watched peacefully as his little brother's eyes happily flew across the letter.
"Kisshouin-san really cares about Yukino."
Yukino shot a glance over at him, "What? Is oniisama jealous?" And then he continued reading his letter.
"And don't think that I don't realize you told her to write this to make me obediently stay in the hospital."
Shuusuke smiled wryly. When he could tell Yukino was finished reading, he continued, "Well, Yukino seems to really like Kisshouin-san. I thought maybe you would listen if she asked you personally."
Yukino smiled, happy from finishing Kisshouin's letter. "Yeah, I do like her. Reika-oneesama is really nice and she's not just pretending. Do you want to read it, oniisama? I'll let you read it, since you asked her to write this for me. I'm going to the bathroom."
Yukino handed the letter to Shuusuke as he climbed out of bed and grabbed at his drip stand to roll it into the bathroom in the room.
Shuusuke blinked at the letter in his hands. Although he didn't ask to read it, he was honestly pretty curious. What did she say to Yukino to cheer him up, anyways?
The letter was not very long, and it fit neatly on the cute stationary decorated with little birds and vines.
Enjou-sama told me that you are admitted to the hospital. I am worried for your health. Your family must be even more worried than me. I hope you take care of your body because many people care about you very much, and we want for you to quickly become well again. With that said, I hope you listen to the doctor so that you can leave the hospital soon. I know that sometimes it is really hard to do something you don't like. But experts have their reasons for their advice.
Recently I have been learning to make desserts from a friend. To be honest, my dessert-making skill is much farther behind my cooking. I think I know what to do when I try to be creative and individual with my own ideas, but actually, my friend tells me that the greatest mistake in baking is not following from the recipe. This is completely different from cooking, where not following the recipe is not that big of a deal. When I listened to my friend, I made a dessert more delicious than anything I'd ever made in my life! I realized at that moment, ah, so that is the difference between a normal person and an expert. With that said, I hope you understand the importance of listening to experts such as your doctor.
When you come back, you'll be able to see your other friends and me in the Petite Pivoine salon again.
Wishing you a quick recovery,
Kisshouin Reika
By the time Yukino returned from the bathroom, Shuusuke had already finished reading the letter and had set it on the tray over the foot of Yukino's bed.
"So, what did you think of Kisshouin-san's letter? Are you going to listen to her when she asks to you listen to to doctor's advice?"
"I guess." Yukino sat at the foot of the bed and picked up the letter again, folding it and carefully putting it back in its envelope before he flopped back into bed, pulling the covers over himself. "The way she asks me to listen to the doctor is just less irritating than when you ask me to listen to the doctor."
Shuusuke helped put the covers over Yukino.
"I wonder why Reika-oneesama is learning to make desserts." Yukino looked at Shuusuke, his eyes widening. "Valentine's Day is coming up, isn't it? I wonder what Reika-oneesama is making…"
"Hmm. Who knows."
"I wonder if she's learning to bake something for the person she likes..."
"Hmm. Who knows."
Yukino's eyes widened like big dark marbles as he looked at Shuusuke.
"You're curious, too, aren't you oniisama? Ne, ne, what kinds of sweets has oniisama received from Reika-oneesama on Valentine's day?"
"Actually, I've never received anything from Kisshouin-san on Valentine's Day."
Shuusuke thought about how in the ten years since he's known Kisshouin Reika, she has never given anyone Valentine's chocolates. Year after year, the whole school secretly held its breath in wonder at who the Goddess Kali of Suiran would afflict with her attentions. And year after year the answer was an anti-climatic… nobody.
Kisshouin Reika never gave anybody at Suiran chocolates for Valentine's day. Him and Masaya were not excluded.
Ah, wait, that's not right. Last year she gave courtesy chocolates to the student council president. In fact, Shuusuke was the one who pointed this out to Masaya... Even though she had done it in secret, for Kisshouin Reika to give chocolates to a guy at Suiran was no small matter and in the end the word leaked anyways. Because she had done it pretty secretively, there were no massive rumours, but the thing about secrets was that they always spread. Shuusuke heard about it from the more low-key sources.
Back then, he had remembered how she seemed to have had a crush on the same student council president back in middle school, but nothing had happened even after all these years. For nothing to have happened all this time, what other conclusion was it other than unrequited love? He hinted at this story of camaraderie to Masaya in hopes of inspiring him to move on with his life. Unrequited love was not the end of the world. Just look at Kisshouin-san.
Who knew that the whole thing would have worked out so beautifully at graduation. Tomoe Senju actually had a girlfriend! And he called Kisshouin Reika a sister in front of everybody. Masaya was so moved by Kisshouin's composure and courage. Shuusuke felt like he was watching Masaya watch a romance movie. Out of all the times that he's taken advantage of Kisshouin, Shuusuke felt most proud about the way that one turned out. Witnessing the way Kisshouin "handled" the student council president's "public rejection" totally inspired Masaya and brought him back from depression. He completely recovered from Yurie's rejection after that.
Yukino's marble eyes seemed to glitter in wonder as he looked up at the handsome young man sitting beside the bed.
"Wow, even though every year it seems like you get chocolates from every single girl we know, there is actually one girl who has never given you any chocolates… not even once! Hehhh..."
Yukino did not look or sound sympathetic at all with the the corner of his lips twitching upwards.
"That reminds me... when we first met and I introduced myself, Reika-oneesama made a 'geh!' face when she heard my name, like she was really saddened to hear that Oniisama was my oniisama... I thought that maybe she hated you!"
"Hmm. I sure hope Kisshouin-san doesn't hate me. But if she does hate me, then that's unfortunate."
"No, no. I don't think Reika-oneesama hates you, Oniisama! She probably doesn't even think about you at all."
"..." Shuusuke's expression remained serene as he stayed silent.
Yukino looked at his face and suddenly giggled. Shuusuke joined in with a few chuckles. For a short moment, they laughed together.
Yukino turned over in bed. "Don't worry, oniisama. Maybe one day Reika-oneesama will also remember to give you chocolates, too."
"Oh yeah, oniisama, could you find me something to write with? I want to write Reika-oneesama a reply."
"...Alright. I'll go find you some paper."
The next morning, Shuusuke thanked Kisshouin for her letter to Yukino. She looked really happy that it helped. Yeah, it was really useful. She was pretty humble.
"Yukino said that it was fun to read about making sweets."
"I could only think of unimportant things to say… well..."
Hm, there it was. Shuusuke could always hear the instant whenever it sounded like Kisshouin was trying to wrap up a conversation and escape. Usually, he'd just let her go. But for some reason, he didn't feel like it this time. The words Yukino said yesterday skipped around his mind, reviving an old and annoying itch.
"So Kisshouin-san is making sweets. Could it be that on Valentine's day..."
"Umm…" He watched as Kisshouin's eyes lowered, her cheeks blushing very lightly. He could imagine her cheeks must have been warm to the touch now. "Yes..."
It'd be a lie to say that he never expected any chocolates from Kisshouin Reika. It wasn't to say that he wanted her chocolates or anything like that. In fact, the idea of actually eating Kisshouin Reika's handmade sweets seemed like something that belonged to the realms of extreme adventures and chemically dangerous thrill-seeking. Although, whether or not Reika's chocolates are edible, Shuusuke wouldn't want to eat them anyways, as he didn't have a sweet tooth, but...
...He still expected to get them.
It was about logic. If a girl knew Enjou Shuusuke, then she would give him chocolates on Valentine's day. (The same applied to Kaburagi Masaya.) Three of five of chocolates would be honmei. That was the rule. He knew it was a very unique and extraordinary rule. Certainly not every boy in the world had the ridiculous privilege of receiving a mountain of chocolates and sweets from all the girls he knew. But, that was his experience.
In accordance with his life experience, it was natural to expect chocolates from a girl he knew when he's always received chocolates from every girl he knew. With no exceptions.
Except this one.
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angieflorez369 · 4 years
If it’s you
Zatanna x Green lantern
Part 1
“Seriously! How does Jessica not know?" Zee paced around Karen's room back and forth.
"Um.. maybe you should give bigger hints?" Karen played with her hair, Zee always made Karen nervous whenever she paced around like this.
"Bigger hints? Bigger hints! I've been giving these "hints" since the day we met Karen! She's just so..so!! What is she?"
"Exactly! Like how can she not be getting these humongous hints?" Zee places her hands on her hips and waited for an answer from her best friend.
"Well.. what kind of hints have you been giving her Zee?"
"Hey Jess, I'm so glad you decided to join me for some morning coffee" Zee welcomed as Jessica sat in front of her at their favorite place, Sweet Justice.
"Of course! Sooo, what's the occasion?" Jessica sipped her iced coffee as she raised a brow to her friend.
"Wha- I can't just have a nice time with one of my..very special friends?" Zee ran her fingers along Jessica's tanned arm.
"Mmhhmm, Zo I know you, do you need a favor or something? Because I am more than willing to help a friend in need, and you know that" Jessica insisted completely not noticing Zee's actions.
"Well... maybe you can help me out personally?" Zee teases as she inches closer to her friends face.
"Your period?"
Zee completely stopped moving. "What? No"
"You're pregnant?!" Jessica gasped and pulled Zee for a very close hug causing for items to fall off the table, causing VERY loud noises.
"WHAT? No I'm not preg-!"
"Ooooohhh Zo, I'm so happy for you! Wait a minute? Who's the father?" Jessica asked aloud which grabbed people's attention in the room.
"Jessica!" Zee blurted out, "I'm not pregnant!" Zee grabbed a hold of Jessica's face to make her stop moving around so much.
"Oh" Jessica scoffed "I knew that, I was just making sure you knew I was umm..joking" The girls both sat back down and brushed themselves off, both blushing from the very loud commotion they caused.
"Sooo, what was your favor?" Jessica slurped her drink as it ran down her lips.
Zee's eyes trailed where the liquid flowed down closer to Jessica's chest. Zo, being a neat freak got a little irritated and grabbed a napkin and wiped her face. The two girls stared into each other's eyes for awhile, as Zatara slowly inches closer to Jess, closing her eyes.
"Zee?" Jessica's face twisted with confusion, "What are you doing?"
Zee's lips puckered up and her eyes widened, "Oh! Uhh, there was an..eyelash right there" Zee blew Jessica's face, making Jessica flinch. "Heh.. got it" Zee sat back down in her chair with her face completely flushed.
"Wow" Karen huffed, "That was rough to listen to". Karen put a hand over her chest.
"Imagine being there! I've completely lost my game Karen! W-what should I do?"
"Don't worry, I can just call Kara for some good girl advice, since yanno she's well umm..experienced" Karen went picked up her phone when suddenly..
"NO!" Zee slapped the phone out of her hand.
"Zee! What the heck?!"
"Sorry! Sorry, I'm sorry I just- you can't tell Kara! Or any of the girls in fact" Zee picked up Karen's phone and handed it to her.
"And why not? These are our friends they'll understand" Karen comforted her friend.
"Just- not yet. Please, I need you! You're the only one I've told about this! It's you, you gotta help me! Tell me what to do!" Zee felt like she was spiraling.
Karen very softly slapped Zee's face. It felt like so soft, was that even a slap? Which shocked the both of them.
"What the hell was that?"
"A slap, to show you to snap out of it! You are not acting like yourself!" Karen shook Zee back and forth.
"Okay okay!" Zee inhaled sharply and exhaled, "what should I do?"
"I don't know"
"Karennnn" Zee moaned, "come on help me out here!"
"Alright alright, you're feminine right?"
"Do you even need to ask?" Zee flipped her hair perfectly.
"So use that! Use your feminine charms to woo her!"
"Weren't you listening to my story? She's oblivious to anything I hint at!" Zee complained as she laid on Karen's bed.
"Be even bolder, give her little kisses or hold her hand. You're Zee Zatara for gods sake!"
"You're right! I've got this!"
"I don't got this" Zee whispered. As Karen and her walked together to Sweet justice.
"Don't back down now Zo!" Karen hushed to her friend, "you got this in the bag!". Karen nudged her best friend. Zee smiled and nodded as they arrived at the destination.
"There you guys are! Come on sit!" Jessica waved her friends over. Zee gulped and Karen softly pushed Zee towards their reserved booth.
All the girls ordered their food and talked about their recent events that occurred to them all. They laughed, all having a good time. When Karen cleared her throat, pointing her head towards Jessica's direction. Zee nodded.
"Sooo" Zee cleared her throat, "Does anyone have a special someone on their mind?" Zee smirked as she looked at all her friends.
Each of the girls giggled at each other, all except Kara. Who was currently devouring her meal, which got everyone's attention.
"What?" Kara said as she had food hanging off her mouth. Zee cringed and have her a napkin, for being the neat freak she was.
"Must you be so crude" Zee muttered as she crossed her arms which made Kara scowl at her feminine friend.
"Kara, do you encounter romantic feelings for a decent human being as well?" Diana clasped her hands together hopefully getting a very romantic answer.
"Eh" Kara said as she wiped her dirty face, "I'm not really crushing on anyone right now, I'm feeling myself yanno?" Kara gave her knowing grin and crossed her arms.
"Booorrrinnggg! Anyways, Diana whose yours?" Barbara asked as she batted her eyelashes at her warrior friend.
"Oh heh well.." Diana started while a certain friend cut her off.
"Oh please! It's obviously that Steve guy" Kara interrupted as she ate a cherry off her ice cream she ordered.
"While he is very cute.. I have another that makes me feel the same way in fact" Diana corrected.
This caught all of their friends attention. "Who?!" They all asked at the same time.
"Is it Kara?!" Karen blurted out which made everyone turn their attention to little bumble bee, "What? They'd be cute together" Karen's voice slowly went quiet as she spoke.
"She can't date one of us, that'd be weird! Silly bee!" Jessica laughed as she rumbled her friends hair.
"Haha yeah weird.." Zee drank her kiwi boba drink as she slowly sank in her seat. Losing all of her confidence to make a move at all.
Karen saw her friend deflate which made Karen regret what she said.
"So who is it?" Barbara asked, "I'm dying to know!!"
Diana inhaled "Tatsu." She stated, closing her eyes. After a couple of seconds of silence she poked her one eye open to see their reactions. She opened her eyes to see them smile that reaches so high it was concerning. They all squealed and squeezed their taller friend. "Soooo cute!!!" They all cried out in unison which gained a giggle from them all.
"I knew you girls had a spark, just never knew it was legit!" Kara slammed her fists on the table, "you gotta ask her out!".
"What? Why?" Diana questioned as she was getting pushed out of Sweet justice by all her friends. "You're made for each other!" As their friends echoed throughout the street into Jessica's van and drove to Tatsu's house. All except one.
Zee stared at her drink as tears formed and slowly fell onto the table. She put her drink aside and wept into her arms. Barry caught sight of this and sighed. He walked over and sat with her, patting her shoulders. Zee gasped and wiped her eyes, which smeared her makeup but she didn't care right now.I
"S-sorry, I'll pay and take off, you don't wanna see a mess like me right now" Zee sniffed and reached for her bag, when a hand stopped hers, "Barry?"
"It's okay, this ones on the house" He smiled and nodded his head.
"Wow thank you. I'm sorry you had to see me like this" Zee apologized hanging her head low.
"Hey, it's okay. We're friends right?"
"Of course, why would you ask that?" She was really confused now.
"Because when a friend is in need, you help them. It's what heroes do" The two exchanged a hearty laugh.
"Thanks Barry"
"Of course, now what's wrong?"
Zee sighed, "I have a crush."
Barry tilted his head "Uhh I'm not following, what's wrong with that?"
"Oh nothing, except I have a crush on one of my best friends!"
"What? No. She's my best best friend, I feel no romantic feelings towards her. I see her as a sister more than a lover" Zee waved off that thought.
"Then who?"
Zee sighed once more, "Its Jessica.."
Barry's eyes widened, "Oh wow, I wouldn't have seen that"
"Really? Is it that weird? Is it weird to feel this way about a friend? A really close friend?" Zee asked squeezing Barry's hands in anticipation.
"Of course not, it's completely okay to feel this way! Trust me"
Zee examined her speedy friend, "It seems like you know what you're talking about, who's the girl?"
Barry sighed, how was she so good at reading people? "It's...Barbara" Barry scratched his head in embarrassment, his face heating up.
"I knew it! You two would be so perfect for each other!" Zee gushed.
"You think so? I don't even know if she likes me though, how can you be so sure?" Barry asked getting anxious for the answer.
"Of course she does, look at the way she talks to you and interacts with you, those are some obvious hints right there Barry!" Zee, the love guru.
"Wow! This is great! You know what, maybe I will tell her how I feel!" Barry stood up from the booth they sat at.
"Yes! Go for it Barry! Tap that ass!" Zee gave a huge whoop and slapped her friends butt.
"Zee!" Barry blushed and laughed at her flirty friend, "where is she anyways?"
"She should be at Tatsu's house with all the girls" Zee remembered.
"Right, yanno... you should tap Jessica's too" Barry smirked as he ran out the door, already checking out of work.
Zee blushed at what her friend said, "One day, but for now...I can't" Zee picked up her purse and headed out the door, she does have school tomorrow after all.
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