#I've already decided that everything after s4 is definitely not canon
thetruthbetween · 6 months
So season 4 sucked and going into season 5, knowing that not only does it not get better, it in fact gets worse is like...
Why am I here?
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emmabirb8 · 5 months
My condolences to everyone who's been suffering after the announcement that s6 would be the end for Shadows, but tbh, personally, I'm kinda relieved.
Don't get me wrong; I really do love the show. But man, ever since the s3 finale, they've been continually missing the mark, and it has gotten so tiring. Each episode nowadays feels like it's hit or miss, and whatever character arcs they've decided on are not only complicated and ill-fitting, but they're nonsensical based on previous characterization. Guillermo is definitely the most egregious example. I've been wondering lately if maybe Harvey has been less involved with his input into the character more recently because MAN, since the start of s4, he's felt nothing but off.
And honestly, with a show as good as Shadows used to be at its peak, it would only get more and more uncomfortable the more seasons they added seeing how royally they've fucked everything up already. I'm glad to know that at the very least, things can't get worse to a point where I'd become so frustrated I'd stop watching entirely. (That has happened with shows in the past for me, and it is NOT fun.)
I'm sad for the cast because I know they all had a BLAST on set, and it's unfortunate to see such a diverse, progressive, LGBTQIA+ representative series be thrown out so soon, but... I do really feel that this is ultimately for the best.
And hey, there's ALWAYS hype for fan content! The ideas, plot lines, and styles presented in fan art and fics and all other types of fanworks are SO enthralling and, tbh, have been more interesting than what the writers have churned out in canon for a while. I absolutely eat that shit UP. It's all just so *chef's kiss* delicious.
So really, it's never truly over, friends! I imagine this fandom in particular is gonna stick around for pretty much forever, lol.
(Keep in mind this is all my personal thoughts and opinions. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, but hey, if you're wearing the same hat, that's cool. I just wanted to dump my reaction somewhere, lol.)
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
I think I know now why the writers decided in favor of pre-reveal Adrienette. Adrien desperately needs someone to be there for him in his civilian life and inspire him to solve his problems. Unfortunately, Ladybug can't do it without one or both of them revealing their identities, and I guess now isn't the time for an identity reveal yet. What do you think?
I think what a lot of people in the fandom forget is that seasons 4 and 5 were written together, so this whole arc over the last couple of seasons was planned at the same time. It wasn't a random occurrence or the writers just up and deciding to throw something in for shits and giggles. It was deliberate, and likely important for whatever plans they have moving forward.
As a writer, I understand the importance of having the whole picture, which is why I often just tell people to wait and see what happens. Additionally, because I am accustomed to view storytelling from a writing lens, I can say that pre reveal Adrinette wasn't that surprising to me. I saw the hints and signs of it since s1, and especially after what happened in s4, I can see why Adrinette is happening over the other sides. There were certain key developments throughout season 4 that lead to where we are now.
I think the other factor goes along with what you're saying in that we don't fully know the extent of the Agreste plotline yet. We have a lot of speculation, but we don't know it as well as the writers do. I definitely think there is something to what you're saying. Adrien can't go to Ladybug about his home life, which is a very huge problem for his character. His home life has been at the center of this show just as much as the love square. His home life has been the main plot since s1 because everything in the show is linked to it. And one of the main reasons I've appreciated this season so much is it's finally allowing Adrien to speak up and realize that something in his life is very wrong, and he needs help. He needs someone to support him and help him stand up for himself because he can't (either because he's a sentibeing and literally cannot bc he is being controlled or bc the psychological abuse is so bad. Possibly both). And you could argue that they should just reveal their identities already, but the thing is, canon only gets 1 shot to do the permanent reveal. It's not like fanfic where we can write as many reveals as we want. Canon gets 1. And idk about yall, but as someone who has been in this fandom for years, I want that 1 moment to be the biggest one in the show because it has been the whole shtick of this show since it premiered. I want it to be good, ya know?
The way I see it, this season had a two fold problem as it relates to Adrinette. The first one is the situation with Adrien and his homelife, and they set Marinette up to be his person for that at the end of s4 (I mean honestly she kind of has been for a while, but Risk really drove that point home). The second is Marinette's trauma surrounding love. Because of everything, she convinced herself that she was not worthy of love and could not have love because it leads her to making big mistakes. It's clearly an issue the writers wanted to resolve before the reveal. Why? We will have to find out, but my best guess is they have other plans for post reveal that require them to be past this point and go through all of the development they're going through. Everything I've seen and read has told me this season is wrapping up the Agreste plotline we've been following since s1, and we are seeing evidence of that with how things have been progressing. I'm not gonna spoil later episodes for those who haven't watched, but it's clear that something final is going to happen on that front this season. And with how fucked up that whole situation is, yeah, I can see why they gave Adrien a cute gf to hold his hand and help him through it just like I can see why they gave Marinette a cute and patient bf to hold her hand and help her through her shit. Narratively, with everything we've been given, it makes sense to me.
So, yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I think there is more to it, but I think that is one of the reasons we're seeing pre reveal Adrinette this season. I think we also forget that the writers like the love square too. I'm sure they've been waiting for this moment just as long, if not longer, than we have. But they have to be purposeful with how they do things in order to tell the story they're trying to tell. I think this season as well as s4 will make a lot more sense once we have all of it, and we can go back and watch everything in context and see where all the threads were leading. MLs biggest struggle has always been the broadcasting schedule and leaks. People get spoiled to things they don't have context for yet and then run with wild assumptions and bad faith interpretations. It's unfortunately been this way since s1, so I don't see it getting better. 🤷‍♀️ Either way, I think you're definitely on the right track, and I'm curious to see how the rest of their relationship unfolds and bridges the gap we have between episode 11 and episode 20. I think the missing episodes will provide a lot of context that we are missing.
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elvensorceress · 2 years
Is the fic ’What I Did For Love’ something you’ll finish sometime? I read it earlier this year and became HOOKED and I’ve been having a desperate need for the last two chapters since April😍
Hi! Yes, definitely going to finish What I Did For Love at some point. Since I didn't finish before 5b started airing, I put it on the back burner while I figure out what I want to do with it. I had some things planned but I could add some canon things? Still debating that one. I had a May Day-esque sort of thing sketched out, but then May Day happened and I want to do something completely different. I totally called Chim staying with Eli and Chris wanting independence though. 🤣
Basically, I've been deciding how I want to finish it out, so it's waiting right now. I’m so happy you enjoyed it though! I was having a great time writing it 🥰 
I’m finishing up my Orpheus&Eurydice s4 fic right now, and then I’m hoping to get back to WIDFL and Love Spell.
Since it’s been a while? Here is a little (spicy 🔥) preview of chapter 11. Love for you! 💕
They were going to watch a movie. Buck very distinctly remembers inviting Eddie over after his shift and debating options and pulling up the menu with the remote, but now he’s pretty sure said remote is lost forever. The only light in his loft is the shifting Netflix screen saver menu that turns on when no one has paid attention to it. 
He’s definitely not paying attention to it. 
Eddie is sprawled out on top of him. His tongue is in Buck’s mouth, teasing out breathy gasps, and his hands are in Buck’s hair— were in Buck’s hair? One tugs his head to the side and teeth drag over Buck’s throat and Eddie’s other hand runs down Buck’s chest and teases his right nipple through the thin cloth of his shirt, and there’s never going to be a movie. Ever again. 
Unless they put on porn or something? Just for the hell of it? But even then. Why would he ever pay attention to anything but Eddie? Gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, needy Eddie. Especially with his demanding hands and dress shirt half unbuttoned and the hungry, possessive mouth that gives kisses and bites and makes Buck lose his fucking mind? There is nothing else. He never wants anything else. 
Buck grips the thighs splayed on either side of his hips and rocks up against Eddie. He’s so dizzy and overheated, he could seriously come from just this without much more effort. It’s been so fucking long since he could have this. It’s been so long since he could feel. He thought it would be awful to feel anything anymore. But god, this is anything but what sex was before. 
Eddie grinds down to meet him and the shift in angle must let him feel how hard Buck already is for him because he moans like something broken but also surprised, and frantically rubs their dicks together through all the layers of clothes they still have on. “God. Buck,” he practically growls, voice low and ragged. “You’re so hard. I love making you hard. Fuck, I want you.” 
And what can Buck possibly say to that? Just the words, wrecked and desperate and breathed like fire all over him? The way Eddie wants him? Not just anyone but him? How can Buck not give him everything? How could he ever have enough of this? 
He pulls Eddie down by his open shirt and into a hard kiss. Their teeth knock together and press into lips and it stings and he needs more. He needs so much more. He gives soothing wet licks across the seam of Eddie’s mouth. “What do you want? I’ll give you anything.”
Eddie kisses him again, a little softer this time, or maybe just slower, deeper so it curls an even more prevalent need through both of them. Heat blooms in waves through his stomach and rolls through every part of him. Buck moans into it, ready to let Eddie possess him completely. 
Eddie pulls back, panting hot and heavy over Buck’s face as he catches his breath. “Would you want…” His fingers curl into Buck’s shirt. He licks his lips and doesn’t lean down again but his thighs flex and his body still shifts and rocks against Buck. And Buck has to whimper and bring him closer. He wants anything, everything. He wants Eddie to just tell him what he needs so they can have each other. 
There’s something uncertain though in the way Eddie doesn’t quite look at him. Maybe he’s nervous? They haven’t done… everything. And Eddie always has to fight himself on asking for what he wants. It seems like he’s getting a little better at it though. Hopefully. He deserves everything, and Buck would give him everything and then some. He stretches up and kisses Eddie’s jaw, his chin, his neck. “Would I want what, baby? Tell me?”
Eddie exhales and tips his head to the side. He rubs Buck’s shoulder and his thumb sweeps over the hollow of Buck’s throat, and it’s a rush of warmth through Buck’s chest. Eddie searches him for a moment, still breathless, panting softly. “Would you want to fuck me?”
Heat swoops through Buck’s stomach and leaves him dizzy, unbalanced, unsteady. Eddie wants… He doesn’t know why it’s a shock because they have talked about it. Maybe his brain categorized it as theoretical? Or just a fantasy? Maybe he wasn’t expecting? But. Holy shit. Of course Buck wants that. What kind of a question is that? “Yes. Fuck, yes. You want me to? Really? I’ll do anything you want. However you want.” 
Eddie smiles at him, almost too sweetly. But Eddie is just like that. “Like this?” He slow grinds against Buck, trapping their cocks between their bodies and shifting until his longer torso is covering Buck’s completely. 
Buck whines and grips Eddie’s ass so he can keep their bodies together. “Yes. Perfect.” 
Everything about having sex with Eddie is perfect. Everything about being with him is. Even when it’s not, it still is. He’s never been with anyone who loves him like this. 
At least. He’s pretty sure Eddie loves him. They promised they were partners in everything. There has to be something like love, like being in love. Buck doesn’t want to think about that anymore though. 
He holds tightly but then slips his hands under Eddie’s loose shirt until he finds heated skin. “It’ll be good. For your first time, I mean. If you’re on top of me. You can control speed. And— and depth.” And Eddie bends to suck kisses into Buck’s throat and Buck’s whole body is already on fire and thrumming with need. “God, Eddie. Please. No more clothes. Please. I need you.”
Eddie stills and strokes his fingers through Buck’s hair, gazing down at him before he gives Buck a sweet kiss. It’s slow, almost too soft and he touches Buck gently but maybe like he never wants to let go. “I need you, too,” he whispers then pulls away to toss off his shirt and let Buck sit up enough so he can get rid of his own. 
Buck manages to get his fingers into the waistband of Eddie’s work slacks and pop the button open but that’s as far as he makes it before Eddie’s hands are cupping his face and Eddie’s mouth is back on his, and Eddie is kissing him, endlessly, frantically kissing him. And whispering his name, his given name, like Buck is the only thing he needs right now. 
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izacore · 4 years
Hi! A while ago you reblogged some Merlin posts and I decided to binge it. I'm glad I've watched it because I loved that the main characters were so fleshed out, it was entertaining, poignant and charming, however the finale broke my heart and it will take me a long time to recover from it. I wonder if you watched it live and what you thought of the finale and season 5 in general? Thanks for inspiring me to discover the world of Merlin!
omg nonnie, i don’t know what to say 🥺🥺🥺 i am soooo glad you liked it and don’t feel like you wasted your time! 🥺💕 i loved the characters too, especially the banter between merlin and arthur and their relationship of course! the way i laugh even when i rewatch is just 🥺 to answer your question though, yes i watched s5 live, the previous seasons - i was a child and didn’t engage in any fandom at all so i watched it delayed on polish tv haha and then in the summer of 2012 i caught up and since i’ve already been on tumblr so.. yeah. season 5 is my second favourite season after s4 i think but ah, i wish they had done some things differently. i will never forgive them for not getting to see arthur and merlin being badass on a battlefield together with merlin being allowed to use his magic openly. the whole magic reveal should’ve happened sooner imo, that’s what most of the viewers was waiting for and i wish, we could’ve seen how their relationship would’ve changed after that. i think it would’ve been so interesting to explore. we already got glimpses of that in the last episode where arthur was just so... intimidated by merlin and his power, and i’d give everything to see how they would’ve made it work. the series finale though is in general in my top3 favourite merlin episodes. for me it’s a definition of how a bittersweet ending to the show should’ve looked like. was i devastated because of arthur’s death? of course. but the way they made that episode, how arthur/merlin heavy it was prepared me for it. i cried so much and i hate that we’ve never got to see the future they were destined to build together. merlin living alone for thousands of years makes my heart break and he deserved so much better. but it still gives me hope that one day arthur will come back to him. hey, prison break’s ending broke my heart as well but then they revived it after 7? 8? years and fixed it so! anything can happen! what are your thoughts on the finale and season 5 in general??? btw, the only thing i can recommend to ease out the pain is this amazing fic, that for me is canonically s6 💗
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