#I'm going to make that boy suffer 🙂🙂🙂
whysamwhy123 · 8 months
Dear God, I'm actually doing it.
I'm putting Daniel in Situations that he cannot dance his way out of.
I mean, it wasn't much, to be honest. I haven't gotten to the Situation or the dancing yet. But it's a start. And considering how I hadn't written a single word in over a month, I'm pretty damn happy that I got 800 words down today. So I'm gonna take the microscopic W on this one.
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How would the mob boys react to their kid (any genders🙂) being bullied in school bf stalked and harassed because of what they dads do.
Love this so much, they would be fiercely protective for the most part. I'm going to separate it between if they have sons or daughters because they would react differently <3
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Mob! Leo
With daughters:
He notices a change, she's more quiet and reserved. Getting up later on school days and dragging her feet when it's time to go in.
He asks directly "what's going on? Is something wrong at school?"
she starts to cry and explains that some of the girls have been calling her names and because the popular boy hates her and they're sucking up to him. He hates her because his dad lost his job due to Leo
Leo tells her exactly what to do: "take. no. shit." They want to name call? He gives her some names she can call back and trust me, they are not playground friendly.
They want to shove past her? Put pins in the shoulder part of your school blazer, see how they like shoving you then.
Do not fight fair, stand your ground and take no prisoners
he pays a visit to the popular kids dad and tells him a few things about how to raise his kid. No body messes with his kid after that.
With sons:
His kid is pretty upfront about it "dad, I'm getting picked on because this kid's dad lost his job because of you"
he's stunned and feels bad but has a plan
This kid is pussying around actually hitting Leo's son, so make the first hit. Make it hard, knock him on his ass and then tell him that his dad's job won't be the only thing he'll lose when Leo finds out about this.
That shut that kid up for good.
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Mob! Raph
With daughters:
He's legit heartbroken when he finds out she's getting picked on because she got in a bar brawl with this other kid's dad
he knows it's his fault and that fact his kid is suffering for his actions... Not ok.
He's... Not great with advice for children
"Get 'em in the bathroom. No cameras, no witnesses. The throat is the best place to aim for, just don't let 'em bite you, ok?"
when he gets called into the principle's office because his little girl made another little girl need stitches, he only has this to say "Teach your kids not to be little shits, because I'm teaching mine to break jaws"
end of
With sons:
He's protective but also doesn't want his son to back down and be a coward
a little "come on, kid. Anger is the only emotion that's gonna solve this, don't cry..."
similar advice, tho
"Hit first, leave 'em bleeding. Don't forget to kick 'em while they're down"
He just threatens the principle after that incident, Raph is big enough to always get his own way
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Mob! Mikey
With daughters or sons, he wouldn't be different:
He does not beat around the bush
he also does not play fair or like that his kid is suffering because of shit he did
"Bite 'em"
*the child was too stunned to speak*
"Make them regret even looking at you, leave them bleeding and maimed with chunks missing"
that was a speedy call to the school for him
because Mikey's kid is crazy enough (like their daddy) to go through with it
he arrives and his kid has blood on his/her teeth and dripping down their chin onto their white shirt
When Mikey sounds calm, he's most dangerous
"I wonder how the school board and papers would feel about my kid being bullied so badly he/she had to resort to this kind of violence to defend themselves. I think you'd lose your job, I think this school would make every headline for the next two months. I know they'll find you face down in the river not long after..."
No expulsion! Yay!
Mikey is also banned from school ground forever...
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Mob! Donnie
With daughters:
He just imparts some psychological warfare tactics
gasslighting these girls, making them question their own sanity
"...And then, when that's all done, you start dropping very subtle hints that you're the one leaving the beheaded pigeons in their bag, on their doorstep, ect. Not too obvious, but so *they* know it was you"
it's pure insanity what he tells them to do
but if they won't do it, they know he will so...
It gets ugly so fast
like, the bully drops out of school for a stay in an inpatient treatment centre bad
he's never been more proud of his kid after that
He really hates bullies and loves making them pay.
With sons:
Similar to Raphael, he doesn't want to raise a "pussy" as he puts it....
More direct as Donnie has no respect for anymore really but values women more then men still
gives his son a knife and gloves and tells him to cut this kid's dad's break line
and to draw a picture in crayon of the kid's dad in hospital with lots of blood and x's for eyes
that gets him called into the school
but Donnie just twists it into a sympathetic gesture (it clearly was not) and his son gets away with it
he Hates bullies. Like, a lot.
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mikuni14 · 4 months
Love For Love's Sake - Ep 7-8
Korea delivered again.
I watched these episodes a few hours ago, but I'm only writing something now because I have so many thoughts in my head. I don't know what to write anyway, my thoughts and feelings are a mess. I don't even know if I understood everything correctly. But it doesn't matter because I vibe with this series so hard 🥳 I cried through both episodes, and I spent the end of the finale in an incredible euphoria, as if I was high. This series is pure art because it can reach the depths of your heart, make you feel the story told deeply, and finally experience catharsis. And what's important - all your feelings turn out to be important, each of them meant something, none of them were wasted (which sadly happens to me often in BL series, especially lately, like, why do I get so invested, when in the end it turns out that it was for nothing..).
I was genuinely curious how the series would overcome the fact that it is a game and in the end I rate the result and execution as 10/10 for innovation and professionalism in breaking my heart. Also a special award for creating the character of a "god", who, like all gods, is a dick who enjoys tormenting ordinary people and putting them through some werid, difficult, harsh trials to make them "better" (why is it never a form of a gentle therapy, only kick in the balls and "learn from it" lol)
Myung Ha went through hell in this life, after going through hell ending with suicide in his previous life, becoming some kind of mythical, biblical figure in his suffering. This is a trope that I have never liked or accepted (growth through suffering), but I accept it here because of a) a very good execution that really moved me b) a happy ending 🙂 I won't analyze Myung Ha more because others will do it definitely a lot better. I just want to write how much I love this lonely, broken, kind man. How much I felt sorry for him when he did everything for Yeo Woon and nothing worked and he despaired because he didn't understand what he was doing wrong. Because, keeping your problems and fears a secret from your loved one, keeping him at a distance to protect him, making noble sacrifices, never asking for help, is an expression of love, right? RIGHT? Oh my poor summer child, and my poor heart 💔💔
I love Yeo Woon for how honest he is with his feelings. When he is happy - he talks about it, when he is unhappy - he also talks about it. I love how he says precisely what he likes and doesn't like. How he sets boundaries - even if he crumbles in the end, panicking when he might actually lose Myung Ha. Yeo Woon has his own demons, his own problems, his own fears of being alone and being abandoned. But I really like how hard he tries and how much he wants their relationship to be equal and how he NOTICES THAT IT'S NOT. I liked it so much that he didn't ignore what Myung Ha was doing after he collapsed. That he confronted him because he had spent the whole day looking for him, only to find out that he was sick and in the care of someone else, and his "rival" at that. How else could Yeo Woon feel other than hurt, rejected, jealous and not worthy of being Myung Ha's carer?
There were so many scenes in these episodes and each deserves a separate analysis, a separate post, but I don't even know where to start, I have so many thoughts in my head! What a series, WHAT A SERIES.
Hmm, what could be easier to write? For example, how many tropes were used in this show, like the hand-holding, dragging by hand, running through the city and on the beach to your crush, sexy drinking from a water bottle, going to the beach with friends together at the end 💯
Final kisses: what can I say, it must have taken a lot of practice kissing, right Yeo Woon? 🤭 Korea often does this thing where the first kiss is stiff and in the next kiss the guys go to town lol
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Sang Won deserves a special mention, he's just a great character. And the actor playing him is incredibly hot.
Each of these boys was 10/10, the series is 10/10. The series perfectly balanced comedy and tragedy, a beautiful and romantic love story with difficult and heavy elements, also feelings of joy and sadness in the viewers (at least in me). I love this series because the main couple was always present, their love was constantly visible, they still had lovely scenes together even when everything around them was falling apart. The series did something amazing when the surprising plot twist in the form of what actually happened to Myung Ha DID NOT DOMINATE the finale. That it became its important, but not the most important element, and the finale itself brought only smiles and joy. I didn't expect that a BL series could again make me feel things as The Eight Sense did, but here we are 💖
I plan to rewatch the entire series again. And I'm very saddened by the choice of distribution method of this series, if it were aired every week, it would probably have the same popularity as The Eighth Sense - but now, after a week, it's over...
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levok · 2 years
I don't really care what Lisa wrote on twitter, she can vent as much as she likes if that's even a vent - I read the tweet when she posted them and didn't think it was any different than other stuff on my timeline.
But I'm really angry about all the underhand racism towards Omar from a certain portion of the fandom, and that's not on Lisa. Edvin never gets that kind of reaction no matter what he says, and I think it's high time certain fans take a long hard look in the mirror.
It's mostly the same fans who forgive white boy Wilhelm for all the crap he did just because he's suffering, while Simon gets so much hate - all because he can't afford the luxury of wailing in misery. They are so focused on Wilhelm that they don't even notice Simon's eyes and all their love and pining.
But Simon hurts at least as much as Wilhelm, he's just better at internalising it - because that's what a tiny brown boy has to do to survive in a whitey-white country.
Sorry about the rant, this has bothered me ever since season 2 arrived.
You are fully valid for feeling like this and very allowed to vent! It is extremely infuriating to read, but nothing new unfortunately. You are ofc allowed to have a favorite fictive character, but when people are going after Omar 🙂🔪 … he has just never been allowed to make the same mistakes without being judged twice as hard by parts of this fandom.
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tojikai · 2 years
Well, it seemed like making my creatures piss and shit on their stuff did not work 🙂...
Man I just wanna be Y/N's bodyguard on duty 24/7, but I can't do that (not because this stuff aint real) because I can't make Gojo and Rie suffer if I stick with her all the time. I would hand over that job to my boy Suguru who's doing a very good job at taking care of YN. I really felt it when he said he's closing shop so he can stay with YN, it makes me wanna leave flowers outside his window like santa (that's how I imagine santa okay, so let me be).
While I leave flowers for Suguru, I would leave like a pile of dirt from where I got the flowers right in front of Gojo and Ries doorstep. May they have maggot infestation and other lovely organisms waming up their home for them.
I would find access to their closets, and replace everything with my grandma's old clothes, even them underwear, I shall donate everything, they need it most. I also would invest to proper security for Suguru's apartment too if I were him, just to keep old ladies out so nobody would go hysterical over people having their tattoo.
P.S Gojo and Rie became conjoined twins at this point :D
PPS. For every chapter, these cliffhangers are just sjdgwjshsksudbzjs. Kai please omg I'm dying, lemme know which one's your window so I can leave flowers like santa.
-XOXO CHII (almost at heavens door with so much school stuff to do)
nooooo LMAAAOO the pile of dirt took me out 😭😭😭😭😭 that would literally be so funny, they're gonna be scared of a pile of dirt just bc it's suspicious LMAO the person who'd go hysterical over someone getting a tattoo is very very familiar 👀 is it a white-haired man? HDHSJSKS and satorie conjoined twins era 😭 you made me laugh again, chii ilysmmm~ 💕 but my window is really REALLY high up from the ground, u gotta fly to put flowers 😂 anywaysss take it easy on school stuff, bb don't overwork urself <33 i hope you're having a great day/night !!
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alright bestie because you sent me that six of crows post i’m thinking of a crows x young royals crossover
wille and wylan bonding over the expectations that were put on them while Simon and jesper just talk about how silly their two boys are
wille explains what happened with august to kaz and Katz being like “in which way should i makes this man’s suffer” (but wille doesn’t let him go through with any of the violent things… yet)
felice being absolutely blown away by inez and becoming besties with nina
sara talking with matthias about wolves (in a universe where…. the thing doesn’t happen) and horses
(there definitely more thoughts but these are just the initial ones)
yes to all of this
wylan and wille are really just a pair of musical anxiety-ridden idiots with cute bfs aren't they
and I'm taking the simon and jesper interaction and giving you colm and linda aka the god tier parent duo
I- I would just let kaz at august for an hour but ok wille (it's only an hour 🙂)
YES felice on a waffle date with nina and inej and maddie omg omg
help I know matthias being... yknow is sad but I just keep thinking about the crows' "my ghost won't associate with your ghost" conversation and erik and matthias' ghosts teaming up to annoy everyone
also can we talk about how much henry looks like wylan lmao (it's the HAIR)
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mppmaraudergirl · 3 years
I just finished TWR, it was so cool ! All these chapters of idiots in love and then they finally get together ! I thought they were going to be together after James bedroom, but it seems you like to make him suffer 🙂
I really liked James at the end, just losing patience and saying what he was thinking to Daniel and finally acting like himself !
Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it. I certainly did enjoy making James suffer in this, didn't I?
The wedding weekend chapters were some of my favorites, so I'm going to take this opportunity to jump into James' head and talk about what he was going through and thinking at this point.
Putting it below a read more if anyone doesn't want to see :)
For both James and Lily, Petunia's wedding became a milestone to reach. Obviously, we see with Lily that it is the self-appointed deadline for her to finally tell James how she is feeling, to stop fighting so hard against the current of her feelings, and allow herself to be vulnerable.
From the moment Lily checked that "plus one" box on the RSVP, James was building toward a perfect moment himself. He considered it a few times, came very close once, did so in a way that Lily didn't believe, and then ultimately as the wedding date drew closer, that, too, became the point where James was going to take the leap.
He is nervous excitement the whole way to the venue, hoping he can find romantic moments with her, hoping he can have one last shot at showing her how much he truly cares about her. The first comes unexpectedly when they miss the family dinner. He orders them food, gets a dessert for them to share, and then spends good quality time with just the two of them—it is easy and perfect.
Then he wakes up the next morning in the best way imaginable. Not only is the girl he's in love with wrapped up in his arms, but she is kissing him and then more. Our boy is excited in every way possible, ignoring that this is not how he envisioned anything happening between them. He thought he'd be able to have a real meaningful conversation with her about his feelings, which, hopefully, would garner a reciprocation and then some bedroom fun.
Nevertheless, he is going with it until Lily opens her mouth. His heart cracks but he is desperate to at least have a conversation with her because, as we know from what past James went through, present James is not giving up so easily. Not without a fight.
But Lily blows him off. (During the course of the day when he is supposed to be working and instead sits around woeful and agonizing over their morning conversation, he will think about how it could have gone even more wrong if he only had five minutes to talk to her about his feelings. It's better this way.) James pulls himself together at dinner time, buzzing with unused adrenaline and excitement to see Lily even though she has barely talked to him during the day.
Cue her walking in with Amos, this extremely handsome man who has already shown some level of interest in her. Someone she clearly was with while he was waiting for a reply. Then better even, before he can steal her away for a moment with her, Daniel comes around like the annoying gnat he is. James watches her play nice, the splinters of his heart from earlier in the day opening fresh again, cracking further as Lily stands in Daniel's arms.
Finally, finally, he snaps. It is a mixture of frustration and heartbreak; anger at Daniel for not taking a hint and fucking off, and also upset with Lily for what he sees as mixed signals. His frustration is placated when Lily finally pulls him up to their room, and at this point, he is fully focused on the way his heart aches.
And again, this is not the romantic weekend for which he was hoping. He wanted to have these lovely dinners with her, dance, and laugh at the reception together, until he took his shot before they could potentially go their separate ways.
So you see that desperation, heartache, sadness, anger, all rolled into him asking Lily what she can't handle any longer because from his perspective, he doesn't know up from down with her at this stage.
Then, ofc, finally she vocalizes the words James has been longing to hear; confesses the existence of feelings for which James has been skeptical.
And well, as you know from there, the rest is history. 😊
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
Yesterday I took the second coronal vaccine, totally fine until I woke up at 3:30 am feeling like shit, no one was home and I didn't know how to take care of myself so I just took a fever' medicine and tried to go back to sleep, was cring while calling mommy.
my fever dropped down yet I still feel the pain killing me and I have to go to school.
Now I want one of the brothers to feel my pain 🙂
awwww I'm sorry you went through that, hun! my second vaccine I was similar, feeling fine until I woke up in the middle of the night all nauseous and congested, thankfully I'd taken off of work for a couple days in advance in case I got side effects
I was almost normal by the end of the day though, it sucks you were still feeling bad and had stuff to do! this got sent like two weeks ago so I certainly hope you're feeling better now and you weren't miserable too long <3
... I decided on Osomatsu bc I've been feeling them Oso girl vibes lately, plus he's sooooo much a mama's boy it seemed to fit haha
I also decided to use side effects for the flu shot instead of the COVID vaccine, just because I'm uncomfy using current events in my fictional writings, but the gist is still the same
I may have taken a few liberties with the side effect symptoms, but hey, it's different for everyone, right? it's also funny that all the brothers got hit by one symptom worst, but poor Oso got hit by all of them XD
there's some Allmatsu slipped in here, but also Matsuyo babying her oldest boy a bit!
hopefully you enjoy your Oso suffering, I loved writing it!!! =)
Being alone in the house for once, it’s a miracle that Osomatsu was able to sleep at all.
When he wakes up, the clock blinking at him that it’s sometime around 3 in the morning, he almost forgets that he’s by himself, until he feels that the rest of the futon is empty. Everything trickles back pretty quickly ― why none of his brothers are around tonight.
Choromatsu is at an idol convention that’s pretty far out of town. Karamatsu is staying at a local hotel for a few days’ worth of music performances. Jyushimatsu is away for a week visiting Homura at her parents’ house in the country. Totty’s having a grown-up sleepover at a friend’s place. And Ichimatsu volunteered for an overnight shift at the animal shelter because one of the cats he’s been looking after wound up there.
For the record, there’s very little Osomatsu hates more than being all by himself in the futon. Even though it gives him a chance to spread out and sleep however he likes, it makes him feel lonely. He’d rather be huddled up with everyone than have all this empty space.
To make things worse, when he wakes up alone, he wakes up feeling like shit.He remembers not really drinking that much last night, so it can’t be a hangover… but… he did just get his yearly flu vaccine yesterday afternoon. The pharmacy tech who gave him the shot warned him that he might feel a little bad the next day or so, like he has a weak version of the flu. Annnnd… he’s pretty sure there was a sheet that was given to him that explained benefits, possible side effects, and a list of things that he should go to the doctor if he experienced.
Although he can’t remember where he put that paper, he’s sure that’s why he’s feeling so crappy right now.
The area of his arm where he got injected is stiff, and trying to move it makes him want to cry. There are aches creeping out into the rest of his body, including his head pounding. His stomach is swirling with nausea as soon as he sits up, and for a brief moment he’s convinced he’s going to be sick.
After he puts a hand against his forehead to try and will it to quit hurting, his palm comes back damp with sweat. Shit… do I have a fever? That’s no good either; fevers always make him feel vaguely panicky and uncomfortable in the most horribly nonspecific way.
“Mmm… Mom…?” he calls, but his voice comes out sounding hoarse and raspy. It hurts to talk, so he doesn’t think he can raise his voice more than this. “… Mom?”
Usually if one of the sextuplets calls for their mom, Matsuyo hears them and is in their bedroom only a moment later. At the very least, she calls back that she’s coming. Instead, the house is completely silent. It’s borderline eerie, especially to Osomatsu’s foggy mind.
Then it hits him; their parents are away, too. They went on vacation for a few days, just a short trip to rekindle their romance. So… he really is all by himself right now.
To try and keep himself calm, he does his best to breathe, except as soon as he starts to focus on it, he realizes his nose is plugged. Ughhh. He sniffles for a minute, seeing if he can get a good breath in. It’s kind of hopeless.
Okay, okay… breathe through your mouth then, dumbass. Don’t get all worked up. Just… fuck. Think about what you’d do if one of your brothers woke you up feeling like shit. How would you take care of them?
… It’s hard. Even though he could take care of someone else, it’s infinitely more difficult when he’s the one trying to take care of himself. His brain is all clouded and despite the fact that he knows it’s not serious, he’s probably not actually sick, he feels so terrible it’s making every idea a struggle.
He can’t call any of his brothers. They’re all out enjoying their own things… what kind of awful person would spoil his little brothers’ good times like that?
With that being said, he’s not really sure how to take care of himself. The only other options available are to go back to sleep, which he’s certain he can’t do at the moment, or… call his mom.
Although he hates to interrupt his parents’ vacation like this, he’s got his phone and is dialing Matsuyo’s number before he knows it. He won’t keep her awake for too long, just long enough to get some advice on what to do. She’s the only one he’s really okay with seeing or hearing him be really vulnerable, because even though he’s the oldest of her children… she’s still his mother.
Still, he can’t help but feel just a little guilty when her tired voice comes crackling through the phone. “Osomatsu?”
His arm is sore, so he puts the phone on speaker and sets it down on his lap. “Hi, Mom. Sorry I woke you up.”
“No, no, don’t worry. It’s okay.” She must hear the fatigue and congestion in his voice, because it sounds like she immediately perks up. “Is everything alright?”
The way her voice is already laced with concern makes his throat tighten. He woke her up in the middle of the night, when she was trying to sleep, on vacation, and she doesn’t even sound mad. He blinks away hot tears that have welled up fast, and they have nowhere to go except to drip down his cheeks. “I don’t feel good,” he croaks, reaching up to rub at his eyes.
Damn. What kind of stupid baby am I, crying over this…?
If it’s at all possible, Matsuyo’s voice softens even more. “Ah, honey. Are you sick? Do you need Dad and I to come home?”
“N-no!” His response is instant and visceral, though it probably sounds pathetic because he’s starting to cry. “I… I don’t think it’s… that bad. I just… I woke up and I… I’m all… my arm hurts, and I’ve got a really bad headache, I’m sweating and shivering at the s-same time, my stomach hurts…”
“Oh, dear.” She clicks her tongue. “… Hm. You and your brothers got your flu shots yesterday, didn’t you?”
“That’s probably why you’re not feeling well. Are you having any trouble breathing?”
“I-I mean… only ‘cause my nose is stuffy. I can still breathe through my mouth and it’s not… like… I can breathe.”
“Are you dizzy or weak?”
He has to pause for a second to figure how to answer that. “N-no… not really. Just kind of… achy.”
“Are you running a temperature?”
“I… I dunno. I think, maybe.”
“Okay, well, if you think you are, you should probably go check it to make sure it’s not too high. Do you want me to stay on with you while you do that?”
“Y-yeah… I guess. I just…” It takes all his strength to get to his feet, and his headache is still pounding away once he does. At least his sinuses clear up a bit when he’s standing. “I know I take care of my brothers all the time… but… I-I don’t… I don’t really know how to take care of myself when I don’t feel good…”
Matsuyo sighs softly. “Oh, Osomatsu, sweetie. That’s normal. It’s harder to take care of yourself than it is to take care of someone else; sometimes you don’t think right when you aren’t feeling well. Go take your temperature, and we’ll go from there, alright?”
Getting to the bathroom is kind of a battle. Every part of his body just feels so heavy, and he keeps wanting to fall asleep right against the wall. By the time he gets into the bathroom and turns the light on, he’s drained from the walk.
Trying to open the medicine cabinet, he gets a glimpse of himself in the mirror and has to cringe. He just looks shitty ― pale and sweaty, his face flushed like it’s been barely kissed by the fever, eyelids drooping with exhaustion. He looks like some kind of hilarious caricature of a sick person on a Saturday morning cartoon.
Everything rattles in the cabinet for a moment before he finds the thermometer, and gives it a brief rinse before sticking it in his mouth.
He continues to make small noises of discomfort the whole time, and Matsuyo continues to offer gentle coos of encouragement. Finally the damn thing beeps, prompting him to pull it out.
“Osomatsu? What does it say, honey?”
“Mmh, it’s, uh…” The bleariness from being so tired forces him to squint at the screen. “37.8.”
When his mother speaks, she sounds relieved, which makes him feel a little better. “Oh, that’s not too bad. Anything under 38 is low-grade, which combined with everything else means you’re probably just feeling some side effects from the shot. The fever is what’s making you feel bad more than anything, I’d guess.”
He tears off a square of toilet paper to wipe away the leftover tears, still incredulous over the fact that something so simple and dumb made him cry. “So… what do I do? I mean… can I take anything?”
“Of course. If you can manage it, have a few crackers and take two paracetamol, alright? That should keep the fever from making you too uncomfortable.”
“… Ugh.” The thought of food right now isn’t really what he wants to hear. “Do I… have to eat anything?”
“Aaah, I know your tummy is a little upset, but… taking painkillers on an empty stomach isn’t a good idea, sweetheart. It might not get absorbed correctly, and it might make you more nauseous.”
Well… he supposes when she puts it that way, he should just suck it up and have a couple crackers, then. “Okay. Should I do anything else, or…?”
She hums in thought. “I can’t think of much else that would help. Taking the medicine and trying to go back to sleep is your best bet. You can put the hot water bottle on your tummy, if you want. Just make sure it’s not too hot. And you can put a cold cloth on your forehead if you feel warm. Rest will help you more than anything, I think.”
“Okay… I guess you’re right. I just don’t feel good, Mom.” He knows he’s said that several times already, and it sounds so babyish,but he can’t really think of how else to express it.
“Oh, honey, I know. Do you want me to stay up with you for a little bit? I don’t know if a lullaby will work over the phone, but, I can give it a try.”
He shakes his head even though he knows she can’t see it. “No… I’ll be okay. I’m just gonna… eat some crackers and take those pills and lie down. You should go back to sleep, too.”
She chuckles. “Don’t you dare worry about me. I’ll be back out as soon as my head hits the pillow. Are you sure?”
“Yeah… I’m gonna go try to just… take care of myself.”
“Okay, sweetheart. But you call me again if you need anything, alright?”
“Mhm, I will. Thanks for helping me.”
“Of course, my poor boy. Try to get some sleep. I love you.”
“Love you too, Mom. Night.”
Once he hangs up, the house feels too quiet again. It reminds him of those horror movies where someone wakes up in the middle of the night and starts walking around and the monster sneaks up on them without any noise and before they know it, the monster’s got them.
So begins the long trek downstairs after he puts the thermometer away and gets the paracetamol from the cabinet. Now he can’t ever tease Totty again for being afraid of the dark and monsters and all that shit, because he has to peer around the stairway to make sure something isn’t waiting for him at the bottom of the steps.
Thankfully, when he opens the fridge, he discovers a couple bottles of some off-brand sports drink; his mind dredges up a memory of Jyushimatsu telling him a while ago that those are good for sick people. That stuff keeps you hydrated and helps settle your stomach.
So he manages to get two pills swallowed, then forces a handful of senbei crackers into his mouth. Even though they don’t taste good, he’s crossing his fingers that it’ll keep him from feeling too sick from the medicine.
Even the kitchen is too lonely. He takes the rest of the bottle with him, just in case he wakes up again and needs a sip of something to be able to go back to sleep.
Being faced with the empty futon once more makes him almost burst into tears. Seeing nobody in it makes his stupid mind see everyone in it, like they all should be, squished up against each other. He can imagine Ichimatsu at the very end, pretending he’s not cuddling up to Karamatsu. And Choromatsu near the other end, being a good sport about Jyushimatsu curling up against him. And of course Totty right there next to Osomatsu, snuggling against his oldest brother for warmth on a chilly fall night.
He lowers himself down into the futon, but doesn’t actually go horizontal. The phone trembles in his hand, and he can’t stop himself.
“Mmmh, Osomatsu-nii-san?”
“Hey, Totty. U-uh… sorry… I probably woke you up, huh?”
“It’s okay. Actually, I’m… I’m kind of glad somebody called. I don’t wanna embarrass myself by waking up my friends, but… i-it’s kind of dark and I have to pee… I know you can’t actually come over, but just talking to you would be enough. Could you maybe… stay on while I go?”
“Oh… yeah, sure. I’ve got nothing better to do than listen to you take a piss in the middle of the night.”
“Oh, haha, so funny. I’ll be fast. Hey… is everything okay? You sound all stuffy.”
“Yeah, I’m good. Just… flu shot side effects making me feel crummy. Everyone else got theirs yesterday too, so I just… thought I’d check on you guys since I woke up feeling like shit.”
“Huh. Well, I feel okay. My arm’s a little sore, but beyond that I’m good.”
“Aaaah, okay, I’m done now. Can you stay on while I walk back to the other room?”
“Yeah, no worries. I hope you can get back to sleep pretty fast.”
“Ugh, me too. It was hard to go back to sleep with my arm hurting and being too scared to go pee. Thanks for checking on me.”
“Hey, what else are big brothers for?”
“Mmh, thanks anyway, though. Goodnight, Osomatsu-nii-san.”
“Night, Totty. Sweet dreams.”
“Aaaah, Osomatsu… yaaaawn… is everything alright, dear brother?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah, everything’s fine, Kara. I just… miss you guys, since it’s just me in the house. I woke up and… forgot I was all by myself, pfft.”
“Hmph. I suppose I understand that. In my case, I do not believe I’m sleeping as well as I might with the rest of you. So at least it isn’t just you feeling that way.”
“Yeah… ha, that makes me feel a little better. Uh, how are your gigs going so far?”
“Oh? Are you interested? Well, surprise of surprises, the crowd gave me a standing ovation tonight!”
“Yeah, really? Damn, look at you. Better not have flirted with any pretty girls without me.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t dream of it, brother. Are you doing alright otherwise? You sound a bit off.”
“Mh, no big deal. Just the flu shot making me feel like shit. You’re not feeling too bad?”
“I believe I had a low fever earlier, but by the time I came back to my room, it had broken. You have my thanks for checking on me, however. And I sincerely hope you feel better soon.”
“Thanks, Kara. Hey, I’ll let you get back to sleep now; you need rest for your next gig tomorrow.”
“Haha! Why, I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. Goodnight, brother.”
“Night, Kara. Sleep tight.”
“Hey, shitty eldest. Are you really still awake?”
“Ouch, what a greeting. Right through my heart, Ichimacchan. Nah, I was sleeping, but I woke up. I was trying to get back to sleep… it’s just kind of… y’know, lonely over here.”
“Oh. Yeah, you’re the only one in the house, huh?”
“Yeahhh, it sucks. I just woke up and I was like, ‘shit, where are all my baby brothers?’ Pff.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’d come home if I could, but I’ve gotta take care of Fern right now.”
“No, no, it’s all good. How’s she doing?”
“Better than the last time I saw her. At least she’s eating now. She keeps hissing at anyone who gets close except for me.”
“Pffff… guess she’s copying you.”
“Tch, go die, Osomatsu. Actually, it sounds like you’re pretty close to it right now. You good?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m good. The fucking flu shot, you know?”
“Ouch, don’t even mention that. My head was about to split in half earlier.”
“Shit. You doing better now?”
“Yeah, it finally went away. Hopefully you feel better soon, too. Listen, I gotta go now ― Fern’s scratching at me for a little more food.”
“Oh, right, no problem. Go take care of her. And, uh, take some sleep if you can get it so you don’t pass out tomorrow.”
“I’ll do my best. If not, I’m napping on top of you tomorrow. Night, Osomatsu.”
“Count on it! See you tomorrow, Ichimacchan.”
“Heyyyyy, Osomatsu-nii-san!! You woke me up and the phone ringing almost woke up Homura-chan. Is everything okay???”
“Oh… oh, yeah, sorry, Jyushi. Everything’s fine. I didn’t mean to wake you up and almost wake her. I just wanted to call and… see how you were doing.”
“… Hah??”
“I’m all alone in the house… I guess I miss all my little brothers. Choro has some nerd shit going on, Kara’s doing gigs, Totty’s at a friend’s place, and Ichi’s at the animal shelter with one of his cats… and you’re all the way out in the country. Plus Mom and Dad went on vacation. So…”
“Oh. So you’re just lonely ‘cause you’re alone. And you woke up and felt bad so you called me?”
“Yeah… I’m calling the others too. Just… just, you know, checking up on everybody. Sorry, I didn’t think about that you’re probably sleeping in the same bed as Homura-chan…”
“It’s okay! Maybe if she wakes up we’ll go for round two, haha.”
“Jyushi! You sly asshole, saying something like that to me, pffff. You’re bad. You’re… having fun, though, right?”
“Yeah, loads of fun. It’s great out here in the country. Homura-chan’s family even has a dog! Are you okay? You sound funny.”
“Uh? Oh, yeah. I’m just feeling a little crappy from the flu shot.”
“Ohhhh. That’s right, we all got that before I left yesterday. I’m kinda sore too, but it’s getting better. I hope it doesn’t last too much longer for you. Maybe since it woke you up now, it’ll be gone when you wake up for real!”
“Maybe. I hope so. Mannn… okay, Jyushi, I’m gonna let you get back to cuddling with Homura-chan, okay? Enjoy the rest of your visit.”
“Hahahhh, thanks, Osomatsu-nii-san. And you can call me again too, if you want! Maybe during the day next time. Nighty night.”
“Night, Jyushi. Sweet dreams.”
“Mmmf… Osomatsu? If you’re calling me, someone better be dead or dying.”
“Ahah, or what, Fappymatsu?”
“Or I will reach through this phone and strangle you like we’re in a B-list horror movie.”
“Ouchhhh, you’re worse than Ichimacchan; at least he didn’t threaten me. Are you really that cranky that I woke you up?”
“Yes, because I was having trouble getting to sleep and I just started drifting off when my phone rang. If you don’t give me a good reason in the next thirty seconds, Karamatsu becomes my oldest brother.”
“Geez, okay, okay. Sorry, you grump. I just wanted to check on you guys. I woke up feeling like shit thanks to the flu shot from yesterday, and I… wanted to make sure it wasn’t making you guys feel crappy too.”
“I’m fine, Osomatsu. I mean, I felt a little queasy earlier in the night, but it passed. You, on the other hand, sound like death warmed over. You should hang up and get some sleep. Can we not leave you alone for five minutes?”
“Heh. Guess not. Sorry I woke you up. You should get back to sleep too.”
“… Osomatsu. Wait. Did… did you call everyone else, too? You seriously just wanted to make sure we were okay?”
“Uh-huh. Well… well, I guess I’m a little lonely, too. I mean, I woke up and the futon was empty and I just… felt like I should check on all of you. I’m the big brother. So… I’m glad you’re alright.”
“Well… thanks, I guess. Sorry I snapped at you, but, I’m tired. Don’t worry too much, okay? I’m a little anxious, being so far from home overnight… I miss all of you too. But it’ll be fine. Try some breathing exercises… if you can do that, sometimes it helps you relax enough to fall asleep.”
“I’ll try. Thanks, Choro-chan. I’m glad you’re doing okay. You try those exercises too, yeah? I want you to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, I will. Thanks for checking on us, Osomatsu. You’re not a bad big brother sometimes. Get some rest, okay? I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
“Night, Choro-chan. Sleep well.”
When Osomatsu puts his phone down, far enough away that he probably won’t roll onto it in his sleep, he feels a lot better.
Not that he doesn’t still feel crappy, but his headache is starting to fade, and the anxiety he felt about being away from his brothers has calmed down substantially. It means that hopefully he’ll be able to get back to sleep.
He lies down on one side, rubbing at his eyes to get rid of the tears that started up again. The blanket is pulled up, so tightly around him that it almost mimics being hugged. With any luck, he’ll be out in a few minutes so he doesn’t have the chance to panic at the sounds of the house settling or the noises outside or anything like that.
As he closes his eyes and does his best to breathe rhythmically through his mouth, he curls his knees up to his chest.
He still feels lonely.
Everything will be better tomorrow.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Arthur's chapter. That's it. That's the tweet.
Also, the song rec ma'am. the song!!!
“Jaden,” Lance said. “Shut up.” This man gets me in ways I can't explain.
Love me how from all words he still chose David😭
“He just needed to relax a little. I think it got triggered by anxiety,” daddy told them. “My brother used to get them when he was a kid.” I am so normal about this piece of information 🙂. Definitely not screaming
Istg this boy can't get any cuter!!🥺🥺
“See? I didn’t know any of that,” Jaden said. “I don’t speak French.”
“That sounds like a you problem,” Lance pointed out from the kitchen.
I sometimes wish I could be there and do many sassy comments to Jaden, but no need to worry because Lance has my back 😍
Are you kidding me??? Dernière Danse is one of my favorite songs!!!! ARTHUR SINGING IT SOMEONE HOLD ME
Fist of all, fuck Victoria. Second of all, Kincaid and Arthur>>>>
They are so cute and innocent they make my heart ache ok?!?😭😭
I will protect Harry with every inch of my body from now on😌
Love me some good communication and parent-kid interaction!!! Also, my boy is smart!! He knows something is up!!!.
AJ and Magnus: David doesn't hate you. People don’t write shows about the people they hate
David: I don't hate you
Max: ....Yeah, he definitely hates me
Arthur being a swiftie is a knowledge I will hold close to my heart 😍
Nooooo!!! Arcaid!!!! I have met this ship five seconds ago and they are already suffering??? In more than one universe??? 😭
Istg, my boys are hopeless romantics😔 Lance I love you but wtf?
LIGHTWOOD-BANE SIBLINGS ARE MAKING ME CRY AGAIN!! There's something so personal with siblings saying "hey" "hey" "I love you" "love you too". No I will not elaborate
“Will you solve my case?”
“I will try.”
They are going to find out and tell Max and it's going to be a big thing right?? I am so scared and excited omg
Song rec: fingers crossed by Lauren Spencer Smith
Arthur, wherever he is, brings a certain sense of softness with him. It was much needed. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Fun fact: The song is one of my favorites (way before it for popular because of young royals) and was always my choice for Arthur. He has a lot of angsty song recs lol.
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