#I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get a good grade on one of my upcoming finals
fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
s!!!!!!! my daddy got me an alpine stuffed animal (it is just a white cat, but i'm pretending lol)! i had a big project that i was stressing over and i ended up getting an a, so he surprised me with it. he was going to save it for when i'm done with finals, but gave in haha 🥹🥹
- bf showing anon (i can't fall asleep and am still very happy i apologize :3 i hope you are well and taking care of yourself)
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That's so sweet! Your Daddy sounds like a great daddy and a good overall partner!! I 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 see 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
I definitely feel you with the finals and projects stress, thougu, lol. Congratulations on getting an A on that project, by the way. That's great! And there's no need to apologize, I love that of all the people you want to tell, I'm one of them.
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88m33 · 2 years
Today is August 8th.
I had a surprisingly good day today! I had my morning coffee so that probably contributed to it. This morning, I was able to sit with my coffee, a homemade cinnamon roll, and the book I'm currently reading (Secret of the White Rose by Stefanie Pintoff) and read for about an hour. It was fantastic. I don't get to read often so when I do, it's a real treat.
I got an email this morning from the people at NYU Steinhardt replying to the questions I sent them. Thankfully, it was good news! They don't require an art history degree but any experience working in the arts or volunteering would be wonderful on my resume. They weren't sure if I'd be able to waiver the business classes but that's a question that would have to be addressed at acceptance. And they even sent me the information for the upcoming Fall 2022 information sessions so I can learn more there. I have a really good feeling about this.
I think it's crazy that just over a year ago, I was crying on my friend's couch in the East Village about how I never wanted to leave and promised her that I'd be living in New York City within the next three years. Well, if this works out, I'd beat my deadline by a whole year.
After getting ready for the day, I went to my university's library and took the LSAT Writing Section. LSAC has you take the writing portion of the test before the rest so they can get a head start on grading. It was surprisingly simple? Or I did it wrong? I hope not. I can't tell you anything about it but I was able to create a pretty strong argument in only 35 minutes. I'm really proud of that.
I then did about four hours of logic game practice. If you can ace the logic game section, then your score will be phenomenal. I'm already pretty good at reading comprehension and logical reasoning, so focusing on logic games was a good use of my time today.
Before class, I ran up the street to Cane's and grabbed some dinner. I ate in my car on an empty parking garage floor so I could blast my music as loud as I could handle. I suggest The Beach by Wolf Alice--it's amazing. Then I went to class from 5:30-5:52. It was a really short lecture and we didn't have a quiz for the last class's content.
Then I came home, answered the email, let the puppies I despise outside (my mom said she's planning on actually sending them to puppy training this time, so cross your fingers), changed the colors of my personal website, and got ready to work out.
I haven't exercised properly in a few months now. Once we started the renovation in my house, we moved everything to the garage, rendering the weightlifting set-up there useless. At some point, my family cleaned out and reorganized the area and now we can actually use everything again. I was messing around with the puppies when the thought struck me that it's Monday and Monday is the perfect day to start a workout routine again and if I don't do it now, then I never will.
I listen to a phenomenal TedTalk about making decisions and habits that stick that changed my perspective on starting new habits and breaking old ones. The man talking said to never put a deadline on it. Never say, "I'll do/not do XYZ until [instert date here]" because as soon as that date comes around, you won't do it anymore. You have to change your perspective about the habit or decision. Instead of giving yourself a deadline, you just accept it as part of your life. Instead of "I will not sugar for one month", say "I don't eat sugar". Period. It's part of who you are now. I think that's a better approach than when my parents tell me to "embrace the suck" and "just do it" and "push through it". Instead of it being a choice, it is now who I am and what I do.
This is all to say, I'm going to work out every day. I am not going to push myself past my limits and burn myself out before I really get started, but I'm going to do some sort of activity every day to stay in shape. I like the way I feel when I lift and I usually sleep better.
So, I worked out and I worked out hard and it was nice. Now, I'm sleepy and I'm going to leave you here. What habit or decision can you embody rather than push through? Are you going to?
Good night loves.
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4aloysius-porteu · 3 years
i really wish i hated you || tsukishima kei
masterlist | 1 | 2 | chapter 3
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pairing: tsukishima kei x f! reader
sypnosis: It was an accident that (Y/N) met a certain tall, blonde male; a memory she isn't fond of remembering, but it is where it all started. And ever since, she magically makes her to his path. The image of the bespectacled man dwelled in her mind more than she thought. Tsukishima pushed away his softer emotions and denied their existence, or at least that's what he told himself. But then, he couldn't believe that this girl he labeled as a clumsy, unlucky creature who smashed his glasses is slowly bringing these strange emotions back to him. She might be irritating and dumb sometimes, but he couldn't get himself to completely hate her. Either that destiny was stupid, or he was blessed or cursed.
genre: fanfiction, fluff
wc: 2.6k
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She has met the tall, blonde, and bespectacled male yet again.
"Oh, the midget stalker is here."
"You again?! Seriously, I think it's you who's following me!"
"Hah, what do I get from following an extremely short person like you?" He said, borrowing her words from yesterday.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows creased further in irritation. "Why do you keep mentioning my height?!"
"It was you who started it. Anyways, can you shut up? Do you know that you're in a library?"
She didn't retort back and simply sat on the chair with her arms crossed. It was a fine day then —BOOM— this giant decided to appear out of nowhere. She was trying to forget this person who's associated with some of her embarrassing moments but those just got smashed back to her mind. (Y/N) sighed and pulled a book at the bottom of the stack to start reading, but noticed that the blondie is still standing near the edge of the table, hesitating to sit down while glancing somewhere and back to her.
"What?" (Y/N) frowned.
"Why am I unnecessarily stuck with you on this table?" He sighed, pulling out the chair.
"Because all of the tables here are taken? If you're worried about your glasses being knocked off, don't worry, I won't do anything reckless anymore."
"That's a nice reassurance," He settled down and brought out his studying materials.
Both of them shared the table in the crowded library. Ignoring the people, between them was a silent atmosphere. No one was talking as they both minded their own studies; he was reading quietly and turning pages of a huge book while (Y/N) wrote key points from the printed work and highlighting her notes. Sometimes, the other would leave to return books to their shelves and came back with new stacks. This went on for a few hours until her pen ran out of ink. She scribbled at the back of her notebook in hopes that the ink just got stuck, to no avail. She sighed, resting her head on the notebook. But she really needed to take down notes for her upcoming entrance exam.
"Hey." (Y/N) reluctantly said.
The blonde male looked at her, confirming if he's being called, "What?"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your business but... do you have a spare pen?"
He stared at her with a straight face and placed his chin on the top of his knuckles, implying his refusal to lend one.
(Y/N)'s mentally gritted her teeth. I'm just going to borrow a pen and he's making it hard for me?!
Swallowing her pride, she said, "Look, I need to finish my notes. I'll return it to you right away when I'm done. I promise. Please?"
He scoffed as brought out a pen, "An inkless pen is all it takes for you to become a less lively puppy? You better keep your promise."
A puppy?! "You didn't need to compare me to a puppy but, thanks."
She continued her work but her focus was a bit shaken. This happens whenever she's interrupted or took a break away from writing. Soon, her focus vanished and boredom took over. She tried to read a book to review ideas but her brain won't cooperate. She groaned, her head and arms fell to the table again. The blonde saw but chose to ignore her.
She closed her eyes for a second, however, her gaze fell to the blank paper in front of her face. Her hands are itching to do something other than reviewing and writing, so she put down the pen she borrowed and took a pencil out of her pocket. She placed a pile of books near her notebook so that the male won't notice what she's doing. There, she started to sketch the base of the figure.
She would observe the four-eyed guy who's busy reading some sort of article while taking notes. He has a calm expression on his face rather than an irritated scowl or a mocking grin he usually has. He wears a long blazer and probably a long-sleeved shirt inside. His blonde hair is short yet the edges are a bit curly and his upper eyelashes are prominently long. This was the first time she stared at the jerk's face who she kept bumping into random places that irked the hell out of her, but for some reason, she felt that she had seen this person before the accident in the park, albeit she doesn't know where. (Y/N) came to a conclusion; he was a little good-looking.
The girl looked back to her drawing and shook her head at her own ideas. I can't believe I actually thought that this guy is handsome. How can such a mean creature be blessed with such looks?! Ugh, don't mind, (Y/N). I'm only drawing him because he seems like a great canvas subject, it's not like I haven't done this to other people before...
She went on drawing and drew details to the sketch similar to the boy in front of her. To make the drawing more accurate, she stole small glances at him. She kept things low key because it'll be another embarrassing event if he found out what she's doing. She made the lines smoother in one swift move. The hair and clothes' folds are already well-drawn while she focuses on the detail of his eyes and glasses. She was about to shade when the male finally caught her.
"What is it?" He questioned, closing his book with a low voice and creased eyebrows.
(Y/N) froze on the spot. As much as she doesn't like it, she maintained eye contact with him, thinking of the best alibi that he couldn't argue with. Then, she remembered that she doesn't know his name.
"Uhm... nothing. I was just wondering if you have a name." While talking, her finger subtly moved to grab the nearest object it could get to cover her drawing.
"I have, but why would I mention it to you?" He cooly replied.
"It's alright. I'm not asking you to. Unless you want to be referred to as he/him or the tall, blonde glasses guy all the time?" (Y/N) countered.
He silently turned a page before answering, "Well, it's not like we'll meet every day."
"Oh," was her only reply. Looks like he will stay a nameless guy in her head for a long time. She was about to get back to her business when he spoke.
"Tsukishima Kei."
(Y/N) looked at him in surprise. "I'm not going to repeat it." He added.
She smiled, having clearly heard it right away. "Can you tell me how it is written?"
He looked at her to check for ill intentions but found nothing in her eyes. He hesitantly wrote the characters of his name on a piece of paper.
"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you again, Tsukishima-san." She'd like to initiate a handshake for peacemaking, but she knows how he'd only decline it. She wrote her name for him to see as well.
Tsukishima Kei. She repeated in her mind. What a nice name.
With a notebook covering the upper portion of the paper where she had drawn his portrait, she wrote his name at the bottom. She proceeded to the shading and background features. Backgrounds are one of the things she hates in art because it takes too long to draw one compared to the subject itself. Luckily it's only a sketch so she won't have to suffer. Although she doesn't know if Tsukishima had seen whatever she's doing so she's still cautious. She peered at him for the nth time so she could distract his peripheral vision. Maybe to test the social initiative skills she hasn't used for a long time too.
"Uhh, can I ask something?" She started.
"Hm?" He responded without taking his eyes off the page.
"What school are you from?"
"Amemaru Middle School."
(Y/N) hummed, thinking of another question, "Then, what school are you enrolling to? It must be an upper class one since you had to read those large books and all."
"Not really," Tsukishima closed the book, "I plan to go to Karasuno High School. They may not have a difficult entrance exam, but these readings are for decent grades and some stock knowledge."
"Decent grades, huh... you look like you could achieve more though. I'm pretty sure you'll ace it." She answered, "I was from Kitagawa Dai Ichi. I'm taking an exam in Shiratorizawa soon."
"You're going to that high-class academy? I see, I failed to notice that because you don't look like one. Have fun clashing with other elites there."
"Elites? What are you talking about, you still believe there's such a hierarchy?" (Y/N) chuckled.
"There is though. A gap between them and mere humans in terms of skills and power."
"In the end, they're still humans though. Be it numbers, hard work, or some unique strategy, those 'mere humans' you say will always struggle to step on equal levels with those on the highest rank."
Tsukishima only hummed and stared down at her, "Perhaps I was wrong on assuming you're an elite. You're clearly not."
"Are you underestimating me?" She challenged.
"No, I was just saying. Can I ask something though?"
"Why are you suddenly talkative?"
She was caught off guard but tried not to stutter, "Me? Talkative? I'm always like this."
"Really?" He raised his brows, totally not buying it.
"Ugh, fine! I'm tired of studying!" She sighed, "I was scribbling some doodles on my notebook because I'm bored so I thought it wouldn't hurt to talk to Mr. Beanpole in front of me. Forgive me and my awkward social skills."
"Your social skills are not bad. I'm just thankful you aren't using the precious ink of my pen for drawing." He said, stacking the books he used.
She gasped, panicked inside, "You aren't looking at my drawing, are you?"
He got up to return the books,"Don't worry, it's none of my business."
She exhaled in relief, spared from another memory of embarrassment. Her eyes followed his walking figure and watched his movements. She looked at her drawing to compare and used her fingers to define lighting. When Tsukishima got back and placed new reviewers on the table, (Y/N) asked him once more.
"Do you ever get tired of studying?"
"Sometimes I take a break, but I can only do that if I have finished everything."
"What a diligent student you are."
"I hardly see any benefit in being dumb and slacking off all the time."
"Eh, I hardly see any benefit in studying Algebra and Calculus. I have a lot of questions. Do you use derivatives in counting money or salary? Do you use trigonometry in dividing pizzas or corn chips? Why do I need to find the limit of a function if numbers are infinite? Why do I need to get the formula of a certain point in each line or curve I draw on the graphing paper? What is the correct answer for?" (Y/N) complained.
Tsukishima looked at her blankly, doubting her chances of passing the Shiratorizawa's board exam. "I couldn't argue with that, I'd rather read a book composed of words than formulas, but you don't have a choice. Although, if you plan to be an engineer or something, that'll be a different perspective."
"No, thanks, I won't eat math books for breakfast. Other subjects are interesting enough to keep me awake in class, but numbers don't really entertain me."
"Then, what do you do?" He asked, writing on his notes.
"Not much. I just draw, paint, listen to music, and watch anime."
He let out an amused hum, "How about you? What do you do other than to study?" (Y/N) asked.
"I play volleyball, listen to music, and read narrative books."
"Volleyball? So that's what your height is for! I thought it's just for cleaning and reaching high places."
"That's rude."
"If I am, what do you call yourself? Besides, I don't want to make wrong assumptions."
"You just did."
"...right. I'm sorry."
The sense of familiarity took over (Y/N)'s brain, telling her that she definitely had met this Tsukishima guy before. Her face scrunched a little, trying to search her memories and connect the dots. Her eyes found his face again.
"Why do you keep looking at me?" His eyes narrowed, his annoyance towards the girl slowly rising.
"I HAD met you somewhere... before that accident, where did I see you?"
He was about to say something when (Y/N) stopped him, "Shh, I'm thinking."
He crossed his arms and frowned at her. Volleyball, Amemaru MS... She was about to say it but Tsukishima spoke first.
"Were you one of the audience who watched the middle school volleyball inter-high a year ago?"
"I was! Wait, you remember?"
"That was the only place where I could find someone from Kitagawa Dai Ichi." He confirmed.
"Correct. I was a part of the school paper where I was assigned in the sports category. I took a picture of you when my senior was interviewing you! You were the tallest middle blocker in the games! How could I forget that! So that's why whenever you irk me, it was familiar!"
"How am I annoying you? Aren't you the one who kept on talking right now?"
"I've figured out that there's no kind bone in you. And the way you keep on stuffing the spikes from the opposite team. It was never-ending that they didn't have a chance to score properly." She pouted.
"What do you expect from a middle blocker? It was my job to block spikes."
"You could've gone easy on them."
"The game would lose it's sense if that's the case."
"Fine. You're not wrong." Their conversation was cut short after she ceased talking. At least she found out where she first met Tsukishima. She finished the portrait sketch. Grinning, she believed that she captured his features accurately in her drawing. She'd like to hold it near him and compare to make sure though. Satisfied with her work, she went back on turning pages.
"So, you've finally decided to continue to study?" Tsukishima prodded.
She smiled, "I guess. Thank you for talking to me. That was a great stop."
Both of them worked quietly, but now, the irritation they felt towards each other lessened. After some time, a person in the speaker announced that the library will be closing before 6 pm. Tsukishima returned all the books he borrowed and packed his things.
"You're going home?"
"I don't want to come home late. You aren't finished with your notes yet?"
"Yeah, maybe I'll leave five minutes before six."
"Alright. I'll get going now." He swung his bag over his shoulder.
"Hey, wait! Your pen!" (Y/N) abruptly remembered seconds after.
"I don't need it anymore. It was useful, apart from its close on running out of ink."
"But it's yours and you told me to keep my promise!"
"Whatever. Keep it or throw it." He walked out and wore his headphones, having no intention to listen to anyone.
She sighed and checked the ink. More than half of it is gone, but she can use it again if she wishes. (Y/N) placed her fist to her cheek while writing.
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Random Tsukishima Kei facts:
In the second prototype chapter (unserialized, one shot, the first idea of the author on how haikyuu will go) Tsukishima was a second-year, which was changed in the serialized version where he's a first-year. His initial height in the prototype chapter is 184cm, a little shorter than his official height (190.1cm). In an extra sketch, Furudate commented, "Tsukki and Tanaka being in the same year would spell chaos!
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law. 
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Part 8
When Erik's eyes opened, his head was foggy.. smashed into the bed.. and Frankie Beverly was blasting out the common room. He raised his chin before dropping it with a deep sigh. This nigga, he thought. Goddamn.. What time was it?
"CHRIS," he yelled getting no answer other than a loud "BEFORE I LET YOU GOOOOOOOO!"
"Mothafucka," he grumbled eyes shut and grunting as he couldn't sleep with all the noise. Throwing himself onto his feet, he nearly tripped over his boots left standing near the bed in his jeans. Kicking them out the way, he marched out the room turning the corner as he scratched his bare chest.  "You know what time it is?!"
"Yeah, it's 12:48 PM in the afternoon," Brit said from the small couch as Chris looked up, looking stupid. "Good afternoon Sleeping Beauty." Erik hadn't even seen her sitting there, but there she was.. in one of Chris' bigass shirts and sweatpants. Erik looked down finding himself ass naked, dick hanging on soft. Her eyes followed his, scanning him before settling on his eyes, humored.
"Stop looking at my dick."
She smirked. "You were fucked up last night do you remember anything?"
"I remember you," he grinned still feeling fuzzy. One thing he knew for sure.. he'd gotten Fucked. Up. "Why you got his shit on?"
"One, you were sleep so I couldn't ask you. Two, do you own anything that would fit me?"
He pouted. She had a good point.
"Breakfast?" Her brow arched in a reminder.
"SHIT," he gasped suddenly remembering he was a human being with a life. He grabbed his head. "Why you ain't wake me up?"
"Tuh! I tried. You were like a damn log," her shoulders shook in a small chuckle.
Meanwhile, Chris danced with a bag of chips and a coke.
"Sit ya happy ass down somewhere," Erik frowned, half-serious and rolling his eyes when Brit put up a disciplinary finger. He sighed. "Wait for me, I'm a take a quick shower and I'll be ready in fifteen."
Turning the corner, he could hear them talking low and snickering. He stuck his head back out and their eyes both went to him at the same time, Brit snickering again.
"What's so funny RED," he challenged.
"YOU, nigga. Breakfast over, me and Chris already went, it's lunch time."
"Y'all went without me?" His face froze in disappointment.
"Look..," Chris mumbled walking over with his phone to show him a video of them trying to wake him up. Chris had yelled Erik's name super loud and Brit climbed over top0 him in the bed, dressed in Chris' clothes as she cackled at the fact that Erik was still snoring.
"Put some damn clothes on," she laughed.
"You the one keep lookin at my dick." She kept looking at it like she wanted it.
"You asked me to stay and I'm here.. as you requested. But I got shit to do and I'm hungry so LET'S GOOO," she clapped. "Get your ass in the showerrr! Let's move!"
"...You lucky you fine," he warned turning to hit the shower. He was used to showering fast, with as much work as he'd taken on this year. Early, long, full days of school, tutoring, group assignments, homework, Omega meetups, and he had to get his workouts in too. In fact, based on the time... he had an appointment to tutor a few people back to back in a couple hours. Work hard, play hard was the motto. Dashing from the shower, he dried himself quickly and threw on a purple t-shirt he thrifted with grey joggers and Jordan's. He'd been rocking these same Jordans faithfully since 11th grade.
"Aye, you ready," he called heading to the door. Standing, she was right behind him and he looked at Chris who'd gotten up to come. "Fuck you going, this ain't that kinda party."
"Erik.. it's the caf I gotta go too."
"Leave first then." Ignoring Brit's face, Erik watched Chris roll his eyes, shake his head, and head out. "...What? ...He ain't walking with us." He smacked her ass as she walked through the door. He could get used to that jiggle.
The stroll to the caf was lighter as Erik was able to breathe fresh air, move, and make conversation with one of his new favorite people. He took his time next to her, rubbing his hands together as he plotted in his mind new ways to flirt with her.
"I'm dressed so bummy, I can't wait to get into my own clothes."
"Last night was wild wasn't it," he grinned. He didn't remember it all but he knew he'd had fun.
"YOU were wild last night," she amended. "You know you ran around the party butt naked with a purple dick?!"
"Purple and gold," he corrected. Of course he remembered. He'd planned it while sober. "You got a lil wild too," he smiled side-eyeing her. "I saw you tryna dance.."
"Trying? No, boo. I'm a dancer," she snapped playfully.
"You better at kissing," he smirked leading the way into the caf as she rolled her eyes.
It was inevitable. They couldn't just eat and be alone because people kept coming over to talk to them, separately and together. Erik started to get irritated at the third interruption.. Her line sister came to greet her and wouldn't leave. Erik stared at Brit who glanced back obviously reading his mind and finding it funny.
"What you expect," she smiled watching his annoyance. "Between the two of us we know half the people at this school."
"We need privacy."
"That's what dates are for," she quipped, still smirking.. She was waiting for him to ask her out on one, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. That was when James from one of Erik's classes approached asking for tutoring.
"Pay me," Erik shrugged. "Guaranteed A if you listen and study like I tell you." It was easy money.
Brit looked at her phone and finished the food on her tray, picking it up as she stood. "I'll get with you, aight? I gotta meet someone for a project."
"Wait, why you leaving?" He frowned looking up for her to sit back down. He wasn't done vibin.
"I just told you and I wanna change my clothes."
He kissed his teeth. "Aight, well, call me."
"When I have time..."
Erik was taken aback. That was already a given, so for her to say it meant she was purposely gonna wait. Why? He decided to give her a little more incentive standing to follow her out. He ain't wanna do what he had planned right in the caf.
"Where you going," her brow raised seeing him behind her in her peripheral vision. He grabbed her waist, turning her to face him before holding her face in his hands and laying a fat kiss on her soft lips that lasted a good moment.
"What was that for," she breathed, looking up with soft eyes.
"Felt like kissing you," he shrugged backing up. "Call me," he pointed heading back to the caf. That should've been good enough to make her call quick, but she didn't and he'd waited lowkey. Everytime someone hit his phone he was annoyed because it was the wrong number. So he called her one afternoon when he was in need of sexual relief.. but according to her she was busy. Aight, fine.. He called her a couple days later getting the same response. That was bullshit and she was lying. What the fuck was going on? She didn't want dick?
After a week passed by with no contact, he decided to pop up on her in the criminal justice building. All it took was to ask around and he found her in a computer lab, sitting in the empty seat beside her at her computer. She kept typing unaware until she looked over and nearly jumped from her skin.
"Why you been ignoring me lately."
"I haven't been ignoring you, I said I was busy."
"Bullshit, you make time for what you want to make time for."
"Why you sweating me so hard? You're not my man. You won't even ask me on a date."
It clicked. "That's what this is about. Look, you want another date, fine."
"Tuh. Not with that attitude," she scoffed. "I can have anyone I want, you better step to me like you know."
Erik's brows rose. Engine RED, that bitch that made him want to work for it was rearing her head.
"Bye Erik," she waved flicking her wrist like he was a damn fly. He was shocked.. but also entertained and strangely turned on. Smirking at her profile as she purposely ignored him, he decided to gone and ask.
"Ms. RED," he whispered laughing silently to himself when she ignored him again. "Fine chocolate ass.." She was gonna make him really be serious. Containing himself, he looked at her, she was still typing.. some assignment. "Aight... Brittany... You're absolutely right and I would love it if you let me enjoy the pleasure of your company this upcoming weekend."
"Where we going?"
"Where you want?"
"Don't ask me that if you don't have money. I'm being gracious by letting you plan it around your price point."
"You right," he spoke honestly. "I'll plan it out and call you with the details."
He smirked. She definitely knew how to get what she wanted from him. Now he wanted something from her in the meantime.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Go ahead," she mumbled, fingers never ceasing on the keyboard. He leaned forward and kissed her smoothly on the cheek, feeling light.
"What you doing today?"
"I have a date."
"With who?" His eyes widened. He didn't expect that."
"I don't think you know him."
"Try me."
"Habib Eze."
She was right, he didn't know him. Damn. Niggas moved fast. He wondered how many times she'd seen this Habib and if she was dodging him to meet that nigga. She wasn't doing anything wrong.. he just didn't expect it.. nor did he like it. She was serious about these damn dates. "Damn.. well I'll still get at you for this weekend," he said feeling like a simp as he left her.
A thought crossed his mind. He couldn't afford to take her on a million dates, he had shit to pay for. However, if he made her his girl.. he wouldn't have to put up cash so constantly. But if he did that, would he have to be loyal? Would she trip over that? She would. It would get ugly. Dating was out of the question for now.
Crossing campus, Erik met a familiar set of eyes and she double-taked walking in his direction to slide her fingers along his forearm. He recognized her as one of the girls he danced on at the party, but she looked a little more put together now.
"Heey," she smiled leaning into him for a hug before stepping back. "Fun night, when's the next one?"
"Three weeks, gimme your number I'll send you the info." Pulling out his phone, he took her number catching her hints that he could call her for sex as well. He'd have to think about that, but in the meantime she was touching his arm so he flirted back. Then she moved her arm and casually put her hand on his dick. He stared at her like she was crazy but she didn't get the memo. He had to move her hand off. "I'll call you," he nodded walking off. He didn't plan to.
When Brit called it was Thursday and Erik was shocked. He'd just left class. But then she asked him to meet her in the library and he figured it was on some 'using him' shit. He was right. She needed help.
"Hey," she smiled greeting him. "Thanks for meeting with me and I'm willing to compensate you for your time. I know you tutor in multiple subjects and you know a lot about the law. Could you help me with this?" She showed him her assignment and he read the directions, catching where her confusion would be. Sighing, he decided to help her. He had a little time and spent it explaining as much as he could and giving her shit to write down. It wasn't as much time as she'd needed for him to help her finish, but she wasn't dumb she could figure the rest out on her own.
"Hm?" He was too absorbed in her books to look at her.
"You ever have a girlfriend?"
He paused looking up before closing the book solemnly. "Hell nah.... Why?"
"Forget it."
"You wanna be my girlfriend?" He was stunned.
"No." She looked away and he caught the glimpse of a paper in her bag... it was marked with a 92% in bright red pen. He looked at the book in his hand and dropped it on the table with a sigh.
"What you want from me..."
"I don't want anything from you," she's shrugged but that was a lie.
"You don't need my help." He snatched the graded paper and held it up. "You doing just fine. I'll ask you again... what you want from me? Why you really call me?"
She stood grapping her stuff to pack it up but he took her bag to halt her, commanding eye contact.
"Ain't no Habib," he stated calling her bluff. Her silence was proof. "You be lying," he pointed.
"Because you're an idiot! We been flirting back and forth and it takes all of this for you to ask me out. All those book smarts and you can't think to be honest. So to not waste our time, I sped things up! YOU'RE WELCOME."
Erik stared, understanding it all. Yeah, he was stubborn and always tryna see what he could get... He could've still done without the lying.
"Oh get over yourself," she frowned snatching her bag back and stuffing her books back into it. She stormed off and for a second Erik let her before he decided to give chase. He was able to catch up easily since she hadn't gotten far.
"So this whole time you been plotting on me."
"Worked didn't it." She had no shame as she strutted.
"You know I ain't fucked no one since we started fuckin," he side-eyed. "How the fuck you do that?"
"Voodoo," she smirked causing him to raise a brow before she stopped walking to face him.
"This ass... It's voodoo," she smirked and his face cracked as looked off fighting a smile.
"Lame ass." He walked her back to her place, taking it slow and she asked him about the tutoring session he was missing. He wasn't thinking about them, they could miss one session. He had more pressing matters. Getting Brit into the bed for one. Now that he knew she was lying about another nigga, he knew she was feeling him and feening. He still couldn't see himself dating exclusively, but he could see himself inside of her guts and for now that's what Ms. Engine RED would have to deal with.
The End
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@love-more122 @shaekingshitup @fd-writes @teakturn @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @purplehairgawdess @soufcakmistress
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