#I’m so damn proud of them
Stray Kids x Met Gala
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raymoo--hackery · 1 year
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A quick Reimu and Marisa sketch I did for the rivals popularity poll :)
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apollo-just-ice · 4 months
Summer is gonna be sooooo good I can’t wait aaah 😭
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Bro i just realized how much i love them SHAKING. LIEK OMG?? IM SO LUCKY TO BE WITH THEM
(yes this is about @just-some-loser-kid cuz yeah :3)
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sl1ghtly0dd · 19 days
Fuck it’s like I’m not allowed to have good days at work like if they fucking sense I’m feeling good and happy at work they have to fucking ruin it every time.
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fishymom-art · 2 years
You know what I think about the most when it comes to my BatIM characters/comic?
The fact that this
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Grew up into this
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thebroken--soul · 1 year
When I think about it, season 6 of Station 19 has been so good with Maya & Carina. Until the 2 last episodes. It has everything I wanted with them like drama, the low point, efforts & work and finally THE conversation. And it was so good to watch this. It was truly nice to see Maya & Carina’s relationship growing up more in this season, to see Maya healthy and doing everything she can to earn Carina’s trust again, to see Carina talking about her feelings to Maya. Stefania & Danielle absolutely killed it in this season and it feels nice to fall slowly back in love with Marina because I have been missing that lately. But then, the writers ruined them AGAIN just like the Grey’s writers have ruined Alex Karev in 40 minutes so all I will keep in my mind of this season 6 is that Carina & Maya are great from 601 to 615. That’s it. The rest doesn’t exist.
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pebblezone · 1 year
this Tylenol ain’t shit w
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#talkingcore#emotions. man.#there’s so much music that I just haven’t listened to in a bit and it’s making me feel things it’s not even like sad things I’m like damn#how long has it been since I’ve listened to beautiful stranger by Madonna as featured in Austin powers international man of mystery#but also something in my brain feels like it needs to cry like I don’t feel like I physically can but something needs to be released#so do I go pet sounds? smile? falsettos? I feel like I need to be in a sleeping bag and Contemplate#fun fact! Kendra Morris has an absolutely stunning cover of don’t talk (put your head on my shoulders)#I’m pretty neutral on beach boys covers tbh I’m never crazy about them since like they really never measure up#how many mid covers of god only knows can I take? not many. but like she & him have their little Brian Wilson tribute I like that.#the covers are a lot better when they don’t try to perfectly replicate whatever the fuck Brian Wilson was doing they aren’t him#brain wants to go melancholy mode but I’ve no clue over what. girl just tell me what I’m supposed to be sad over I’ll commit to the bit#need to keep listening to new stuff but also need old stuff Maybe that’s it maybe I just need old stuff again? like routine?? shit idk#also like at 5 am I woke up and remembered how in choir people kept comparing me to the director they had the year before me#and the thing is she had the same name as someone else in choir that was student teaching my first semester so I kept thinking they were#referring to her Id be in my choir fit my silly suit my proud butch uniform and they’d be like oh this is so ‘insert name’!#and it kept throwing me off because the student teacher was like. not like me at all so I was like fuck#what kind of girl core energies am I accidentally emitting this is Bad. so anyway 5 am I’m like fuck it I need to research this person#I search. find her. she’s butch. I’m blessed. they weren’t lying like man we do such a good job at being generic! yay!#butch And in choir! love to see it! keep thinking how I am destined to be like in my 40s doing mundane tasks#I’m gonna be soooooo good at watering plants and putting salt on the sidewalk before it snows and cleaning drains#need to be a dad mom so fucking bad you don’t get it I need to drive carpool and take off work for dentist trips and watch hgtv#AHHHH i think that got rid of some of the sad lfg💥💥💥💥this must be super long god damn sorry
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Hello hi yes I’m not dead. Where have I been the past two ish weeks? Looking for motivation to do anything but that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to share some art. So
There are spoilers for the ending of Ride the Cyclone under the cut so be warned okay now onto the art
For a little background, @fitheghosty created this AU for Ride the Cyclone that’s absolutely consumed my mind. The rough concept goes that after Penny is brought back the choir is also thrown back into the living world as ghosts that only Penny can see. Penny doesn’t remember them, and vice versa, BUT in one of her posts, Fi mentioned Penny summoning the choir. I’m perfectly aware there’s probably a completely different way it went but that doesn’t stop my brain from imagining it going a little something like this…
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
If I were Scott, I would love to witness the girls’ faces light up (it’s happened three times I believe) not only when they find out that they’re going to be skating in one of T’s dresses but also when they try it on and skate in it for the first time. It must feel so special for them. I’m sure Scott loves seeing them happy but also now that I consider it may be a little bitter sweet for him to see those dresses again as well. Or maybe I’m overthinking it idk
No you’re not overthinking this is stuff I lie awake thinking about 😅😅. Hundo I think he wants T to be as much an influence on his students through him as possible (just the way he always brings up how he would be so much better with T beside him and he’s always calling her for advise and she’d always know what to do etc) ((BTW im NOT getting into another debate over T coaching/not coaching)). So even something like getting to wear her dresses no doubt all those girls IDOLISE her and getting to wear her dresses would be so special
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sometimes i read something i wrote and i am honestly just in such awe that i could’ve written it like it’s CRAZY!
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captainrayzizuniverse · 8 months
No but really what did they think it would achieve to admit that they made a human error and the goal should’ve stood? Is their conscious cleansed? Are they humbled now that they’ve owned up to their mistake? How is there no repercussion for such a blatant game changing decision. This isn’t a penalty decision where there is a 50/50 chance for it to go in. This is an actual goal that went into the net that the officials admitted should have stood. How does that not result in any rectification?? Why are you even admitting your wrongdoing? Might as well shut up about it.
Am I still bitter and angry? Yes, sue me!
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genuflectx · 9 months
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I wanna start drawing in my actual sketchbooks more… so here’s a quick life drawing of our beagle boy in my dream journal
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fencesandfrogs · 9 months
Man I gotta get to bed but sometimes I look at the things the kids have done and like…I’m so fucking proud of them
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froggi-mushroom · 10 months
Writing this fic has been so much easier than anything else I’ve written wtf
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