#I’m on chapter 70 btw
I haven’t thought of Lily Orchard in years, but she just made a video on dungeon meshi and I wanted to hear what she had to say. I couldn’t even finish it.
It’s clear she hates anime as a genre and is pissed about having to review something she didn’t want to watch, and that anger permeates the whole* review. On top of that, it’s so fucking disingenuous to review a show that’s not even halfway over and then claim it’s thematically disjointed - like 1. Of course it’ll seem that way if you’ve only seen the first quarter of a piece of work, we’re still in the setting up stage, these themes haven’t had time to fully commingle and resolve and 2. Even considering that, dungeon meshi does actually know what it is/where it’s going, and at this point it’s fairly obvious how all the themes/mixed genera’s are gonna fit together.**
*to be fair, I haven’t seen the entire review, so maybe she calms down partway through. I don’t make a habit of watching things I know will upset me, and watching someone make bad faith criticism of something I like would literally ruin my week
Post chapter 65 spoilers below:
**Granted, cookings prominence in the show, while cute*** on its own, didn’t really seem plot relevant to me until around chapter 65 when it was revealed that in order to save falin they would have to eat her dragon half. Y’all, I went fucking feral over that reveal.
***cute meaning: it’s used mostly for worldbuilding at first. That’s really cool if you’re into it, and an integral part of the story ryoko kui is telling, but not technically necessary in every story. There are plenty of storys who spend needless time expositing about the world instead of focusing on the interesting bits, and if you’re only a quarter of the way into DM, I can see how you might think that this is one of those cases.
But obviously, as time passes, the worldbuilding aspects become more important, because the entire show is about worldbuilding. Or more accurately, it’s a deconstruction of the fantasy genera. It spends time setting up familiar tropes and then examines how those tropes would actually play out in a realistic world, setting up and then questioning our expectations for the world in a really nuanced way.
My favorite example of this is how dungeon meshi treats dark/ancient magic.
1. The words ‘dark magic’ and ‘dark elf’ have negative but vague connotations in traditional fantasy. “The thing is bad because it is bad.” It’s a fact we’re primed to believe, but shallow and easy to question
2. We learn that marcille uses dark magic, but that she’s using it for good. “Actually dark magic is forbidden because the people in power were afraid of The Plebs and want to restrict the populaces access to knowledge” is also a common fantasy trope.
3. As we learn more about dungeons and how they intertwine with dark magic, we learn that it does truly have the power to end the world. Not by itself, but because the dimension it pulls power from is populated by beings who would use that bridge of power to enter our world and cause havoc. Holy shit, we think, black magic is actually dangerous and was banned for a reason. Naming it ‘black’ was part of a smear campaign intended to save the public by dissuading them from using it
4. And then we learn that the so called catastrophe scenario has never happened, no demon has ever escaped a dungeon and successfully ended the world. Is this because of the work of the Canaries and ppl like them, or are demons perhaps not as much of a threat as they are made out to be?
And it’s great because there is no one correct answer. We learn things through the characters, whose perspectives are limited and realistic and based on their own life experience. Nobody knows the whole story, and neither do we.
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rotandguts · 11 months
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danny (evil dead rise) x fem!reader, 
part one of the ‘august’ series. 
camp map
summary: the first week back at camp is never easy, but it definitely doesn’t help matters that your lifelong rival and ‘mortal enemy’ is there. both picked as camp counsellors, you’re forced to work together for the good of the camp, but that doesn’t mean you have to like each other.
word count: 10k+
content: SUMMER CAMP AU, rivals/enemies to lovers, implications of transphobia, mentions of bullying, slowburn, angst, mentions of alcohol/intoxication/underaged drinking, mentions of sex, mentions of divorce and abandonment, hints of david allen (evil dead 2013) x fem!reader, some people may be quite OOC?
A/N: EEEEEEK, this is going to be a long one but will be split up into chapters. btw i have no clue what danny’s actual last name is so for the sake of this story its bixler bc that's what beth’s confirmed name is okay? I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG LMAO part 2 and 3 will take very long also okay okay i’m so sorry pls enjoyyyyyy xoxo
publishing date ―  july 21st 2023 |  © rotandguts
The winding road on the way to camp was claustrophobic, your first year driving there yourself. You prayed you were still on the right route, your phone’s GPS struggling to update after losing service a while back.
The sight of the endless rows of green trees was becoming redundant, the charm of the wilderness already wearing off on you upon the second hour of your journey. Eyes on the road, you slurped on the blue raspberry Slusho you picked up at a gas stop mid-journey. Savouring the cool syrup induced taste in the summer heat, windows down and car speakers blaring.
A large wooden sign came into view, confirming your path and indicating the end of the long journey. Engraved on the sign was:
est. 1959
You have gone past this sign every year since you were 8 years old. Initially reluctant to attend, you grew to truly love the place. You giggled at the thought that they almost had to pull you kicking and screaming from the car when you realised you would be remaining there for a little over a month the first ever time you arrived. How times had changed seeing as you were now willingly returning as an adult.
Camp Kandar was just outside Los Angeles, a safe hub to send your kids away to learn what the outside world was like at a reasonable price.
If you imagine what your ideal slasher sleepaway camp would look like from a 70s horror film, Kandar probably looked exactly like it. You were surprised that in all the years of running it no one had actually died there, as far as you were aware anyway.
There were rumours and myths of the camp being built over an ancient castle. Or maybe it was a burial ground? It changed every few years when new counselors got to tell their own version of the myth to the young campers.
This actually would be your first year as a counselor at the camp, it was either this or spending more time slaving away at your job in the local Henrietta’s pizza. You could no longer bare the daily heat and stench of the pizza kitchen, especially during summer.
Hands from distant figures you couldn’t make out waved at you on arrival. Your car finishes its journey in the parking lot beside a Buick Roadsmaster at the child and parent drop off point. You furrow your brows, the campers weren’t meant to arrive for another 2 days.
Exiting the car, you take a moment to breathe in and embrace your new home for the next few weeks, your summer sanctuary for over the past decade greeting you like an old friend. Thick, moist summer sweetness so rife in the air that it makes you feel almost sick to your stomach.
The first thing on your itinerary was to collect your uniform from the camp reception, which you were sure you’d be manning at some point during your time working there. You thought of all the things you’d be able to do now as a counselor, buzzing around the prospect of sneaking out late to whatever party they’d always throw near the old cabin. None of the younger campers were invited, only hearing fabled tales of wild goings on from the distant music and laughter in the night.
Camp director Williams definitely knew about the extracurricular goings on at the camp, and while he took no nonsense, he knew that kids just want to have fun. It’s what made him such a great leader, although the shotgun on the wall above his desk definitely kept campers on edge.
With your case trailing behind you and your backpack hanging casually from your shoulder, you set off towards the camp reception. The building clearly needed a refresher, certain letters in the sign slightly faded due to time and the wood of the steps creaking to a cautious extent under your feet.
Doors swing open, eyes flicker to you. A woman with long red hair stands at the desk with her back to you, obviously in distress talking to director Williams, her arms flailing with hushed whispers.
“Oh great. And you’re here, now. My day just gets better.”
And him.
You turn around and there he is, bags slung on the floor, leaning against the wall with a Nintendo Switch in hand.
Danny Bixler-Sutherland, your worst nightmare.
You had met him that first ever year at camp, becoming close friends after you were assigned to share a bunk. But something shifted in both of you, you were unsure when it all really started. You were both naturally competitive at the group activities from a young age and usually always sorted onto different teams, you always wondered if your competitive playing style drove a wedge in between you both.
Director Williams places a hand on her arm in comfort, “Please, we’ve known each other for how many years now? You know you can call me Ash, Ellie. We can just get bunks sorted for them until moving in day and then sort out proper accommodation. Means they’re not alone in the cabin.” He began to walk towards you, shifting the woman to face you. It was Danny’s mother, Ellie with a striking hair dye job.
Danny had always been in your dormitory growing up, until he came out and his mom fought tooth and nail to get him transferred to the boys dorm. He was popular around camp and people adjusted to the news quickly. But, there were of course a handful of dickheads that treated him like shit because of it. Director Williams put great measures in place to ensure none of them bothered Danny again, some of them being kicked out of camp. You had always wondered if that shotgun had been involved in Williams’ interrogation of them, you hoped it had.
Ever since the summer when the championship was determined to be a tie after you and Danny broke into a fight during the last challenge, you’d been at each other’s necks at almost every possible second.
However, deep down you had an inkling that it all really had something to do with a night that same year, around five or six years ago when a small group of the pre-teen campers, including the both of you, snuck out to camp in the woods.
It had been a largely uneventful night, the excitement in the moment mainly fuelled by the breaking of rules. By the end of the night it had become apparent that despite the bunks in their dorms not being the comfiest, they sure beat the makeshift tents and dusty forest floor.
But the shift in the air was clear. You went into those woods that night, hoping for a last chance of that closeness so present in your youth. By the time you left in the morning and returned to your respective dorms, you barely spoke.
Both of you may have been at each other's necks at the best of times, but insulting each other's appearances or anything personal was a line you both silently agreed to never ever cross. You remembered overhearing bitchy whispers from some of the girls in the cafeteria about him when he first appeared with short hair pre-transition, and you took great pleasure in cutting their hair that night when they were sleeping.
When the girls reported you to the director he had simply shrugged and said, “Talk shit, get hit girls. First rule in the book.”
And it’s not like he wouldn’t do the same for you. Some of the boys had been teasing you, more specifically teasing your figure, behind your back. Low and behold, you had heard that Danny took the charge when standing up for you. It was little things like that that meant you could never truly hate him, and same for him about you.
It was kind of like, the only people that could be mean to you both were the two of you. It was endearing in a way that you would rather die than to admit outloud, a sign of respect from your former friendship.
“Is this a bad time?” You question Danny, feeling like you’ve walked in on something you shouldn’t have but not wanting to pester director Williams until he ends his conversation. “Every place you exist in is a bad time.” Danny remarks, concentration still fully on the games console in front of him.
“That’s a low blow even for you, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today, Mr Crankypants?” You retaliate, readjusting the weight of your backpack.
“You’re a little too old for camp, scout.” That was his nickname for you ever since you were younger. Without context it seemed almost endearing, but the reality of it drove you crazy.
In an attempt to impress an older counselor years ago, you had told a little white lie that you were a scout with all the training. This was a lie you kept up for almost the full time at camp, and doubled down on it on most days. On a hike, one kid began to have an asthma attack and the responsibility of helping them was promptly put on you by the panicking teen counselor.
Luckily, the kid was completely fine but it became apparent to everyone that you not only were not a scout but had zero knowledge in first aid training. No one had really cared, the counselor got in trouble for their negligence and own lack of first aid knowledge. Everyone went back to their normal jokes the next week after a spot of light torment from your fellow campers.
But you cared. It was just one of those borderline traumatic cringe moments in your life that you wish you could forget. And Danny, who was on the hike that day, knew that.
“Yeah I could say the same to you, DJ Dan.” He grimaced, slamming the console down on the reception desk.
“Jesus H Christ, how many years now with you both and you’re still doing this shit?” Ash wiped his brow of sweat, Ellie’s eyes fluttering between the two of you.
“Hey, Y/N. Good summer?” She smiled. You’d known the woman in passing for the same time you’d known Danny. She had definitely been on the receiving end of many phone calls about your behaviour towards each other, and your perhaps even worse behaviour towards others while acting in defence of one another.
Smiling and nodding back to her, “Yeah great so far, thanks - yours?” Despite trying to keep her smile, for a second her face flickered with something unreadable, Danny nervously shifted, eyes bouncing to his sisters in the corner of the room. They were so quiet you had failed to notice them sitting there.
“Same old, I guess.” Her hands clutching her car keys tighter. “How are your parents?”
If you were being honest, you didn’t know the answer to that.
“They’re fine. Same old, I guess.” You gripped the strap of your backpack a little tighter too. Your parents, while not mega rich, had a good bit of money. Most of your life, you’d spent much of your time without them or with a nanny. Summer was great because it meant going on holiday with them somewhere, anywhere. Until they realised they could hire a nanny in the form of Camp Kandar for the entire summer that was far cheaper and even further away from them.
Ellie politely nodded, before approaching the girls. “It’s just two days extra, right? I’ll be there to pick you all up the first second I can and bring you home.” Bridget nods, the older of the two. Kassie looked pained for a moment. Danny began to walk over, finally leaving his haunt, sitting beside Kassie and holding her small hand in his own.
“But what’s gonna happen? Are we even gonna have a home?” The youngest Bixler sibling clung to a pole with a doll's head stuck on top of it, you elected to ignore it as Ash pulled you to the side.
“Here’s the uniform, good thing you got here when you did ‘cause you and Danny took the last of that size.” Your eyes widened at his statement as Ash continued on. Danny, still holding Kass’ hand, glared at you with a twisted smile.
This confirmed the worst, he wasn’t here for a brief visit to drop off his sisters like you’d prayed, he would be a camp counselor too.
“Rota will get sorted by tonight, but all that’s really needed is some clean up jobs around camp before we open. You’re sharing with Mia in Cabin 13.” Your face lit up. Like Danny, Mia and her older brother David had been attending the camp since you were young. David, being two years older than her, became a counselor when he turned 18. You didn’t know if she would be returning this summer to do the same, the last time you’d texted she seemed reluctant to return.
“Great. Happy to do that.” Danny rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm. “Suck up.” He muttered. You chose to ignore him.
You set off towards Cabin 13, ensuring you got the first pick of the beds.
The cabin itself was small and pokey, compared to some of the other larger counselor cabins which resembled camper quarters with bunks. Considering the added privacy that came with having only one roommate, especially a roommate you were close with, the size of the cabin was fine with you.
When you arrived, you found the cabin cork board already decorated with pictures and the left bed claimed with a sports bag emptied out on the sheets. You couldn’t even waste time being dismayed that you got there second, not when you could hear Mia singing in the shower. You began unpacking everything you could and changing into your new uniform, the faster you got settled in the quicker you could get on with the fun activities.
When Mia had eventually got out of the bathroom, dark long hair damp with her new uniform on (a green and white t-shirt with the camp logo on it), she squealed as soon as she saw you.
Mia Allen was 5’2 and looked probably around 7 pounds soaking wet, give or take. Ever since she was little she’d been much smaller than the others, but what she lacked in size she made up for in her quick wit and snappy attitude.
And plus, it certainly helped that she had an older brother that could only be described as totally swoon worthy.
While at times sardonic and off putting, she was your best friend at the camp and had been for many years. Both of you being placed in the same dorm each year led to a sense of familiarity with you both. You knew each other’s habits better than anyone.
Others viewed her as troubled, with rumours of past years involving her using drugs on camp grounds or going apeshit on other campers - but you knew better. She had experienced her fair share of bad times in her life, mostly as a way of dealing with her sick mom, should she be punished for them forever? You definitely didn’t think so.
“Thank GOD Williams listened to my roomie request, I almost thought I was gonna get stuck with Olivia.” She bounces on you and embraces you within a death grip.
“I thought you and Olivia were friends?” The older girl was a medical student now but still returned each summer to help, she’d hung around you both growing up. She loved to follow the rules, with no exception or nuance to them. However, Olivia was without a doubt the most responsible of all the counselors and it meant the staff didn’t need to train her in first-aid every year.
“Um, yeah, of course we are. But I’d rather choke on my own vomit than have little miss campus police as my bunkmate. She does her own room inspections every week, David says no one even asks her to do them.” Mia rolls her eyes, going over to her bedside cabinet to put some perfume on.
“Fair enough, I’m so happy to see you. I seriously thought I’d be the only one coming back this year.” Running a hand through your hair, you watched her lean into your shared mirror and put on her earrings.
“I know, you need to tell me everything that’s happened since I last saw you. Oh my god, so much shit has happened with my mom it’s fuckin crazy, man.” She began to apply lipgloss. “Tell me about it on the way to initiation, I didn’t realise the time already!” You grab her wrist, pulling her from the cabin.
“Slow the fuck down! Listen, they won’t start without us, and we’re like two minutes away.” Mia halted your speed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
In the distance you could see Danny and some of the others heading towards the campfire area, or as the campers called it, The Pavilion. His head flew back with laughter at something a girl you didn’t recognise said.
“Not you literally gawking at your boy-toy.” Mia murmured, making you turn to look at her with furrowed brows. ���What?”
“Yeah, you heard me. And don’t think I’m talking about Eric or Pablo, ‘cause I’m not.” She pulled out a carton of cigarettes from the pocket of her shorts, offering you one. You politely turn it down with a shake of the hand, “Maybe later.”
“This whole uhhhh I hate you so much uhhhhh I hate you too charade is so 2018. Like I wish you’d just give it a rest already and fuck it out.” Mia struggles to keep the cigarette in her mouth as she acts out her impressions of you both before lighting it. You almost choke on her words.
“What the fuck, Mia! Not cool!“
“I am literally right! Don’t think I’ve forgotten that whole truth or dare bullshit from last year.” The smaller girl took a long drag and shifted her weight on her feet, hand resting on a tree beside her.
“You shouldn’t be smoking out in the open like this - at least do it in the cabin with the shower on.” You roll your eyes and begin to power ahead to the Pavilion. “A-HA, don’t try and change the subject with me missy because you know I am not that bitch to be messed with.” Mia begins to chase after you, almost tripping while stealing glances around to make sure no one actually catches her in the act.
“Mia, I think you should quit while you’re ahead. You know my feelings towards that boy and you know none of them are pleasant.” Halting and turning to face her, she does the same with slightly more unbalanced, disjointed movements.
She takes a puff, “Yeah, I thought I knew your feelings. And then you said what you said.” She wasn’t giving up easily.
“I don’t remember what I said.”
“Bull-fucking-shit, this is like pathological liar level. You’re gaslighting me, man!” She waves her arms around manically with wide eyes, obviously trying to tease you. Giving her one last begging look, she stubs the cigarette out. “Fine. But we’re talking about this later.”
With that, she powers on in front of you. It’s as if the nicotine has given her enough energy to run a marathon as she determinedly stomps towards the campfire.
That game of truth or dare had been a drunken mishap at the secret end of year party. You had both managed to score an invite thanks to David, and by association Danny had been invited by Eric. Olivia was too buzzed on wine coolers to feel the need to kick you out, so you managed to spend most of the night there. Mia’s drunk alter-ego ‘the Abomination’ eventually appeared which led to you and David escorting her back to the girls dorm in the early hours.
You had been asked by a drunken Mia, the absolute fucking menace that she was, if you had to spend a night in bed with any of the boys who would it be? Immediately without thinking, in your own intoxicated state, you answered Danny.
Before you could even realise the deeper implications of the question, you immediately attempted to justify your answer by stating that you had shared a bunk for years and didn’t kill each other during that time.
She had teased you in front of the entire group, in your own state of embarrassment you had failed to notice Danny’s wide eyes and rosy cheeks.
But the teasing was over quickly with Mia throwing her entire guts up in front of everyone, leading David to jump back onto his feet and promptly drag her from the scene, requesting that you help carry her legs.
What you’d failed to tell Mia, tell anyone for that matter, is that despite your answer to her question, you and David shared a kiss.
It was behind the cabin after you both dragged her back in her drunken state, you hoped all its occupants would be sound asleep. He’d looked at you with a glimmer in his eye, his testing patience, seeing who would make the first move.
Both of you had been dangerously towing a flirtatious line all summer, a line that you’d been tiptoeing on for probably the past nine years prior.
It had never ever been a possibility before, you were his kid sister’s best friend. You were just you. But here he was looking at you like that.
Do you regret it in hindsight? Sure, but you hardly remember it. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it might break out of your chest like that little creature from Alien. The moist summer air of the early morning clinging to your skin, a strong hand on the low of your back. Pressed tight chest to chest, a forbidden taste.
You jumped apart at the sound of the snapping of sticks by god knows what.
You parted with wide eyes and uncertainty rising in your chest. He placed a gentle hand on your cheek.
“I’ll speak to you tomorrow, yeah?” You nodded, a smile growing. The start of something new blossoming.
David and Mia were gone by the time you woke up, you had assumed David had driven them off specifically so you both didn’t need to address any drunken awkwardness from the previous night. Mia wouldn’t have opposed, with her hangover probably kicking in tenfold.
All that was left in his departure was a letter saying that he’d see you next summer and that you should call him when you got home if you wanted to pick up where you left off, with a phone number left under the statement. You text the number, leaving him with a message.
hey david,
last night was a mistake. it was a plain and simple heat of the moment mistake - as much as I’d like to start again, i can’t do that to mia.
You sent ‘i’m sorry.’ when you didn’t receive a reply after a month.
Quite frankly, you were dreading seeing him far more than Danny. With Danny at least, you knew that whatever you had said last year had gone right past his head (or atleast you thought it had). Danny wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to make you squirm, surely?
Honestly, now that you had been able to think it through - you wouldn’t be opposed to starting where you left off with David, the whole him being your friend’s brother thing aside. He was handsome, kind, and popular around camp. He’d looked out for you since, like, forever and you trusted him. If you were searching for a summer fling David would certainly be your go-to.
But whatever. If nothing happened, nothing happened, especially after the text you sent him. You could play this totally cool, right? It was just David. Stupidly hot David, with his constant tan and his almost annoyingly unwavering warm demeanour. You still remembered the first time you saw that smile. You were eight and he was ten, you fell down and scraped your knee during a group activity. He ran to you before any counsellors could even get to you.
“You’re okay.” A hand reached out, you grabbed it. And there was that smile. A smile you could trust. Yeah, maybe you were gonna be okay.
It was undeniable how he made you feel. Your legs turned to jelly everytime you laid eyes on him, you felt like such a ditz. But the presence of Mia complicated everything. You couldn’t do that to her. It would be too weird. Unless, you kept it a secret? A secret summer fling could be exactly what you need. Why did you have to send that damn text?
But then ultimately, he was just safe. Despite his attractiveness, all of the passion of the fling would be mostly fuelled by his relation to Mia, and if you’re being honest that was a line you did not want to cross with her. If she even found out that you both had kissed it’d be game over.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts by Mia calling your name.
“Are you even listening? Wait up, I have little legs!” She was significantly behind you now, struggling to keep up with your pace as you unconsciously powered ahead in front of her. “Sorry Mia, my inner volume was too loud, I guess.”
She squints, smirks before tapping your arm. “Yeah and we all know exactly who you’re thinking about.” Your eyes widen.
Barging past her again, the Pavilion now in sight, both of you being the only two left to arrive.
While the overall area has rows of structured seating comparable to wooden bleachers facing a stage, for more intimate occasions such as this there were stools placed closer to the stage.
“Fashionably late as always, you too. First strike.” Ash attempted to chase away flies with his prosthetic hand, shooting her a stern look. “Hey- what the hell? What happened to a friendly camper hello?” She resigned herself to the first tree stump available in front of you, beside her brother. You could only see his back and still you could feel the butterflies going wild inside you.
“You forfeit that when you come back here as a counselor. You’re being paid for this, this is a job. Stay. On. Time.” You swallow, taking the seat near Danny. He’s whispering something to Eric, but your eyes still meet.
Neither of you break but both of you wonder who will be the first to.
You pick up on things that have changed since last summer. His hair, chestnut again after a brief bleach blonde stint. You didn’t know what he suited more, you liked both.
You almost mentally slapped yourself for thinking that. But it was hard to not think how actually kinda attractive Danny was in staring competition moments like this. His eyes had such a mischievous glint in them that begged you for more, egged you on like what you were doing was so, so wrong.
Your cheeks grow heated and you can’t bare to stare any longer, losing the silent game.
“Okay, Bridget and Kassie will be staying here with us a few days early. That’s okay. Just make sure you’re on best behaviour at all time big kids, make sure you’re doing your job and looking after the little ones.” Bridget rolls her eyes at his words. She’s fifteen and thinks she can take on the world single handedly. Kassie looks a little less sure, resigning herself to staring at the ground and kicking some wood chippings at her feet.
“Cheryl, you wanna take it from here?” Director Williams turns to his sister, who appears by his side. “Sure thing, I’ve sorted the camp rota.”
You glance back at Danny, his eyes still on you. He smirks. You feel like you’re on fire. Turning away from him again to look where you had been so desperately avoiding, you see David glance at you. He smiles softly when he realises you’ve caught him, sending a slight wave. You don’t hesitate to return it, hearing a Danny sounding scoff coming from the opposite direction.
Cheryl goes over your duties for the next few weeks, you’re placed in arts and crafts with Mia and Danny. And a new girl who’d never attended this camp prior, Natalie. You assumed it was the girl walking with Danny earlier, now sitting timidly beside Eric.
Mia you could handle, and you could probably even handle Danny alone too. But Mia’s unrelenting urge to tease you for your misspoken words and Danny’s eyes that seemingly bore into your soul at every chance was going to be a challenge in combination.
Your face must’ve immediately read your exasperation, as Cheryl reassured “Don’t worry, usually it’ll just be two of you in for activities. You guys will be mixed and matched.” Your shoulders sunk in relief, not even realising how tense you had suddenly become.
Your ear is met with the soft whisper of Danny. “Don’t look too excited.”
“Bite me.” You hiss back, he grins with wild eyes, like he enjoys the way you’re speaking to him.
“Hey assholes! And I can call you that now because you’re adults. I better see no fighting, no nothing, or else this year - got it?” More Ash than director Williams warns, you nod.
“I’ll try sir, but she’s the issue.” The boy points at you, false sincerity in his voice. You bite your tongue, giving Ash a look that portrays your frustration.
“Whatever. Seriously, I’m watching you two.” Ash points at the both of you, Danny rolls his eyes. Eric and Mia make a quiet ‘ooooooooh’ noise and then laugh at their accidental timing.
Eric was the same age as David, and his childhood best friend, although you had noticed that they had drifted apart. He was as sarcastic as they come, but knew when to shut up and be serious. He’d been growing out his hair for the past few summers, it now resting just at his collarbone.
He’d taken Danny under his wing when he got moved to the boy’s dorm, it was common that one would be seen the other around camp.
After a few more ground rules were laid out, Ash reminded you that you are now the adults in charge and that any responsibility will be put on you.
“Oh and by the way. This is Natalie, she’s new. I know you all grew up together but please make her feel welcome, yeah?” Cheryl put her hand on the girl’s shoulder, Natalie waving timidly.
She was so effortlessly pretty you didn’t know if you wanted to cry or roll your eyes.
With that, you were free to spend the last night free before your jobs started the next day. As everyone was departing, you notice David eyeing the new girl, who stands like a spare prick as Cheryl inaudibly talks to her. He leaves with Pablo and Olivia after taking a second glance.
There’s those damn butterflies again.
Mia wraps an arm around you and drags you in the opposite direction, heading to your own cabin. You pass Danny, who winks before sending you a sarcastic kiss. You respond with a middle finger.
The first few days go smoothly, managing to stay out of any drama. Everyone is seemingly too tired to really interact with each other outside of your shared meals in the mess hall, all of you still adjusting to being in a foreign home.
Drop off day was longer and more tedious than the previous days, an earlier rise than the already early mornings at Camp Kandar. Buses filling the parking lot, hurried parents ushering kids out of cars, kisses goodbye. A floury of campers old and new dragging their luggage behind them in the chaos of sorting cabins. Camp reception was even more packed than before with parents handing off medication and bus drivers piling up all the forgotten items from their respective vehicles.
When the kids arrived, you were kind of ecstatic, seeing everybody arrive from a different angle than you ever had before, remembering how nervous you had been each year on drop-off day.
The camp entrance itself, aside from the parking lot and reception, welcomed campers in with a large arch that displayed the camp’s name proudly. From here, past the reception, led to a large open ground shaped in a circle.
If you kept walking straight, the mess hall was in front with extra benches set up outside for the good weather. To the left, through the trees were the camper dorms. Scattered throughout the many acres, it was common for the little ones to get lost.
Just beyond that were the staff and counselor cabins, with Ash’s being the furthest out of them all. On the opposite end of the camp was the activity field and the lake. It was pretty simple to get around, but the prospect of getting lost in the surrounding woods was intimidating.
Bridget ran towards a group of teens, who welcomed her with open arms. It was odd to think that in a few years they potentially would be the camp counsellors, and you and your peers would be off in the world doing all types of grown up shit. Goodbye adolescence forever.
Your heart dropped when you saw Kassie standing to the side awkwardly, clutching her stick with the doll head on it. For the past few days she had kind of kept to herself while Bridget had helped with the bigger jobs setting up camp. Slowly approaching her, you decided to strike up a conversation.
“Cool doll, what’s it’s name?” You gently poked it, her face lighting up at someone talking to her. Because she was little, it was hard for her to be included like her older sister aside from odd jobs Ash would send her on. Things like sending her to the Pavilion to find the biggest pine cone, or seeing how many laps she could do around the activity grounds.
“Staffanie. I made her, so she can protect me, and scare off anything scary in the woods. Danny says there’s monsters here.” Kassie explains timidly, a shy smile growing slowly.
“She’s cool, hiya Staffanie.” You return the smile, she waves the doll head as if to make her say hello.
“She says hello back.” After a nice lull, she turns to watch a group of kids her own age stand and talk to each other, obviously knowing each other outside of camp.
“I was really scared my first year here too.” You bend down to get to her level. “Really?”
“Yeah, really, it was super hard at first. But then I met Mia and it was all okay.” The little girl looks doubtful. “I don’t know, I think people think I’m weird.”
“Well that makes two of us kiddo. Listen, you’ve got Danny and Bridget to help you out,” Before you can finish she interjects. “That doesn’t count, they're related to me.”
She was right technically. “Yeah, but they’re not required to be nice to you, are they? David and Mia are related and they barely hang out.” You point towards them, on opposite sides of the area, David calming down a crying mother clutching onto her uninterested child. Mia was poking the ground with a stick.
“I guess.” Kassie was still hesitant, head racing with thoughts of what was really going on back home. Her mom thought she’d done enough to protect her from the startling reality of the impending divorce, and in a way she had. Kassie was sure that everything would be fine between her parents, only really worrying about losing their family home.
But even the thought of being at this camp, making no friends and then coming back to nothing was terrifying to the young girl. And it was a reality that a girl her age shouldn’t have to face.
“Kassie, I’m gonna be brutally honest with you. I think you’re gonna have the best summer ever.”
After a moment, Kassie turned with a smile. “You really think so?” You couldn’t help but return it. “I know so, pal.”
It was harrowing, it was like seeing your younger self in a way. Coming here was no easy feat. Sure, the activities were nice and you settled in eventually, but that scary feeling doesn’t really go away even after all these years.
“I’m Kassie, by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Her face lit up. “Wait, I know who you are!”
“Well we have spent the last few days together so I did hope that you would have known my name by now honestly-”
“You’re the girl Danny always talks about! You’re his friend!” Kassie kind of bounces around, her new found enthusiasm infectious but her statement alarming. Not wanting to burst her bubble after seeing her so gloom for the past few days, with a stiff smile you offer a nod.
“I remember all the stories from when you used to share a bunk! Wow, I hope I get a bunk mate just like you!” You aren’t quite sure what she’s talking about, as most of your time bunking with Danny involved arguing about his snoring and your constant shifting above him.
“Yeah, fingers crossed.” You mimicked your own words, she copied you.
“And I can teach them the secret bunk code that you taught Danny, ‘cause Danny taught me!” A stab in the heart. You’d forgotten about that.
You developed a quiet knocking, humming and scraping system to have conversations with each other. It’d been one of those silly kid things you just stop thinking about when you have your first kiss or learn to drive. You can’t really even remember what you used to talk about in the quiet moments of the night when you weren’t bickering.
“We taught each other, just like you and your bunk mate will make up new words. Just go with the flow and you’ll have a great time.”
Kassie nods, more than cheered up from the conversation. “I’ll remember that. Gosh, I hope I get put on your team for the games!”
“Yeah, me too kiddo.” A girl around Kassie’s age stands alone at the drop off point just beyond the arch of Camp Kandar. Her eyes scan the scene in front of her, campers overwhelmingly conversing in their individual cliques. Nudging Kassie, you point in her direction.
“Why not go say hi to her? I think it might be her first day too.” The youngest Bixler-Sutherland sibling nods, and takes a deep breath.
“Kass, if it doesn’t go well I’m right here.” You crouch to her level, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. You knew exactly what she was thinking right now, as if this one interaction would determine her ability to make friends this summer.
With one last optimistic look, she trots off with Staffanie in tow.
“You givin’ my sister your shitty advice?” Danny’s voice catches you off guard, him appearing behind you as you watch Kassie from afar.
“Better than anything you’ve offered her the past few days clearly.” You don’t bother to turn to look at him, but you can feel his chin almost hovering in the crook of your left shoulder. His body, while not at all touching yours, feels close.
“Ouch, scout. And here I thought you were giving me flirty eyes at the first meeting the other day.”
“You fucking wish, Bixler.” He seems unfazed at your use of only one of his last names. In the distance, Kassie seemed to be explaining Staffanie to the other girl, who giggled and pet the doll head awkwardly.
Turning your head to face him, you’re almost caught off guard at how close he is.
“Kassie was talking about all the stories you’ve been telling about me.” His eyes flash with alarm for a moment, you have to stop yourself from laughing at the sight. Danny’s attempt to catch you off guard disrupted by your own secret weapon.
“Just the shit from when we were kids, before you become an intolerable bitch.” He stepped back, strutting in front of you.
“Well atleast I’m a bitch and not a complete moron, like you.” He sucks in a breath and scoffs. “This moron’s gonna beat your ass in the challenge teams this year.”
“Not if we’re on the same team, dipshit.”
“Pablo told Eric who told me that you’re in red team. I’m blue team, scout.” He circles you like a shark smelling blood for the first time, your eyes stay trained on him.
“How the fuck does Pablo know? Why would director Williams or Cheryl put us on opposite teams? Isn’t that just begging for trouble?” Your hands raise to rest on your hips, fists clenching.
“‘Cause maybe Pablo’s tight with Ash and Ash sorts the teams ‘cause Cheryl does rota. I was in red team but Eric asked to swap places and I said yes so I could be on the opposite team from you.” This bastard, always testing you. Always looking for a fight. Always needing to win.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” Knuckles white, this was all going to backfire on you specifically.
His taunting grin begged you to lose your temper.
“‘Cause it makes us better. Why be just good at working together when we could be even better tearing each other apart?” There was that closeness thing again, him getting up in your personal space. This was all a stupid intimidation tactic and you weren’t going to let it slide.
“When director Williams calls it out he won’t let you switch, even if Eric asks.” Something was going on here, more than what he was letting on. His eyes take a dangerous glance at your lips, he was playing dirty.
It wasn’t like you thought of him in that way anyway, nor he with you surely. Ultimately, he infuriated you.
Though, anyone would admit he was in great shape. Chiselled jawline and soft blue eyes that would make anyone swoon. He was attractive and you had shared a bunk with him, it was inevitable you would potentially form a deep attachment to him, you supposed. It’s definitely not like you had thought about him in the heat of the night in the safety of your own room, miles and miles away from camp. It was a hundred percent not like you had ever, ever replayed your most heated debates in your head, thinking about how breathless he could make you feel.
Fuck Danny Bixler-Sutherland.
“Don’t be so sure, they can’t reject a team transfer as long as someone on the other team volunteers a switch, it's against camp rules.” He backed away, hands held up in surrender. That stupid fuckin grin still on his mouth.
“Plus, Mia would be a far better teammate than you.” And with that he leaves you.
You couldn’t get his words out of your head.
What the fuck was he planning? Would Eric stoop so low to be involved in some stupid plot to have you guys in prime fighting positions? What was he getting out of this?
Stumbling across the sea of new campers to get to Mia, a plan quickly trying to form in your head.
“Mia, I need to call in a favour.” She dropped the stick at the mention of her name, pretending that she had actually been busy the full time.
“Fuck no, baby.”
“Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?” Mia crossed her arms. “What is it?”
“You need to swap teams with me.”
“How do you know we’re on opposite teams?” Her position unchanging, eyes burning into your soul as if you were breaking the rules somehow.
“Danny might’ve let something slip, he’s in my team and wants to change with Eric so we can be competing, but I don’t wanna do that.” She glances over your shoulder at Danny’s current location, beginning to guide the campers to their assigned cabins.
“How does he know this?” You roll your eyes, scratching your forehead. “It’s a long story, but please Mia, I’m begging you - I need to beat him at his own game.”
Mia stands for a moment, watching the boy, before smiling and looking back at you.
“This is ‘cause you wanna spend more time with him isn’t it?”
“Whatever the fuck helps you sleep at night.” You cannot let her win this foolish debate she’s created in her head.
“Sure thing, I’ll swap I guess.”
You had completely zoned out of the induction campfire ceremony. It’s mandatory every year anyway, aimed at the campers specifically. You weren’t missing much. This team shit was driving you crazy, as soon as Ash coughed up that it was time for the counselor sorting ceremony you shot upright. Across the seating area you could see Eric nudge Danny, who barely acknowledged him.
“Okay guys, team red. Okay people here we go. Olivia, Y/N-”
“I wanna swap teams.” You stood up.
Some of the campers ooooooed at your exclamation, Olivia scoffed. “What’s so bad about my team?” You turned to her, apology written all over your face.
You couldn’t swap if you didn’t have someone to swap with, you knew this. But if Mia came in clutch then you also knew that Eric wanted to be on the red team for some reason, so no matter what he would swap with Danny.
“We’ve not even finished reading out the rest of your teammates.” Director Williams answers with an irritated tone, and honestly, rightfully so. You were being difficult.
“Blue is usually my team, c’mon Williams we know this.” Much to his chagrin, you are right. “Well, seeing as we’ve not even called out blue team members, how is anyone gonna swap with you?” All eyes on you, intimidating you more than you cared to admit.
Luckily, Mia came right to your rescue.
“I’ll swap with her.” She stands proud, like she’s testifying to the court.
The fingers on his prosthetic hand scratch his nose, for a second you wonder how it would feel to have such an appendage. His hand had been gone longer than you’d been alive apparently, the camp legend was that it got torn off by a bear in the camp outskirts when Ash was a counselor here himself.
“How the hell did you know you were on the other team?”
“Last year you warned us we spoke too much when we’re together at these things, I thought this year you’d want to keep us separated.” Mia’s excuse didn’t really make any sense, seeing as he had allowed them to share a cabin, but she was right in saying that when they were partnered up they did not shut the fuck up. “Red’s more my color anyway.”
The older man shrugged. “Swap accepted, I suppose.
That was that.
“Shall we continue? Okay, red team. Olivia, Mia, Danny, Sheila and Eric. C’mere.”
Your heart dropped.
What the actual fuck.
Even Mia turned to you in confusion as she began to walk down to the stage with the rest of her team.
Danny must have known all along that Eric wasn’t actually going to swap, he’d done this to throw you off his trail. If anything happens between you two it’s your fault for the switch over now.
But why? Why was he so desperate to manipulate you like that? If it had gone wrong at any point, if you had chosen to stay on the team, who would he have swapped with? Maybe Pedro was in on it too, but looking at him now he seemed even more zoned out than you were.
Danny’s eyes found yours in the crowd, you were instantly reminded of all the other types of shit like this he’d pulled in the years prior. You felt like a total idiot for causing a scene, tears threatening to fall.
“Blue team, let’s go! David, Y/N, Pedro, Natalie and Kelly.”
David. He’d completely slipped your mind.
Fuck this shit.
You couldn’t even turn to look at Danny through the rest of the sorting of the teams, not able to face his stupid smug face that you knew would be looking at you. Why did he have to be such a headfuck all the time?
The full thing kept playing on your mind even when you were back in your cabin with Mia. She was smoking a cigarette, leaning out of the bathroom window. Head in your hands, you sat on the closed lid of the toilet.
“Thank fuck we have our own toilets now, jesus, could you imagine only being able to use the fuckin shared one?”
“We still have to clean all the cubicles when it’s our shift, a private toilet just adds one more toilet onto that.”
She inhales the cigarette for a moment, letting it hit her lungs. Even with the window open it still stunk.
“Yeah, but like atleast it’s our toilet. I’d happily clean your piss on the daily over the combined piss of like 60 something kids.” Mia looks different with the moonlight on her face. Her eyes, kind of buggish normally, seem even bigger. Sometimes she looks like a different person, you think.
“From everything I know, I really thought he liked you.” She murmured, flicking the butt out the window when she finished. “I tried to warn you.” You look at her through your hands. She sinks down onto the tiled floor of the shower.
“Just so weird, right? Like what could he have gotten out of that?” Mia stares off to a point in the corner of the room, in contemplation. “I don’t even get why you don’t like each other. You both used to get along so well.”
You’d heard it all before, and your constant avoidance of the question came from the fact that quite honestly you didn’t even know how to answer it.
“All I know is that I’m gonna get him back tenfold.”
She smirks at you. “Oh yeah?”
For your arts and crafts block that week, you’d been assigned with Natalie. She was nice enough, kind of quiet but sweet with the kids. She’d spent most of her time asking you where things were. As far as you could tell, she was older. Probably not by much, at least around the same age as Olivia, David and Eric. She was from Salt Lake City, which you thought was a little far to come all the way to camp, but you didn’t judge her too much for it. It’s good to get away from home sometimes.
Kassie had indeed been placed on your team. Telling her that you were confident that with her and Staffanie on the team, you’d beat anything her brother threw at you both earned a giggle from her.
Another surprise was Bridget being placed on your team. She kept to herself or her friends mostly, but was more outspoken than a lot of the other teens.
Bridget had been attending camp the past few years since she turned 8, so you were more familiar with her than Kassie. In saying that, the age gap did mean that neither of you had really spoken to each other, especially as you weren’t a counselor before.
Each week, the teams would participate in challenges. Kids would file into the pavilion in their respective team colours, carrying makeshift posters and signs they had made during arts and crafts.
Waves of red and blue lining the wooden bleachers, allowing you to zone out while Danny lingered in your line of vision.
A soft hand to the low of your back, you jump. David waits with a smile and a water bottle on offer.
“Hey.” You soften, tucking a loose hair behind your ear.
“Hey, barely got a chance to catch up with you
since we got here. How you doing, kiddo?” The hand moves to your shoulder, a tinge of disappointment rushing through you. Another nickname, albeit a well meaning one, but one you still held in disdain.
“Not too bad, I've been busy keeping your sister out of trouble.” He chuckles, the famous David Allen smile appears. “I don’t know what she’d do without you.”
An earnest pause, but also a dangerous one.
“Listen David-“
“About last summer-“ Interrupting each other before either could make their point, and yet both so obviously on the same wavelength. The kiss.
“You go first.” His arms fold in a polite defeat. God, the bastard just oozed charm.
“Just wanted to address what happened last summer, between us. Just incase you felt uneasy or something it doesn’t have to be anything big if you don’t want it to be.” Heat rising in your chest, you felt like a stupid idiot with a school girl crush.
As if he could read your own thoughts, David placed his hand on your forearm. “Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
Danny lingered from afar, no stranger to the occasional glance your way. He almost scowled when he saw your company.
You wanted to mention the text, you wanted to ask why he never said anything. Why he didn’t reply. But David simply rubbed your arm, “We don’t need to talk about it.”
A sigh escapes your lips, one you hadn’t even realised you were holding in. “Cool.”
The first challenge passes by fairly simply, despite Danny’s obvious attempts to wind you up. He was a competitive fucker, that’s for sure.
Team Blue manages to take the win for the night, with the kids chanting David’s name. He runs up to you, sweating profusely and yet managing to effortlessly appear like he was a vampire from Twilight instead of someone who just won a game of dodgeball.
“Great work kiddo, my second in command.” A grin appears, one that you can’t help but mimic knowing finewell that you spent the full game preoccupied with Danny.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Eric nudge Mia with a smug smile and whispered in her ear. She looked at you immediately and grinned, the worried pit immediately returned in your stomach.
She skips towards you, with Eric retreating to Danny who stands on the sidelines looking a bit misplaced.
“Guess who’s going to a party tonight?” Mia offers you two thumbs up and does a shuffling dance, that only manages to kick up dirt and makes you cough.
“The Abomination?”
“Okay, fuck you. Us! They’re having a party outside the woods. Dude, our own counselor party!” It had been something you’d spoken about for years, but you felt the effect had been lessened after last year's antics.
“I don’t know, Mia. I want to take this next challenge seriously and-”
“And what? All the tension from today will mean nothing when we’ll all be hungover tomorrow, group bonding?” You tried to find another excuse. “What about the kids?”
“Girl, fuck the kids! I want to party.” All you could do was answer with an awkward shrug, which she took for total defeat.
“YAAAAY. Okay, quick, we have like 2 hours to get ready-” Mia grabs your wrist and pulls you in the direction of your cabin, Danny standing on the hill watching you as you go by. If you weren’t so nervous about the prospect of being at the party with David and trying to listen to Mia, you’d think he was checking you out.
“You better be there, Scout!” Eric calls after you both as you pass, Danny’s head dipping beside him seemingly finding the ground extremely interesting right now. “Suck my ass, Eric!” He howled in response, earning a fit of laughter from you and Mia.
The winding path, illuminated with random lanterns left by partying campers long ago, seemed to go on forever. The prospect of getting absolutely shit faced at the end of the trail after a long week of ensuring the safety of screaming kids, patching up old equiptment and cleaning up actual shit was what kept the counsellors of Camp Kandar going.
The transition between the July weather and August’s own was usually indistinguishable, but tonight was particularly breezy. Regardless, the blazing campfire your colleagues crowded around gave a small amount of relief.
Cheap bottles of liquor and red solo cups, firebright light and wine coolers left discarded on the forest floor in favour of roaming hands on dancing teens. There was almost something melancholic about it all, one day they’d well and truly grow out of this forever. The fleeting fun of camp summer, the spontaneity of beers in the woods on a lukewarm summer night.
David strummed lazily on a dark cherry coloured guitar, you almost wanted to roll your eyes at how it looked like he’d stepped right out of a young adult rom com.
“I don’t get what you see in him.” Danny appears, housing a beer you can’t quite decipher the brand name of. You can feel his judgement despite his eyes also watching the older boy at the other side of the fire, unaware to his dueling voyeurs.
“What are you talking about?” He licked his lips, letting out a scoffing almost laugh at your reply.
“You never suited acting stupid, Scout. But then again, are as predictable as a Chainsmokers song.”
Fingers clenching around your cup filled with god knows what, how dare he? It took everything you had in you to show restraint and now throw its contains over his loose fitting tank top and cargo shorts. He was dressed like every female gaze dream skater boy forever immortalised on countless Pinterest boards - and yet you were the predictable one apparently.
“Why do you have to be such a fucking dick all of the goddamned time? You’re insane.”
“I’m not the one sleeping with my best friend’s brother.” Wide eyes snap to his, still burning holes into David’s skull across the fire with a tinge of unnoticed envy.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” The clench around the red cup switches from anger to fear. He could always read her better than anyone. He finally looks at you, his blue eyes somehow welcome despite the venom you shot at each other. A pit in your stomach started to burn as if someone was inside digging it themself.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be getting this reaction. All I’ll say is don’t waste your time on him.” You could feel your eyes roll back, here he was backtracking trying to act like he was helping you again. No way were you falling for it again.
“I can spend time with whoever I want to. You’re just jealous that without alcohol I can’t hang around you without social distancing myself at all times.” You down the rest of your cup, just trying to keep your shaking hands preoccupied.
He shrugs. “Maybe I am.” His gaze shifts back to the rim of the beer. He contemplates copying your action and downing it as well. “Or maybe I just don’t give a shit ‘cuz I won’t even be around to see the fallout when you fuck it all up next year.”
Your turn to look at the boy again, taking in his frame for a moment. His hunched demeanour doesn’t read like he’s telling a joke or trying to wind you up.
“Yeah, this is my last year. My parents are getting a divorce and my mom can’t afford to take us here anymore. And everything that was saved for my collage fund is getting put into the divorce. Surprise!” Danny uncannily laughs, clearly highlighting just how rotten the situation is.
“And it’s so fucked because we’re moving away and Bridge and Kass are leaving their entire lives behind and they’ll never get to experience this and they barely even know that we’re never going home again and it’s all just so so fucked-”
“Danny…. I didn’t know.”
“Yeah, why the fuck would you I don’t even know why I’m telling you this-” He starts to dab at his eyes and make a hurried exit before you reach out and grab his wrist.
When you look into his eyes you see that same boy from the first year you bunked together. The boy that was scared of the dark, the boy that was chatty and so eager to be outdoors yet scared of the wilderness. You see little Danny, all alone in the big bad scary world with no parents to really protect him, as much as his mom was trying. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. You never knew he was going through anything this serious.
“Wanna go on a walk right now?”
You expect him to tell you to fuck off and storm away, or cast some snarky remark about David. He just nods slowly. “Let me just tell Eric where I’m going.”
“Cool, I’ll get you at the carving tree.” He kind of fumbles a nod and scurries to find the older boy.
You turn and David is behind you like a jumpscare, you’re unable to hide a yelp. He laughs and places a hand on your forearm, you grow tense - mind too preoccupied with Danny. “Everything okay? I know you and Bixler are kind of neck and neck, I’d hate for him to spoil the party for you.”
Glancing back at the blonde boy as he searches for Eric, a tinge of guilt pierces through. “It’s fine, I can handle him.
“Well if you ever wanted me to say anything to him, let me know.” He shrugged, guitar still resting over him.
“I actually had something to ask you.” The liquid courage was saying it was now or never, and if it all went wrong you could escape into the woods with Danny who would probably be feeling even worse than you.
Here goes nothing.
“Today, when you said we shouldn’t talk about the kiss or whatever. I just wanted to ask what changed your mind after you left that note on my pillow?” David’s face is unreadable.
“And yeah, I’m sorry if the text I sent was brutal and I won’t lie and say I’ve not thought about the kiss a lot. But I don’t know man, just help me here.” It almost sounds like a rant as the words escape your mouth, David raising an eyebrow in retaliation.
“Well I’ll try and help you out, I don’t know what you’re speaking about.” He seems dumbfounded, an expression you’ve never seen cross him.
“The text. The note. You left me a note, did you not?” Hands trembling, you wish you had it with you in the chance it would somehow completely restart his memory.
“I left with Mia. I needed to get out of there, it was crazy and intense, and kinda good, but like totally wrong.” He moves you to the side, speaking in hushed tones as if it was an affair on par with JFK and Marilyn and not a stupid drunken kiss.
“And then I texted you.”
“No you didn’t, I don’t even have your number. Show me your phone.” The device feels like a brick from the Great Wall of China when you pull it out of your pocket. You try your best to hide your uneasy fingers when you scroll to the conversation, a silent prayer that you didn’t delete it.
There it was plain as day. It was a real conversation. He lightly grabs the phone off you, still holding it at a level that you can both see it. He taps on the contact and stares for a moment.
“Kiddo, I am so sorry. I don’t know who the hell this could be ‘cause that’s not my number.” David peels his own phone out his back pocket and shows his own contact. He was right, the number was completely different.
“I promise I don’t have a second phone as well, and I’ve never changed it. Not since I was like 13 and you still had a Motorola Razr, remember those?” He smiles, going back into a personality mode similar to a dad or grandfather. You weren’t going to lie and say it wasn’t giving you the ick.
All you could do was nod.
“Nevermind, I guess.” He parts with a pat on the shoulder like he was your sports teammate. And technically that’s all he was. A teammate, a friend's brother.
You turn in the direction of the carving tree, Danny stands in the distance. The stomach pit returns, you wish the digger would just go on strike.
All you can do is collect your thoughts for a moment and prepare yourself for the trip ahead, ensuring to grab a bottle of vodka from the ground as you approach him.
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dollsuguru · 3 months
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG @connorsui <3 MWAH! 🩷
last song i listened to:
- all three of these <3 first one i was listening to (satosugu coded song btw it’s so good) and then i just listened to this next song after it and WHEW… visuals & singing are out of this world omfg hyein KILLED it <333 the second song (shh..) is sooo suguru/kenjaku coded omfg both the amazing music video AND the lyrics… don’t ask me why or how that’s simply what my brain thinks <3 and then the last one… my fav song from the series it was in the most recent episode and i listened to it for god knows how many hours while reading 70 chapters of the manga
currently watching:
- i’m rewatching “the apothecary diaries” omfg… jinshi my beloved husband <3 I HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE TO WATCH IT PLEASE IT’S SO GOOD <3
currently obsessed with:
- “the apothecary diaries” manga… literally read all 70 chapters in a day & a half and now i’m up to date (methinks) <3 also found out that suguru’s VA voices jinshi in the audio drama cd… my literal NICHE bc i literally think jinshi is a mix of suguru & bratty teen toru! but anyways jinshi’s anime VA is soooooo good omg now i’m rambling just pleek watch it is all i’m saying <3
also i’m working on a prof!geto x bookstore worker!reader fic for a request! AND for myself (another niche) i have a fashion designer!reader x art museum curator!geto fic that i’m really passionate about! <3
no pressure tags:
(only if y’all want to! <3) @softgirlgonehaywire @elusivemoon @staryukis @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat @nomadwrites & anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! :’)
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zestyaahbutler · 10 months
amulya has inspired me to write a fic about integra’s childhood but i have no clue how to go about it. do you think amulya is a large part of integra’s life despite dying so early on in integra’s childhood? do you think integra thinks about her often as a figure of influence? does integra remember anything vividly about her mother?
Waaaaah! Thank youuuu
That’s so amazing that I’ve inspired you like that. I have gotten obsessed with her mom so I’m glad I have infected others.
I do want to give you some writing advice. Nothing spec but it’ll keep you from putting yourself in a corner. If you don’t want to shackle yourself to a plot or want to jump around to different topics, start with short vignettes!
I have done this with Amulya. It allows you to jump around to whatever topics you want. If you ever want to continue one story for a couple of chapters, you can certainly do it. Especially if you’re uploading to a site like a03, I found the series feature very helpful. If you ever want to add a chapter, do it to that specific story but still keep it connected with the other pieces.
BTW Anon, I am unsure if you were curious about this; I don’t mind if people write about Amulya. As with fanart, I am all for it. All I ask is to tag me. If you have any specific questions about her personality/behavior, let me know!
If you wanted to keep things much more vague and inspired, I would start after she died. Depending on if you want to write about how others were affected by her death or just Integra would factor in on what age you would start at. If you want it centered around others and do small stories, 4-5 is great. If you want it more centered around her and it be more personal, 8-13 is great. It would be so interesting if you also did one in her teenage years since she had neither her mother or Arthur.
If you want any inspiration, I would suggest checking out my story ‘Those That Grow In Their Place.’ This one is a small story I did about Integra and Walter gardening together.
Amulya's Role and Influence In Integra's Life
Answer under the ✂️
I do think Amulya is still a large part of Integra’s life. Integra would know her mother was sick and that is about it. Amulya’s death was a little more extreme of course but it was nothing for a child to know. She died when Integra was 3. Amulya does influence her personality. They are both very stubborn people. Very argumentative. Arthur is equally determined but much more in line with his goals. Much more business oriented. Amulya and Integra are more likely to look out for others as part of their goal.
Integra and Amulya smile in similar ways. They both have a catty, mischievous look to them. Integra is very much a mix of her parents but takes after Arthur more as she grows up. Any of Integra’s soft caring looks are likely similar to her mothers. Her and her daughter share some serious eye bags. Amulya’s eyes have much darker circles to them.
In another post where I discussed some WalterxAmulya junk, I mentioned that her and Integra have the same knock. It starts out soft, if the other party doesn’t respond then it’ll become a little louder. Walter will sometimes expect her mother to come walking in when it is just little teggy.
Integra did still have Saris, and I’m sure even was able to wear some of her mother’s. Arthur still celebrated Hindu Holidays despite them both being Protestant. Integra was still fed Indian food. Walter was taught personally, so Integra would know Amulya’s cooking from him.
Her fashion does influence Integra. Her and her daughter share the same madness odd taste in hats.
She still sees her mother in pictures, a few paintings. I’ve debated on videos. Arthur is a rich son of a bitch so I wouldn’t doubt he would invest in something to film Integra. Most cameras around the late 70s to early 80s were huge and heavy though. It would be a nice thought that Integra would have a few videos of her mother. Maybe I’ll cheese it and say Arthur got early access to some nice portable at home cameras. Amulya also had left voicemails on phones in the house so Integra would be able to hear her mother’s voice. It would be simple messages. Arthur would have saved a few where she sounded especially cute and expressed her love for him. She had an Indian accent which would be interesting for Integra to hear. If there were videos of her, there is no doubt one Amulya made for Integra for whenever she is older. Her mother also left her a few letters. One for a few off hand topics on growing up and one goodbye note. She always loved Integra deeply and made sure to write how much she really meant to her even if she didn’t feel strong enough to be there.
Integra would definitely think about her. She asked her father plenty of questions about her. Arthur would answer most unless she hit a nerve in which he would redirect her to Arthur or Milana(Amulya’s previous psychologist who really just works for Hellsing). Arthur never took Amulya’s death well and was grieving over it till his death. There were definitely some days where he came off as cold or distant to some of her questions. His drinking didn’t help either. Amulya’s death definitely affected both Arthur and Integra’s life in this aspect. Integra would never understand her father’s mood on certain days or why he kept drinking when it was how he got sick.
She got varying opinions from her father, Walter, and others. Her father never spoke badly of Amulya. Often talked about the love they had and how happy she was to have Integra. Arthur tells their first meeting and bringing her back to England like Amulya was a princess and he swept her off her feet.
Integra wonders about her mother. Any child who loses a parent at a young age will do this. Some days are sad and wishing they could be there. Even she ended up crying some days and asking her father or Walter why she couldn’t be there. These times were rare but becoming emotional does happen. If she ever got into an argument with her dad, she may wish she had her mother around to hug. It isn't the same as losing a parent later on in life. There is still some emptiness but in the way she never got to experience her mother's presence more.
When growing into a young woman, she’d look at pictures of her mother to see how she compares. She may have even tried replicating her mother’s makeup from pictures. She would wear her perfume on special occasions, likely when she goes to an important business meeting.
Walter or Milana are likely the best two people Integra can go to question about her mothers philosophies. Integra’s questions would range from how she felt about her dad, how Amulya felt about her, if her mother also fought vampires, or what her mother would think of her at a certain time in her life.
Her view of her mother is very rose tinted. She does feel some bitterness for her not being there but it isn’t much. When she does learn about how her mother dies when she is much older, she would have mixed feelings on the matter. It isn’t something she would expect and she’d definitely have to process it.
Integra has small bits and pieces of her mother scattered in her memory. She does remember her mother with short hair. A really clear view of her mother smiling at her. Perhaps how her mother’s slim fingers felt when she grasped them or a short taste of her mother’s Samosas.
I appreciate you asking! This was wonderful to answer as I was able to touch on some stuff I have previously not mentioned. It’s great when people come in and do this because I will not do this on my own unless kicked into gear by copious amounts of inspiration.
I wish you best of luck on your story. I really look forward to seeing it if you do. I love everyone’s interpretations of stuff. It is always refreshing and exciting.
I also wanna share a song that reminds me of Amulya:
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jazzfordshire · 1 year
Hi, sorry to bother you. I just reread the 70s AU (adore that one btw) and remembered that you posted some Lena POV science a while back, but I can’t find them ^^’
Would you happen to behave a link and/or tag that they were posted under?
Also I hope that you have a nice day :D
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It can now be found on ao3 bay bee! And chapter 2 will be coming soon, I’m just finishing it up (read: obsessing over it being Perfect)
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mint-mumbles · 3 months
Watching someone stream the new Dead by Daylight chapter and everyone is saying how they love the new goth character, Sable Ward’s, look. The streamer decides to put on goth music and chooses Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees:
He said how it sounds “country” and “doesn’t sound very gothy to me.” AND PEOPLE WERE AGREEING WITH HIM! Needless to say, I was fucking fuming. (/lh)
It hurt a lot. I know my bio says I’m scemo, but I’m also goth (if you couldn’t tell by all the posts I've reblogged and made; I’m in a lot of alt groups in general, but mainly identify with scene and emo :P). I was crying. Shaking, even, from the blatant DISRESPECT people had for actual goth stuff 😡 (/lh, again… honestly, this tone indicator applies to everything I’ve said prior 😂)
(But srsly: it's pretty annoying when people say how they like goth stuff and then… don’t like goth stuff. You’d think the fucking horror community would understand, but no, they were expecting MCR 🤦 I even explained the music was trad goth. Hell, one of this character’s few alt outfits IS BASED ON TRAD GOTH OUTFITS FROM THE 70s AND 80s 😂)
Any-whose… respect the bats! 🦇
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This is the alt outfit I’m talking about btw… AND THE STREAMER EVEN HAD THE HAIR AND A RECOLOR OF THE TOP 😭😂
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desultory-novice · 1 year
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 DanganRonpa CAN be scary, I think in particular, the creepily directed "executions", thanks to their uncanny animation style, can shake one up a bit to watch. Although 70% of the time, they are so silly in :cough: execution it douses the horror of what's happening on screen somewhat. (The first game's first execution is generally ranked as the most violent, and that's because it was a holdover from when the game leaned way more into grunge-horror.) A few of the murders lean on the grisly side, but I think most are more shocking than "gross." And then there's the pink blood!
Once you get past all that, DR is a very excellent story of not just :cough: hope (...I know...) but humanity and what it means to face yourself and hopefully, rise above. The characters are forced into a killing game, and the mastermind's goal usually leans (among other things) on painting a really nasty portrait of people. How "easy" it is to get someone to sink to this level where they'll murder people they're supposed to cooperate with or be friends.
But what you come away from in each case, generally, is sympathy and a sense of loss. For the victim and the murderer. DR is unarguablly EXCELLENT at turning you around on characters. Making you hate someone you loved, love someone you hated, or circle right back around to your first impression!
I adore DR for its depiction of how our best qualities WILL find a way to shine through, even in our worst moments. That even the death of a "jerk" is a tragedy, to someone, somewhere. Everyone (?) has a story in DR. The world isn't "black and white" despite the presence of Monobear.
It's honestly uplifting and powerful. Some of the best "death game" stories are, but DR still holds a position near the top for its creativity, wit, and message. (Minus points for some stuff that's pretty uncomfortable across a variety of spectrums, though your mileage will vary on that. And there are a honestly a FEW weak characters across the franchise, I'll admit.)
DanganRonpa V3 is one of my favorite video games of all time though - beating out DR2, which was itself incredibly good. (Although 2's protagonist, Hajime Hinata, remains my favorite DR character, hands down. Hinata's just one of those impactful characters who changed my life in a good way.)
...Btw, the anime adaptation of 1 is generally fine, but Dangan Ronpa 3 (anime series, different from the V3 game) is awful, and it is every "bad" thing you've ever heard about DR. It is unnecessarily violent and mean, relishes in how much humanity sucks, goes against the general care DR treated its characters with till now, relies on deus ex machina and "gotcha" moments instead of clever murder puzzles (and absolutely wastes the premise of borrowing from one of my favorite analog games :grumble grumble:) and doesn't add anything to the story or mythos you couldn't already have figured out on your own. It has ONE good (?) character in it and <spoilers> they don't make it. To me, it also weakens the earlier games in a way I can't even get into without spoilers, but a certain reveal turned one of my other favorite characters into one of my least favorite. Apologies to anyone who likes it for having to make it through that paragraph but... no. I even rewatched it recently and still... no.
...Darn it, all this talk about DanganRonpa made me go back and binge watch all Chapter 2 of DR The After. Grah! That trial is SO good it's unfair that DR The After is only a DR fan game/doujin work! (Mind you, a fan game with amazing production values. The VA knock it out of the park! And the writing...!)
The twists and turns. The interplay. The final reveals!
Literally a work I'm willing to wait the additional 5+ years it will probably take to finish. (Though I'd love if we could get to at least the beginning trial portion of Chapter 3 sometime in 2023...? :fingers crossed:)
While I'm talking to myself about a fan game very few have likely experienced, have a 30 second sketch of Hatami, Super High School Level Good Boy.
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...And yes, I totally ended this post by sketching a character from a DR fan game instead of someone from the mainline series.
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unohanabbygirl · 7 months
In FMN, does Aemond every notice that maybe he isn’t the best thing for Luke in the moment? Like I get he’s so caught up in having Luke back and getting a “fresh start” but he has to be wary about messing shit up again right?
Also I was wondering how you would feel if I made a FMN playlist? I’ve basically been doing that already by listening to specific songs during new chapter updates, but thought I would ask too
You’re killing it with all these updates btw! Idk how you do it
Id say a good 70% of Aemond’s time is spent worrying over if he’s going to fuck up this thing with Luke to the point where Luke doesn’t want anything to do with him. He has those moments from time to time where reality crashes into his daydreams of a nice future spent together and goes “Hmm, is this even realistic considering our situation? Will Luke even trust me after he regains his memories? Will he want anything to do with me after all I’ve done?”
But the reality that comes with those questions throws Aemond so off track when all he wants to do is plan out their dates nights and be a young dumb teen in love. This leads to him willfully pushing away most critical thinking about what their relationship will more than likely become once everything is out in the open and healed over wounds are torn up again. He may be a dummy sometimes but Aemond is a smart man, deep down he can see the outcome may not tilt in his favor so ignoring it saves trouble. Willful ignorance really.
As for your playlist I’m so down! Throw the link when you’re ready because i’ll be waiting.
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cha1cedony · 8 months
Okay fine I’ll do one of these (because I like to talk about myself hehehe). Thanks @roboobin for tagging me B)
A very long ‘get to know me’ post below…
Last song: Apparently it was ‘Two Time’ - Jack Stauber, according to Spotify? I’ve also been relistening to a few tracks from Falsettos all day, for some reason. ‘I’m Breaking Down’ got stuck in my head somehow. I’m not super big on musical theater, but I LOOOOVE Falsettos and especially Trina :) You can probably tell I have a certain type of favorite characters/media lol.
Favorite color: Light greyish blue (or white, grey, silver, orrrr light greyish green?)
Last movie: I actually have no idea. Maybe Nimona with my IRLs a few months ago? I almost NEVER watch movies in full because I get bored of them easily. Sorry I know that’s so lame lololol
Currently watching: A commentary YouTube video to use as background noise while I do my writing assignments lol. Like I said, I don’t really watch a lot of movies or TV :/
Currently reading: Nothing, unfortunately! I haven’t read any books/stories in an embarrassingly long time :( I am so ridiculously busy and haven’t had the time/motivation to read and get invested in new characters. I have a bunch of series I want to reread for nostalgia purposes, though. I’m also strangely tempted to read the Animorphs series? LOL. I looked it up on AO3 for the first time a few months ago while in the kids’ section of the library with my IRLS and we were assessing the popularity of kids’ books based on the amount of AO3/Wattpad fics (btw, there are a shockingly low amount of Geronimo Stilton fics in the world). I wasn’t expecting there to be an Animorphs fandom, but there IS? And the fics are really GOOD even though I don’t know the source material? Anyway. Tempted to read it because I like putting teens in situations /lh. Also I want to read more short stories! Send me recommendations, if you have any.
Last thing I googled: This is so embarrassing. ‘Bathroom cruising’ LMAOOOO. I was just writing a funny bit, but I wanted to make sure it was accurate, okay? T_T Other recent searches include my voice lesson Lieder, various areas I’ve felt pain recently (because I’m a hypochondriac /lh), and a vlog I had to watch for my job… I was writing an article about it.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savory. Every time. I love savory foods, and they’re basically the only types of food I ever crave. Then I would go with spicy, but only if it’s spicy in a flavorful way (and not just a painful way). I don’t like sweet foods except for chocolate—and, even then, I am infamous among my friends and acquaintances for only liking SUPER dark chocolate… like 70% cocoa or more. I would say my favorite flavor profile is bitter! :)
Current obsession: I think y’all already know :^) I am incapable of having more than one strong interest at once, soooo DnDads has quite literally been occupying my brain since liiiike October 2022… almost a year ago now! o_o Holy shit. I’ve been really busy with work and school in the past month or so, so I haven’t done basically anything else in my free time. I’d like to start cross stitching again because I have some projects to finish, and I got some of my late grandmother’s jewelry-making supplies recently, so I’ll toy around with that, too.
Currently working on: Like, right this second? Discussion post replies for my Writing in Digital Environments course :p In general? As far as hobbies go, the beginnings of my next longfic chapter! As far as work goes, I’m working on article about a mural. I have to drive like 30 mins to get a features image for it tomorrow ugh. At least I get to kill time on the clock :’)
I don’t want to tag anyone in particular, but, obviously, if you want to do this, you can just say I tagged you. Shhh I won’t tell ;) hehehe
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swiftsaltsweet · 1 year
Wednesday Season 2: Hyde in the Shadows
Episode 2 Intermission 2: Wednesday’s Letter #2
Prev Episode
Characters: Wednesday and Enid (ft returning chars and new OCs)
Pairing: Wenclair
Important info: VERY Slow Burn, Canon Compliant (with season 1), read A/N For more details on everything.
Summary:  Stalking, murders, troubling visions, sins of the past, and a little bit of kidnapping. Wednesday’s start of the second semester isn’t a normal one, but when is her life ever “normal?” Wednesday has new mysteries to solve and catastrophes prevent, with the help of her overly enthusiastic roommate Enid, she just has to deal with some annoying relatives first.
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
                                      Wednesday Season 2:
                                      Hyde in the Shadows
                     Episode 2 Intermission 2: Wednesday’s Letter #2
Dear Enid,
      As I open yet another one of your letters, I feel as if I am being assaulted by sparkles and rainbows but in text form. I do not know how you do it, but your letters always come off as if they are screaming. But I suppose that is what makes them memorable.
As much as I love to learn, I feel that I may need to give you a crash course of your own. Both of you.
Very well I will not implicate you but do be prepared to be an accomplice in the near future. If caught, we can both perjure ourselves in front of the high court.
I will keep that in mind.
Charming, I am sure.
I will see what I can do, but I would not get your hopes up. These sorts of events tend to go on for a while and attendance is mandatory.
I noticed you forgot to include your full moon antics. I have always been curious about the mechanics of ‘wolfing out.’ Did anything happen while you transformed? Or did you kill someone and are trying to cover it up? Either way, your secrets are safe with me. The only thing I ask for in exchange is the gruesome details.
A/N: Me writing Wednesday’s letters: It’s my business email voice! Standby for for a bonus episode dropping by later today~! ;D Also, I’m going to be changing up the intermissions juuuuuust a tad (they’ll be longer, and we’ll see the chars reactions)
What I think is funny with Wed and Enid is that: Wed is actually serious about crimes, and Enid is like “haha yeah sure” and not serious at all in what Wed is saying. I love a dipshit comedy routine. (but when it comes down to it, Enid is like “Gdi best friends help hide dead bodies!” kinda gal). I didn’t have a fun fact relating to THIS chapter, but I just watched another ep of the 60s show and found a similarity from a previous chapter! (Retrospective) Fun Fact 1: In the 60’s ep, Thing is Missing (spoilers for that ep btw), Thing goes missing and there’s a ransom for him. The ransom is in a cemetery, and when the person goes to drop off the ransom, they are met with a hand (just a hand) coming out of the ground (and taking the ransom). We don’t see it (I’m not sure if the 90s remake ep shows it atm, if it does, I’ll make another retrospective fun fact). (Unrelated) Fun Fact 2: Not related to what’s going on in this season (but is related to the above fun fact), but I thought it was cool. There’s a brushing scene at the beginning of the Thing Is Missing ep, and having watched the 70s sequel TV Movie, it also features that same brushing scene as a call back. Just thought the call back was cool. 8U
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wapdyn · 2 years
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Ch 91 (webtoon): “In my next love, I won’t let you love me.”
Ch 85 (End of Season 1) = Ch 70 of the novel
Ch 91 = Ch 83 of the novel ??
So they’re adapting 2 novel chapters in each chapter now? I’m surprised but hopefully it won’t be too fast!
btw, season 2 still isn’t out 😭 this is just a preview from the studio. But It’s coming out in 1-2 hours I think.
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blackbatcass · 8 months
Hello! I just want to say that I am immensely enjoying your fic (starlings in winter) and you have a very superb writing! Granted I am only on chapter one, as I am taking my time to read it and I've been busy, yet your Dick is so captivating and nuanced that I just know the rest of the chapters are gonna be so good too!
And this is kind of unrelated but, do you have any author that you can or would recommend, especially one who writes Dick centered fics? I have scoured your bookmarks and there are many fics that I have read too, but I do think that bookmarking fics is different with having favorite authors, because you can just bookmark one fic from an author and never check the rest of their fics (sorry if this seems so random!)
Thank you so much btw for writing and sharing your fics with us! ❤️
AWWW thank you so much that’s so sweet!! I had a blast writing that story (by which I mean: cried a whole ass river) so I’m very glad it’s been resonating with people!
And that’s not random at all, I can absolutely rec you some of my favorite authors. Here we go:
First on the list is always going to be husborth. I don’t think she’s written for dc in a while but holy fuck, this is some of the most well written stuff you will ever find in fanfic OR lit. Reading her stories has probably made me 300x better at character writing and I’m obsessed. She’s got lots of batman stories up, and quite a few are dick-centric!
danishsweethearts is always a DELIGHT, especially if you enjoy reverse robins aus! Everything they’ve posted is so much fun, most of it is focused on interpersonal dynamics & character which I find super cathartic to read.
Ptelea has a lot of fun stuff posted!! They focus on both dick and jason, and I’m usually not a big jason fan myself but i like the way he’s written here. I’m a big fan of specifically the shelter verse stories and 70 days after groundhog day!
dustorange writes mostly dick-centric stories and ohhhh my god they’re SO well written. Like my god. similar to husborth, their prose & writing style and their way of telling a story…… holy shit dude its just a masterclass in character writing every time you read a fic. highly recommend, especially if you love dick!
(+ if you haven’t checked out persephone’s in hell by @mysterycitrus you absolutely should read it immediately)
Hope this helped you out a little! Thank you again for all the kind words!! <333
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to ask what’s the latest chapter you have revised/updated in part 2 of the Blacks and The Greens, I’m currently re reading those chapters as they get updated. Love all your stories btw!
Hey there 😊
Currently it's 63 though I think I might still tinker with it a bit more before I am 100% pleased. I have some chapters after that one I have already revamped - 67, 68, 70, 71, and 72 - but I plan to go through them all :D
Thank you so much!!!!! ❤️
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midnight-in-town · 2 years
Hey, i really like your blog and all your theories. I think it’s very hard to manage keeping tracks of so many stories, let alone discuss all of them every time a new chapter drops. I’m also thankful for the posts you write for recommendation! I discovered Kowloon Generic Romance that way! I was wondering if you had a Patreon or a Ko-fi, or any other means of support? I wish you a great day! Thanks for always taking the time to answer! *bows*
Hey Anon, thank you for reading and the kind words! ^3^ Have some kitties!
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“I think it’s very hard to manage keeping tracks of so many stories, let alone discuss all of them every time a new chapter drops.”
Honestly, no, it’s not that hard. At this point, it’s mostly time-consuming (I work 70-80 hours on average every week), but since it’s a hobby for me, I only write when there’s something I want to say or if I have questions in the askbox. :))
I think it’s actually much more difficult to manage a blog dedicated to a specific series or fandom because, when there is no new basis for content or if the series ends, the blog eventually kinda dies and I find it’s sad. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meanwhile, I can switch interest whenever, as long it’s tagged properly, I owe nothing to anyone and followers know what they sign up for! It’s been working really well for me so far and my blog will actually  turn ten years old in December (hmm, maybe I’ll do something special for the occasion btw :))!
“I was wondering if you had a Patreon or a Ko-fi, or any other means of support?”
Thanks for asking, but I don’t and I don’t want any. 
As I specified above, it’s a hobby and adding a financial aspect to it would somehow make me accountable for the content I provide and I want to remain free to decide about whenever and whatever I want to write. 
Besides, unlike fanart artists or fanfiction writers, I don’t create “new content”, I simply discuss what authors published. As such, my opinion is that I don’t think this warrants any kind of support. 
Also considering many manga readers read illegally online, I’d rather fandoms support the authors than fans like me who just want to know what happens next. :) Afterwards, it’s up to anyone’s business what they do with their hobbies.
Thanks again for reading and passing by! I wish a great day as well! Take care! :D
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Chapter 9 Alec gif round up because I’m obsessed with Paul Wesley and LRHWY ALEC
Alec when Imasu says he can’t jump 70 feet.
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Alec at homophobe officers
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Post breakup Alec doing dumb shit, running in burning building because he doesn’t have his braincell controller
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Alec when he saved Imasu—
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+ a few Imasu gifs (Milo Ventimiglia is my fancast for Imasu btw)
Imasu when Alec jokes about running through a burning door
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When Alec asked him for his nice scarf
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Okay that’s it for today homies. Will be back soon with more of these kskssk
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malrie · 6 months
Paula and co having to endure obstacles in the underground labyrinth makes me scale sorrow’s book 1 mega quest into perspective. We just passed the first riddles phase 70% into this book. Sorrow had like 2 chapters to speed run the entire WORLD to grab every item he needed from magical destinations OFF-SCREEN BTW. like it was a freaking legend of Zelda game. that was so sick of the fairy queen to do him like that I’m deadddd
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