#I’m in my lashton date era don’t mind me
honeyedlashton · 2 years
Currently dreaming about Ashton taking Luke on a little date to a seafood cafe on the water in the middle of spring. They’re both dressed in soft cream-colored hoodies to protect from the cool ocean wind. Here, Ashton takes pictures of a smiley Luke as he digs into his seafood. It’s mostly sunny but slightly chilly in the breeze and shade. Everything in the picture is a hazy white and blue like Luke’s smiling eyes. They hold hands on the drive home. On the radio is a song that carries over the wind flooding the car with the windows down to the point the reach of the song feels infinite. Everything turns gold as the sun descends on the horizon, including Luke. I just think that would be a real crisp memory to make. 🐚💙☀️🤍🌊
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