#I used to be so obsessed with the show but I stopped midway s3
bigtittiecomitte · 8 months
Seeing people refer Nuzi as the new Starco gives me so much whiplash because I used to be obsessed with Starco when s1 and 2 came out 😭 things never change guys
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s-driesen · 5 years
hey - ‘yellow curtains’ and ‘21:21’ from the ask list thingy :)
(Thank you so much for sending this, I’m on a long ass bus journey and this is giving me something to do other than brood and listen to music 💓)
21:21: When/where did you first hear about SKAM?
I saw a few GIFs of Isak and Evem floating around on Tumblr, around the time the O Helga Natt clip dropped. I didn’t really get it, and wasn’t into watching stuff with subs at that time, plus the clip things seemed complicated to me. So i kinda left it for a while, and then when i saw some hype for season four on instagram, literally a few days before the trailer dropped, i started to do more research. I watched Season 3 first, in split up clips on YouTube because I didn’t know DailyMotion/GoogleDrives were a things. Because of that I missed half the story and thought the show was nonsensical bullshit, but I just put that down to not watching seasons 1&2. So i watched them, on GoogleDrives this time and it all went uphill from there. Watching Season 4 in real time was so cool, all the theorising and texts sucked me in immediately.
As for finding the remakes...I fell out of love with SKAM for about a couple months after Season 4 ended. I found the fandom toxic, after the whole shipping Henrik and Tarjei happened, and people theorised Lea was a stunt girlfriend...that shit was wild. So i got into other stuff (mainly IT and Stranger Things) and turned my nose up at the concept of remakes, I heard about France first and then Italia. I watched s2 of Italia first and just though, meh. I didn’t like it that much, so I left the remakes alone for a while until all the ones we have now had at least one season. I found SKAM France’s Season 3 in my YouTube recommended, the full length episode 1 and then 2, and thought ‘fuck it’. I watched SKAM Fr S3 clip by clip after Episode 2 and I was fascinated by the idea of remakes thereafter.
Yellow Curtains: Rank the remakes.
(I’m giving reasons because there’s still 30 minutes to go on my bus ride)
1. Netherlands
Right, I know i don’t show it much on this blog but SKAM NL is my all time favourite. It just feels so unique and like a totally separate entity to SKAM og. The characters are so painfully relatable it makes me laugh, like Isa licking her phone screen. The girl squad reminds me of me and my friends and our collective stupidity, and the fact that it didn’t get renewed for Season 3 breaks my heart. They could’ve done wonderful things with Lucas’ character and the Isak/Even storyline, and the fact that we’re missing out on that makes me so sad. I hope one day it does get renewed, but for now, we have 2 amazing seasons.
2. France
My entire blog is dedicated to Lucas and Eliott. Are you surprised this ranks as high as it does? I’m so attached to this cast and characters, and the dramatics of Season 3 are forever in my heart. There isn’t much to say, except that I believe Season 4 was crappy and they did Imane dirty, because I think my blog speaks for itself. I’m SO fucking excited to see what Season 5 and 6 will bring, because new plot lines take me back to when I first got into SKAM.
3. WTFock:
So this actually moved from like spot number 5 to 3 within like 2 weeks. Can you guess why? Season 3 so far is actually my favourite remake of Isak/Evens story. Sander and Robbe are amazing characters, and I’m utterly obsessed with the both of them. Although Lucas and Eliott are nearly taking their spot as the no.1 Evak remake, the cinematography of WTFock knocks them down a peg (as well as the soundtrack). Plus Zoë and Senne are my favourite Noorhelm, which is shocking because I dislike ALL noorhelms (even the OG).
4. Druck
Controversial opinion, but I don’t like Druck that much. I don’t know why, but I just don’t. Maybe it’s because Matteo’s character hit too close to home or because I didn’t like Season 2 at all but, I’ve got no interest for it. It’s good, a brilliant remake and I love my baby David (+ Lukas is the sweetest human) but I found myself growing bored midway through Seasons 3&4. Not awful, not disgusting or controversial just mediocre. Still entertaining and original, just maybe not my cup of tea?
5. Italia
So where do I begin? The show itself is good, albeit a little safe, but all in all did a good job with all storylines. The cinematography is amazing and you can tell the people working on it are utterly passionate about the product they’re putting out. My only issues with this series are the actors and actresses. If i didn’t get into the cast, or follow them on social media, Italia probably would’ve ranked higher than Druck or WTFock. But I did and here’s my issues. Number one: White Sana? The casting choice was poor, and made a character I adore unlikeable. It takes away from the roll and diminishes it entirely, which makes me uncomfortable. I’m glad the show got cancelled before Season 4 was made, that would’ve been a shitshow. Number two: Rocco Fasano does my head in. ‘whitewashed is a racist word’ ass ‘says the n-work IN THE TV SHOW’ ass ‘supports the idea of white sana’ ass and ‘is generally annoying’ ass. All his topless pics and obscure instagram captions made me unfollow, which sucks because I’ve drawn him and he was nice enough to repost it and call me talented. But when I found all this out...yikes I had to unstan.
6. Austin
Watching SKAM, in my own language? weird. Haven’t watched it, will probably watch it when Shay’s season comes out (pun intended)...Because I’m GAY and she’s BABY. Next.
7. Es- 🤢 Españ- 🤮
Dirty ass. I hate this fucking show, and the audacity it has to denounce pansexuality with such hatred. I watched Season 2 as the clips dropped, excited for the first WLW Evak remake and was gutted when it turned out shitty and panphobic with a terrible fucking cast. Joanas mental illness was handled badly, Cris calling her crazy made me sick to my fucking stomach. I stopped watching after that clip dropped. Then hearing they denounced the existence of pansexuality, making fun of it even, in THE SHOW ITSELF. AT THE END OF AN LGBT SEASON? DISGUSTING. The cast is a clusterfuck. Irene makes me ill, with her boldness and ignorance, her entitled attitude makes me so fucking angry. And Rizha (idk her name) even though her music does SLAP i feel like she only used the show to gain more popularity in that aspect. ‘Cute Bitch’ was a whole ass publicity stunt. The SKAM Es fandom is a plague. I cant mention the show negatively without getting a string of fucking bread emojis and the words biphobic and transphobic getting thrown about. GRIM.
Thanks again, and if you read this all...why? my opinion doesn’t mean shit.
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shin-dokkaebi · 7 years
Jane the Virgin & How I Met Your Mother
I’ve seen many people commenting that Jane the Virgin “pulled” a How I Met Your Mother and how they’re so upset that this probably means that Jane and Rafael will end up together. While there are some similarities, I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. Yes, in both a spouse died and after some time, the protagonist ends up with a lead character (although we don’t know that for sure). However, that’s pretty much where the similarities end because the writing for both shows was/is so completely different.  
For How I Met Your Mother, its popularity was its own demise. The writers basically told us that they had filmed Ted’s kids’ reactions and the ending scene as early as s3 or s4 (I forget). By doing so, they backed themselves into a tight spot. They had to stick to their original ending, no matter what. Problem was, the show really hit it off after Britney Spear’s cameo and they kept being renewed. This meant that Robin and Ted kept growing and evolving. They changed Robin’s personality to emphasize what made her and Barney a good fit, at the expense of what made her and Ted a good fit. And they had such a build up to Robin and Barney’s relationship and eventual marriage that many fans were really invested in that relationship. Should the viewers still have been it coming when, say, i was Ted that comforted Robin about her inability to have children, maybe? But they didn’t and the last few seasons only made it more painfully obvious that Ted only liked the idea of Robin and he really needed to let her go. And he did. That season they also introduced Ted’s future wife and despite the insane build up, she lived up to most fans’ expectations. I mean I’ve never encountered anyone who dislikes Tracy. But all of this is unraveled IN. THE. LAST. EPISODE. That’s terrible writing. Barney’s, Ted’s and Robin’s growth? Gone. Lily just becomes a stay-at-home-mom (which she always resented) and it’s largely unexplained. And then, after no build up or further proof that Ted and Robin became the type of people in old age that belonged together, they somehow are perfect for each other. Lazy and ineffectual story telling....
However, Jane the Virgin (whether it learned from HIMYM’s mistake or the writers are just that much better) is different because the writers had all of this mapped out from the beginning and went through with their plot line despite knowing that Michael was a fan favorite and many people were invested in Michael and Jane’s relationship/marriage. They made the necessary changes for its planned ending by what the showrunner is calling its “midway point”. They may have dragged out Michael dying because they wanted the marriage bliss scenes, but it only added to the larger story map. Jane is a romantic and someone that likes to plan out her whole life. However, the show has reminded us (and Jane) time and time again that life doesn’t work out the way you want it to. The subtle hints to Michael’s death and Jane’s obsession with “happily ever after” were a good thread to make it all fit. Nothing felt like it came out of left field. It all feels grounded in the story. They even gave us a full episode to prepare ourselves for Michael’s death (unlike HIMYM where Tracy dies in the last 5 minutes of the series finale). An episode that reminded us about Michael loving Jane until “his last dying breath” and how memories (and narrators) are unreliable. It’s the writing that definitely distinguishes between the 2 shows. IF they decide to make Jane & Rafael “endgame”, I trust that it won’t feel cheap. Because both of these characters have been through a lot. And, as Raf said about his going to jail, it will be like a “clean slate”. And I think it will be for Jane and Rafael’s relationship as well. If you didn’t like them in the past, don’t let that stop you from watching. Chances are the build up to their possible endgame will be very different to their failed relationship toward the beginning. We will see how Jane (post-Michael’s death) and Rafael (post-everything...) will reconnect in a much more realistic, grounded relationship. If you’re a fan of Michael & Jane, be grateful that it ended with them showing the most perfect and fairytale (yet still realistic) marriage. That won’t be taken from the viewers and Jane. But she and whoever she “end up with” will have a very different dynamic that will make sense of the character growth Jane will go through in the aftermath of Michael’s death. 
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